NRPG: So today we're gonna jump in the way back machine a little. Don't mind the bumps, we'll be fine. Please keep all limbs inside the cart. We are not responsible for accidental dismemberment. Begin opening credit music There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of aliens who may have been the forefathers of the Vulcans, or the Klingons, or the Cardassians. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of the Federation who even now fight to survive somewhere beyond the heavens... Begin ship montage... Today's Compile Index is brought to you by the Borg, the latest in Swedish Meatballs Day 1 (USS Boudicca, Personal Quarters, ACEO Jael al-Sharif, 23:30) Day 19 (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk - Sickbay - Arania - 2309) (USS Kitty Hawk, Sickbay - FO Commander Susan Rivers - 2310) (USS Kitty Hawk, Sickbay - ACMO Josh Caskie - 2311) Day 20 (USS Kitty Hawk - Sickbay - FO Commander Susan Rivers - 0221) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- Arania -0232) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-0235) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- Arania -0236) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Personal Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-0250) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Personal Quarters- Arania -0251) RPG: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Anointed, Day 1 Stardate: 2407.02.22 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Boudicca, Personal Quarters, ACEO Jael al-Sharif, 23:30) Lise plopped herself down on the sofa in her quarters. She was exhausted, she found being Jael, while it got progressively easier, was more difficult than just being a plain-old Starfleet Engineer. Something that was in itself exhausting at times. She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. It felt so differently with the cranial ridges replaced by a slightly bajorian ridge on her nose. She shook her head, this drove her crazy. "I can't just be myself!" She lamented. Frustrated and angry, Lise stood up and walked about her quarters. She reigned in her klingon temper that was rapidly threatening to surface with vigour. As she stomped around her room she passed by her desk and stopped dead. The light was blinking. The message light was blinking. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Her heart rose into her throat. No one knew she was here, no one knew her, no one would be contacting Jael on this personal comm line -- when the Admiral wanted to, he did so through other means. Who was this? What was this? It wasn't good. Lise was certain. Blink. Blink. Blink. Blink. Hesitating and taking a deep breath, Lise pressed the button before her. An all-familiar woman's face blinked into existence. "Jael..." The striking figure began. "Jael... I know. I... Well, I saw a profile of you, it ran across my desk, and ... ... How could I not know?" Lise took a deep breath. "Devyn" she whispered, watching the woman who sat before her in a recorded format. Lise didn't know how to react. She didn't know what to do, she continued watching. "I know.. Li -- Jael... Sorry, I know it's dangerous that I contact you, so I won't endanger it further. Listen Jael, I know what happened to us, well.. " Devyn began, "you understand... I couldn't have it happen like that. I wasn't ready to give up my career..." Lise nodded. Devyn was also partially Klingon and they had once stood beside one another in the conflict on Qo'noS, but Devyn had chosen to return to Starfleet -- in a non-coerced way, because she wasn't ready to stand out against everything that Starfleet had taught her. Lise respected that, but sadly didn't agree. She felt that whilst not born and raised on Qo'nos, that her duty was still to carry on the ways of her family, and to participate fully in issues that plagued Qo'noS, in spite of what Starfleet said. Starfleet wasn't able to interfere in her own world, but she, as a private citizen was. Devyn didn't see things the same way, and so the two women who had shared so much, agreed to disagree. However, their time together had been so intense that upon Devyn's departure, Lise found it difficult to re-adjust: even when she was with her twin sister. Devyn's presence was something that she had always missed, and still did. "We've been through this..." Devyn's melodic voice continued "already, and we know where we stand, so I won't revisit it again. However, there's trouble. There's trouble Liara." Devyn used the diminuitive she had developed for Lise. "I'm not entirely sure how to state this, so I just will. Angel's in danger. Her mother's been taken and is currently out of our reaches -- don't even try, I know you're on thin ice -- I've seen things I know I'm not supposed to have. Someone's worrying about her, I promise. But