Biography for Rear Admiral Lilyan Voight, a Female Human aged 43
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2019-02-01 18:37:26
Character Physical Description

Lilyan Voight

Eyes : Blue Weight : 121lb
Hair : Brown Skin :


Height : 5 foot 9 Blood : Red
A tall, slim build, Lilyan hides a razor sharp mind behind a sometimes whimsical, good natured exterior.
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Only child of a disenfranchised background, the young Lilyan wanted for nothing beyond tutelage and mental stimulation



Currently classified

Pre-Starfleet History


Currently classified

Starfleet History


Transferred to Operations after a shuttlecraft accident ended her flight career prematurely. JAG found that the young pilot was not in error, but she found it difficult to return to piloting. Rapidly rose though the ranks after finding a second home at various Operations Stations, and co-ordinating Operations of assorted levels of difficulty and secrecy throughout the fleet. Was eventually promoted to RAdm Fleet Ops, a position that she currently retains.

Medical History


No current Medical Issues known.



Currently classified

Other Information
Hobbies :

Enjoys reading, sometimes needing corrective lenses. Generally lives for her work, and can usually be found in and around SFHQ.

General Notes


Has a small circle of close friends that she trusts implicitly, to everyone else, she is warm and friendly until they show that they deserve otherwise. Never forgets someone who deliberately crosses her.

Awards :

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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