Compile#1 November 15-20 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Personal Logs Day: 1 Stardate: 2414.02.12 Compile Summary (Starbase Geneva - Docking Ring - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 0750) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1- 0800) (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma- 0804) (USS Boudicca – Bridge – CO Captain Durand – 0805) (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0806*) (USS Boudicca - Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - 0807) (USS -Rosenante – Bridge - Lieutenant Tom Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 1 0809) (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0815) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0816) (USS Boudicca – Sickbay – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0817) (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0819) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - aFO Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0821) (USS Rosenante– Bridge– LT Chance Raschen– 0825) (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0840) (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - CMO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0842) (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - Day 1 - 0845) (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0850) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - Day 1 - 0853) (Starbase Geneva, Temporary Quarters, Lieutenant jg Ben Soma, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 0900) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0901*) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 09.07) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 09.10) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0913) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0915) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0919) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0920) (Starbase Geneva - Docking Area Slip 21 - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0921*) (USS Boudicca, Science Lab One, Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign (JG) Vanik, 09:22*) (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0923) (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 09.25) (Starbase Geneva - Docking Slip 21 - ACEO Lieutenant JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0927) (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0929) (USS Boudicca, First Officer's Office, Assistant CSO (JG) Vanik, 09:31*) (Starbase Geneva - Docking Slip 21 - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0932) (USS Boudicca - Fo's Office - aFO - Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0934*) (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0935) (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0951) (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1000) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1010) (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1015) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1021) (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1024) (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 1025) (USS Rosenante– Ready Room– LT David Micheal Tamblyn– 1027*) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 1029) (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1033) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 10.35) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1038) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 1040) (USS Rosenante - Bridge - Science Officer - Ensign Andrew Maddox - 1143) (Starbase Geneva - Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.00) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CO Captain Durand - 1615) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1620) (Star Base Geneva - Docking Area Slip 22 - Lieutenant Tom Jackson - 2nd Officer / COPS Day 1 1621) (SB Geneva - Bronk’s Bistro - Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 1 1623) (Starbase Geneva – Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon – CO Captain Durand – 1624) (Starbase Geneva -Secondery Recreation Level, Tavat's Bar -ACOPs - Ensign Smith - 1625) (SB Geneva - Primary Recreation Level Club Avalon Lt. Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2O/COPS Day 1 1627) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1629) (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Recreation Level, Outside Tavat's Bar, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 1630) (Starbase Geneva - Docking Area Slip 21 - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1634) (Geneva Station - Holodeck 4 - FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 1710) (Starbase Geneva - Workpod M3B - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1753) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Docking Ring - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 0750) In four days, it would be a month since Liam's son departed Starbase 989 for the mission that nearly took his life. His puppy Murphy probably wouldn't recognize him, considering how young the little dog was and how little time Eian had the opportunity to spend with him. The Kelman had been dispatched as backup for the Rosenante and Boudicca, but had arrived too late and both ships had already gone through the vortex. After waiting several days, Starfleet recalled the Kelman but left a beacon there should the ships emerge. It wasn't long after that, that Liam received notice of Eian's condition. But his time between leaving the Dovek system and receiving that notice was the most arduous time in Liam's life. He remembered similar feelings when worrying about his wife to worry in combat during the civil war. When he lost her, the sorrow he felt was so profound that it threatened his sanity. Knowing this deep despair was possible and resulted from such loss, the fear of losing Eian was almost more painful than receiving the news would be. And now a new pain had settled in. Liam had received a full version of Eian's medical report because of his own medical background. The first few lines were enough to tell him that Eian was fundamentally changed. If he was fundamentally changed on a physical level, Liam knew that mental and spiritual change came along with that. He wasn't sure to what levels yet, but whatever Eian was going through, he was going to be there to help. He still shivered thinking about it, even though he had gone over the medical reports enough to desensitize himself. His son's body had been attacked. It was abused in every sense of the word. It was scarred for life. His little boy, who he taught how to ride a bicycle, who he played hockey with, who happily ran up to him every time he came home, who asked him tough questions like 'why do bad people hurt other people?'