I can't get to Angel. I can't get to her, but you can. Call me when you get this. Use this frequency, and scrambling code delta-gamma515. We need to talk." The screen blinked out. Lise's stomach dropped and her breath caught in her throat. Angel's in danger, Lisa's been captured and here she was sitting in her posh quarters on the Boudicca. It wasn't fair, Life wasn't fair. How could Devyn have chosen this life? This life that blatantly disregards the pain and suffering taking place amidst all the conflicts on all the other planets? How could Lise justify to herself that she was sitting on this ship, arguably safe and warm with enough to eat and her friends, those who were fighting for what were really important were out there, risking their lives with nothing. A tear came to Lise's eye and she tried to hold back the torrent of emotions that threatened to drown her. Lisa had been through so much. It wasn't fair, the life she'd lived, the servitude, the slavery, the unspeakable things that she'd endured, and again, she was in danger and Lise... Lise was in Starfleet. ~How she must hate me...~ Lise thought with regards to her twin-sister, while it hadn't been her choice to be involved in Starfleet in this moment and time, she'd somehow accepted it. She could argue with herself with regards to the details and the reality of whether or not she was actually able to avoid being pressed into service. But the thought resonated in her mind: ~I didn't try hard enough~ She didn't. Try hard enough to: Evade the admiral. Save her sister. Stick together. Win the war. Keep Angel safe. Stay with Devyn. Devyn. Lise looked back at the screen that had just blinked the image of Devyn out of existence before her. She could hardly breathe. It was hard to explain how Lise felt for Devyn, but the beginning of their relationship had started upon discovering that she too had some betazoid blood in her. They were connected, and their empathic link, was strong... ~is strong?~ Lise wondered? Her palms sweating, she wiped them on her dirty uniform and she touched the keys which made the necessary connection. Devyn's face appeared before her. "Liara" She paused. "Devyn" Lise said again. "You look... " "I know like a disaster." Devyn's face didn't change. "How did this happen?" She asked, her voice betraying the horror that she undoubtedly felt watching Lise across from her. "I can't talk about it." Lise hung her head and shook it. "Fair enough." Devyn stated. "Come closer, let me see.." Lise moved her face a little closer to the transmission device. "Your eyes..." She said, "your intricately patterned eyes, that... Said so much and yet... So little?" Lise permitted the corner of her lips to smile, but that was it. "They'll be back Dev - one day... I hope..." Devyn shook her head from side to side. "And your hair..." "Is longer than any Engineer's hair ever should be." "Liara, this is such a waste. It's a waste of..." Lise put her hand up to interrupt Devyn's speech -- Devyn stopped. "It is necessary." Devyn cast her eyes downward. "I know" This conversation seemed to mimic the last one that these women had with one another -- except this time, with the roles reversed. "About Angel..." "I can't get to her Liara.." "Where is she?" "Here.." Devyn transmitted the coordinates and they were indeed close to the Boudicca's current position. It wouldn't be more than a couple hours from their current position. Lise knew the place -- she had been there one too many times. "What happened?" "I can't talk about it." Lise nodded her head. While the women conversed using non-descript sentences, there was a wealth of information that passed between the two of them. Lise had been closer to Devyn than she had been to anyone else in her entire life. Even Yori. What was not said in this conversation was the following: Lisa had participated in a general manifestation against the oppression of Qo'noS females and had succeeded in gaining a seat in the official house. However, upon the first meeting, there was a challenge and the woman occupying the seat was not able to handle the others and their ability to gang up on her. Lisa'd been called in, she'd stormed the grand hall whilst it was in session and no one had been pleased. One of the major houses and their more sketchy connections had seen to it that Lisa had been taken, and Angel must have stayed behind with some friends, but obviously those sketchy acquaintances (that associated with most of the major families on the high council -- not just Duras'), had ensured that Angel had been removed off the planet. "She's had such a hard life..." Devyn nodded her head, "Liara, I know, it's not your fault. It's not your fault Liara. NOT." Lise could feel her emotions getting the better of her. She bit her lip. "Shh... Liara..." "I know." "I'd come out, but