Compile#7 April 16-17 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Just Another Saturday Night Day:1 Stardate: 2413.12.30 Compile Summary (Starbase 989 - Promenade - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 12:45) ======================================================= Mission: Just Another Saturday Night Day:2 Stardate: 2413.12.31 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0810) (Starbase 989 - The County Cork – Combat Nurse – E’Mpak- 23.18) ======================================================= Mission: Just Another Saturday Night Day:3 Stardate: 2414.01.01 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0103) (USS Rosenante - Main Engineering - Engineer- Lt. Tierce Darby - Day 3 - 0108) (Starbase 989 - County Cork - CEO Lt. Steven Matrix - Day 3 - 0109) (Starbase 989 - The County Cork- SO Ensign Eva Saint Jean- Day 3- 0117) (USS Rosenante - Docked - Bridge - 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson Day 3 0119) (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0122) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - SO Ensign Eva Saint Jean- Day 3- 0124) (Space - Outside USS Boudicca - ACMO - Basil Candle - Day 3 - 0129) (SB 989 Promenade, Upper Level, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 0130) (Starbase 989, Security Offices, CSEC, Lt. Adraa Mosul- Day 3, 0133) (USS Rosenante , Docked SB 989 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson 0135) ( SB 989 Security Offices a/CO Lt Kraal 0141) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3- 0143) (Starbase 989 - Jefferies Tube 5-RB - ATAC/SC Ensign(jg) Jessica Signos - Day 3 - 0147) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - CMO - Doctor Gena Harvey - Day 3 - 0152) (Starbase 989 - Jefferies Tube 5-RB - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 3 - 0153*) (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ATAC/SC Ensign(jg) Jessica Signos - Day 3 - 0154) (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 3 - 0156*) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - SO Mike Rosenbauer - Day 3 - 0157) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 0205) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 3 - 0208) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0210) (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 0212) (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0217) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3- 0218) (USS Rosenante, Corridor - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 3, 0220) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO - Basil Candle - Day 3 - 0241) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Promenade - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 12:45) “Worked and fought with a Harkaari once, during combat saw him vomit stomach oils at least 20 m. Also meal times were interesting, we had to set up a screen as his eating habits were putting others off their food. Trouble was though we couldn’t see him eat, the sounds he made just seem so much worse. Your right, though, its just …what is right for you? If you don’t mind me asking what is it you do on the Rosenante?” "I'm the ACEO," Eian answered. “Was it something you know you would get into or something that you stumbled across you were good at?” He smiled. "Well, that's an interesting story. I actually started off majoring in Tactical/Security at the Academy. I've always liked weapons construction, though, so I took some classes in weapons engineering. Then I ended up taking some time off halfway through the Academy, and I worked as a drydock mechanic for a year and a half. It counted toward an engineering degree, so I didn't have to take too many extra classes when I got back to the Academy. And that's what Starfleet needed when I graduated, so here I am." “Do you think you have made the right choice?” Eian shrugged. "You mean staying on as an engineer after my first promotion? Yeah, I think I did make the right choice. I like the Rosenante and I plan to stay on board at least until my next promotion...I've made something of a home there, for what little time I've been on board. I like my crewmates, I think the Captain is great." (reply Basil) (posted by Morgan G) ======================================================= (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0810) Durand had listened intently to the facts and opinions as stated by his two officers, as well as having read and studied the report of Caskie’s investigation. He looked up at the two of them. He was not particularly pleased with what he was about to do... what he *had* to do, but he felt he had no choice at all, really. None of his inner turmoil made it to the surface. His face... even his eyes were set in stone, betraying none of his inner thoughts. “Have either of you anything to add before I pronounce my decision?” (Reply Caskie iyw, Trei iyw) “Very well. Lieutenant Detron Trei, stand at attention.” He waited as Trei got to his feet, then paused a moment, making certain that his phrasing was 'just so’. “Let the record show that my findings and judgment for the Captain’s Mast conducted this date, into the aforementioned matter of the events on the surface of Jahdara III, are as follows. Lieutenant Trei, I have considered your heretofore unblemished record and excellent conduct in my finding. giving that equal weight and credence to that of the testimony and reports rendered regarding the incident. I find that though you acted without malice, and without intent to harm, your actions were indeed the proximate cause for the deaths and injuries among our crew.” He paused a moment, letting the weight of the statement sink in to those present. “Further, despite your good intentions, you acted rashly, without considering all the possible consequences, and paid no heed to the engineering officer present, when clearly the matter at hand was an engineering problem above all else. While there are situations that surely require rapid, decisive action, the incident in question was not one of those. Analysis and considered action were called for in this case. Your judgment was poor, and your actions, by all reports and your admission, were rapid and somewhat instinctive. The mettle of a starfleet officer is tested every moment of every day. According to your record of past performance, you have the potential to be an exceptional one of rare and useful talent. That, perhaps, is the worst part of this. You *can* do so much better. You *have* done so much better! Lieutenant, the burden of command falls upon you as a department head. You *must* set an example. Though I appreciate your Klingon heritage and tradition of