Compile#5 May 11-12 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Once More Into the Breach Day 1 Stardate: 2414.01.15 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante – Main Sickbay - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 1, 2346) ======================================================= Mission: Once More Into the Breach Day: 2 Stardate: 2414.1.16 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 2, 0008) (USS Rosenante-Security Offices- CSec- LT Chance Raschen- 0119) (USS Rosenante, Security Offices, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer & ASEC Marta Nunez, Day 2 0120) (USS Rosenante - Phaser Control Room - CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma - 0127) (USS Rosenante- Main Engineering- CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma- 0130) (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0132) (USS Rosenante - Engineering - CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma - 0133) (USS Rosenante- Security Offices- LMaj Lucien LaCroix- 0142) (USS Rosenante, Security Offices, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 2 0144) (USS Rosenante, Science bay - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak - Day 2, 0145) (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0147) (USS Rosenante, Armory, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0150) (USS Rosenante – Corridor - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak - 0153) (USS Boudicca - Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0156) (USS Rosenante – Armory - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak – Day 3 - 0158) (USS Boudicca -Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0159) (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, SO Tyrone Cooper, Day 2 0200) (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 2 0203) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Rose FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 0205) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0226) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson , Day 2 0233) (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0320) (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0326) (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0328) (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0540) (USS Boudicca - FO's Quarters - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0603) (USS Boudicca - Jessica's Quarters - ATAC/SC Jessica Signos - Day 2 - 0655) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0800) (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0820) (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge, 2O/COPS,Lt Tom Jackson Day 2 0824) (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0900) ======================================================= Mission: Once More Into the Breach Day: 3 Stardate: 2414.1.17 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante, Bridge, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3 2358) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma 2400) ======================================================= Mission: Once More Into the Breach Day: 4 Stardate: 2414.1.18 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante, Bridge, 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson Day 4 0002) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Main Sickbay - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 1, 2346) Kimiko fell in love with a diamond silk scarf that was on display in a Saks-Bloomingdale; however the price was very dear. She decided to sleep on it and came to the conclusion that she would either have to purchase it or move into the store; however, that was before the unpleasantness. She had hoped that the stay would be extended long enough for the store to be reopened, but it was evident that with the evacuation of all civilians and pets from the two Starfleet ships, they would be underway within hours and she would have to leave the scarf behind. ~look at me, getting teary eyed over a piece of clothing. I really need to get out~ Kimiko thought as she reviewed the transfer paperwork for ongoing treatment for civilians. There was a great deal of work to do and not a lot of time to it before the briefing. Recounting the missions that she had been involved with, it was surprising that they would be going into a mission that dangerous enough to removed noncrewmenbers. She scrolled down towards the end of the overview. ~and that breathing treatment for Grabitz. Finally done~ Kimiko thought as she forwarded the records to the Starbase’s sickbay, her mind drifted back to the scarf and she wondered if she had time to go back and see if still there. She recognized her habit of obsessing about trivials when there was a bigger issue looming that was out of her control. It was a perfectly acceptable defense mechanism and stopped her from obsessing about the what the issue that was scaring the heck out of her. ~Time will tell~ Kimiko thought ~Honestly, after being trapped on a base in full riot, how bad could it be~ (Reply none) (Posted by Jack) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante - Observation Lounge - CMO, Lt, jg Kimiko Ichijo - Day 2, 0008) Kimiko sat at the expanded conference table, impressed with the image before her, it seemed as though both ships senior staff was in the same room, in many respects they were. She looked over to Commander Caskie and smiled, the smile was not returned. ~there must be something wrong, something must be worrying her~ Kimiko thought ~gee, you think, Kimi, maybe something to do with the upcoming mission, you know the one that we kicked everyone off the ship for~ Kimiko leaned forward, bringing her cup up to drink; she flicked her fingers across the padd. There was nothing close, astrography, the Romulains were a bit close. ~Could be it~ she thought When the meeting started, she was stunned by the revelation. ~Borg~ She thought, they were like some nightmare, a boogieman from the past. Most of the major actions of the Borg were from before she had been born. It is difficult to separate the hyperbole from the facts, even at an institute like Starfleet. A few of her instructors were survivors from Wolf 359 and other encounters with Borg; it was easy to see where the battles left their mark, but surely they were not as dangerous as they were made out to be, dangerous- yes but if they were as overwhelming as they were demonized as, then the federation would have been long ago devoured. The very first injunction was to try to avoid contact and all of the officers seemed to acknowledge that contact would fall under the heading of a very bad thing and very likely fatal; then with a nod, then they gave ideas of how to destroy the Borg. Kimiko mentally sighed and leaned back, she was not a coward but it seemed that if all you did was to prepare for battle then inevitably that would be what happened. If there was a battle to be fought, then it would fall to her department to patch up the wounded, provided that there were anyone left. (Reply none) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante-Security Offices- CSec- LT Chance Raschen- 0119) Everyone froze for a second. Marta voiced the obvious confusion. "Sorry Sir, weapons mods? Counter-boarding plans are standard and everything is running smoothly. What sort of weapon's mods?" Chance raised an eyebrow and looked questioningly at each individual in the large room before walking over to