Mission: Swords to Ploughshares, Day 6 Stardate: 2408.05.25 (Planet Tobias 5 - Temple of the Divine Three - PSA Director Marken Bholl - Day 6 - 1515) Marken Bholl strode briskly into the reception area of the Temple and made a beeline for the grand spiral staircase at the far end of the lobby. "Excuse me, Director," called the receptionist after him, "do you have an appointment?" Bholl ignored the receptionist and headed up the steps two at a time. As he reached the first landing he saw the receptionist hurry back to his desk and speak frantically into the intercom. By the time Bholl made it up to the top floor, where the Messenger's suite was, word had reached those present of his arrival, and he was intercepted by a Cardinal and two lesser priests. "Good afternoon, Director Bholl," said the Cardinal cordially. "Do you have an appointment for an audience with the Messenger?" Bholl glared at the other man. "You know full well I don't," he snapped. He opened his mouth to say something uncharitable, but instead simply took a deep breath and took a mental step back. ~The man is only doing his duty,~ he told himself, willing himself to calm down and bring his anger and frustration under control. "I'm sorry, your eminence. Please forgive me, " he said, quite deferentially. "I have a matter of urgent importance to discuss with the Messenger, and I'm afraid it can't wait for the formality of scheduling an appointment." Cardinal Tomax Lemani smiled at the younger man and recalled his own younger days, when all matters seemed urgent and required immediate attention. While Bholl was certainly not a young man, he was still decades younger than Lemani, who was the senior member of the Council of Cardinals and the Messenger's most trusted adviser. "Of course. Forgiveness is our business, after all," he replied with a chuckle. "Perhaps if you tell me of your 'matter of urgent importance', I can take your concerns to the Messenger and she will surely attempt to address them with you as soon as her schedule permits." Bholl sighed, realizing that he had no hope of forcing an immediate audience without the cooperation of Lemani. "Very well, Cardinal. However, this is a highly sensitive matter," he said, with a glance at the younger priests flanking them, "that is perhaps not something to be discussed openly." Lemani nodded sagely. "Of course. Jemail, Stomus, please resume your duties," he said, and the two priests instantly hurried away to the far end of the vast chamber. "Perhaps you will feel comfortable discussing your concerns now?" he asked genially. After a borderline-paranoid glance around, to ensure there were no other priests lurking about, Bholl turned back to the Cardinal. "Cardinal, I have recently learned of the existence an artifact that was entrusted to the care of the church some time ago, supposedly by one of the Gods personally." Bholl allowed himself a small smile at the momentary look of shock that passed across the face of the older man. He paused to consider his words carefully. "While I realize that any benevolence bestowed upon us by the Gods is to be celebrated, we must also consider the possibility that the visitor was not in fact a God, which could make the artifact not a gift of love but a nefarious device of evil intent, sent perhaps even by the Lord of the Black himself. I wish to volunteer my knowledge and expertise to assist in determining the true nature of this artifact." By the time Bholl finished, Lemani had managed to compose himself, but his mind was still staggered by the fact that this man, of all people, had learned of the artifact. Very few in the church even knew of it. "I see..." he said, stalling for time, as he mulled the possibilities. He debated whether to say anything further, in case the man was fishing for confirmation. "If such an artifact did exist," he said carefully, "and has been in our possession for 'some time', as you say, would it not have revealed any such 'evil intent' by now?" Bholl shrugged. "Perhaps not. Perhaps the time for its action has not yet arrived. But whether the artifact arrived yesterday, or a thousand days ago, the threat, and the possibilities, are still the same." Lemani regarded the scientist thoughtfully. "Very well. If you will wait here, I will speak to the Messenger." The Cardinal then turned and headed to the far end of the chamber, where he disappeared through an ornate set of double doors. After a few minutes, he re-emerged and beckoned to Bholl. "The Messenger will see you now," he said. (Planet Tobias 5 - Temple of the Divine Three, Audience Chamber - PSA Director Marken Bholl and Messenger Alora Temarch - Day 6 - 1530) Bholl followed Lemani through the doors into the audience chamber. He had been in the room a few times before, but he never failed to be awed by the grandeur and majesty, especially when compared with his own drab office. He smiled as he and the Cardinal approached the Messenger, and waited for the formal announcement of his arrival and introduction. "Your grace, here is Director Marken Bholl, as requested," said Lemani formally. Alora stood up from her ornate desk, her skin held a sheen of polished silver, and her bronze hair fell past her waist. She stood at a mere five feet two inches tall, but she made up for her youth and stature with determination. She nodded to the Cardinal, who bowed formally then backed out of the room. She looked down at her desk and ran a finger across the cover of her personal copy of the "Chorus of the Three". She said a quick prayer under her breath before looking back up at the director, "Please, take a seat Director, I'm told you have been the victim of a very bad rumor. I am however thankful that you haven't spread them yourself, " Alora said, sitting down in her chair, and folding her hands on the desk in front of her, a small smile on her face. Bholl smiled cordially as he took the offered seat, though the smile did not reach his eyes. "Rumor, eh? Interesting that the source of the rumor -- a fairly high-up priest in your own heirarchy -- became strangely silent after mentioning this so-called artifact, as though he realized that he had said too much." Bholl steepled his fingers before his face and regarded them. "But let us consider the possibility that it is mere rumor. Surely it will not harm us to discuss the hypothetical existence of such a rumored artifact? And to discuss how best to ensure that it is in fact what we were told, and not some trick of the Lord of Black." Bholl had his doubts about the existence of the Lord of Black as well, but it served as an acceptable proxy for a more generic, undefined, extraplanetary threat of ill intent. "Well as this priest of yours, high up or not, was simply talking of things he knew nothing about, I'm not sure why we are even having this conversation. However if you wish to talk hypotheticals, then please explain to me how you would be better able to uncover a trick by the Lord of Black than myself and my Clerics? I hate to be the first to tell you, but your science wouldn't help in that situation, such a situation calls for faith, something you either lack, of let your ego over shadow." Alora said her eyes flashing as the director walked a very fine line. She would have to find out who had spoken out of turn, the favor of the gods could not be sacrificed due to a loose tongue. Bholl raised an eyebrow but otherwise said nothing. He dabbed at his gold-tinted brow with his handkerchief as he considered a different approach. "Forgive me, your grace," he said eventually as he placed his hands before him, palms up. "I did not intend any disrespect. I merely believe that science and faith can and in fact must work together in the face of any threat, either from the Lord of Black or elsewhere. They are complimentary, not contradictory, in nature." As much as it pained him to speak these words, he knew that he must not allow Alora Temarch to view him as an adversary if he had any hope of gaining access to the artifact. "Only by working together can we have the best chance of discovering the true nature of such a ... hypothetical object." Alora rose to her feet, a cold anger rising in her as well, "Be very careful, Director, you walk a fine line. No one, save myself and MY Cardinals, dictate what the church must or must not do. Science may work with Faith, but the moment that Scientific method and goals encourage and bring about blasphemy and slander against the Holy Three, and their agents, the Lord of Black will have won dominion over our souls. It is my solemn duty to defend the heart and souls of the people, and will not any one, let alone a man of who has made up for his lack of faith with an over abundance of ego, jeopardize