Compiled by Calvin Capps ============================================================================ Mission: Into the Gates of Hell Day: 7 Stardate: 2407.01.10 ============================================================================ (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 02:00) (USS Paladin - Crew Quarters - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 04:29) (USS Paladin - Crew Quarters - Lt. Cmdr Capps & Ensign Knightley - 0600) (USS Paladin - Personal quarters - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 0600) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - Ensign Zack Tristen - 0645) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - Ensign Greg Dunn - 06:46) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor - 06:46) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - Ensign Greg Dunn - 06:47) (USS Paladin - Shuttlebay 2 - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 06:50) (USS Paladin - Hangerbay Two - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor & MCO Conner Tirrel - 06:50) (USS Paladin - Hangar bay Two - CEO LT (jg) Steven Matrix - 650) (USS Paladin - Hanger Bay - Marine Third Lt. Philip Hyde - 0652) (USS Paladin - Hanger Bay - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 0655) (USS Paladin - Hangarbay Two - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 655) (USS Paladin - Runabout Alaska - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor - 06:59) (USS Paladin - Runabout Cocpit - Ensign Greg Dunn - 0700) (USS Paladin - Shuttle craft - FO Lt.Cmdr Capps - 0710) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 0809) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 0811) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 0911) (USS Paladin – Bridge – ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron – 09.12) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 0946) (USS Daystar - Runabout Operations - Commander Rulestaad - 0946) (USS Paladin – Bridge – ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron – 09.46) (USS Paladin - Shuttlebay One - Commander Rulestaad - 0955) (USS Daystar - Runabout Operations - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:55) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 0958) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:58) (USS Paladin - Transporter room - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 10:00) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 10:03) (USS Paladin - Ready Room - Commander Jenna Rulestaad - 10:03) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 10:15) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 1020) (USS Paladin, Main Engineering, Lt. Commander Sarouk, 1020) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CMO, Lt. (jg) Jared Keller, 1021) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 1021) ==================================================================================================== (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 02:00) Kyp was exhausted after his meal with Lt. Matrix. He had had a very long day and just needed a rest. After he woke up, he went into Engineering to investigate the power loss. He saw that Lt. Matrix had made some modifications to some tricorders in the hope that they would overpower the strange field, so he tried to work on that. He was upset that he couldn't work on this with the Lt., but his body chemistry was totally messed up right now. He set up a tricorder to alternate through frequencies on which it could probably work on the ship, though he didn't think it would work. He then decided that he should try to have it tap into the power working on the ship. He took a tricorder and added an external power jack to it where you could take a power line and feed it into it. He knew that it would be limited, but it was better than nothing. He added the modification to the ones that Lt. Matrix had worked on and left a message showing what he had done. (posted by Ben) (USS Paladin - Crew Quarters - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 04:29) Kyp decided to take a nap before he was to report to the bridge during the away mission and fell right asleep almost before he was completely in his bed. He hoped that between the modifications that he and Lt. Matrix had made one of them would work. (posted by Ben) (USS Paladin - Crew Quarters - Lt. Cmdr Capps & Ensign Knightley - 0600) Calvin and Elziabeth both woke up early.There was an important away mission to be underway at 0700. Calvin slowly opened his eyes. The alarm was now sounding. He leaned over and saw the beautiful woman laying beside him. He rolled onto his shoulder and gave Elizabeth a soft kiss on the forehead. "Good morning," Calvin said smiling. With her eyes still closed she smiled back. "Good morning to you too." Calvin sighed. "I hate to spoil the moment, but we need to be getting up." Elizabeth did not complain nor object. Like Calvin she have always had a sense of duty the day she signed up for starfleet. Pre-starfleet. Her life was a mess. It was one big blurr. The two of them got out of bed and walked to the shower. (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Personal quarters - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 600) The time is oh-six-hundred. Rathyn stirred awake almost immediately as the computer signalled that it was time for her morning to begin. She sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed and oriented herself. Then she remembered the upcoming away mission with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Certainly the dangers lurking aboard the alien ship had become very apparent to everyone. But the lure of learning the technological secrets of another culture outweighed the risks. But first things first. She stood and stretched, revealing her slender nudity to none but the stars outside the viewport near her bed. She then moved toward her lavatory. Damned if she was going to saunter into some abysmal death-trap without a quick sonic and breakfast. The sonic only took a few minutes as a thousand fingers effectively massaged life into her body and wiped away the thin morning film of yuck. Emerging fully refreshed and clean, she groomed herself to Starfleet regulation setting her long blonde hair into a single bun in the back. Within a short time, she was dressed and had her engineering equipment laid out