the main desk and pressed a flashing button and a floating holo of the two Borg vessels floated over the desk. "Okay folks," Chance started speaking as he looked at the deck and nodding his head thoughtfully. "We have to do this the down and dirty way, and for that I am sorry." Then looking at the members of his department; Marta, Mike, Eva, T'Vyr, Tyrone, Mosh, and Cooper, just to name a few "In a couple of days we will be going against the Borg." (Reply any iyw) Ignoring most of the shocked questions and comments of disbelief; Raschen went on to giving out orders to his team leaders. "Mike, I want you to pick your team and begin working on modifying all phaser pistols and rifles with rotating modulation. I'm gonna get with Matrix and see about rigging up some kind of personal shield." (Reply Rosenbauer iyw) "Marta, pick your team and we are gonna come up with non-standard plans to repel boarders and identify kill zones and ambush sites." (Reply Nunez iyw) After he answered the questions of his team leaders concerning their directives; Raschen stated toward the other questions he was asked "These are our immediate areas of responsibility. Once they are squared away, we can and will move on to other things. This is our time to put up or shut up boys and girls; now lets get to it." As everyone began to break up into their respective teams, Chance bellowed toward Rosenbauer "Hey Mike! One of my crew members from the Tranquility will be coming up to help out. I'll be sending him your way." (Reply Rosenbauer iyw) "Marine Lieutenant-Major Lucien LaCroix. (Reply Rosenbauer, Nunez, any who wish) Posted by Charlie --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Security Offices, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer & ASEC Marta Nunez, Day 2 0120) Chance raised a quick eyebrow before heading over to the console and activating the viewer. There on the screen was the image of two Borg ships. One familiar and one considerably less so. "Okay folks," Chance started speaking as he looked at the deck and nodding his head thoughtfully. "We have to do this the down and dirty way, and for that I am sorry." Then looking at the members of his department; Marta, Mike, Eva, T'Vyr, Tyrone, and Mosh, just to name a few "In a couple of days we will be going against the Borg." A couple of sharp whistles pierced the compartment and a few exclamations of surprise. There were a few comments concerning God and at least one person who thought his was a complete joke. The senior security officers knew better though. There was no way that Raschen would use the Borg as a joke. "Do we know when?" Mike asked. "And where will the fleet be rendezvousing?" (reply Chance) A few curses this time, but the security team was solid they knew that they'd all have their jobs cut out for them. It's what they signed up for, after all. "Mike, I want you to pick your team and begin working on modifying all phaser pistols and rifles with rotating modulation. I'm gonna get with Matrix and see about rigging up some kind of personal shield." "You got it boss. Can I send Cooper down to help Matrix? He's our CE and has plenty of experience with this sort of work." (reply Raschen) Chance then turned his attention to Nunez. "Marta, pick your team and we are gonna come up with non-standard plans to repel boarders and identify kill zones and ambush sites." "Understood sir." The ex-marine replied. "We're on it. Sovek, Hammersteen and Morales, should be all I need sir." (reply Chance iyw) "These are our immediate areas of responsibility. Once they are squared away, we can and will move on to other things. This is our time to put up or shut up boys and girls; now lets get to it." "You heard the man." Mike said loudly as the teams started to disperse. "Hey Mike! One of my crew members from the Tranquility will be coming up to help out. I'll be sending him your way." Mike raised an eyebrow. "Okay, but you know I don't care for outsiders working with my team. But if you think he's got what it takes, he'll be welcomed. Who is he anyway?" "Marine Lieutenant-Major Lucien LaCroix." Chance replied. Mike nodded. "I've no problem with that. But let's get one thing out in the open sir. This is my team and I will be retaining command of it, or we'll be fighting the Borg from the Brig, fair enough?" (reply Chance) "Sounds good then. Send him my way, we'll put him to work." (reply Chance) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Phaser Control Room - CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma - 0127) =/\=I can definitely help you with that. Are you in engineering?=/\= Came Eian's reply. "I'm on my way there now." Ben responded. "Are you in Engineering?" (reply O'Neill) Ben stepped out of the phaser control room and headed to the nearest lift, stated his destination and the lift was set into motion. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Main Engineering- CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma- 0130) Ben entered Engineering to find it abuzz with activity, seems everyone was busy making preparations for the upcoming encounter with the Borg. He noticed Eian off to the side, maybe he had began to work on the automodulation already. Ben moved over towards him and stood just behind him and a little off to the side. "Already started Lieutenant?" Ben asked with a bit of a grin. (reply O'Neill) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0132) Once Eian got to engineering, he immediately set himself up at a console and pulled up the necessary data matrices for the automodulation sequencing. He already had a plan in his head as to how the shields could automodulate in a random pattern, but he would need to insert random numerical generator code into each generator's coding separately. He noticed Ben approaching out of the corner of his eye. "Already started, Lieutenant?" Ben asked. Eian smiled. "Yeah, I had a thought...the Borg have broken through our automodulation sequences before, because they're based on the random number generators place in the core processor. What if there were separate random number generators in each shield power module? Each shield generator would have its own 'power source,' so to speak, for the code. That means if the Borg knock one out, they'd still have 459 others to deal with." (reply Soma) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Engineering - CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma - 0133) Eian smiled. "Yeah, I had a thought...the Borg have broken through our automodulation sequences before, because they're based on the random number generators place in the core processor. What if there were separate random number generators in each shield power module? Each shield generator would have its own 'power source,' so to speak, for the code. That means if the Borg knock one out, they'd still have 459 others to deal with." Ben considered what Eian said for a moment, the idea had merrit. If each module had it's own 'power source' they would be able to function separately rather then as a whole. If one were knocked out the others could carry on giving the Borg a headache trying to adapt to each module. "Good thinking, this just might give us an edge that the Borg aren't expecting." Ben replied. "It might even make the difference between assimilation and survival, though given the choice I'd set the self destruct before I'd allow an assimilation tubule to touch me." Ben still hoped that they wouldn't have to engage the Borg but he couldn't ignore that