...that little boy whose big blue eyes and red wavy hair had always made him stand out in a crowd, this little boy that he still saw in the grown man his son had become, was changed forever. Liam knew the advances of modern-day medicine, he knew that it was only because of this that Eian survived at all, that he was able to recover to the point that he had, and that he would be able to return to a normal life after his recovery was complete. But he also knew that Eian would never feel the same as he had the day before he was assimilated. The remaining implants would occasionally tingle. His replacement legs and arm would never feel the same as his original ones, despite all assurances that they should. His nerve activity would be different in the areas where his skin was grafted. Eian would even notice differences in the way he thought and in the way his mind processed information. Liam would question the license of any doctor that didn't take the psychological aspects of such a recovery into account when predicting to what extent a patient could 'assimilate' back into normal life. Resuming duties was one thing...returning to one's original emotional state was quite another. Regardless of what condition Eian was in when he emerged from the docking ring, Liam was going to be there for his son. The first step was to greet Eian and hand him his puppy, who was wiggling in Liam's grasp. The next step was to be supportive, be a listening ear, and help Eian adapt in whatever way was necessary. ~Father, give me the strength to be what Eian needs right now, guided always by Your hand. Amen,~ Liam prayed as he awaited the Rosenante's arrival. (reply none necessary) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1- 0800) Ten days. It had taken the Rosenante and the Boudicca ten days to reach Starbase 989 from the Dovek System. The damage to the ship's navigational, inertial systems and other critical components had basically prevented them from making the journey any faster. Being limited to warp two for the majority of the trip had done nothing but give everyone time to think. Combine that with tyrannical work schedules, emergency rations and minimal sleep and the trip had to be one of the most unpleasant ever mentioned in all of Starfleet history. Ahmed had hoped for a glimmer of relief when the station had finally been reached, only to have that hope shattered by the New station commander. He and Captain Durand had been told that the station simply could not repair the extensive damage that both ships had sustained. He had recommended Starbase Geneva. Ahmed had reluctantly agreed with him, despite his desire to not push either ship in his limited taskforce any further than necessary. The decision had been difficult enough, but in the end both captains had realized that there really weren't any other options available to them. So they had made arrangements with the Kelman to transport both the Boudicca's and Rosenante crew's families to Geneva, while the two ships limped their way there. Now, he was sitting in the command chair watching as the small blip that was Geneva Station swelled in the main viewer. As always the preeminent Starfleet facility in the sector was hopping with small vessel activity, buzzing around the dockyards and the main station like bees swarming around a hive. "Mister Soma, get me Geneva Station and captain Durand." (reply Soma, Durand) A few moments passed before the Station commander appeared beside the image of Durand on the screen. He was an older man, hair graying slightly at the temples. His eyes were sharp and keen, betraying his years of command experience. =^=Geneva Station, here captain Salid. Captain Randleman here. Welcome home=^= he said. "Thank you captain. " Ahmed replied, "Myself and Captain Durand of the Boudicca require extensive repairs to our ships after seeing action against the Borg. Can you accommodate us?" The man nodded once. =^=Indeed we can Captain. We received advanced notice of your task force's condition from Starbase 989, and the Kelman arrived yesterday morning with further information. We cleared two of our heavier repair bays for you. We have the Rosenante assigned to slip twenty two and the Boudicca to slip twenty three. I have two docking tugs ready and standing by to guide you into place.=^= Ahmed nodded. "Your forethought is very much appreciated captain. I thank you for being so proactive on our behalf." =^=You and your crews are quite welcome captain. Welcome to Geneva Station. Stand by to have the tugs move you into position. Geneva station out.