our place as the Children of the Three," Alora said, her voice cold, quiet and calm. "Rest assured, Director Bholl, should the Church ever be entrusted with an artifact of the Gods, you and your ilk will never lay their faithless hands on it." It wasn't a threat, just a simple promise. Alora had had people try to usurp her power before, she was young, but she was not naive. Her faith was her armor and weapon, and any who stood against the church or the Gods would feel her wrath. Bholl sighed in frustration. "I had feared you might respond in this way. You accuse me of lacking faith, and of being close-minded, but there are two sides to every coin. Perhaps you should consider which of us is truly being the more close-minded. Good day." And with that, Bholl spun on his heel and strode angrily out of the room. Alora watched the man walk away and through the ornate doors. To say she was angry would be like calling the ocean wet, somewhat of an understatement. She balled her fists and thought many uncharitable thoughts, as she worked to regain her composure. She could not risk the director speaking of the artifact openly, but she could not move without the help of her Clerics. Lemani walked into the large room, and glanced at Alora, the paragon of the faith. She was beautiful, both physically and spirtitually. The Church hadn't had a Messenger of Alora's determination in generations, her faith was unyielding, and her youth gave her the energy openly fight the enemies of the church. He was afraid to meet the flashing silver eyes of his leader, afraid to see her judge his soul, afraid he might be found unworthy. Staring at a spot somewhere in front of her desk, he asked with a false confidence, "shall I call a meeting of the Clerics?" "Yes, immediately, and find out who let slip word of the holy artifact to Director Bholl and deal with them. I am not to be disturbed for the next two hours, I must go pray for guidance," she said then turned and walked to an alcove, pushing a hidden button and slipping, quietly through a hidden panel, closing and securing it behind her. (Reply none) (Posted by Aaron and Patrick) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Outside the Temple of the Divine Three - PSA Director Marken Bholl - Day 6 - 1600) Seething, Marken Bholl pulled his short wave radio out of his pocket and consulted the card he always carried with him. He ran his finger down the list of frequencies until he found the one for the President's office, then adjust the dial on the radio to that frequency and pressed the signal button. Shortly, the radio crackled to life with the voice of the President's executive secretary. << Good afternoon, Director Bholl. How can I help you? Over. >> "Good afternoon, Henna," replied Bholl as he waved for a taxi. "I urgently need to speak with the President. Is she available? Over." As Bholl waited for a reply, a taxi pulled up. He waited patiently for the couple inside to emerge, inwardly envying their platinum-hued skin, before hopping into the back seat. At that moment, the radio chirped again. << She is in a meeting at the moment but has an opening in twenty minutes. Shall I put you on her schedule? Over. >> Bholl smiled at the driver who was waiting rather impatiently for his destination. "Executive Tower. There's an extra twenty in it for you if you can get me there in ten minutes." The driver nodded happily, then pulled out into traffic abruptly, tires squealing on the pavement. Once they were safely in the flow of traffic, Bholl pressed the transmit button. "Thank you, Henna. Please do, I'll be there shortly. Over and out." (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1611) Telgar Sallah stood looking out of the window of her office. It was one the lower floor of the triplex penthouse suite; her apartment which she shared with her husband and teenage son occupied the upper two floors. The view over the city of Bhenden was magnificent, and she never tired of looking at it. Sadly she rarely had the time, but after the meeting with the Regional Administrators she needed a few minutes to centre herself. Henna Roos, her executive secretary (who had worked for Telgar since she had been Assistant Regional Administrator for Lhassa Province), entered. "Madam President, I have a change to your schedule. Director Bholl requested an urgent meeting and is on his way over now. He'll be here in," Henna consulted her watch, "Nine minutes." Telgar's copper-coloured eyes, which stood out against the dark pewter of her skin, narrowed slightly. "Thank you, Henna. Any idea what he wants that's so urgent?" Henna Roos shook her head. "No, he didn't say." Telgar sighed, and tucked a strand of her shoulder-length platinum hair behind her ear. "It's a good thing that you put the space programme information in my brief last night. Are you psychic, Henna?" she asked with a small smile as she sat down at her desk. "Never mind," she added. Show the Director in as soon as he arrives. Oh and bring me a jug of hot klahvol, I need something to wake me up after listening to all those RAs. Was I ever such a besom in the clarts as they are?" Henna smiled. "No, Madam President. Not that I recall." Telgar nodded. "That's why I like you so much, Henna. You know all the right answers," she said dryly. "Oh and you'd better bring two glasses in case the Director wants some refreshment too." As the door closed behind Henna, Telgar picked up a stylo and tapped it against her teeth thoughtfully. ~What's on your mind that's so urgent, Marken?~ she wondered. (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, President's Outer Office - PSA Director Marken Bholl - Day 6 - 1620) Bholl walked into the Executive Suite after going through the requisite security checks, and smiled at Henna Roos as he approached the desk where she sat. "Good afternoon Director. Right on time, I see. I'll inform the President that you're here." Bholl smiled. "Thanks." The secretary then went through the door into the President's office, while Bholl walked over to a nearby piece of art, which he regarded absently without actually seeing it. After a few moments, the door opened again and Henna emerged. "The President will see you now." Nodding once, Bholl turned and strode confidently into the President's office. (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah and PSA Director Marken Bholl - Day 6 - 1621) "Good afternoon, Director. Please take a seat," Telgar said pleasantly to the scientist as he strode in. "May I offer you a glass of klahvol?" She indicated the vacuum jug of hot liquid on the tray on her desk. She herself had a half-finished glass of the green liquid beside her, and a second, clean glass stood on the tray beside the jug. Marken Bholl smiled. "Thank you, Madam President," he said cordially as he took the jug and poured himself a glass, then took a seat as indicated. "What's so urgent?" the President asked with a half-smile. "You're not going to tell me your landing on the moon found alien life after all, are you?" she joked. Marken chuckled. "Actually, it's funny you should mention that. I am still going through all the reports and the photographs, but..." He glanced around just to make sure all the doors were sealed. Lowering his voice slightly and leaning forward, he continued. "There are indications that our mission was not the first to land on the moon." The President just stared at the Director. Whatever she had expected, it was certainly not that. "And that's not all," added Marken. "I have heard from a reliable source that the Church was miraculously visited by an 'emissary of the Gods' in recent years, and presented with a mysterious artefact to be placed in the Church's hands for safe keeping." He paused for a moment before lowering his voice even further. "In light of what we discovered on the moon, I have reason to believe that this was no emissary of the Gods, but rather an alien space traveler, and the artefact is in fact some alien device. If that is the case, we could all -- and I mean all of us, everyone on the planet -- be in grave danger." Sallah's eyes widened. Her first instinct was to laugh, but swiftly following that was the realisation that Marken wouldn't request an urgent meeting just to play a joke on her. "How -" her voice came out a little crackly, and she cleared her throat. "How reliable is this source? I have heard nothing of any 'emissary of the gods' or mysterious artifacts!" Marken nodded. "Of course you wouldn't have. My source is a priest with whom I have been friends since we were children together, growing up in the same neighborhood. He has risen to a level of importance in the Church. We were sharing a few drinks the other day to celebrate