it was highly likely that they would. "How long would it take to set this up?" He inquired. (reply O'Neill) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Security Offices- LMaj Lucien LaCroix- 0142) Lucien heard some part of a conversation. Someone quoting statistics ~Must be a Vulcan~ then he decided to enter the office. Inside, a group of security personnel seamed to start to argue. La Croix calmly stood wearing a Marine Corps uniform with his hands behind his back and a predatory gleam in his eyes when the door to the office suddenly slid open. With each measured step he took toward the desk "Mister Rosenbauer, I presume? Chance Raschen Invited me to offer my skills to aid in the forthcoming festivities." (Reply Rosenbauer iyw) "My name is Lucien La Croix." He said as he reached the desk. (Reply any iyw) La Croix turned to his right and stared hard at the individual sitting in the chair. "I am also referred to as 'Nightcrawler'." Once the chair was vacated, "Thank you." He said to the one who got up out of the chair as he sat down. Placing his elbows on the arm rests and putting his fingertips of his two hands together. Lucien locked eyes with Mike "Statistics are a way for some to explain just how far 'Down the Rabbit Hole' they willing to go." (Reply any) "I view statistics as a challenge. So how may I be of service to a Ranger?" (Reply Rosenbauer, any iyw) (Reply Rosenbauer, any iyw) Posted by Charlie --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Security Offices, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 2 0144) Mike looked up as the door opened and was fairly well impressed by the appearance of the man standing there. He was wearing his Marine uniform and although Mike didn't have many friendly feelings towards the Corps since the Civil War, he could admire the professionalism that the man portrayed. "Mister Rosenbauer, I presume? Chance Raschen Invited me to offer my skills to aid in the forthcoming festivities." He said as he entered. "That's me." Mike replied, "welcome to the Maniacs. Let me introduce my Team." "This is Eva Saint Jean, Mosh, T'Vyr, and Tyrone Cooper my second. As you know I am Mike Rosenbauer, commanding this unit." Mike replied as he indicated each officer under his command. "My name is Lucien La Croix." He replied as he reached the desk. "French, French Canadian or Cajun French?" Tyrone asked. The marine gave him a good glare for his trouble before adding. "I am also referred to as 'Nightcrawler'." For a moment Tyrone stayed seated until Mike gave him the nod and then his second rose from the chair and allowed the Marine to take it. "Thank you." the man replied. He placed his elbows on the arm rests and put his fingertips of his two hands together. "Statistics are a way for some to explain just how far 'Down the Rabbit Hole' they are willing to go." "Are they now?" Tyrone replied, but he went quiet when Mike shot him a quick glance. "I view statistics as a challenge. So how may I be of service to a Ranger?" LaCroix asked, apparently oblivious to the response from Tyrone. "What's your skill set?" Mike asked. (reply LaCroix) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Science bay - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak - Day 2, 0145) Narvak sat at his desk, his legs propped up on the desk, tossing a replica of a Borg cube from hand to hand. He had heard thought the grapevine that they were heading to kick the snot out of a couple of Borg who had the audacity to stick their ugly snouts into Federation territory. The classification project was placed on hold, while all resources were being devoted to the Borg problem. ~I never thought that I could thank the Borg for something~ Narvak thought. There was defiantly a tension in the air. The Borg were as big as a customer that they could have run into, but they only had one thing going for them. ~Adjusting shields~ he thought ~Oh, hellacious weapons. But that was it, except for phenomenal repair tech and unshakable morale~ Narvak stopped that line of thought. “Ok, never mind. What is their weakness?” He asked the empty compartment. “No originality; which is why we can always get the first shot in.” So all we have to do is hit them with the proverbial 35kg sledgehammer. What do we have short of ramming the cube. Ramming would probably work, due to a Borg never being rammed by a Rosenante classed vessel. “But then I would have to walk home.” Ok, not an option. The most destructive thing that they had at their disposal was a full spread of torpedoes, which was what? “Ten in a single burst” He replied to that train of thought. Enough to let them know that they had been kissed, but not enough to break their fancy little starship. Even adding the Boudicca to the mix, Narvak pulled up the specs on the USS Boudicca and nodded. If that coordination would be possible, she would only double it. Twenty quantum torpedoes would definitely make them lose their deposit, but would just do just enough damage to maybe destroy them. “Certainly not a bet that I would take” he stated. “Wait a sec, Torpedoes are not kinetic weapons, for that matter they don’t have to be launched. ” Narvak plugged into his computer, the yields of a few scores for photon torpedoes. “Yep, enough to reduce their ship to particulate matter.” Narvak had to say that he loved this ship, so many things to blow up, first bugs and now ships. ~Must be my lucky day~ He tapped his comm, “Ensign Narvak to Lieutenant Soma” (Reply Soma) “I have a solution to our Borg problem” (Reply Soma) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0147) Ben was ready to leave Engineering and head back to the armory to see how things were going, he wasn't micro managing but he wanted to see if there was anything he could do to help. He had left the final programming in Eian's capable hands, he was confident the automodulation sequence would perform well but would just as soon not test it. Before he was out of the engine bay his comm badge chirped, =/\=Ensign Narvak to Lieutenant Soma.=/\= "Soma here Ensign." Ben replied. "What's on your mind?" =/\=I have a solution to our Borg problem.=/\= "Sounds good, I'm on my way to the armory." Ben stated. "Meet me there and we can discuss your idea." (reply Narvak) Ben headed off to the nearest lift again, once he had finished in the armory he was going to have to prepare a report for Jackson, time was growing short and the top brass would soon be looking for updates. He wondered what Narvak had come up with, the Science officer may have a different perspective that he himself hadn't considered. Entering the lift he stated his destination and the lift sped on it's way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Armory, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 0150) Ben entered the armory and noted the number of phasers set on various tables, workstations and improvised workbenches. He moved to stand beside Sanok and said. "I know the inventory stated the number of phasers we have but seeing them spread out like this really puts it in perspective." He looked around as the others continued working diligently, everyone of them looked pleased to have a distraction. Turning back to Sanok he added. "Ensign Narvak is headed here, she has an idea about our Borg problem." (reply Narvak, Sanok, any) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Corridor - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak - 0153) Narvak strolled down the corridor, while the idea he had was not a