on her bed. She walked to her replicator and called up a morning meal. "Eggs and tlorn steak. Root tea to drink." A lot of Terran food was definitely an acquired taste but following it down with Bajoran stuff helped. She had learned to like eggs and bacon, two of her late husband's favorite morning choices, but there had been something about his grits that her taste buds flatly rejected. She looked over a data PADD between bites, perusing what little information she and Brownlee had discovered, or theorized, the day before. Occasionally, she cast an eye at the desk chronometer. Once she got her nose into a PADD, time tended to slip away from her if she wasn't careful. Finally, at fifteen before the hour, she laid the PADD aside and disposed of her plate and cup. After attaching her phaser, tricorder and other assorted necessary devices around her waist, she headed for the door. (posted by David) (USS Paladin - Main Engineering - Ensign Zack Tristen - 0645) Ensign Tristen reported early to Engineering. It was a big day for the Paladin crew. There was a mystery to be solved and their ranking engineering officer was with the way crew. While he was away Zack needed to keep the ship running and functionally properly. Minutes before he had held a small meeting around the main computer terminal with the rest of the morning crew. They had all talked about proper procedures and the normal morning new, but then ofter the usual discussions were over the topics began to go into the probability of the away mission. They discussed what were some things that could go wrong or what could be dangerous the the Paladin and its crew. They wanted to be safe so every station had an officer. Zack hoped he and his team had thought of every logical idea. (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - Ensign Greg Dunn - 06:46) Greg stood nervously beside the shuttle, the enviromental suit seemed to chaff against his skin and this caused him severe discomfort. He momentarily closed his eyes and found to his horror he had forgotten what to say. He was about to say somthing when T'Vhor spoke. "Lt Cmdr....Ensign", said T`Vhor as he acknowledged each of the men in turn. "Morning Sir." Greg looked nervously at T'Vhor and gave a vain smile. (Reply Capps) "On the contrary sir, I am looking forwards to seeing the vessel first hand", said T`Vhor. Greg went slightly paler and shook his head. ~This man is a lunatic. ~ He looked at his assault rifle and fiddled with it nervously. ~ Hopefully there will be no need to use these. ~ Greg powered up the scope and briefly checked it over. He powered it down and looked at the two officers. "So.... when are we departing? Long waits kill me." (posted by Greg) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor - 06:46) "Morning Sir.", said Ensign Dunn in reciprocation of T`Vhor`s greeting. Greg then looked nervously at T'Vhor and smiled before turning his attention once again to the FO. (Reply Capps) "On the contrary sir, I am looking forwards to seeing the vessel first hand", said T`Vhor turning once again to Ensign Dunn who seemed to be having strong emotions questioning why T`Vhor would actually want to go over to the alien vessel in the first place. The TAC/ASC however simply fiddled with his assault rifle nervously under T`Vhor`s gaze, powering up it`s anciliary parts to check their function one after another as he did. "So.... when are we departing? Long waits kill me.", said Dunn. "We are scheduled to depart at 07:00 hrs", said T`Vhor, "may I remind you Ensign that patience is indeed a virtue", he added, "according to your own earth customs I believe", said T`Vhor as he then walked off towards the runabout to perform the neccesary prelaunch checks prior to their mission" (Reply Dunn, IYW) The marines quickly filed onboard to take up the runabouts rear compartments at their MCO`s instructions, then the various other crewmembers began stepping up to join them onboard. (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Hangar Bay Two - Ensign Greg Dunn - 06:47) "We are scheduled to depart at 07:00 hrs", said T`Vhor, "may I remind you Ensign that patience is indeed a virtue", he added, "according to your own earth customs I believe", said T`Vhor as he then walked off towards the runabout to perform the neccesary prelaunch checks prior to their mission" Greg's eye twitched. "With all due respect sir... I am perfectly aware of our customs." He said with slight venom. ~ Calm down before you land yourself in the brig. ~ Greg rested his rifle on his shoulder and walked into the runabout and into the cocpit before T'Vhor could splurge out more vulcan wisdom. (Runabout - Cocpit- Ensign Greg Dunn - 0650) Greg slumped in a chair behind the pilot seat and leant back. He breathed out and began to shake slightly. All he could wait for now was zero hour. After ten minutes of dozing he heard footsteps and he woke. It was the helmsman and the other senior officers. He coughed slightly. Greg watched Commander Capps turn to the helmsman and give an order. "Take us out." Greg's stomach began to do flips as the mission began. (posted by Greg) (USS Paladin - Shuttlebay 2 - CSO/3O Lieutenant (jg) Joran Matthew Brownlee - 06:50) Joran got to the shuttlebay with about 10 minutes before the shuttle was scheduled to launch. "Good morning, Cmdr. Capps, T'Vhor, Ensign Dunn." (reply Capps, T'Vhor, Dunn) "I hope I'm not late. I know I was running a bit late this morning." (reply Capps, T'Vhor) "Alright. I'll brief you on what I have found out so far on our way over. It's not much, but it may halp us in some way. In any case, we should get on board." (posted by Spencer) (USS Paladin - Hangerbay Two - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor & MCO Conner Tirrel - 06:50) By this time, the Science officer had boarded the runabout also with his various scientific kit slung over his right shoulder. "Good morning, Cmdr Capps, Lt T'Vhor, Ensign Dunn." "Good morning Mr Brownlee", said T`Vhor turning to look over his shoulder briefly & then returning his gaze to the instruments before him to oversee the level readings of the impulse engines rising to their maximum & then levelling off at 750 millicochranes. "I hope I'm not late. I know I was running a bit late this morning." T`Vhor turned his attention from the displays once again as Joran spoke. "Do you have any further details on the Alien vessel Lt?", he asked. "I'll