action, your brain, not your brawn, is your most treasured asset. I expect you to use it. It is my judgment, that your conduct on the planet during the incident in question was unbecoming a leader, and disappointing to myself and the ship, as well as the fleet in which you serve.” He paused just a moment once again. *This* was the part that was most necessary, yet the one he loathed above all others. “Lieutenant Detron Trei, as a result of your conduct, it is the finding of this Mast that you shall be placed on a period of probation of a duration to yet be determined, but no less than six months from this date. During your probation, Commander Caskie will prepare and report to me an evaluation of your conduct on a monthly basis. I shall review said reports and thereby determine the length of your probationary period. According to starfleet regulations, no officer serving a disciplinary probationary period for any reason may serve as a department head. Therefore, effective immediately and until such time as your probation is concluded and you are deemed fit to return to such service, you are hereby removed from your position as head of the security and tactical departments of this vessel, along with all the privileges and responsibilities thereof. You will serve under a department head of my designation until the situation changes. Computer, so note in the ship’s log. [Acknowledged and recorded] That will be all Lieutenant Trei.” (Reply Trei, Caskie) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - The County Cork – Combat Nurse – E’Mpak- 23.18) "We have not met. I am TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei on the Boudicca. The drink I have in front of me is called a Hurricane. It is a very potent Earth drink consisting of nearly 95 percent alcohol and some other ingredients to make it taste tropical. Pleased to meet you. Tell me about yourself." E’Mpak nodded to the bar woman to get her a Hurricane and then looked at Trei. “Pleased to meet you to. I am Combat Nurse E’Mpak from the Rosenanté. I am here on an exchange program from the Imperial Klingon Fleet.” “It is nice to see a familiar face, especially tonight.” (Reply Trei) She took the Hurricane when it arrived and give it an experimental sip. She felt the kick of the alcohol and nodded. “I like this drink. It has a good kick to it. Are there any others you suggest?” (Reply Trei) “So how long have you been on the Budicca?” (Reply Trei) (Reply Trei, any) (Posted by Robbie) ======================================================= (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0103) Durand was grateful for the succinct report from Salid. It gave him quite a bit more information -- at least in general -- than he had a moment before. “That massive a failure is going to be a danger to our crews as well as the station personnel. I presume a good deal of your crew are on leave as well? We’re starting a recall along with the alert status to try and get things in order.” "Are you connected to the station Captain?" Salid asked. “Affirmative. I’d prefer not to cut loose without at least auxiliary power up, but if the situation deteriorates I’ll exercise that option as a last resort.” He found Salid’s thoughts were running in a different direction from his own. He made the logical suggestion of supplying supplemental energy to the station through the umbilicals that usually fed the starships from the station, not the other way around. He shook his head despite the fact that the other Captain couldn’t see it. “Captain, I have to tell you that we have nothing to drop in the energy basket until we get main power up. As soon as my engineers get aux power online, we’ll see about the warp core. Engineering was performing a level I diagnostic on it, I’m waiting for their report on progress. I assure you, they *will* break all records getting us back online.” "Understood. Do you require any additional personnel or resources at this time? And have you heard any reports from the station or any of your personnel there? Looks like the relays are down, so we'll deploy a communications relay satellite to traffic all communications to and from the starbase. We'll have that deployed shortly which should aid in communications with the starbase and with traffic." He wanted to wake up and do the whole previous day again, but in his experience Starfleet didn’t recognize ‘mulligans’. Oh well. “Captain we should be fine with our own folks. I’ve directed my people to send damage control parties, medical teams, and security forces as they can be marshalled and spared. As soon as we can locate Commander Caskie, I’ve given word for her to liason station side and take command of our crew there. Until then I have my senior security officer Lieutenant Trei aboard the station. He is the most senior officer I have been able to contact on the station. I’ve directed him to report, but I think he may be committed to riot control at the moment. Sounds like a hell of a mess over there Captain.” Salid went on to relate the situation with Lt. Kraal, the CO of the starbase. ~And the hits just keep on coming...~ “I’m sure Commander Caskie can handle the situation aboard, as you well know. If she can’t she knows well enough to call for the cavalry.” Salid then offered some additional advice about riot control, and his personal experience with it. “Fair enough Captain. Not my first rodeo, but your points are well taken. I’ll keep you posted as to our status in fifteen minute intervals unless something changes radically. Mind your heads over there. Durand out.” (Reply Salid iyw, Any) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Main Engineering - Engineer- Lt. Tierce Darby - Day 3 - 0108) Darby was ordering some of the engineering crew into action to bring the mains back on-line when his commbadge chirped, =^=Matrix to the Rosenante, Main Engineering. Report please.