brilliant edge-cutting scientific breakthrough, the principle was sound. Narvak had read a quote somewhere -One shot, one kill- which reminded him of his approach. The fact that whistles and bells didn’t work for these guys; in fact, Narvak was believer in that pity human concept KISS. ~Keep it simple, stupid~ He thought as he approached the armory ~How very Tellarite~ --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0156) =/\= Signos to Commander Caskie, I have found something I think you should take a look at. =/\= As soon as Josh was contacted she immediately hit her own comm badge. "I'm on the Bridge Ensign. Please bring anything you have for me here." --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Armory - SciO, Ens,jg Narvak – Day 3 - 0158) The Tellarite stepped into the room and viewed a number of security crewmen, working on modifying phasers. He noticed that there were only two Lts in the room and headed in that direction. When he was in speaking distance. “I got that info you wanted” (Reply Soma and/or Sanok) “Narvak” The Tellarite responded and pointed to his uniform “Sciences” (Reply Soma and/or Sanok) With shrug, he turned to the display on the nearest wall. “Computer, display Borgswatter 03” Narvak stated. The screen showed two red circled icons representing the Borg and two Federation icons slightly behind a celestial body. There were a swarm of blue tinged objects tracking of a collision course with the Borg. Narvak turned towards the security officers. “As you know, out biggest weapon is the quantum torpedoes, but we can only launch ten at a time in one direction” The display showed the yield ratio and expected damage “We wouldn’t be able to damage the cube enough. Even if we managed to slave the Boudicca’s fire control and got to get twenty torpedoes to hit in a split second, there would be a range of damage that might be decisive” The screen showed the damage yield of the twenty torpedoes. “However since the weapons don’t have to be launched, we could send ‘em out and trigger them at once. What I read of the Borg is that they don’t respond to anything that they have not identified as a threat, so we could make them look like probes. What do you think?” (Reply Soma and/or Sanok) “I was thinking of sending a remote with the group that would coordinate the launches” (Reply Soma and/or Sanok) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca -Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0159) It wasn't long before the Ensign reported to the Bridge. Catching Josh's attention she handed her a padd and immediately began to explain her theory. Josh nodded, immediately getting what the Ensign was driving at. "I understand. By all means you have my permission to look into this further. The Captain is busy at present but I will bring your report to his attention the first chance I get. As soon as you have something new please send it to both of us." (Reply Signos) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, SO Tyrone Cooper, Day 2 0200) Tyrone stepped into the Main Engineering compartment amidst the buzz of frantic activity. There were engineers coming out of the woodwork and a large number of them seemed focused around weapons and shield displays. It didn't take long for the Ex-Ranger to spot the Ring Master of this Engineering circus. Matrix was a distinguished looking man, one that seemed both rough and capable at the same time. He seemed surrounded by a persistent no-BS aura that kept things disciplined and focused on the task at hand. It was an excellent skill to have. Tyrone stepped over to the Chief Engineer and waited for there to be a moment where he wasn't being bombarded with requests for instructions or decisions. "Excuse me, sir." Tyrone said, handing him a PADD. "I've been sent down as an assistant to you to help you with Lieutenant Raschen's request to build a few mobile shield emitters to use on the ship. It looks as if he's talking about some limited personal shields. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm a trained CE, sir, so I can help with some of the operational requirements." (reply Matrix) Daniel Greene Tyrone stepped into the Main Engineering compartment amidst the buzz of frantic activity. There were engineers coming out of the woodwork and a large number of them seemed focused around weapons and shield displays. It didn't take long for the Ex-Ranger to spot the Ring Master of this Engineering circus. Matrix was a distinguished looking man, one that seemed both rough and capable at the same time. He seemed surrounded by a persistent no-BS aura that kept things disciplined and focused on the task at hand. It was an excellent skill to have. Tyrone stepped over to the Chief Engineer and waited for there to be a moment where he wasn't being bombarded with requests for instructions or decisions. "Excuse me, sir." Tyrone said, handing him a PADD. "I've been sent down as an assistant to you to help you with Lieutenant Raschen's request to build a few mobile shield emitters to use on the ship. It looks as if he's talking about some limited personal shields. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm a trained CE, sir, so I can help with some of the operational requirements." (reply Matrix) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Main Engineering, CEO Lt. Steven Matrix, Day 2 0203) Matrix rubbed his head as he looked at the Ensign standing before him. "I'm at a loss for words Ensign. You've been at this for nearly 4 hours and all you have to show for it is a level 2 diagnostics report with 'no conclusive results?'" asked Matrix. "Yeees sir, I mean no sir...well..." replied the nervous engineer. Matrix paused and took a deep breath, "Relax're doing your best I'm sure. However, I suspect if you recheck the power manifold you'll find the problem lies in your teams ability to properly install and align a power conduit." said Matrix. Matrix grabbed an olive drab PADD and handed it to the obviously uneasy junior engineer. "The schematics and operating procedures are detailed in here. I suggest you take a break, get something to eat, review the material and get back to figuring out why the power flow isn't all. I'd like this running within the next 90 minutes Ensign. Dismissed." said Matrix. Matrix issued tasks to three more engineering teams and was obviously fatigued by the lack of progress and even more so by the lack of knowledge his new understudies exhibited. His ears were ringing from the sound of the various audible buzzes, klaxons and warning tones. Engineering was a buzz of activity and relatively devoid of light partly due to his requirement to keep down harsh lighting. The ambient lighting helped keep crews focused on their individual and team tasks while providing an artificial reference to overall readiness. The 'mood lighting,' as Lt. JG Peter Cohen referred to it, made it easy to distinguish the alert level of engineering and the posture of the ship. "Excuse me, sir." said a figure standing next to him, almost unnoticed. Matrix looked up as the man handed him a PADD. "I've been sent down as an assistant to you to help you with Lieutenant Raschen's request to build a few mobile shield emitters to use on the ship. It looks as if he's talking about some limited personal shields. I don't know if that's possible, but I'm a trained CE, sir, so I can help with some of the operational requirements." "Well...Mister?" Matrix replied asking for the man's name. (Reply Cooper) "Ah, yes...Mister Cooper. Forgive