USS Spectre Compile - December 1st-31st 2012 by Alan Reading ===================================================================== Mission: Inimicus Invisia: Day: 2 Stardate: 2414.10.02 (USS Spectre - Personal Quarters - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 08:00) (USS Spectre - Deck 4, CSO's office - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 18:50) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:00) (USS Spectre – Personal Quarters – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney - 19:01) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward - Bartender, Mei Ling Hikaru - 19:02) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:04) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:05) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:06) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:07) (USS Spectre – Grey’s Quarters - ACSciO, Ensign(jg) Ilana Grey - 19:07) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney – 19:10) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren – 19:12) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – SciO, Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney – 19:13) (USS Spectre – Grey’s Quarters - ACSciO, Ensign Ilana Grey - 19:14) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:16) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACSciO, Ensign (jg) Ilana Grey - 19:17) (USS Spectre – Sickbay – CMO, Noah - 19:25) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:39) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney - 19:40) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:41) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward – CMO, Noah - 19:45) ===================================================================== Mission: Inimicus Invisa Day: 5 Stardate 2414.10.05 (USS Spectre – Ready Room – Commander Hoshimi Tsukawa – 09:36) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Security Officer - Jo Smith – 10:00) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Engineer, Scott Smith – 10:02) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Security Officer - Jo Smith – 10:03) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – First Lieutenant, Kenneth Smith – 10:06) ===================================================================== Mission: Inimicus Invisia: Day: 2 Stardate: 2414.10.02 (USS Spectre - Personal Quarters - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 08:00) Vren had thought long and hard about this. She had finally decided against it since she knew barely anyone on the Spectre, but that in itself gave her pause for though and made her think again. After all, she would be living with these people for a long, long time, if she was lucky so why not. Why not indeed. "Computer, open a message channel." [Message open.] "Begin recording." "Good morning ladies, gentlemen and other beings. Today is my natal day, or as the humans call it, my birthday. Normally I would celebrate this on my own however I have learned that it is a human custom to hold what is called a party on this occasion and since I would hope to be spending at least some portion of my life with you all I would be honoured if those of you who could, would care to join me in Ten Forward this evening at around 1900 hours for this celebration. I believe the phrase, 'the drinks are on me' is an appropriate comment. I look forward to seeing anyone who can attend. Keswick Vren" "End message. Send to all crew" [Message sent.] Vren sat back and sighed. She was commited now and still didn't know if she was happy about it or not. (Reply Any) (Posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre - Deck 4, CSO's office - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 18:50) Kurt sat with both elbows on his desk staring at his terminal. He had finally hit a wall. He rubbed his head causing a few of his well tamed locks to stand on end. Earlier that day he had received an invite to a birthday celebration for an ensign Keswick Vren. He wasn't familiar with the name, but then again he wasn't familiar with a lot of names on the crew roster. He had spent the entire day internally debating whether or not to attend. At this particular moment the desire to get out of his office was overwhelming. ~fine.~ He dropped his hand, clicking off his terminal with a bang. (reply, Keswick, any) ((post by Cody)) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:00) Standing alone in the middle of Ten Forward was not something that Vren felt comfortable with. She wished that she had never had this idea. She wished that someone, anyone would arrive, but most of all she just wished that the ground would open up and swallow her. (Reply all who want to) (Posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre – Personal Quarters – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney - 19:01) ~I’m going to be late!