Compile#10 May 24-26 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Once More Into The Breach Day: 2 Stardate 2414.01.16 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0848) ======================================================= Mission: Once More Into The Breach Day: 3 Stardate 2414.01.17 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca – Secondary Sickbay Lab – ACMO Dr Candle – 0017) (USS Rosenante, Corridor, CMO, Lt jg. Kimiko Ichijo - Day 3, 0942) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3 0945) (USS Rosenante, Corridor, ACMO, Dr Candle - Day 3, 0946) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CMO, Lt jg. Kimiko Ichijo, - Day 3 - 0947) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, ACMO, Dr Candle - Day 3, 0952) ======================================================= Mission: Once More Into the Breach Day 4 Stardate 2414.1.18 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign - Gesar, Anton Gesar - 0007) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0110) (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Anton Gesar – 0018) (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - CO Captain Durand - 0140) (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - aCEO Ensign Anton Gesar - 0143) (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0147) (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Ensign Nickolas Romanoff - 0149) (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Gesar – 0238) (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 4 0251) (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Gesar – 0253) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 4 - 0254) (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0255) (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 4 0302) (USS Boudicca - About the Ship - ATAC/SC Jessica Signos - Day 4 - 0315) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0730) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, 2O/COPS, Lt. Tom Jackson Day 0733) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 0738) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0800) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0801) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0830) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0848) "Into the pit I fell, like A fiend I fought a fiend." “Quem deus vult perdere, dementat prius,” he said quietly, little caring if anyone heard him or not. He had studied latin as a young man, and feverishly consumed, according to his passion at the time, any classical works in the original language. In this case, he had settled for the latin translation of the original greek from Euripedes. In this case, he surprised himself that such a thought would spring unbidden from his lips, though the thought should not have been perhaps so surprising given the conversation at the briefing. He returned to the immediacy of the situation and focused on Salid once again. "Milton, Paradise Lost." Ahmed replied. "The point however is as true today as it was the time the work was written. We cannot allow ourselves to become that which we despise, or in doing so we only strengthen that which we choose to stand against." The Captain went on, much to Durand’s relief, by concluding that bio weapons would *not* be employed. He deplored them, even more so than ‘conventional’ devices. Once again, the decision to place Salid in command of this mission was reaffirmed in its wisdom. When he concluded by ordering Durand to put together some more promising plans for his review, Alan acknowledged and remained behind a moment when all were dismissed. When only the two most senior officers remained, he spoke quietly to the image of Salid. “Captain, something has been nagging at the corner of my mind... I haven’t been able to resolve it. I don’t know if it is purely a result of all the focus on the Borg of late... or something else. At any rate, I’d like to ask a favor of you. If you don’t wish to do it, I completely understand... I would never ask you to compromise your morals or your sense of duty in any way, sir.” (Reply Salid) “It is simply this Captain. I have been trying to find out more about the nature of the Denver’s mission all those years ago. I feel a connection somehow... it’s pure instinct, perhaps a touch of overactive imagination. But since I told you my tale, it’s been on my mind. It seems terribly important to me, for reasons I don’t fully understand. What I’m asking is simply this: would you be willing to look into it and see if you might uncover more than I have? I find my inquiries have been stonewalled at every turn. Whether that is because of my past behavior, or something else I can’t say. As I said... I fully understand if you feel this request is inappropriate.” (Reply Salid, Room for more) (Posted by Russ) ======================================================= (USS Boudicca – Secondary Sickbay Lab – ACMO Dr Candle – 0017) “Doctor, I appreciate your innovative thinking. We *do* need that, and will for the duration of the mission, and in fact always. The fact remains, however… there are certain lines we absolutely *must* not cross, in order to remain who we are. As to the debate of technological versus biological weapons… *that* decision was made a long time ago, by people a great deal more important than me.” ~Yes but nobody has ever queried since whether they were right or not~ he though. He knew that his reasoning wasn’t going to get him anywhere. “As I said, it’s not my decision in any case… so my consideration, or reconsideration, is pointless. Rest assured, Doctor, this is not our, or my, first experience with the need for information security. We have taken steps to compartmentalize information as much as possible, but that cuts both ways. Too much distribution is as dangerous as too little. And, you are proceeding from a false assumption by the way. The Borg rarely target specific individuals, unless they have to as part of their overall goal. As CO of this ship, I am also deputy mission commander. Therefore, I have equal access to our plans and data. I’m at least as likely a target, if not more so than Captain Salid. We have no idea which vessel would be targeted as the greater threat according to the Borg… the Boudicca might well be that vessel. If so, by your reasoning, I might just be the primary target.” ~Which is another reason why you need these bracelets for security~ Basil thought but knew it was useless. The man was intractable, he could tell and Basil felt an underlying tone to the Captain’s response. It was almost like he was belittling him, humouring him even just tolerating him. That’s nice Dr Candle but I only have you around just for formality. I have already made up my mind, no matter your counsel. “Fine Captain” ~You win~ “I will do as you say…….. Sorry to have disturbed you” (Reply Durand iyw,) (Posted by Warren Simkins) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Corridor, CMO, Lt jg. Kimiko Ichijo - Day 3, 0942) Kimiko