=^= Darby tapped his commbadge. "Sir, Darby here. we lost all external power when the Starbase did. The system automatically brought the secondary core on-line. I am in the process of bringing the mains on-line as we speak sir." (reply Matrix) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - County Cork - CEO Lt. Steven Matrix - Day 3 - 0109) Matrix was trying patiently to make his way out of the bar and hopefully into a corridor. "Sir, Darby here. we lost all external power when the Starbase did. The system automatically brought the secondary core on-line. I am in the process of bringing the mains on-line as we speak sir." =^= Very good Mister Darby. I'm trying to make my way back to the Rosenante now. If you get transporters working anytime soon please let me know. A beam out be preferable to marauding through this crowd in the dark. Keep me posted. Matrix out. =^= A crewman who heard Matrix's comment and gave him a unflattering smirk. Matrix simply returned the smile, is it where, and proceeded with the others. It wasn't long before the crowd made their way out to more corridors aboard the station. Emergency lighting was starting to flicker in many areas, but overall it was nearly pitch dark. Even a PADD would have helped light the way. (Reply Darby, anyone) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - The County Cork- SO Ensign Eva Saint Jean- Day 3- 0117) The fight was brutal but brief, with Trei tossing about rioters as if they were ragdolls while Eva and the other officers present used more conventional techniques to control the crowd that had been dead set on their plunder and destruction. Once the crowd subsided, Eva stepped back and leaned heavily against one of the walls trying to catch her breath. She didn't really get much of an opportunity to do so though, because Trei was already issuing her orders. "Come with me to Sickbay, they can use the help." He commanded. "Aye sir," Eva replied, although she really didn't want to tag along. Sometimes you just do things like that anyways. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Docked - Bridge - 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson Day 3 0119) The pace of activity was settling down a bit. Tom Jackson had issued orders to ensure Captain Salid's instructions were being implemented. Tom's mentor and subordinate, Phil Sheridan, had configured and launched a class one communications relay probe. Tom had went onto set all Comm badges of the Rose to relay through it. His crewmates were soon checking in. Captain Salid looked better as he heard his crew report in. His wife Dahlia was assisting in SIck Bay. He thanked the gods he had married her. She was an excellent compliment to him. He was using his unoccupied OPS crew to assist in Engineering, Security and Sick Bay. Tom initiated a call to Boudicca. A few seconds passed and an audio only reply came in. =^= Lieutenant Jackson, Captain Durand of the Boudicca, go ahead.”=^= "Sir, Captain Salid has asked to contact you and to offer my OPS crew to assist you in any manner. I am also willing to coordinate with your OPS crew to get things running smoothly" Tom replied. (reply: Durand) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0122) Another pair of crew had filed in since his chat with Salid. An armed security officer who both secured the bridge and manned the tactical station; and Doug Roberts, who spelled Selek at Operations. Roberts addressed the Captain without turning from his board. He was doing his very best to bring order from chaos. All things considered, he was doing fairly well at it too. “Captain, status update. All department heads and assistants have reported and gotten their orders except Doctor Candle. We have been unable to locate him as yet. Commander Caskie has acknowledged your previous directive. No ETA from engineering yet on restoring power. At our current rate of consumption, we have seventy minutes of battery power remaining.” “Very well Mister Roberts, thank you.” It wasn’t ‘very well’ at all but it couldn’t be helped. He just hoped engineering would get things restarted soon. =^= Trei to Boudicca. A security officer on the Rosenante and I are at Base Sickbay helping them out with damage control. When the crowd calms down, I will report back to the ship. Trei out.=^= ~Damage control? Does he mean crowd control?~ “Acknowledged Lieutenant. You are in command of our people until relieved. I’ve directed Commander Caskie to coordinate our efforts aboard the station. Until then, use your best judgment and call for any assistance you require. Keep us advised.” (Reply Trei, Any) Moments later, Roberts reported again. “Captain, message coming in from the Rosenante.” “On audio, Lieutenant.” =^=USS Boudicca, this is Lt Jackson 2O/COPS USS Rosenante come in=^= “Lieutenant Jackson, Captain Durand of the Boudicca, go ahead.” (Reply Jackson, Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - SO Ensign Eva Saint Jean- Day 3- 0124) They arrived at sickbay. The chaos there was almost as bad as it had been on the promenade. They had to push their way through a crowd of civilians who looked as if they were on the verge of panic. They managed to get past them without incident and entered the bay to find one doctor and three nurses trying to treat and triage at least a couple of dozen people. there was only one security officer on duty, and ensign. Trei asked for orders and was told to help secure the bay, so Eva joined the ensign at the doorway to prevent any further attempts at entry while Trei checked in with the Boudicca. The ensign had provided her with a phaser, which gave her some semblance of comfort, although she didn't relish the idea of being forced to use it against unarmed frightened civilians. Things for her were pretty uneventful for a while until after several minutes the crowd parted and Henry arrived, with a team of armed personnel in tow. The engineer reported to the lieutenant, but was smart enough to have his team standing by to act as armed deterrents for any thoughts of rioting. He gave her a nod , which she returned along with a smile. After he had received his orders, Henry crossed the room and walked over to her. His hand was warm to the touch, and though she would never say as much aloud, it was comforting as well. "How are things here?" he asked her. "We're undermanned, don't have any situational intelligence to work with and are in threat of having our position overrun by panicked civilians." She answered, believing that his question was a professional request for a situational assessment. "Oh and did I mention that I broke a heel getting here? Those were 500 credit heels." Jacobs maintained eye contact, but decided to report in to someone named Gesar, probably a superior officer, at least in position if not in rank, since they were both Ensigns. (reply Jacobs, Trei, Any others) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Space - Outside USS Boudicca - ACMO - Basil Candle - Day 3 - 0129) Basil focused on a nebula, even at this distance the colours shone out amongst the darkness of space. Basil thought that the filtered view through his helmet maybe enhanced the visual beauty of the nebula, either that or his air supply was getting thin. His sudden paranoid thoughts made him check his eva suit. He had considered going back onboard the Starbase for the celebrations but he needed to be somewhere safer. Instead of the confines of the Starbase, filled to the brim with so many races that where could you go to get