Compiled by Calvin Capps ======================================================================================================================== Mission: Errand Of Mercy Day: 1 Stardate: 2407.01.17 ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Security - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0800) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Observation Lounge, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea, 08:40) (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Observation Lounge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 08:41) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 08:41) (USS Paladin - Turbo Lift - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 08:41) (USS Paladin - Observation Lounge - FO Lt Cmdr Capps - 0842) (USS Paladin - Observation Lounge - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 0843) (USS Paladin - Security Office, ATAC/SC Ensign Sam Moto - 0900) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0900) (USS Paladin - Security Office - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:03) (USS Paladin - Security Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0905) (USSPaladin - Security Office - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:06) (USS Paladin - Security Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0912) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0920) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0926) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0928) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0930) (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, Outside ATAC/ASC's Office - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0934) (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, Outside ATAC/ASC's Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto- 0936) (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, ATAC/ASC's Office - Security Officer, Ensign Nat Conaty - 0941) (USS Paladin - ATAC/ASC Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto and Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0948) (USS Paladin - Security Chiefs Office - TAC/SC Kerge -11:05) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, Flight Officer Smith, 1209) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1244) (USS Paladin - Deck 41 - Hanger bay - Flight Officer Smith - 1245) (USS Paladin - Ready Room - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1247) (USS Paladin - Ready Room - Flight Officer Smith - 1257) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1258) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:01) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering ACEO Zack Tristen - 1303) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:05) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 13:05) (USS Paladin - Main Engierring - ACEO Ensign Zack Tristen - 1306) (USS Paladin - Main Engierring - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1308) (USS Paladin - Sickbay- Flight Officer Smith - 13.11) (USS Paladin,fighter bay, Flight Officer Smith, 1320) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:21) (USS Paladin, Fighter Bay, FSXO, 1st Lt. Stephiea Rath, 1321) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 13:22) (USS Paladin, Fighter Bay, Flight Officer Smith, 1323) (USS Paladin, Main Engineering - PALMS: ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:23) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:25) (USS Paladin, Main Engineering, CEO, Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:27) (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:34) (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 13:34) (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:36) (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 13:36) (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 13:47) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lt. (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 13:59) (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:00) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 14:00) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:16) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - 14:16) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:17) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:18) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:19) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:21) (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 14:23) (USS Paladin, Deck 7, CSO's Office, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:24) (USS Paladin, Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:26) (USS Paladin ? Near Captain?s Office ? Ensign Junior Grade ACMO Nissa Whetari ? 1457) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1458) (USS Paladin, FO Smith's personal quarters. Flight Officer Smith, 1500) (USS Paladin - CO's Ready Room - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1501) (USS Paladin - Sickbay - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1518) (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1520) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1522) (USS Paladin - Sickbay - CMO Dr. Jared Keller , 1525) (USS Paladin - Medical Research facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1526) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facility - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1528) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr. Jared Keller , 1528) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr. Rick O'Shea , 1529) (USS Paladin, Fighter holodeck, Flight Officer Smith, 1529) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facility - FO Lt Cmdr Capps - 1538) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr. Jared Keller - 1540) (USS Paladin, Science Department, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1540) (USS Paladin, Science Department, ASCO Ensign K'Palla, 1542) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1545) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1545) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr Jared Keller- 1546) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1555) (USS Paladin - fighter holodeck - Flight Officer Smith - 1555) (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1556) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1559) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1559) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1559) (USS Paladin – Medical Research Facilities – Ensign JG Nissa Whetari – 1601) (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1601) (USS Paladin – Medical Research Facilities – CMO, Dr. Jared Keller – 1602) (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO, Dr Rick O'Shea - 1603) (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1605) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1605) (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, CMO, Dr. Jared Keller- 1608) (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1609) (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1610) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1617) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1619) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:20) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Dr. Jared Keller- 1621) (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1622) (USS Paladin - FO Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1800) (USS Paladin, CCOUNS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1805) (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1815) (USS Paladin - Deck 10, Ten-Forward - ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 18:57) (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto, - 1900) (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty, - 1906) (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto, - 1907) (USS Paladin - Deck 24, Quarters of Ensign Conaty - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 1910) (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Joran's Quarters - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar - 19:30) (USS Paladin - Holodeck - Lt Philip Hyde - 2100) (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Lt Philip Hyde - 2200) (USS Paladin, COPS Quarters - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 2315) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Security - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0800) Nat looked around, the previous few days events had left her little time to do what she needed to do - Her Job. Now she was back on the normal rotation she was ok, hopefully it would stay like that for a while. No more battles, no more security warnings.. She wondered around into the weapons block, and picked up her phaser. Because they were at a state of war, all personnel were equipped with one - at all times. She holstered and de-activated it while she looked around the room, there wernt many people there this early in the morning. She wondered how Sam was doing, and when he started work, she walked over to the nearest console and brung up the Roster plan for today. She was working the corridors, with a number of her security detergent. She began pulling up her messages on the console she was on. She had decided to check them, to see if she had any.... [No New Messages] Came the response from the computer .... ~Figures... Who would send one to me?~ She thought, she amused herself slightly ... and began smiling. "Computer, Begin Message" [Recording] "Sam, i hope you've had a good few first shifts. I hope the Chief isn't too hard on you, and i hope you're enjoying yourself... I'll speak with you soon, Ensign Natalie Conaty" - "Computer Finish Message, and send on medium priority to "Ensign Sam Moto" [Finished and Sent] Came the response, Nat smiled. She broke off from the console and wondered out into the hallway... and began her shift. (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Observation Lounge, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea, 08:40) "Possibly, but I don't think of her that way. After all, I'm engaged to be married. And I believe you may be referring to Dr. Loxari, he's over there at the moment." Rick smirked at Brownlee's disclaimer about Straton, and turned to see a female approaching him. He assumed this to be the person Brownlee referred to, or if not Loxari since Brownlee had referred to Loxari as 'he', then another medic. Annoyingly enough it turned out to be some counsellor or other, but she did at least point him towards Loxari. "Dr Lox? I'm O'Shea. The boss-lady says I have to work with you. Hope you're up to scratch!" He looked at the ACMO a little closer. "Part Betazoid, right? Hmm, you might be useful after all." (reply Loxari) Hardly had Rick finished with the ACMO when he became aware of someone standing behind him. He turned, to see both Brownlee and a Vulcan engineer there. He frowned slightly as he wondered vaguely why Brownlee was still there but assumed he had something else to say. What, Rick couldn't think, but he was sure he would find out soon enough. "Lt. Commander Sarouk," the engineer said, inclining his head slightly toward the Lt. "Chief Engineer. If you require anything from Engineering, please notify either myself or Lt. Matrix." Sarouk nodded toward a tall, brown-haired Lt also wearing gold. "Thank you, Commander. I'll bear that in mind," Rick said. He was beginning to wonder how many people he was going to have to remember after this. (reply Sarouk, Matrix iyw) "Dr. O'Shea." Another Lt Commander (this one wearing command red) said, extending his hand and shaking Rick's in a firm grip. "Welcome aboard the Paladin." "Thank you, Commander ... " Rick had an inkling this must be the FO, but he was d*mned if he could remember the man's name Or even if it had been mentioned. He hadn't paid much attention to anything in the meeting that wasn't directly related to his job here. "I wish I could say it was a pleasure to be here, but in the circumstances that might sound a bit flippant. And you would be...?" He waited for the officer to supply his name. (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 1, Observation Lounge - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 08:41) The meeting was breaking up into departments and Matrix wanted to get his team together as well. Matrix gave a smile to the crew in attendance as he left the observations lounge for engineering. Holding new award he smiled and exited the room. Entering the turbo lift, Matrix commanded the computer, "Deck 16." As the turbo lift made its way Matrix summoned his team. =/\=Matrix to Durron, Tristen and Rathyn. Meet in main engineering at 13:00 for a department briefing. We're going to get things squared away before we depart on this mission. Matrix out.=/\= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 08:41) Ensign Rathyn made a quick sidetrip to the bridge immediately after the captain's staff meeting. She was looking over the shoulder of the ensign sitting at the engineering level to make a quick evaluation of the power system readings when Steve Matrix voice came over the com. =/\=Matrix to Durron, Tristen and Rathyn. Meet in main engineering at 13:00 for a department briefing. We're going to get things squared away before we depart on this mission. Matrix out.=/\= Alura straightened as she listened then tapped her com-badge. "Ensign Rathyn to Lt. Matrix. Acknowledged." Before signing off she added. "By the way sir, with all of the hub-bub that's been going down lately I haven't taken the time welcome you back to the Paladin. It's good to have you back." (Reply: Matrix) "Aye sir. Rathyn out." (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Turbo Lift - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 08:41) =/\=Matrix to Durron, Tristen and Rathyn. Meet in main engineering at 13:00 for a department briefing. We're going to get things squared away before we depart on this mission. Matrix out.=/\= Alura straightened as she listened then tapped her com-badge. "Ensign Rathyn to Lt. Matrix. Acknowledged." Before signing off she added. "By the way sir, with all of the hub-bub that's been going down lately I haven't taken the time welcome you back to the Paladin. It's good to have you back." Matrix smiled at Alura's comment, he too was glad to be back aboard the Paladin. "Thank you Alura. I'm excited to be back. See you in engineering in a little over an hour." "Aye sir. Rathyn out." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Observation Lounge - FO Lt Cmdr Capps - 0842) "Thank you, Commander ... " Rick had an inkling this must be the FO, but he was d*mned if he could remember the man's name Or even if it had been mentioned. He hadn't paid much attention to anything in the meeting that wasn't directly related to his job here. "I wish I could say it was a pleasure to be here, but in the circumstances that might sound a bit flippant. And you would be...?" He waited for the officer to supply his name.. "Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps, Paladin's First Officer." Calvin shifted his weight from his right leg to center his body straight. "I understand what you mean Doctor, but I am glad that we have the best man here for this mission." (reply O'Shea) A quite blunt response that was not to be expected, but it was very humble of him. "Very well Doctor I will leave you so you may began your work." (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Observation Lounge - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 0843) "Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps, Paladin's First Officer. I understand what you mean Doctor, but I am glad that we have the best man here for this mission." Rick nodded, poker-faced. "Yes, on balance I think you are fortunate to have me. However, even I am not prepared to guarantee that a cure or even an inoculation can be found. It may yet in the end come down to quarantining the planet and making sure that the epidemic spreads no further. I can do many things, Commander, but even I cannot work miracles." "Very well Doctor I will leave you so you may began your work," the FO replied. Rick inclined his head. "My thanks, Commander." (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Office, ATAC/SC Ensign Sam Moto - 0900) Sams head was still whiring after the meeting. ~Nothing like being thorwn in at the deep end! Security has to quarintine and entire planet, with force being the very very last possible option, we cant go around killing our own people after all, and also we have to co operate with the marines stationed on the Paladin and throughout the battle group, who can be known to be a bit gun ho at the best of times. This is going to test our liason skills to the limit, after all, these people may pose a threat, but they aren't an enemy, we can't go around killing them, they have have enough to deal with, Fear can be a terrible thing.~ Sam snapped out of his train of thought as Lt Kerge walked into the room. He too looked worried about the problems before him and his security staff, and after all he was a Klingon and he would have been brought up to learn that killing is a solution to problems, no amount of starfleet training can ever really take those roots out of people. ~This experience would be testing for him, as all of us~ Sam thought. Sam stood up from the seat Kerge had invited him to take whilst he attended to some urgent matters, 20 minutes later had passed before he returned. Shaking his had Sam and the Lt. sat down opposite each other, PADD's scattered on the desk and the main console chirping away at the data requested that would be vital for the next mission. Sam spoke first. "This mission isnt gin to be easy on any of us it seems sir." (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0900) Nat looked around Ten Forward, after heading off for her duty shift. She found she had made a mistake and found she was on the afternoon rotation. She had resided to go get a drink from Ten Forward to waken her up. She sat in the corner of Ten Forward, ~Quite Cosy..~ Nat had thought, curled up drinking a steaming cup of Coffee. Hopefully the Caffeine would kick in soon enough, since it was her second cup. She decided it would be best for her to order some food soon, as her stomach was beginning to rumble. The problem was she was too comfortable to move, off the Sofa type seat she was slouched over. It took her over 15 minutes to muster the energy to twist her legs around to the front of the seat and begin to stand up. As she did, she noticed a familiar face walk up to her. He was carrying a tray, Suddenly she jumped up. And was full of energy, a smile was on her face as Sam moved towards her. "Hi" was all she heard from him until he began passing her a ... was it bacon? Roll, and another Coffee. She gratefully accepted the gifts, and sat back down. ?I hope you like Bacon, I love it!? Was all a grinning Sam could manage to say in-between sipping his Coffee. Nat lifted the cup to her lips and felt the pouring sensation trickle down her throat. "I suppose its ok." Nat said, almost laughing at the comment Sam had made - it sounded so ridiculous. She hit him slightly and then said "Thank-you, Sam" And then bit into her sandwich. Her burned throat gratefully accepted the food, and swallowed half of the sandwich in one bite... Nat looked a little embarrassed. Something switched in her mind, "Hang on? Aren't you on duty Sa.. Sir?" She said hesitantly. She was sure he was ment to be.. (Reply Sam) Nat nodded, She shook her head slightly and said "Well why didnt you just call me to your office?" Nat said abit worried that the ATAC/ASC, couldnt find his office. She was sure Kerge would have probably shown him or told him of its whereabouts yesterday in there meeting. (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Office - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:03) With a thousand & one thoughts regarding tactical analysis & deployment running round in his head, the security Chief strode into the security centre with all the aire & grace of a Klingon Targ in heat. This latest task of theirs would stretch the Paladins security resources to the very limit but Kerge knew that he had a dependable team to hand, one of which now requested his imediate attention it would seem. Moto simply stood as the big Klingon set eyes upon him, Kerge had almost forgotten that he`d left him there but it didn`t seem to phase the erstwhile Ensign in the slightest, an admirable quality indeed thought Kerge. "Ah..... Ensign, please forgive me I was elsewhere in mind as well as location", said Kerge as he promptly took a seat opposite Sam & picked up one of the PADDs upon the table. "This mission isn`t going to be easy on any of us it seems sir.", said Sam. "It isn`t meant to be easy Ensign Moto", said Kerge, "if it was then it would NOT be worth doing, as any Klingon I consider this a test of my abilities", he added with the usual gusto that most of the crew had now come to expect from him. "But then of course....YOU are not Klingon", said Kerge as he began reading from the PADD in his hand. (Reply Moto, IYW) "I want you to begin assembling teams of security officers", said Kerge upon finishing what he had been reading. "Three in total, we will work split rotational shifts alongside the marine forces once they deploy", he added. "Remember Ensign, loss of control of this situation is not an option & any outburst of public hostility will be dealt with calmly but firmly at all times", he added. (Reply Moto) "We do not want to instil panic at our very presence amongst these people, they will look to us for guidence but like erratic children they will become uncoordinated & hostile the moment they feel that we are not in control of what is happening", said Kerge as he allowed his mind to stray briefly to the very similar events from Klingon pre-history that had caused such chaos amongst the N'Vak colonies in 2154. (Reply Moto) "Have a rota available for my inspection by 11:00 hrs", said Kerge, "I will present it to the Captain for her preliminary authorisation, you yourself however will lead the first team on it`s acceptance....a chance for you to prove your mettle", he added as he returned the PADD to the table & then stood to head over to his office, leaving the Ensign to the task assigned him. (posted by Alan) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0905) "It isn`t meant to be easy Ensign Moto", came the slightly cold and harsh reply from Sam?s superior. This response should have shocked any new Ensign on his second day on board, but Sam?s experience with Klingon?s had left little to shock him about them, so he really should have been wise enough not to have opened with that remark. Kerge continued on this statement, explaining how nothing was worth the Paladin?s (and probably more likely, Kerge?s) Time unless it was difficult, and how Klingon?s consider not difficulties but tests, and generally showing his disgust for Sam?s thought. It was the final blow when Kerge picked up a PADD and muttered, "But then of course....YOU are not Klingon" Sam was most annoyed at this, but he composed himself, knowing better than to challenge a superior outright, never mind a Klingon with an attitude! Sitting up straight, Sam spoke, ?of course, you are right sir I am not a Klingon, but it does not mean that I am not willing to give everything to get the job done, or that I would back away from a challenge.? Sam felt he was slightly more confrontational than he would have liked but the Klingon seemed unphased by this, and Sam thought he Saw the hint of a smile, well as much as a Klingon could manage at any rate, ~perhaps I gave him the response he wanted~ Sam chuckled. (Reply: Kerge IYW) Finishing reading the information on the PADD, Kerge set it down amongst the others on his cluttered desk. "I want you to begin assembling teams of security officers", he began, "Three in total, we will work split rotational shifts alongside the marine forces once they deploy, "Remember Ensign, loss of control of this situation is not an option & any outburst of public hostility will be dealt with calmly but firmly at all times? Sam took all this in, figuring out how he was going to sort all this out. ?I?ll get right to it sir. I take it these teams will enlist most of the Security personnel, one on the surface, one resting, and one securing the ship?? Sam inquired, after all they did have to have significant presence on an entire planet, and the Paladin was by no means small, Security would be pretty tired it seemed, especially as most had been in a battle only a few days ago, and now were already being shipped out to their next mission. (Reply: Kerge) ?Very well sir? Sam replied, shortly before he again spoke. "We do not want to instil panic at our very presence amongst these people, they will look to us for guidance but like erratic children they will become uncoordinated & hostile the moment they feel that we are not in control of what is happening" The Lt. Made sure Sam understood this, as they both knew already it would be key to keeping the peace in this situation. ?I understand sir. It would be a terrible event if we were to cause further chaos and death to these people, and we are trying to save them after all.? Sam then added, ?when would you like the rota completed sir?? as he wished to know the time scale he would have to organise this. The Lt. Thought for a moment before answering, probably working out if he had any free time in his already hectic schedule. "Have a rota available for my inspection by 11:00 hrs" He eventually replied, "I will present it to the Captain for her preliminary authorisation, you yourself however will lead the first team on it`s acceptance....a chance for you to prove your mettle". With that the Lt. Stood up and left, leaving Sam with the task he had set him. Getting up, Sam made three priorities from now until 1100 hrs. Grab something strong to wake him up, find an office to work in, and find someone to help in working out who would work best where and with who. Sam knew none of the security staff other than Lt. Kerge and Nat, and being as one was on the rampage at the amount of work they had to do, Sam knew exactly where he had to find his help from. He set off down the corridor to the nearest Turbolift. (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USSPaladin - Security Office - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:06) "Of course, you are right sir I am not a Klingon, but it does not mean that I am not willing to give everything to get the job done, or that I would back away from a challenge", said a straight faced Ensign Moto. Kerge allowed himself an uncharacteristic smile at the Ensigns remark, had he simply backed down at the rebuke to his Gene pool Kerge would have considered him lacking in spirit & drive, Moto however had responded as a Klingon would have done & for that, the Security chief was pleased. "An admirable attitude Ensign Moto", said Kerge, "your blood has fire after all", he added as he then went on to discuss the requirements of the teams they would be needing for the duties ahead of them. "I?ll get right to it sir. I take it these teams will enlist most of the Security personnel, one on the surface, one resting, and one securing the ship?", said Ensign Moto. "Fire in your blood & good tactical awareness too", said Kerge, "I can see that I have chosen wisely in assigning you to this task Ensign", he added as he slapped Moto`s shoulder in a gesture of cameraderie. (Reply Moto, IYW) The security chief then went on to explain the consequences of losing control of the situation on the surface & how it was quite simply not an option for them. "I understand sir. It would be a terrible event if we were to cause further chaos and death to these people, and we are trying to save them after all", said Sam. "We are indeed", said Kerge as he promptly stood & left Ensign Moto to the task in hand. (posted by Alan) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0912) Stepping into the Turbolift Sam immediately opened a link with the Computer. ?Computer, Locate Ensign Natalie Conaty?. The Computer quickly responed with a chirp [Ensign Natalie Conaty is currently situated in Ten-Forward]. ~ahh thts good, it means I?ve got a better chance of catching her, one problem. Wheres Ten-Forward! If I?d have brought that map with me that Nat gave me it would help!