it's too risky... For both of us, for so many reasons, and you know that as well as I do." Lise nodded her head, still biting her lip. "Get to Angel." "How am I supposed to?" "Be innovative... You can do it." "Devinja, they already don't trust me, everyone thinks that they know me, because I've been put on this QI'yaH ship, with all these people who I know, who are my friends -- or at least were -- or who I commanded, they now command me, all of them. Right left and centre... I can't... I can't say or do anything. Everyone is always suspicious and I can feel it. I can feel it Dinja... I can..." her voice trailed off. "I'm sorry, Liara, I can't do anything more. Blame me all you want, but my attention is focused on Lisa. This'll all be over soon Liara, soon. And maybe the Admiral will be pleased with your mission and you'll be able to live as you, and then..." her voice paused as if not certain whether to proceed with the sentence or not, "then maybe we can be stationed near each other..." "maybe..." "maybe..." A button on the comm panel beeped. Someone was attempting to trace the signal. "Devj, someone's tracing... I've got to..." "Jael... Take care..." Lise cut the signal and madly scrambled to rearrange the outgoing comm system. She'd been careful about the way in which her communication had been created and had monitored it. It shouldn't have showed up, not on anyone's registers. Unless someone was looking for it. Unless someone was looking for it from her. Someone was stalking her interactions. Quickly, she re-routed it through several relays, the replication system, the trash system, every trick in the book that Lise used to use all the while doing this knowing that if the person who was following her knew the real Lise Arianna, that this form of evasion, while effective would act as a handiwork signature. But if they didn't know her, then it would just seem strange. That was what she was hoping for. She quickly changed into her pyjamas and went into her bedroom, laying down so that she could pretend she was asleep if anyone tried to physically track her down. However, while she lay in her darkened bedroom with the stars streaking by her window, Lise Arianna thought of her sister, she thought of her niece, she thought of Devyn. ~Maybe we could be stationed near one another~ Devyn had stated, did she mean that? Or was that just her polite way of... Lise wasn't certain, but still, she'd said them. The Klingon of her would have meant what she said -- for if she did not mean it, why would she have said it? Same for the betazoid part, but years in Starfleet taught them how to construct sentences enough to keep people's interests and not to alienate people through language. It could have been that as well. She tossed and turned. How was she going to get to Angel? Her door chime rang. Her stomach sank. Apparently, she had other problems. (Reply mystery person?) (Posted by Kat) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Anointed, Day 19 Stardate: 2407.03.12 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk - Sickbay - Arania - 2309) Arania was watching the lights on the biobed flash and move while the blue man pressed things to her neck and held other devices over her, the lights were so pretty, and she wondered how they managed to make light work without using candles, torches or oil lamps. That would be something she would find out eventually, that and a hundred more questions she would have to satisfy. Everything was so strange and exciting and she looked forward to learning all about these strangers. Suddenly the ship shook sending a few things crashing to the floor and people stumbling to get their balance. Arania squeaked with fright and tried to sit up, only to be held down by the blue-skinned, bald headed person who just smiled and nodded at her reassuringly. "What was that?" She asked breathlessly. "Nothing to worry about, miss." The blue person said patting her arm, and then continuing to use his little machines that made funny noises and moving lights. Arania looked at what appeared to be a badge on his uniform with very strange letters on it, similar to the letters she'd seen in the shuttle. She had never seen writing anything like that before and she guessed that she would probably have to learn how to read and write all over again, because there were lots of signs around that she didn't understand and she'd really hate to go somewhere she wasn't supposed to go. Looking around she was reassured by the fact that nobody else seemed to be anxious or frightened by the sudden movement of the ship, so she tried to relax. She glanced over at Matthew and frowned when she saw a look of sadness on his face. ~I wonder what's wrong?