Biography for Ensign JG Sally Trent, a Female Human aged 26
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2009-02-28 13:57:41
Character Physical Description

Sally Trent

Eyes : Brown Weight : 125 lbs
Hair : Dark brown Skin :

White, tan

Height : 5 feet 5 Blood : Red
Sally is quite an attractive young lady, and she knows it. She is able to use her quite obvious beauty to her advantage at times.
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Sally has always had quite a close knit family who always did things ‘together’ and as a group when she was younger. She is the eldest of 8, 4 brothers and 3 sisters made for a good play time at the ‘Trent’ household. She enjoys playing with the young ones and at times still pops around to see them, when she can. Now she has joined Starfleet that has become increasingly difficult.



Sally was brought up and raised throughout the normal Earth education system; she was never really top of her class but was always around the top-middle area of the class.

Pre-Starfleet History


Miss. Trent went straight from higher education into Starfleet; she is quite ambitious and loves a new challenge as much as she loves a good book or holonovel.

Starfleet History


After completing her counselling course with her secondary course being in engineering. When she entered Starfleet Academy she was extremely interested in Counselling, but was equally intrigued by how machines worked as well as the Counselling side of things. She decided to become a Counsellor as she believed she would enjoy it more, but because of her secondary honours she is more than proficient with a screwdriver.

Medical History


Sally has yet to break any of her bones, a few scrapes and bruises from when she was a little girl, still remain but she looks upon those memories with a smile on her face.




Other Information
Hobbies :


General Notes


Awards :

Awarded Captains Commendation: Awarded on behalf of the cartenian Commonwealth for Services rendered in the Rescue of Prince Khamal from the orion Syndicate on Stardate 2408.03.15

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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