~ Sam laughed at his own stupidity and addressed the computer again, ?Computer, What deck is Ten-Forward?? the computer seemed to mock Sam with its next answer, [TEN-Forward is located on Deck 10]. Sam nearly hit himself on his forehead when that answer came through, ~well duhh! TEN-Forward! The fore part of deck TEN!~ composing himself, and also making sure no one had seen his little outburst of idiocy, he addressed the computer for hopefully the last time today, ?Deck 10, Ten-Forward?. The Turbolift immediately sprang into action, traversing the ship to its destination. The lift finally came to a halt 14 decks up, and the doors slid open to reveal the large archway of Ten-Forward. Sam?s eyes immediately fixed upon the long silky hair that came to just below the shoulders, of a woman sat on her own towards the far end of the room, in a rather dark and secluded corner. She had her back turned to him, but Sam knew it was who her was looking for. He stood for a moment, gazing at her, almost in a trance, it seemed like an eternity, but in a few seconds he soon snapped out of it, shook his head in wonder and bemusement to wake him up, and walked over to the bar and ordered to coffees and a couple of bacon rolls. As Sam approached her table she turned to and looked at him, immediately smiling as she saw him. Smiling back, he continued to the opposite side of the table and sat down, bemused by the fact she had know he was there. ?Hi? was all he could say as he sat down, he was finding it difficult to say anything, more increasingly around her, and he felt his chest begin to flutter more often too. Passing her a coffee and bacon roll, he sipped his coffee. ?I hope you like Bacon, I love it!? (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0920) As soon as Sam sat down Nat seemed to come alive, playfully hitting him before, to Sam?s amusement, swallowing nearly the whole sandwich in one bite. She seemed content for a while whilst they both ate when she suddenly looked at Sam with a confused face. "Hang on? Aren't you on duty Sa.. Sir?" Sam laughed. He?d forgot to explain himself and it must look quite strange, a new officer seemingly skiving off. ?Indeed I am. And that is why I?m here.? He took another bite of his rapidly reducing sandwich whilst Nat only looked more confused. ?I came to find you.? He continued, ?I?ve been assigned with splitting the security personnel into three teams to handle the next mission. The entire security department is needed for this, and I would feel a lot better I knew the personalities and capabilities of each officer so I could correctly assign them. However I am lacking in any relationship or interaction with any of the security personnel, other than you, so it only seems fitting that you could help me with my predicament. If that?s ok?? Sam added the last sentence as an afterthought, feeling he was being to formal to his friend before him. She just laughed at him and shook her head, "Well why didn?t you just call me to your office?? Sam felt very stupid at this comment, blushing slightly he smiled, ?I have an office? I think you better take me to it! Believe it or not this is the second stupid thing I?ve done today!? And with that they both downed the rest of their coffee, and walked out, Nat laughing at Sam, not that he minded hearing her laugh. (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0926) Sam's face turned slightly red before he jumped up and said, “I have an office? I think you better take me to it! Believe it or not this is the second stupid thing I’ve done today!" Nat stood up and quickly nodded her head, "Follow me, I'll get you to your Office" She said smiling, she didnt realise nobody had shown him to his office yet... ~Deary me...~ She quickly moved over to a Computer Node and found Sam's designated office, it was on Deck 27 - probably where Sam had come from if he had been talking to the Chief. She turned to Sam, "Deck 27, Section C" And then smiled, "If you'll follow me," She said motioning to Sam for him to follow... She went for a turbolift and gave the command for it too move. "So Sam," She said, hoping he wouldn't mind being called Sam... She afterall was off-duty and doing him a favour... "Have you had a good morning?" She said blushing slightly as she tryed to make petty conversation... (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto - 0928) "So Sam," Nat said smiling as the turbo lift slid into motion, "Have you had a good morning?" she asked, seemingly blushing at the question. Sam smiled too, it was nice to have someone who wanted to talk to him and find out how he was doing, especially as it was only his second day on board. He was particularly glad that it was her that wanted to know. “Well its been an eventful one if that counts?” he chuckled. “I’ve had a lot of new experiences today, briefing, finding my way to the briefing, getting my first duty, wondering how the hell I’m going to do it, figuring out 10 forward is on deck 10, you know, the usual.” he joked. He felt so at ease with Nat and he felt she did with him. (Reply: Nat) “Yes and then there’s the fact that I have an office no one seems to have told me about! What a day to be me eh?” (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0930) “Well its been an eventful one if that counts?” he chuckled. “I’ve had a lot of new experiences today, briefing, finding my way to the briefing, getting my first duty, wondering how the hell I’m going to do it, figuring out 10 forward is on deck 10, you know, the usual.” Sam joked. Nat nodded and scrunched up her nose in agreeance. "Sounds fun.." She said, with a polite smile.... “Yes and then there’s the fact that I have an office no one seems to have told me about! What a day to be me eh?” Nat nodded again, "Well it does seem you've got the fortunate end of things," She burst out laughing and stood up, "Shall we go then?" (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, Outside ATAC/ASC's Office - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 0934) Nat walked Sam to the door and then said, "Computer, Un-Lock door to ATAC/ASC's Office... Authorisation..." She nodded at Sam, her clearance code wouldn't get her in... but Sam's would... She motioned for him to give the clearance code... (Reply Sam) "After you, Sir" She said as a Security Officer walked passed. Nat walked in, and then sat in front of Sam's desk... "So what is it we are doing?" Nat asked curiously... (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, Outside ATAC/ASC's Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto- 0936) Both walking to a door on the left of the corridor, which Sam noticed had ‘ATAC/ASC’ and his name printed on it, Nat immediately began giving commands to the computer, "Computer, Un-Lock door to ATAC/ASC's Office... Authorisation..." At this point she looked at Sam, her silky blonde hair flicking back over her shoulder, she smiled and gestured that it was his turn to speak, ~Ahh yes my clearance, duhh! It’s my office, so its me who has to open the door! Now what was it again…~ After a few brief, and slightly embarrassing moments, Sam finally remembered what his clearance code was, “Moto Delta four six niner, I hope!” he added as an after thought, he still wasn’t convinced it was the right code. To both their relief’s it seemed, the door slid open. “After you, sir” Nat motioned with her arms, beaming at him. He had an office! Mockingly he stood up straight, straightened his uniform and strolled in, before he couldn’t hold it any longer and burst out laughing. Nat laughed too before sitting opposite the chair Sam had just collapsed in. "So what is it we are doing?” she asked. Sam flicked on the computer on his desk, after a minute or two of trying to figure out how, with several hits to the side, and found the briefing he had received earlier. Turning the screen to Nat he let her browse it. (Reply: Nat) “My task, and yours as well now,” he laughed, “is to split the security personnel into three teams, one to be on the ground, maintaining quarantine, one as security on the ship and one resting, these teams will be on rotation, and its going to stretch Security pretty thin, as well as being physically draining on everyone. I asked for your help so that I could create the best teams possible that have a variety of skills and attributes. It wouldn’t be good having an entire team that excel at marksmanship, but cannot peacefully solve delicate situations that may arise. As I don’t know any of the security personnel, I hoped you could help me in that respect.” (Reply: Nat) “Ooo, and by the way, we only have an hour and twenty minutes to do it in” (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 27, Section C, ATAC/ASC's Office - Security Officer, Ensign Nat Conaty - 0941) Sam was sat opposite her, he tapped a couple of buttons and then swivelled the computer screen around so Nat could see it, she was looking at a full roster for the Security Department. She raised an eyebrow to him... “My task, and yours as well now,” he laughed, “is to split the security personnel into three teams, one to be on the ground, maintaining quarantine, one as security on the ship and one resting, these teams will be on rotation, and its going to stretch Security pretty thin, as well as being physically draining on everyone. I asked for your help so that I could create the best teams possible that have a variety of skills and attributes. It wouldn’t be good having an entire team that excel at marksmanship, but cannot peacefully solve delicate situations that may arise. As I don’t know any of the security personnel, I hoped you could help me in that respect.” Nat looked at him, "You mean Every Single member of security has to be split into three teams? Alpha, Beta and Delta? Thats a lot of people in each team" She said thinking the exact thing in her head. (Reply Sam) “Ooo, and by the way, we only have an hour and twenty minutes to do it in” Nat cocked an eyebrow... "Ok, im guessing you have an idea about any team leaders? Your gonna need three if you've got three teams" (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - ATAC/ASC Office - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto and Security Officer, Ensign Natalie Conaty - 0948) Nat seemed just as drawn back as Sam when he first was told his task. Splitting up the entire security team of the largest ship in the 52nd fleet was no small feat. “Yes all of them, this mission is going to stretch us all.” pausing he gave a quick smile, “Ooo, and by the way, we only have an hour and twenty minutes to do it in” If Sam could have taken a picture of her face then he would have, not that he wouldn’t take lots of pictures of her if he could. "Ok, im guessing you have an idea about any team leaders? Your gonna need three if you've got three teams" “well that’s a good question. All I know is the leader for team Alpha, that is me, and I was hoping you would be my second in command in that team?” He looked at her hopefully as he said this. Nat looked up at Sam, ~Second in command?~ She nodded her head in approval "Absaloutley... If thats what you wish." Nat said shifitng her weight around the chair until she was more comfortable. Sam wasn’t sure whether she was happy with this or not. ~if that’s what you wish? was she being sarcastic? She seemed to fidget slightly as she said this as well.~ Sam tried to assure her it was “All I know is I will need some one strong and familiar with the staff by my side, and also, I like spending time with you, so I thought, hours on duty with little sleep would be a little more bearable with you there.” Sam said hoping she wouldn’t take it the wrong way. Nat opened her eyes slightly more until they hurt. ~Wha?~ "Ok, Sam. I've already said yes" She said with a smile.... ~Why does he need reassurance all the time?~ She thought back to when they had the Memorial service, she had to tell him twice that yes they would be going together... "Now back to business. Teams?" Nat said lighting up slightly more enthusiasticly.. “I just thought you weren’t too chuffed about it that’s all, but never mind, I think were all just tired. So yes to business, let me just pull up the files of all the security personnel . . .” Sam pulled up the records and showed them on the screen, spinning it around so Nat could see it also. Sam was straining to see it properly, as was Nat. “Right ok, do u want to come round this side of the desk as well so we can both see better?” he asked, it was pointless them both trying to strain to see the screen. Nat smiled, Sam was trying to do everything in his way to please her. "No, dont worry about it. I'll come over there, afterall you are my superior." She stood up and moved her chair around to the other side of the desk. "You dont mind me moving this chair do you?" She asked politely. “It’s no problem, after all it isn’t like I put it there on anything, I didn’t even know I had the office until you came around.” he laugh and stood up to help her move the chair over the desk. She put it right next too his, and they both sat down and studied the screen, leaning forward to look through the names. “Sooo then, any ideas for my other two team leaders?” She looked down the list, "I would suggest...." She lifted her hand and pointed at two names "Lieutenant Ko'Rak and Lieutenant Matinee... I think they would be good choices." Nat said. “Ok then” Sam quickly looked over there service history and nodded with satisfaction at Nat’s choice, “I can live with that, good choices it seems. I think if we just now select each team we can let each team leader choose their second in command etc. what do you think?” Nat smiled as Sam chose the ones Nat suggested but when he said the next bit she frowned. "I think thats a bad idea, Sir. If you dont mind me saying so. But if you let the leaders choose there S econd in Command then you'll find they'll pick there friends so they can have a laugh.. Not the most appropriate." She said being rather serious now. Sam was a bit thrown by this, Yes I suppose your right, but to be fair team alpha isn’t exactly an opposition to that rule.” Sam smiled and looked at Nat. “Ok then ensign, what do you suggest?” Sam joked. ~So you think im not the best for the role?~ Nat thought, quite angrily. ~ENSIGN?~ She then thought even more enraged, Sam had no right to pull that card... since he couldnt! She had a higher rank than him, in all rights he shouldnt really be calling her 'Ensign' more using a different title.. She decided to let it slip.. for the time being, She pointed another two members of security out to Sam, "Those two, would make fine applicants.." She said... Sam could feel her disappointment as he said his last sentence, she seemed to go stiff next to him, and her tone of voice became ever so more sharp and acute. ~Why do I always ruin perfectly happy situations?!~ Sam needed to rescue this one and fast. “These seem good, Lieutenant Marjok and Ensign Henry. Who would be best for beta?” "Erm... Probably Marjok, but only because of his experience in the field." Nat said co-operatively awaiting Sams next question. “Ok then, sounds good to me” Sam said, quickly adding Marjok to the Beta team and Henry to Delta. Sam couldn’t stand it any longer, he hated falling out with people, or annoying them, especially when it was his friend. “I’m sorry about being a bit of a tw*t today, I don’t know whats up with me.” ~Tw*t?~ Nat thought, she raised an eyebrow and looked at him, ~Retarted... maybe? But no Tw*t~ "No you havent, dont worry about it. You just need some help, and hey - it gets me out of normal duty" She looked at him and smiled "So whats next?" Sam was glad to get that off his chest, he smiled. “ok then we need to crack on with these team lists, Lets start with Alpha . . .” The pair sat there for the next hour, trawling through the lists of personnel, arranging them into the three teams, occasionally laughing at peoples names or various embarrassing hobbies that appeared on the records. Sam was beginning to enjoy himself, and he felt they both relaxed more. ~We make a good team~ Sam thought to himself. Nat saw back after the 'team sorting' had finished. She was more relaxed now. She checked her chronometer, it was nearly time for her to go on regular duty. She rather hoped Sam had another job for her to do to keep her busy for the rest of the day, but she knew he probably had other things to do now.. ."SO, is there anything else?" Nat said making it look like she was about to get up.. Sam suddenly realised that they had finished, and he was quite disappointed that Nat was now going to leave. “Well I was hoping you could suggest some way of me repaying you for your help today? I would have been lost today. And I did drag you off in your own time.” Nat smiled, "Being put off duty, this afternoon instead would be a nice way to say thank-you" Nat thought, she then realised that had said it out loud and shook her head violently "Did i say that out loud?" She asked jokingly and then began laughing... ~Oops...~ Sam laughed. “well I haven’t been here long, but I’m sure I could pull a few strings and get you off … corridor duty was it?” How do you fancy just helping me? Make me look a bit less retarded?” He laughed, “anyway, we make a good team.” Nat nodded, "I find that... Acceptable" She said trying to keep a straight face, but it didnt work a smile crept onto her face. She stood up and moved closer to Sam to get past him, "We do, dont we?" Nat said. Sam laughed at her. She did make him laugh a lot. As they both stood up and she moved towards the door, in the small office she had had to move close to Sam as he stood against the wall. She stopped and looked into his eyes, “Well I think we do.” Sam could feel her gentle breath on his skin. Nat looked at Sam, "Well that settles it then" She said as she moved past him, "We'll have to work together more often..." Sam smiled gently, and as she turned her head gently took her hand. She looked back, and he leaned forward, hoping she would do the same. Nat stared at Sam as he made a swift movement into kiss her... For a moment she entertained him, she kissed him back. It was soft warm and gentle, It made her float high in the sky... But then she came back down to Earth with a bang... Suddenly realising what she was doing, she quickly terminated the kiss and moved away from Sam... She headed for the door quickly, l ooking down at the floor. She looked back at him as she got to the door, "Thank-you. Sam. It's bin fun" She said nervously.. and quickly ran out of the room... fully intending to go back to her quarters, she needed to think some things over... When Sam felt her kiss he felt like a thousand butterflies suddenly took flight inside him, he was lifted of the ground as her soft, gentle lips touched his. Then she stopped and moved quickly towards the door. His heart sank, ~What have I done?~ he felt numb. He watched as she walked out the door, her words before barely registering. “Nat!” but it was too late. She had gone. ~Why do I always do something stupid! you cant get a thing right Sam~ Sam headed for the door, determined to go after her. Then his computer beeped. ~Oh no! the deadline!~ Sam would have to see Kerge first with the finished team lists, But all he wanted to do now was go after Nat. He quickly grabbed the PADDs on the table and headed to Kerge’s office down the corridor, angry and annoyed at himself, and upset at the position he had put Nat in. He didn’t bother announcing his arrival, he entered Kerge’s office in a fluster. (posted by Nick and Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Security Chiefs Office - TAC/SC Kerge - 11:05) "What is the meaning of this!!", cried Kerge standing abruptly from his chair as Ensign Moto came charging into his office, unnanounced & apparently agitated over something or other. (Reply Moto) "Not good enough Ensign", cried Kerge slamming his fist onto the table, "if this were a Klingon vessel I`d have had you thrown in the brig for such insolence", he added. "As we are onboard a federation vessel however, an admonishment will just have to do", said Kerge taking his seat again & reaching out for the PADD in Moto`s hand as he motioned him to sit also on the other side. Kerge then read through the recommendations for the teams that both Moto & Conaty had just spent the last hour or so creating. He read slowly & in depth, nodding at appropriate places where certain crewmembers were mentioned as he did so, then he stopped & looked Moto directly in the eye. "Explain to me your motivation for choosing Lieutenant Marjok to lead Beta", said Kerge. (Reply Moto) "Why not Versale, or T'urak, they have experience in the field also & both have the additional experience of extended combat awareness", said Kerge. (Reply Moto) Kerge nodded, Marjok would have been his choice also & he was merely testing the Ensigns reasoning behind his judgement. "Marjok it is then, have the teams assembled, brief their command operatives & also their second in commands, nobody must be uncertain of their roles in this operation", said Kerge. "Make sure any equipment needed by the security teams is ready also, BDU`s, weapons & such plus any environmental protocols we need to be aware of in order to protect ourselves from this virus", said Kerge. (Reply Moto) "A despicable thing it is to have to defend yourself against an unseen enemy", said Kerge, "what honour is there in dying from a foe you cannot see or inflict pain against", he added. (Reply Moto, IYW) Kerge pondered the matter for a short while, then he stood from his chair to walk around to Ensign Moto. "So tell me Ensign, is it a woman?", said Kerge slapping the Ensigns shoulder in a display of cameraderie. (Reply Moto) "The reason you arrived in my office in the manner you did", said Kerge, "from my experience only a female could instil such reaction as that displayed by yourself upon your arrival", he added. (Reply Moto) "My advice Mr Moto, take the woman, make her yours, if she has initiated an interest then leave her no choice in the matter, in Klingon society this is our way", said Kerge proudly. (Reply Moto) The Klingon Security chief laughed aloud & then returned to his side of the table to seat himself once again. "I could tell you tales you would never believe Ensign Moto, but another time..... go now, attend to your duties, I will offer your list to the Captain for her final approval but consider it accepted for now, you will be informed of any variations if they arise", said Kerge. He then watched Ensign Moto turn aabout & leave his office. (posted by Alan) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, Flight Officer Smith, 1209) ?Have you shown this report to either Major Menelian or 1st Lt. Rath?" Eva asked, ~Ow hell~ ?Um. No Captain.? Eva nodded, looking back down at the PADD briefly. ?I appreciate your dedication to duty Lt. Smith," Eva said, "but in the future I would expect you to inform your direct superiors first. Major Menelian is the Flight Squadron Commanding Officer. 