brief you on what I have found out so far on our way over. It's not much, but it may help us in some way. In any case, we should get on board." In agreeance, Lt T`Vhor then contacted Ops to get clearance for launch. (postted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Hangar bay Two - CEO LT (jg) Steven Matrix - 650) Matrix had been up, as he usually was before an away mission. Even if he wasn't going, he was making sure things were just so for the ships crew. That evening he was reprogramming a handful of tricorders with extended capabilities. Hopefully this would aid the away team in finding some answers on the alien ship. The hanger bay doors opened and he noticed Ensign Rathyn walk in. Matrix smiled, but the Ensign didn't see him immediately. Instead she greeted the CO and moved into the group of away members. Some of the away team members were talking among themselves, but it for the most part you could cut the air in the room with a knife. It felt tense, and many seemed excited. Matrix didn't want to show any emotion, but he too felt apprehension. Matrix concentrated on his mission PADD and continued to review the material they already acquired on the alien ship and waited for the CO to get things started. (posted by Spencer) (USS Paladin - Hanger Bay - Marine Third Lt. Philip Hyde - 0652) Philip Hyde was geared up and ready to go. He believed that his commanding officer was giving him a second chance, and he greatly appreciated it. he knew he cold be a great Marine. Not an ok one, not a good one, but a great one. In the rear compartment, the MCO & his men had settled in for the short journey over to the other ship, Conner looked to Hyde & threw him a wink to show his confidence in him, then he contacted the Trojan on ready one in the marine hanger deck. Now was his chance to show Lt. Tirrell and the rest of the comrades that he had what it takes to do the job, and to make the mission successfully. (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Hanger Bay - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 0655) "Lt Cmdr....Ensign", said T`Vhor as he acknowledged each of the men in turn. "Good day Lt. T'Vhor. Its not to late to change your mind." Lt. Cmdr Capps spoke to his Chief Tac/Sec. "On the contrary sir, I am looking forwards to seeing the vessel first hand", said T`Vhor as each of the men shook their heads in disbelief. "I am glad you are with us. Lets get every man on board." The marines quickly filed on board to take up the runabouts rear compartments at their MCO`s instructions, then the various other crew members began stepping up to join them on board. Calvin watched as all the Marines and Security crew all loaded up into one shuttle by the watch of the MCO and Chief Tac/Sec. Calvin himself went down the scheduled list to make sure everyman was present. Once he was sure he watched them enter into the second shuttle bay. "Everyone in!" Lt. Cmdr Capps was going back over to the alien ship. The same ship that had hostile creatures on it that killed his men. Men that were under his command. He wasn't for sure how he was going to handle the hostiles with out boiling over, and making irrational decisions. Calvin was having to use all of his mental power along with his virtues and constraint. He was told by his security officer Ensign Dunn that the alien beings' hostile actions were not hostile, but an introduction in their way. Some how the team was going to have to prove to the aliens that they were not back to harm them, but to make peaceful friendship. Lt. Cmdr Capps turned to a junior officer that was seating at the helm. All preparations were made and clearance was given. Calvin wasn't for sure what was about to happen, but whatever it was it will be his fate. "Take us out." (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Hangarbay Two - ACEO Ensign Alura Rathyn - 655) She found several members of the away team inside the shuttle when she arrived. "Commander," she said to the FO. Wearing her usual grim expression, she greeted the others in turn. (posted by David) (USS Paladin - Runabout Alaska - 20/TAC/SC T`Vhor - 06:59) "This is runabout Alaska requesting permission to launch", said T`Vhor. (Reply Ops) "Confirmed, Alaska out", said Lt T`Vhor. T`Vhor then began launch proceedures to automatically close the door & bring the runabout off the decking in preperation for exit of the Paladins hanger doors. In the rear compartment, the MCO & his men had settled in for the short journey over to the other ship, Conner looked to Hyde & threw him a wink to show his confidence in him, then he contacted the Trojan on ready one in the marine hanger deck. "Trojan two zero, you are go for launch, repeat, go for launch", said Conner, his personal communicator chirping back the acknowledgment from the Trojan`s pilot in responce. He then settled back also as the Alaska left the hangerbay & departed the Paladin. (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Runabout Cocpit - Ensign Greg Dunn - 0700) The journey wouldn't take long but Greg knew it would seem like a lifetime. He drew his phaser and opened the back, inside there was the usual pieces. Then he remembered the crystal he found in his rifle yesterday, he quickly closed up the phaser and holstered it and then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small scrunched up piece of silk, this he carefully unravelled until a crystal appeared. Staring at it for a few moments he decided that now was not the best time to talk about it. He quickly wrapped it up and put it back in his pocket giving it a gentle pat. ~Its safer to keep this on me. Its safer this way. ~ (Seven Minutes Later) Greg was going over his rifle again for the tenth time, he was about to put the sight back in place when Commander Capps spoke. "Officers, we are about to embark on an important mission. Each and everyone of you have prepared hard, thought long, and has came up with excellent plans and solutions. Lets now take those ideas and put them into action. It is upon us to find a cure, and have peaceful contact with the what was once thought the hostile aliens. Lets use our training, lets use our minds, and we will accomplish our mission successfully." Greg felt the skin on his back twitch. Calvin continued. "Remember, this is a peaceful mission." Greg smiled sand snapped the sight back into place. "We can only try our hardest..." he said softly. "Or die