~ She thought, but knew whatever it was, she likely couldn't do much to make it right. The young woman yawned widely, it was very late and she was tired from her busy day helping with the shuttle calibrations and everything that had happened, so when the blue man had finished with her, she just closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep. (USS Kitty Hawk, Sickbay - FO Commander Susan Rivers - 2310) Susan turned round, her face blank and shocked, to see Josh smiling at her. "The answer Commander is yes," Josh said, confusing Susan, whose mind was still on the fact that Linskens wasn't aboard, completely. "And you need to come see me in the next few days so that we might discuss it. Please don't leave it too long. Now if you don't mind I have the mother and father of all headaches and I want to go check on everyone else, so if you will excuse me..." "Yes, yes of course," Susan said mechanically. "Josh... John didn't make it back. They're leaving. If I'd stayed I might have been able to help him fix the transporter in time." (reply Josh iyw) The ship suddenly rocked and Susan almost lost her footing. She grabbed the nearest biobed and managed to stay upright. "Commander?" It was another doctor, one Susan vaguely recognised. Dr Heyes. "You need to let me check you over now. And Doctor Caskie?" she added firmly, removing the tricorder from the ACMO's grasp, "You will *not* be checking on anyone else until *you* have been checked over, your prosthetics removed and you have been certified fit for duty. Ma'am," Dr Heyes added, belatedly remembering this was the ACMO – in fact, now Dr Ari was gone, the Acting CMO - she was talking to. (reply Caskie iyw) (USS Kitty Hawk, Sickbay - ACMO Josh Caskie - 2311) "Yes, yes, of course." she said. The Commander's reply had been mechanical and Josh, gazing at her closely realised that she probably hadn't even heard what had been said to her, and then in a much quieter voice she spoke again, "Josh... John didn't make it back. They're leaving. If I'd stayed I might have been able to help him fix the transporter in time." Josh closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Not for the shock because, given John's state of mind it wasn't really much of a shock, but simply to stop the tears that were building up behind her closed lids from spilling down her face. Doctors didn't cry in Sickbay, at least not in front of non medical personnel. Josh shook her head, and once she was sure that she had command of her voice again began speaking. "No, Susan you wouldn't have. All that would mean was that you would have been gone too. You and your child. Both Lt Zardak and I warned you about his mental state. We all knew he was borderline irrational, but that nothing could be done until we got back here. There was no way to send him back once we landed and to be honest, if there had have been then none of us would have made it back." Josh took another deep breath and carried on talking quietly using the intensity in her voice to try to get through to Susan. "He helped us in so many ways. I don't think we would have succeeded if it hadn't been for John. His ability to master the language... His ability to help us all communicate... Fixing the shuttle so that it would fly again... Picking us up.. and finally not only holding the transporter together long enough to get us back to the Kitty Hawk, but coming up with a way that they could spot us. He saved all our lives Susan and for all his irrationality I think he did his duty right up to the end. He saved all our lives and I will thank him for that every single day of the rest of mine." Josh was about to say more when the ship rocked and it took all of her will to keep herself from landing flat on the floor. Before she could continue Dr Heyes arrived and started speaking to them. "Commander, You need to let me check you over now. And Doctor Caskie?" she added firmly as she removed the tricorder from Josh's grasp, "You will *not* be checking on anyone else until *you* have been checked over, your prosthetics removed and you have been certified fit for duty. Ma'am," Josh simply goggled at Heyes, "Pardon?" The doctor didn't even bother answering her but simply clicked her fingers and handing the tricorder to another doctor who had appeared beside them and then lead the Commander off towards one of the biobeds. Josh looked this new doctor up and down. He was someone who's face she knew, but had never been on the same shift as Josh and whilst she allowed him to lead her towards one of the biobeds she certainly wasn't about to let him start poking and prodding her all over again. "Look doctor I have already been checked out and I really need to speak to Dr Ari about Eva, could you get him down here please." He looked at her kind of oddly still trying to get her to sit back down on the biobed. "Dr Ari isn't here." Josh, still resisting him started to lose her temper, her headache