Biography for Lieutenant Dr. Riven Mias, a Male Betazoid aged 65
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2010-02-18 23:57:13
Character Physical Description

Dr. Riven Mias

Eyes : dk brown Weight : 150 lbs
Hair : silver Skin :


Height : 5 foot 11 Blood : Red
Riven is on the stocky side for a Betazoid male, but with a very well defined body. He has waist length, long silver hair and the typical betazoid dark black piercing eyes. He dresses in the semi-loose robes of a Priest of Allura. (floor length, tied off with a sash, generally with some kind of jewels in it). His hair has many small charms braided into it, usually small silver ones, and bells. He carries himself with a feeling of great distinction, and command. He wears leather sandals on his feet that are very thin, and have tiny silver charms on them.
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Riven was born to the Temple of Allura on Betazed, of one of the Priestesses. Not much is known about his family, or his father, other than his father was one of the Priests. He was raised in the Temple, then when his incredible mental powers were made known, he was transferred to the Clinic of Allura in Hel'lia. There he excelled, working his way up through the ranks until he became the Director of the Clinic. He has one child, a young girl named Sinchia, who lives with her mother in the Capital City. Riven thinks of the students in his clinic as his children, and since the young girl he sired doesn't carry his formidable mental abilities, doesn't have much contact with her or her mother.



Riven spent his childhood in the Temple of Allura, then the rest of his life in the Clinic that gave him a purpose, an education and a life. He doesn't hold a degree, but his experience alone with the variety of badness that can fall upon one that is telepathic is legendary among the circles of mind-healers. His entire purpose in life is to heal those hurt, and to teach new people how to do so.

Pre-Starfleet History


see above :-)

Starfleet History


Riven was contacted when the Nimitz was in orbit around Betazed, to help heal Vanyssa Winters, one of his former students. He has consented to remain aboard the Nimitz as an informal Counsellor, until one can be assigned. Was transferred from the Nimitz to the Hades where he filled the vacant spot of chief counselor until after the civil war when he was transferred to the USS Potomac and was on that ship for ten months during its mission to recover survivors from the war. After that project he retired from starfleet and returned to Betazed. Was recalled recently to the Hades to work with crewmen suffering from the fallout of the death of captain Sash, most notably Baylon Trinin where he fell into a love affair with Dr. Angeni Trommashere which is doomed to tragedy.

Medical History


Riven is incredibly fit for his age, and very...vivid. He has learned the trick of walking into a room and having almost every eye drawn to him, if only for a second.



He's the most experienced mind-healer on Betazed. That being said, he is not a super-hero, and he can not fix everything. He's learned that everything comes with a price, and gives unselfishly to heal those around him, and like all mind-healers can get lost. He generally works with another telepath to ground him, and since he has grown older, his Order has limited the clients that he works with by putting him in an administrative capacity.

Other Information
Hobbies :

Riven can not stand to be alone. He is only alone when, after a particularly intense session, he finds it to painful to be around others. He can generally be found seeking out those that he thinks need his attentions.

General Notes


He is a pacifist. He believes in the gentle wearing away of the core of whatever problem there is, instead of a "all guns firing" approach. He knows that time can heal more than he can, and tries to accept that. He is a very wise man :-) And unafraid of speaking his mind.

Awards :

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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