trying." Greg's smile dissapeared and he unsheathed the knife from his boot. He quickly looked over the blade and slid it back in. (posted by Gred) (USS Paladin - Shuttle craft - FO Lt.Cmdr Capps - 0710) The small and now cramped shuttles that were filled with various starfleet officers and a few NCO Marines. All were quiet on the specific shuttle Calvin was aboard and he could only guess that is how it was on the second one. The estimated time arrival to the alien vessel was only minutes away. Each department had already given him an quick outline of the different task they were assigned, but most of them were only theories. Those theories would be soon tested. Calvin stood up from where he was sitting. He pushed a button on one of the panels and took in a heavy sigh. Everyone was able to hear his voice. "Officers, we are about to embark on an important mission. Each and everyone of you have prepared hard, thought long, and has came up with excellent plans and solutions. Lets now take those ideas and put them into action. It is upon us to find a cure, and have peaceful contact with the what was once thought the hostile aliens. Lets use our training, lets use our minds, and we will accomplish our mission successfully." Calvin continued. "Remember, this is a peaceful mission." Calvin once again thought back to what Ensign Dunn had said about the aliens. That they were only hostile acting, but not hostile. Calvin thought this was a big chance, but peaceful contact was important to this mission. (posted by Calvin) (Alien Vessel - Corridor - FO Lt. Cmdr Capps - 0809) The unknown vessel was a dark as a bat cave. With out light a person would not be able to see their own hand. Calvin once again looked around inside. He saw what looked like a normal ship, but he knew there were bad things happening here. The weird liquid-solid that Lt. Tirrel and his men experienced was enough for the First Officer to believe that this ship had many mysterious. Lt. Cmdr Capps pulled out his own hand phaser for protection while other crew members had their respective tools. Some were trying to use the tricorders to scan the inside, but they were limited. Others had phaser rifles, compression rifles, and other sorts of weaponry. Still, others had different devices to help with whatever that may arise. This time around it was discussed, and the conclusion was to not split up. The entire away team was together. They were going to use all the resources they had. They weren't tacking any chances. However, Calvin remembered a phrase that was always used in command school. ~Risk is our business.~ He used that phrase now more then ever. He was going to have to take a risk. The worst thing that could happen: He and the rest of the team could die. After the away team entered into what seemed to be a main corridor just like the previous time they went to the right. The same direction Calvin first team went. They knew that there were computers back the other way, but that way was the secondary objective. The First Officer wants to meet with the unknown aliens once again, and he is hoping that there will be cooperation. The away team walked and kept walking. They needed signs. They needed readings. They were almost to the point of just waiting for something to happened. But that would have been bad, they needed to make something happened. They needed to be in control. Then it happened. Just like before. Their internal lights went out. Power was lost. Calvin heard the rifles and phasers of the Marines and Security and any one else that had one move and aim. "Lt. Matrix, Ensign Durron. We need your expertise now!" (posted by Calvin) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron - 0811) Kyp was at the Engineering station on the bridge while the away mission was taking place. He saw on the status readouts that Lt. Cmdr. Capps away team had lost contact with the rest of the crew, probably meaning that they had crossed into one of those zones where electronics seemed not to function. ~Hmm, let's see if those modifications work. I hope Matrix received my message on the power jack and his modifications work.~ This was one of those times that he wished that he had a telepathic bond with someone else, especially on the away team. But since he didn't, he just thought out for Matrix to find some kind of power source. ~See if they have a power cord of some kind, maybe it'll work.~ Kyp had spent this entire time trying to figure out if there were some way that he hadn't thought of on getting around this power loss situation. There wasn't any data on what happened there, seeing as no one had been able to study the phenomenon, but Kyp was sure that between what he and Matrix had done, something would happen. Kyp then decided to calm down and hope that things turned out for the best. (posted by Ben) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 0911) Eva sat in the command chair waiting for a report from the away teams now on board the alien vessel. Ensign Apar was currently manning the tactical station. With T'Vhor and Dunn both on the away team Apar was the ranking tactical officer, and Eva wanted her on the bridge in case of trouble. Commander Capps, Lt. Brownlee, Lt. Matrix, Ensign Rathyn, Ensign Me'levtel, and 1st Lt. Tirrel along with a significant number of marines and security forces and junior officers rounded out the away team. Ensign Durron was currently manning the engineering station on the Bridge while Ensign Tristen was down in Main Engineering. Lt Keller was standing in the back ground in case his expertise was needed. In all, the ship and crew where ready as they ever would be to solve this riddle that was the alien space ship. With hands interlaced before her, Eva waited, her eyes on the main view screen and the alien ship. Her eyes moving every now and again to Ensign Knightley at OPS. The silence of the bridge was broken suddenly by a beep at the OPS station. Eva sat up straight hoping it was a report from the away team "Captain," Ensign Knightly said, "The Praetor is hailing us." Eva frowned, disappointed. She nodded. "On screen," She said, turning her attention to the view screen. Captain Reyenalds face appeared on the screen. Eva immediately knew that he was not happy. "Captain Reyenalds," Eva said, remaining seated. =/\=Commodore we have a runabout Daystar demanding that we allow or escort them to the Paladin. Rather rudely too I might add,=/\= Captain Reyenalds said, obviously a little angry. "Rudely?" Eva asked, "I'm not aware of any scheduled crew replacements either." =/\=I'll patch it through to you,=/\= Reyenolds said, typing a few keys on the console next to his command chair. =/\=If you don't let me pass, or escort me to the Paladin... the result will not be pretty. My orders come directly from Captain Richard Lee, Stratops Commander of the 52nd. My Orders request and require me to get on board the Paladin and confer with her Captain. Now, if you try to stop me here, I'll have your chair, your command AND your balls... and I will do so with a smile on my face. The Court Martial that comes later will be nothing but a sweet dream once I'm done ripping you apart." She paused for a moment, "Now get the HELL out of my way Captain, I'll only say it once.