the moon landing, and he let slip something about it. The fact that he became very evasive about it when I asked him for more information makes me believe that it is not supposed to be known outside the Church, perhaps not even outside the upper echelons." Eyes narrowing, Telgar nodded. "This wouldn't be the first time that Messenger Temarch has kept information from the Hexagonal Office. Nor, I suspect, from you, Director. So what, exactly, did you discover on the moon that leads you to believe that an alien has visited us and - supposing that to be true - that we are in danger?" Marken reached into his pocket and pulled the photograph out of his pocket. He held it out to the President. "This is a photo taken from the lunar lander of the moonscape. Look closely at the pattern imprinted in the lunar dust on the left side. That wasn't done by our lander, but it sure isn't naturally occurring, either." He leaned back as Sallah examined the picture. "Now, if some sort of alien spacecraft has landed on our moon, doesn't it stand to reason that they could have also visited our planet, posing as an emissary of one of our Gods? And left behind some artefact of their highly advanced technology? There are any number of possibilities for what this artefact could do, and many of them that I can think of are not good. What if their goal is to kill us all and strip our planet of its natural resources? What if their goal is to enslave our minds to do their bidding?" Telgar regarded him in silence for a moment as she took in the implications of the picture. "You may be right," she said finally. "It just seems so....... fantastic. Like all those movies they're churning out now. But if you are right....." she paused. "If you even *may* be right, I have to consider the implications for everyone." "I understand that my mind immediately leaped to the worst case scenario," replied Marken with a shrug. "My hope is that these aliens, if indeed this is what they are, are benevolent and peaceful and only wish to help us. But I'm afraid we cannot take the chance that their motives are good. And we cannot blindly believe that we were simply visited by an emissary of the Gods, and given a holy artefact for 'safe keeping', when scientific evidence indicates that there is another possibility. But oh no, Alora Temarch wouldn't hear of it." Marken leaned forward again. "I went to visit her, you know. To tell her what I had found, to insist that I be allowed to examine this artefact, to ensure that it is not in fact some weapon or other grave threat to us. But her close-minded zeal has blinded her to all but the one explanation that fits with her dogma. To consider another possibility is heresy to her." He sighed. "I hope she's right. Because if she's not..." He let his voice trail off. Telgar sighed. "To be honest I don't know which is worse. An emissary from the gods or aliens." She wasn't sure she really believed in either, but the photograph certainly seemed to show *something* and even if Marken hadn't seen the artefact it presumably existed. On the other hand... "Are you sure that this isn't just some elaborate hoax?" she asked. "Remember the 'alien spacecraft' footage that turned out to be made in someone's cellar? And the Lake Tcheen monster, that turned out to be the inner-tubes of car tyres joined together on an underwater raft?" Marken shook his head. "I know for a fact this photograph is straight from the lander. I followed the data trail myself. And there's no way anyone else from this planet could have launched a moon landing without our knowing about it. It's simply not possible. Whatever this is in the photograph, it is real. Now, as to whether or not this artefact actually exists... as I said, my evidence is admittedly hearsay and would certainly not stand up in court. But even the possibility of such an artefact existing, and the implications thereof, are in my opinion to great to simply ignore or brush aside. That is why I saw Alora Temarch earlier, and that is why I am here now." The President steepled her fingers. Her head was beginning to ache with the potential ramifications. "You were right to do so," she said slowly. "But I think the first thing we need to do is ascertain the existence or otherwise of this 'artefact'. If you were permitted to examine it, could you tell if it were indeed of extraterrestrial origin?" Not, she realised, that that would convince Alora Temarch that it wasn't a gift of the gods. It would likely only convince her that she had indeed been entrusted with a wondrous artefact. Marken nodded. "I believe so," replied the scientist. "If it were made of some kind of metallic alloy that is unknown to us, or it has some technological component beyond our means, then that would be such evidence. I do have equipment and techniques that could be used to thoroughly examine the artefact, even down to the molecular level. But, as you say, the first thing would be to determine that the artefact does indeed exist, and then to get it into my posession... with, or without, the approval or cooperation of the Church." Telgar snorted. "You don't ask for much, do you. The University is still seeking permission to carbon-date the Veil of Tresan, and have been for the last ten years. All *they* want is a couple of threads. *You* want the whole artefact." She stood up and looked out of the window. So many people, and she was responsible for all of them. At least until the next election. "What is it you want from me?" she asked. Marken grinned. "Your help. There are two approaches I can think of. One is the diplomatic approach, which is something you would be better suited for than I. The other is the more clandestine approach, to which your Secret Service is uniquely qualified, I would say." Telgar turned at that, and gave Marken a twisted smile. "That would be the secret service that does not, of course, exist. Yes, I think you are right. It is time that the Messenger learned that the day of religion dominating our every belief and law has gone. It is not she that rules this planet but the Council of Representatives and me. However, I will try diplomacy first. Many of the people are still loyal to the old beliefs." ~Too many~ she thought. "If that fails... we will try the other alternative." "Sounds like an excellent plan, Madam President," said Marken. "I look forward to hearing the results of your efforts." Telgar nodded. "I'll let you know," she said. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Marken. Although thank you seems an odd phrase for being handed a ticking bomb." Marken smirked. "Let's hope your analogy does not prove to be particularly apt," he said as he rose from his seat. "Have a pleasant afternoon, and thank you again for seeing me on such short notice." Telgar inclined her head graciously. "You too, Director." She waited until he had left her office and had time to leave the outer office too. Then she pressed the buzzer on her desk that would summon Henna. "Yes, Madam President?" "Please inform Messenger Temarch that she has an appointment with me tomorrow morning at 9 am. Once you have done that, inform Commander Vaylen that he has an appointment with me this afternoon at 1800. I have a job for the Information Service. Oh, and inform my husband and son that I will be late home." "Yes, Madam President." Henna left the Hexagonal Office and Telgar turned back to look out of the window. (Reply Vaylen, Temarch, any) (Posted by Aaron Scifres and Liz Geuken) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, President's Outer Office- Commander Tobin Vaylen- Day 6 - 1755) Commander Tobin Vaylen, decorated war hero, expert in espionage and covert operations, was not new to these offices. He had visited them on several occasions. His current base of operations, his office five floors down in this very building were decorated by the awards, medals and certificates that three Presidents had bestowed upon him for his role in absolutely nothing that he could discuss with anyone. Tobin was, officially, nothing more than a low-level clerk, working for a third rate assistant deputy minister of something equally useless. His day, should it be noticed and observed, consisted of mindless data entry and churning out bureaucratic reports that were in fact never sent to anyone. He had no girlfriend, no pets, no hobbies other than reading books and buying clothes that were at least two-years out of style, yet to see him you would never guess that he was one of the most knowledgeable men in the world, with access to information that only a handful of people in the entire world could view. When he was summoned to the president's office, as he was on occasion, he never took the direct