>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Mission: You Can't Go Home Again Day: 5 Stardate: 2444.06.05 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (Mission Operation Deep Space,White Skull One,Ensign j.g Alexandra Petrova 0100) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams - 0100) (Mission Operation Deep Space – Peregrine Fighter – Void Haunter One - Pilot - Ensign (J.G.) Ire Williams - 0104) (Mission Operation Deep Space – Peregrine Fighter – Void Haunter One - Pilot - Ensign (J.G.) Ire Williams - 0105) (Runnabout Evangeline - Cockpit - Orion Pirate Claxar Rico -0105) (Mission Operation Space, Skull One, Ensign j.g Petrova 0106) (Runnabout Evangeline - Cockpit - Orion Pirate Claxar Rico -0107) (Mission operation Space,Skull Leader Fighter, Ensign j.g Petrova 0108-Z) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams 0109) (Peregrine attack fighter, Warbird 1- Cockpit - Ensign JG Ravok 0111) (Type 11 Shuttle Raptor - Aft Section - EMH - 0112) (Mission Operation Area, Skull One, ENS Petrova 0113) (Mission Operation Area, Void Haunters Lead, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0115) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams - 0116) (Type 11 Shuttle craft, Eclipse, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0117) (Mission Operational Zone, Skull Leader, ENS Petrova - 0119) (Skull one, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Alexandra Petrova, 0121) (Type 11 Shuttle craft, Eclipse, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0125) (Martian Ground Facilities - Medical Research Wing - Medical Officer - Ensign JG Dural Methor DrPH - 0307) (Mars Base, Medical Center, Main Sickbay,PO2 Castile 0500) (Mars Base, Medical, Medical/Counselor, Ensign J.G. Quinna Solice 05:00) (Mars Base, Medical, PO2nd Castile 05:05) (Peregrineattack fighter, Warbird 1 - Cockpit - Ensign JG Ravok - 0902) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (Mission Operation Deep Space,White Skull One,Ensign j.g Alexandra Petrova 0100) Alexandra was in a twist she hadn't been made mission second? She felt she was the best in this unit. But she wasn't going to let that hinder her, She said on the com, =^= Skull Leader to Skull two and three, Sterling, Hunter we are going to clear a path. Hunter Photon Spread pattern delta, I will use alpha. Sterling use Zeta that will blind them come in then phasers set to full. =^= It took the IFF sensors only a moment to lock and fire. There was a bright blue flash. As she suspected that got the attention of quite a few of the fighters. =^= Skull Leader to all groups, look alive. I just poked the nest. =^= (response any) (posted by Kaylah) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams - 0100) It had been a long flight, but the moment was finally there. Trip took deep breaths, trying to keep his anxiety in check. They were nearing the Pioneer, and they were almost there. When they were within range, Alpha flight had sent some signals to disrupt the Pioneer's sensors to help mask their approach,but the closer they got, the enemy knew and scrambled. A quick scan of the Pioneer showed that she had minimal shielding, and that she had no weapon systems. But she had help. She was surrounded by 4 Pirate Raiders, that were about the size of a Runabout, and somehow managed to form a mini fleet with 5 scorpion fighters, two type 9 shuttles and a Runnabout. Those three were probably original to the Pioneer. Not counting the Reliant class Starship, there were 12 enemy craft, to their 20. Trip liked their odds, but still, it was best to be cautious. "Alpha One to all craft, we are approaching the enemy targets. Alpha flight will try and jam sensors, Beta focus on the Raiders, Gamma, You Have the scorpion fighters, Delta, clear out the two type 9's and the Runnabout, and once you're clear try and disable the Pioneer's engines. Once you have accomplished your task, move on to aid your allies. Alpha will focus on trying to jam enemy sensors, and provide fire back up. If you see a shield opening, use the Peregrine's proton torpedos. Don't take stupid risks, trust your wingmen. Alright 1st Fighter Wing, you are cleared hot, now let's take these bastards down." (reply Ire, Ravok, Petrova) Alpha flight moved into its position, taking the rear of the fight, they had four jobs, use tachyon and polaron disruptors to weaken shields, use the cyber warfare suite to confuse the enemy sensors, make sure no enemy ship got passed them, and beam any pilots to safety as needed. Trip moved to the command room in the back of the Yacht to monitor the battle and direct traffic from there as a relief pilot took his spot. "Alpha One to all flight leaders, let me know when you have engaged the enemy." (reply Ire, Ravok, Petrova) Trip then sent a coded message in text back to Mars command. Five simple words. We have engaged the Enemy. (reply Ire, Ravok, Petrova) (posted by Will Banowsky) (Mission Operation Deep Space – Peregrine Fighter – Void Haunter One - Pilot - Ensign (J.G.) Ire Williams - 0104) It had been a long trip and the hours had crawled past at an eternal rate. On the plus side Greta had seemed to have thawed a little and was making an attempt a conversation rathe then just flying instructions. He was happy about that as sitting in silence for the whole trip would have been excruciating. As they neared Trips voice came over the comm. =^=Alpha One to all craft, we are approaching the enemy targets. Alpha flight will try and jam sensors, Beta focus on the Raiders, Gamma, You Have the scorpion fighters, Delta, clear out the two type 9's and the Runabout, and once you're clear try and disable the Pioneer's engines. Once you have accomplished your task, move on to aid your allies. Alpha will focus on trying to jam enemy sensors, and provide fire back up. If you see a shield opening, use the Peregrine's proton torpedos. Don't take stupid risks, trust your wingmen. Alright 1st Fighter Wing, you are cleared hot, now let's take these bastards down=^= “Beta One copies Alpha One.” Ire saw the four raiders swing around in a long arc to face them. As they settled on their new course one of the raiders began to pull forward leaving the others trailing behind. ~Well that’s a bit different, not what I would have done. There are four against five they would have a better chance if they stuck together ~ “Okay people don’t get overconfident. Just because this raider seem like an idiot does not mean that he is one.” Options flashed through his mind as they approached. =^=Alpha One to all flight leaders, let me know when you have engaged the enemy=^= “Alpha One, Beta is engaging the enemy.” Ire looked at his instruments and nodded to himself as they were approaching weapons range. “Okay everyone let’s do this. Broken formation, Shake, rattle and roll, it should mess up their targeting sensors. Everyone target the closest raider and don’t get too spread out or they’ll go for you specifically. When we are close enough to the raider everyone does a hard punch up and over. As we go past 2 and 3 go for the port raider and 3 and 4 go for the starboard raider. I will go after the last one.” ~Hopefully this will