=/\= Eva's eyes narrowed as the relayed communication played over the bridge speakers. "You've verified her clearance level?" Eva asked, her voice had gone cold. =/\=Aye. What the code she gave us cleared,=/\= Reyenolds replied. "Very well, let them pass Captain. I'll deal with this person personally. Inform them that the USS Ulysses will be dispatched to escort them to the Paladin," Eva said, her eyes going to Ensign Knightley and nodding for her to pass the order on to the Ulysses. =/\=Understood Commodore. Praetor out.=/\= Reyenolds face vanished from the view screen to be replaced by the alien ship. Eva's scowled deepened. ~I do not need this right now.~ "Ensign Apar, "Eva said, turning toward the tactical station, "Have a security team ready in Shuttle Bay 1 to receive our new guests." (posted by Wes) (USS Paladin – Bridge – ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron – 09.12) Kyp had been ordered to man the engineering station on the bridge during the next away mission on the alien ship. He really wanted to go over there himself, but Ensign Rathyn had better experience. So, he did his job and made sure that everything was running smoothly. It was very quiet on the bridge, the anticipatory kind of quiet, but it was broken by an incoming message beep at the OPS station. "Captain," Ensign Knightly said, "The Praetor is hailing us." Eva frowned, then nodded. "On screen," She said, turning her attention to the view screen. A captain’s face appeared on the screen. Kyp could tell that something had really irritated him today. "Captain Reyenalds," Eva said, remaining seated. =/\=Commodore we have a runabout Daystar demanding that we allow or escort them to the Paladin. Rather rudely too I might add,=/\= Captain Reyenalds said, obviously a little angry. "Rudely?" Eva asked, "I'm not aware of any scheduled crew replacements either." =/\=I'll patch it through to you,=/\= Reyenolds said, typing a few keys on the console next to his command chair. =/\=If you don't let me pass, or escort me to the Paladin... the result will not be pretty. My orders come directly from Captain Richard Lee, Stratops Commander of the 52nd. My Orders request and require me to get on board the Paladin and confer with her Captain. Now, if you try to stop me here, I'll have your chair, your command AND your balls... and I will do so with a smile on my face. The Court Martial that comes later will be nothing but a sweet dream once I'm done ripping you apart." She paused for a moment, "Now get the HELL out of my way Captain, I'll only say it once.=/\= Eva's eyes narrowed as the relayed communication played over the bridge speakers. "You've verified her clearance level?" Eva asked, her voice had gone cold. Kyp had a flashback to the grilling over the captain had given Shran and him when they first joined the Paladin. =/\=Aye. What the code she gave us cleared,=/\= Reyenolds replied. "Very well, let them pass Captain. I'll deal with this person personally. Inform them that the USS Ulysses will be dispatched to escort them to the Paladin," Eva said, her eyes going to Ensign Knightley and nodding for her to pass the order on to the Ulysses. =/\=Understood Commodore. Praetor out.=/\= Reyenolds face vanished from the view screen to be replaced by the alien ship. Eva's scowled deepened. ~I do not need this right now.~ "Ensign Apar, "Eva said, turning toward the tactical station, "Have a security team ready in Shuttle Bay 1 to receive our new guests." (posted by Ben) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO Captain Eva Straton, 0946) =/\=USS Paladin, this is the USS Daystar, requesting permission to dock with crew replacements aboard.=/\= Eva nodded for Knightley to open a comm-channel. "Daystar, this is Captain Straton. You are cleared to dock in Shuttle Bay 1. Your crew replacements are to report to me immediately upon departure. Acknowledge," Eva said, her voice hard and cold. (posted by Wes) (USS Daystar - Runabout Operations - Commander Rulestaad - 0946) "USS Paladin, this is the USS Daystar, requesting permission to dock with crew replacements aboard." =^=Daystar, this is Captain Straton. You are cleared to dock in Shuttle Bay 1. Your crew replacements are to report to me immediately upon departure. Acknowledge,=^= Jenna folded her arms as the runabout pilot tapped in a command, "Daystar acknowledges, Captain, Daystar enroute to shuttlebay one." She looked at the mammoth ship for another few moments before standing up, "Quickly, pilot." she said before spinning on her heel. She stepped into the main common area where crew was already starting to gather together, all of them replacements for various crew lost for one reason or another. She grabbed the small container of personal belongings she had packed earlier and tapped her uniform to make sure the secure PADD was still in place. "We are less then ten minutes from boarding." she said to those aboard. (posted by Trout) (USS Paladin – Bridge – ACEO Ensign (jg) Kyp Durron – 09.46) =/\=USS Paladin, this is the USS Daystar, requesting permission to dock with crew replacements aboard.