~ Jezebel hurriedly put the finishing touches to the small, silver-wrapped parcel on the table. She had fully intended to be on time, but something had arisen in the lab at the last moment and she had been delayed. Once back in her quarters she’d seized a few minutes for a sonic shower and changed into clean clothes, then remembered she hadn’t wrapped the gift she had selected for Vren. She had hastily replicated some silver coloured paper and a dark blue ribbon and had then painstakingly wrapped her gift. After all, she reasoned, half the pleasure in receiving a gift was the way it was presented. So now she was tying a bow as near to dead centre of the top of the gift as she could manage, and she knew she would be a few minutes late. ~But better late than a no-show!~ she thought to herself. ~There! Done! Oh, I hope she likes it! It’s so difficult chosing a gift for someone you don’t really know!~ (reply Vren, any present or about to arrive, any) (posted by Liz) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward - Bartender, Mei Ling Hikaru - 19:02) Since receiving Keswick Vren’s message in the morning, Mei Ling had been hard at work preparing something special for the “birthday girl”. As soon as she saw her arrive, Mei Ling nodded to the other bar staff, all of whom she had called in to assist this evening, and on cue they began carrying out plates of food and placing them on a long trestle table set up down one side of the room. Mei Ling herself carried out a large bowl of punch, and then returned to the bar, where she placed a bottle of Spring wine on a silver tray, with a crystal goblet beside it. It had been the favourite of another Bajoran hybrid Mei Ling had known, and she hoped that Vren would like it as much as Susan Rivers had. Carrying it over to the ACMO, she smiled broadly. “Happy Birthday, Vren!” she said. “I do hope you like Spring Wine, I’m assured this is a particularly good year!” (Reply Keswick Vren, any) (Posted by Liz) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:04) Vren had noticed the long table at the side of the room but hadn't paid it much attention since she was far too worried that no-one would actually turn up and she would look like an idiot. At least she hadn't paid the table much attention until a group of people began carrying trays of food over to it and started laying them on the table. ~Oh Prophets!~ she thought. ~Have I clashed with something else that someone else is holding?~ She began to look around and spotted Ten Forward's Bartender advancing towards her with a tray. Just as Vren was about to ask about tonight the woman spoke to her. “Happy Birthday, Vren! I do hope you like Spring Wine, I’m assured this is a particularly good year!” It took Vren a few moments of standing there with her mouth hanging open before she realised that Mei Ling had organised all this for her and Vren stuttered a few times before she managed to thank the woman. "Honestly Ms Hikaru I truly appreciate it but you should not have gone to so much trouble on my behalf. Thank you so much." Taking the glass from the tray she allowed Mei Ling to fill her glass and sipping it, smiled. "A particularly fine vintage and, I think, one of Auntie Susan's favourites." (reply Hikaru iyw) (posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:05) Kurt hadn't been spending too much time with his fellow shipmates, and hadn't even stepped foot into Ten Forward. Luckily he managed to find it without incident. The doors parted and Kurt scanned the room. He was trying to create a mental picture of this woman he had never met. ~ The name sounds Bajoran....~ He suddenly felt silly for even being there; He came to a party for a woman he did not know with attendees he didn't know very well or at all. He imagined bolting back out the door, but he knew that would be even sillier. To further the silliness he realized he had stopped directly in front of the doors. He took a couple steps towards the bar, and picked out a Bajoran woman amongst the small crowd. After a moment he made his way over to introduce himself. "Keswick Vren?" he extended his hand "I'm Kurt... From science... Pleasure to meet you! Happy Birthday!" Kurt grinned. (reply, Keswick, any) ((post by Cody)) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:06) Vren spied the Chief Science Officer making his way towards her and smiled at him as he stopped in front of her. "Keswick Vren? I'm Kurt... From science... Pleasure to meet you! Happy Birthday!" Grasping his outstretched hand Vren shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir and thank you for coming. I really do appreciate it and please, if you would, call me Vren. As you can see Ms Hikaru has laid on somewhat of a feast for us so please feel free to help yourself to anything you care to eat and drink. It isn't often that I get to meet the crew other than in Sickbay and on a slightly more formal basis and since I am new to this ship and basically don't know anyone at all I thought this might be the way to, what is the expression humans use, ah yes, break the ice. Again I thank you for coming and hope you enjoy yourself." (reply Palmer) (posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:07) Kurt grinned as he introduced himself to the Bajoran woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sir..." she said warmly introducing herself and thanking him for coming. "It should be quite the party." he said glancing at the decadent spread "I gather we're in a similar situation, I haven't seen much of the crew snazzy science office can turn into quite the anti-social worm hole." he chuckled. "Well, I'll