not go wrong~ He as the replies from his flight came in, he glanced over at Greta. “As we go over, I will keep our front pointed at the raider to give you the best firing angle I can.” She nodded in agreement. “Got that.” He saw her fingers dance over the console and then pulled attention back to the raider. ~Its time~ “Okay full burn and open fire.” He felt the thump in his chest as the inertial compensators strained as the fighter went to full military power and began to corkscrew as well as zig-zag either side of their main course making sure to keep the raider in Greta’s targets at all times. He watched as the raider suddenly lurched forward under sustained barrage of the fighter as the other raiders hung back. He frowned as a word drifted into his concise thought something, he had heard about in tactical history class while at the academy. ~Fireship~ His eyes widened as he understood the meaning. ~Dam, dam, dam, not an idiot~ “Flight this is One. The raider is a bomb, brake, brake, brake, brake, brake.” He pitched the fighter vertical to the raider trying to put as much distance as he could. “There is a massive power build-up in the raider it’s going to explode.” ~Dam it we need more distance~ Behind him the raider over loaded ripping its hull to pieces. Ire scanned the readouts of the other fighters they were scattered but to his relief that they were all green. “Beta One to Alpha One, the enemy are using fireships. I repeat they are using fireships.” (reply Trip) “Okay everyone form up on me. Greta find me the closest raider.” “Got it.” He found the heading as the other fighters formed up around him. “Let’s get them.” Void Haunter flight snarled around in a tight formation heading back towards the fight and the four remaining raiders and began to open fire. (Response any) (Posted by Robbie) (Mission Operation Deep Space – Peregrine Fighter – Void Haunter One - Pilot - Ensign (J.G.) Ire Williams - 0105) It had been a long trip and the hours had crawled past at an eternal rate. On the plus side Greta had seemed to have thawed a little and was making an attempt a conversation rathe then just flying instructions. He was happy about that as sitting in silence for the whole trip would have been excruciating. As they neared Trips voice came over the comm. =^=Alpha One to all craft, we are approaching the enemy targets. Alpha flight will try and jam sensors, Beta focus on the Raiders, Gamma, You Have the scorpion fighters, Delta, clear out the two type 9's and the Runabout, and once you're clear try and disable the Pioneer's engines. Once you have accomplished your task, move on to aid your allies. Alpha will focus on trying to jam enemy sensors, and provide fire back up. If you see a shield opening, use the Peregrine's proton torpedos. Don't take stupid risks, trust your wingmen. Alright 1st Fighter Wing, you are cleared hot, now let's take these bastards down=^= “Delta One copies Alpha One.” Ire saw the runabout and the two type 9s. The runabout had pulled forward leaving its type 9s trailing behind. ~Well that’s a bit different, not what I would have done. The type 9s are not going to give him a lot of protection~ “Okay people don’t get overconfident. Just because the runabout seems like an idiot does not mean that he is one.” Options flashed through his mind as they approached. =^=Alpha One to all flight leaders, let me know when you have engaged the enemy=^= “Alpha One, Delta is engaging the enemy.” Ire looked at his instruments and nodded to himself as they were approaching weapons range. “Okay everyone let’s do this. Broken formation, Shake, rattle and roll, it should mess up their targeting sensors. Everyone target the runabout and don’t get too spread out or they’ll go for you specifically. When we are close enough to the runabout everyone does a hard punch up and over. As we go past 2 and 3 go for the port type 9 and 3 and 4 go for the starboard type 9. I will take on what remains of the runabout.” ~Hopefully nothing~ He as the replies from his flight came in, he glanced over at Greta. “As we go over, I will keep our front pointed at the runabout to give you the best firing angle I can.” She nodded in agreement. “Got that.” He saw her fingers dance over the console and then pulled attention back to the runabout. ~Its time~ “Okay full burn and open fire.” He felt the thump in his chest as the inertial compensators strained as the fighter went to full military power and began to corkscrew as well as zig-zag either side of their main course making sure to keep the runabout in Greta’s targets at all times. He watched as the runabout suddenly lurched forward under sustained barrage of the fighter as the type 9s hung back. He frowned as a word drifted into his concise thought something he had heard about in tactical history class while at the academy. ~Fireship~ His eyes widened as he understood the meaning. ~Dam, dam, dam, not an idiot~ “Flight this is One. The Runabout is a bomb, brake, brake, brake, brake, brake.” He pitched the fighter vertical to the runabout trying to put as much distance as he could. “There is a massive power build-up in the runabout its going to explode.” ~Dam it we need more distance~ Behind him the runabout over loaded ripping its hull to pieces. Ire scanned the readouts of the other fighters they were scattered but to his relief that they were all green. “Delta One to Alpha One, the enemy are using fireships. I repeat they are using fireships.” (reply Trip) “Okay everyone form up on me. Greta find me the closest of the type 9s.” “Got it.” He found the heading as the other fighters formed up around him. “Let’s get them.” Void Haunter flight snarled around in a tight formation heading back towards the fight and the pair of type 9 shuttles and began to open fire. (Response any) (Posted by Robbie) (Runnabout Evangeline - Cockpit - Orion Pirate Claxar Rico -0105) The enemy was coming in hot. Claxar could feel it in his bones. This pirate empire they were trying to build might be in jeopardy. If only their mysterious benefactor had given them a damn Starship that could actually fire back. Instead they had an old hunk of junk without weapons, in which all the weapon systems were damaged beyond repair. The Old Runnabout however was still in working order. "Sir," game the hissing of the Gorn pilot, "They are jamming our senses, it is hard to get a lock on them." It was true, the enemy had come prepared, as if someone had made sure that they would have everything they needed to take out this enemy. Could the federation have finally gotten their act together, or perhaps, their benefactor, who had been more than happy to provide shipping details had played them for a fool. No matter. "Can we get a lock on any of them." Claxar Ordered. "Yes sir," came the hurried cry of the Reman weapons officer, "The one in the lead, I think, I think we can focus the sensors enough, to fire a phaser flurry, and some torpedos." "Do it!" Claxar yelled. He was angry and wanted blood. In that moment the Evangeline fired a flurry of phaser fire and a two photon torpedos at the Peregrine fighter designated, Skull One. The weapon lock wasn't perfect and he was