away? The walls were restrictions, almost as if between them they kept deep, dark secrets. He preferred the openness and safety of space, it was harsh but you knew where you stood with space and her with you. Basil always felt that so whenever he could he would try and spend time with her, especially with the new year contemplating the past and the future with the physical embodiment of that history staring back at him. He wasn’t sure whether his trips outside were not known or just tolerated. He had spent the last number of hours leading up to the new year taking stock about his decisions leading up to this point and what he should do with his future. His meeting with the merchant consortium that were going to offer him a ship’s captaincy was postponed due to security issues in the Ferengi’s bar. The man had not been in contact since so Basil had just got on with his job. He was concerned with what was happening with Trei, the scuttlebutt round the replicator was that he was called into a meeting with the Captain and the FO. Basil was worried but had not had a chance to catch up. Now he was standing on the outside of the Boudicca staring off into space. He had turned off his communicator so as not to be disturbed, what could happen here on the Starbase? He spent a good time staring off into space until he thought ~Well time to go back in I suppose~ He slowly turned round, boots locking onto the metallic hull and walked towards the airlock he exited from. He didn’t get far. As soon as he saw the vast bulk of the Starbase a shadowy presence looming in front of him he knew that something was wrong. ~Where are the lights?~ The Starbase always emitted light through the windows that looked out into space, giving those inside the great view Basil had just experienced. Now nothing, a darkness amidst the black of space, it was almost as if it was night-time. But Starbases are constant, there is always something going on. As best as he could Basil sped his journey along the ship’s edge, he needed to get inside as quickly as possibly. He reached the airlock and clambered inside. He turned on his communicator when it launched into life =^= …. to Doctor Candle. Can you read me sir.=^= He recognised the voice being the Boudicca’s head nurse, “Candle here what’s the matter?” ~Stupid question~ thinking of the Starbase =^=The captain’s been trying to get in contact with you. He wants you to set up a medical team to enter the Starbase=^= ~By my stars and garters I may be in trouble now~ He thanked the nurse and contacted the Captain. “Dr Candle to Captain Durand sorry for the delay, sir, I’ll get that team to the Starbase as soon as I can. Is there anything else sir?” (Reply Durand) (Posted by Warren Simkins) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB 989 Promenade, Upper Level, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 0130) From his perch above the promenade, Sanok had watched with disbelief, the chaos taking place below him. When the power had gone out, and most of the lights with it, the crowd of revelers had turned into a crazed and panicked pack of uncivilized hoodlums. Why had this happened? What was so difficult about maintaining oneself in a power outage? It was 2414. Were people still nothing more than what people have always been? As long as they have their comfort and everything is going well, they behave, but when the slightest thing went wrong, intelligence and civilized behavior disappeared almost instantly? As much as he didn't want to admit it to himself, it made him ashamed to be part of a society that fell apart so quickly, and over something so minor and manageable. Knowing it was his duty to go down to the main level to help, and how fruitless it would be, Sanok made his way across the catwalk to the nearest access door. Of course, with no power, it would not open. Tapping his comm badge, he called the Rosenante, but heard only static. Drumming the metal railing with his fingers, Sanok began walking across the metal walkway, checking other doors, all of which were without power. Shaking his head at the carnage below, he sat cross-legged on the metal floor and began to meditate. Not sure of how much time had passed, Sanok came out of his meditation when he heard a very loud bellowing coming from below. Peering down, he saw a Klingon fighting off some looters. When the group before him had backed off, though there was still a group at the storefront, the Klingon spoke to someone near him and the two left. Once he was away, the looters went inside and began their plundering. Sanok simply shook his head and closed his eyes. A sound coming from very close by, caused Sanok to come out of his meditation again. It was his comm badge, and the signal was mingled with static, but he could hear someone calling him. =^="Lieutenant Sanok, come in please:"=^= "This is Sanok. Please repeat your identity and your instructions. I am having difficulties reading you." (reply Jackson) (posted by Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989, Security Offices, CSEC, Lt. Adraa Mosul- Day 3, 0133) She didn't have to wait long before the blue ogre in command of the station chimed in. He appeared as if by magic at the entry to the security offices, his blue skin obviously darker from the exertion and he smelled of liquor. "What the hell is going on Mosul?" He bellowed. Adraa motioned him to the window, "Take a look for yourself." she said and stepped aside allowing the acting base commander get a good look at the chaos that was taking place below them. "If I were to guess, I'd say we have a full blown riot on our hands." She added after a moment or two. "Check the power generation systems. We also need the medics roused and ready to receive casualties" Kraal order. "Sure," Mosul replied, "except I don't have any staff. They're all down there in that tangle somewhere, no doubt fighting for their lives. And as you've probably already noticed, communications are out." Kraal stood for a few moments then muttered, "Gawds I don't want to ask Salid for help again." Adraa hid a smile and then replied, "You may not get a choice. Better to eat crow than be the CO that lost the Starbase and let thousands get killed, wouldn't you say, sir?" (reply Kraal) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante , Docked SB 989 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson 0135) Tom was relieved that Lt Sanok responded at last. SAnok was a solid, professional officer. "Lt Sanok, this 2O Tom Jackson. Glad to hear you are well" Tom paused to allow Sanok to reply. (reply: Sanok) Tom smiled despite being a bit tired. He knew Sanok would wonder about his comment. Jackson went on to explain his call "Mt Sanok, unless you are providing services to SB 989, report to the ship". (reply: Sanok) "Understood Jackson out" and closed the channel. Tom waited to catch the CO's eye. "Contact made with Lt Sanok. I relayed your orders. He should be on his way shortly" Tom explained. (reply: CO) (posted by Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- ( SB 989 Security Offices a/CO Lt Kraal 0141) Kraal did not bother to hide his hatred of Lt Mosul the SB's Chief of Security. Kraal had been disappointed that Mosul had not killed Captain Taylor. If it had been her, one major thorn in his blue hide would have been gone. Mosul looked at the Andorian with equal distaste. But for now, the two needed each other Sighing, he agreed with Ardaa Mosul about needing help. Crossing his fingers mentally, he tried yo send to the Rosenante. He half hoped he would get no answer and half hoped he would. "USS Rosenante, this Lt Krall Sb 989 Acting Commander. I must speak with Captain Salid immediately" and waited for a reply. A response came back quickly. Kraal listened. =^= Lt Kraal, this 2O Tom Jackson. What do you need? We are a bit busy here. =^= Kraal winced at the curt reply. "Mr Jackson, I must speak with your Captain NOW" Kraal replied angerly. =^= One Moment Lieutenant=^= and the sound was muted. Kraal's guts were ina turmoil. This man was the alst he wanted to grovel before. Bot the SB's safety came first. (reply: Captain Salid) (posted by Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3- 0143) Things were slowly coming together. The Rosenante was still desperately undermanned, as most of her crew struggled to survive on the station on to make their way to their starship. Having been in a riot himself, Ahmed understood all too well the strain and stress that the crew would be undergoing at that very moment. "Captain," Dralar called from the helm, "I am detecting two escape pod launches from the Starbase." Ahmed looked up at his helmsman and said simply, "Show me." The screen shifted and a pair of class two escape pods were rocketing out from the station towards some of the shipping in the immediate area. "Anyone on board them?" he asked anxiously. "Two Klingons. One in each pod." the Skorr replied with a tone of surprise in his voice. "Anyone else?" the captain asked. "Captain those pods are on a collision course with an Andorian freighter holding station at grid coordinates two-six-five-mark-one by zero-one-three mark zero-six-three". Nunez, manning the tactical station reported. "Transporter room, there are two escape pods occupied by a Klingon each." Ahmed said as he hurriedly tapped his commbadge. =^= I see them sir.=^= Dawson replied. "Beam the inhabitants aboard." =^=Energizing.=^= there was a short pause, then, =^= I have them sir.=^= "Mister Nunez, destroy those pods." Two sharp brilliant beams of phased energy lanced out into space, quickly closing the gap between the Rosenante and the two small escape pods. They blossomed into small clouds of ionized gas a few moments later. There was another chirp and Dawson's voice sounded over the commchannel, =^= Captain, the Klingons are trying to kill each other, sir.=^= "Stun them, mister Dawson. Mister Nunez, dispatch security to the transporter room. have those Klingons secured in the Brig." "Aye captain." Nunez replied and then dispatched the security team as ordered. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Jefferies Tube 5-RB - ATAC/SC Ensign(jg) Jessica Signos - Day 3 - 0147) He was rambling his mind a jumping from one thing to the next. "Don't worry about the dress...." She was cut off again, something about the caves on Golgara III. ~I was, gonna say wait till this is over to worry.~ "Have you ever seen the evolutionary chart of a nocturnal burrowing mammal that turns into a sentient being?" was the next question Eian asked her. "No, I have not." She decided to keep her answers short, but she kept the sweetness to her voice to let him know she understood, she may want to throttle him, but at least she understood. After all He did say that whatever the creatures did to him they were counter acting medication that was for some purpose. Jessica could only imagine that this was that purpose. "--It's quite interesting." He went on, before changing the subject again suddenly "Do you think any of those bugs are up ahead? We didn't see their energy signatures before, how are we going to spot them?" His voice had an edge of nervousness to it. "Simple we stay away from over heated power junctions." Again, a short answer, because that's all she was able to fit in before Eian shot off on another tangent. "--I feel like we should warn everyone else. How long until we get to Engineering again? Oh, I have it here on my circlet." He chuckled nervously. "See, this is what happens when you can't focus on anything!" "I see" She shook her head, has she hit her com badge. "Signos to Bouddica, come in. We have found something of interest in route to the main power core. Sending the image for further reference." (reply Boudicca) ~Since he seem to be having a grand old time, I might as well get that off so it can be of better use.~ She thought. Has Eian went into talking about old holovids one in particular called 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail.' Which made Jessica chuckle and think about her parents. ~Both of them loved that movie.~ "Dont worry Eian, it's only a flesh wound." She quoted the black knight from the same holovid. (reply Eian.) ~If nothing else that will give his mind something else to ponder.~ She thought has they came upon the access door that would lead them into the main reactor room. "Eian, can you open this Door," She asked him she figured giving him a task to work on would give her a few minutes peace and quite. (reply Eian) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - CMO - Doctor Gena Harvey - Day 3 - 0152) A voice of authority rang out over the bay and Gena raised her head long enough to get a good look at the read-headed woman, wearing a dashing dress. "Everyone shut the heck up. I am Cmdr Josh Caskie FO and CMO from the Boudicca. I need you senior medical officer here now, front and centre; the rest of you get on with what you were doing. Who the hell is in charge of security here. Front and centre now too." Gena finished what she was doing, which didn't take her long and moved towards the woman who had just assumed command of her sickbay, ~Thank god.