=^= Ahmed turned to Durand. "Once we are docked in the repair slips, I suggest we allow our entire crew compliment a complete stand down for at least the next 72 hours. They need the time and Station yard engineers will need to assess the resources needed." (reply Soma, Durand) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Bridge, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma- 0804) Ben was manning the tactical station, back where he belonged now that Tom had returned from the Boudicca. He had liked the change to Ops for a while but he was more comfortable at tactical. They were nearing Geneva having been diverted from SB 989, it had been a long haul. Both ships limped along at warp two, it had given everyone time to catch up on reports and put everything into perspective. It had been a difficult and stressful mission for all. His parents were recovering, they still had multiple surgeries to undergo but they were back. He felt better knowing that, even considering all that had been lost. He had his report completed for the station quartermaster and for Captain Salid, the later detailed all damages to the tactical system as well as the loss of personnel. He had made recommendations for posthumous awards, commendations as well as adding a personal letter to all their family's stating how their son's and daughters, husbands and wives had given all in the line of duty to protect the ship and crew. He found those letters difficult to write but felt the need to express his feelings towards them, offer them something for their loss. Also included was a list recommending awards, commendations and promotions for those that survived the ordeal. He looked up from his console at the growing image of Geneva on the view screen. After ten days they had finally made it, time to lick their wounds and mourn their honored dead. They could finally rest, they had earned it. "Mister Soma, get me Geneva Station and captain Durand." Salid said. "Aye Sir." Ben replied. He went to work hailing both the station and the Boudicca, once he had confirmation from both he patched both channels together and activated the forward screen. Geneva faded from view and was replaced by the images of Captain Durand and Geneva's Commander. "Channel open Captain." He stated. Ben then listened to the exchange between the Captains and the Commander, both ships were to be towed into their respective slips. This probably bothered most of the bridge crew but Ben was used to being towed in, the Soma's Pride had bulled pulled into many a dock by tug or tractor beam. Though this had been the first time he was aboard a Federation Starship being towed in, he took it in stride. (reply any) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Bridge – CO Captain Durand – 0805) No Captain ever liked having his ship towed – not even by a docking tug at a Starfleet facility. Especially not as a result of battle damage making it a necessity. He managed to suppress a scowl, though his discontent had turned from simply that into a seething anger which bubbled just below the surface during the extended journey to Geneva. He had yielded to the logic of the situation, however. After all, Starbase 989 was still not fully operational after the damage sustained during the Boudicca and Rosenante’s previous visit. To be sure, the crews of both vessels had worked alongside the station crews to make things right, but there was still work to be done. He admitted – grudgingly – that even had the station been fully operational, the damage to both vessels from the engagement against the Borg would have been beyond the smaller stations’ repair abilities. Thus, Geneva. The Boudicca was cleared to bay twenty three, and Durand gave the needed orders to the officer at helm. He was largely a supernumerary, however, since the tugs were handling the bulk of the maneuver. =^=Once we are docked in the repair slips, I suggest we allow our entire crew compliment a complete stand down for at least the next 72 hours. They need the time and Station yard engineers will need to assess the resources needed.=^= Durand nodded at his superior. “Very well Captain.” He turned from the screen and activated the ship wide address system, keeping the comm. channel open to both Geneva and the Rosenante so that both respective commanders would know his orders as well. “All hands, this is the Captain. We are now docking at Geneva. Once the ship is secure, all personnel are to secure your respective systems and stand down. Personnel are not authorized to leave the confines of Geneva station or our respective ships without express permission of Command staff. That is all.” With that, he nodded respectfully to the images of Salid and Randleman. (Reply Salid iyw, Any, All) Durand turned to Caskie once the channel was closed. “Commander, please join me in the ready room a moment.” (Reply Caskie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0806*) Like the sensation of exiting the darkness of a tunnel Jacobs grinned as the Geneva Station came into view. He had been sitting in his newly acquired office watching a feed from the view screen on the bridge. The small image took longer than normal to come into view since the ships had been moving a tad bit slower because of the ships damages. At any rate Henry began to skim through all the padds on the desk he ordered from the working engineers. ~Hopefully this will assist the station engineers with the repairs. The deflector I will want to supervise myself~ Putting the padds back down on the desk Jacobs rose up from his chair and went to stand next to the warp core to address everyone all at once. "Folks we are coming up on Starbase Geneva. As we found out at Starbase 989 they were not able to accommodate both ships repairs so that is why we are here. Finish up all reports and have them on my desk before we dock. Also prepare for warp core shut down the second we are docked and running on station power." Jacobs looked around to notice the fatigue and hardness of everyone's face. They had all been working extremely diligently for days and they all needed rest. Jacobs included. (reply none) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Bridge - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - 0807) “All hands, this is the Captain. We are now docking at Geneva. Once the ship is secure, all personnel are to secure your respective systems and stand down. Personnel are not authorized to leave the confines of Geneva station or our respective ships without express permission of Command staff. That is all.” Josh finally breathed a sigh of relief as the Captain uttered these words. Finally now everyone could stand down