firing blind. He hoped it would hit, if not the first fighter, maybe some of the others. (reply Petrova) (reply Petrova, any) (posted by Will) (Mission Operation Space, Skull One, Ensign j.g Petrova 0106) Alexandra went for hard burn, she set her warp control for manual and did a split second warp one burn, it made her fly very fast behind the runabout and Skull one spun to the three 'clock position. Back in Flight School they called it a 'Twist and Spin'. She was glad her manual dexterity and nerves paid off because right now she wanted to vomit. But the runabouts weapons lock had been broken. Flying past the runabout, she spun and then she targeted the runabouts power subsystems. Her intent was to take prisoners and leave ships dead in the water. There was a burst from the Peregrine's phaser cannons as the shots connected. The computer then told her she had a lock on the power system. She launched a micro torpedo which sent it railing into the runabout. She feared it was going to be too much force. But there was a burst of plasma fire that jetted from the repurposed craft. What she didn't count on was the other fighters speeding towards her. She made a full burst to try to get back to the group. Praying she could outrun whatever smaller craft were being scrambled. ~Oh controller, who sits in tower Hallowed be thy sector. Thy traffic come, thy instructions be done On the ground as they are in the air. Give us this day our radar vectors, And forgive us our TCA incursions As we forgive those who cut us off on final. And lead us not into adverse weather, But deliver us our clearances. Roger~ (Respond any) (Posted by Kaylah) (Runnabout Evangeline - Cockpit - Orion Pirate Claxar Rico -0107) The blind attack on the fighter failed, the Runnabout was disabled. Claxar was fuming. He would be taken prisoner, and with that act he would dishonor his ancestors, his code. The embarrassment would be huge, but at least he would live. Or so he thought. "Sir," Came the Hiss from the Gorn, "There is a written mission coming through on the console." "What does it say?" Claxar yelled. "It says, When I meant No Survivors, I was quite Literal. Have a Nice Afterlife." The Gorn hissed, "What does it mean." "It means," Claxar said with a fearful laugh, "That bastard sold us out. Damn you! Damn you R..." Before Claxar could say another word the Evangeline exploded as something had remotely triggered the self destruct. Claxar was nothing more than debris floating in Space. Still there were other craft out there, perhaps they would be succesful, as the two Type 9 shuttles engaged on the Skull One, trying to prevent her from joining the rest of the squadron, each one firing phasers at her hoping to land a hit. (reply Petrova) (posted by Will) (Mission operation Space,Skull Leader Fighter, Ensign j.g Petrova 0108-Z) There were two shuttles inbound, She checked her tanks to see if she could hard burn. Not if she wanted enough to get through the fight and get back home. it was still her job to punch her way in, Sterling, Hunter and Sharpe had all met up with her. She tapped her helmets com, =^= Alright.. all flights listen up the pirates have a self destruct system. We are going to distract these shuttles and cut that opening in for the rest of you. Subsystem targeting should be their communications then power systems if we want survivors. Hunter, Sharpe you two take out that second shuttle, Sterling I will buy you that anime you like if you help me smash the lead shuttle. =^= =^= Copy Skull leader.=^= Was the response. Alexandra flew Skull one in a position known as a snap turn and burn. She flew as best as she could broadside of the shuttle, trying to take out its communications subsystem, then at the last second did a vertical ascent, using some of her thruster wake to scorch the hull of the shuttle. Sterling on the other hand was hitting the shuttle's engines, specifically aiming for the nacelles. Using controled bursts he would fire at the support struts. Hunter and Sharpe decided that they were going to be less fancy. They fired at port and starboard sides of the shuttle they were attacking, giving the shuttle pilot only one of two options, retreat or fly towards the rest of the attack wing. As they both did a vertical bank they dropped an armed torpedo set to detonate in five seconds. The wake of the blast would disable the craft, if they executed it properly. =^= Rotor to Red Dragon leader, I got you that hole punched.=^= (response any) (Posted by Kaylah) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams 0109) Trip watched the battle unfold, the Yacht and shuttles were providing some cover fire for the fighters but were primarily engaged in keeping the enemies busy by monitoring movement and provide support. He probably could have left the shuttles at home, but they might be useful for any medical evacuation needs in case of downed ships. =^=Beta One to Alpha One, the enemy are using fireships. I repeat they are using fireships.=^= "Roger that, keep your distance, I'll funnel some back up your way if I can, "Don't do anything rash." ~Damnit, stay safe out there Ire.~ (reply Ire) Trip then sent orders to Eclipse and the Draco to move over towards Beta and to be prepared in case they needed to beam over casualties. He then moved his eyes over to monitor how Alex's squadron was doing. They had disabled the Runnabout, which then had apprently self destruct. ^= Alright.. all flights listen up the pirates have a self destruct system. We are going to distract these shuttles and cut that opening in for the rest of you. Subsystem targeting should be their communications then power systems if we want survivors. Hunter, Sharpe you two take out that second shuttle, Sterling I will buy you that anime you like if you help me smash the lead shuttle. =^= "Roger that Delta. Watch your six." Trip watched intently as the Delta Flight and Alex disabled both Type 9 shuttles. They would be dead in the water. =^= Rotor to Red Dragon leader, I got you that hole punched.=^= "Alright, Delta Flight, proceed to back up Beta with those Raiders. Myself, Raptor, and Jolly Roger will move in to disable the Pioneer. Cover Beta, those Raiders are rigged for Kamikaze attacks." (Reply Petrova) Trip quickly sent a message to the Raptor and the Jolly Roger, they along with the God of War would move forward and take out the Pioneer while the hole was open. Gamma seemed to be handling their own. "Sir, I'm detecting a strange energy pulse coming from the Pioneer." Came the worried cry of Chief Taris," ~What, shit, I though their weapon systems were down.