me, I'm not entirely familiar with both crews yet, let alone my own at times. A lot of personnel changes of late." replied Matrix. "Well I could use all the help I can get here. What do you know about power emitters and projection waves?" asked Matrix. (Reply Cooper) "Good, you're hired. That's more than I have currently on my roster in that particular discipline." said Matrix with a smile. "I need to get with my crack engineering leader, Lt. Cohen and get him to start work on another repair, but please pull up any schematics you feel necessary and start your work." Matrix looked over at the engineering lab board, "I see that engineering locker 14A is fully stocked and should provide you with the necessary components and test equipment to start your emitter builds. I think you'll need to replicate some portable power cells...most of the engineering crews have likely cleaned those out from our recent issues aboard the station." continued Matrix. (Reply Cooper, IYW) "Please get started and I'll be back here shortly to see how things are going." said Matrix. (Reply Cooper) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Rose FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 0205) When asked to comment further, T'Larah threw some ideas on the table. "I had some ideas, will you let me know if you believe any have enough merit to help us out. To my knowledge none have been tried on the Borg in the past." she said. (Reply Durand) "If we reduce power signature on approach, only life support, sensors and thrusters we may be able to get a look at that pyramid to determine it's purpose." (Reply Durand) "An impulse burst of about 0.7c should propel us past the two Borg ships and allow us to escape the planet's gravity, with only minor course corrections." (Reply Durand) "A photonic pulse to knock out their sensors?" she offered. (Reply Durand) "The rest are purely weapon and tactical based ideas, individually or a combination of them may be required for maximum effect." she said. (Reply Durand) "A verteron pulse generated by both ships at different frequencies, channeled through the main deflector as a beam to knock out all of their subspace-based technology, sensors, shields, transporters and communications and hopefully what ever the pyramid is trying to do." (Reply Durand) "Then perhaps weaponized as a torpedo? That would allow us to be farther away from the verterons to ensure we are not disabled as well." she offered back. (Reply Durand) "Setting select phasers for drilling. If we can rotate frequencies on a random enough basis we may be able to do some serious damage, may-be even cut the thing in half." (Reply Durand) "Gravimetric torpedoes would only allow their shields to count for half. Then of-course the Borg equivalent of the structural integrity field will be able to take a lot of punishment." (Reply Durand) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0226) Ahmed watched as Jackson, his longtime friend and colleague seemed to bristle at the means that Ahmed had used upon his entrance to the ready room. That made Ahmed take a mental step back and re-evaluate the situation. The Junior Officer assumed the rigid stance of attention before responding. "Yes Sir. I delayed coming as I was checking up on your requests. After speaking to Lt's Raschen and Soma, I felt they needed more time to reply. I gave them an additional hour to prepare their reports. To be be frank Captain they have a lot to do and were not given a lot of time to give you and the FO a decent report. I wsa about to contact you when you called." The captain's demeanor softened. He gestured to the seat across from him. "You're right of course Tom. It was an unreasonable expectation. I apologize for snapping at you." Once Tom had taken a seat, Ahmed continued. "I'm just a little stressed over the Borg. It's funny really. I've never encountered them, but they frighten the Holy living Hell out of me. My Father was at Wolf. He was an engineering ensign aboard the USS Ascension. He told me stories about it. They kept me awake for many a night. I used to imagine them reaching up from under my bed at night with those assimilation tubule reaching out at me like snakes." "It's hard for me to understand." he continued, "I've faced down the Hur'Q, Living Zombies, the Mars Defense Perimeter, Delta-Seven-Nine, that Damned Revelation Virus on Geneva and Orion Pirates without pause. I've never really felt like this about a mission. I've always been able to cope, there's just something about the Borg..." He trailed off. (reply Tom) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson , Day 2 0233) The captain's demeanour softened. He gestured to the seat across from him. "You're right of course Tom. It was an unreasonable expectation. I apologize for snapping at you." Jackson relaxed and sat across from his old friend. The worry and concern was clearly evident.Ahmed explained his action. "Ahmed, I understand and I apologize too for reacting like a first year cadet" Tom added. (reply: Captain) "Remember what Captain Sash told us - do your best and the rest takes care of itself. We have the finest crew in SF Command. The Boudicca is another fine ship we both know the FO and you know the CO. God willing we will stop the Borg'" Jackson added with more confidence than he really felt. (Reply: CO) Tom returned to a formal manner of speech. "I'll get after Lt Soma and Lt Raschen. We'll get you an update Sir" Tom added. (reply CO) (posted by: Bill W) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0320) He had received memos back from Jacobs, Gesar, and Matrix that they had received his plan to block the frequencies on the phaser rifles with holographic frequencies. Between all the standard modifications to the ships and the other non-standard modifications that had to get done, however, they still hadn't met on the topic. So now that the automodulation sequence was complete and the ship's phasers were on a similar automodulation sequence, Eian sent out an intership message to the other lead engineers to schedule a meeting. [INTERSHIP MESSAGE FROM LT JG EIAN O'NEILL, ACEO ROSENANTE] Let's meet on the topic of my memo. Either ship will do. 0330? [END TRANSMISSION] (reply all/any) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Engineering - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 2 - 0326) It wasn't long after he sent his message that he received a reply from the Boudicca's ACEO. =^=Jacobs to Lt. O'Neill.=^= "O'Neill here, go ahead, Jacobs," he responded. =^=Sir, we are still working on all of our other modifications, time is not on our side and I do not believe we can make it over to the Rose, can we collaborate via computer conference?=^= "Of course, I'll set up the meeting," Eian said, and tapped a few buttons on his console. Soon he saw Jacobs' face, and notifications that messages had been sent to Matrix and Gesar. "Have you gotten a chance to look over the idea?" (reply Jacobs) "Basically, the idea stems from a program I set up that enables people in different holodeck locations to use subspace channels to see, touch, and hear each other as if they were right there next to each other. It's the same technology that enabled us to feel like each others' crew was right there in the same room, during the briefing. And I don't think it would be difficult to latch onto the power cell pack signatures on the phaser rifles and hand phasers on board and track their locations, to enable the phase frequency mask to follow it around. It should work as long as the Rose and the boud remain holo-capable." (reply Jacobs, any others) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0328) As soon as Jacobs called for the LT. he responded. =^=Of course, I'll set up the meeting,...Have you gotten a chance to look over the idea?