coming back to pound in the front of her head. "Well, I can see he isn't here right now. Would it be too much trouble for you to page him for me? I need to speak to him about a patient right away." He stopped running the tricorder over her for a moment and hesitated before he spoke, "Dr Caskie, Dr Ari is no longer with us." It took Josh a minute or so for that to sink in. "What do you mean 'no longer with us', you're not telling me he is dead are you?" Josh sat up on the bed only to find herself pushed down again. "No doctor, he is not dead. Well, at least I don't think so. He was kidnapped." Josh sat back up again determined this time not to be pushed back down again. "Kidnapped, you are joking?", but watching his emotions play over his face told Josh all she needed to know. "Right get me the person in charge of sickbay now.... Oh... yes. Right. Get me the doctor in charge of sickbay this evening and get whoever it is here as soon as they possibly can. Go see them right now and tell them that Eva needs to be monitored closely and only to use those Sickbay personnel who are unaffected by telepathy to treat her." He hurried away and Josh called him back, "Get someone to move her into one of the isolation wards." He hurried away once again and once again Josh called him back. "Get me certified fit asap, never mind about the surgery, I can live with this face for a little longer." She shooed him away with her hands, "What on earth are you waiting for GO....." (Reply any iyw) (Posted by Marilyn) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission: The Anointed, Day 20 Stardate: 2407.03.13 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (USS Kitty Hawk - Sickbay - FO Commander Susan Rivers - 0221) Susan had rarely in her life been so glad to see anyone brought into Sickbay in as critical a condition as Linskens. He was in Intensive Care, hooked up to who knew how many IVs and monitors, but he was alive. Dr Heyes had told Susan that they still weren't sure he'd survive, and if he did, no one knew yet what effect his ordeal might have on him. But Dr Heyes had also added the old tenet that where there was life there was hope. Dr Heyes was finally finishing up with her, dictating some notes and giving her the final (Susan hoped) once-over before releasing her. Susan wanted nothing more than to go back to her quarters and have a shower and think things through. She had submitted to all the examinations and treatments obediently, knowing from experience that arguing with medical officers got you nowhere except being stuck in Sickbay for longer than you wanted. The prosthetics on her face had been removed earlier, the better for the medical staff to treat the injury there. The bruising had been deep but there were no fractures, and the bump on the back of her head was just that, a bump. She'd been told to expect headaches for some hours yet but the effects of the concussion was almost gone. Painkillers had taken care of the headache for now, and the lacerations and bruises on her feet had been healed. She looked up as Sevant came over to her, and sat up, getting ready to swing her legs over the side and stand up, which caused Dr Heyes to tut to herself. "Commander," Sevant said quietly. He brought up a hand and she remained on the biobed obediently. "I just stopped in to see you;" he continued, "your de-briefing will be tomorrow when you all have rested." The Vulcan took a seat and sat down, "I thought you should know, the planet has phased out... this system is short one planet. I've left a few probes, the Kitty Hawk is on her way out-system. We'll be able to go to warp in two hours." He looked up at the doctor for a moment, who was fussing with the biobed, then back down again. "How are you?" She looked back at him for a long moment before replying. "I'll live, Sir," she said finally. She glanced over to where Linskens lay still and silent except for the regular beep of one or other of the monitors. "Thank you for going back for him; we all owe him our lives. If it hadn't been for Linskens none of us would be back here at all." (Reply Sevant iyw) "There's one other thing you need to know now, Sir. Lieutenant McLaren brought back one of the natives of the planet. A female, Arania, it seems they formed some kind of bond. I gather she helped him and Linskens fix the shuttle... it'll all be in my report, Sir, but you should know one thing. That is a very minor breach of the Prime Directive compared to what Colonel Straton was doing down there, and by the time any of the rest of us knew about Arania's presence on the shuttle it was not possible to send her back without stranding the rest of us there too." (Reply Sevant, any) (Posted by Liz) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- Arania -0232) Her sleep hadn't been much more than a nap because