clasped her hands behind her back and walked beside Dr Candle towards the ready room, she noticed the doctor examining the the area around him and wondered about the differences in the ship, seen though his eyes. The doctor was on the quiet side for which Kimiko was thankful, it was good not to have to make polite conversation. because they were aboard a ship they could not even talk about the weather. She did feel a little guilty, as the nominal host, she should be trying to make some sort of attempt to strike up some sort of conversation. Dr Ichijo thought about several different approaches and rejected them as banel. The last one was 'I'm happy that you survived the riot' ~Yeah, that'll work~ she thought sarcastically. Fortunately she was saved from breaking the ice. “Excuse me for asking what is your Captain expecting from this briefing?” Dr Candle asked Kimiko glanced at Dr Candle and gave a minute shrug. She considered the question and stated "He advised that he wanted a medical opinion on some data that he had come across, I would assume it is in reference to the Borg, other then that, I have no idea" Kimiko finished and then added, "I'm sure that we will find out soon enough" There was a pause and Dr Candle hesitantly asked ,“Is there anything I should know of your Captain? I … huh can tend to upset authority figures so anything I should know?” Kimiko stopped, looked and the doctor and cocked her head. "That is not a good habit to have" (Reply Candle) "Hmm, I have not spent a great deal around Captain Salid; however, I know that he is fair and as long as you are respectful him and his, he should have no issues with you." (Reply Candle) Kimiko started walking and added. "oh, and he hates slovenly behavior and dress, but I don't think that it is that much different with any other officer and that it will be not a problem for you." (Reply Candle) Moments later, she approached the ready room and ushered the visitor into the room. "Captain" She greeted respectfully, turned to Dr Candle, and motioned to a chair. "Is there something that you would like to drink" she asked (Reply Candle) She went to the replicator, generated the beverage(s), returned to the conference table, and sat down. Kimiko pulled out a Padd and waited for the Captain to begin. (Reply Salid and Candle) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3 0945) The the chime for the door to the ready room sounded and a half-second later the door slid open to admit the two senior most doctors in the small task force. Doctor Ichijo and Doctor Candle seemed to have been in some discussion concerning something of interest, and that discussion did not immediately end upon their arrival, a fact for which Ahmed was greatly thankful. He'd had some medical training, years ago in the academy, but he was nowhere near as experienced in the ways of medicine and physiology as the two doctors in his presence. "Captain" Ichijo finally acknowledged him. "Doctor." Ahmed replied as the woman went over to the replicator to acquire a couple of beverages before the two of them settled into their seats. The Captain waited patiently as they settled in, he had a lot to say and it was better that they be ready to receive the information fully. "Thank you for coming over, Doctor Candle. And thank you for joining us Doctor Ichijo. The reason that I called you here was because I've been doing some research on the Borg Assimilation process, both pre and post condition as well as some study of the process used to return those assimilated back to their natural state, at least as much as is possible." He gave a moment for the two doctors to absorb what he had just said. "I came across a report entitled, ''De-Assimilation, a study of the physiological and psychological condition of reversing the Borg Assimilation problem' written by a Denobulan Doctor named Darga." "In the report she mentions the use of a schedule of Therbuterol, a neural inhibitor used to treat brain injuries or to suppress telepathic receptors in normally telepathic species. Apparently there has been some success with using it during the recovery process in restoring those individuals who have had the misfortune to be assimilated by the Borg in the recent past." "In this report, there is a theory that treatment of individuals, prior to encounters with the Borg, could diminish the speed at which complete assimilation takes place, by inhibiting the nanoprobes in their efforts to construct the cortical nodes that connect the individual to the hive mind of the collective." "The problem is, it's never been tested, for obvious reasons. The concepts of asking someone to willingly subject themselves to be assimilated in order to test the veracity of the theory is unethical and hazardous." "Yet, I find myself wondering if we could provide such data. While it is not my intention to expose the crew to assimilation if possible, I am wondering if the potential benefits of such a schedule could be employed to the crews with the hopes of facilitating the recovery of those individuals who may have the misfortune to be assimilated in any future contact with the Borg. I see a potential benefit there and if we happen to be able to validate or invalidate doctor Darga's theories, there is additional benefit." "I've been reading up and it looks as if Therbuterol is a well-known drug whose affects and side-affects are well-known. I've asked you here to discuss the possibility of implementing these schedules. I'd like to hear any concerns you may have as well as your opinions on potential benefits or drawbacks." (reply Ichijo, Candle) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Corridor, ACMO, Dr Candle - Day 3, 0946) Dr Kimiko answered Basil‘s first question, "He advised that he wanted a medical opinion on some data that he had come across, I would assume it is in reference to the Borg, other then that, I have no idea" Raising his concerns about his feelings over authority figures she replied "That is not a good habit to have" “Like most habits they are difficult to break” he replied "Hmm, I have not spent a great deal around Captain Salid; however, I know that he is fair and as long as you are respectful him and his, he should have no issues with you." ~Oh great then I had better keep my mouth shut for most of this.~ Basil smiled as if that thought didn’t bother him. “Thank you" They continued walking when she added "oh, and he hates slovenly behavior and dress, but I don't think that it is that much different with any other officer and that it will be not a problem for you." Basil stopped, looked down at his clothes, self-consciously straightened them. ~Oh my stars and garters I’m in trouble” --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CMO, Lt jg. Kimiko Ichijo, - Day 3 - 0947) Kimiko sat wondering for the hundredth time of what the Captain had run across, it was likely another was to attack the Borg. Her line of research had been towards the treatment of assimilated or assimilating patients. She had decided to review some of the material available concerning a biological vector of attack in order to present an informed medical opinion. Considering the Borg’s immune system and the fact the every biological system is governed by a mechanical process, any organic thrust would be doomed at the onset. ~There was an interesting line of research concerning using aerosolized nanoemitters to scramble the bioelectric pathways, but that is still in the think-tank stage and more than a little disturbing.