=/\= Eva nodded for Knightley to open a comm-channel. "Daystar, this is Captain Straton. You are cleared to dock in Shuttle Bay 1. Your crew replacements are to report to me immediately upon departure. Acknowledge," Eva said, her voice hard and cold. As the captain finished giving out orders, Kyp ordered an engineering team to test the shuttle coming in for any suspicious or dangerous objects. (reply Engineering) The commander’s turbolift opened and she stepped up next to the command chair and came to attention. "Commander Jennifer Rulestaad and replacement crew, reporting as ordered, Captain." Kyp could immediately sense from this woman that she was not to be trifled with and that it would be best for him if he stayed on her could side. He didn’t even need the little tingle from his danger sense to tell him that. He looked back down at his console and noted that the engineering team had arrived at Shuttlebay 1. (posted by Ben) (USS Paladin - Shuttlebay One - Commander Rulestaad - 0955) Rulestaad stepped out of the runabout immediately upon shutdown and looked around. A small security detail had formed, all of them looking at the runabout or her. It didn't take a genius to figure out they were an escort. She quietly put the strap of her package over her arm and stepped up to the highest ranking member. "I am Commander Rulestaad." "You and yours are to come with us Commander." the squad commander replied. "Very well." (reply: any arriving from the runabout.) Once they were all together, the detail fell out and lead them to a turbolift. Rulestaad remained silent throughout the ride, which was much longer then the average turbolift trip due to the sheer size of the Meredith class. Finally, though, they ended up on the bridge. Jenna wasted no time stepping out, and it only took a second to recognize Captain Straton, Jenna had studied her picture enough. She stepped up next to the command chair and came to attention. "Commander Jennifer Rulestaad and replacement crew, reporting as ordered, Captain." (posted by Trout) (USS Daystar - Runabout Operations - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:55) Once the door ramp had fully deployed, Lt Kerge stepped down from the runabout directly after the Strat Ops, his fist clenching automatically at the sight of the security detail awaiting them. It was nothing of course, just a conditioned, Klingon responce to a possible threat. Cmdr Rulestaad introduced herself to them as she approached & they in turn issued their intentions for all assembled to follow them. Kerge frowned at their trite manner but followed them anyway, old Klingon ways were not easilly forgotten whilst serving on board federation vessels. The journey to the Paladins bridge though was uneventful to say the least, & quiet too. Kerge stood as one would expect him to stand, proud, head upright & gazing straight ahead as expected whilst one of the security detail quietly observed the fierce looking D`k Tahg knife attached to his belt with some degree of trepidation. Rulestaad said nothing as she stood simply gazing at the progress indicator of the turbolift until it finally arrived at deck one, she then stepped forwards & onto the bridge. "Commander Jennifer Rulestaad and replacement crew, reporting as ordered Captain.", she said as she turned to face the Paladins captain seated in the centre chair. (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 0958) "Commander Jennifer Rulestaad and replacement crew, reporting as ordered, Captain." Eva rose from her chair slowly and looked at each one of assembled officers. She moved over to the lowest rank crewman and looked him up and down. "Orders," She said, holding out her hand. The crewman quickly produced a PADD and handed it to her. Eva looked the PADD over verifying the command codes and transfer orders. After a few seconds, she nodded her head. "Very well Crewman, you may report to your department head and see the quartermaster about quarters. Welcome aboard." Eva shook the man's hand and moved to the next person, and Ensign, slowly working her way up the ladder. When she came to a tall Klingon she held out her hand for his orders, looking him square in the eye. Taking the PADD with the Klingon's orders, Eva read them over and frowned. "I already have a Tactical/Security Chief," Eva said, looking up at Kerge, "I don't need another." (Reply Kerge) Eva scrolled further down on the PADD and came to another set of transfer orders, these for a member of her crew. Eva's brow rose. "Well that explains that," She said, with out humor, before looking back at Kerge. "At the moment Lt. T'Vhor is on an away mission. After you have acquired quarters and dropped off you belongings, Ensign Apar can bring you up to speed on the ships tactical status as well as that of the Security Department." (Reply Kerge) After Kerge had turned to leave the bridge, Eva moved to the next person in line. A woman in medical blue. To Eva's surprise the woman was holding on to a small babe wrapped in a blanket, a diaper bag slung over one shoulder. Eva frowned as she looked down at the sleeping child. Her eyes grew wide when she saw the child's jet black hair and very distinctive pointy ears. She looked up at the tall Vulcan standing next to the woman. "T'Vall, my daughter," The Vulcan said, with out emotion, "My wife, Dr. Kellita Weir." The Vulcan held out two fingers on his right hand. His wife, shifting T'Vall into her other arm did the same and touched the Vulcan's extended fingers with her own, in the traditional Vulcan manner. "Our orders, Captain." He said, holding out a PADD with his other hand. Eva took the PADD and read it over. Again her eyes grew wide in surprise. She scrolled down further to look for any further orders, there where none. "Well, Lt. Command Sarouk," Eva said, looking up at the tall and heavily built Vulcan. "I already have a CEO. I don't need another." Sarouk, unperturbed by the tone in the Captain voice simply nodded. "I did not cut the orders, Captain, I simply followed them. As did my wife. If you do not agree with them, then I recommend taking the matter up with Command." Eva only frowned at the Vulcan, tapping the PADD against her other hand. "Very well mister," She said, "get yourself some quarters and stow your gear. Mr. Sarouk, you can report to Ensign Tristen in Main Engineering. Lt. Weir, our CMO Dr. Keller is right over there, you can report to him soon as possible." ~I'll have to talk with this Vulcan about the logic of brining a babe on board a ship of the line.