~ Trip hurried to the cockpit, "PO McReedy, get us in there quicker, Rix, fire of four torpedos two each at both nacelles." The torpedos were fired, heading towards the Pioneer, Crashing into both nacelles, damaging both and leaving the Pioneer stranded, yet as the torpedos hit their mark, a strange pulse, went through. Trip looked at the monitor as each Federation craft lost shields for a period of 10 seconds. They were all back on. "What the hell happened." Trip barked. "Some kind of pulse, it's like they were keyed into our shield frequency, it's like they knew what we would be operating on and took them down. Ten second window, all are back up, but looks like comms are down across the board. Sir, it looks like two lifesigns transported from each type 9. two life signs to Skull One and two to Void One. Two human life signs on Skull one, Bajorans on Void one. Sir, scratch that there were two transporter episodes from one of the type 9s, two Romulans have beamed aboard Warbird One." Trip looked at the monitor as the two type 9s then self destructed. Didn't matter, their crews were now nestled onboard the fighters of his squad leaders. ~I don't know if there is anyone out there listening, but please, please keep them safe. Please.~ "Are comms still down." "Yes sir," "We just need to hope then, that they figure it out. Chief Taris, see if you can find a way to get comms back up across the board." "Aye sir" Trip was feeling the emotions from the battlefield, on both sides, anxiety, fear, rage, excitement. Trying to see if he could sense his squad leaders, but it was hard to make them out amongst the chaos. He was looking for emotions of surprise, but he couldn't sort it out. He couldn't find them. He had to try a long shot, a hope, maybe he could reach one. Reaching out with his mind. ::ALEX, ALEX, watch out you've got boarders! ALEX if you can hear this, watch your six!!:: He didn't know if it would work, he didn't think it could. But he had to find a way to get through to someone and warn them, that they had boarders in the aft section of their fighters. (reply Ire, Petrova, Ravok) (posted by Will) (Peregrine attack fighter, Warbird 1- Cockpit - Ensign JG Ravok 0111) " Shields are back up sir" Baker said Ravok checked the status of the fleet "they all went down and back up , how ? Engage targets " just as Ravok said that he heard a noise . " Did you hear that?" Ravok asked " I didnt hear anything " Baker responded. Suddenly two Romulans came up from behind and started to strangle them in their seats using wiring from a terminal they had busted apart . Warbird 1 started flying wildly and spiraling out of control causing Warbid 1 to clip one of the scorpions with enough force to destroy it. The impact and explosion caused the Romulans to lose their grips and their standing . They fell to the ground ,the lights dimmed power flickered on and off . Ravok and Baker jumped out of their seats and started fighting the romulans that had transported aboard. The romulan fighting Baker picked him up and slammed into the ceiling causing it to dent . Ravok punched his attacker , knocking him backwards. Ravok then charged and tackled the Romulan to the ground . Ravok reached for his phaser and fired on the Romulan who was attacking a seemingly lifeless Baker . The shot killed him. Suddenly Ravok was hit across the back of the head causing him to drop his phaser . The romulan attacker and Ravok began exchanging blows at each other and slamming each other around the cockpit The romulan attacker pulled a dagger from his sleeve and stabbed Ravok in the stomach. He fell to the ground with blood running out of his wound . The romulan turned and looked at Baker who was coming to and made his way towards him , he raised the dagger in the air ready to make the killing blow when suddenly Ravok wrapped the wire around the Romulans neck and pulled him to the ground on top of him. The Enemy Romulan thrashed around like a wild animal try to escape its capture. Ravoks gripped loosened and went unconscious. Baker moved the disabled romulan off of Ravok there was blood everywhere . " Oh my god , oh my god " Baker exclaimed as he rushed towards the first aid . And grabbed everything he could to stop the bleeding he stuck just about everything in the wound and stopped the bleeding , atleast on the surface level. Baker Grabbed a restraining belt to capture the unconscious Romulan and activated the ships transporters for all 3 of them and beamed aboard the Raptor using the emergency Protocols " He needs help right now " Baker yelled ... Ravok was in bad shape . Crewman Reyes grabbed a tricorder and scanned Ravok. " Hes bleeding internally We can try and stabilize it for now and slow the bleeding but we need to get him medical attention ..." She said to Baker. .. ( reply any) ( posted by Davis ) (Type 11 Shuttle Raptor - Aft Section - EMH - 0112) " Hes bleeding internally We can try and stabilize it for now and slow the bleeding but we need to get him medical attention ..." Almost as if the magic words had been spoken, a Hologram dressed in a blue uniform appeared. "Did I hear medical attention." The Hologram smiled. "I am an emergency medical hologram, especially modified to operate thanks to micro holo emitters in this shuttlecraft. What is the nature of your medical emergency." "He's bleeding Internally." Repeated the crewmen. The EMH moved quickly grabbing an emergency medkit from the wall. "Quickly, carefully, place him on the cot." Once Ravok was placed on the cot the EMH took his own scan with the tricorder. "This certainly wont do, this man needs a hospital." "We know doctor, but that isn't possible right now." Reyes replied. "I see, well then it is a good thing that I'm here." The EMH then approached the injured Ravok. Using a variety of instruments at his disposal the EMH managed to seal and stop the internal bleeding. Then using a hypospray he sedated Ravok to ensure he would not regain consciousness. "This man is in dire need of a medical facillity, I can stabilize him and keep him steady and do my best to increase blood production and keep him hydrated. However he has lost a lot of blood. I can keep him steady with what I can, but I highly recommend he get a blood transfusion sooner rather than later, otherwise, well, you know." The EMH then spied the captured Romulan on the floor. "Oh, so it's two Romulans for the price of one!" He exclaimed. Grabbing his tricorder he scanned the capture pirate. However something in the back of the neck was triggered in the Romulan sending a pulse through to the Romulan's brain, ending his life. Some sort of dead man trigger, there would be no prisoner. "How peculiar," Remarked the EMH, "It's almost as if something new it had been captured, triggering a subdermal chip, functioning almost like an old spy cyanide tablet. Odd. Impressive. I believe or Romulan friend is dead." The EMH then had a thought, moving quickly he checked the blood of both the dead pirate and Ravok. They were of the same type. Moving quickly the EMH ordered Baker to place the dead Romulan onto a cot near Ravok, and replicating the material he needed he rigged the iv bags, placing the needle in Ravok's vein and that of the freshly deceased Romulan. "We must act quickly before it's too late." Soon blood began pumping from the Romulan, into a bag, then into Ravok. "It's a good thing whoever hired this Romulan basically set him up to die if captured. Otherwise your friend here probably wouldn't survive the trip. Have the pilot move us out of the combat zone. We need stability for this to work." Baker relayed the order and the Raptor moved to a safe distance. Ravok would still need immediate medical care when he returned, but at least, thanks to