1st Lt. Rath is his exec. I expect the chain-of-command to be observed by everyone under my command. Do you understand? By bring this report to me directly, without informing either of your direct superiors and without good cause, you have not followed the chain-of-command. I will assume that it will *not* happen again. With that said, good work on getting Shark Bait back up to snuff. The entire fighter wing will be crucial in this upcoming mission. Make sure your pilots are ready. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed." ~way to go Jen. The captain hate?s your gut hand she?s just meet you~ Jennifer nodded, turned and left the ready room. ~better see sickbay. If just now is anything has to go by I?m going to need it~ (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1244) "Have we gotten any reports if there is any resistance to a quarantine?" Commander Capps asked. "There are 4.5 million people on that colony," Eva said, "the vast majority of them are probably scared out of their minds with this epidemic spreading rapidly across the planet. When people get scared they tend to act without thinking. If there hasn't been any resistance yet, you can bet there will be. These are civilians, they don't have the same level of discipline as Star Fleet personnel. Make sure that the Security and Marine departments are ready to deal with that. We are here to save lives, not take them. I will *not* tolerate any gung-ho attitudes on this mission from anyone. Make sure that get communicated down through the ranks, firmly." "I believe a little was to be expected. I am glad we have our marines to back us up on this one," Capps replied. "Yes, the MEF will come in handy in maintaining order on the planet," Eva said, making a mental note to have a meeting with General Roberts latter. "I expect to be kept informed of how that aspect of the mission is progressing, should I be otherwise occupied. If there are no other questions, you are all dismissed." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 41 - Hanger bay - Flight Officer Smith - 1245) Jennifer ran her hand along the side of her new Mako Fighter. she mentally pricked her self as she stared at her name stencilled into the armoured side. 'Jennifer Smith 'Night Nurse'. It had all happened so quick. One minute she was finishing her flight advanced flight training and was going to be posted to USS Goddard . then bang she was on the Paladin and in charge of Mako Squadron called Shark Bait. "Lieutenant Smith." Jennifer turned to see Helen, the Shark Bait's chief mechanic. coming round from under her Mako's wing. "How are we doing Helen?" Helen stuffed a dirty rag into her pocket and wiped the smug of dirt across her for head. she gave a quick grin. "Well all the Makos are fit to fly Lieutenant." Jennifer smiled to. she had taken a few of the new pilots for a training run and ended up making a few dents on landing. "So you got all the dents out then." Helen's grin widened. "Ow yes Lieutenant that was not a problem." Jennifer shook her head as Helen handed her a PADD which she signed for. Now the squadron was hers again. "Okay I better tell she skipper were ready to fly." She turned and headed for the turbolift. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ready Room - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1247) "Yes, the MEF will come in handy in maintaining order on the planet," Eva said, making a mental note to have a meeting with General Roberts latter. "I expect to be kept informed of how that aspect of the mission is progressing, should I be otherwise occupied. If there are no other questions, you are all dismissed." "Aye Captain. I will keep you informed and I will keep close contact with Lt Kerge and Lt Major Tirrel." Calvin then stood up from the chair and walked out of the office to see the bridge crew working hard. The ship was still currently moving toward Aquari III. It was still going to take another 32 hours to get there. However it would be wise to use that time to plan the mission the best as possible. There was a lot of work to do so Calvin began. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ready Room - Flight Officer Smith - 1257) Jennifer pressed the chime and entered. she walked up to the desk and stood to attention in front of the captain. "Captain. Second Lieutenant Smith reporting to inform you that Shark Bait Squadron is back up to operational readiness." she handed the PADD to Straton. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1258) "Captain. Second Lieutenant Smith reporting to inform you that Shark Bait Squadron is back up to operational readiness." Eva took the PADD offered and looked it over briefly, before setting it on her desk and looking back up at 2nd Lt. Smith. "Have you shown this report to either Major Menelian or 1st Lt. Rath?" Eva asked, tapping the PADD with on finger. Her eyes never leaving Lt. Smith's face. (Reply Smith) (NRPG: Assuming a no here, as I didn't see it mentioned in the post) Eva nodded, looking back down at the PADD briefly. "I appreciate your dedication to duty Lt. Smith," Eva said, "but in the future I would expect you to inform your direct superiors first. Major Menelian is the Flight Squadron Commanding Officer. 1st Lt. Rath is his exec. I expect the chain-of-command to be observed by everyone under my command. Do you understand? By bring this report to me directly, without informing either of your direct superiors and without good cause, you have not followed the chain-of-command. I will assume that it will *not* happen again. With that said, good work on getting Shark Bait back up to snuff. The entire fighter wing will be crucial in this upcoming mission. Make sure your pilots are ready. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:01) After a stop in his quarters to put away his new award, Matrix entered main engineering carrying his always present PADD. As he entered engineering he took in the activity. Crew were working on almost all facets of ship systems. He noted Alura working at the sensor station and Zack was working on the main computer systems. Matrix walked toward Zack as he worked at the center engineering console, "Good afternoon Zack, how are things going so far?" (Reply Tristen) "Okay, let me review the status board for a few minutes then you, Alura and I will meet here. The main console will be good place to review the work ahead." (Reply Tristen) Matrix nodded and walked over to where Alura was working. "Alura, good afternoon. I assume everyone else is busy with other assignments?" (Reply Alura) Matrix smiled, "Ah the challenges never change. We're either short on time, or resources. The life in Star Fleet. I guess just the three of us will have a meeting to discuss the mission and the status of the ships systems." (Reply Alura) "I just talked with Zack. I want to take a few minutes to review the status board then we'll meet at the center console where Zack is now. We'll meet in about 5 minutes." (Reply Alura) Matrix smiled at Alura and headed over to the main status board, Zach was still working at his station. After a few minutes he sat down at the main console with Zach and waited for Alura." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering ACEO Zack Tristen - 1303) "Good afternoon Zack, how are things going so far?" Steve asked. "Well sir. 96 percent of our daily operations are operating within established parameters. There are work orders for the other 4 percent sir." "Okay, let me review the status board for a few minutes then you, Alura, and I will meet here. The main console will be good place to review the work ahead." Lt Matrix continued. "Aye sir. I will began to load all reports to these consoles sir, and get them ready for use sir." Zack said to the superior officer. Steve walked away from Zack and began to talk to Alura. While the Lt was gone Zack began to do exactly what he had told Lt Matrix he was going to do. He walked around to each screen on the center console and readied each of them for a meeting. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:05) "Alright then, lets get started. I'd like to start with ships status. How are all of the major systems, any current problems?" said Matrix as he looked at the two Ensigns. (Reply Tristen, Rathyn) "Since we're the senior engineering officers onboard, I want us split into shifts. Tristen, you'll take second shift, Alura you'll have first and I'll take third shift. Any objections to the shift assignments?" Matrix paused. (Reply, Tristen, Rathyn) "Well obviously we'll work more than one shift if the situation warrants, but I'd like to keep the officer staff in charge of engineering and monitoring repairs, daily tasks, etc. We're a little under staffed, but I think we can pull it off. We do have an ample engineering crew aboard. Alura, any concerns with first shift?" (Reply Rathyn) Matrix reviewed the main engineering console again, "I don't yet know if Sarouk will remain onboard, nor his availably if he does. With his talent he maybe needed elsewhere. My going on the assumption that the Commander is relying on us to get things done. I hope to meet with Sarouk to discuss this issue. In the mean time I'd like to concentrate upgrades and repairs on the weapon systems, shields, propulsion and life support. Zach, I'd like you to handle weapons and shield upgrades." (Reply Tristen) Matrix paused, "I think it makes sense for you to handle weapon upgrades during second shift. Normal ship operations and first shift command officers are on duty during this time, I don't want weapons down for upgrades if they need them." (Reply Tristen, Rathyn IFW) Matrix listened to Zack's reply, "I'll supervise the overall status of the upgrades and repairs and will be available when needed. I'll assist with shield upgrades and life support, keeping key areas up during a heated battle. Please keep the repair logs up to date so each shift officer can review what's been done, pending repairs and any issues. Each of us must review these logs when our shift starts. Include any person notes too. Alura, I'd like you to concentrate on propulsion. I'd like to enhance the systems to include the ability to channel third warp core into the weapons systems on a moments notice. I'd think we can increase phaser power and recharge rates by enhancing the EPS distribution systems through the inducers. Do you think that is doable?" (Reply Alura) Matrix was pleased at the assignments and the responses. "I had an idea I'd like to run by you two as well. I've programmed one of the large holodecks, recreating main engineering. I think we can test theories on the upgrades there. Using the computer and holodeck resources we can simulate and test without risk to the ship or crew. Any thoughts on that?" (Reply Tristen, Rathyn) "Okay, shift duty will start in 48 hours. Assemble the teams you need and I'll call another meeting in about 24 hours on holodeck 16, deck 16. I also hope to meet with Commander Sarouk before then. Dismissed." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 13:05) Alura moved her fingers methodically over the sensor controls and watched the flash of patterns that appeared on the screen showing the general condition of the many parts of the system. She entered data enter her PADD and fingered a few more buttons. Everything was looking good here. "Alura, good afternoon," Matrix voice came from behind. "I assume everyone else is busy with other assignments?" Ensign Rathyn's professional stoicism faded into a friendly smile as she turned. "Good afternoon lieutenant. Yessir, unfortunately we have more assignments than manpower to work them all, as usual." Matrix smiled, "Ah the challenges never change. We're either short on time, or resources. The life in Star Fleet. I guess just the three of us will have a meeting to discuss the mission and the status of the ships systems." "Of course sir. Anytime you're ready." "I just talked with Zack. I want to take a few minutes to review the status board then we'll meet at the center console where Zack is now. We'll meet in about 5 minutes." "Yessir." Matrix smiled as he turned and walked to the main status board where Tristen stood. She watched him go for a moment then turned back to the sensor system readouts. (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engierring - ACEO Ensign Zack Tristen - 1306) "Alright then, lets get started. I'd like to start with ships status. How are all of the major systems, any current problems?" said Matrix as he looked at the two Ensigns. "Working fine sir. There is nothing going on that cannot be fixed before we get to Aquris III." Zack reported to the Lt. "Since we're the senior engineering officers onboard, I want us split into shifts. Tristen, you'll take second shift, Alura you'll have first and I'll take third shift. Any objections to the shift assignments?" Matrix paused. "No sir." Zack said. It didn't really matter to him what shift he worked as long as he had enough time to adjust. "Well obviously we'll work more than one shift if the situation warrants, but I'd like to keep the officer staff in charge of engineering and monitoring repairs, daily tasks, etc. We're a little under staffed, but I think we can pull it off. We do have an ample engineering crew aboard. Alura, any concerns with first shift?" (reply Rathyn) Matrix reviewed the main engineering console again, "I don't yet know if Sarouk will remain onboard, nor his availably if he does. With his talent he maybe needed elsewhere. My going on the assumption that the Commander is relying on us to get things done. I hope to meet with Sarouk to discuss this issue. In the mean time I'd like to concentrate upgrades and repairs on the weapon systems, shields, propulsion and life support. Zach, I'd like you to handle weapons and shield upgrades." "Aye sir, weapons and shields sir." Zack actually was excited to hear his assignment. Matrix paused, "I think it makes sense for you to handle weapon upgrades during second shift. Normal ship operations and first shift command officersare on duty during this time, I don't want weapons down for upgrades if theyneed them." "Aye sir. I will get started on prelimanary reports immediatly after the meeting." Matrix listened to Zack's reply, "I'll supervise the overall status of the upgrades and repairs and will be available when needed. I'll assist with shield upgrades and life support, keeping key areas up during a heated battle. Please keep the repair logs up to date so each shift officer canreview what's been done, pending repairs and any issues. Each of us must review these logs when our shift starts. Include any person notes too.Alura, I'd like you to concentrate on propulsion. I'd like to enhance the systems to include the ability to channel third warp core i nto the weaponssystems on a moments notice. I'd think we can increase phaser power andrecharge rates by enhancing the EPS distribution systems through theinducers. Do you think that is doable?" (reply Alura) Matrix was pleased at the assignments and the responses. "I had an idea I'dlike to run by you two as well. I've programmed one of the large holodecks,recreating main engineering. I think we can test theories on the upgradesthere. Using the computer and holodeck resources we can simulate and test without risk to the ship or crew. Any thoughts on that?" "Sounds good sir. It will give us a great advantage in not dangering the Paladin sir. We should be able to use it to test our new upgrades. "Okay, shift duty will start in 48 hours. Assemble the teams you need andI I'll call another meeting in about 24 hours on holodeck 16, deck 16. I also hope to meet with Commander Sarouk before then. Dismissed." "Aye sir." Zack walked away from the panel and went to a single console to finish his daily routines first. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engierring - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 1308) "Alright then, lets get started," Matrix said to kick the meeting off. "I'd like to start with ships status. How are all of the major systems, any current problems?" said Matrix as he looked at the two Ensigns. "Working fine sir. There is nothing going on that cannot be fixed before we get to Aquris III." Zack reported to the Lt. "Since we're the senior engineering officers onboard, I want us split into shifts. Tristen, you'll take second shift, Alura you'll have first and I'll take third shift. Any objections to the shift assignments?" Matrix paused. "No sir." Zack said. "Well obviously we'll work more than one shift if the situation warrants, but I'd like to keep the officer staff in charge of engineering and monitoring repairs, daily tasks, etc. We're a little under staffed, but I think we can pull it off. We do have an ample engineering crew aboard. Alura, any concerns with first shift?" "None sir," Rathyn answered. The plan, of course, made perfect sense. Matrix reviewed the main engineering console again, "I don't yet know if Sarouk will remain onboard, nor his availability if he does. With his talent he maybe needed elsewhere. My going on the assumption that the Commander is relying on us to get things done. I hope to meet with Sarouk to discuss this issue. In the mean time I'd like to concentrate upgrades and repairs on the weapon systems, shields, propulsion and life support. Zach, I'd like you to handle weapons and shield upgrades." "Aye sir, weapons and shields sir." Matrix paused, "I think it makes sense for you to handle weapon upgrades during second shift. Normal ship operations and first shift command officers are on duty during this time, I don't want weapons down for upgrades if they need them." "Aye sir," Zack said. "I will get started on prelimanary reports immediatly after the meeting." "I'll supervise the overall status of the upgrades and repairs and will be available when needed," Matrix told them. "I'll assist with shield upgrades and life support, keeping key areas up during a heated battle. Please keep the repair logs up to date so each shift officer canreview what's been done, pending repairs and any issues. Each of us must review these logs when our shift starts. Include any person notes too.A lura, I'd like you to concentrate on propulsion. I'd like to enhance the systems to include the ability to channel third warp core into the weapons systems on a moments notice. I'd think we can increase phaser power and recharge rates by enhancing the EPS distribution systems through the inducers. Do you think that is doable?" Alura took a moment before answering as she went over a mental schematic of the EPS/weapons junction switches. "If it's doable, I'll get it done," she assured him. "We'll have to reset environmental systems to compensate for any sudden power changeover." Matrix was pleased at the assignments and the responses. "I had an idea I'd like to run by you two as well. I've programmed one of the large holodecks,recreating main engineering. I think we can test theories on the upgradesthere. Using the computer and holodeck resources we can simulate and test without risk to the ship or crew. Any thoughts on that?" "Sounds good sir," Tristen said. "It will give us a great advantage in not dangering the Paladin sir. We should be able to use it to test our new upgrades." "I agree," Rathyn said. "Okay, shift duty will start in 48 hours. Assemble the teams you need and I'll call another meeting in about 24 hours on holodeck 16, deck 16. I also hope to meet with Commander Sarouk before then. Dismissed." "Aye sir." Zack walked away from the panel and went to a single console to finish his daily routines first. "Sounds good, sir," Rathyn said. "And, again, welcome back, lieutenant." (posted by David) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Sickbay- Flight Officer Smith - 13.11) After her talk with the caption Jennifer realised that there was a couple of other things she had forgotten to do while she was getting 'shark bait' up and running. She entered sickbay. It was the usual hussel and bussel which accompanied most sickbay that she had visited. she walked up to one of the doctors. "Hallo. I'm Jennifer. I've come for a medical. I'm sorry but I've not had the time until now." (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin,fighter bay, Flight Officer Smith, 1320) Jennifer found Lt Rath speaking to one of her pilots from her squadron. She waited until she had finished and crossed over. ?Hallo Lt Rath I?m Lt Smith Shark Bait?s new CO.? She smiled. (reply Rath) Her smile went. ~Well the Captain really dose like me doesn?t she ~ ?Um yes I did got to the captain.? (reply Rath) ?Um yes I do know about the chain of command.? (reply Rath) ~this is just not my lucky day~ ?I?m here to in from you that Shark Bait?s up and ready.? (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:21) =^= Matrix to Ensign O'Connor.=^= (Reply O'Connor) =^= I'm assigning engineering teams to various upgrades throughout the ship, areas including operations; weapons, etc. =^= (Reply O'Connor) =^= I'd like to meet with you or someone you designate to coordinate our efforts. Would you have time to meet?" =^= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Fighter Bay, FSXO, 1st Lt. Stephiea Rath, 1321) Steph turned from the pilot she had been talking with to see someone she hadn't met yet moving in her direction. “Hallo Lt Rath I'm Lt Smith, Shark Bait's new CO," She said with a smile. "Yes," Steph replied, "Captain Straton mentioned you'd been up to see her." “Um yes I did go to the captain,” Smith replied, her smile vanishing. "Did you happen to learn about the chain-of-command in the Academy?" Steph asked, an edge in her voice. “Um yes I do know about the chain of command.” "In the future, Major Menelian and I would appreciate it if you reported things to us before reporting them to the Captain," Steph said, "Now, what did you have to report?" “I’m here to in from you that Shark Bait’s up and ready," Smith said. "Good," Steph replied, "We will be running training drills for all three squadrons today and tomorrow to prepare the pilots for the upcoming mission. The fighter wing is going to be spread pretty thin, patrolling the system while also helping enforce the quarantine. Have your pilots on the Fighter Holodeck at 1530 and ready for the training exercise. Either myself or Major Menelian will be overseeing the training. Question?" (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 13:22) =^= Matrix to Ensign O'Connor.=^= Michael looked up from his desk when he heard his comm badge chirp and tapped it. "Ensign O'Connor here, what can I do for you sir?" =^= I'm assigning engineering teams to various upgrades throughout the ship, areas including operations; weapons, etc. =^= "Excellent, how can I help?" Michael asked not necessarily knowing why the Engineer had contacted him. =^= I'd like to meet with you or someone you designate to coordinate our efforts. Would you have time to meet?" =^= "Sure, how about...1600 hours, my office, unless there is a better location for you?" Michael said, leaning back in his chair. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Fighter Bay, Flight Officer Smith, 1323) "Question?" Jennifer thought for a second. she did not want to look like a idiot again. "No Lt. Rath. I'll see you at 1530 on the holodeck." She nodded to Rath and then left going to find her squadron and get them sorted. (USS Paladin, Hanger Bay 3, Flight Officer Smith, 1329) Jennifer was standing beside her fighter with her squadron in front of her. ~god I hate speeches~ "Okay every one settle down. we are now up and running. thank you all for getting us up to combat readiness so quickly.." her squadron clapped and grinned. she held up her hand for quiet. "... but before you all pat your self on the back and got for a few beers we have allot more to do." they grew quiet again. "Some of us new ones, me included need to listen and take heed of the valuable information from your older squadron members." she pointed to Helen. "we are lucky to have Helen as our chief mechanic and her team. with out her there would be not point in us pilots to be here." the squadron cheered again and Jennifer saw that Helen looked at bit embarrassed. "Okay lets get down to business. we have a lot of work to do. I've talked to the FSXO and he says that were going to be buizy patrolling the system and enforce the quarantine. So at 1530 in the fighter holodeck all the pilots are going for a training exercise. this is to see how we integrate with the other squadrons. so pilots get your self ready because its going to be a tough few days." Jennifer let them disperse and saw Helen come up to her. "Hared you had some fun with the Captain and the FSXO?" Jennifer cringed. Helen smiled as she saw her reaction. "You know what they say Lt. gossip travels at warp speed." Jennifer could have replied to that but she decided against it. ~I've got work to do, so I better get started~ (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Main Engineering - PALMS: ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:23) =^= Matrix to Ensign O'Connor.