~ Finally, Eva came to Commander Rulestaad. Eva looked the woman up and down with a cold hard stare before saying anything. "In my Ready Room Commander," Eva said, motioning toward the door to her Ready Room. "Ensign Knightley, you have the bridge. Notify me immediately if the away team checks in." (Posted by Wes) (USS Paladin - Bridge - TAC/SC Kerge - 09:58) Lt Kerge looked around the spacious bridge of the Paladin, if there was one thing about federation ships he never did understand, it was the armchair, living room comfort Starfleet seemed to prefer for it`s crewmen. Better the functional, authoritarian layout of a Bird of Prey anytime. Starfleet however had been his own choice, he had only himself to blame & the job was the same regardless of it`s location. The Paladins CO however looked rather imposing as she advanced towards the assembled newcomers eying them up & down as she assessed them curiously. Kerge furrowed his brow as she almost hastilly took his orders from him & then casually scanned them. It was obvious that she prefered to deal with Klingons in the abrupt, militaristic manner they were used to. ~At least she has spirit~ "I already have a Tactical/Security Chief," Eva said, looking up at Kerge, "I don't need another." "Your current tactical/Security chief is being replaced", said Kerge in typical clipped Klingon tone. "If you look further into the orders Captain, you will see this to be true", he added, the CO then turned her attention once more to the PADD to scan further for the required information. "Well that explains that" said Captain Straton. "At the moment Lt. T'Vhor is on an away mission. After you have acquired quarters and dropped off your belongings, Ensign Apar can bring you up to speed on the ships tactical status as well as that of the Security Department.", said Captain Straton. "Very well Captain", said Kerge noticing as he did so that a few members of the bridge crew were now staring directly at him in responce to the Captains mention of their loss of Lt T`Vhor. Lt Kerge however simply turned about & walked from the bridge to carry out his orders. This was unfortunately one of the many pitfalls of going from ship to ship in the manner he was now accustomed to, the replacement of crewmembers never did sit well but the challenge of instilling trust in those remaining was always well rewarded. (posted by Alan) (USS Paladin - Transporter room - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 10:00) Well sickness from transport was something that he had dreaded, even as a child Ryan had held certain issues with travelling and well primarily his travel sickness had once more caught the best of him. He had missed the transport with the rest of the officers that had embarked the Paladin and had to come aboard later on. ~Well suppose it is one was to meet the CO,~ Ryan thought to himself. Looking at the crew in the transporter room Ryan smiled and stood down from the transporter pad. Clearing his throat Ryan walked forward and addressed the Transporter chief. The older man in his mid thirties with Lieutenant pips looked at him with the same distain that the instructor in the academy had done. However he had proved his worth back then and hopefully he would do it once more. “Sir, where would the Captain be?” The lieutenant raised a eyebrow once more and spoke in a painfully official tone. “Ensign the rest of the new officers reported in a considerable amount of time ago. You are late!” Ryan shifted a little and then sheepishly spoke. “Well sir, I was suffering from well travel sickness. So my arrival was delayed, with that in mind I think it would be best to make myself known to the Commanding Officer and make my apologise to her, would it not?” Ryan stated in a manner of sarcasm, of course sarcasm as a whole never went down well with senior officers but it was his thing. “Ensign the Captain is the on the bridge,” On that it was clear no other real conversation would be welcomed. Nodding Ryan altered the strap of his bag a little and then continued to walk towards the bridge. (posted by Jim) (USS Paladin, Ready Room, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 10:03) Eva moved over and sat down behind her desk, before taking another look at the Commander. "Your orders Commander," Eva said, holding out her hand. (posted by Wes) (USS Paladin - Ready Room - Commander Jenna Rulestaad - 10:03) "Your orders Commander," Jenna pulled the PADD out of an inner flap of her uniform and handed it over, then pulled herself into parade rest. "Reporting in from Captain Lee as the First Task Forces' Strategic Operations Officer, Captain." She said in a clipped tone. In her mind, she couldn't help but weigh possibilities for what the Captain had called her into the ready room for. The blessing, and curse, of her Vulcan blood and upbringing. Though only a quarter Vulcan, she'd had to learn much of the control Vulcans have for the passion in her blood. But she lived as a human... the logic did help once in a while, though. ~Odds are she tries to dress me down.~ she thought with some amusement. (posted by Trout) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 10:15) Walking onto the bridge it was a little intimidating, there were a lot of senior officers and sitting in the command chair was obviously the Captain. Straightening his tunic Ryan moved down to the Captain’s chair and smiled at the Captain. “Captain, I’m Dr Porter Ma’am just come aboard,” Ryan stated. (Reply Straton) “I’m sorry about my late arrival I had a problem aboard the runabout,” Ryan stated attempting to make logical sense of his problem. (Reply Straton) “I had sickness Ma’am, I’m very sorry I did not arrive but I will rectify things from now on,” (posted by Jim) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CO, Captain Eva Straton, 1020) Eva had just returned to the bridge and sat back down in the command chair when she heard the turbo lift doors open. She looked over to see a young Ensign in medical or science blue step off the lift. He looked around the massive bridge of the Paladin before his eyes locked on her and he moved toward her. “Captain, I’m Dr Porter Ma’am just come aboard,” he said. Eva's brow rose, as she regarded the Ensign with a cold stare. "Why are you reporting in late, Ensign?" She asked. “I’m sorry about my late arrival I had a problem aboard the runabout,” Ryan stated. "What problem would that be?" Eva asked, leaning back in her chair keeping her eyes on the Ensign. “I had sickness Ma’am, I’m very sorry I did not arrive but I will rectify things from now on." It was obvious to Eva that he was very nervous. ~I hope since he is a doctor he knows better than to walk around a star ship with a contagious disease. "Your orders Ensign," Eva said, after a short