route, instead, he always used the private elevator that was reserved for such things. He arrived dressed plainly, in a pair of slacks that were a little too short for his 5-foot 9-inch height, a white vertical striped button-up collared shirt and his clip on neck tie, which clashed terribly with the rest of his attire. He wore eyeglasses, although he did not need them, filled with clear glass lenses and kept his hair parted to the left. He wore white socks with his black loafers. He was always pleased when people made some off-color comment about the geek or his attire, that meant that they were doing exactly what he wanted them to do- underestimate him. But in the presence of the president, any awkwardness that he normally portrayed, flew out the door. There he stood up straight and took on an air of confidence that he didn't dare show anywhere else. Here he was his true-self an man that could kill you with twenty different items in a common room. Elsewhere he was a clerk with low self-esteem and hardly noticeable. As was always the case, Vaylen was smiling when he exited the elevator and entered the president's outer office. He would by-pass all the security measures as was normal, since he had helped develop them, and could not afford to be seen even by the president's security officers. He smiled as he noticed Henna sitting at her desk smiling up at him. She and the President were only two people among a very select few who actually knew who he was. Even the members of his own organization thought him just another clerk, when, in fact, he was their director. "Good Evening Henna, You look as lovely as ever." he said smiling to her," is the president ready to see me immediately or shall I wait?" "Thank you commander." she replied smiling, "Right on time, I see. I'll inform the President that you're here." Tobin smiled and nodded and took a look around the room while he waited for the president to see him. After a few moments, the door opened to the president's office opened for a second time and Henna emerged. "The President will see you now." Tobin smiled, nodded and moved across the room and into the president's office. (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office- Commander Tobin Vaylen- Day 6 - 1800) At exactly 1800 hours the door to the office closed and Tobin Vaylen was alone with the most powerful woman in the world. He strode confidently across the floor until he reached the area where she kept the chairs for her important guests, where he stopped. She was looking out of the windows at the city below. This one fact told Tobin, that whatever it was that was bothering the President was extremely troubling. He stood silently waiting for her to speak first, knowing that when she was ready that she would begin the meeting. (reply President Telgar Sallah) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office- President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1801) Telgar heard the door close, and knew that Vaylen was in the room, even though she hadn't heard him enter. "I need some information, Commander," she said without turning around. "Unusual information." She turned around and regarded him for a moment. "I have heard rumours that the Church of the Three has an... artefact which it acquired a few years ago, very possibly during the incumbency of the previous Messenger, allegedly from an Emissary of the Gods. I need to know three things. One, does such an artefact exist; two, if so, what exactly it is and when and how it appeared; and three, is it possible to gain access to it. Note, I do not wish you to gain access to it... yet." For a brief moment, she wondered if Vaylen knew of her personal lack of belief in the gods. ~Of course he does. It's his job to know everything.~ It was a secret she guarded very jealously. If it became known her position would be tenuous at best, and so she was meticulous in her observance of all the forms of the religion. Belief in the gods and in Alora Temarch as their Messenger was absolute for most of the population. The wonder was that they didn't live in a theocracy, although Telgar considered that to all intents and purposes they might as well. And yet the Church was, whilst retaining a seat on the Council, officially non-political. She could not accuse Alora Temarch of interfering in secular affairs, certainly not overtly. (Reply Vaylen) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office- Commander Tobin Vaylen- Day 6 - 1802) "I need some information, Commander," she said without turning around. "Unusual information." "Of course Madame President, What is it that you would like to know?" "I have heard rumors that the Church of the Three has an... artifact which it acquired a few years ago, very possibly during the incumbency of the previous Messenger, allegedly from an Emissary of the Gods. I need to know three things. One, does such an artifact exist; two, if so, what exactly it is and when and how it appeared; and three, is it possible to gain access to it. Note, I do not wish you to gain access to it... yet." "Madame, President, with all due respect if I answer these questions for you, there will be no accountable deniability if the Church of the Holy Three should call forth an inquisition against you. The Church has after all, called inquisitions for much less infractions." He took a step closer to her, "I am here to protect you as much as serve you. If you really want to know the answer, I will of course provide it, but I will not be able to protect you if things should go poorly in this matter. It is my opinion that Alora is a zealot, and despite the fact that we have seen no evidence of significant power plays by her, there is no telling whether involvement in this incident may push her into a dangerous position, where she may react with righteous anger rather than have any of this information pass into your hands." he warned. (reply President Telgar Sallah) "Very well," he replied. "I knew this day would come, it was only a matter of time before word of it reached you, so let me disclose what I know to you completely." Vaylen stepped forward and pressed a button inset in the table. The reel to reel tape that recorded every conversation in the president's office for posterity had now been switched off. He took a deep breath and slid his slightly copper colored hair out of his face. He removed his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment before continuing. "Madame president, four years ago this world was visited by an individual claiming to be an emissary of the gods. This being was clearly not of Tobian descent, indeed, we do not know of what descent he originated. What we do know is that one of our ground bases performing lunar visual studies observed something unusual. Some sort of unidentified object was seen landing on our moon and was later tracked We know that that source was tracked to the surface of the our moon and that later was tracked to a location roughly twenty Mosas from here." "By the time that we arrived, the visitor was long gone, but there was evidence that he had been here. We took a number of photographs of the suspected landing site and took samples of everything in the area. We determined a few things from this forensics evidence. First that there was an incredibly powerful although unidentified power source in use there at a recent point in the past. It was the only explanation that we could come to since there was no physical disturbance of the local area by rockets or jets. Nor was there any radiation. Secondly that we know the exact dimensions of the device that arrived there, which we believe to have been a very advanced spacecraft of unknown origins and that someone met with this visitor while they were here." "Since then, I have directed several assets at my disposal to getting to the bottom of this mystery. We even covertly arranged for the landing site of our first lunar lander. The photographs taken there confirm that the depressions we found match those at the landing site three years ago. They are exact." "A few years ago we put into place a detailed plan to turn certain members of the Church who were less than pure into information courses for the service. The hope was to finally establish some in-roads that could be used for intelligence gathering within the church hierarchy. This was relatively successful, and we have managed to turn one very valuable member of the faith as well as several dozen lesser ones, to our needs. Through the course of their employment with us, we have managed to collect a series of informational tidbits that point definitively to the existence of such an artifact." "What little information we have is very difficult to piece