and get some much needed rest and relaxation. She herself still had to organise the transfer of all the patients in Sickbay into the station's keeping. Check that all departments were ready for the transfer to station monitoring and finally report their readiness to the Captain and then she herself could take some much needed rest. As far as she was concerned what that consisted off was finding a room on Geneva, climbing into it's shower for about an hour or so, indulging in a hot meal that consisted of real food rather than emergency rations and then lying down to sleep until she woke up without anyone knocking on her door for any unforeseen real or imaginary emergency. She could almost taste the freedom and was looking forward to it. Right up until Durand turned to her. “Commander, please join me in the ready room a moment.” Not by one word, or any expression on her face did she show disappointment. She had hoped to be able to get down to Sickbay and then go off duty, but to be honest, she knew as acting FO it wasn't quite going to be that simple. Standing up she nodded, waited until the tug had indeed secured it's tractor beam on the Boudicca and followed the Captain into the ready room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS -Rosenante – Bridge - Lieutenant Tom Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 1 0809) Tom was sitting in his usual place at OPS. As the SB image grew in the view screen, Tom’s heart was a mix of emotions. He was glad to be near his Dahlia again. Tom also remembered his slaying of Maria Holly. That act would be in his dreams for years to come. He didn’t like being towed as he was sure neither of the Captain’s did either. But considering they were alive at all compensated for this feeling of frustration. His thoughts were broken as the Rosenante was cleared to dock in Bay 22. She was quickly secured. Captain Salid then spoke ship-wide issuing his instructions for the crew. Tom’s staff had been spared a lot of casualties compared to the other areas of the Rose. . Leave was foremost on all their minds to be sure. Tom was finalizing the repair orders with the ship’s departments. He purposely arranged for himself to be the last of the OPS staff to depart on leave. The repair lists for his ship occupied several data pads. Tom knew all the departments had similar piles of pads fro the yard master and their staffs. It was nice to not have to force any crew to remain behind and serve while others were off to play. He wondered what Dahlia would think of her husband as they met for the first time after all those months gone. Had she changed any? (Reply: none) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0815) Once they were in private, Durand wasted no time with preamble or pleasantry. “Commander, please ensure that Lieutenant Trei does not leave the ship, and maintain an awareness of his location at all times. As before, his security access is revoked pending a full investigation. I’d like you to begin that as soon as possible. I’ll need to make a personal report to the task force commander with our recommendations for action(s) attached.” (Reply Caskie, room for more) He smiled thinly, his mood softening somewhat as he settled in a bit. He sat casually on the edge of his desk. He wanted a coffee, but the replicators were still shut down for the moment. “Commander… what is your take on this? I cannot imagine an officer with his record deliberately sabotaging mission security like that… not willfully. He was on probation already. I’d like your thoughts, please.” (Reply Caskie, room for more) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0816) “Commander, please ensure that Lieutenant Trei does not leave the ship, and maintain an awareness of his location at all times. As before, his security access is revoked pending a full investigation. I’d like you to begin that as soon as possible. I’ll need to make a personal report to the task force commander with our recommendations for action(s) attached.” Josh kept her sigh to herself although she could see the shower, the meal and the bed receding far into the distance at present. "Understood Sir. Computer please locate the whereabouts of Lt Trei and keep me informed of his location at all times. Have him meet me in the FO's office in 30 minutes and have his security access revoked as from now, authorisation Caskie Delta Omega 528 Sigma." [Lt Trei is presently manning the console in the Main Brig. He had been notified to report to the FO's office in 30 minutes and all his security codes have now been revoked.] Josh turned back to the Captain once the computer had confirmed her orders. “Commander… what is your take on this? I cannot imagine an officer with his record deliberately sabotaging mission security like that… not willfully. He was on probation already. I’d like your thoughts, please.” Josh took a moment or two to gather her thoughts. "To be honest Sir I agree. I don't think it was deliberate. I just don't see Trei as the deliberate sabotage type. However given his previous conduct I do see him as someone who will willfully and deliberately disobey orders when he decides that those orders contradict what he thinks he should do. Whilst this might be a trait to be encouraged in FO's somewhat and with a great deal of temperance, having someone in his position, especially in charge of ship's security, respond in that manner is unacceptable and to be honest I see no other option than to convene a court martial given that this is now the second time that he has behaved this way. As much as I hate to say this, I think we have no other option given his previous actions and the Captain's Mast that he faced. I would also wish to tender my apologies. I was supposed to keep tabs on him so to speak and I let him get away from me Sir." (Reply Durand) Josh nodded. "Sir if you have no objections I need to go deal with Lt Trei and with all the 'paperwork' in Sickbay too. There are indeed numerous patients to transfer over to Geneva Sickbay and knowing Starfleet