whoever decided to install and EMH on the Type 11s, Ravok would survive the trip home. ( reply none) ( posted by Will ) (Mission Operation Area, Skull One, ENS Petrova 0113 Alexandra didn't hear the boarder but felt something was off.She saw the shimmer. She knew she had to think fast, She came to a full stop and let the man come flying forward, crashing into the cockpit. Cracking his head on the transparent tritanium of the hatch. She shot then with a point blank stun. A man grabbed her from behind soon after she shot. She wiggled out of his grip and fell to the floor. The Orion raised his disruptor to her. "Surrender human! I will let you be part of the Masters prize harem." Alex grinned, her combadge had landed right where she wanted it to land. Right on the mans boot. She stomped on his foot with all her might. "Computer Transporter code 14 on my combadge!" The Orion gave a look for a moment of sudden betrayal. As he beamed away into nothingness. She knew to everybody else her badge signal would show as dead. She tried to raise her coms to the rest of the squad. To signal that she wasn't dead it was just her combadge. Sharpe's fighter was charging at the Pioneer, full cannons and torpedoes blazing, it jerked to a halt for a moment then began to spiral out of control. It was heading on a crash course for the Pioneer and connected right into it. Exploding into a confligration unlike anything Alexandra had witnessed in her life. She moved her hands to her face, but she was temporary blinded by the blast. =^= Petrova to ships can anybody hear me? =^= There was no resposne and her shields were down. She wasn't sure she could pull another miracle out of her hat, Hunter and Sterling both pulled along side of her, neither of them seemed to have been bothered by boarders. Using hand gestures they made sure she was okay. She had signaled them to veer back and render aid to the rest of the squadron that needed it. She then began to reoute all the power she could between the weapons systems and the engines. She was going to do an Alpha Strike on the Pioneer then limp back to the rest of the group. The computer beeped at her [Weapons Offline. Engines at 35%, Shields Offline, Communications Offline] She could feel Castile yelling at her already, She climbed through the hatchway to get into the internal workings of her Starfighter. She slid out the antimatter magnetic bottle. The Computer gave her a warning about Warp drive being offline.She was only going to have one shot at this. As she approached her transporter pad, she began to set a timer on the containment of the magnetic bottle. Her target was the Pioneer, She dropped it gently on the transporter pad. Then pressed a button beaming the bottle of antimatter onto the Pioneers main engine room. If her calculations were right the entire ship would go up like a roman candle. She knew she was going to have to turn around and run, maybe everybodies sensors would come online and they would discover she was alive. She diverted all the power she could to the engines even from life support. She set the running lights to morse code. M-O-V-E A-W-A-Y. She had it cycle many times as she began to move it back and away. Sterling and Hunter had already tractored the Warbird Leader and the Void Dagger Leaders ship, hauling them back to the shuttle. There was no sound but a bright light behind her as the Pioneer seemed to explode. It was going to be a photo finish for her to make it away in one piece. (response any) (Posted by Kaylah) (Mission Operation Area, Void Haunters Lead, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0115) Ire felt the fighting pause in flight as it was hit by the pulse. Greta exclaimed in surprise as the shields dropped but Ire was concentrating on getting the elusive raider in position to get hit with their weapons. He was maxing out the internal compensator as he ducked and weaved and rolled and dived. There was a thud from behind as something landed hard against the bulkhead. He heard Greta swear and unbuckle herself from the restraint harness. “We have uninvited guests.” “What!” He tried to turn in his seat, but his data jack went taught. “Keep flying. I’ll deal with them.” She pulled a marine combat knife which was in her flight suit. “Give me a turn and spin in ten seconds.” “Copy that.” He pushed his concentration back to the raider as Greta attacked the intruders. He pushed his mind deeper into fighter, pulsing the fighters thrusters jinxing fighter left. ~come on a little closer~ He opened fired his weapons blow out the shield and drilled deep into back of the raider. It shuddered debri ripping of its aft end as it began an uncontrollable tumble. The counter dropped to zero and Ire grinned. He throttled back to idle give Greta a split second to grab something. He then slammed the thrusters to full which rocketed the fighter upwards. He heard cries of alarm and hoped Greta had them off guard, but he was not finished yet. He flipped the fighter, so it was facing in the opposite direction of travel and pushed the main engines to full. As the crushing power of the fighter’s engines went to full military power, he heard a strangled cry and a sickening crunch as bone snap against hard metal. “You good back there?” “You can slow doesn’t now.” Came the reply, he smiled as he throttled back and was about to ask about who the attacker were then Greta spoke up again. “I think we have a problem.” He could hear the tension in Greta’s voice. “What is it. “They left us a present and its beeping.” ~Crap~ “Bomb?” Ire scanned the area and there was a White Skulls fighters was heading their way. ~If it get too close~ “Best guess. They have also fried the transporter and put some kind of inhibitor.” “Can you get it off?” “No” His fingers moved over the controls. “The bomb?” “Still beeping.” ~Comms out, can’t transport, get distance~ He pushed the fighter onto a heading away from anyone and unstrapped. He scooped up his helmet and tossed Greta’s he headed towards the main access hatch for the fighter. “You have got to be kidding.” Ire gave a tight grin. “Its fine we will do an emergency decompression which will blow us out of the ship hopefully far enough to get clear of the blast and remember to activate you transporter beacon so we change picked up.” He fitted his own helmet and checked the green tail, tails as Greta leaned over a placed her faceplate against his so that they could speak. ~Apart form the suit comms. Hope some on is watching~ “You know this is crazy.” Ire looked at her. “We could stay if you want?” She glared at him as she attached their safely harnesses together. “This will be the second ship you have lost flying with you is unlucky.” Ire glared at her as he punched the hatched release. The bolts on the hatch exploded sending the hatch and anything not nailed down inside the fighter including its two occupants out into space. There was a brief pause as the air finished venting before the fighter ripped itself apart. (reply any) (Posted by Robbie) (Captain's Yacht, God of War - Cockpit - aFSXO Ensign JG Trip Williams - 0116) It was always a hard feeling, that weird feeling in your gut, that sense