together, but we do know a few key facts. We know where the device is located. We know what the device looks like from a singular description that we received from a source and we know that it's whereabouts are known to only a very few individuals. We do not know what it does if anything." "If we were to acquire it, it would be a difficult operation, but one that has been in planning for the last two years. If we move to acquire this artifact, we will be in direct opposition to the Church. We will lose a very valuable intelligence asset within her upper echelons and your position and life could be at great risk. If you want this artifact acquired, I believe it can be done, but at great expense in both monies and lives because of it's complexity. There is simply no way to know how members of the church would react to our actions in this matter." "As for the source of the device's origins. We know almost nothing. We know only that it is rumored that the visitor wore sun shades to protect it's eyes from the sun." (reply President Telgar Sallah) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1803) "I am here to protect you as much as serve you," Vaylen said. "If you really want to know the answer, I will of course provide it, but I will not be able to protect you if things should go poorly in this matter. It is my opinion that Alora is a zealot, and despite the fact that we have seen no evidence of significant power plays by her, there is no telling whether involvement in this incident may push her into a dangerous position, where she may react with righteous anger rather than have any of this information pass into your hands." "Thank you for your advice, Commander, but I still wish you to answer my questions," the President said calmly, sitting behind her desk. Before doing so, Vaylen turned off the recording device in the Hexagonal Office. Then he told her what he knew. The extent of it astounded Telgar, and she listened in silence, though not without a frown gathering on her forehead. Vaylen told her that he knew, beyond doubt, that their world had been visited four years ago by someone who claimed to be an emissary of the gods. He added that traces had been found at the supposed landing site which corresponded exactly with those found on the moon by Bholl's mission. He went on to say that his department had suborned certain members of the Church of the Three, from whom they had ascertained information which seemed to confirm the existence of an artefact which allegedly had been entrusted by the emissary to the Church for safe-keeping. He added that they also knew the location of the device and had a rough description of it, but that was the extent of their knowledge. "If we were to acquire it, it would be a difficult operation, but one that has been in planning for the last two years. If we move to acquire this artefact, we will be in direct opposition to the Church. We will lose a very valuable intelligence asset within her upper echelons and your position and life could be at great risk. If you want this artefact acquired, I believe it can be done, but at great expense in both monies and lives because of it's complexity. There is simply no way to know how members of the church would react to our actions in this matter," Vaylen stated. "As for the source of the device's origins. We know almost nothing. We know only that it is rumoured that the visitor wore sun shades to protect it's eyes from the sun." He stopped speaking and Telgar remained silent for a moment. Many thoughts were competing in her mind for expression, and eventually she spoke. "I do not wish at this time to act in direct opposition to the Church of the Three," she said. "Messenger Temarch will be meeting with me tomorrow and I hope that fact that the existence of the artefact has become known despite her best efforts to keep the matter a Church one will persuade her to be open with me." She was not as convinced as she sounded that that would be the case, but even the President of Tobias V was not sure that in a head to head confrontation between Church and State that the State would win. The Church was very popular with the mass of the population, and rightly so for the good works they did. Even Sallah was prepared to acknowledge that, and even to be grateful for it despite her own scepticism as to the existence of the gods. So she preferred to try the open approach first, hoping to take Alora sufficiently by surprise that she would agree to let Marken examine the object. "Should I fail in that, I will reconsider but I do not wish you to do anything about it now." Telgar looked at Vaylen closely. "However, Commander, I do have one more question for you. On what grounds did you keep this information secret from the elected President of the people?" (Reply Vaylen) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office- Commander Tobin Vaylen- Day 6 - 1804) After a few moments of silence, the president finally replied. "I do not wish at this time to act in direct opposition to the Church of the Three," she said. "Messenger Temarch will be meeting with me tomorrow and I hope that fact that the existence of the artifact has become known despite her best efforts to keep the matter a Church one will persuade her to be open with me." "Should I fail in that, I will reconsider but I do not wish you to do anything about it now." Vaylen nodded indicating that he understood. Telgar looked at Vaylen closely. "However, Commander, I do have one more question for you. On what grounds did you keep this information secret from the elected President of the people?" "Nothing short of a presidential order Madam President. Your predecessor, president Daleen, was a stout supporter of the church. When he was informed of this issue he ordered that the information be kept under wraps and that it not be given, even to future presidents unless that president asked." He tipped his head. "I have kept to the letter of that Presidential Order madam president, as I believed it was the right thing to do. I think that president Daleen was worried that the presidents that followed him might try to use the knowledge to create a confrontation between the church and the state. At the time there were already secret rumblings about limiting the powers of the church. And I believe that it was his belief that if proponents of such measures were to become aware of this artifacts existence, that they may cause significant problems within our society." "I make no excuses for my actions." he added. (reply Sallah) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1807) Vaylen told Telgar that he had not informed her of the artefact nor the possible alien landing on Tobias V because he had been ordered to keep silent on the subject by the former President, Daleen. Daleen, a devout follower of the Divine Three and a staunch supporter of the Church, had feared the knowledge might be used to create a rift between Church and State, and had issued the Presidential Order in an attempt to prevent that happening. It seemed to Telgar that Daleen had been a short-sighted man. Nothing was more likely to create rifts and misunderstandings than secrets of this magnitude. And whilst she would very much like to limit the power of the Church she was also a pragmatist and knew it wouldn't be accomplished overnight, and certainly not by charging in like a bull in a china shop. She looked at Vaylen. "No excuses needed, Commander. However, I would like to know if there is anything else being kept from me? Consider it a Presidential Order to reveal it, if there is," she added with a humourless smile. She understood why he had followed the Order of her predecessor but thought it was invidious that it should have been made in the first place. (reply Vaylen) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office- Commander Tobin Vaylen- Day 6 - 1808) "I make no excuses for my actions." he added. She looked at Vaylen. "No excuses needed, Commander. However, I would like to know if there is anything else being kept from me? Consider it a Presidential Order to reveal it, if there is," she added with a humorless smile. "There are a few other matters, Madame president, concerning connections between the Information service and some of the more heretical sects of the church. We have been in discussions with certain members of various sects for a couple of years. Our work has been to aid them in remaining beneath the notice of the church. In this manner we have assisted them in avoiding prosecution from the Church authorities and garnered some very useful allies." "This friendship is directly related to the plans in place to acquire the artifact. Key members of these sects have been given