=^= Michael looked up from his desk when he heard his comm badge chirp and tapped it. "Ensign O'Connor here, what can I do for you sir?" =^= I'm assigning engineering teams to various upgrades throughout the ship, areas including operations; weapons, etc. =^= "Excellent, how can I help?" Michael asked not necessarily knowing why the Engineer had contacted him. =^= I'd like to meet with you or someone you designate to coordinate our efforts. Would you have time to meet?" =^= "Sure, how about...1600 hours, my office, unless there is a better location for you?" Michael said, leaning back in his chair. =^=Great, I'll see you in your office at 16:00 hours. Matrix out.=^= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 13:25) Matrix, Ensign Tristen and Rathyn adjourned and started on their respective tasks. Matrix walked into his office, sat down behind his desk and tapped the console for a status report. ~I'd need to track down Sarouk and see how the Commander would like to proceed for this mission. We have a lot to do in a short amount of time.~ Matrix grimaced as he sat back in his chair. The pain from the plasma accident long ago still haunts him on occasion. =^= Matrix to Sarouk, Sir, I wonder if I can have some of your time to review ship's business and give you a status report on our engineering tasks? =^= (Reply Sarouk) =^= Aye Commander, I will be on duty for the next 5 hours, probably in engineering or we can meet after first shift. Whenever is convenient for you. =^= (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Main Engineering, CEO, Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:27) Sarouk looked at the results of the level 4 diagnostic he had just ran on the tertiary warp core. A minor variance in plasma generation had been detected, and Sarouk was assisting the Warp Drive Engineer, who was responsible for the tertiary warp core, on determining the cause of the variance. Several NCO personnel, all members of the WDE's team, where moving around the warp core performing various more in depth tests. =^= Matrix to Sarouk, Sir, I wonder if I can have some of your time to review ship's business and give you a status report on our engineering tasks? =^= "Keep the core in standby mode till the cause of the variance can be determined," Sarouk said the WDE, as he handed him the PADD. "The cause could be in the EPS taps. Run a level 3 diagnostic on the EPS taps and the core itself." "Aye sir," Ensign Lenoir, the WDE, replied taking the PADD and turning to issue orders to his team. Sarouk turned and took several steps away before tapping his com-badge/ "I am currently assisting WDE Lenoir tracking down a minor variance in the tertiary core," Sarouk replied calmly, "You will be on duty for several hours yet, correct?" =^= Aye Commander, I will be on duty for the next 5 hours, probably in engineering or we can meet after first shift. Whenever is convenient for you. =^= Sarouk didn't immediately reply, as he considered the situation briefly. "Meet me in the my office in 5.54 minuets," Sarouk replied, closing the connection and turning back to Ensign Lenoir. "Keep me informed of your results." "Aye Sir," Lenoir replied, not looking up from the console he was working at. Sarouk turned and moved off through Main Engineering, weaving through the crowd of bustling engineers, heading toward his office. (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt. Commander Sarouk, 13:32) Sarouk sat behind his desk, working on three separate problems at the same time while he waited for Matrix to arrive. (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:34) "Good afternoon Commander, Lieutenant JG Steven Matrix reporting." Sarouk looked up from the tasks he'd been working on and regarded his assistant with a neutral expression. "What did you wish to discuss?" Sarouk asked, pausing his work on the three screens in front of him. "Commander, with the exception of the anomaly with the tertiary warp core, all ships systems are ready for our next mission. I would like to take the opportunity to enhance our capabilities in preparation for anything we might encounter," Matrix said. "What enhancements where you considering?" Sarouk asked, with a slightly raise brow. "Sir, I've taken some initiative and have assigned three engineering shifts, alpha, beta and gamma with special assignments. Ensigns Tristen, Rathyn and Alura have been assigned weapons, shields, propulsion duties respectively. I will supervise and assist with shields and life support upgrades. I've also asked the Operations head to meet with me so we can collaborate on systems that cross both departments. I hope this meets with your approval." Sarouk's brow rose further. "While it is agreeable that you are showing initiative," Sarouk replied, his tone still neutral, "You should have consulted me before instituting any special assignments. As the department head, I need to be aware of what is happening within the department, including special assignments. While I am in agreement that making upgrades to key ship systems is warranted, in the future I will expect you to consult me prior to assigning any special assignments." "Sir, I would also like to take this opportunity to understand your guidelines and directives so that I may excel at this position. It is my intent to manage the day to day operations involving the engineering department aboard this ship, with your direction and approval." "I expect to be kept informed," Sarouk said, "I will expect a detailed report on each system being upgraded, including an analysis on the current configuration and the upgrades being made. I will inform Commander Capps of the upgrades being performed and keep him appraised of there progress. I will also request permission to upgrade several areas of the ships main computer system as well. I will oversee that project personally. Is there anything else?" (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 13:34) Matrix was surprised at Sarouk's response. He took the initiative, showed leadership and professionalism, yet the Commander showed disappointment. "Sir, my apologies for not informing you of my intent prior to making these assignments. As a Star Fleet officer and assistant chief engineer it is my responsibility and duty to perform my job in support of my commanding officer, fellow crewmates and my ship. I thought I was doing that in accordance to my Star Fleet training, as an engineer with experience and oath as an officer." (Reply Sarouk) "Commander, respectfully, perhaps you would like me to cancel these upgrades and focus on other efforts you deem a priority?" (Reply Sarouk) Matrix relaxed a bit, "It is my intent to follow your orders and directives at all times, but to also take responsibilty and ownership of this department. As the assistant chief engineer I represent your department, our department." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, CEO Lt Commander Sarouk, 13:36) "Sir, my apologies for not informing you of my intent prior to making these assignments. As a Star Fleet officer and assistant chief engineer it is my responsibility and duty to perform my job in support of my commanding officer, fellow crew mates and my ship. I thought I was doing that in accordance to my Star Fleet training, as an engineer with experience and oath as an officer." "As a Starfleet Officer," Sarouk replied, his tone still neutral and displaying no emotion. "You were trained to obey the chain-of-command. As the senior officer in the department, I am your direct superior. By not consulting me before implementing these assignments, you could have potentially put the ship or members of this crew at risk. What would of happened, hypothetically, if I had assigned others to these same tasks or other tasks that would have conflicted with the tasks you've ordered? Communication is a crucial part in maintaining a safe and fully functioning department. Logic dictates that a structured and established form of communication must be adhered to by all, if it is to be effective. "Commander, respectfully, perhaps you would like me to cancel these upgrades and focus on other efforts you deem a priority?" "Negative," Sarouk replied, "I just wish to be notified prior to the implementation of any special assignments made to the daily duty roster, baring emergency situations in which case I expect to be notified as soon as possible." "It is my intent to follow your orders and directives at all times, but to also take responsibility and ownership of this department. As the assistant chief engineer I represent your department, our department." "In my absence," Sarouk replied, "you would be expected to run this department. Therefore, it is logical that you be in a position to do such with as little disruption as possible. Therefore, it is also logical that you and I communicate with each other and our junior officers on a regular basis. A fully informed decision is the best decision." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CEO's Office, ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix, 13:36) Matrix felt he wasn't getting through to Sarouk in the manner he had intended. He wouldn't have risked the crew and had checked the duty logs for any conflicts. Still, he knew Sarouk wanted things run a certain way, now it was clear how he wanted things to work. ~Lesson learned.~ thought Matrix. ~This was the way it was going to be. I'll just to the best I can and hopefully earn his respect through actions.~ "Yes Sir. I will keep you informed and will continue with the special assignments. Is there anything else sir?" (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 13:47) =/\=Lt. Brownlee to Ensigns K'Palla, Belden, Loxari, and Lt. O'Shea. Departmental meeting in my office in 15 minutes.=/\= Rick frowned when he heard Brownlee's call. He was in the middle of reading the case-notes of one of the early victims and trying to cross-reference it with some case-notes of an outbreak of Zintel's Syndrome from another system, looking for any similarities. "If you think it's necessary," he replied grudgingly, "I suppose I'll just have to abandon my work and be there. But it is NOT a convenient time for me. Oh, and while I think about it, please use my title not my rank. I studied for more than ten years to be a specialist in my field, and I'd hate to think that time was wasted. Therefore please refrain from addressing me as anything other than doctor." He snapped off his communicator and returned to the case-notes with a sigh. ~Now I've lost the thread.~ Rick muttered something under his breath and scanned his own notes, trying to pick up his train of thought. (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lt. (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 13:59) Olesia came into the office just in time for the meeting to start, and took a seat, nodding to Ensign K'Palla. "Now," Joran said, "It seems as though we're waiting on Dr. O'Shea now. Would anyone like anything before we start?" "Nothing for me, thank you," Olesia replied. (reply K'Palla, room for more) Joran walked over to the replicator. "Vulcan _Mocha, double cream, double sweet, hot." He brought his coffe back over to his desk, and stirred it idly as he waited. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:00) Reaching the end of the section of notes he was working on, Rick leant back, stretching his arms and uncricking his neck. As he did so he caught sight of the time. Muttering a curse on meetings in general and this one in particular, he rose and gathered up a few PADDs from the desk in front of him. ~Better go and see what all this is about~ he complained to himself. "Hey, you, can't remember your name, I've got to go to some d*mnfool meeting or other. You can reach me in whats-his-name, CSO's office if you need to," he addressed the assistant working in the research lab as he stalked through on his way to the turbolift. (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 14:00) "Now," Joran said, "It seems as though we're waiting on Dr. O'Shea now. Would anyone like anything before we start?" "Nothing for me, thank you," Olesia replied. "I'll help myself, sir. Thank you!" replied the Klingon. Joran walked over to the replicator. "Vulcan __Mocha, double cream, double sweet, hot." He brought his coffee back over to his desk, and stirred it idly as he waited. When the Lieutenant got his order, K'Palla stepped up. "Espresso, large mug, extra strong." A hum followed and her steaming drink appeared. The ensign then returned to her seat to wait for the meeting to start. (posted John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 7, CSO's Office, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:15) Rick arrived finally, having missed his way twice, and walked straight in. He looked at the faces that turned towards him. "Got lost on the way here," he said unceremoniously as he looked around for somewhere to sit. "Were you all waiting for me?" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:16) Joran stood up was Dr. O'Shea finally came into his office. "Ah, doctor, good of you to join us." His voice was saturated with sarcasm. "Got lost on the way here," he said unceremoniously as he looked around for somewhere to sit. "Were you all waiting for me?" "Well, seeing as you are the resident expert, I was hoping you could start us off. Tell us what you know about this epidemic, although by the time it took you to get here, it may be a pandemic." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - 14:16) Joran stood up was Dr. O'Shea finally came into his office. "Ah, doctor, good of you to join us." His voice was saturated with sarcasm. "Got lost on the way here," he said unceremoniously as he looked around for somewhere to sit. "Were you all waiting for me?" "Well, seeing as you are the resident expert, I was hoping you could start us off. Tell us what you know about this epidemic, although by the time it took you to get here, it may be a pandemic." ~~ Kahless, looks like a war of wills coming up! ~~ thought the science officer. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:17) "Well, seeing as you are the resident expert, I was hoping you could start us off. Tell us what you know about this epidemic, although by the time it took you to get here, it may be a pandemic." Rick raised his eyebrows. "I hadn't realised you were so well up in the subject. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if by the time we get there it had become a pandemic. Though of course we would all hope that it hasn't. Although you are wrong on one count, epidemics rarely become pandemics in fifteen minutes. Not without outside help, that is. And so far, from the limited data that we have, it doesn't appear that that is the case. Though I never absolutely rule anything out, you have to work with the data you have and so far there is no indication of anything manipulated. Not with the level of technology we have available." (reply any there, iyw) "But to answer your question. What little information we have so far is inconclusive. There are a few minor ailments that mirror the starting conditions, and a few more deadly ones that resemble the later stages in so far as we have the data for them, but apart from the fact that we are clearly not going to be dealing with anything minor, I haven't yet been able to form a theory. I'm hoping that with the help of Dr Loxari and whoever else I can rope in, we can have at least one possible theory before we arrive at the planet." He looked at Brownlee. "Once we actually mange to get some samples, would you and your department be able to help with the study of them? Of course it will have to be done under strictly controlled conditions, with full biohazard and containment precautions, but I'm sure your people are used to that? Maybe not with dealing with diseases, but taking precautions?" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:18) "I hadn't realised you were so well up in the subject. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if by the time we get there it had become a pandemic. Though of course we would all hope that it hasn't. Although you are wrong on one count, epidemics rarely become pandemics in fifteen minutes. Not without outside help, that is. And so far, from the limited data that we have, it doesn't appear that that is the ase. Though I never absolutely rule anything out, you have to work with the data you have and so far there is no indication of anything manipulated. Not with the level of technology we have available." Joran couldn't help but roll his eyes. "My God, man, do you not know sarcasm when you hear it?" (reply O'Shea, IYW) "But to answer your question. What little information we have so far is inconclusive. There are a few minor ailments that mirror the starting conditions, and a few more deadly ones that resemble the later stages in so far as we have the data for them, but apart from the fact that we are clearly not going to be dealing with anything minor, I haven't yet been able to form a theory. I'm hoping that with the help of Dr Loxari and whoever else I can rope in, we can have at least one possible theory before we arrive at the planet. Once we actually mange to get some samples, would you and your department be able to help with the study of them? Of course it will have to be done under strictly controlled conditions, with full biohazard and containment precautions, but I'm sure your people are used to that? Maybe not with dealing with diseases, but taking precautions?" Joran had listened and took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Of course, our department is at your disposal, doctor. Now, is there anything else you need to tell us before we continue on?" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:19) "My God, man, do you not know sarcasm when you hear it?" exclaimed Brownlee. Rick just looked at him. Apparently Lt Brownlee had not come across a deadpan response to sarcasm before now. "But to answer your question," continued Rick without bothering to explain something he really considered irrelevant to the situation in hand. "What little information we have so far is inconclusive. There are a few minor ailments that mirror the starting conditions, and a few more deadly ones that resemble the later stages in so far as we have the data for them, but apart from the fact that we are clearly not going to be dealing with anything minor, I haven't yet been able to form a theory. I'm hoping that with the help of Dr Loxari and whoever else I can rope in, we can have at least one possible theory before we arrive at the planet. Once we actually mange to get some samples, would you and your department be able to help with the study of them? Of course it will have to be done under strictly controlled conditions, with full biohazard and containment precautions, but I'm sure your people are used to that? Maybe not with dealing with diseases, but taking precautions?" "Of course, our department is at your disposal, doctor. Now, is there anything else you need to tell us before we continue on?" Rick shook his head. "Unfortunately not, Lieutenant. We have so little to go on as yet." He paused for a moment, considering, then added, "If you have any members of your staff who have experience or knowledge of xenobiorganisms, and could spare them to work with my team, I could use the help. Only experienced or knowledgeable people, mind. No make-weights." (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:21) "Of course, our department is at your disposal, doctor. Now, is there anything else you need to tell us before we continue on?" "Unfortunately not, Lieutenant. We have so little to go on as yet. If you have any members of your staff who have experience or knowledge of xenobiorganisms, and could spare them to work with my team, I could use the help. Only experienced or knowledgeable people, mind. No make-weights." "Of course. I will send the appropriate people to your office at your discretion." (reply O'Shea) "Now, let's see what we can learn from the recording of what Dr. O'Shea said about it during the meeting this morning." Joran turned to the viewscreen on the wall. "Computer, playback staff meeting, Stardate 2407.01.17, time index 0821." Dr. O'Shea appeared on the screen. [So far, remarkably little. The virus has spread very rapidly. We believe it to be airborne, highly contagious and it is deadly. It has already jumped species several times so we also know that it is mutating. And no, I do NOT just mean that it affects humanoids. Reports from the colony suggest that it first made an appearance amongst animal stocks. At first, the only people affected were few and far between, and it is thought that they contracted the virus from their own livestock. By no means all were affected, and at first only a few actually died. But once it made the leap to the humanoid population it appeared to become more virulent as it spread. One major settlement has been nearly wiped out, and unfortunately some foolish people from that settlement left, carrying the virus with them, and it has now spread to several other settlements. It is only a matter of time until the whole colony is affected, unless a strict quarantine is observed. The colony does not have the required manpower to do that, nor do they have the facilities for the necessary research. Our task will be to investigate the virus and if possible find a cure, and to assist in the enforcement of the quarantines. If we cannot find a cure or a vaccination that prevents infection, then our task will be to prevent it spreading to other planets i n the system and beyond by whatever means necessary. We will need to observe the progress of the virus from infection to death. Reports from the facilities on the planet have been rather vague so far, but what we do know is that the symptoms begin with a temperature and some symptoms similar to the common cold. The bad news is that within 48 hours, those infected become so debilitated that they virtually waste away and die. The really bad news is that the five latest cases have become fatal within 24 hours.] "Computer, stop playback." Joran turned to the other officers in the room. "Alright, we'll go around and see what people got out of it informationwise. Dr. O'Shea?" (reply O'Shea) "Ensign K'Palla?" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 7, CSO's Office - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 14:23) K'Palla listened to the recorded report by Dr O'Shea, but was concerned about one thing. It lingered in her head as the CSO spoke. "Computer, stop playback." Joran turned to the other officers in the room. "Alright, we'll go around and see what people got out of it informationwise. Dr. O'Shea?" (reply O'Shea) "Ensign K'Palla?" The Klingon sighed. "Sir, must we observe the virus run its course? Watching it kill someone is gruesome, in my opinion. It is far fom an honorable death!" (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 7, CSO's Office, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 14:24) "Of course. I will send the appropriate people to your office at your discretion," Brownlee said. Rick inclined his head in thanks as Brownlee played back the recording of Rick speaking to the meeting which had taken place that morning. "Computer, stop playback." Brownlee turned to the other officers in the room. "Alright, we'll go around and see what people got out of it informationwise. Dr. O'Shea?" Rick grinned. "Amazingly good-looking chap, wouldn't you say? Wonder if he's single. Oh! That's not what you meant? Well, I hate to tell you this but astonishingly I didn't learn anything from watching myself speak that I didn't know already." "Ensign K'Palla?" continued Brownlee. The Klingon sighed. "Sir, must we observe the virus run its course? Watching it kill someone is gruesome, in my opinion. It is far from an honourable death!" "Very true," Rick said soberly. "I've lost count of the number of people I've seen die from one disease or another and believe me there is never anything honourable or noble about it. But I'm afraid, Ensign, that observing it run its course is all too often the only way to find a cure and thus prevent millions more, ah, dishonourable deaths. But with every death we gain new information so you might say that they do not die completely in vain. And of course the first lucky person to die more often than not has the disease named after them, as with, for example, Zintel's Disease, or Syndrome. Assuming, of course, that anyone bothers to make a note of their name at the time. Though to be honest," he added thoughtfully, "I suppose it's more often the first important person to die in most cases. The poor and, ah, unknown, are more likely to be dying from it themselves shortly afterwards than to bother recording the name of the first person to die from a new and virulent disease for posterity." He looked at the reactions around the room. "What?" he said. "It's perfectly true!" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 7, CSO's Office - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 14:26) "Computer, stop playback." Joran turned to the other officers in the room. "Alright, we'll go around and see what people got out of it informationwise. Dr. O'Shea?" "Amazingly good-looking chap, wouldn't you say? Wonder if he's single. Oh! That's not what you meant? Well, I hate to tell you this but astonishingly I didn't learn anything from watching myself speak that I didn't know already." "I appreciate the effort on the candor, but this is neither the time or the place. Ensign K'Palla?" continued Joran. K'Palla sighed, almost as if she had suffered some great tragedy. "Sir, must we observe the virus run its course? Watching it kill someone is gruesome, in my opinion. It is far from an honourable death!" "Very true," Dr. O'Shea said. "I've lost count of the number of people I've seen die from one disease or another and believe me there is never anything honourable or noble about it. But I'm afraid, Ensign, that observing it run its course is all too often the only way to find a cure and thus prevent millions more, ah, dishonourable deaths. But with every death we gain new information so you might say that they do not die completely in vain. And of course the first lucky person to die more often than not has the disease named after them, as with, for example, Zintel's Disease, or Syndrome. Assuming, of course, that anyone bothers to make a note of their name at the time. Though to be honest," he added thoughtfully, "I suppose it's more often the first important person to die in most cases. The poor and, ah, unknown, are more likely to be dying from it themselves shortly afterwards than to bother recording the name of the first person to die from a new and virulent disease for posterity." He looked at the reactions around the room. "What?" he said. "It's perfectly true!" "Anyway," said Joran, "from the description, it sounds as though it has an incubation period similar to that of a plague that ravaged Earth approximately 1,000 years ago. Dr. O'Shea, is there any possibility that the two could be related, even the same disease?" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin ? Near Captain?s Office ? Ensign Junior Grade ACMO Nissa Whetari ? 1457) ~And here I thought that working in a chocolate shop was exciting,~ Nissa thought as she walked confidently down the hall. Her walk appeared confident, though she actually felt rather timid. The short briefing she read while on the shuttle from Starbase Geneva to the ship filled her in on some of the details of their next mission. Finally having found her destination, Nissa stood up a bit straighter and adjusted her duffle before ringing the door chime. Upon entering, her attention was drawn to the rather intimidating woman before her. ~Don?t let her smell your fear,~ Nissa thought, wincing a moment later. ~Darn! She?s a Betazoid.~ Nissa recalled from the brief description provided in what little research she had privy to. "Ensign Junior Grade Assistant Chief Medical Officer Nissa Whetari reporting for duty, Captain." The slightly flustered young woman said, holding her PADD out for the Captain. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1458) "Ensign Junior Grade Assistant Chief Medical Officer Nissa Whetari reporting for duty, Captain," the nervous young Ensign said, holding out a PADD. Eva took the PADD and looked it over quickly and quietly. After a few seconds, she placed the PADD down on her desk and turned her attention to the Ensign standing in front of her desk. "Welcome aboard Ensign Whetari," She said, "You have picked a very good time to join us. Our medical department is going to be seriously tested on this mission. I hope you are ready for a lot of hard work, with little rest. Take a few moments to get settled into your quarters, then report to Lt. O'Shea in Sickbay. He is our Mission CMO and you will be working directly with him on this mission. He can better brief you on what we are up against than I can. I want the medical department prepped and ready when we arrive at Beta Aquari III. If there are no questions, you are dismissed." (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, FO Smith's personal quarters. Flight Officer Smith, 1500) She had promised her mother that she would send a message to her older sister Jo but she had been working so hard trying to get the every thing done she had forgotten about it. "Computer activate screen." The screen in front of her lit up. "computer begin recording." "Hi Jo how are you doing? lots has happened since I lest sore you. I'm now a qualified pilot. one of dad's mates took me flying and I got hooked." She moved to one side so that the screen could see the stars flashing past her window as they travelled at warp speed. "As you can see I'm not at fleet training or on the USS Goddard where I though I was going." Jennifer's face broke into a grin. she realised that Jo probably did not know that she had changed corries. "Jo I'm on the Paladin and I have my own squadron called Shark Bait they are Makos. I'm not shore I'm to hot with the Skipper, the CFSO or the FSXO for that matter." Jeniffer looked up at the chronometer hanging on her wall. ~ow hell better get going or I'll be late~ "Look Jo I have to go I've got a training exercise at 1530 that I need to get ready for. hear from you soon sis by." "Computer end recording and transmit message to Agent Smith via SFI command." As the computer beeped its acknowledgement she stood up and headed out of the room. (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - CO's Ready Room - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1501) Nissa watched as her new Captain studied the PADD that she handed her and then addressed her. "Welcome aboard Ensign Whetari," Captain Straton said, "You have picked a very good time to join us. Our medical department is going to be seriously tested on this mission. I hope you are ready for a lot of hard work, with little rest. Take a few moments to get settled into your quarters, then report to Lt. O'Shea in Sickbay. He is our Mission CMO and you will be working directly with him on this mission. He can better brief you on what we are up against than I can. I want the medical department prepped and ready when we arrive at Beta Aquari III. If there are no questions, you are dismissed." "Thank you, Captain." Nissa replied, nodding in respect and then leaving the office. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Sickbay - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1518) After finding her quarters and settling in, Nissa set a program up to add some recipes to her replicator and headed to Sickbay to meet Lieutenant O'Shea. She walked in and asked the closest nurse where the Lieutenant was. The nurse directed Nissa to O'Shea and she smiled as she reported in. "Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari reporting for duty, Lieutenant O'Shea." Nissa said in a slightly more relaxed tone than she used with the Captain. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Deck 13, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1520) Hardly had Rick got back to his lab and his research after the meeting with the 2O than he was interrupted again. "Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari reporting for duty, Lieutenant O'Shea." Rick looked up to see a petite auburn-haired young woman smiling at him. ~ye gods! why is everyone around here so darn cheerful!~ His gaze took in her pristine uniform and the sparkling new blank pin in her collar. "Ah...The smell of freshly graduated Ensigns in the afternoon, what a joy to us all," he said sarcastically. "Don't they teach you not to interrupt your superiors without permission these days?" he continued without pausing. "And it's Doctor O'Shea to you. And everyone else, come to think of it." (reply Nissa) Rick almost told her to go away and report to the ship's CMO, then he had a thought. He could probably use a fresh mind on the case, and one not cluttered up with so-called ship's experience. He looked at her closely. "You ARE a doctor, I presume? Or do I presume too much?" (reply Nissa) "Well, don't just stand there. Make yourself useful! I take it you know what we're supposed to be doing?" (reply Nissa, room for more depending on what her reply is) Rick selected a pile of PADDs from the desk in front of him. "There you go. Sit over there," he waved in the general direction of another desk, "and make yourself familiar with that lot. Come back when you've finished reading them. Maybe then you'll be useful." (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1522) Nissa waited while Lieutenant O'Shea seemingly appraised her. He finally spoke. "Ah...The smell of freshly graduated Ensigns in the afternoon, what a joy to us all," he said. "Don't they teach you not to interrupt your superiors without permission these days?" he continued without pausing. "And it's Doctor O'Shea to you. And everyone else, come to think of it." The response, mildly sarcastic and quite curmudgeonly, surprised Nissa. As unfamiliar as she was with her surroundings, though, Dr. O'Shea's attitude was very much something that Nissa had seen before. A rude retort about the sight of bitter shells of men sprang to her lips, but she repressed the urge and nodded solemnly. "I apologize for the interruption Doctor O'Shea. Captain Straton instructed that I should report to you." He looked at her closely. "You ARE a doctor, I presume? Or do I presume too much?" "You presume the correct amount, Doctor O'Shea. I attended and graduated Medical School in addition to the Academy." "Well, don't just stand there. Make yourself useful! I take it you know what we're supposed to be doing?" O'Shea inquired. "I received a briefing on the plague and its effects." She answered. "Whatever you need assistance with, I am prepared to provide it." Doctor O'Shea looked through and selected some PADD's from the large pile cluttering the desk before him, handing them to Nissa. "There you go. Sit over there," he waved in the general direction of another desk, "and make yourself familiar with that lot. Come back when you've finished reading them. Maybe then you'll be useful." "Yes, Doctor." She replied, taking the stack of PADDs and walking over to the other desk. Making herself as comfortable as possible, Nissa began reading. Just as she began working on her own PADD of notes after the reading the first of her stack, a blond man approached her. As he came closer, Nissa noted his rank of Lieutenant Commander and set her PADD down. "Hello Ensign. I am the FO Lt Cmdr Capps." He introduced himself as Nissa stood up. Giving him a friendly nod, she spoke: "It is nice to make your acquaintance, Lieutenant Commander. I am Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari." "It is nice to meet you as well. Have you found your quarters and everything ok?" Lt. Commander Capps asked. Nissa nodded softly, smiling. "Yes, Lieutenant Commander. My quarters are more than suitable and I have already reported to Captain Straton. I did get a bit lost on my way to my quarters, but that's a rather embarrassing tale." "It is a big ship, but you will get use to it." He replied. "I do hope so. I think that I will enjoy my time here." Nissa said, glad to finally be where she felt she belonged. "We are all glad to have you on board Ensign Whetari!" "Thank you, Lt. Commander. It will be a pleasure to serve with you, I hope." Nissa smiled brightly and returned to her seat, watching the Lieutenant Commander head towards Dr. O'Shea. She suppressed a wry smile and began reading again. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Sickbay - CMO Dr. Jared Keller , 1525) Jared looked around the sickbay quickly as he entered and saw that everything was running to his satisfaction. The researches he had been conducting during the last several days had been intensive and rewarding but now it was time to get back to the real work and he was ready. He smiled as Dr. Maybrey walked through the door to the infirmary as he was headed toward his office. "Good afternoon Doctor Keller, Dr. O'Shea has things running well, how are your researches going?" "Excellent!" Jared said with a grin as he stopped before the man. "As a matter of fact I'm finished and eager to get back to the normal everday grind. Where is Dr. O'Shea now?" "He's in medical research, near where you've been working I believe." "Da**." Jared said. "I should have checked before I left, all right thank you Will. I'll be seeing you again shortly." Will Maybrey grinned as Jared turned on his heel and hot-footed it to the door of sickbay. ~At last some normalcy returning to the ship... maybe.~ (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1526) "Good day Ensign, I don't remember seeing you in the medical department before, what is your name and when were you assigned?" Nissa put the PADD in her right hand as she stood and addressed the officer. "My name is Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari and I just arrived here on the Paladin today." He smiled broadly at her as Nissa answered. "An ACMO eh? Excellent! It's hard to find good help nowadays it seems." He held his hand out. "I'm Dr. Keller the CMO of the Paladin and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, I'm looking forward to introducing you around and giving you the tour of medical. We'll be working closely together from here on in." this would be my *real* boss,~ Nissa thought, with an especially joyous smile on her face. "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Dr. Keller. I look forward to working with you, too." Nissa responded. It took only a moment, so it seemed, for Dr. O'Shea to detect the friendliness in the room and cure it with a delightful dose of his grating personality. "Excuse me," Dr. O'Shea called. "Yes, you. Dr Whoever. Perhaps you are not aware that you are interrupting vital work here? Plenty of time for chatting up the pretty new ensign later when she is not so busy. Dr Whetari, have you finished reading those case notes yet? If so, I require your thoughts on what you have read. Oh, and are either of you familiar with Zintel's Syndrome?" Nissa nodded as she gathered up the PADDs and headed back towards Dr. O'Shea; giving a friendly nod to Dr. Keller. (reply Dr. Keller if you want) "I just finished reading the PADDs, Dr. O'Shea. I am familiar with Zintel's syndrome, though only through lectures and study; I have never witnessed an infection in person." Nissa explained, feeling young, inexperienced, and exactly - she suspected - how Dr. O'shea intended to make her feel. "The plague on Beta Aquari III appears to be of the airborne variety and is, by all accounts, mutating at an alarming and somewhat unprecedented rate. Symptoms appear to include those that would occur with a cold or influenza: fever, sneezing, coughing. Fatalities are increasing and the disease is becoming deadlier faster with every vague report we receive. With the reports being so incomplete, we have know way of knowing if the paranoia or other unpleasantness associated with Zintel's is occurring in this epidemic." Nissa reported, waiting to see what else Dr. O'Shea wanted to know. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facility - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1528) Calvin was just given word not to long ago that a new officer had boarded the ship. It was a new doctor which was good given the current mission. He felt it was polite to meet the new crewmen. Calvin stood in front of the doors of the Research Facility. They hissed open and he walked in. He looked around as the two officers inside looked at him as well. The First Officer looked over at Lt O'Shea, and gave him a nod of the head to acknowledge him. He then looked over at the female Aldean and approached her. "Hello Ensign. I am the FO Lt Cmdr Capps." (reply Whetari) "It is nice to meet you as well. Have you found your quarters and everything ok?" (reply Whetari) "It is a big ship, but you will get use to it." (reply Whetari) "We are all glad to have you on board Ensign Whetari!" (reply Whetari, and there is room for more) After Calvin was finished talking to Nissa he walked over to the Mission CMO. So far Rick has given a lot of officers on the Paladin alot to talk about. It was true that Dr. O'Shea did have a different personality, but it some how fit him. "Doctor," Calvin called Rick. Other officers had already felt the blow of Dr. O'Shea about confronting him with his rank, and those officers had already spreaded it around in Ten Forward. "I know it has only been a short while, but have you found anything that may be crucial for us to know before we get there?" (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr. Jared Keller , 1528) Jared was in fast mode as he strolled down the hall toward the labs, he tapped his combadge as he walked. "Doctor O'Shea this is Dr. Keller, do you have a moment?" (Reply: Rick) He passed through the door and into the outer offices of the lab and saw Lt. Commander Capps stop before the Mission CMO, in the foreground was a medical officer he didn't recognize, since he didn't want to interrupt their talk he stopped before her. "Good day Ensign, I don't remember seeing you in the medical department before, what is your name and when were you assigned?" (Reply: Nissa) He smiled broadly as she spoke. "An ACMO eh? Excellent! It's hard to find good help nowadays it seems." The Betazoid/ Deltan halfbreed held out his hand. "I'm Dr. Keller the CMO of the Paladin and I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, I'm looking forward to introducing you around and giving you the tour of medical. We'll be working closely together from here on in." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr. Rick O'Shea , 1529) =/\=Doctor O'Shea this is Dr. Keller, do you have a moment?=/\= Rick scowled as he tapped his commbadge to reply. Was he never to be left in peace to do his job? "Dr Keller, my limited time is of course at your disposal. Whether the time of those unfortunates actually suffering the effects of the epidemic which I am currently endeavouring to alleviate is at your disposal is another question. However, feel free to add to the long list of interruptions I have had already. I assume you wish to speak to me because you have a useful contribution to make?" (reply Keller iyw, room for more) As he closed the link, Rick noticed with a frown that the FO had entered and was speaking to his assistant. He hoped that the Lt Commander was not going to interrupt her work for too long. ~Really, some people have no idea of when to socialise and when to work. Show them a pretty face and thoughts of everything else go out of the airlock~ he thought sourly. He returned to his studies and made a few notes. There were, he thought, several similarities to out breaks of Zintel's Syndrome. He pursed his lips. ~Perhaps the same treatment would work here? Or perhaps - ~ "Doctor," the voice of the FO cut into Rick's train of thought. "I know it has only been a short while, but have you found anything that may be crucial for us to know before we get there?" Rick looked up, a solemn expression on his face. "Indeed, Commander, I do have something vital to communicate to you. Do not ever, and I mean ever, interrupt my work. You may inadvertently break a chain of reasoning which may or may not lead to a valuable discovery. Once that happens, I may be unable to reconstruct it and then, Commander, the blame would be yours for the potential loss to medical science. If you wish my attention, you may either stand and wait until I notice you, or you may send me a non-verbal message which I will attend to when I have the time. Unless it is an emergency. By emergency I mean a literal life-or-death situation. And it had better be life-or-death. I trust I make myself clear? Sir." Rick looked past him to see another doctor speaking to his assistant. "Hm. And you can include my assistant in that. I have yet to see what she can come up with, but you never know, the occasional spark of inspired intuition may pass through her head and it would be a tragedy if that were to be lost because of some thoughtless person socialising during working hours. Which hours, I may add, will not necessarily reflect the normal shift-pattern as it is commonly perceived. Desperate times require desperate measures and on occasion that has meant working the clock round. I trust I can rely on you to relay this to any other of your officers, crew, assistants, families, pets and assorted other personnel who may wish to come and gawk or ask inane questions?" (reply Capps, room for more iyw) "I assure you, Commander, that when I have something of relevance to report, you will be apprised of that fact and I will then expect you to arrive here or wherever I may request your presence at your earliest convenience. Time, Commander, may well be of the essence. That is something else you may wish to pass along to your subordinates. Everyone who needs to know will be kept apprised of any relevant discoveries or indeed, requirements for our research. There is no need for anyone to continually request updates." Rick looked over to see the doctor still speaking to Nissa. "Excuse me," he called. "Yes, you. Dr Whoever. Perhaps you are not aware that you are interrupting vital work here? Plenty of time for chatting up the pretty new ensign later when she is not so busy. Dr Whetari, have you finished reading those case notes yet? If so, I require your thoughts on what you have read. Oh, and are either of you familiar with Zintel's Syndrome?" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Fighter holodeck, Flight Officer Smith, 1529) Jennifer stood out side the fighter holodeck and looked at her pilots. "okay every one remember this is not a battle. this is a training exercise. were are working as a team remember. so no heroics or egos running around okay." she turned and folded by her pilots entered the holodeck. she saw that is was crowded. ~we must be running late~ she could not see Major Menelian but did see Lt Rath and headed over to her. "Shark Bait's reporting as requested Lt Rath." (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facility - FO Lt Cmdr Capps - 1538) "Doctor," the voice of the FO cut into Rick's train of thought. "I know it has only been a short while, but have you found anything that may be crucial for us to know before we get there?" Rick looked up, a solemn _expression on his face. "Indeed, Commander, I do have something vital to communicate to you. Do not ever, and I mean ever, interrupt my work. You may inadvertently break a chain of reasoning which may or may not lead to a valuable discovery. Once that happens, I may be unable to reconstruct it and then, Commander, the blame would be yours for the potential loss to medical science. If you wish my attention, you may either stand and wait until I notice you, or you may send me a non-verbal message which I will attend to when I have the time. Unless it is an emergency. By emergency I mean a literal life-or-death situation. And it had better be life-or-death. I trust I make myself clear? Sir." Rick looked past him to see another doctor speaking to his assistant. "Hm. And you can include my assistant in that. I have yet to see what she can come up with, but you never know, the occasional spark of inspired intuition may pass through her head and it would be a tragedy if that were to be lost because of some thoughtless person socialising during working hours. Which hours, I may add, will not necessarily reflect the normal shift-pattern as it is commonly perceived. Desperate times require desperate measures and on occasion that has meant working the clock round. I trust I can rely on you to relay this to any other of your officers, crew, assistants, families, pets and assorted other personnel who may wish to come and gawk or ask inane questions?" The doctor had given Calvin an ear full. A little less than half way through the one man conversation Calvin started to believe it was a lecture coming from the blunt doctor. Calvin took a second to consider his thoughts. He then bent over and looked straight into the cold eyes of the doctor. ?Very well doctor, my mistake in thinking that I was here to look after the well fair of this ship and its crew. I will attempt to keep the interruptions to minimal.? Calvin said in a very calm voice. There seemed to be times when conflict was warrant, but other times conflict should be kept to a small degree. ?You will of course report anything as soon as you discover something?? Calvin asked as he straightened back up, and backed off from the doctor a step or two. "I assure you, Commander, that when I have something of relevance to report, you will be apprised of that fact and I will then expect you to arrive here or wherever I may request your presence at your earliest convenience. Time, Commander, may well be of the essence. That is something else you may wish to pass along to your subordinates. Everyone who needs to know will be kept apprised of any relevant discoveries or indeed, requirements for our research. There is no need for anyone to continually request updates." Calvin turned away and headed toward the door. At the door the FO turned and looked at Doctor O?Shea and he locked eyes with him again. ?Oh and since it seems you are unable to multi task I will also attempt to hand you more assistants *Lieutenant*!? Lt Cmdr Capps said with air coming straight from his belly. He turned around one last time and left the facility with out another word being said. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr. Jared Keller - 1540) "It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Dr. Keller. I look forward to working with you, too." The young woman smiled back up at Jared just before raised voices caught Jared's attention, he noticed that the discussion between O'Shea and Commander Capps was getting heated, at the end of which the Commander turned and walked a short distance before growling a final retort. *Lieutenant*!? ~I've never seen him that angry.~ Jared thought as he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Excuse me. Yes, you. Dr Whoever. Perhaps you are not aware that you are interrupting vital work here? Plenty of time for chatting up the pretty new ensign later when she is not so busy. Dr Whetari, have you finished reading those case notes yet? If so, I require your thoughts on what you have read. Oh, and are either of you familiar with Zintel's Syndrome?" The new ACMO grabbed up her notes and headed toward O'Shea, leaving him with a friendly nod, Jared stepped along behind her as he answered. "I have a passing acquaintance with the condition, yes." "I just finished reading the PADDs, Dr. O'Shea. I am familiar with Zintel's syndrome, though only through lectures and study; I have never witnessed an infection in person." Jared could detect her unease in front of this medical officer and frowned, he didn't like his subordinates made to feel that way. "The plague on Beta Aquari III appears to be of the airborne variety and is, by all accounts, mutating at an alarming and somewhat unprecedented rate. Symptoms appear to include those that would occur with a cold or influenza: fever, sneezing, coughing. Fatalities are increasing and the disease is becoming deadlier faster with every vague report we receive. With the reports being so incomplete, we have know way of knowing if the paranoia or other unpleasantness associated with Zintel's is occurring in this epidemic." "Zintels is known to adapt quickly to its environment and the most effective way of finding a cure is by finding a being in the initial stages and using gene-splicing methods to replicate and eradicate it." Jared said matter-of-factly as he stepped toward Dr. O'Shea, placing himself between him and Nissa and quite obviously looking the man up and down. "Am I to assume that was a rhetorical question Dr. O'Shea, that you were testing myself and my assistant on the condition or that you were yourself unknowing of the facts?" (Reply: Rick) Jared nodded. "Yes I am the CMO Jared Keller by the way as I just said. Now I would assume you got to your present position by your considerable talents doctor as it is certain that you are lacking in social skills." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Science Department, CO Captain Eva Straton, 1540) Eva walked into the Science section hands clasped lightly behind her back. She walked slowly through the room, looking to see what the various crew members where doing. "Where might I find Ensign K'Palla?" Eva asked one of the lab coated crewmen. "She was just in Lab 3 a moment ago Sir,"replied the crewman, pointing toward a door down a small corridor. Eva nodded and made her way in the direction the crewman had indicated. She arrived at the door, and knocked twice before opening the door. "Ensign K'Palla?" She said. (Reply K'Palla) "Ensign," Eva said, stepping into the room. "I have an assignment for you. I've reviewed your Academy record and noticed that you excelled in genetics. Is this correct?" (Reply K'Palla) "I'd like you to work directly with Lt. O'Shea and the medical department on this epidemic we'll be dealing with. I want you to be the direct liaison between the Science department and the Medical department. I have other duties in mind for Lt. Brownlee. Any questions?". (posted by Wes) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Science Department, ASCO Ensign K'Palla, 1542) K'Palla was in one of the labs, doing something rather un-Klingon like. She was feeling sorry for herself. She truly felt stagnant in her abilities, like she had more to offer but wasn't given a chance. The fact that K'yp had not spoken to her since their little tryst made her feel unwanted as well. She was considering her options in Starfleet when she heard a knock on the door. when it opened, the Klingon saw the last person she expected to come visit her. It was Captain Straton. "Ensign K'Palla?" She said. "Yes, sir!" the Klingon said, coming to attention. "Ensign," Eva said, stepping into the room. "I have an assignment for you. I've reviewed your Academy record and noticed that you excelled in genetics. Is this correct?" "Yes, Captain, that is correct. I have current on-going personal research regarding the temporary disappearance of the Klingon cranial ridges!" K'Palla replied proudly, surprised that the Captain took an interest in her work. "I'd like you to work directly with Lt. O'Shea and the medical department on this epidemic we'll be dealing with. I want you to be the direct liaison between the Science department and the Medical department. I have other duties in mind for Lt. Brownlee. Any questions?" stated the Captain. "None, sir. I will do my best!" the Klingon couldn't help but smile slightly at the assignment, then added, "And thank you, sir!" (reply Straton iyw) When the Captain left, K'Palla gathered a few things together in order to help facilitate working with the Medical department. She had no problems working with medical people as some Klingons did. Some Klingons thought of medicine as a profession to help the weak, which was unheard of in Klingon culture. But K'Palla was intriqued by it, and pleased that her expertise was being called upon. She might even leran something to help in her own personal on-going research. The Klingon beauty reached the Medical labs, she found O'Shea and approached him. "Sir, Ensign K'Palla reporting for duty by orders of Captain Straton!" she said looking forward and standing at attention. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1545) “Oh and since it seems you are unable to multi task I will also attempt to hand you more assistants *Lieutenant*!” "Better make sure they're competent," Rick said pleasantly as the door closed behind the FO. He shook his head. ~He just doesn't get it, that following a complicated train of thought isn't compatible with holding a conversation~ "Excuse me. Yes, you. Dr Whoever. Perhaps you are not aware that you are interrupting vital work here? Plenty of time for chatting up the pretty new ensign later when she is not so busy. Dr Whetari, have you finished reading those case notes yet? If so, I require your thoughts on what you have read. Oh, and are either of you familiar with Zintel's Syndrome?" The male doctor answered, "I have a passing acquaintance with the condition, yes." "I just finished reading the PADDs, Dr. O'Shea," Nissa Whetari said as she came over. "I am familiar with Zintel's syndrome, though only through lectures and study; I have never witnessed an infection in person. The plague on Beta Aquari III appears to be of the airborne variety and is, by all accounts, mutating at an alarming and somewhat unprecedented rate. Symptoms appear to include those that would occur with a cold or influenza: fever, sneezing, coughing. Fatalities are increasing and the disease is becoming deadlier faster with every vague report we receive. With the reports being so incomplete, we have know way of knowing if the paranoia or other unpleasantness associated with Zintel's is occurring in this epidemic." "Zintels is known to adapt quickly to its environment and the most effective way of finding a cure is by finding a being in the initial stages and using gene-splicing methods to replicate and eradicate it." the man added as he stepped closer to Rick, placing himself between Rick and Nissa and looking him up and down. "Am I to assume that was a rhetorical question Dr. O'Shea, that you were testing myself and my assistant on the condition or that you were yourself unknowing of the facts?" Rick looked at him in surprise. "Why would I want to test you?" he asked blankly. "I was hoping that the two of you would have some familiarity with it, if only theoretically. It's quite rare, you know. I've never had a case of it myself, although, like Dr Whetari here, I have of course read up on the case-studies. You seem to have a reasonable knowledge too," he added, looking at the man closely. "Hmm, you'd presumably be the CMO here? Or is there another senior doctor I haven't met yet?" Jared nodded. "Yes I am the CMO Jared Keller by the way as I just said. Now I would assume you got to your present position by your considerable talents doctor as it is certain that you are lacking in social skills." "Social skills? OH, you mean pleasantries and all that stuff. No, Dr Keller, I got to my present position by hard work and application. And a certain degree of ability, as I'm sure you did yourself. But we're not here to chit-chat, you know. Dr Whetari is correct," he nodded to Nissa with, for him, an approving look, "Our problem is the incompleteness of the data we have. But there is, as I'm sure you'll agree once you've had the chance to read up on the case-notes we have so far if you haven't already, a certain degree of similarity in the reports of this epidemic. So I was hoping we could brain-storm a bit with what we do know of this outbreak, and what we know of Zintel's. If we can at least form some kind of working theory based on what little evidence we have, that might give us an edge when we actually get there. Always supposing, of course, that no new data comes along in the meantime to disprove whatever theory we come up with. So whadd'you say? You up for a bit of brainstorming? The more minds we have giving input, the more likely we are to hit on an answer. It would be impractical to do otherwise. One person alone can miss something vital." (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1545) After the Captain had dismissed the meeting Michael had gone to his office to work. If he was needed on the bridge the watch officer would call him. He sat at his desk and looked around at all the status boards that adorned his walls. Various sensor readouts scrolled across one, power usage graphs scrolled across another, and a third keeping track of equipment requests as they came in and were dealt with by others in his department. Michael had been working on making sure every conceivable supply that could be needed was ready for the mission. He had teams going over the biohazard suits with a fine tooth comb as well as installing triple redundant back ups to the biofilters on every transporter on the ship and shuttle craft. He had some of his fabricators working on assembling decontamination showers and isolation rooms in case something happened, and he had another crew going over the containment fields to all the major sections of the ship, just in case the worst happened and they needed to quarantine the ship. He was working quietly, when his terminal beeped with a message. His crew in Cargo Bay 3 was done, all the equipment needed for an infectious disease lab was in cargo bay 3 and ready to be set up if needed. All the alterations he had asked for were done as well, now he just needed to let Doctor O'Shea know, and ask if he wanted it done. Michael was pretty sure he would, as the 'good' Doctor had mentioned that he wasn't sure the Paladin had the facilities he would need to work on the problem properly. Quickly Michael wrote out a message to the doctor, detailing the supplies and equipment he had ready to set up in bay 3 as well as the new containment fields that had been set up to seal off the bay. Michael left out the fact that he had set up the isolation lab next to the bay doors in case the bay needed to be purged quickly. Michael let the doctor know that all he needed was the go ahead and he could have the bay ready in a couple of hours, then sent the message to the Doctors Terminal and PADD for him to read the next time he checked his messages. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - CMO Dr Jared Keller- 1546) Jared didn't have telepathic skills being only half-Betazoid but his empathic sense was highly tuned, he noted with satisfaction that Dr. O'Shea's attitude took a detour when he learned who he was which is just what he had expected, the man obviously had respect only for someone of his profession and similar rank. Now that his assistant had seen that in public she no longer had any reason to be hesitant around him, respect for O'Shea would of course have to be given is she wished. "Social skills? OH, you mean pleasantries and all that stuff. No, Dr Keller, I got to my present position by hard work and application. And a certain degree of ability, as I'm sure you did yourself. But we're not here to chit-chat, you know. Dr Whetari is correct," he nodded to Nissa with, for him, an approving look, "Our problem is the incompleteness of the data we have. But there is, as I'm sure you'll agree once you've had the chance to read up on the case-notes we have so far if you haven't already, a certain degree of similarity in the reports of this epidemic. So I was hoping we could brain-storm a bit with what we do know of this outbreak, and what we know of Zintel's. If we can at least form some kind of working theory based on what little evidence we have, that might give us an edge when we actually get there. Always supposing, of course, that no new data comes along in the meantime to disprove whatever theory we come up with. So whadd'you say? You up for a bit of brainstorming? The more minds we have giving input, the more likely we are to hit on an answer. It would be impractical to do otherwise. One person alone can miss something vital." "Brainstorming?" Jared mused. "I' haven't had a chance to look at the case notes yet but I am available for a think-tank session whenever you wish and since you have the more up-to-date information on the case I would like to review it. When would you like to start?" (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1555) Watching as CMO Keller and Dr. O'Shea chatted, Nissa shifted from foot to foot. ~Its like I'm between two fighting bull elephant seals.~ Though she knew that they both meant well enough, so it was more interesting to listen to than anything else. Dr. O'Shea had a fair bit to say in defense of his lack of social graces and Nissa was slowly warming - as one slowly warms to anyone who is dedicated to a shared profession. "So whadd'you say? You up for a bit of brainstorming? The more minds we have giving input, the more likely we are to hit on an answer. It would be impractical to do otherwise. One person alone can miss something vital." Nissa nodded with the sort of enthusiasm that she could only assume Dr. O'shea would find incredibly distasteful. ~Though Dr. Keller seems more agreeable,~ She thought. "Sounds like a solid plan. Talking these problems out is quite helpful, even with a limited set of data." (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - fighter holodeck - Flight Officer Smith - 1555) ~lets get this show on the road~ Jennifer was strapped into her Mako fighter ready to get going with the simulation. She activated the comm system. "Shark Bait lead to Shark Bait flight initiate start up and prepare for take off." =^= two copy =^= =^= three copy =^= =^= four copy =^= "Computer begin start AI start up sequence and run self test mode." the computer beeped. the console in front of her lit up and she felt the power of its engines vibrate through the little fighter. [All systems functioning] She glanced at the console that showed the status of the rest of the flight. it showed that they were all ready. "Shark Bait lead to Paladin control Shark Bait 1 flight of four is ready to launch." (reply control) "Copy that control." "Okay Shark Bait flight launch on my signal." =^= two copy =^= =^= three copy =^= =^= four copy =^= Jennifer nodded to her self. ~so far so good~ She smiled to her self as she looked through the cockpit window she always liked this part. ~lets go~ she pushed forward the throttle and powered her Mako forward and out of the hanger bay followed closely by the rest of her flight. "Okay every alpha one formation. every one copy." =^= two copy =^= =^= three copy =^= =^= four copy =^= she saw her flight move into the formation. "Paladin control this is Shark Bait 1 we are airborne." (reply control) "Night Nurse to Lt. Rath. Shark Bait 1 is information. requesting further information." (posted by Robbie) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical research facilities - Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1556) "Sounds like a solid plan. Talking these problems out is quite helpful, even with a limited set of data," Dr Whetari said, earning her another approving glance from Rick. He was hoping that the CMO was not intending to take this useful person away from the research on the epidemic. "Brainstorming?" Jared mused. "I' haven't had a chance to look at the case notes yet but I am available for a think-tank session whenever you wish and since you have the more up-to-date information on the case I would like to review it. When would you like to start?" "As soon as possible," Rick said. "Doctor," he turned to Nissa, "If you have finished going through those case-notes, could you give them to Dr Kellman to read?" He turned to walk back to his work-station, beckoning to Nissa without looking back at her as he did so. "What we need," he mused, "is some kind of wipe-board. I wonder if what's his name, OPS guy, can get one for us?" So saying, he picked up a padd from his desk and was about to scroll through the list of 'useful' people, when he saw a message from the very person he had been thinking of. As he read it he actually smiled, a genuine smile which lit up his face. "Finally, someone actually using their brain!" he muttered under his breath. He looked up and said to the others, "Well, looks like we will have some decent facilities after all." He tapped his commbadge. "O'Shea to O'Connor. You have the go-ahead, and my thanks for not interrupting me but sending me a message. Oh, and while I think of it, you wouldn't be able to lay your hands on a couple of wipe-boards or some such would you? I need 'em soon. Like now, if possible?" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1559) Michael was sitting in his office still, when his comm badge beeped. =/\=O'Shea to O'Connor. You have the go-ahead, and my thanks for not interrupting me but sending me a message. Oh, and while I think of it, you wouldn't be able to lay your hands on a couple of wipe-boards or some such would you? I need 'em soon. Like now, if possible?=/\= "Give my men roughly three hours to set everything up, and do their final checks and Cargobay three will be ready for you. As for wipe boards...give me five minutes and I'll see about getting them to your currant location, with markers and erasers and such." Michael said. "O'Connor Out." Michael pulled up a ships inventory, wipe boards weren't very common, but science and engineering still liked to use them from time to time as it was a large surface they could draw on and erase that everyone could see, something the computer still had a hard time with. He quickly found three large clear wipe boards on wheels. "Computer, beam items, D-75432, through D-75434, to the following coordinates," Michael said, then tapped out the coordinates for an unoccupied corner of the Medical research facilities that Dr. O'Shea was currently using. The wipe boards were on wheels, and had markers and erasers with them in storage, anything else small, Dr. O'Shea would be able to replicate. He looked at his chronometer and smiled, before tapping his comm badge. "Ensign O'Connor to Dr. O'Shea. The wipe boards and supplies should have materialized in the corner of the lab, if you need more just let me know." Michael said. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1559) Michael was sitting in his office towards the day, finishing up work so his Beta shift leader could keep things going while he was off. He was going over things for the second time, waiting for his meeting with Matrix as well. The Lieutenant should be arriving soon, so Michael quickly finished up his notes. He had just finished up the last PADD when the door chime sounded. "Come," Michael said, standing up as Lt. Matrix walked through the door. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - ACEO LT JG Steven Matrix - 1559) Michael was sitting in his office towards the day, finishing up work so his Beta shift leader could keep things going while he was off. He was going over things for the second time, waiting for his meeting with Matrix as well. The Lieutenant should be arriving soon, so Michael quickly finished up his notes. He had just finished up the last PADD when the door chime sounded. "Come," Michael said, standing up as Lt. Matrix walked through the door. Matrix smiled, "Ensign, thank you for meeting with me on such short notice." Matrix sat down. (Reply O'Connor) "Well I wanted to inform you that I've assigned three engineering teams to perform upgrades on some key systems. This may seen out of the ordinary, but I felt it good practice to let affected department heads know what we're up to." (Reply O'Connor) Matrix glanced at his PADD, "Ensign Tristen will be working on weapons and shields, Ensign Rathyn will be working on propulsion systems. I will be assisting in all areas as well as working on life support. Many of these areas affect you and your crew so I wanted to let you know what areas we'll be working in." (Reply O'Connor) "Oh, I've scheduled holodeck 16 for exclusive engineering use during these upgrades. We'll be using it to test systems prior to putting them into production. I hope these assignments and resource allocations won't be an issue for your department." (posted by Steve) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin – Medical Research Facilities – Ensign JG Nissa Whetari – 1601) "Doctor," O’Shea said as he turned to Nissa, "If you have finished going through those case-notes, could you give them to Dr Kellman to read?" “Yes, Doctor.” Nissa answered with a slight smile. Giving Dr. Keller a look of puzzlement crossed with a shrug, she handed him the case notes as she caught sight of Dr. O’Shea motioning her along. "What we need is some kind of wipe-board. I wonder if what's his name, OPS guy, can get one for us?" Dr. O’Shea wondered aloud, taking a look at a PADD nearby and smiling a moment later. Nissa stood quietly waiting. The thought of working on a wipe-board wasn’t unusual for her, but the prospect of working in concert with two more experienced doctors made her slightly uneasy. Dr. O’Shea looked up from his PADD. "Well, looks like we will have some decent facilities after all." Nissa wasn’t certain if there had been some issue with the facilities that she wasn’t aware of, but she listened as Dr. O’Shea spoke with the COPS regarding wipe-boards. In a matter of moments, three materialized in the corner of the room, complete with various accessories. Nissa took her place near one and waited for Dr. O’Shea and Dr. Keller before she began writing anything. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1601) "Come," Michael said, standing up as Lt. Matrix walked through the door. Matrix smiled, "Ensign, thank you for meeting with me on such short notice." Matrix sat down. "Not a problem, Sir, what can I do for you?" Michael asked taking his seat once again. "Well I wanted to inform you that I've assigned three engineering teams to perform upgrades on some key systems. This may seen out of the ordinary, but I felt it good practice to let affected department heads know what we're up to." "Most appreciated, what systems are you going to be working on," Michael asked as he pulled out a PADD to take note of the projects. Matrix glanced at his PADD, "Ensign Tristen will be working on weapons and shields, Ensign Rathyn will be working on propulsion systems. I will be assisting in all areas as well as working on life support. Many of these areas affect you and your crew so I wanted to let you know what areas we'll be working in." "Got it, I'll let me teams know to expect some power fluctuations in systems related to those areas." Michael said, as he wrote down the assignments that the Lieutenant had just laid out. "Oh, I've scheduled holodeck 16 for exclusive engineering use during these upgrades. We'll be using it to test systems prior to putting them into production. I hope these assignments and resource allocations won't be an issue for your department." "I'll mark Holodeck 16 off limits, until I hear back from you that you are done with it. As far as issues go, I just request that if you are going to be increasing power draws for more than 15 or so minutes, that you let me know so I can make adjustments accordingly. Also, I've set up Cargobay three as an infectious disease lab for Dr. O'Shea. In your repairs and adjustments, please make sure that there aren't any power or life support surges or failures to that bay, I so don't want to have to explain it to Dr. O'Shea." Michael said with a grin. "Once your done with the upgrades, just let me know and I'll get you and the rest of engineering, new power distribution and usage maps. Other than that, I don't think there should be any issues, unless you need a ton more power to those systems than they are already getting, Sir." Michael said, putting down the PADD. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin – Medical Research Facilities – CMO, Dr. Jared Keller – 1602) "Doctor," O’Shea said as he turned to Nissa, "If you have finished going through those case-notes, could you give them to Dr Kellman to read?" ~Kellman?~ Jared thought with some humor as Nissa handed over the PADD and he took a nearby chair and began to go through its contents, the whole problem with Zintel's Syndrome is that in its initial stages it could be misdiagnosed easily which allowed it ample time to continue to spread almost interrupted, by the time it was discovered it usually had managed to infect hundreds or thousands of people. With that kind of momentum it became nearly unstoppable, the difficulty in halting it lay in the fact that not only did they have to track down all of those infected and isolate them but the viral agent had long since begun to mutate which made it that much more difficult to treat when diagnosed. The result therefore was that the first 3 to 5 waves of infection were nearly always fatal when dispersed through the population. If caught and isolated quickly few died, if allowed to spread unchecked though up to tens of thousands of people died could be mown down easily. The disease had decimated the populations of two planets this way while killing millions of people and completely wiped out the inhabitants of a third. Zintel's therefore had become a high priority target of Federation medical alerts with voluntary inoculations and preventative treatment on the worlds on which the Federation held sway but wiping it out was going to take a lot of time if it could be done and when an outlying planet was hit like this which was not prepared nothing could be done except to contain the contagion while sparing as many people as possible from its ravages. There was a hum of a transporter in the background as Jared finished skimming the data and he looked up while sighing. ~So many and so little time.~ The arrival of three wipe boards with colorized magnetic markers was welcome and he walked over to O'Shea and Nissa while hefting the PADD like it was a lead weight ~Or come to think of it a poison pen letter, no better yet a harbinger of doom.~ He picked up a marker. "Let's get at it shall we? 130 people were discovered with the initial generation of the disease..." he wrote it on the board at the top left. "And 528 eight days later with generation two." That figure went directly beneath the first. "Twelve days later 3,800 were found with the third generation of the virus." he looked up at the figures with trepidation. "That was nearly nearly a week ago and if the progression holds true we could be looking at nearly 15,000 infected by the fourth generation strain." (Reply: O'Shea, Nissa) "I see also that of the first 130 infected 82 have died and 393 of the second generation strain giving it a mortality rate at this point of 68.5% and climbing." A chill went down his back at the though of the number of third and fourth generation of victims that would be dead soon if they couldn't pull off a miracle. (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO, Dr Rick O'Shea - 1603) =/\=Ensign O'Connor to Dr. O'Shea. The wipe boards and supplies should have materialized in the corner of the lab, if you need more just let me know.=/\= Rick looked over, and indeed there were three wipeboards and assorted pens and other necessities. He almost smiled as he tapped his commbadge. "My thanks, Ens O'Connor. You're as good as your word. O'Shea out." Nissa positioned herself near one of them, and Rick nodded to her as he headed for another. Keller headed for the third, picking up a marker and saying, "Let's get at it shall we? 130 people were discovered with the initial generation of the disease..." he wrote it on the board at the top left. "And 528 eight days later with generation two." That figure went directly beneath the first. "Twelve days later 3,800 were found with the third generation of the virus." he looked up at the figures with trepidation. "That was nearly nearly a week ago and if the progression holds true we could be looking at nearly 15,000 infected by the fourth generation strain." Rick nodded. "That would seem an accurate projection." "I see also that of the first 130 infected 82 have died and 393 of the second generation strain giving it a mortality rate at this point of 68.5% and climbing." Rick tapped his pen against his teeth. "Not only mutating but becoming more virulent," he said, thinking aloud. "Not a good combination." He looked up to see a petite, attractive Klingon woman approaching him and raised an eyebrow at her interrogatively. "Sir, Ensign K'Palla reporting for duty by orders of Captain Straton!" she said looking forward and standing at attention. "Aha! Then I assume the good Captain had a reason for assigning you to us?" Rick said, his eyes gleaming. He hadn't had much to do with Straton as yet but the Captain struck him as the kind of person who didn't waste either her own time or that of others. The kind of person he approved of. "What's your specialty?" he barked, looking for a marker for her. (reply K'Palla) "Excellent, between the four of us we should be able to make some headway then. Of course, as Dr Kellynch pointed out before you came, until we get more information we're more or less working blind, but it never hurts to review what we know. On Dr Kellynch's board," Rick waved in Keller's general direction, "you'll see some figures. They represent, from the top down, the numbers infected with the first, second and third generation of the disease. With each mutation the mortality rate increases. I don't need to tell you what that means," he added sombrely. "That's what we've got in the way of figures so far, now I think we need to look at the symptoms and the way they've changed or not with each mutation. Common symptoms to all variations we'll mark in blue. Those that occur with a new strain will get a new colour, repeated down until we get a clear picture of progression and commonalities. Agreed?" (reply Nissa, Jared, K'Palla, iyw) He shot a glance at K'Palla. "Kellynch has some padds with some case studies on them, I'm sure he'll share like the nice, kind man he is," he added. "But for now I want you to look, listen and contribute anything you feel is worth saying. If it wasn't worth saying, don't worry, I'll let you know," he added. "now, shall we begin?" He picked up a blue marker. "First incarnation, flu-like symptoms. Headaches, swollen glands, high temperature. Does not respond to known treatments for influenza." He began writing then slapped his head. "I'm an idiot!" he exclaimed. "A fully paid-up member of idiots anonymous!" He then glared round at the other three. "We're all idiots for missing the obvious! Well, all except Dr Whetari, who couldn't have known because she wasn't on board at the briefing meeting," he added grudgingly. "Dr Keller, remember the first incarnation wasn't with people at all! It was with animals. By the time any of these -" he indicated the padds with the case notes on them, "had the disease it was in at least its second and most likely third generation, since it had just made the species jump from animals to humanoids. That might change everything!" Rick narrowed his eyes, thinking for a moment, then wheeled on K'Palla. "You're our genetics expert, what do you think?" (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1605) "Sir, Ensign K'Palla reporting for duty by orders of Captain Straton!" she said looking forward and standing at attention. "Aha! Then I assume the good Captain had a reason for assigning you to us?" Rick said, his eyes gleaming. He hadn't had much to do with Straton as yet but the Captain struck him as the kind of person who didn't waste either her own time or that of others. The kind of person he approved of. "What's your specialty?" he barked, looking for a marker for her. "Genetics, sir!" K'Palla replied simply. "Excellent, between the four of us we should be able to make some headway then. Of course, as Dr Kellynch pointed out before you came, until we get more information we're more or less working blind, but it never hurts to review what we know. On Dr Kellynch's board," Rick waved in Keller's general direction, "you'll see some figures. They represent, from the top down, the numbers infected with the first, second and third generation of the disease. With each mutation the mortality rate increases. I don't need to tell you what that means," he added sombrely. "That's what we've got in the way of figures so far, now I think we need to look at the symptoms and the way they've changed or not with each mutation. Common symptoms to all variations we'll mark in blue. Those that occur with a new strain will get a new colour, repeated down until we get a clear picture of progression and commonalities. Agreed?" K'Palla simply nodded in agreement. He shot a glance at K'Palla. "Kellynch has some padds with some case studies on them, I'm sure he'll share like the nice, kind man he is," he added. "But for now I want you to look, listen and contribute anything you feel is worth saying. If it wasn't worth saying, don't worry, I'll let you know," he added. "now, shall we begin?" He picked up a blue marker. "First incarnation, flu-like symptoms. Headaches, swollen glands, high temperature. Does not respond to known treatments for influenza." He began writing then slapped his head. "I'm an idiot!" he exclaimed. "A fully paid-up member of idiots anonymous!" He then glared round at the other three. "We're all idiots for missing the obvious! Well, all except Dr Whetari, who couldn't have known because she wasn't on board at the briefing meeting," he added grudgingly. "Dr Keller, remember the first incarnation wasn't with people at all! It was with animals. By the time any of these -" he indicated the padds with the case notes on them, "had the disease it was in at least its second and most likely third generation, since it had just made the species jump from animals to humanoids. That might change everything!" Rick narrowed his eyes, thinking for a moment, then wheeled on K'Palla. "You're our genetics expert, what do you think?" "Did this start in a particular type of animal, like cattle or birds? If we can determine a common marker between the jumped mutation and all the others, it could be a common link to destroying it!" K'Palla deduced. (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1605) Keller began as the three doctors took up markers at their wipe-boards ."Let's get at it shall we? 130 people were discovered with the initial generation of the disease..." he began writing on the top left of the board. "And 528 eight days later with generation two. Twelve days later 3,800 were found with the third generation of the virus. That was nearly nearly a week ago and if the progression holds true we could be looking at nearly 15,000 infected by the fourth generation strain." Dr. O'Shea nodded. "That would seem an accurate projection." Nissa nodded in assent as well, worried by the scope of the plague. "I see also that of the first 130 infected 82 have died and 393 of the second generation strain giving it a mortality rate at this point of 68.5% and climbing." Dr. Keller further explained. Tapping his pen against his teeth, Dr. O'Shea spoke: "Not only mutating but becoming more virulent, not a good combination." About to speak, Nissa opened and then shut her mouth as a Klingon woman walked into the lab. "Sir, Ensign K'Palla reporting for duty by orders of Captain Straton!" she said, standing at attention. "Aha! Then I assume the good Captain had a reason for assigning you to us? "What's your specialty?" Dr. O'Shea barked, looking around for a marker for Ensign K'Palla. "Genetics, sir!" The Klingon woman replied. "Excellent, between the four of us we should be able to make some headway then. Of course, as Dr Kellynch pointed out before you came, until we get more information we're more or less working blind, but it never hurts to review what we know. On Dr Kellynch's board," Dr. O'Shea waved in Dr. Keller's general direction as Nissa smiled and shrugged at Dr. Keller. "you'll see some figures. They represent, from the top down, the numbers infected with the first, second and third generation of the disease. With each mutation the mortality rate increases. I don't need to tell you what that means," O'Shea stated. "That's what we've got in the way of figures so far, now I think we need to look at the symptoms and the way they've changed or not with each mutation. Common symptoms to all variations we'll mark in blue. Those that occur with a new strain will get a new color, repeated down until we get a clear picture of progression and commonalities. Agreed?" O'Shea asked. "Very much so, Doctor." Nissa replied, nodding and picking up a handful of markers in her right hand. K'Palla nodded as well, while Dr. Keller also seemingly agreed. Dr. O'Shea instructed K'Palla to use the case notes that Dr. Keller had been reading to get up to speed, though once again calling Dr. Keller by the wrong name. After Keller handed the PADDs off to K'Palla, Dr. O'Shea suggested that they begin. "First incarnation, flu-like symptoms. Headaches, swollen glands, high temperature. Does not respond to known treatments for influenza." Dr. O'Shea stopped talking for a moment and slapped his forehead. "I'm an idiot!" he exclaimed. "A fully paid-up member of idiots anonymous!" Just as Nissa wondered what the folks at Idiots Anonymous would be paying for, ~I guess that's what makes them idiots,~ Dr. O'Shea turned to Nissa and the others. "We're all idiots for missing the obvious! Well, all except Dr Whetari, who couldn't have known because she wasn't on board at the briefing meeting," he added, though Nissa wasn't quite sure it was something to be proud of, considering the circumstances. "Dr Keller, remember the first incarnation wasn't with people at all! It was with animals. By the time any of these -" he indicated the padds with the case notes on them, "had the disease it was in at least its second and most likely third generation, since it had just made the species jump from animals to humanoids. That might change everything!" Dr. O'Shea seemed to pause for a moment, then turned to Ensign K'Palla. "You're our genetics expert, what do you think?" "Did this start in a particular type of animal, like cattle or birds? If we can determine a common marker between the jumped mutation and all the others, it could be a common link to destroying it!" K'Palla added. "Hmmmmm. Find the initial genetic sequence, cross reference the DNA sequences in the infected life forms factoring in the environmental and racial stresses then follow the mutations in to the sentient hosts. The initial form of the disease will give us a basic platform and root to break down and find a preliminary line of treatment. As I said earlier you find the initial form of the disease then break it down and replicate it. Since I was unavailable for the briefing Dr. O'Shea would you mind sharing with us what animal life forms it was that were first infected?" Dr. Keller inquired. While Nissa knew that Dr. Keller was correct regarding how to proceed with a typical disease, she doubted that finding a treatment for something that was mutating so quickly would be as simple. ~And that mortality rate just keeps increasing,~ she thought, shaking her head and waiting for Dr. O'Shea's response. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, CMO, Dr. Jared Keller- 1608) Jared turned when K'Palla entered the room and smiled, he hadn't had much of a chance to get together with the Klingon but he had heard she was doing a wonderful job since her assignment and he watched and listened as she reported in.. "Aha! Then I assume the good Captain had a reason for assigning you to us?" Dr. O'Shea said. "What's your specialty?" He barked then, clearly curious as to her fields of study. "Genetics, sir!" K'Palla replied. Short and to the point. "Excellent, between the four of us we should be able to make some headway then. Of course, as Dr Kellynch pointed out before you came, until we get more information we're more or less working blind, but it never hurts to review what we know. On Dr Kellynch's board,"O'Sheas waved in Jared's direction, "you'll see some figures. They represent, from the top down, the numbers infected with the first, second and third generation of the disease. With each mutation the mortality rate increases. I don't need to tell you what that means," he added sombrely. "That's what we've got in the way of figures so far, now I think we need to look at the symptoms and the way they've changed or not with each mutation. Common symptoms to all variations we'll mark in blue. Those that occur with a new strain will get a new colour, repeated down until we get a clear picture of progression and commonalities. Agreed?" K'Palla nodded, her attention rapt on the Mission CMO, Jared had to admit he had a way of cutting to the point, not like many of the scientific and medical communnity who tended to be windbags. O'Shea turned quickly and gave K'Palla a piercing look. "Kellynch has some padds with some case studies on them, I'm sure he'll share like the nice, kind man he is, but for now I want you to look, listen and contribute anything you feel is worth saying. If it wasn't worth saying, don't worry, I'll let you know, now, shall we begin?" Jared passed over the PADDs with a wink and grin when O'Shea turned back to the board as though to say "You'll get used to it in time." He picked up a blue marker. "First incarnation, flu-like symptoms. Headaches, swollen glands, high temperature. Does not respond to known treatments for influenza." He began writing then slapped his head. "I'm an idiot!" he exclaimed. "A fully paid-up member of idiots anonymous!" He then glared round at the other three. "We're all idiots for missing the obvious! Well, all except Dr Whetari, who couldn't have known because she wasn't on board at the briefing meeting," he added grudgingly. "Dr Keller, remember the first incarnation wasn't with people at all! It was with animals. By the time any of these -" he indicated the padds with the case notes on them, "had the disease it was in at least its second and most likely third generation, since it had just made the species jump from animals to humanoids. That might change everything!" Rick narrowed his eyes, then wheeled on K'Palla. "You're our genetics expert, what do you think?" "Did this start in a particular type of animal, like cattle or birds? If we can determine a common marker between the jumped mutation and all the others, it could be a common link to destroying it!" K'Palla deduced. "Hmmmmm. Find the initial genetic sequence, cross reference the DNA seqences in the infected life forms factoring in the environmental and racial stresses then follow the mutations in to the sentient hosts. The initial form of the disease will give us a basic platform and root to break down and find a preliminary line of treatment. As I said earlier you find the intial form of the diesese then break it down and replicate it." Jared said with a musing tone. "Since I was unavailable for the briefing Dr. O'Shea would you mind sharing with us what animal life forms it was that were first infected?" (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, Mission CMO Dr Rick O'Shea - 1609) "Did this start in a particular type of animal, like cattle or birds? If we can determine a common marker between the jumped mutation and all the others, it could be a common link to destroying it!" K'Palla deduced. "Hmmmmm. Find the initial genetic sequence, cross reference the DNA sequences in the infected life forms factoring in the environmental and racial stresses then follow the mutations in to the sentient hosts. The initial form of the disease will give us a basic platform and root to break down and find a preliminary line of treatment. As I said earlier you find the initial form of the disease then break it down and replicate it. Since I was unavailable for the briefing Dr. O'Shea would you mind sharing with us what animal life forms it was that were first infected?" Rick looked at Keller for a moment then grinned wryly. "My apologies, Doctor. There were so many new faces at the briefing that I just assumed you had been there, as CMO of the ship." He scratched his head. "Reports indicate that it began amongst livestock. There's no clear identification of where the base infection began, but indications are that it made the leap to humanoids from porcine creatures on smallholdings. As you all no doubt know, there are a lot of similarities between humans and pigs. For the virus to make that leap would be a small one. There are many catalogued cases of similar happenings with other animals too - anthrax for one, HN05 for another." (reply any, room for more) Rick sighed. "The problem is that the virus seems to mutate too quickly. The doctors on the colony did try to formulate an anit-viral serum but for one reason or another were unable to create one that worked in all cases. Or even in many cases. Whether that's due to either poor facilities or lack of knowledge, I have no idea, although I suspect it may be a combination of both. That is why we have been given the job. Things are spiralling out of control on that colony and our time is running out ever more quickly. Dr Keller, Dr Whetari, since you both missed the briefing, I'll summarise what I said there. It began in the way these things do, with a few isolated cases. But once it made the leap to humanoids proper, as opposed to a few contracting the illness through bad hygiene habits, it appeared to become more virulent as it spread. One major settlement was nearly wiped out, and it has now spread to several other settlements. It is only a matter of time until the whole colony is affected. The bad news is that within 48 hours, those infected become so debilitated that they virtually waste away and die. The really bad news is that the five latest cases that we know of have become fatal within 24 hours." He looked at the others soberly. "If we can't find a cure, and quickly, then the whole colony will have to be quarantined. Effectively, left to die. And that goes against the grain with me. I do so hate to lose. So we can formulate theories now, but until we reach the colony tomorrow they will remain just that, theories. Our best hope is to watch the course of the disease from infection to death. And gruesome as it may sound, more than once." (posted by Liz) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, Medical Research Facilities, ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1610) K'Palla listened intently to the meeting. She was pleased to finally have some direction, but not as pleased with the drection it took her. A warrior fighting against a disease seemed like a lose-lose scenario, but the Klingon was always ready to face up to a challenge. "Reports indicate that it began amongst livestock. There's no clear identification of where the base infection began, but indications are that it made the leap to humanoids from porcine creatures on smallholdings. As you all no doubt know, there are a lot of similarities between humans and pigs. For the virus to make that leap would be a small one. There are many catalogued cases of similar happenings with other animals too - anthrax for one, HN05 for another." O'Shea went on. "Doctor, once we receive live samples of the virus, I can do some comparison studies with the anthrax virus to see if the diseases are related." the Klingon offered. (reply O'Shea iyw) Rick sighed. "The problem is that the virus seems to mutate too quickly. The doctors on the colony did try to formulate an anti-viral serum but for one reason or another were unable to create one that worked in all cases. Or even in many cases. Whether that's due to either poor facilities or lack of knowledge, I have no idea, although I suspect it may be a combination of both. That is why we have been given the job. Things are spiralling out of control on that colony and our time is running out ever more quickly. Dr Keller, Dr Whetari, since you both missed the briefing, I'll summarise what I said there. It began in the way these things do, with a few isolated cases. But once it made the leap to humanoids proper, as opposed to a few contracting the illness through bad hygiene habits, it appeared to become more virulent as it spread. One major settlement was nearly wiped out, and it has now spread to several other settlements. It is only a matter of time until the whole colony is affected. The bad news is that within 48 hours, those infected become so debilitated that they virtually waste away and die. The really bad news is that the five latest cases that we know of have become fatal within 24 hours." He looked at the others soberly. "If we can't find a cure, and quickly, then the whole colony will have to be quarantined. Effectively, left to die. And that goes against the grain with me. I do so hate to lose. So we can formulate theories now, but until we reach the colony tomorrow they will remain just that, theories. Our best