catch up with you later, I'll let you make your rounds so to speak. Very nice meeting you Vren!" (reply, Vren iyw) Kurt smiled before moving towards the elaborate spread provided by the ten forward staff. (Reply Vren iyw, Any) ((Posted by Cody)) (USS Spectre – Grey’s Quarters - ACSciO, Ensign(jg) Ilana Grey - 19:07) Ilana looked down at herself critically, despite being off duty she had very few off duty clothes, her travel over to the Spectre hadn’t allowed for much personal luggage to be carried, she had three uniforms, one dress uniform and that was it. The only variance she had between the standard uniform she was wearing was a skirt, still regulation. She frowned her time on the station while the ship had been making repairs had been so filled with filling out requisitions and other required work that she had completely forgotten about the offers of going shopping. She was now regretting the decision, to be honest she hadn’t expected to be invited to many parties. She had chosen to forgo her uniform jacket, and wear her short sleeved blue tunic, anyone not looking too closely could mistake this for casual dress. She sighed and made sure her hair was looking ok, she rarely wore it loose and the cascade of red flowed over her shoulders. Her present wasn’t what she would have called imaginative however she realized she didn’t really know Vren that well she had opted for a bottle of wine, unfortunately replicated, however she had added her own addition to the programming, the wine now contained a slow acting antacid, it hadn’t affected the taste but meant that Vren wouldn’t have indigestion from the consumption of the combination of fine foods, and wine that would probably be consumed. Finally satisfied she was looking as good as she possibly could she made her way toward ten-forward. (Reply None) (Posted By Jo) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney – 19:10) Jezebel entered the room and looked around, waving at Tommy Tucker who was sitting by the bar in his customary place. He bared his teeth in his customary cheesy grin then turned his attention back to the bowl in front of him. Spotting Vren, Jezebel made her way over. “I’m so sorry I’m late!” she said apologetically. “But better late than never!” She handed Vren the small, silver-wrapped parcel. “Happy Birthday, Vren!” she said, waiting and hoping that Vren would indeed like the gift. (reply Vren, any present or about to arrive, any) (posted by Liz) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren – 19:12) Vren watched as one of the Science Officers walked towards her and stopping in front of her began to speak. “I’m so sorry I’m late!” she said apologetically. “But better late than never!” Handing a small silver wrapped parcel over to Vren she spoke again. “Happy Birthday, Vren!” Taking the parcel Vren smiled. "Thank you very much for the gift Jezebel it was most kind of you and very unexpected." Carefully unwrapping the parcel Vren smiled as she opened the box and saw a small IDIC symbol inside. "It's beautiful thank you very much for such a thoughtful gift. As you can see Ms Hikaru has provided an exquisite buffet so please help yourself to whatever you care to eat and drink. I don't really know many people on this ship outside Medical so this seemed an appropriate way to get to know more of the crew. Thank you very much for coming and I hope you enjoy yourself tonight." (Reply Trelawney iyw) (Posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre – Ten Forward – SciO, Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney – 19:13) Jezebel was delighted to see that Vren seemed to like her gift, and nodded when Vren indicated the food that Mei Ling had provided. “You’re welcome Vren – and I never miss a party if I can help it! I’m sure we will all have a great time – thank you so much for inviting us! I think it’s a terrific idea, a great way to get to know one another.” She caught sight of Jerry’s bald head across the room, and grinned. “I’m sure that Jerry would agree too – oh, he’s the Counsellor, if you haven’t met him yet. He has the most amazing replicator program too, which he, ah, ‘liberated’ from the diplomatic suite on the Mithrandir,” she added with a wink. (reply Keswick iyw) (Posted by Liz) (USS Spectre – Grey’s Quarters - ACSciO, Ensign Ilana Grey - 19:14) Ilana entered the lounge quietly, she looked around recognizing a few faces but still opted to approach Vren after he had finished his conversation with the barmaid, Mia, Ilana thought her name was but she couldn’t be sure, she would try to get into a conversation with her later. Ilana began to think to herself ‘this is ridiculous, I’m a Starfleet officer I should be good at handling social events, yet ‘she looked up at everyone around her she felt like a child, she cursed her height sometimes all of her brothers had been tall, her mother and father had both been tall yet she had for some reason never grown beyond five foot. Finally seeing a lull in the conversation she approached Vren “Happy birthday sir,” She said handing the bottle to the Medical officer. “I’ve added a little something to the mix to help with any excess that may come from tonight sir.” She said with a small smile (Reply Keswick Vren, any) (Posted