training and military service, including infiltration training. We have made it very clear that there would be no militant use of the skills that we have taught them, and thus far, we have had no problems." "We monitor all the various members of the sects in question very closely although we have several established layers between those assets and our own government." "There are a few other things, perhaps. I shall put together an intelligence brief for you Madam President." (reply Sallah) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1810) "There are a few other things, perhaps. I shall put together an intelligence brief for you Madam President." "Thank you, Commander, I would appreciate that," the President said, a little irony in her tone. Before she'd been elected President - in fact, until today - Telgar had believed that the President was kept fully informed of everything. Now she was beginning to wonder what else she hadn't been told. ~Before long I'll be seeing plots and conspiracies at every turn~ she thought grimly. "That is all for now then, Commander. I will expect a full brief to be delivered to me by nine o'clock tomorrow morning." (reply Vaylen) When the head of her Intelligence Service had left, Telgar put her head in her hands. ~What in the name of all the gods is going on on here? Who else is keeping something from me? Henna? Delenn? Marken Bholl at least seems open enough. Alora Temarch is another question. Where her Church is concerned she's as tight as a cloyster-fish.~ She opened the notebook in which she was keeping notes of her time in office. There would of course come a time when she wasn't in office and then these notes would form the basis of what she hoped would be a lucrative best-seller. ~Enough to endow a science Academy perhaps~ she thought as she began to transcribe her meetings with Bholl and Vaylen. ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - Commander Vaylen - Day 6 - 1814) "Thank you, Commander, I would appreciate that," the President said, a little waspish bite to her voice. "That is all for now then, Commander. I will expect a full brief to be delivered to me by nine o'clock tomorrow morning." "I will see to it personally, Madame president. And as requested, I will prepare but not initiate any missions concerning the procurement of the artifact. Should you change your mind in the matter, simply let me know and I will tend to it immediately." The commander of the Information Services turned and left the office of the president. He smiled at her personal assistant as he headed for the elevator that led down to his office. ~I guess for once I called the ball wrong.~ he thought as he rode down in silence. (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Information Services Office - Commander Vaylen - Day 6 - 1819) Vaylen walked through the empty foyer of the clerical department of the Information Services Offices. The offices were quiet, as the clerks and analysts had long ago left for the night. He stopped and fished a key ring holding three keys from his pocket and used each of them to unlock a different lock. Once he had unlocked the door he stepped over the threshold and into the office. A quick glance across room told him that everything was exactly as he had left it. He took several long thorough minutes to sweep the room with a hand-held radio wave detector the size of a small briefcase. Finding nothing, he smiled and went to a drawer in a non-descript filing cabinet. There, he unlocked the lowest drawer and pulled it open. Inside was a cardboard box, which he removed and carried over to his desk. There he sat down in his heavy leather chair and opened his desk drawer. He pulled out a small crystal tumbler and a bottle of Whiskey. He poured himself two fingers of whiskey. recapped the bottle and drowned the contents of the glass. He then replaced the bottle in the drawer and pushed it closed. He sat for a few minutes looking at the box, wondering if he should open it at all. He nodded to himself and finally decided that he should. He took a deep breath, and opened the flaps of the box. With a smooth movement he removed the newspaper wrapped contents and sat it on his desk. A moment later he had carefully stripped away the wrappings and left them piled neatly on the corner of the desk. Before him, on his desk, sat a very accurate replica of the artifact held deep in the vaults of the central temple. The replica was constructed as a result of four years and 2,000 photographs. The source that had been persuaded to provide the information had been provided with a miniature camera, which in turn had been used to photograph the artifact from every conceiveable angle. A model had been built from a material that was visually and magnetically indistinguishable from the original. It had been specially treated to make it appear ancient and it was an incredibly accurate model. Whenever Vaylen would look at it, he could imagine a piece of himself making contact with that mysterious alien visitor. As if there was a strange kinship bourne out of the simple act of touching the artifact or it's replica. It had always been his intention to swap the replica that sat before him on his desk with the real thing. Plans had been made, pieces on the espionage chessboard moved and gambits arranged. Now he had to put it all on hold. Despite his personal feelings, the President no longer had deniability and she was a good woman. Vaylen couldn't possibly betray her. He rewrapped the device in the newsprint and replaced it in his cardboard box. He then picked up the box and secured it. This time, however, he locked in a safe alongside rather than return it to the filing cabinet. He needed to call off a few operations before things went too far. He picked up the receiver of the phone, and unscrewed it. He checked both the earpiece and the mouth piece for unwanted electronics. He had long agao removed the plastic covering from the body and so could see all the internal workings of the rotary device. Satisfied, he reassembled the handset and dialed a short three digit number on the dial. //Switchboard// a voice answered. "Connect me to Century City 4561" he replied. //One moment.// There were a series of clicks on the line as the switchboard operator made the connections. then there was a distant ringing sound at the other end of the line. The phone rang three times before it was answered. The man on the other end was twice removed from Vaylen, although he thought that the man who acted as the face man between them and Vaylen were one and the same. //Hello// "Hello Brother Arbith" he said, using the prearranged code to authenticate who he was. //Hello Brother Casgan// came the reply; it was a response to the encoded challenge that Vaylen had just used. That meant that both men were who they claimed to be and that neither was under duress. "There has been an unexpected change in our plans for the pilgrimage brother." Vaylen said, "it seems my mother would like me to wait a while and help her around the house. We'll need to reschedule." There was a grunt on the end of the line as the man acknowledged his coded message. //Do we know when would be a good time to undertake the pilgrimage?// he asked. "Not yet, there is quite a bit of work to be done here, but I suspect we will be able to go soon. please call the others and tell them that we will meet the priests at another time. Send word to your father that we will reschedule as soon as possible. Tell him not to worry, we will go soon." vaylen instructed. //I understand. I look forward to your call soon, Brother.// "I look forward to calling you soon. May the three watch over and guide you." //And you as well.