=^= Henry began to respond, "yes sir, I have. Coupled with the shield enhancements we should be able to hold our own. I do have questions however; like will the signature masking technology work if somehow the phasers are away from the crew member. Or what is the contingency plan if we loose holo-emitters? Can we do the same with the ships phaser systems? Im sure if things got difficult power would be rerouted from non primary systems." (Reply Eian) "I know both ships will be relying on their engineers to keep the shields defending and the phasers firing. How soon can we make the modifications to both ships?" (Reply Eian) (Posted by Darryl) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0540) It was the duty of the engineering staff to know every nutt and bolt of the ship, along with ever power system and subroutine. Engineering had been pulsing with activity since the briefing giving everyone orders to prepare the ship for a possible Borg encounter; not one person in engineering slacked on their duties. "Ensign Jacobs, take a look at this. Maybe the ship wont explosively decompress after all." Jacobs walked over to the crewman that called for his attention. At his station the computer displayed the schematics for a secondary shielding system. Separate from the primary shields, the secondary system is programed to automatically activate should the primary system go offline. "Computer who installed the secondary shield system?" [LT. CMDR McLaren and LT CMDR Lorimar] ~Great I can ask Lt. CMDR Lorimar first hand how the shields were used.~ "Jacobs to LT. CMDR Lorimar" (Reply Lorimar) "Yes Commander would you mind meeting me here in Main Engineering? I have a few questions about the secondary shielding system you installed a while back. Hopefully it will help us in the upcoming encounter with the Borg" (Reply Lorimar) (Posted by Darryl) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Quarters - aFO - Cmdr Josh Caskie - Day 2 - 0603) Josh wasn't asleep. She had been resting. Well, as much as you could rest before you ended up going head to head with the Borg. She had taken the time to record a message telling her son how much she loved him in the hope that whatever happened to the ship that the final messages would be relayed on. Josh did not tell Iain the what or the why, just that she loved him and that she had always been proud of him and left it at that. She smiled to herself allowing herself to remember all of his small triumphs whilst he was growing up. Eventually she paused and smiled telling him that if the Boudicca and the Rose went missing there would be no need to come looking for her, she would be gone way beyond where he could ever reach her, but that where ever she was, she would always be with him. Her terminal bleeped and crossing to it Josh pulled up the message. =/\= Commander, there are a couple of things I need to talk to you about as well as update you to the progress of sickbay. First I have uncovered a little bit of information in regards to potential motivations of the Borg. I would like to share but perhaps we should include crew members of the Rosenante to compare notes? Second I would like to ask you about a particular mission you had whilst on the Rosenante, something involving the Opthidian species. Perhaps a meeting at a later date should be arranged? =/\= Josh smiled quietly to herself. She had always known that eventually this mission would come back to haunt her. It was not surprising that it had surfaced now. Tapping her comm badge she replied to Dr Candle. "By all means Doctor I am awake. Why don't you join me in my quarters for breakfast and we can speak to the crew of the Rose at the same time." (Reply Candle) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Jessica's Quarters - ATAC/SC Jessica Signos - Day 2 - 0655) She felt ran down, battered, by the time she entered her room, for a well deserved meal and a few minutes of quite after she finished her latest report that was needed. The Bouddica was nearly ready, she looked at her structual map of the ship that had become her home, every intersection was highlighted either has a strong point reinforced with extra weapons and portable shielding units each set to their own modulation sequence, or a flanking point ways to work the Borg into areas that the federation security teams would be able to bring them into a deadly crossfire and make the most of those few shots that would do damage before the Borg adapted . It would not hold the Borg flood back but she knew it would by some time to fall back to the next hold. She knew they would break through make there way to key sections of the ship. Jessica was determined however to make them pay dearly for every inch of space they gained. For that reason Jessica spent the last three and a half hours checking every point on her map to insure it was battle ready. Many were ready, the rest would be soon enough. Jessica ran the security teams hard today. It was her intention to get what they could today and then let them rest. She knew the captain would need them all rested and in top condition. Jessica hoped she could give him that. She sat behind the small desk in her room and was typing something absent minded when she noticed the blinking light on her desk. ~A message, who could this be from.~ She pondered she was not used to receiving such forms of communication. She pushed the button and heard a familiar voice that instantly made her smile. =/\= Hey, Jessica. I know you're busy so I recorded this instead of trying to catch you during a break. Just wanted to let you know I love you, and well..." he chuckled. "There's this tradition my dad and I actually started with my mom and me, while she was gone on a mission and I had a major test while she was gone. We pray together over subspace. Now, it's not live, and I know we're not the same religion, but I think it'll mean just as much. This prayer is for courage and strength...and I hope fills your spirit with both, if nothing else because I'm willing you to have courage and strength. =/\= He went on to recite the 23rd Psalm, and when he was done, he smiled. =/\= I love you. I'll see you soon. Good luck. =/\= She leaned back in her chair has the message played, her small delicate fingers gracing the top of the desk. Has her mind wondered to thoughts of Eian. ~I wonder what he's doing right now, I bet he's been just has busy has I have been.