the blue man had returned to do more, what he called 'scans and sample taking'. When he'd finished again she sat up on the side of the bed and watched as the Iradonian looking people were restored to their real looks. It took all of her self control not to gasp and exclaim aloud and she'd paid very close attention when it had been Matthew's turn. He did look strange to Arania, but he had prepared her well for the differences. When he was finished he had gone to another room, shutting the door behind him. She had glimpsed something that looked like a birdbath with a mirror on the wall above, and what looked like a big china bucket of some kind when he'd returned. Matthew made his way over to Arania, who smiled happily to see him as he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. "It's a lot to take in all at once." he said to her. "How are you holding up?" "I am very excited to be here, there are so many strange things and people and I am happy to be with you, but I am very tired and I wish to sleep." Arania thumped the bed. "This is a fine bed, not too soft. I will sleep here if I must, but I would rather be in a place less crowded. Is there somewhere like that?" With a little purr of pleasure, Arania snuggled against him. It didn't matter to her that he looked so different from the Iradonian she had thought him to be. Matthew was Matthew no matter the colour of his skin or the lack of ridges, and she loved him dearly. (reply Matthew, any) (posted by Sal) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-0235) "I am very excited to be here, there are so many strange things and people and I am happy to be with you, but I am very tired and I wish to sleep." Arania thumped the bed. "This is a fine bed, not too soft. I will sleep here if I must, but I would rather be in a place less crowded. Is there somewhere like that?" With a little purr of pleasure, Arania snuggled against him. It didn't matter to her that he looked so different from the Iradonian she had thought him to be. Matthew was Matthew no matter the color of his skin or the lack of ridges, and she loved him dearly. "I have quarters here on the ship." he replied. "If I can get someone to release us we can go there and get some rest." he added. "The bed there is a lot more comfortable than the ones here, but the room is rather small on the Miranda Class." He paused. "Give me a moment, let me ask." He stood and walked over to the medical tech that had been attending Arania. He had already been told that he could leave. He was sticking around because he could tell his presence put her at ease. "Excuse me?" he asked. "Yes chief?" the tech replied. "I was wondering if you were finished with Arania?" "Arania?" the Bolian questioned. "Yes the Iradonian you've been testing, poking and prodding since we came aboard." The Bolian regarded Matthew for a second. "Yes I suppose so." he replied. " She's come up clean of any contagions and she's been given all the necessary boosters. The doctor just cleared her, said she could go when I was finished with my scans." "Thank you." Matthew replied and walked back to Arania. He held out his hand to her. "Come dearest." he said smiling. "We've permission to leave." (reply Arania) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Sickbay- Arania -0236) "I have quarters here on the ship." Matthew replied to Arania's voiced hope for somewhere quieter to rest for she was used to the tranquility of the Temple and forest. "If I can get someone to release us we can go there and get some rest." He added. "The bed there is a lot more comfortable than the ones here, but the room is rather small on the Miranda Class." Matthew excused himself and left her to approach the blue-skinned healer who had been doing the scans and tests on her, and a minute later returned to tell her that they could now leave. He held out his hand to her and she slid from the bed to slip her hand into his, grateful to be leaving the Sickbay and hoping it would be a long time before she had to go back again, but then she saw John and she knew she would be back sooner than she'd hoped, because he looked very ill, very ill indeed. Her hand lifted to her tattered robes to reassure her that her beloved pipes were still tucked inside... she would be needing them. (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Personal Quarters- CEO- Lt. Matthew McLaren-0250) Matthew had led Arania through the ship trying to explain simple things like the turbo lifts and the light strips. He kept the concepts as simple as he could. He knew that she would come to understand all of this soon enough, but she had voiced a few questions and he did his best to answer her in a manner that she could understand. A famous earth writer once wrote that any sufficiently advanced technology was indistinguishable from