by Jo) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACMO, Ensign (jg) Keswick Vren - 19:16) Vren took a sip of her spring wine savouring the flavour and looked around her. She was pleasantly surprised and happy at the number of people who had turned up tonight and made a mental note to speak to Mei Ling about doing something like this in the future as a surprise for other crew members since Vren was well aware that a morale boost such as this was a welcome addition to crew morale. As she turned back to face the doors she noticed Ensign Grey arrive and cross to greet her. “Happy birthday sir, I’ve added a little something to the mix to help with any excess that may come from tonight sir." Vren took the bottle and smiled at the ensign. "Firstly, thank you very much for your gift and for your attendance. I appreciate both and the thought behind the gift. Maybe I should make everyone here have a small glass before they leave that way it might save me handing out a great many pills in the morning. Secondly my name is Vren not Sir. You and I are the same rank and I would prefer you to use my given name if you would be so kind, at least in social situations. Or you can call me Dr Keswick, which ever you feel most comfortable with." Taking Ilana's arm Vren began guiding her over towards the buffet table. "Now it seems that Ms Hikaru has indeed put on a splendid buffet so what can I get you to eat and drink Ilana?" (reply Grey) (posted by Marilyn) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - ACSciO, Ensign (jg) Ilana Grey - 19:17) As Vren gave her thanks and took her arm, Ilana blushed, she kept forgetting her promotion from cadet to Ensign, it was silly while she was in the lab working she had no problem, issuing orders and even directing senior officers as needed but place her in a social situation she always felt like a little girl. It was stupid she was a grown woman now. She shouldn’t feel like this, as Vren took her arm leading her to the buffet table Ilana was glad for the lift her duty boots gave her otherwise she would have had to walk on tip toes. "Now it seems that Ms Hikaru has indeed put on a splendid buffet so what can I get you to eat and drink Ilana?" Vren offered her Ilana still couldn’t help blushing she could feel the warmth rising as the blood hit her cheeks, “I’ll just grab a small glass of wine.” She said timidly looking around, the Doctor was very pleasant but still she felt uncomfortable and unable to think of anything intelligent to say. She bit her lower lip while her mind raced for conversation, “It is a lovely spread of food some of it can’t be replicated.” She said dumbly, “She noted the standard layout of terran sausages and mini quiches alongside bajoran food stuffs and Vulcan food that she couldn’t name. (reply Vren) Ilana sipped the wine as it was handed to her, “How long have you been on the Specter?” She asked fishing for conversation (Reply Vren) “Only a few weeks myself, still learning a few things about the ship, especially the crew” She blushed a deeper beet red, “To be honest I’ve spent most of my time in the lab working on a few theories regarding a Psi blocker, most telepathic races have joined the Federation, but there are a few rogue or anomalous beings who use their psionics for nefarious purposes. This device is based on a Romulan mind probe but working in a reverse technique, rather than scanning brain patterns internally it projects a white psionic noise….” She paused looking at Vren worried she was boring him to hell talking about work. I was wondering if we could do some work after this mission is over to study the possible side effects it could have on psionics or even normal humans.” (Reply Vren) (posted by Jo) (USS Spectre – Sickbay – CMO, Noah - 19:25) Noah glanced at the chronometer again, rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. He was already late to the party. It had been nice to have been invited especially as he was new and did not know many people on board. He would have been there sooner but he had a few post operative checks and notes to finish before he could reasonable get away. “There all done.” He muttered to himself as he put the PADD down on the desk and stretched out the kinks in his neck. He then stood up and headed for the door telling the on duty nurse where he would be if there was a problem. (Reply Any, None) (Posted by Robbie) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:39) Kurt finished off his last bite, leaned back in his chair and swallowed a mouthful of his lime green coloured beverage. He was seated across from a Bolian man in a gold uniform. Kurt had spent a while chatting with him, and while the Bolian had kept Kurt's interest he couldn't seem to remember the man's name or position. It was quite an embarrassing moment. "Final verdict?" the blue skinned stranger asked gesturing to Kurt's empty plate. "Delicious." he smiled "I told you, replicators like no other!" Kurt smiled "Well if you'll excuse me, Kurt." he lifted his glass "I'm going to have another." "very nice chatting with you..." Kurt immediately lifted his drink to his lips to conceal the fact that he didn't remember the man's name. As the Bolian bounded off towards the bar he spotted a familiar face. He