~ Kimiko thought as she took a sip of tea. "Thank you for coming over, Doctor Candle. And thank you for joining us Doctor Ichijo. The reason that I called you here was because I've been doing some research on the Borg Assimilation process, both pre and post condition as well as some study of the process used to return those assimilated back to their natural state, at least as much as is possible." Kimiko was pleasantly surprised. It was comforting that her command officer was thinking about other possible ramifications of a meeting with Borg. Although it should have not been that surprising considering that Starfleet would hardly put a foaming-at-the-mouth, ‘kill ‘em all and let God sort them out’ fanatic in command. It was an interesting contrast to her thoughts at first meeting with the Captain. ~I believe the term ‘psychotic episode’ was used,~ Kimiko thought ~sometimes it is nice to be wrong.~ "I came across a report entitled, ''De-Assimilation, a study of the physiological and psychological condition of reversing the Borg Assimilation problem' written by a Denobulan Doctor named Darga." ~Hum Darga, don’t believe I came across the paper.~ Kimiko thought as she listened to the Captain, she glance done at her Padd and entered a query for the paper. She looked back at the Captain and nodded. As Salid spoke, Kimiko scanned the paper and pulled up an outline of the drug, as it wasn’t one that she dealt with on a regular basis. She glanced between the Padd and the Captain and when he asked for their concerns, she rested her elbows on the table and leaned her chin on her clasped hands. She closed her eyes and traced the effected neuro pathways in her mind and overlaid the basic process of Borg cerebral assimilation. ~I can see how that would work, a bit.~ Kimiko thought . The doctor lowered her arms and opened her eyes. She stated “The theory is sound, but I am hesitant to use a treatment course as a widespread preventive course, especially in the dosage mentioned in the thesis. I would imagine that it would be far more effective as an immediate dose before infection; however, it would be too much to ask for a crewmember to have the presence of mind to inject herself in the middle of an attack.” Kimiko took a considering sip of tea. “Offhand, I think the most effective approach is a low-dose of say… Triaculate with a fat soluble base, the extreme stress to the body of assimilation would release the drug into the bloodstream hampering the nanites.” (Reply Candle and/or Salid) The CMO leaned back and listened. “There are a large number of preexisting mechanical and drug therapies within the crew, so any idea will have to consider interactions. Not to mention any trial that is undertaken must be with full disclosure and voluntary as well” The idea of creating a therapeutic defense against the Borg had not come to her. In her mind, the Borg was a lot like fighting, the best defense was not to get hit. It was a logical progression of Borg treatments to attempt to preempt or retard the assimilation progress; however, it was a particular blind spot that she had. “I think that this will be a good venue to pursue.” Kimiko stated (Reply Salid and Candle) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, ACMO, Dr Candle - Day 3, 0952) Moments later, they approached the ready room and Basil was ushered into the room. "Captain" Dr Ichijo acknowledged the man in the room and Basil did the same "Is there something that you would like to drink" she asked ~An Andorian ale would be nice~ “Just a coffee thank you~ he said Once settled the Captain began "Thank you for coming over, Doctor Candle. And thank you for joining us Doctor Ichijo. The reason that I called you here was because I've been doing some research on the Borg Assimilation process, both pre and post condition as well as some study of the process used to return those assimilated back to their natural state, at least as much as is possible." The Captain began to talk about a report by a Denobulan named Darga that Basil had never heard of. The report involved Therbuterol, a neural inhibitor that suppresses telepathic receptors” Dr Ichijo said “The theory is sound, but I am hesitant to use a treatment course as a widespread preventive course, especially in the dosage mentioned in the thesis. I would imagine that it would be far more effective as an immediate dose before infection; however, it would be too much to ask for a crewmember to have the presence of mind to inject herself in the middle of an attack.” “Offhand, I think the most effective approach is a low-dose of say… Triaculate with a fat soluble base, the extreme stress to the body of assimilation would release the drug into the bloodstream hampering the nanites.” said Ichijo and followed with. “There are a large number of preexisting mechanical and drug therapies within the crew, so any idea will have to consider interactions. Not to mention any trial that is undertaken must be with full disclosure and voluntary as well. I think that this will be a good venue to pursue.” Basil added his part, “Dr Ichijo is right but they must be aware of the side effects of Therbuterol. From what I can remember and its very vague it affects a bodies red blood cell account which, in some way, accounts for some of the slowness of the assimilation process. How it would affect a lot of other races is unknown. Whoever decides to take this could be taking a big risk. There are other forms of neural suppressants that will have unknown affectes if combined with the Therbuterol. One final option could be a cortical suppressant , that inhibits certain brain activities but again unknown combinations could have severe repercussions“ “As to the administration there may be another way. I have developed a bracelet that can monitor an individuals vital signs. My idea was to be able to inject something into a person’s body when assimilation is taking place. The assimilation process has many associated changes to a bodies system. Trouble is I don’t have many. It could easily add the Therbuterol and mix with the Triaculate if we go with that. Trouble is I don‘t have many.” (Reply Salid and Ichijo ) (Posted by Warren Simkins) ======================================================= (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign - Gesar, Anton Gesar - 0007) Anton and Henry were giving out orders getting everyone prepared for what was about to come. Just then the red alert lights came on. =/\= All hands, this is the Captain. We are entering the Dovek system. We are going to avoid contact with the Borg if possible, and attempt to determine the reason for their presence here. Hostile action may occur at any time and with little warning; all personnel must be vigilant and be prepared for any eventuality. If we do engage the Borg despite our best efforts to the contrary, I’ll be asking a great deal from each one of you. In the time I’ve gotten to see this crew perform, I’ve come to realize that you make the difficult merely routine, and the impossible simply difficult. I know you won’t disappoint, and we shall not falter, nor shall we fail. I trust in all of you to do your duty, as you must trust each other. We will keep you advised of directives and intentions. That is all.