~ she thought. "Commander. Doctor Gena Harvey, base CMO. I believe your current head of the security detail is Lieutenant Trei." She said taking a look around for the Klingon, "He may be out in the corridor with the damage control team keeping the mob at bay, I don't see him." (reply Caskie, Trei) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Jefferies Tube 5-RB - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 3 - 0153*) Eian had just finished up a verse of Monty Python when, completely unexpectedly, Jessica said, "Dont worry Eian, it's only a flesh wound." He burst out into laughter. "That's amazing that you know the holovid! It's from over 400 years ago!" For some reason, Eian felt adrenaline surging into his body and he felt highly aroused. He was attracted to Jessica before, but after she quoted the Black Knight, he felt like kissing her right here and now. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he registered this thought as inappropriate, considering he had only known Jessica for a few hours. But those bugs that had entered his body were causing every emotion, every thought, every impulse, to be amplified to the extreme. And even *that* thought sent chills up Eian's spine. He hoped those things had dissolved into his bloodstream or *something*, because the thought of little bugs crawling around in his body made him want to hurl. "Eian, can you open this Door," Jessica asked, and brought Eian's mind back to their current predicament. "We're here, huh?" He asked, crawling over to the door. ~There was something I was going to say to her. What was it?~ "You know what I really like? Steak. Like, from a cow," he said. "Do they have cows in Florida?" ~That wasn't it! What was it?~ He didn't hear her respond, if she did respond, because he was too busy trying to figure out this unusually secure door. The disorganization of his thoughts was getting worse. It was harder and harder to concentrate. "I once took a shuttle from Florida to California. The North American continent is beautiful," he said. ~That wasn't it either!~ He almost had the door open. "'re beautiful," he stated. Finally, the door slid open. (reply Jessica iyw) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ATAC/SC Ensign(jg) Jessica Signos - Day 3 - 0154) The door slide open with a hiss, and Jessica took the tactical point her phaser drawn and set to mid stun. She turned on the light on her tactical circlet. ~It really is a shame more people don't use these.~ She thought has she scanned the room. It looked like a bomb went off inside there, people were thrown about like rag dolls, consoles sparked, wires hanged carelessly from the roof. "What do you make of it Eian?" She asked has soon has her counterpart entered the room. (reply Eian) (posted by Matthew Locke.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 3 - 0155*) A woman finished up with her patient and approaching Josh began speaking. "Commander. Doctor Gena Harvey, base CMO. I believe your current head of the security detail is Lieutenant Trei." She said taking a look around for the Klingon, "He may be out in the corridor with the damage control team keeping the mob at bay, I don't see him." Josh nodded. "Thank you doctor. I'll speak to Lt Trei in a moment but first I need to know if you have heard anything from the Station Commander or any other station personnel for that matter. I also need to know if you have a working comm channel here and thirdly I need a situation report." (Reply Harvey) Josh listened to the report from the CMO. "Very well Doctor Harvey. I'm sure both the Boudicca and Rosenante are responding to the situation already and once I manage to contact them I will have them send as much personnel and supplies as they can, although I suspect they are already on their way. Unfortunately until then we are going to have to improvise as best we can. There is not a great deal I can suggest until power is up and running again, however I do believe I might have a solution to your sterilisation problem. Have someone head to the nearest bar and requisition as much alcohol as they can carry. Whisky is best since it is purest but to be honest any spirit based alcohol will do in a push." "I'm going to speak to Lt Trei now. I'm leaving you in charge of the medical situation at present since I am going to have to take over all charge here at present. By all means call me if you need my medical help but remember I'm not going to be very effective being in overall charge if I'm elbow deep in a patient. Carry on Doctor." (Reply Harvey) (Posted byMarilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 3 - 0156*) Jessica took point and Eian followed her out of the Jefferies tube, shocked by the sight of Engineering. People were dead or unconscious everywhere. Sparks were flying out of consoles. His mind immediately took in the details. "What do you make of it Eian?" Jessica asked. Eyes darting from one console to another, he said, "A power relay junction blew--you can see it here, in this area," he ran over to the console that first felt the impact. The console next to it was unscathed, but several panels below had exploded from overloading conduits. "See, this console's fine, but this panel down here, you can see it's exploded from the overloading conduit, and that's normally controlled by the feedback loop control module, but look up," he pointed, "and you'll see that when this power relay junction blew, it automatically fried the loop control. And that couldn't happen unless..." he jogged over to another console. "Yep, see!" He pointed down to a blown panel, and then squatted to survey it himself. "The plasma flow injector blew, which could only be caused by a disruption of a particularly rare sort." He looked around, taking in the surroundings of engineering until he found his source. Then he jogged over to the perpetrator. "See this Jefferies tube? And this power readout?" The readout was burned onto the screen, but the screen was dead. "When it blew, it was displaying Junction Beta, which is probably right through there. Something must have connected the plasma flow injector module to the feedback loop control module. And it caused a massive," he threw his arms out to explain just how massive, "MASSIVE cascade of energy. And boom, lights out." (reply Jessica, room for more) Suddenly, Eian heard a pounding and a metal-on-metal screech to the doors of main engineering. They began to slowly open, and they could hear the commotion outside. It occurred to him what was going on, and that they were about to be caught in a mob. Just when he *didn't* need it, the song from Monty Python about "Brave Sir Robin" running away popped into his head. "We should fight!" He said suddenly, a wave of testosterone hitting him. He felt like he could do anything. Like he could fight off thousands of armed men. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - SO Mike Rosenbauer - Day 3 - 0157) Once they had reached sickbay, Jennifer had dismissed him to collect up his team mates and to consider security for the sickbay. It didn't take him long to notice Eva had arrived already and seemed to be in security mode as it was. She was standing near the door, using an empty crash cart for limited cover. She was in a prime position to watch the doorway and a few meters of the corridor beyond. "Eva." Mike said in greeting as he reached her. "What's your assessment?" The woman looked at him and smiled. He realized that she seemed to be a few inches shorter than she had earlier and that's when he noticed that she was standing in just her stocking covered feet. It seemed that she had lost her shoes. "Not good, sir." she replied. "I'm estimating a gathering crowd of about a hundred civilians including women and children. No discernable weapons, but they'll be enough of a threat without them if they decide to be. We have a squad of damage control engineers, numbering six. You, Trei, Ensign Hardesty and I are the only trained security officers present. We have phasers which are set to wide beam heavy stun, but it's not really optimal to use them unless we want to create even more casualties when the crowd tramples the stunned lead elements. Medical Staff includes Doctor Harvey, three nurses and commander Caskie. Ensign Jacobs is here also, but he's an engineer." Mike did the math, it didn't look particularly promising. He nodded. "Better than Soliza II." He said. Eva smiled, "by a long shot," she replied and seemed to relax somewhat. "I want you to report to commander Caskie and give her the option of using you as a medical officer or as a security officer. They're desperately shorthanded in there." Eva nodded. "Don't I know it?" She replied, "I thought that security might be more important at the time I arrived, so that's what I started doing." Mike nodded. "It was the best choice, but for now, I think we need to focus on getting these people aid. Have you heard anything from Mosh, T'Vyr or Tyrone?" He asked her. "Nope, but Mosh and T'Vyr were near the County Cork when the riots started. I think Tyrone said something about a holographic hiking trip, which means he may be trapped in an empty, dark holodeck somewhere unable to get out." Eva replied. "Yeah, that's my thought also." Mike reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a miniature transponder beacon. He removed the safety cap on the top and gave it a press. A little red light blinked three times and then stopped doing so. "Now why in the world are you carrying that?" Eva asked him. "Because I know how you guys can be when you are partying, remember?" Eva chuckled, fished her transponder out of her dress and then deactivated her own transponder when it beeped to let her know that it had received a signal. Mike raised a single eyebrow at her. "What?" she said innocently, "I know that you were going to try to hook up with Jennifer. I thought it might be a good idea." Mike rolled his eyes and then chuckled, "Yeah, likely story." (reply none needed, but any welcome) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 0205) Detron saw Caskie enter Sickbay and demand to talk with who was in charge. After she assessed the situation, she delegated duties to the Starfleet officers that were there. She turned to Detron and asked what was his take on the situation. "I had to fight my way over here. The crowd was most unruly which forced me to toss many out of the way like rag dolls. They sprayed against the store fronts for a while until they thought better of attacking me further. Ensign Saint Jean and I came to Sickbay where we commenced guarding the door. Ensign Jacobs and the damage control team arrived. They reported to you on the situation at present. What do you need me to do now sir?" (Reply Caskie) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 3 - 0208) Josh made her way to the door and found Lt Trei, Ensign Jacobs and his team, Mike and Eva guarding it. Turning to the Lieutenant she asked him to report. "I had to fight my way over here. The crowd was most unruly which forced me to toss many out of the way like rag dolls. They sprayed against the store fronts for a while until they thought better of attacking me further. Ensign Saint Jean and I came to Sickbay where we commenced guarding the door. Ensign Jacobs and the damage control team arrived. What do you need me to do now sir?" Josh nodded at the Lieutenant's report. "One moment please Lt. Ensign Jacobs I need you and your team to head to main engineering and assist there. The quicker we get the power restored the better off we'll all be. Unfortunately I can't spare any security for you since I'm going to need what I have here." (Reply Jacobs) Turning to Eva Josh smiled at her. "Saint Jean report inside to the base CMO and offer her any assistance you can, but be aware that you may be called to assist with security here at a moments notice." (reply Saint Jean) Turning back to Trei Josh continued. "Lt you are in charge of security for Sickbay until a more senior officer appears. You only have Mr Hardesty and Rosenbauer to help you and Saint Jean if you need her. Don't be afraid to lean on Mr Rosenbauer's experience, whilst you may be the senior officer I can guarantee that Mr Rosenbauer has a lot more experience than you do. Don't be afraid to avail yourself of that expertise. Understood?" Noticing that the Lieutenant had a comm badge pinned to his shirt she smiled. "Oh and Lt I'll need to borrow your comm badge if I may so that I can contact the ships." (Reply Trei) Taking the comm badge from the Lt Josh caught Mike's eye and motioned him to follow her for a moment. As they both stepped back into the main sickbay Josh nodded towards Trei. "He's a bit of a hot head even for a Klingon Mike, try to keep the casualties as low as possible. I'm going to try to contact the ships. Good luck." (Reply Rosenbauer iyw) Once Mike had left to resume his position Josh activated the comm badge. "Caskie to Bouddica and Rosenante. Can anyone hear me?" (Reply both ships) Josh smiled as she got a reply from both of the ships. "I'm pretty glad to hear from both of you too Sirs. It's chaos down here. I've managed to make my way to main Sickbay. I have the base CMO here with a skeleton medical staff, one member of base security, Lt Trei and Security Officers Rosenbauer and Saint Jean from the Rose. Ensign Jacobs was here moments ago with a damage control team that Gesar had sent his way and I have sent them down to main engineering to help there. Unfortunately I have not yet managed to establish contact with anyone else. I've just got my hands on a communicator and thought it best to check in with both