rose from his chair taking his glass with him. "Jezebel!" he said catching her attention. (reply, Trelawney) "How have you been? I feel like its been ages." (reply, Vren, Trelawney, any) ((post by Cody)) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward – SciO Lt(jg) Jezebel Trelawney - 19:40) “… and that’s why you should absolutely never ask an allasomorph to change for dinner!” Jezebel laughed with the others listening to Cat’s story, then turned as she heard her name called. Seeing Kurt making his way over, she excused herself from the group and turned to meet him. “Hello Kurt!” she said with a smile. "How have you been? I feel like it’s been ages," he said. “Oh, busy as ever… But you’ll know all about that now you’re the boss,” she added with a grin. “It’s a great party, isn’t it? Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, and Mei Ling and her cohorts seem to have excelled themselves with the food. I think she could give Jerry’s replicator a run for his money, and higher praise I cannot give of food. But how are you liking the new position? It must be quite a change from medical, not to mention being in charge of –“ she’d been about to say ‘we bunch of weirdos in science’ but amended it to a more tactful “- such a diverse department.” (reply Kurt, any) (posted by Liz) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward - CSO Lt. jg. Kurt Palmer - 19:41) “Hello Kurt!” Trelawney greeted him with a smile. "How have you been? I feel like it’s been ages," he replied. “Oh, busy as ever… But you’ll know all about that now you’re the boss,” she added with a grin. “It’s a great party, isn’t it? Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, and Mei Ling and her cohorts seem to have excelled themselves with the food. I think she could give Jerry’s replicator a run for his money, and higher praise I cannot give of food. But how are you liking the new position? It must be quite a change from medical, not to mention being in charge of...“ she paused for a moment “... such a diverse department.” "It is quite a change." he started "But there are some remarkable people In the science department and I definitely enjoy working with them. Though, I hope to get out of my office more to meet everyone in person!" (reply, Trelawney) "You're right, but I've been stuck chatting with this Bolian this whole time." he glanced over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't in the vicinity. "Can't seem to remember his name though, kind of defeats the purpose." Kurt took another sip of his drink. He usually enjoyed social settings such as this, but for some reason he felt out of his element, but hoped this didn't show. (reply, Trelawney) ((post by Cody)) (USS Spectre - Ten Forward – CMO, Noah - 19:45) After a quick dash to his quarters to have a shower and get some fresh cloths as he had been wearing his all day he entered Ten Forward. There were a lot of people there and the party looked like it was in fool swing. He spied the large amount of food that was available. ~Looks like Mei Ling has out done her self this time~ His stomach gave an encouraging rumble as he realised that had not eaten for quite a while. He headed towards food and saw Mei Ling near by. “Good evening Mei Ling what delights do you have to night?” (Reply Mei Ling) (Reply Mei Ling, any) (Posted by Robbie) ===================================================================== Mission: Inimicus Invisa Day: 5 Stardate 2414.10.05 (USS Spectre – Ready Room – Commander Hoshimi Tsukawa – 09:36) It felt strange, looking at a Cardassian but knowing he was the Captain under the unprepossessing exterior. Nevertheless Hoshimi did her best to conceal her inner qualms and maintain a professional expression. Inside the stranger in front of her was Captain T’Vhor, the man in charge of the ship and who she trusted always. She handed a PADD across the desk to the Captain, and gave a brief situational report. It caused her no little chagrin to have to admit that they were, as yet, no closer to finding the saboteur. So far, though, there had been no further instances of sabotage which had come to light. “… Although just because we have not found anything yet, does not mean that the saboteur is not even now working on something else,” she finished, her dissatisfaction with the situation obvious. "Have Lieutenant Kerge post extra security around all key ships systems, the phased cloak being a priority of course", said T'Vhor. "It is imperative that we find our saboteur before he, or she can do any damage whilst we are in this system.” “Aye, Sir.” For a moment Hoshimi debated whether or not to say anything further about the Captain leading the away team on their mission but it was too late, he had already had the cosmetic alterations as was all too obvious looking at him across the desk and in any case, they were only an hour away from their destination. No time now for the First Officer to take his place even if he would agree to it, and in any case the person Lau would apparently only speak to T’Vhor. So after a moment she merely said, “You may rest assured that I will permit no harm to come to the ship or the crew in your absence, Captain. And we will be at the rendezvous point at the appointed time.” (reply T’Vhor