=/\= “Ok everyone your attention for a moment,” Anton looked around the room as all the engineers and technicians stopped what they were doing for a moment. “You heard what the captain said. Now remember, stay calm and do your jobs. Whatever happens all we can ask of ourselves is to do the best job we can. Alright, let’s get back to it.” "Sir, message from the Rosenante,” Henry chined in, “we are to report our status as we are coming to our destination. Shall I report engineering ready?" “Yes.” Anton turned to Henry. “Ensign, I will be directing things from the bridge, you are in charge here. I know you can do it.” (Reply Jacobs) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - CO Captain Durand - 0110) "Agreed Captain. I'd like to implement both the first two options. We'll send in the probes first and if we need further data, then we'll implement the reconnaissance mission. I understand that Commander Lorimar and Commander McLaren designed and built that Runabout class, is that correct?" Durand cocked his head slightly, surprised by the question. After all, Salid had McLaren as his ATT officer, as Lorimar was the Boudicca’s. Was this a test of some sort? “The shuttle project predates my service aboard, Captain. However, I did follow the design with some interest as the updates came out from fleet engineering. I did have a bit of after the fact involvement with the prototype’s test flight, however.” He went on to very briefly relate the events of the rescue on the Unknown Planet where the Lorimar had been forced down on her maiden voyage. “To directly answer your question, that is my understanding, yes sir.” "Then that makes them uniquely qualified for the mission." Ahmed replied. “I’d say that’s a fair statement, sir. If anyone is up to the task, it would be the people who designed and built the ship.” "I'd like you to ask them if they'd be willing to undertake the mission. Lorimar would have command. To that team if they are willing we can add, Ensigns Romanoff, Willowbrook, Holly, Vanik, Maddox and Lt Major Shae who can act as their pilot. I don't want this compulsory, so if they do not want to undertake the mission, find replacements. Also if you feel you need more personnel, feel free to add them to your mission specifications. Please have the modifications to the Lorimar Class undertaken and ready for departure prior to our arrival at Dovek II's moon if at all possible. We'll deploy the probes at that time." Ahmed paused. "Good work captain. Do you have anything else?" Durand nodded. “I do, Captain. Precisely what are their rules of engagement and mission parameters? I presume the same as ours overall?” (Reply Salid, Room for more) He listened with full attention, not interrupting even once. When Salid finished, he replied quietly. “Captain, I concur completely. I think the crew you have suggested is an excellent one... and there is more than sufficient experience among them that they will succeed. I’ll instruct them to proceed as you ordered, and I will get my engineering staff on the modifications immediately. With your permission Captain, I’d like to have a briefing for all those willing at...” he glanced at the chronometer on the bulkhead, “... at 0145 here aboard the Boudicca.” (Reply Salid iyw, Assuming he approves) “If that is all, sir, I have some work to get on with.” (Reply Salid iyw) He made a few notations on the PADD he was working with, then keyed up the comm system. “This is Captain Durand. The following personnel are asked to report to the Boudicca’s Observation Lounge for a meeting at 0145. Commanders McLaren and Lorimar; Ensigns Gesar, Jacobs, Romanoff, Willowbrook, Holly, Vanik, Maddox and Lt Major Shae. Thank you. Durand out.” --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Anton Gesar – 0018) Anton was sitting at the engineering station on the bridge looking over all the systems. From here he had access to all the engineering status readouts, divert power from one system to another if necessary and give engineering commands at a touch of a button. Being on the bridge afforded him the ability to respond to the captain’s orders quicker than if he were in engineering. =/\=Ensign Jacobs to the bridge. Engineering reporting in. Warp core power at 100% and all stations reporting ready. Awaiting your orders.=/\= “Acknowledged Ensign, standby for further orders.” Anton turned in the Catain’s direction. “Sir, engineering is ready sir.” (Reply Durand, iyw) (Posted by Oleg Kislyuk) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - CO Captain Durand - 0140) Alan had spent the intervening time developing the outline of a mission profile following the specifications laid out by Captain Salid. He had made copies sufficient for all the attendees, and was ready with his presentation. He had also taken time to prepare a full backup crew list, in the (he thought unlikely) event that anyone didn't wish to volunteer. As he waited for the summoned officers to arrive, he sipped his coffee and gazed out the viewports, pondering the Borg. ~What the Hell are they up to?~ (Reply McLaren, Lorimar, Gesar, Jacobs, Romanoff, Willowbrook, Holly, Vanik, Maddox, Shae, Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - aCEO Ensign Anton Gesar - 0143) Anton walked into the observation lounge. The captain was standing by one of the viewports looking out and could not help but recall the conversation they had when he was made the acting CEO. He has not been late to a meeting since. He walked toward the first available seat and put his PADD on the table and sat down. (Reply Durand) (Posted by Oleg Kislyuk) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0147) Jacobs walked through the door if the observation lounge to attend a briefing Captain Durand had ordered. Henry took a glance around the room only to find that Ensign Gesar had already made it to the meeting. Jacobs walked over to Gesar and sat next to him and waited for the breifing to begin. (no reply needed) (posted by Darryl) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Ensign Nickolas Romanoff - 0149) Nickolas hadn't seen much action in a while so he was more than curious about why he was summoned to the observation lounge. He began to think that maybe he didn't want to be noticed either since te current mission involved the Borg. Either way he had to perform