that you were both winning and losing at the same time. That was what Trip was feeling as he monitored the battle, everything was going in their favor, but their was so much chaos, so many moving parts, that he didn't feel like they were winning. Sienna was right, as the Commander of the mission, as the one staying back and playing quarterback, he was sitting around watching everyone under his command put their lives at risk, while he was for the most part safe. It made him sick. He should have been leading from a fighter. Too his knowledge two Peregrine's were confirmed destroyed, that of Void One, and on from Skull Squadron. The pilot Sharpe and his weapons officer had been beamed over to the Jolly Roger, Ravok and Baker, from what he could tell was beamed over to the Raptor. Ire and Greta briefly been floating in space, the sensors on the God of War was able to track them, they were now on the Eclipse. Communications were still down. Alex's fighter was still moving, but her commbadge was detected in space, but the sensors didn't pick up her bio signs with badge. Trip knew, in his gut, that she was still on her fighter. But he wasn't sure, the copilot had been transported to the Jolly Roger shortly after Alex's commbadge had been sent into space. There was still 2 Scorpions and 1 Raider out there, the tide was theirs, but it didn't sit well with him, putting others in danger on his own orders. But that was the reality of command, the harsh lesson he was learning. He knew he could rise to that challenge of it, but the first time took some getting used to. "Sir, Skull One is making a play on the Pioneer." At that moment Trip watched the view screen as the Pioneer began to be engulfed in a flash and began to explode, sending a shock wave and debris in its wake. The God of War was at a safe distance, as were the rest of the Fighters and Shuttles, there was only one ship that was close to the blast radius that was at serious risk. Alex's fighter. His heart sank, he had sent her to her death. The God of War shook from the shockwave, her shields holding. Almost as if by bitter irony, as soon as the Pioneer was destroyed, whatever had been jamming the comms had stopped. "Communications back online," shouted a relieved Taris. Before Trip could say another word, the remaining three enemy craft all self destructed. All three destroyed without taking a shot from another craft. That also didn't sit well with Trip, it was as if they would rather die than be captured, or someone wanted it that way. He was going to get on the horn and check in with others but a message was blasted on all channels for a period of 30 seconds before disappearing, appearing to have come from the Pioneer and the three recently destroyed craft. =^=This is not the end, We are Roanoke, and we’ve only just begun=^= Then followed by the phrase =^=We are Roanoke=^= Being repeated over and over again until the 30 second were over. ~What the hell is Roanoke~ "Open comm channel to all flights," Trip barked, "All flights check in, give me a status update. How many casualties." =^=This is Baker, good to hear from you Dragon One, all personnel accounted for, no casualties, but Warbird One is badly wounded, he's stable, but the EMH has him sedated until we return home.=^= (reply Ire) =^=Hunter here Dragon One, all accounted for except for Skull One, she was in the blast zone, sir, we can't get a hold of her.=^= Trip's heart sank further. Had he lost her before it all started. "All craft, search and rescue, find Skull One, search pattern Delta-Zeta-Three, we don't leave until we find her, or have confirmation." He paused, as if he had a lump in his throat, "That she is KIA." A single tear formed in his eye falling down his cheek onto the floor. He quickly wiped it away. He returned to the Comm trying to zero in on Alex's communication frequency. "Skull One, come in Skull One come in Dammit!" As he spoke he kept blasting out the same mental thought, maybe just maybe the Goddess her mother and sister so loved, that Betazoid diety would hear his prayer and give him a mental link with the woman whom he had sent to her possible death. ::Alex, if you're out there, if you can hear me, call to me, help me find you, I can't lose you before we begin:: (reply Alex if you are still alive) (reply Ire, Reply Alex?) (posted by Will) (Type 11 Shuttle craft, Eclipse, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0117) He had and Greta had been transported to the Eclipse only a few moments after they had been ejected from the fighter. It had been strangely comforting floating in space hearing nothing but his own breathing seeing the flashed of explosions and beams for phaser fire in the dark quiet of space. Then suddenly they had appeared on the transport pad of the Eclipse. He had made sure that Greta was not injured before heading to the cockpit. Although he could not speak to his flight he could see when on the scanners and he was glad to see that they were all okay. Suddenly the comm system fuzzed into life. =^=All flights check in, give me a status update. How many casualties=^= Ire opened his comm system. “Dragon One this is Void Haunter One. Beta flight is all accounted for.” He nodded to himself. He had been lucky to not lose anyone from his flight and no one from the squadron. “All craft, search and rescue, find Skull One, search pattern Delta-Zeta-Three, we don’t leave until we find her, or have confirmation.” "That she is K.I.A.” Ire looked at the pilot sitting in the pilot’s chair. “Okay then let’s go.” The pilot nodded and his hands moved over the controls. “Greta can you help with the scanners?” She nodded and headed to a spare console as he dropped into another one and plugged himself in. In his mind’s eye the image of Skull One’s last know position appeared. ~Okay so she was here when the other Skulls moved back to get me and Rovak~ He switched to the destruction of the Pioneer and watched its swirling debris pattern scatter in a large sphere across space. ~Okay so she was moving as fast so if she started, she would around here~ A cone expanded from the Pioneer’s last position. ~And if she was unpowered then the shockwave would have pushed her to somewhere here~ Another expanding cone appeared he blink clicked the data to the console and then sent it to the pilot. “Get us to these coordinates fast and start the Delta-Zeta-Three from there heading back towards the destruction of the Pioneer.” He felt the shuttle change course rapidly and blink click the comm channel. “Void Hunters Two, Three, Four and Five this is Void Hunter One. Get to these coordinates and start Delta-Zeta-Three and head out along this cone to these coordinates. We are going to head out and search further out.” Ire sent the data. =^=Two Copies=^= =^=Three Copies=^= =^=Four Copies=^= =^=Five Copies=^= He blinked clicked back to the system data being piggybacked from sensors on the God of War. He could see his fighters moving into position and begin their search patterns as they were speeding up the cone. He could see images appear form the Eclipses sensors as they raced past. “Greta make sure we are not missing her as we run the