of you before I did anything else." "Sirs communications are still down station wide we have had no word from station command or anyone else aboard the station. Have either of you heard from them?" (Reply Durand, Salid) "Well in that case sirs, as the senior officer on the ground at present I'm declaring an emergency and assuming charge until either of you tell me otherwise. We only have spotty emergency generator power, those are spread pretty thin and half of them are civilian. I don't have the manpower to requisition them for our use and even if I did I don't have the engineering teams to hook them up. I have virtually no security or medical personnel and we need help with everything. I need security teams, engineering teams and medical teams. I need the medical teams the most, but they aren't really going to be effective until we have power back and the riots have stopped." (Reply Durand Salid) Josh lowered her voice so that no-one around her could hear and began speaking again. "Sirs, given that our power is down we only have a limited supply of oxygen on the base and the rioting crowds and the fires have seriously compromised that. Thankfully no civilians have yet thought of that, but it is only a matter of time before they do. Once that happens all hell will break loose over here." Reply Durand, Salid) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0210) "One moment please Lt. Ensign Jacobs I need you and your team to head to main engineering and assist there. The quicker we get the power restored the better off we'll all be. Unfortunately I can't spare any security for you since I'm going to need what I have here." "Yes ma,am" Jacobs replied to his commanding officer as he turned to his damage control team. "Sigma team move out, we have our orders." One of the men tossed him a standard Starfleet issue rifle as they readied to move out. Jacobs turned back to signal Eva with a head nod that he would see her again. Turning back to the team he waved his rifle to head off in the direction of Main Engineering. Moving through the various crowds huddled together Jacobs tapped his comm badge. "Jacobs to Ensign Gesar" (Reply Gesar) "Sir, we have received orders from Commander Caskie. We are en route to Main Engineering to restore power." (Reply Gesar) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Sickbay - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 0212) Caskie gave out orders to Jacobs then to Saint Jean then approached Detron. She ordered him to stay in Sickbay until instructed to do otherwise. She told Detron to lean on Rosenbauer's experience which he intended to do. She spoke to Rosenbauer and nodded to Detron. Detron had the feeling she wasn't talking very kind about him. Caskie took his COMM and contacted the ships. Detron walked over to Rosenbauer. "I take it that CDR Caskie doesn't think greatly of me. That being said she points to your experience so what do you suggest in this situation?" (Reply Rosenbauer) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase 989 - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0217) Jacobs and Sigma team made it to the station's engineering section, entered the automatic doors and took in the carnage that was evident in the room. Sigma team split up into search patterns while Jacobs continued into the center of Engineering. Up ahead he heard voices so he decided to make himself known. "Hello, anyone there? I am Ensign(jg) Jacobs from the Boudicca. Again anyone there?" (Reply Eian, Jessica) (Posted by Darryl) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3- 0218) =^= Doctor Ichijo to the Captain=^= "Go ahead Doctor" Ahmed replied with a quick tap of his commbadge. =^= I'm aboard and it is my intention to gather several medical relief parties to assist the Starbase, unless circumstances prevent it.=^= "Very good doctor, please proceed. Have you heard anything from Doctor lopez, Chief Fuller or Nurse Em'pak since the situation began?" (reply Ichijo) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Corridor - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 3, 0220) Kimiko exited the tube and headed to Main Sickbay at a run. =^= Go ahead Doctor =^= The captain responded. I'm aboard and it is my intention to gather several medical relief parties to assist the Starbase, unless circumstances prevent it. She replied. =^=Very good doctor, please proceed. Have you heard anything from Doctor lopez, Chief Fuller or Nurse Em'pak since the situation began? =^= “No, I’m afraid not.“ Kimiko stated. “My communicator was not working, until I was aboard, I will try to raise them next.” (Reply Salid) “Certainly, Sir, I have been toying with the idea of introducing a mild tranquilizer within the Starbase, but I have not come up with a way to disburse it evenly.” (Reply Salid) “While it would be easy to carry a counteragent for any crew or essential crew, the proper introduction is necessary. It is dangerous, but may be an option.” (Reply Salid) “I see, I will need security escorts for the relief parties and cross-trained personnel to bolster Medical, but I will liaison with those departments once I know what resources that I have.” Kimiko was about to sign off and remembered. “Oh, Captain. There were two Klingons that I had to separate, they are cooling their heels in escape pods, I believe that there is about 12 hours of air contained within and they may need that long to contemplate on their anger management skills.” (Reply Salid) Kimiko stopped “Oh, I see. Well…” (Reply Salid) “Yes, sir” Kimiko responded. (Reply Salid) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - ACMO - Basil Candle - Day 3 - 0241) Back in sickbay he was glad to see that the …. His … medical staff had already started getting prepared. In part it was down to the Chief Medical officer’s procedure instilled into the ship after the rescue on Jahdara III. Dr , now first officer, Caskie knew how to run a tight team. So despite Basil’s brief absence outside when he returned to sickbay all he had to do was pick a team. Before he could he needed to reaffirm specific details of what they were dealing with. Basil contacted Tri “Dr Candle to Lt Trei. Can you give me a breakdown of what‘s the current situation?” (reply Trei, room for more) After speaking to Trei Basil tapped his badge again. On the way back to sickbay he figured he would utilise all the help he can get with the situation on the Starbase. “Dr Candle to Rosenante sickbay. I am sure you are initiating the same as I, I feel we need to co-ordinate our approaches, what are your plans?” (Reply Rosenante Sickbay, Trei, any) (posted by Warren Simkins) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------