his duties. As he walked past the sliding doors into the observation lounge he noticed that several other people were already in attendance. Nodding in the direction of those who looked his way, Romanoff walked to a seat and continued to play with the idea of why he was summoned Along with the other crewman. (no reply needed) (posted by Darryl) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Gesar – 0238) The mood on the bridge was tense. Anton busied himself constantly monitoring power outputs here and power consumption there. Making continuous minor adjustments here and there. It was better than just sitting here and waiting. He knew the time was fast approaching but he wasn’t worried. He thought back to his young days, training with his father who would speak in the background as he sparred with his martial arts trainer. ‘Remember Anton, in life as well as in space you must always be prepared to fight. However, you must keep in mind a simple truth. Sometimes a battle is unavoidable and if you are always prepared for that possibility, a battle that occurs unexpected is the easiest of all to fight. Your instinct will take over and you will be able to act quickly and assertively. A battle you must prepare for is the more difficult. Preparing for a battle requires that at some point, despite all of your best efforts and planning, you must accept the possibility that you could lose the fight. A battle that you must wait for is the hardest of all. The time between when the planning and the time when the battle begins is perhaps the most important of all. It requires strong mental discipline and belief in yourself to not doubt. Doubt, even a seedling will eventually be your undoing. Even if you are facing an overwhelming and more powerful enemy you must always go into battle believing that you will be victorious. Remember son, the moment you think to yourself that the situation is unwinnable you have already lost.’ With that Boris gave a signal and 4 of the older, bigger and more experienced students in the school came in and surrounded Anton. ‘Son, in 3 days you will fight all 4 of these boys at the same time.’ Boris nodded to the boys and they exited the room. He produced a PADD out of his pocket and handed it to Anton. ‘In here is the information on the skill level and ability of each of those students. I suggest you prepare.’ The voice of Captain Salid coming through the bridge speakers brought Anton out of his day dream. =/\=…maintain speed as we pass through the asteroid field. I can not risk early detection by the Borg. . As such, once we get inside, I recommend that you break formation if needed. I'm transmitting exit coordinates and a time line to you now. =/\= Anton immediately turned back to his station and began diverting power from the weapons systems to strengthen the shields for the duration of their ride through the asteroid field. “Understood, sir. We’ll maneuver as necessary once we penetrate the field. No matter our flight path, the radical course corrections and/or navigational deflector activity *might* give us away. Let’s hope the sensor issues work both ways.” Anton continued working and sending commands to engineering. “Engineering, at this speed we are going to have a rough ride to be sure. See if you can’t get some more power into the inertia dampers… and I recommend reinforcing the structural integrity fields as well.” “Yes sir”, Anton turned back to his station and relayed additional orders through his console. (Reply Any) (Posted by Oleg Kislyuk) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 4 0251) The ambient lighting in engineering was anything but ambient. The normally tranquil blue/green glow turned into a slow flashing red. "Alpha teams, secure forcefield integrity, deck 26...the inertial dampening systems are down 13 percent." shouted Matrix. =^= Cohen to Matrix...we've got two EPS nodes down. I need a repair team dispatched with replacement equipment as soon as you can spare them chief. =^= said Peter Cohen. "Peter, I'll have the gear to you within 10...crew is on the way. Report status when you can. Matrix out. " replied Matrix. =^= Matrix to bridge. We're getting a bumpy ride down here. We've lost a number of inertial dampeners throughout the ship, dispatching crews now. Are we about out of whatever it is we've steered into?=^= (Reply anyone on the bridge) =^= Matrix O'Neill...status report please. What is your situation there? =^= inquired Matrix (Reply O'Niell) =^= Very well Mister O'Niell. Ensure that those systems are stable and available going forward. Pull any personnel you might need, but keep those systems available. Contact me if you have any issues. Matrix out. =^= said Matrix. (Reply O'Niell) Matrix stepped back to look up at the primary status board. Most system indicators were in the green, many in yellow approaching red. ~Damn it.~ thought Matrix. =^= All Engineering crews please report in. I need status reports, current readiness and availability. =^= (Report all engineering crews aboard the Rosenante) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Bridge – aCEO Ensign Gesar – 0253) The ride through the asteroid field was keeping Anton busy. He was in constant communication with Jacobs. So far they had managed to avoid hitting anything large enough to do any real damage, but the smaller asteroids were starting to put a strain on the power systems. “Mister Trei, any indications of change in Borg activity? If they notice us we’ll need any heads up we can get.” "No sir. I don't see any response of that kind here sir." “Ensign… Vanik, correct? Commander Caskie informed me of your arrival. We’ll have a chat as soon as conditions permit, but in the meantime, what do you make of the Borg activities thus far? Why antiprotons? Can we compensate for the interference to improve sensor performance?” Anton tried to listen to the new Ensign’s response but was very busy. “Very well. Chief,” Anton heard the captain call out, “how are the system holding against the strain? If we have a sudden engagement with the Borg, I need to know that engineering is ready.” “The ship is running at peak condition sir. The shields and the inertia dampers are holding. The structural integrity fields are getting a bit strained but all the levels are still in the green. I diverted some power from the weapons to enhance these systems however the power is ready to be transferred back at a push of a button sir.” (Reply Durand) (Posted by Oleg Kislyuk) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 4 - 0254) ~We're off to fight the Borg with two starships and a Romulan hitchhiker. How will we get there, Sir? Well, we'll just cut right through this asteroid biggie! Our engineering teams will handle it!~ Eian thought sarcastically to himself as he attempted to hold the bridge together. To most people, it was a bumpy ride. To an engineer, it was an array of cascading systems where one had seconds to alert repair teams about a downed unit before the next one blew. ~Like playing racquetball with Species 8472.