hope is to watch the course of the disease from infection to death. And gruesome as it may sound, more than once." K'Palla had an idea. It was a bit out of the ordinary, but since they were throwing theories around, she thought she might as well add her own. "Doctor, does the planet have any strategic or possibly any other value other than as a residence for the colonists?" she asked. (reply O'Shea) "Doctor, as a Klingon, I'm looking at this from a warrior's viewpoint." K'Palla began. "If the planet has some value, whether it be commercial or military, and the presence of the colonists prevent that value from being exploited, then the removal of the colonists would be the most logical approach!" (reply O'Shea) "What I'm getting at, Doctor, is that we shouldn't rule out the idea that the virus might be engineered." the Klingon stated. "We could be very well be dealing with a bio-weapon!" (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Ensign JG ACMO Nissa Whetari - 1617) As Nissa listened to Dr. O'Shea and K'Palla discuss the possibility that the plague was a bio-weapon. As much as she dreaded the concept of watching the infected perish in an attempt to gather data, she knew that it was the only course of action they had at the moment. Anything beyond trying to soothe the pain and suffering of the dying would be shooting phasers in the dark. "If we do a little sleuthing once we arrive on the planet, we could attempt to discover who or what patient zero was. If this was an engineered disease, it could lead us to the perpetrator. If not, it could still give us some insight into what the first stage of the disease looked like. I doubt that it would be easy, but it may be something to keep in mind while we...collect data." Nissa offered, hoping that they would be able to collect a little "data" as possible. (Reply O'Shea, K'Palla iyw) A few moments later, a Lieutenant that Nissa hadn't met yet knocked on the wall as they worked. "I hope I'm not interrupting?" Nissa smiled at the young man, who appeared to be Vulcan, though with bright green eyes. Being the most junior officer present, she knew that it wasn't her place to provide any updates. (Reply O'Shea, Keller, K'Palla iyw) "I see. What diseases have you studied in relation to this so far?" The Lieutenant asked. (reply other officers, assuming pneumonic plague is not among them) The young man then looked over at Dr. O'Shea. "Doctor, I have here a PADD with information on a similar disease that ravaged Earth 1,000 years ago. Pneumonic plague. The incubation period is more or less the same, as are the symptoms and the time from first symptoms till death. Do you think this could be it, however unlikely?" Biting her lip, Nissa turned back to her board. The Lieutenant meant well, of course, and she wasn't certain what Dr. O'Shea would say. He may send the man away with a quiet thank you, or mock him with a jibe involving flea-infested blankets and send him running. Nissa found it exceptionally unlikely that it was the delightfully named "black death," but as concerned as she was at the prospect of another "Dr. O"Shea-ing," she couldn't stop listening. (posted by Sarah) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1619) K'Palla hated to think that the disease was engineered, but she couldn't discount it, since it was so ruthless, fast, and direct. As she discussed the idea with Doctor O'Shea, another doctor spoke up. "If we do a little sleuthing once we arrive on the planet, we could attempt to discover who or what patient zero was. If this was an engineered disease, it could lead us to the perpetrator. If not, it could still give us some insight into what the first stage of the disease looked like. I doubt that it would be easy, but it may be something to keep in mind while we...collect data." Nissa offered, hoping that they would be able to collect a little "data" as possible. K'Palla nodded, a light coming on in her head. "Agreed. If the medical records are thorough and accurate, we'll the disease in its original state! If we compare them to how it has mutated, we might be able to find a common marker that we can target!" Just then, K'Palla head a knock and turned to see her direct CO, Lt Brownlee. Out of respect, she jumped to her feet. "I hope I'm not interrupting?" Joran said. "Not at all, sir!" K'Palla barked professionally. She felt a bit out of sorts that the Captain had gone over the CSO's head and placed her here directly. Even though O'Shea was in charge, K'Palla felt obliged to keep Brownlee in the loop. "I see. What diseases have you studied in relation to this so far?" he asked calmly. "I've been studying the Terran anthrax bacteria, sir." the Klingon woman offered. "Since this disease started with livestock, I was hoping there might be a connection between the two." Joran then looked over at Dr. O'Shea. "Doctor, I have here a PADD with information on a similar disease that ravaged Earth 1,000 years ago. Pneumonic plague. The incubation period is more or less the same, as are the symptoms and the time from first symptoms till death. Do you think this could be it, however unlikely?" K'Palla breathed a sigh of relief that Brownlee was going to speak to O'Shea about the research. She moved over to the woman who spoke earlier, recognizing her as an Aldean, and addressed her. "I appreciate your input. It is helpful and quite welcome!" K'Palla stated with a smile. (reply Whetari) "I am K'Palla, daughter of Da'Gor! It is an honor to meet you!" the smile grew wider. (reply Whetari) "I believe the Terran term is being between a rock and a hard place." K'Palla analyzed. "Captain Straton assigned me here directly to report to Doctor O'Shea as the Science Dept liaison, but I am obligated to my CO, Lt Brownlee! I am glad that they chose to compare notes directly instead of going through me!" (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 16:20) Joran walked out of the turbolift, down the hall, and into the main reseach center, where he saw quite a few people working over a few whiteboards, talking about different theories concerning this disease. Joran knocked on the wall, saying, "I hope I'm not interrupting?" (reply any present) "I see. What diseases have you studied in relation to this so far?" (reply any present, assuming pneumonic plague is not among them) Joran then looked over at Dr. O'Shea. "Doctor, I have here a PADD with information on a similar disease that ravaged Earth 1,000 years ago. Pneumonic plague. The incubation period is more or less the same, as are the symptoms and the time from first symptoms till death. Do you think this could be it, however unlikely?" (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - Dr. Jared Keller- 1621) The questions were flying thick and fast at Dr. O'Shea which was fine with Jared, he was just now himself getting up to speed on the nasty virus they were pursuing. "If we do a little sleuthing once we arrive on the planet, we could attempt to discover who or what patient zero was. If this was an engineered disease, it could lead us to the perpetrator. If not, it could still give us some insight into what the first stage of the disease looked like. I doubt that it would be easy, but it may be something to keep in mind while we...collect data." His ACMO offered. Jared gave a quick smile, she was sharp and going to be a good asset to the medical department. "Agreed." The Klingon K'Palla stated. "If the medical records are thorough and accurate, we'll the disease in its original state! If we compare them to how it has mutated, we might be able to find a common marker that we can target!" Jared nodded as well, that's basically what he had been saying all along but you had to let people find their own way to the answer sometimes. The door to the lab opened and Dr. Brownlee came trundling in. "I hope I'm not interrupting?" While K'Palla spoke to the CSO Jared turned back to his notes and began marking common symptoms again to be doing something, all this brainstorming would really be put to the test when they made it to the planet but they WOULD be prepared, that's what they were investing time in this whole group discussion for. Walking over to them after Nissa had finished speaking Jared stuck out his hand toward K'Palla. "Ensign it's good having you working with us, it looks like you have a good head on your shoulders and unless I miss my guess we'll need every one we can find before this is over." (posted by Charles) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Medical Research Facilities - ACSO Ensign K'Palla - 1622) While K'Palla spoke with Whetari, a man she recognized as Dr Keller stepped up and extended his hand toward her. "Ensign it's good having you working with us, it looks like you have a good head on your shoulders and unless I miss my guess we'll need every one we can find before this is over." Keller said. "Thank you, sir. I am honored to have been chosen to assist in the research." the Klingon woman said. "I am anxious to view an actual sample of the virus. My hope is to catch it in the act of mutating, so that a marker can be easily identified." (posted by John) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - FO Office - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1800) It was already getting late and Calvin's eyes began to itch from reading the many reports from all departments. He was finishing up the last updated information report from the diplomatic officer of Beta Aquari III. The news from him began to get worse and worse by each report. Calvin attempted to sooth the diplomatic officer in any way he saw fit, but he was nervous about catching the virus himself. "Computer send report 027-9 to all command level personnel." [Files sent] Communication was always best when anything was going on. So that is why Calvin had sent every file to command personnel. When he was finished straightening all the PADDs, and isolinerar chips that were lying on his desk he made one last stop to the bridge. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, CCOUNS Office - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 1805) Michael was finally done with his shift, or at least he was getting an extended dinner break, after his dinner with Aya he would probably rest for an hour or so, then head back to the office to check on things. He had messaged Aya earlier in the afternoon to let her know when he expected to be dropping by her office for their dinner date. He brushed some non-existent dust off his uniform jacket and then straightened it out via a Picard maneuver, before tapping the door chime button on Aya's door. (Reply Aya, I'm going to assume she lets him in, if not we can cut the next part off) Michael smiled as he walked through the doors. He smiled broadly when he saw Aya, who looked quite marvelous in his opinion, contrary to his current opinion of himself after a rather long and generally busy day. "Still up for dinner I hope?" Michael asked, with a friendly smile. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Bridge - FO Lt Cmdr Calvin Capps - 1815) The FO stepped onto the bridge and there was more busy bodies on the bridge than usual at that that time in the evening. Everyone seemed to be working extra hours. Preparations were key right now. Calvin walked passed all the officers in the back of the bridge first. He nodded to some and spoke to others. He then made his way down the bridge to the CONN. Lt Max was piloting at the moment. "Lt what is our ETA?" Lt Max pushed a few buttons on his console and quickly answered the FO. "26 hours at present speed sir." "Thank you." Calvin then strolled by the Captain's RR. He wondered if she was still working. He walked up to the RR door and pushed the chime button on the small square console on the wall. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 10, Ten-Forward - ACONN Ensign (jg) Christian Soval Brownlee and SO Ensign (jg) Olesia Belden - 18:57) As they had arranged for earlier that day, Christian strolled into Ten-Forward and walked over to an empty table. The waiter came by, and took his order. "I'll have two glasses of Bajoran Springwine." The waiter walked away with the order. That's when Olesia came in. "I see you're a little early," she said. "Am I?" "It's only 19:00 just now." "Oh, well. I just ordered us some springwine." "Good. I love springwine. I first got a taste for it from Ildri, when she was stationed on Bajor." "Ah, yes. The first Trill in Starfleet, that's right. I guess one could say she never resigned." Olesia laughed. "I suppose, but nobody's ever put it like that before." The waiter came back with the drinks. Christian lifted his glass, saying, "Here's lookin' at you." "Humphrey Bogart, Earth, 1942 AD." She raised her glass to meet his. "You've got it. So, what would you like to eat?" "Oh, just some Tarvokian pound cake. I had a big lunch." "The same for me," Christian said, turning to the waiter, who then went behind the bar, returning promptly with their orders. "So," Christian said, "tell me more about yourself." (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto, - 1900) Sam was exhausted, both physically and mentally. He had been given several assignments that took him across the ship, which he was finding seemingly bigger every hour, making arrangements with various staff under his command, arranging meetings with the heads and second in command of the three teams he had organised with Nat earlier that day, Arranging with engineering to check all the BDU’s weapons and equipment etc, so that everything would be up to scratch and in prime condition when the Paladin arrived at the planet, Arranging another meeting with the heads of the Marine contingent aboard, and generally traversing the ship all day. But all the time Sam’s one priority had been running around his head. What had happened between him and Nat in his office earlier that morning. He had taken her off the duty roster so that she did not have that to worry about, but he had not been able to talk to her or see her since she left him at his office, Kerge had given him task after task, and he had only just finished his shift ten minutes ago. He wasn’t even sure that Nat wanted to see him at the moment, but Sam knew he had to, to see if she was ok, and to talk to her. That was why Sam was now wandering the corridors of deck 24, trying to find her quarters. He knew the room number and where on the deck it was, but a deck of the Paladin is about the size of a fair sized housing estate, and it was taking him a while to get there. He passed a couple of crew on his way past. Most of them were security on this level, as the security deck was only three decks below and these quarters were the closest. A few acknowledged his brief, and absent, hello, but he knew none of them knew who he was, yet. He turned a corner. There was door 134. The door he was looking for. He stepped forward up to it. He paused for a moment, and took a deep breath. ~here goes nothing~ he lifted his hand towards the panel at the side of the door, it felt heavy as he did this, his whole body suddenly felt weak and tense. The chime sounded and Sam stood, waiting, hoping for a reply on the other side of the door. (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty, - 1906) Nat had sat on her bed for the best part of the day crying and trying to figure out what she had been thinking in Sams office. She put her head on the pillow dreading tomorrow. She was ment to be working extremely hard on going to sleep when she was interrupted. ~Nooo~ She thought desperately. She sat up and walked to her door, "Who is it?" She shouted out (Reply Sam) "Please Sam.. No.. I cant do this right now" She said as she backed away from the door. As if she was afraid of it, of him... but no. She was afraid of herself, what she might do, what she might say... She couldn't, it would be too hard. (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 24 Crew Quarters - ATAC/ASC Ensign Sam Moto, - 1907) Sam stood nervously outside Nat’s door for a few, long moments before he heard a rather raspy and tearful, “Who is it?” coming through the intercom of the door. Sam took a deep breath, “Nat, it’s Sam. I came to make sure your ok, and to talk.” He could here a slight movement behind the door, but it did not open. Sam felt worried, but he didn’t know what to say, “Nat?…” Sam heard her delicate voice again, "Please Sam.. No.. I cant do this right now.” She seemed afraid, wary, ~ what have I done! I’m hurting her and ruining our friendship. How could I do this?~ Sam had felt this before, and he swore he never would again, but here he was, and he needed to make things right, it was all he wanted now. “Nat.” He began, before pausing to make sure he knew exactly what he was going to say, “I shouldn’t have let what happened happen earlier, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I need to talk to you, I need to make sure your alright. Can you at least let me make sure my friend is ok?” He stopped, waiting for her to answer, hoping that he had said what he wanted to in the right way. He had never been good with words, he couldn’t express himself very well, and it had left him in a lot of trouble before. There was a long pause, his heart beating rapidly in his chest, he was breathing heavy, and he felt numb. (posted by Nick) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 24, Quarters of Ensign Conaty - Security Officer, Ensign (SG) Natalie Conaty - 1910) “Nat.” He began, before pausing to make sure he knew exactly what he was going to say, “I shouldn’t have let what happened happen earlier, and I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I need to talk to you, I need to make sure your alright. Can you at least let me make sure my friend is ok?” He stopped. Nat shook her head as she sunk down onto the floor, blankets rapped around her. She cryed out, she was soo confused. She was betraying him... no she had betrayed him, he had given his life to save her. She closed her eyes for a second and a picture of him stuck in his mind... It faded away, with his voice echoing around her head. ~I just want you to be happy, Nat....~ She shook her head and tears continued flowing down her cheeks. She stood up and said "Fine, you may eentter.." She sobbed, (Reply Sam) As the doors opened up and Sam walked in, she flung her arms around him. Her tears began soaking into his uniform. She felt comfortable in his arms, she wondered what was happening, why was she soo confused? She seperated from Sam, and looked at the wet patch on his clothing. She let out a small laugh "I should really stop doing that to you Sam" She said nodding to the wet patch on his jacket. (Reply Sam) She nodded, and moved over to the bed and made herself comfortable. She hoped Sam would join her and they could talk, instead of him standing up. (posted by Jono) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Deck 5, Joran's Quarters - CSO/2O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee and ATAC/ASC Ensign (jg) Rana Apar - 19:30) A while back, Joran and Rana had decided to move in together. Now, they were having a late dinner in their quarters. all of a sudden, Rana stood up, and went to the replicator. "Champagne for two," she said. "What's the occasion?" Joran asked. She smiled. "I have some news for you," she said smiling as she brought the champagne back over. "I take it it's good news?" "Oh, very." "Well, what is it?" "Well, I've been waiting for the right time to tell you this, and now the time has come. I'm pregnant." Joran lept to his feet and rushed over to her, taking her up in his arms. "I can't believe it! When are you due?" "Around Stardate 2407.08.08." Joran let out a loud laugh. "I'm going to be a father! This is the happiest moment of my life!" He then took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. He couldn't restrain himself any longer. (posted by Spencer) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Holodeck - Lt Philip Hyde - 2100) Training for Philip's squad was massive the day before they arrived to Aquaris III. They performed many different scenarios on the holodecks, including hand to hand combat. Although it has been made very clear to each marine that any sort of violence is supposed to be the last thing on each Marines mind. Philip now was swimming in an Olympic size pool. He was on his 10th lap and he only had a few more to go. He began to swim faster and faster to beat his own personal time. A few minutes passed and he touched the concrete wall for the last time that night. He jumped out of the pool and dried himself off so he would be able to get dressed back into his uniform. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Ten Forward - Lt Philip Hyde - 2200) It was fairly late, but Philip didn't always have the easiest time falling a sleep. He didn't know if anyone would even be in Ten Forward, but he thought he would give it a try. He ordered a drink and sat down at one of the tables in the room. He drank as he looked around the room, and as he began to get sleepy. (posted by Calvin) ======================================================================================================================== (USS Paladin, COPS Quarters - COPS Ensign (sg) Michael Ian O'Connor - 2315) Michael walked into his quarters after his evening with Aya. To say he was feeling on top of the world would be making it an understatement. Walking into the main room he tossed his uniform jacket over the arm of the couch and moved to his desk to finish up some work before going to bed. He sat down in the chair and was immediately confused. Sitting on the key pad of the terminal was a data chip, a date chip he didn't leave there. He picked it up and turned it over in fingers. "Computer, who, other than me, has accessed my quarters in the last 24 hours?" [No one other than Ensign O'Connor has entered your quarters] "Access transporter records and internal sensor logs, have any objects been transported into my quarters in the last 24 hours?" Michael asked, slightly confused. [Negative, logs and records do not show any activity with a destination of your quarters.] Michael was now very confused, he knew he didn't leave the chip there, but the computer was telling him that he was the only one that could have placed the chip in the room without seriously altering the computer logs, something that should have sent an alert to him where ever he was on the ship. "Computer isolate my terminal from the rest of the computer system." [Done] Michael slid the chip into the reader and ran a virus scan on it, nothing malicious came up, at least nothing that flagged any alarms. He quickly tapped out the commands to display the files on the chip, only one showed up, named 'Message for Michael'. Michael shrugged and activated the file. A video started playing and Michael was chilled to the bone. It was a video of his youngest sister, blindfolded and gagged, phasers held to her head. She was obviously sobbing, and scared. Michael nearly threw up at the sight of it, that's when the voice, obviously distorted began to speak. =/\=Dear Mr. O'Connor, I will be direct, as you can undoubtedly see, we have your sister, she hasn't been hurt...much, but she will be unless you do exactly as we instruct you. Now, we know you value your family, so do your best to listen well. Firstly, you are to tell no one of this message, I'm sure you are able to figure out that we are watching you, breath a word about this to anyone, and we will kill your sister and deliver her body to your parents in a way that would distress your mother to no end. Secondly, you will go about your daily affairs as if nothing has happened, do not act strangely or do anything to get yourself relieved of duty. Now, here is your mission. You are to sabotage the containment efforts of your upcoming mission. We don't really care how you do it, but invariably they will bring samples of the disease or actual patients onto the Paladin, and you will find a way to make sure those samples are introduced into the ships general population. Do this and your sister will be set free generally unharmed. I won't tell you what will happen if you don't do what we say, you are a smart man, you can figure that out for yourself. Goodbye, Mr. O'Connor.=/\= Michael watched and listened in horror, gasping as just after the voice stopped the phaser moved down, aiming at his sisters legs. The screen went blank as he heard the phaser fire. Michael ran to the bathroom and was violently ill, by the time he got back the screen was blank as was the chip when he tried to access it. Michael collapsed back into his chair in tears, he truly didn't know what to do, he could rush to see the captain, they would know what he was up to. For the night he just had to sit in his quarters and try his best to figure out what to do. They had Elizabeth, she was only 20, and he was to blame for putting her in harms way. For the first time in nearly a decade he thought about getting drunk, but he wasn't sure that if he started drinking if he would be able to stop, so instead he retrieved the family photo he kept on his desk, walked into the bedroom, curled up on the bed and cried until he passed out, his mind replaying the video in his head the entire night. (posted by Patrick) ======================================================================================================================== End of Compile! Hope you enjoyed!!