iyw) “Good luck, Captain. “ (reply T’vhor, any) (Posted by Liz) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Security Officer - Jo Smith – 10:00) Jo looked up and down the corridor that she had been detailed to guard. It was no the most interesting of jobs and she heard her colleague beside her sigh for the hundredth time. “Why are we doing this? Its boring, nothing is going to happen with use standing right out side.” Jo looked over at her disgruntled colleague. “Its about showing a visible presence. Us being here is supposed to deter any one for becoming a nuisance.” “What do you call them two then?” Jo looked where he was pointing and saw Kenneth and Scott waling down the corridor towards them. “Well I can see that you are working hard protecting and serving the good crew of the Spectre.” Grinned Kenneth as they came towards them. “Well at least I have a proper job.” She retorted back. Kenneth gave a sigh and shook his head sadly. “When will you realise that the Marines are the best in every way.” Before Jo could give a retort Scott jumped in. As much as I enjoy your forces rivalry but this gets out of hand we were wondering if you wanted a late breakfast?” Jo was about to answer when she noticed a crewman exiting the door to her right. The door led into a small power relay and diagnostic room which fed the power to the whole deck. There was not reason for any one to be there as there was no scheduled maintenance to be done in there today. She stepped passed Kenneth towards the crewman who was walking casually away from them. “Hay crewman what were you doing in there?” She watched as the crewman’s step slowed a fraction. “Hay, stop and turn around.” In a flash the crewman was off and running. Jo looked behind her. “Scott, find out what he did in the room, Kenneth come with me and you stay there in case who ever it is doubles back.” With that she was off with Kenneth at her heals. (Reply Any) (Posted by Robbie) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Engineer, Scott Smith – 10:02) Scott spun to see a crewman spring off down the corridor. “Scott, find out what he did in the room, Kenneth come with me and you stay there in case who ever it is doubles back.” He watched for a moment as Kenneth and Jo charged off along the corridor. He then looked at the room that Jo had mentioned and headed towards it slowly. The doors opened with a soft whoosh and he stood at the doorway surveying the room. The room was like many on the Spectre. A small room where they could check the feeds from the EPS power taps and relay system on the deck with out having to check them all manually. He stepped cautiously into the room as the doors shut behind him. He could not see anything wrong at first glance but that did not mean everything was safe. “Scott to Engineering.” (Reply Engineering) “I am in the power relay and diagnostic room on deck 9 section 12 next to environment control. We have just had unauthorised access here could you tell me if you can see anything wrong from your end?” (Reply Engineering, any) (Posted by Robbie) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – Security Officer - Jo Smith – 10:03) Jo felt the rhythmic thumping of her feet hitting the deck as she ran. She could hear Kenneth right behind her as they dashed along the corridor. “Get out the way, Get out the way.” The people in the corridor ahead backed against the bulk heads as they came thundering past in hot pursuit. “Smith to Security.” (Reply Security) “I am perusing a suspect along deck 9 section 12. Who appeared to be doing something suspicious in the power relay and diagnostic room next to Environmental Control.” (Reply Security) Jo was about to reply when the crewman spun towards her and something flew out from his arm. She launched her self to one side and felt the object pass just inches from her. There was a wet slapping sound and a grunt of pain behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Kenneth on the floor with something sticking out of his chest. She began to slow down “Go, GO. I’ll be okay.” She gave him a small nod as she hurried after the fleeing crewman. “Smith to Security, Marine down. Suspect is armed and very dangerous” (Reply Security) (Reply Security any) (Posted by Robbie) (USS Spectre – Deck 9 – First Lieutenant, Kenneth Smith – 10:06) He saw the object slice toward him as his body reacted to move him out of the way but he was to slow, far, far too slow. He felt the intense stab of pain as he was hit in the chest. His mind tried to fight for control of his body as his legs gave way and he collapsed onto the floor. He looked up to see Jo slowing down. “Go, GO. I’ll be okay.” He watched her speed up again and disappear around the corner. He then looked down at his chest to see the hilt of a dagger sticking out of the centre of his chest. It hurt to breath and he could see blood oozing down the front of his uniform. He was beginning to feel dizzy and light headed as he reached out for his comm badge. “First Lieutenant Smith to Sickbay” (Reply Sickbay) “I have a medical emergency on deck 9 section 12. I have been stabbed. Please come quick.” (Reply Sickbay) (Reply Sickbay any) (Posted by Robbie) =====================================================================