~ But Eian knew both captains knew the risks well. He knew their backgrounds wouldn't lead to a decision like this without it being the only option. And from where he was sitting, he couldn't think of a better option. He heard Matrix call in to the Bridge, and after the reply he was called himself. =^= Matrix O'Neill...status report please. What is your situation there? =^= inquired Matrix Both hands were busy on the console, so he voice activated his combadge. "O'Neill here, Sir." He continued, "There have been five major subsystem failures but I've alerted repair teams. The central EPS module is protected by the Double-Back code," he said, referring to the code that got its name from the climbing term, which meant 'to secure one's harness by pulling the straps back through the loops.' It was a self-protecting code that automatically switched the operating system in the event of a full system failure. "So we're okay there. Still have too many secondary shielding units and power modules out, but the Bridge is far from losing power soon. We'd have to hit a pretty big one to knock out our primary systems up here." =^= Very well Mister O'Niell. Ensure that those systems are stable and available going forward. Pull any personnel you might need, but keep those systems available. Contact me if you have any issues. Matrix out. =^= said Matrix. "Understood, Sir," Eian responded, and turned back to his console. ~Reroute 4-Alpha-Theta to 6-Beta-Kappa, 6-Beta-Kappa offline for now and we can use the excess power to help Repair Team 8 over in EPS 19-Charlie...~ If ever there was a job for someone who liked to multitask, controlling a bridge's engineering systems as it went through an asteroid belt at high impulse was it. A light blinked on his console. ~Aww, crap. You can't have that power, I need it for Line 80...~ "O'Neill to the Crewmember in Jeffries Tube 2-F." (reply if anyone wants to NPC him...otherwise just assume he answers) "What did you need that power in EPS-91-Alpha for?" (reply crewmember) "Well..." he glanced at the systems readouts briefly and made an executive decision. "Denied, crewman. We need it for Line 80. Take your power from EPS-19-Charlie. Repair team 8 just got some extra juice, but we'll have to take it back if you need it." (reply crewmember) (reply none necessary) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - CO Captain Durand - 0255) Durand nodded at Trei’s clipped reply. ~About what I expected... but I’m delighted to have the crew behaving consistently in a crisis. We could all do with a dose of that Klingon stoicism about now, I would imagine...~ “Very well Mister Trei, let me know the instant anything changes.” (Reply Trei iyw, but not necessary) He questioned the new science officer next, and listened patiently to his reply. (Reply Vanik) Gesar’s response to his question was about what he had expected as well. In this case, no surprise was a good thing. “The ship is running at peak condition sir. The shields and the inertia dampers are holding. The structural integrity fields are getting a bit strained but all the levels are still in the green. I diverted some power from the weapons to enhance these systems however the power is ready to be transferred back at a push of a button sir.” Another nod. “Very well Chief. I’m hoping we don’t have to shoot at all... let alone soon. You’re doing the right thing, carry on.” (Reply Gesar iyw, Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 4 0302) Matrix and surely much of the crew hung on as the Rosenante was experiencing vectorial turbulence. Or at least it was his hope it was nothing more than that. He watched as a PADD moved its way across the short distance from the table to the floor. The crack of the display glass was in sharp contrast to the rumble of the ships systems, engines and the occasional expletive from a crew member during the event. Matrix looked up at one of the huge displays he had ordered was swinging significantly and he hoped it would not lose its foothold and fall upon someone. He noted any redshirts in the area as a precaution. The ride became less intense and he started to relax. He grabbed a chair as it made its way by and sat down in it. His way of ensuring that an unsuspecting crew member wouldn't fall prey to an armchair injury while on duty. The wheeled chair became increasingly easier to steer as Matrix gripped the command table and pulled himself toward it. Matrix managed to punch up the status summary although the bumpy ride made it look as thought there were dozens of command buttons to choose from. Even the handful of PADDs still on the table before him were multiplied by his blurred vision. A fairly loud smack could be heard as Matrix slapped the command sequence button. A few moments passed while the computer and sensors summarized the results of the request. Green lights lit up the display board with one exception. The right nacelle port manifold showed a yellow light indicating a warning. Matrix glanced over to Peter. Nothing was said, but Peter knew what to do. Mister Cohen grabbed a duty bag and two crew members and left engineering. =^= Matrix to bridge. We have a warning on the port nacelle manifold. Looks like we have an stuck injector. Backups are functioning. I'd like to get a crew up there as soon as things settle down. =^= (Reply anyone on the bridge) =^= I'm sure we'll be able to keep things together. She's still within specifications, but it could be interesting if we needed to engage the spiral drive with an imbalance .=^= (Reply anyone on the bridge- IYW) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - About the Ship - ATAC/SC Jessica Signos - Day 4 - 0315) All about the ship, everyone felt the evidence that the Boudicca was trying a daring maneuver. As the ship pitched, rolled, lifted and fell. Some of the crew who were walking about fell or were thrown about, Many held on to any purchase and braced themselves for what could be the inevitable. Jessica however seemed un-phased by this development. She walked with little trouble from one security point to another checking on the rest of the security staff. It was all thanks to a life time of dance, her body moved with the motion of the ship and her feet found there way. "Don't lose heart well be out of the storm in a few moments." She told one of the security staff has the Boudicca took a nasty dip to, what she figured, dodge one of the larger rocks outside of the ship. This continued on for a while and Jessica made her rounds, ~I wounder how Eian's handling this~ She wondered to herself, then the motion slowed and the ship evened out. They were out of the rough seas, but into more dangerous waters. "All security stations check in." She ordered into her com badge, before linking it to the mic on her tactical circlet. She watched on the circlet's display has position after position checked in their 'ready' status. "Signos to Bridge, all security stations, L.A.C.E... green." NRPG: (LACE for toughs people not in military means