~ "You know you can save him alone...." Jessica snapped from her musing at the sound of the voice, both familiar and foreign at the same time. "Who's their?" Jessica asked an empty room fearing the answer she already knew. "You know who I am... Come I'll show you." The voice called as Jessica walked toward the source of where the voice was coming from, and found herself looking to a full body mirror and looking into it. But what she saw looking back was not her. Don't geet me wrong it looked liked her, moved like her, but it was darker somehow. "What are you doing here?" Jessica asked the mirror. "I'm here to help you." It responded with a sinister chuckle. "What help can you offer me." Jessica turned her back on the form in the mirror. The form in the mirror narrowed her blue eyes and stared at Jessica. "You know what I am capable of, I can kill the Borg with out remorse, I can save you from the violence." "And why would you do such a thing." She turned on the mirror to find it empty of form. "Because you give me life, and to show you my apprehension I'll save his life." Jessica knew of who she was speaking... Eian. "When you need me, call my name and I'll be there." She voice said laughing. Jessica stood there her heart trembled has the laughter faded from her ears. She moved to her desk and hit the record button. "Eian, thank you, for your message, I was... very moved by it. hope you are well speak to you soon." Jessica waited the moment for the computer to rely 'message sent.' Jessica turned to exit her quarters and return to her work. (reply none) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0800) The eight hours status report deadline was rapidly approaching. With just a little under a half hour to go, Ahmed was in his ready room on his prayer mat, pointed in the most accurate direction towards Mecca that he could determine. It was times like this, when the strain of command was almost too much to bear that Ahmed took the time to add an extra prayer or two to his already regular prayer schedule. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his Muslim Heritage, he was simply a private person when it came to matters of personal belief. He believed that Allah guided all men on their paths, even those that denied him. The thoughts of being assimilated into a homogenous existence without faith, belief or free-will was probably the most disturbing aspect of the Borg. He couldn't imagine the life that would result, or rather the lack of life. Those assimilated were reduced to nothing more than an instrument of a machine. The Borg could no more be considered a species than a spanner could. They were all tools to be used. In this case the Borg were a tool of the Borg Queen, bent on a perverted sense of perfection, a perfection that did not, could not exist through uniformity and lack of intellectual, spiritual or true biological diversity. The very thought was so alien to Ahmed, that he couldn't help but shiver at the concept. He finished his prayers and rose from his prayer mat. He carefully rolled it up and returned it to it's place of honor before turning to look out of the windows to the sight of the streaking stars as they shot past the Rosenante. He focused his thoughts towards the knowledge that they knew. First the Tkon were very technically advanced. Second they went extinct roughly 60,000 years ago, the supposed result of a supernova in their home star system. That same supernova flooded the worlds of that empire with deadly radiation and terrible shockwaves. Those that survived became nearly lifeless and desolate. Dovek II was such a world. Fact the Borg have a purpose in the Dovek System. Fact, it is a priority purpose as indicated by the presence of a Tactical Cube in a place where there are no inhabitants to assimilate. Conclusion, in light of the lack of inhabitants, it can only be assumed that the Borg are looking to locate and assimilate Tkon technology. That technology could be potent enough to threaten the safety of the Quadrant. It is therefore imperative that the Boudicca and the Rosenante prevent the Borg from acquiring that technology. The only thing to figure out now was what the Borg was after and how could they be stopped. He knew that in twenty minutes or so, the command staffs for the two ships would meet in the Observation lounge to compile reports and determine the readiness of the small taskforce sent to tackle this daunting threat. He wasn't certain if the Admiralty were foolish in their assignment; If they felt that the ships were so well led and equipped that they could accomplish anything, or if there was simply nothing else to be had at this moment. It didn't matter either way, it was what it was, and they all had to work with what they were given. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 2 0820) Ahmed stepped into the lounge and took his seat at the head of the conference table. Soon, he knew that Jackson and Sullivan would be joining him, followed a few moments later by Durand and Caskie aboard the Boudicca. While he waited, he looked over the latest reports on the Tkon that he could find. As a student of Archeology, he had a keen interest in the past, and it seemed that the Borg did also. Therefore it only made sense that he study everything that he could on the subject in hopes of finding that one little reference that the Borg had placed on thier high priority list. Problem was there was a lot of conjecture about the Tkon being able to move entire planets and star systems. That wasn't completely supported, even if there was some very scarce evidence that it was possible. Besides that, there was so much hypothesis that sorting through it all would be impossible. The solid evidence was nearly non-existent. Ahmed glanced up from his PADD as the doors to the Observation Lounge slid open. (reply Caskie, Durand, Jackson, Sullivan) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Observation Lounge, 2O/COPS,Lt Tom Jackson Day 2 0824) Life as a member of the command team was growing more interesting each day. As the others assembled, Jackson looked at each officer closely. Jackson once again scrolled through his accumulated data. A lot of hard wor was being done. Jackson was glad they had all these specialists - he hoped they would be up to the task ahead. Tom had been struggling with a nagging question. What were they to do if they encountered Borg drones who had been crew mates? Would they have time to recover them or simply have to kill them? Jackson secretly prayed they'd have the time but intended to seek guidance as this seemed a real possibility. (reply: none) (posted by Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - ACEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0900) Jacobs had yet gone to sleep since the briefing at midnight. Fatigue was literraly overtaking him, but Henry could not give in if the crew was going to be prepared for the encouter with the Borg. The engineering team really pulled together to complete the enhancements and modification discussed in the briefing. Engine output had been increased by 29% and the shield harmonic rotation program was nearly completed. Henry sipped from his cup of coffee and reviewed a padd he was handed containing the most recent report of the shield harmonics rotation program. The data presented a 77% increase in shield stability should the ship encounter wither Borg ship. Modifications had been completed knthe engines and shields, only a matter of time before weapons were beefed up and the ship was ready to meet the Borg. Jacobs walked back over to Ensign Gesar's office to appraise him of the ships current status. "Sir, engines and shield motifications have completed, here are the reports. With your permission I would like to notify Captain Durand and Commander Caskie of our progress. (Reply Gesar) (Posted by Darryl) ======================================================== (USS Rosenante, Bridge, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 3 2358) It was time. The two ships of the Federation taskforce were almost to their target coordinates. It was the end of preparations and the beginning of action. "Mister Shae, communicate to the Boudicca that were are dropping out of warp. Then drop us to full impulse, same course and heading." (Reply