magic. At this moment, Matthew thought that was how Arania felt; like everything was pure magic. He stopped and keyed in the unlocking code to the doors to his quarters. The door hissed open and he led Arania inside. "Computer, raise illumination levels to normal." he commanded. The lights brightened until they reached normal intensity. The quarters were small by Boudicca standards, but were fairly spacious by the standards of the Miranda Class of vessels. His position as Chief Engineer had a few perks. "Okay, let me show you around." he said to Arania. "This is the living area. It's a little small, but this is only temporary. Here's the replicator. I'll set you up so that you can operate it and I'll show you how to do that." "Back here is the sleeping area. There's only one bed, so you we can share it, or we can take turns which ever you prefer. If you want your own room like this one, I'll see if I can get you one." (reply Arania) "I didn't want to be presumptuous, after all we're not married yet. " he said a bit shyly. He pointed to the door of the lavatory. "Through there is the toilet and the wash area. I can show you how everything works if you need help." (reply Arania) (posted by Daniel Greene) (Iradon, USS Kitty Hawk- Personal Quarters- Arania -0251) Matthew had led Arania through the ship, explaining the wondrous things she saw and experienced. The machine he called a turbo lift was very disconcerting, it would take some getting used too, Arania thought, but as long as she was with Matthew she felt secure. He answered the questions she asked, like how was light possible without flame and what was the box room they were in and how did it get them from one place to another, did it work like the transporter? He had done his best to answer her in a way that she could understand, and what she couldn't understand she was sure she'd understand in the future, but for now she was sure it was all magic, a far more powerful magic than the mages could ever know. At last they stopped beside the doors to Matthew's quarters. He poked at a panel and magically the door hissed open and he led Arania inside. "Computer, raise illumination levels to normal." he commanded. The darkness immediately brightened and grew brighter. ~Blessed Goddess, how is it they just have to wish for something and it appears? Will I also be able to summon such service with mere words?~ Arania looked around. Matthew had said his quarters were small but compared to Arania's little cell in the Temple, these were almost as big as the Priestess' of her local coven. ~Surely he has much power and influence among his people!~ "Okay, let me show you around." Matthew said. Arania nodded eagerly. "This is the living area. It's a little small, but this is only temporary. Here's the replicator. I'll set you up so that you can operate it and I'll show you how to do that." "Reh-plee-kay-torrr!" Arania mouthed the word, wondering what it did. "Back here is the sleeping area. There's only one bed, so you we can share it, or we can take turns which ever you prefer. If you want your own room like this one, I'll see if I can get you one." ~Only one bed? Perhaps there will be room enough to get another bed in, surely he doesn't expect me to share his bed?!?~ She wasn't too sure about wanting to be alone and away from Matthew, but perhaps she should consider it until they were married. "I didn't want to be presumptuous, after all we're not married yet. " he said a bit shyly. "No, we're not." Arania said, almost apologetically, "I think for now I can sleep on the floor, Matthew, I won't take your bed from you. You have been so good and kind to me and the floor looks as comfortable as the forest ground was, and I will think about having a room of my own, but for now I want to stay with you." (reply Matthew, room for more iyw) He pointed to the door of the lavatory. "Through there is the toilet and the wash area. I can show you how everything works if you need help." She squeezed his big hand. "So a lavatory is a room where we bathe? What is a toilet?" Arania's eyes widened with wonder. How strange it was that she wouldn't have to use an outside latrine anymore, or hurry into the underbrush. Then something occurred to her. If they were inside a ship and could not go outside to get rid of their bodily wastes for nature to break down... "So where does the waste go?" She asked. (reply Matthew) (posted by Sal) NRPG: Ha! Who knew, huh? The fighting wasn't taking place out among the stars, but right in our own back yards huh? Actually there's a bit of an All My Children isn't there? Oops, I mean.. Start End Credits Music Fleeing from Doenitz's tyranny, the last battleship, Boudicca, leads a rag-tag fugitive fleet of two on a lonely quest for a shining planet known as Earth. -USS Boudicca, NCC 49901 Star Trek: Freedom -