Liquids, Ammo, Communication, Equipment.) (reply bridge) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0730) The doors to the bridge slid open with hardly a sound as Ahmed stepped out onto the upper deck of the bridge. He was surveying the scene of activity as the crew readied themselves for the upcoming operation. They were now well within the more hazardous phase of the mission, the Borg were less than two-million kilometers away, on the the far side of Dovek II, as the Rosenante, followed closely by the Boudicca, slipped in behind the planet's one and only natural satellite. The two ships had made their way through the asteroid field with only a few jolts of turbulence caused by deflecting some of the smaller asteroids and a great deal of dust out of their path. To Ahmed's knowledge the two starfleet vessels were the only two to have successfully navigated an asteroid field of that density at such high speeds. It looked as if that may be one for the record books. Sciences was busy working hard on trying to cut through the sensor interference caused by the antiproton beam that the Borg Pyramid was using. The ship's computers and communications would have been affected also, if they had been closer, but the relatively low yield of the beam and the distance from the device was working in their favor for once. And, it seemed, that the proximity was working against the Borg, as they did not seem to have noticed that the two Federation vessel were present. That suited Salid just fine. On the main view screen, the planet slid past in a slow ominous glide from left to right. massive wildfires had been kindled by the use of the antiproton weapons, causing the sparse flora and probably the fauna as well to ignite under the intense radiations that the antiproton beam emitted. Gaping pits were burnt into the surface of the planet, more closely resembling strip mining operations than anything else that came to mind. The remains of ancient cities lay uncovered within, their bones rising up as if they were ancient skeletons exhumed from their long forgotten graves. It was becoming increasingly clear that what ever the Borg were searching for, they believed it was to be found in the remains of some ancient city or facility somewhere. It looked as if the antiproton beam was merely a means to excavate massive amounts of soil and rock strata in order to reach the cities and facilities that lay within them. The Pyramid was working on it's latest excavation site, which was thankfully on the far side of the planet from them, the tactical cube was still very much a threat, as it was holding a high polar geosynchronous orbit. If they had detected the two federation ship's so far there was little indication of it. Ahmed stepped over to the operations station where Jackson was busy working on coordinating the various departments. "What's our status Mister Jackson?" Ahmed asked him (reply Jackson) "And the Boudicca?" (reply Jackson) "Very good." He said with a nod, "I want you to program two class VII probes with the instructions on this PADD." He handed the PADD to his second officer, and then continued, "Once we have those ready, have Mister Soma, load them and have him standby to launch them. (reply Jackson) Ahmed nodded again and then stepped over to his command chair, which Sullivan vacated. "What's our status?" He asked her, knowing that she would most likely add some information that Tom may not have mentioned. (reply Sullivan) Ahmed nodded. "Get me a tight beam channel to the Boudicca." "Channel open sir." Someone reported. The image of captain Durand appeared on the main view screen. "Captain. How is everything on the Boudicca?" he asked. (reply Durand) "Very good, and where do we sit on our preparations with the Recon mission?" (reply Durand) Ahmed nodded. "Excellent work as always. I'd like to address your crew if you don't mind captain." (reply Durand) NRPG: I assume that Durand doesn't mind. Ahmed reached down and activated the intership communication tying the rosenante into the channel. "All hands, this is Captain Salid. As of 0715 hours we have completed our maneuvers into the Dovek System to place us on the far side of Dovek II, opposite the two Borg vessels. Now more than ever, diligence, determination and dedication are some of our most important assets. We all know what sorts of things that the Borg are capable of, either through direct experience, or through stories that we've heard, or from studies in the academy. We are facing a foe unlike any that these two crews have ever faced before, with little indication what the collectives objectives may be." "And while we may not know their goals, we can be certain that any goals held by the Collective as important, are not in the best interest of the United Federation of Planets and her citizens. We are tasked with conducting reconnaissance and only coming to direct confrontation if we are left no other option." "I fully intend to remain loyal to the rule and intent of those orders for as long as is feasible. I know I can count on you all to conduct yourselves beyond reproach as we face whatever challenges lie ahead of us. We will be victorious in our mission and we will achieve every objective that is placed before us, because failure is not an option. We are the line that must not be crossed. We are the sentinels safeguarding the lives of those we love. We are the guardians of the Federation, determined to fulfill our duties despite any hardships that we may face. I have supreme confidence in you all. I know that you are the best trained, best equipped and most determined crews in the fleet. Your dedication and strength is legendary and I know that you will carry the day as you have done so many times before against seemingly impossible odds." "In thirty minutes, we will begin our data collection phase of the operation. All personnel are to remain vigilant and report any indications of Borg activity immediately to your section chiefs. All department heads, report ready status to your respective captains within the next few minutes. All security teams deploy according to your orders and all crew stand by for possible contact with the Borg." He paused for just a moment, "On behalf of the United Federation of Planets I thank you for your service to the ideals and principles that make our Federation great. Captain Salid out." Ahmed nodded to Durand and then closed the channel. ~Thirty minutes and counting~ (Reply All) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, 2O/COPS, Lt. Tom Jackson Day 0733) As Tom glanced around the bridge, Captain Salid entered the Bridge. He paused to take in the bridge and its activity. Ahmed stepped over to the operations station where Jackson was busy working on coordinating the various departments. "What's our status Mister Jackson?" Ahmed asked him "We are OK - except for a few minor fried circuits and a few injuries none of which are serious"Tom replied. The skipper then asked about the Boudicca, Tom glanced at his readouts and relayed their results. "Essentially