leg.” “On it. We are passing a few sizable chunks of debris, but none are big enough to hide the fighter…” “Greta what do we have?” “…I have an emergency transponder code of 4:1, 3:1, 5:2, 7:3, Emergency 4:1, 3:1, 5:2, 7:3. Its Skull leader” He passed the coordinates to the pilot who immediately changed course for the damaged fighter. ~Come one faster, faster~ There was a pause and Ire focused on the image of a smaller piece of debris heading towards them that had just appeared on the sensors. He zoomed in to see that is was about the size of a fighter, but is looked like it had been set on fire and been pummelled and dented beyond belief but it was flying he could see the speed indicator saying that is was moving under its own power. ~Ow by the Profits how on earth is it still flying~ “Greta?” “I have life signs I can’t make out more from here. It could be the large amount of debris interfering with the scan, but I can’t get a good fix and I need to be closer.” “Understood.” He opened a channel to the God of War. “God of War, God of War this is the Eclipse.” (Reply Trip) “We have Skull Leaders emergency transponder coming from a wrecked fighter with life signs on board heading closer to investigate. Passing coordinates now.” His voice was calm and professional he would not celebrate until he actually heard from her. His fingers moved over the console and the data was sent. “Skull One, Skull One this is Void Haunter One do you read me.” He paused for a moment. “Skull One, Skull One this is Void Haunter One do you read me. We are approaching you from ahead please acknowledge if you can hear me.” (Reply Alexandrea) (Reply Alexandrea, Trip any) (Posted by Robbie) (Mission Operational Zone, Skull Leader, ENS Petrova) Alex had tossed aside the corpse of the first raider down onto the cockpit floor. She heard her com line crackle with a bunch of static. In her brilliance she hadn't stopped to think what a humanoid skull would do to her control panel. A lot of systems were offline. She knew she could trust Sterling and Hunter to do what she had ordered. She had an odd flash that a lot of unflattering remarks had been said about her by somebody close. Then shook it off, she also wondered if Trip was freaking out. She also imagined what her funeral was going to be like if she didn't get the situation under control. She at least hoped they played Dominique that was her favorite song. She sat there for a moment and moved some wires around. The computer said, [Weapons system Offline, Life Support at 25%,Engines at 25%,Shields at 25%, Tractor Beam Online] That gave her an idea, she locked onto a chunk of debris and began to divert power to the engines and tractor. She was going to use a chunk of what she had as a mass driver. She would have to rely on visuals and had a scorpion in sight it was broadcasting something. It was in full park. She knew she might blow out the relays if she tried it again after this, but she caused a surge and sent a chunk of rock hurling at mach speed at the scorpion. It contacted with it causing that annoying Roanoke message to stop. The Scorpion now drifted on its side. Skull One was not in optimal shape. She had to accept that fact. It was now divert power back to life support and engines if she wanted to make it back home. But she had no sensors or communications. She leaned back and hit something, it was her emergency transponder. It wouldn't have a lot of range to it But certainly ships in the area would hear it. It would bring the remaining raiders to her. It would also let everybody else know she was alive! She flipped the switch and soon broadcasting in short range, =^=4:1, 3:1, 5:2, 7:3, Emergency 4:1, 3:1, 5:2, 7:3 =^= It was automated and giving away her exact location but she had little else to do but wait. She directed power to her life support and SIF. While sitting there she had time to think, Who she had been nasty to. She couldn't think of anybody. Certainly she had been cold or neutral, but she didn't have a reason to dislike anybody save that Yeoman who had treated her like garbage. She fished through her last ditch bag, fished out a cigarette. Nothing to do but wait for whatever was going to happen. She was about to light up when she saw the last raider shuttle. It had homed on her beacon. She manually armed the weapons sled and began to eject the contents of it around her, creating a small barrier. She was only going to have one shot at this. The tractor beam was weak but with enough polarity reversal she could send everything flying out. There was a transport as a raider beamed in something she was not expecting. But as he beamed in she pressed the button on the tractor beam which shot micro torpedoes off towards the remaining two ships, she knew it wouldn't stop them but the transponder signal and maybe just maybe the explosion would alert the rest where she was. The Raider who beamed in held a dirusptor in his hand, "Give it up! You are going to make a fine trophy!" This guy looked like he was prepared to make a speech, instead she took her cigarette and put it out in the eye of the raider. She did a spin kick knocking the disruptor out of his hand and then a claw jab to his throat pushing him into the bathroom and locking the door. She collapsed against the door to a number of howls and thumps and punches. ~Worst part is I don't even have my last smoke.~ (Ire,Ravok,Trip Respond) (Posted by Kaylah) (Skull one, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Alexandra Petrova, 0121) She heard static but saw a shuttle from base. She had no way of hearing or sending a response. Save the running lights. It worked with Hunter and Sterling so she began to flash in morse code. A-L-I-V-E O-N-E P-R-I-S-O-N-E-R She decided to divert power from emergency systems back to the Engines and limped forward. She began to rewire the console until she caught the tail end of Ire's message. =^= This is Skull One to Void Dagger Leader, you copy? =^= (Warning Weapons Offline, Main Sensors Offline, Structural Integrity at 65%, Life Support at 20%, Auxillary power at 20%) ~At least I am not dead.