// There was a click as the line was disconnected. Vaylen hung up the receiver and started putting together the classified documents and the briefing notes that he would take to the President's Office in the morning. She had asked for complete disclosure, and so that is what she would get. Vaylen suspected that she would be slightly outraged by the preparations he had made, but would later realize how important they had been. he just hoped that he had a job and was alive when it was all over. (reply none) (posted by Daniel Greene) ---------- (Planet Tobias 5 - Temple of the Divine Three - Messenger Alora Temarch - 1800) Prayer always calmed her nerves, brought peace to her thoughts. Many people said that Alora was a cold person, that she ran the church without feeling or care for the world around her, those people were wrong. Alora was far from cold, her faith burned inside of her. She cared deeply for the people of the world, their plights and their pains were hers as well. The church sponsored good works across the globe. The Order of Saint Tem alone ran hundreds of hospitals offering free medicine to those in need, the Percarian Order operated schools in troubled areas were others feared to go, their faith their only armor against the violence that plagued some of those areas. Alora knew, however, how her faith made her appear, how her single mindedness made her less friendly, especially following in the wake of the Previous Messengers very grandfatherly attitude towards the people, but those people who thought less of her didn't know her, didn't know how much she loved, how much she sacrificed for her faith. She left the chamber that held the artifact and secured the heavy doors behind her, triple checking the locks and security devices, nodding to the two high priests who stood watch, their faith nearly as deep as hers. She made her way back through her office then out into the main area of worship, few minor initiates and priests mixed with the spattering of citizens that were in the temple at that hour. All bowed deeply to her as she moved through the large area. A young woman wept at the feet of a Statue of Yeltendy, her brass colored skin streaked with tears. It was only those who did not know Alora that said she had no heart. Alora stopped next to the woman and looked down, she was young, younger than Alora by about a decade at most, somewhere in the mid twenties. "Child," Alora said softly, placing her hand on the woman's shaking shoulders, only managing to startle her. "What brings such tears to your eyes?" The young woman looked up at Alora, shock written on her face, cause no doubt by The Messenger's presence, but the shock wore off quickly and she answered. "My daughter," the woman said, "she's sick, you Grace. They just moved her here from the Temtar city Children's hospital. They tell me she might not make it to six months. I...I just didn't..." the woman started to say before breaking back into silent tears once again. "You show your faith in the Three by beseeching their help here, but do not loose faith in the doctors that care for your daughter. Just as I was placed here by the Gods to care for your spirit, those doctors were also placed here by the gods to care for the body. However we will pray together, so that Yeltendy might hear our voices better," Alora said, resting her hand on the woman's head. "What is your daughter's name?" "Savaya, Your Grace. Oh thank you so much." The woman said. Alora hushed the woman, "Do not thank me, I am merely the Messenger of the God's will," Alora said before closing her eyes. "God of the Mountains and Oceans, we call to you this day and ask your grace be bestowed upon the Child Savaya. Her fragile and innocent life hangs in the balance. She is new to this world and we ask that she be given the chance to fully experience the wonder that the Three have given us, here. Please, as you care for your children, take special care of Savaya, and grant her Doctors the strength and wisdom to preserve her new formed life." Alora said. She prayed with the Mother for another 15 minutes, leading her through the Children's Prayer, as well as a Prayer to Saint Tem for his assistance. When she stood up, even her eyes were wet with tears. The woman thanked her as she left her. She turned to see Cardinal Lemani standing a respectful distance away with another Priest. As Alora moved towards Lemani, the Priest bowed quickly to her then moved to the mother's side. "We heard you talking with the Mother, Orman will pray with her as long as the Mother needs, and will take her back to the hospital when she is ready." Lemani said as the two walked towards the side of the temple. "You should also know, that the President's office called, and I quote, you have a meeting with the President tomorrow at 9am. Should I schedule your meeting with the Clerics for 9am tomorrow?" Lemani asked with a slight smile. Alora had to fight down the urge to cruse the president. "How dare she try and dictate my schedule. Inform her office, that if she wishes my advice, she can request a meeting, but she does not get to dictate when and where I will be," Alora whispered. "Yes, schedule the Clerics meeting for tomorrow morning an inform the President's office that I can see her at 1300 hours, or not at all for the next few days," She glared anywhere but at Lemani's face, he was too kind to her to deserve even the extra rage fueled by those who tried her patience. He was a good man, not much older than she was, and he looked out for her best interests with a passion. After a few moments of calming down, she looked back at Lemani, patient as ever. "I'm going to go back to the Residence for the evening, if you need me, you can find me there." Lemani simply smiled and bowed, "Have a good evening and pleasant dreams, Your Grace," He said quietly as he opened the door to the passage that lead from the temple to the garden out back which connected the Temple to her Residence. "And to you as well, Tomax. You do sleep, don't you?" Alora asked with a smile as she moved through the door. "When the mood strikes me your Grace, good night." He said as he secured the door behind her. ---------- (Planet Tobias 5 - Messenger's Residence - Messenger Alora Temarch - 1845) Alora secured the door behind her and turned on the lights. Her house was old and large, too large for her tastes. Most Messengers weren't elected until their fifties and consequently had families to consider when moving into the Residence, but Alora had been elected at the age of Thirty two. She had been a priest at the age of twenty, and her zeal had her elevated to Cleric at the age of twenty seven. The former Messenger had taken her under his wing, and she'd served as the Cleric in charge of the Temple of the Divine Three, never far from the Elderly man's side. He'd made it clear to his council that Alora was placed in the world with a special purpose, and had made it clear that he felt she would be his successor. Apparently the Council had believed him, and Alora had been elected as the youngest Messenger in known history. Her exceedingly fast rise through the ranks, however, had left her very little time for a personal life, and part of her regretted it. Her only family were her parents and older brother, whom she rarely saw. Her advisers would talk of their children, or in the case of some of the older Priests and Clerics, their grandchildren. Her personal secretary's wife had given birth to twins six months ago. A fire had been laid in the fireplace in the living room, and she quietly lit it, before looking at the picture of her brother on the mantle. He was a colonel in the military, stationed half way around the globe. She sighed and walked away from the mantle as the room filled with the dancing of fire light. She undid the braid she kept her bronze hair in, running her fingers through it as she let it fall loose around her shoulders. She whistled a short rising note as she moved across the room, and was rewarded with the sound of tiny claws clicking on the stone stairs. "There you are Grin, did I catch you napping?" she asked as the small furry mammal entered the room and would around her ankles, mewling at her in response. She sat down on the sofa, Grin settling in beside her, and pulled a paperback book out of the drawer in the end table. A pulp mystery, it was a guilty pleasure, one she'd had since school. She was sure it would raise eyebrows if someone found out that the Messenger liked reading the stories of the private investigator Yellan Ramach, but she had yet to find a piece of scripture that said the only book the Messenger was allowed with the Word of the Three, and until she found that passage, she'd keep reading. (Reply None necessary) (Posted by Patrick D.) ---------- (Planet Tobias V - Executive Tower, Hexagonal Office - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 1900) Telgar had finished making her notes of the meeting with Vaylen and had locked the notebook away in her safe. She picked up the pile of folders containing the briefs she had to read that evening and placed them in her briefcase and was about to leave when the door to her office opened and her personal assistant, Henna, appeared. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Madam President, but I have just received a communication from the Messenger's Office." Henna looked at little flustered, and Telgar raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" was all she said. "The Messenger regrets but a prior engagement precludes her from meeting with you at 0900. She can, however, meet with you at 1300, if that would be convenient." Henna looked anywhere but at Telgar as she spoke. Telgar sighed. Not only did she know Henna well, but the message did not sound as though Alora had phrased it. "What did they really say?" she asked. "You might as well tell me; if you don't, I'm sure Messenger Temarch will." Henna looked irresolute for a moment, and then said quietly, "The exact words were: tell the President that if she wishes the advice of the Messenger, she can request a meeting but she does not get to dictate when and where the Messenger will be. The Messenger will either see the President at 1300 hours or not at all for the next few days." Telgar's eyes flashed with anger and for a moment she was so incandescent with rage that she couldn't speak. ~How *dare* she!~ "You can tell the Messenger with my compliments that it is not -" She broke off, her better judgement having asserted itself. "- a problem and that 1300 is not convenient for me. I regret she has not the time to discuss a matter of religious as well as planetary importance but I understand her wish to remain removed from matters of state. Unfortunately since the matter is somewhat urgent I will therefore reluctantly have to forgo seeking her advice and act in whatever way is revealed to me by the Divine Three, whose advice I will seek tonight. Once you have sent that message, order my car for 1930 to take me to the Temple in time for the evening service. I will let my husband and son know now." Henna looked worried, but knew better than to argue when the President was in such a mood. "Yes, Madam President," she said. (Reply any, none) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (Tobias V - Temple of the Divine Three - President Telgar Sallah - Day 6 - 2030) It would be inaccurate to say that the President never missed a service, but she was meticulous about attending every Third-day - the day of the week set aside for devotions. Today was not a Third-day but Telgar made a habit of attending the odd service on other days of the week. No one would have cause to doubt her devotion to the gods through any remission on her part. She knew she was a hypocrite, though. She had no devotion and no belief, not since she had watched her mother - a truly devout woman - die slowly and painfully despite all the prayers of herself and her family for relief. Not a cure - she had never asked for that (although 13 year old Telgar had) - but for a merciful release from the pain and a quick death. That hadn't happened; her mother had wasted away bit by bit for long months, her body racked with pain that not even the strongest drugs available could entirely dull. Telgar had to admit that the priests had been nothing but supportive, alongside the medical profession, even to the point of agreeing that a lethal dosage of painkillers was not only merciful but desirable. So her mother had eventually died, as much poisoned by the drugs given to relieve her pain as killed by the disease itself. But the gods - the gods had done *nothing* and for that, Telgar could not forgive them. Nor could she bring herself to believe in them any more. Her mother hadn't asked for a miracle, only for a swift and merciful death. And if the gods existed at all, they had ignored her. Yet the Church claimed that the gods cared about the people and would answer their prayers; but the gods had remained deaf and blind to the pleas not only of Telgar and her family, but the priests who had prayed with them too. So, to the teenage Telgar, that was proof that the gods didn't exist and she'd seen nothing since to convince her otherwise. Above all, Telgar was a pragmatist. Even as a teenager she had not wanted to advertise her scepticism - she'd seen what had happened to the boy in the year above her at school who had openly declared his unbelief. He had been shunned by the majority of his fellow-students - more, Telgar suspected, out of a wish not to be associated with his unbelief than out of malice. A few of the more missionary-minded students had attempted to bring him back to the fold (an apt phrase, Telgar felt, since to her most believers were like the herd-beasts that bleated and followed the leader blindly, even off the face of a cliff) but they had not succeeded. She'd walked past the table in the refectory at school where he sat alone, shunned by the others, and caught his eyes. He'd seemed to look right into her and she knew from the way he gave her a small, sympathetic smile that he knew that she shared his opinion of the gods. She'd looked away, scared to be ostracised along with him, and when she'd looked back, wondering if she could scrape up the courage to join him, he'd shrugged and looked back down at his tray. The moment had gone and she'd moved on to take a seat at another table. Later, when she knew that she wanted a career in politics, Telgar had been glad that she'd not revealed her scepticism. No one who wanted to be elected could afford to be a non-believer. It wasn't that the Church would openly condemn such a person, it was more that the people would reject them in favour of a more devout candidate who they felt would have the favour of the gods. So, decades later, here she was. President of the planet. And somehow, the fact that she'd made it this far only bolstered her lack of belief. Yet to safe-guard her position she still attended services, still kept up the appearance of devotion to the gods. Even, as on this occasion, appearing to ask their guidance. The service being over, she had retired alone to a side-chapel, ordering her bodyguard to remain outside. "For who," she had said when he objected, "would dare to risk the wrath of the gods by committing an act of violence in this holy place? And besides, the Temple has its own guards. I'll be perfectly safe, and no doubt a priest will come to pray with me." She half-hoped Alora Temarch might come out of curiosity, but accepted that was unlikely. One of her acolytes, perhaps even Lemani himself. Time would tell and if no one came, then at least her presence seeking the aid of the gods would not have gone unremarked. (Reply Vaylen, Any at the Temple, any) (Posted by Liz) ---------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO - Captain Susan Rivers - 1900) Susan leant against the back of the sofa and drank the last of her Idaanian tea before she began to record her log entry. "Captain's log, Stardate 2408.05.25.1900. "I've been on board the Boudicca nearly a week now, and what a week it's been! My first day here, Ensign Niles George, the TAC/ASC, was abducted by a group of criminals bent on destroying the ship. Somehow they had bugged the Ready Room and learned of our mission to recover and deactivate the device Zach Falthgood had hidden in the Tobias System. Their plan was to trigger it and destroy both the ship and the system in one go. Fortunately the plot was discovered when Ensign George was rescued. The four conspirators are currently in the ship's Brig and will be handed over to the authorities on our return to Federation space. "Day two was quieter, the biggest excitement was the party in the Holodeck organised by Dorga and Shadow. It was a good evening, enjoyed by all who attended, and I was able to offer the position of Bar Manager, left vacant by the departure of Mei Ling, to Arania McLaren. She promised to think it over after talking it through with Matthew. I feel badly for Matt, the injuries he sustained on the last mission have meant he has had to give up the position of CEO. His replacement, Bob Lorimar, is a good officer however, and I have every confidence in his ability to lead the Engineering department as well if not better than Matt did. I offered Matt a position in the ATT department under Lt Commander Zzt, and look forward to seeing what he will accomplish there. "I spent most of the third day getting to know my senior staff a little better; it took most of the day to go round all the departments but I feel it was worth it. We are going to need to work closely together to ensure the success of our mission. Arania also informed me that she had decided to accept the position in Ten Forward, and I look forward to seeing what she will do with the place. "For the last few days, the senior staff and their chosen assistants have been working on a way to safely deactivate and ultimately destroy the device. We are also preparing to survey the system - our ostensible reason for being there - so the science and engineering departments have also been busy. Tomorrow we arrive at the Tobias System and I can only hope that the retrieval, disabling and destruction of the device will go without a hitch. "Computer, end log." Susan rose, placed her cup in the recycler, and then left her Ready Room to collect her daughter from the Nursery and return to her quarters. (Reply Any, none) (Posted by Liz)