the same Sir" Jackson added. The CO replied "Very well" and gave Tom a padd and ordered the 2O to program two Class VII probes "Once we have those ready, have Mister Soma, load them and have him standby to launch them." "Understood Sir and turned to the task. It was not long before Tom let Ben Soma know the probes were ready for launch The CO and FO talked - T'larah gave her usual through report. Captain Salid then addressed the two crew. His friends words spoke to each of the two crews. They all kne the odds But Jackson was ready to get . For once he was looking forward to action. (reply: any on bridge) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 0738) Ahmed stepped over to the center seat after getting a brief from OPS. She promptly vacated the seat allowing him to sit. "What's our status?" He asked T'Larah. "The Borg vessels are still on the other side of the planet's terminus. Our speed and course are identical to the mission plans. The Boudicca is holding at approximately two points off our port stern, their course and speed is identical to ours and holding. Combat and tactical status is optimal." she reported. Ahmed then with a tight beam communication spoke with Captain Durand and then then both crews. "All hands, this is Captain Salid. As of 0715 hours we have completed our maneuvers into the Dovek System to place us on the far side of Dovek II, opposite the two Borg vessels. Now more than ever, diligence, determination and dedication are some of our most important assets. We all know what sorts of things that the Borg are capable of, either through direct experience, or through stories that we've heard, or from studies in the academy. We are facing a foe unlike any that these two crews have ever faced before, with little indication what the collectives objectives may be." "And while we may not know their goals, we can be certain that any goals held by the Collective as important, are not in the best interest of the United Federation of Planets and her citizens. We are tasked with conducting reconnaissance and only coming to direct confrontation if we are left no other option." "I fully intend to remain loyal to the rule and intent of those orders for as long as is feasible. I know I can count on you all to conduct yourselves beyond reproach as we face whatever challenges lie ahead of us. We will be victorious in our mission and we will achieve every objective that is placed before us, because failure is not an option. We are the line that must not be crossed. We are the sentinels safeguarding the lives of those we love. We are the guardians of the Federation, determined to fulfill our duties despite any hardships that we may face. I have supreme confidence in you all. I know that you are the best trained, best equipped and most determined crews in the fleet. Your dedication and strength is legendary and I know that you will carry the day as you have done so many times before against seemingly impossible odds." "In thirty minutes, we will begin our data collection phase of the operation. All personnel are to remain vigilant and report any indications of Borg activity immediately to your section chiefs. All department heads, report ready status to your respective captains within the next few minutes. All security teams deploy according to your orders and all crew stand by for possible contact with the Borg." He paused for just a moment, "On behalf of the United Federation of Planets I thank you for your service to the ideals and principles that make our Federation great. Captain Salid out." The Rosenante and Boudicca sped towards their missions. (Reply any) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0800) With the Sensor Probes modified and ready to undertake their mission there wasn't much of a reason to continue to delay the inevitable. Ahmed settled in his seat, putting the final touches on the broad parabolic course that he had developed for the probes. If the Borg did take an interest in them, he certainly didn't want them extrapolating their vector and coming right back to the two ships in his small task force. After checking his work for the second time he finally decided that enough was enough and that he couldn't do any better. It was time to commit, even if he had to fight the pit of dread growing in the pit of his stomach. He transferred the data to the Tactical station. "Mister Soma. Launch the probes." he ordered. (reply Soma) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0801) Ben had received orders from Tom to load two specially configured probes for launch, entering the appropriate instructions into the console he received confirmation the probes were ready to be launched. "Probes are loaded and ready." He reported. Moments later Salid ordered the probes to be launched, Ben hit the launch controls and watched as the probes streaked out on their preset course. "Probes away." He stated as he watched them approaching the Borg vessels. Would they notice them, would they ignore them? It was a waiting game to find out. (reply any on Bridge) (posgted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 4 0830) Ahmed had watched in silence as the two probes had moved into their mission active zone. The Borg either didn't seem to notice the two small data collection devices, or didn't care. As far as Ahmed was concerned that was good news. He watched on the tactical overlay, on the left half of the main view screen while the right showed a perfect image of the moon that they were orbiting as it slowly passed beneath them. The probes streaked forward, transmitting telemetry data, some basic scans that added very little to their overall understanding of the situation, before suddenly going silent. According to the limited data that they were receiving, the probes were still on course. But it seemed that the Antiproton field and subspace interference had made it impossible for the probes to send back any data to the ships. ~I should have anticipated that.~ Ahmed thought to himself, but realized that in some small way he did when he authorized the Lorimar operation as a follow-up. That didn't mean that he hadn't been hoping for more information from the probes. "Both probes are unable to cut through the subspace interference captain." Xim reported from science station II. "It does not appear that the Borg have taken any notice of them, but the outcome is the same." Ahmed nodded. "Understood Mister Xim. Keep trying to collect any data that you can from them." "Aye sir." "Mister Jackson, get me a tight beam channel to the Boudicca." (reply Jackson) The screen shifted to the much to familiar face of Captain Durand. "Well, captain as you can probably tell, the probes are unable to burn through the interference caused by the Antiproton beam. That means we're going to need to move to the recon mission. Are we ready to implement it?" (reply Durand) "Very good. Launch the mission whenever you're ready." (reply Durand, Jackson, Any) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------