~ "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU ARE DEAD!" The Grazerite screamed. (Ire respond) (Posted by Kaylah) (Type 11 Shuttle craft, Eclipse, Cockpit, Pilot, Ensign J.G, Ire Williams, 0125) “The craft is signalling to us using its running lights. Give me a minute my morse code is rough.” Ire waited for Greta to speak again and there was a grin in her voice. “Message reads Alive One Prisoner.” ~What a prisoner why am I not suspired~ He glanced at the pilot. “We better get closer.” The pilot nodded and hunched his shoulder over his console as they moved closer. “Greta can we transport them?” The was a pause before she answered. “No too much interference but it looks like their docking clamps still operational.” Ire nodded. “Okay let’s dock. We don’t know what condition Alexandrea is on or who this prisoner is let’s not take any chances.” He got up from his console and pulled out a phaser from the small weapons locker on the wall behind him. As the Eclipse moved into a docking position, he activated the comm system on a secure channel to Trip and spoke quietly so that no one else could hear the conversation. ~I need to tell him this~ “Ire to Trip.” (Reply Trip) “She is alive. Docking now to get her. Don’t know anything more but she has a prisoner.” (Reply Trip) “Will tell you more when I see her Ire out.” The shuttle shuddered as it’s docking clamps connected and there was a slight his of pressurisation. He quickly moved forward and opened the hatch and climbed through the docking collar, keeping the phaser ready but out of sight and pocked his head into the other craft. He saw Alexandrea near a Grazerite was not happy, he looked around the ruined interior and turned to Alexandrea and grinned. “Alex when you single handily take on a star ship you don’t do things by half do you.” (Reply Alex) “Would you and your happy friend here like a lift?” (Reply Alex) (Reply Alexandria) (Posted by Robbie) (Martian Ground Facilities - Medical Research Wing - Medical Officer - Ensign JG Dural Methor DrPH - 0307) It took several hours to get through the customs check point with all of his belongings and the special cargo he was carrying. After he got his stasis unit plugged in and situated in the isolation lab, Dural decided to catch up on his log entry before turning in and getting a few hours sleep before reporting to the Admiral and meet his fellow doctors in the morning. "Computer, record log." [Begin Log] "Medical Officer's Log, stardate two-four-four-four zero six zero five Ensign Dural Methor Doctor of Public Health recording. It is shortly after zero-three hundred hours and I have just arrived in the medical facilities, after an arduous discussion with an ignorant security Petty Officer. He insisted on opening my stasis container. I politely refused. I explained to him that contained here in are a dozen of the most virulent microorganisms in the galaxy, if he does so the gathered people will not only surely die, but the pain will be excruciating the entire time you perish. He finally recanted. I showed him my orders and he agreed everything was in order and I was sent on my way. I was provided ground conveyance to the facility. I will seal the lab with medical quarantine that added with the stasis unit and it's seven separate fail-safes, I am confident this facility will be safe. Tomorrow, actually later this morning I will report to the Admiral. I've heard he is Bajoran, and given my race and its history with his I cannot accurately predict the pleasantness of that conversation. End Log." [Would you like me to save that log?] "Yes, computer, save log." He ordered, the computer beeped in acknowledgement. "Computer, initiate medical quarantine level 4 on medical lab alpha. Authorization Dural-seven-three-two-one-epsilon, enable." He ordered. [Would you like notification if breached?] "Yes. If breached verbal notification of my self, and current facility chief medical officer in addition to all standard local protocols." He said. [Acknowledged.] Dural then went to his quarters. (Reply none needed) (Posted by Todd) (Mars Base, Medical Center, Main Sickbay,PO2 Castile 0500) Chris limped into sickbay dragging his cybernetic leg as he walked. He wasn't sure if it was a power problem or a hydraulic problem but the leg had been giving him problems since he got here. It was an older model to make it all that much worse. Looked almost Borgish, it didn't match his skin tone, was black metal with tubes around it. But he could never bring himself to replace it with a modern model. He walked up to the triage station, "Petty Officer Castile reporting. Been having trouble with my leg. I was wondering if I could see somebody about it?" He felt annoyed not at anybody specific save himself. (Respond anybody on duty in Sickbay) (posted by Robert H) (Mars Base, Medical, Medical/Counselor, Ensign J.G. Quinna Solice 05:00) Quinna pulled out her PADD and started to write, “Dear Diary, Guess what. Night Duty again. At least I was able to get some rest before this shift. Anyway, boring night. I am beginning to think I should throw a party. Perhaps dancing lessons are in order. What do you think? Shall I earn the “’Twist” or the “Hustle?” Quinna put the PADD down and looked up. "Petty Officer Castile reporting. Been having trouble with my leg. I was wondering if I could see somebody about it?" He felt annoyed not at anybody specific save himself. “Well I am available, come and have a seat on my biobed.” Quinna moved to the cabinet to retrieve evaluation tools for prosthetics. She looked at the Petty Officer and noted his demur. She can tell he was wanting to get out of there. “When did you start having the issue with the leg?” Quinna asked. (Reply Castile) After Scanning, Quinna put her tools down and put her hands on the limb feeling around the back. She looked at her hands and noticed hydraulic fluid. “Bad news I that one of the hydraulics is broken. Good news is that I can replicate the part needed and you would be good as new, for now.” (Reply Castile) “Have you considerate getting something new? A newer Prosthetic would fit more seamlessly and work with micro gel packs to simulate muscular movement. No more issues.” Quinna offered. (Reply Castile) (Played by Kris) (Mars Base, Medical, PO2nd Castile 05:05) "Petty Officer Castile reporting. Been having trouble with my leg. I was wondering if I could see somebody about it?" He felt annoyed not at anybody specific save himself. “Well I am available, come and have a seat on my biobed.” Quinna moved to the cabinet to retrieve evaluation tools for prosthetics. She looked at the Petty Officer and noted his demur. She can tell he was wanting to get out of there. “When did you start having the issue with the leg?” Quinna asked. "Well the recent trouble started about a week ago when cleanup crews were sent to lay the prepwork for you all. I clipped the hydraulic tube on something. Glued it shut for a while but then the leg began to loose power now matter how fast I replaced the power packs." Castile said. He hated this part. He always felt like a kid who broke a toy. After Scanning, Quinna put her tools down and put her hands on the limb feeling around the back. She looked at her hands and noticed hydraulic fluid. “Bad news I that one of the hydraulics is broken. Good news is that I can replicate the part needed and you would be good as new, for now.” "Thats what I was hoping for, I have also been getting phantom pains worse then usual." He admitted. “Have you considerate getting something new? A newer Prosthetic would fit more seamlessly and work with micro gel packs to simulate muscular movement. No more issues.” Quinna offered. "I have been offered a new one on more then one occasion, this thing is old, unsightly and doesn't even match my skin. But after what I did to loose the original, I think its what I deserve, as long as it can still haul my dub ass from point a to b I can stand the odd looks. Besides with the long hours I work it helps sustain the rumor that I am a member of the collective." He chuckled a little. "How is sickbay doc? Anything around here need fixing? We got the holoprojector and a medical replicator functioning?" He added. (Quinna Respond) (Posted by Robert H)