Shae) "Mister Jackson, Notify the Boudicca and take us to Yellow Alert, all departments to report ready status." (reply Jackson) "Mister Soma, Shields up, arm all weapons." (reply Soma) "Mister Raschen, deploy your security teams. Starting now be on high alert for intruders. Dispatch a security team to the bridge, Central Computer Core and Main Engineering." (reply Raschen) "Mister Narvak, give me a passive long range sensor sweep of the Dovek System. I want to know if our two Borg ships are still here." (reply Narvak) "Salid to Matrix, bring the Second Core on-line. Send me someone to the bridge from engineering to man the Bridge station. Either you or O'Neill will serve that purpose just fine, Lieutenant." (reply Matrix) "Mister Sullivan get me a tight beam to the Boudicca. I want to talk with Captain Durand." (Reply Sullivan) Once the channel was open. Ahmed looked at the image of Durand on the screen. "Captain change your formation to formation Sigma Three. We will be moving downward through the system's elliptic plane past the Class J Gas Giant so that we can use the magnetosphere to hide our energy signature. From there we will move through the systems asteroid belt and use the third planet to shield our approach. Once the rotation of Dovek II places the Borg on the far side of the planet we will move to position ourselves behind that planet's Moon. Understood?" (reply Durand) "Excellent Work captain, and God Speed." (reply Durand) "Mister Shae, please implement our approach vectors as indicated by Mister Dralar's system insertion plan. Transmit a copy of it, tight beam, to the Boudicca." (reply Shae) "Captain, I am detecting a high energy discharge. It is coming from the Borg Pyramid. It appears to be focused on a point on the planet's southern Hemisphere." Xim reported from one of the science stations. "I am also receiving a transmission on a normally inactive channel. It's a Romulan ship." Xim reported. "Romulan?" Ahmed asked. "Yes sir, It's a scout vessel, it is outside the system and holding position at coordinates two-oh-three-mark-six by nine-three-mark-nine-nine." Xim replied. "Put the Romulan ship on screen and patch in Captain Durand." Ahmed replied. The scene of space moving slowly past was replaced by the image of a lovely Romulan woman seated in what appeared to be the pilot's seat of the Scout craft they had detected. On the left side of the screen was Captain Durand. =^=This is Lt Ael T'Rillian, in command of RSS Bloodwing. I have been ordered to offer you any assistance I can. How may I help you?=^= "Lieutenant T'Rillian, I am Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, commanding the USS Rosenante. I was unaware that the Romulan Star Empire would be sending any ships to this sector. We welcome your assistance. It is recommended that you dock your vessel with one of ours, and that we coordinate activities from there." (reply Ael) Ahmed turned to Captain Durand. "Captain Durand, I have the tranquility in my shuttle bay, can the Boudicca accommodate the Bloodwing?" (reply Durand) He nodded and then turned back to their Romulan guest "Then if you have no objections Lieutenant, please proceed to the Boudicca's landing bay. After you've landed we'd like to ask you a few questions, such as how long you've been here and what you may have observed of the Borg activity since your arrival, or what information you are willing to share with us in this circumstance." (Reply Ael) "Very well, Lieutenant we'll speak again soon. Thank you. Rosenante out." Once the Channel was closed. Ahmed spoke to Xim again. "Now that we've resolved that, can you get me a visual on the Borg Pyramid?" "Aye, sir." Xim replied. The image shifted again, this time filling the screen with the Borg Pyramid. From it's base a powerful, white-blue beam of Antiprotons and gravitons was pouring into the plant's surface. The energy was slowly scouring away the surface of the planet where it moved with Borg-like precision. The results very nearly reminded Ahmed of the images that he had seen of the New Providence colony where the Borg had scoured away the entire colony, leaving only a crater thirteen kilometers wide in it's place. ~That thing is a colony killer.~ He thought, ~But why send a colony killer here, where there is no colony to destroy?~ Things were definitely getting curiouser and curiouser. "Keep an eye on it Mister Xim, notify me of any changes in activity?" "Yes captain." "Mister Narvak, have you spotted the Tactical Cube yet?" (reply Narvak, Ael, Matrix, Soma, Raschen, Shae, Sullivan, Durand, Jackson, All) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma 2400) Ben stood at the tactical station prepared to go into battle, they had done everything they could to prepare the ship and the time was quickly approaching to test whether or not those preparations would be sufficient. They were approaching the target coordinates and the air on the bridge felt just a little heavier and thicker. Soon they would face the Borg, the ones who had taken his parents from him. Captain Salid began issuing orders to set things into motion, he called for updates and to contact the Boudicca to drop out of warp. "Mister Soma, Shields up, arm all weapons." "Aye Sir." Ben replied as he entered the appropriate commands into his console. "Shields are up and weapons systems are charged and ready." Salid went on to instruct Raschen to deploy his forces and for Narvak to conduct a scan. The Boudicca was then contacted again and Salid spoke with Durand about thier deployment vector, Shae was then instructed to implement the approach vector as Xim reported a Romulan contact just as Ben's tactical sensors picked up the contact. A channel was opened and the ships commander introduced herself and offered her help, arrangements were made and then things were back to the business at hand. They picked up a visual of the pyramid as it directed some energy beam at a planets surface, as it moved it was scouring the surface. The sight was alarming, Ben couldn't help but wonder why the Borg had decided to strip the planet. The Borg weren't known for expending energy for no reason, everything they did had a purpose. (reply any on bridge) (posted by Milo Young) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante, Bridge, 2O/COPS Lt Tom Jackson Day 4 0002) The two ship task force readied itself for contact with the Borg. The captain issued his orders '""Mister Jackson, Notify the Boudicca and take us to Yellow Alert, all departments to report ready status." Jackson replied "Aye, aye Captain" and began the task assigned. "USS Boudicca, this is the Rosenante. Have your departments report teir status and go to Yellow Alert please" Tom transmitted. (reply: USS Boudicca) "Bridge to Engineering. Please report your status" Jackson sent. (reply Engineering) Tom moved onto the Science Department next. "Bridge to Sciences. Please report your status" Tom sent. (reply Sciences) "Bridge to Sick Bay. Please report your status" Tom requested. (reply: Sick Bay) "Bridge to Tactical. Please report your status" Jackson sent. (reply: Tactical) "Bridge to Security. Please report your status" Tom sent." (reply: Security) "Helm . Please report your status" Jackson asked. (reply Helm ) He knew what the OPS status currently was. Once each department had indicated it was ready, Tom Jackson hit the Yellow Alert button and the klaxon's went off and a a pulsating amber light pulsed ship wide. (reply:None) ((posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------