pause. Holding out her hand. She took the PADD the Ensign handed her and read it over carefully. "ACMO? Good. The medical department has been a little short handed of late." She looked up at Lt. Keller who was still on the Bridge. "CMO Keller, may I introduce Ensign Ryan Porter, your new ACMO. Ensign Porter, Lt. Jared Keller your immediate superior." Eva pointed to each of them in turn. "Lt. Keller, would you please show Ensign Porter to his quarters then you can bring him up to speed on our current situation and help get him settled in sickbay. Depending how things go with the away team, we may be needing his services shortly." (posted by Wes) (USS Paladin, Main Engineering, Lt. Commander Sarouk, 1020) Having dropped his belonging off and making sure his wife and daughter where settling in their new home, Sarouk had decided it was time to get to work. He walked into Main Engineering, his face it's typical Vulcan mask. He looked around with a critical eye, taking in every detail, sight and sound. He walked up to the Ensign at the Master System Display console, who he recognized from his file. "Ensign Tristen," Sarouk said in his standard deep bass voice totally devoid of emotion. (reply Tristen) "I am Lt. Commander Sarouk, the new Chief Engineer," Sarouk said, matter-of-fact. He handed Tristen the PADD with his orders confirming his statement. "Computer, recognize Sarouk Lt. Commander." [Sarouk, Lt. Commander recognized.] The computer replied. "Per Order 654367 Delta, I am hereby assuming the position as Chief Engineer aboard the USS Paladin NCC 52776. Transfer all access and clearance to my command codes." Sarouk said. The computer chirped and beeped before replying. [Transfer complete. Lt. Commandeer Sarouk is now Chief Engineer aboard USS Paladin NCC 52776] "Reinstate Lt. Steven Wade Matrix as Assistant Chief Engineer with all relevant clearance and access, authorization Sarouk 89456Alpha234897Tango." [Transfer complete. Lt. Steven Wade Matrix is now Assistance Chief Engineer aboard USS Paladin NCC 52776.] Sarouk nodded as he moved over to one of the terminals on the MSD table. After typing in a series of commands he looked up at Ensign Tristen. "Ensign, please brief me on the current status of ships systems," Sarouk asked. (posted by Wes) (USS Paladin, Bridge, CMO, Lt. (jg) Jared Keller, 1021) Jared fretted as he waited for reports from the Away Teams that had been sent out to delve deeper into the mysterious alien ship that had proven to be a mutagenic carrier which would cause the medical department many sleepless hours before they had a handle on its cause much less a cure for it no doubt. Jared was lost in musing about the possible causes for whatever it was that was causing the condition when his train of thought was interrupted. Peripherally he had known there were newcomers aboard the ship but had been too absorbed to take an interest; his name though being spoken caught his a ttention. "CMO Keller, may I introduce Ensign Ryan Porter, your new ACMO. Ensign Porter, Lt. Jared Keller your immediate superior. Lt. Keller, would you please show Ensign Porter to his quarters then you can bring him up to speed on our current situation and help get him settled in sickbay. Depending how things go with the away team, we may be needing his services shortly." Jared gave Dr. Porter a wan smile as he walked over and extended his hand. "Welcome aboard Doctor, you couldn't have picked much better of a time to come aboard. The Captain was right, I am going to need a fresh set of eyes and hands before we are done here." (Reply: Ryan) Jared noted the new man was a couple of inches taller than he and burly, not fat but well muscled so it was apparent he kept in good shape during his studies. "Perhaps you can clue me in to a good workout regimen later when we have time." He said as he turned toward the lift. He tapped his combadge. "Quartermaster this is CMO Keller, I have a new man on board who needs a cabin." =^= This is the quartermaster Doctor, we have available quarters, I'll assign him to cabin 35.=^= "Excellent." Jared said. "We are on our way now, Keller out." He looked back at Ryan as he stepped into the lift. "We'll get you installed in your room first as the Captain said." As the doors closed he said. "Deck 5." (posted by Charles) (USS Paladin - Bridge - ACMO - Dr Ryan Porter - 1021) The Captain seemed a little annoyed that he had been late but in all reality that was to be expected at the end of the day. After listening carefully to the Captain’s words he had been introduced to his direct superior Lieutenant Keller. Watching Dr Keller he came over and made his introduction. "Welcome aboard Doctor, you couldn't have picked much better of a time to come aboard. The Captain was right, I am going to need a fresh set of eyes and hands before we are done here." “Of course Dr Keller,” Ryan stated not really knowing if the CMO preferred his rank or his position as a Doctor. It varied from person to person but hopefully it would not land him in trouble. Listening to the Doctor sort out his quarters Ryan remained silent and waited for his further orders. Looking around the bridge Ryan was impressed by the grand style of things. The bridge was larger than he was used to and generally as a whole this fitted the entire ship from what he had seen so far. "We'll get you installed in your room first as the Captain said." Ryan nodded and followed the Doctor into the turbo lift. As the doors closed the Doctor gave his order for the turbo lift to move. "Deck 5." Well from that obvious point it was clear that his quarters were going to be on Deck 5 which was a good distance from the bridge and medical and a good part of the ship to be located really. Looking at his superior Ryan spoke. “Doctor Keller sir, I was wondering how many crew are aboard the Paladin?” Ryan enquired. (Reply Keller) “Just trying to get used to the ship and her crew. Would it be alright after I have dropped my belongings into my quarters to go to sickbay to look over the medical records? I like to be familiar with things before anything really happens,” (Reply Keller) “How long have you been aboard the Paladin sir?” Ryan enquired not really out of being nosey but more wanting to know his senior officer since he would be working a lot with him. (posted by Jim) ================================================================================================== (End of Compile)