Medical they will already be knocking at my door waiting for me to release them. I will deal with Lt Trei before I leave the ship and will have a report ready for you within 24 hours. Is this acceptable?" (Reply Durand) (posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Sickbay – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0817) When Jessica first was beamed into the Boudicca's sickbay it was safe to say that her body just gave out, the sum of all she had gone though. Her wounds, the physical, and emotional stress had finally overpowered her body and tenacity. For three days the medical staff worked frantically to save her life. Removing shock probes, replacing her lung and healing her battered body. On the fourth day Jessica finally came to, weakly she sat up and looked about the sickbay that seemed to be her home. She saw the wheelchair next to her bed and realized what that meant. The Boudicca's power supplies were to low, They saved her life but there were still others that needed more medical attention than her shattered leg. The medical staff did what they could to mend her leg. It would heal but it would take time. She noticed a PADD on the small table next to the bio bed. She picked up the small device and read though its contents. The message wasn't long but by the time she finished reading over message contained with in She was in tears. ~Thank the gods he made it.~ She thought, has she clutched the PADD to her holding close. She type her reply in her own PADD before a nurse came by making her rounds, four simple words. 'I love you too'. Jessica wanted to talk to Eian had so much more she wanted to talk to him about but writing was still difficult without the use of her left hand and arm. "Welcome back to the land of the living." A person in medical blue spoke walking up to Jessica. "You gave us quite a scare." "How long have I been out?" Jessica inquired. "Almost four days." the medical personnel responded. Jessica gasped, the launched into a barrage of questions. "Who in charge of tactical, whats going on...." She was cut off has the medical person raised her hand silencing the young Jessica. "That for now is none of your concern. You are to stay put, rest, and heal. Trust me we are in good hands, expecially now that were are back in our own time and on our way to starbase 989." Jessica remained for a while letting all the medical staff told her to sink in. "Were back to our own time." Jessica finally managed to say softly, feeling tired again. "Yes now rest, I'll see to your message." The medical personal went about her work before taking the PADD and sending it on it's way. Jessica yawned and soon was off to a peaceful sleep. The next couple of days passed much the same has Jessica gained her strength, she gradually spent more time awake than asleep. She began to work on her report to Captain Durand from her stand point on the mission. It was probably the only mission brief he was lacking. If nothing else it gave Jessica something constructive to due. In the end nearly nine days after she first woke she finished her report. It was one of the hardest things she ever had to write, more than once she had to stop her work to cry. She wrote on the mission brief, the arrest of LT. Trei, the launching and detonation of the anti-matter mine and the wounds she suffered there. She brought the Captain up to speed on her time spent in the Rose's medical bay, her brief meeting with Lt. Rashen, the setting and building a tactical command center and the beachead defense at the bulkhead that had joined the ships and allowed for the continuance of operation after both bridges became compromised. she continued into the development of the Malicious code, of her voyage to find Lt. Soma and a suitable Borg drone to build the rest of the Malicious code that disabled the borg and allowed for them to be victorious. She described how she used Lt. Trei's own code to create a jamming program that separated Eian from the Borg and later Soma's parents and how a variation of the same program allowed her to get with in Volus's shields so she could combat him. She continued on telling the tell of how she penetrated into the depth's of the Rose to find Volus in an attempt to cut off the Serpents head. She told of every borg she killed and how she hoped it would allow counter offensives in other places of the ship. Finally she told of Volus and two engagements she had with him. She wrote how with out the knowledge she gathered from the first battle that she was able to bet him in the second. She wrote about his personality and safe proclaimed godhood and how he used what he could knew about the crew of both ships turning that knowledge against the crews, in an effort to break down the mental wall of defiance in an attempt to bring people willingly to the efforts of the Borg. Jessica knew of at least one instance were this was true, even though the identity of the officer still was a mystery to her, But Volus had made mention of his own assassin. Once she was finished She handed over to the one of the medical staff. "Please see that the Captain, or Commander Caskie gets this, it's of the highest importance." She handed over the PADD containing the many pages of her report. Along with it she passed a second PADD containing the downloaded images and video from her tactical circlet. She hoped this would clear the more hard to believe aspects of her report. Also with the files contained in that PADD was the video of her final confrontation with the Borg commander and how he met his final end. Jessica remained in medical for only a few more days. When the Captains voice came over the ships Comm. system =/\= All hands, this is the Captain. We are now docking at Geneva. Once the ship is secure, all personnel are to secure your respective systems and stand down. Personnel are not authorized to leave the confines of Geneva station or our respective ships without express permission of Command staff. That is all. =/\= Jessica smiled at the news, soon she hoped, soon she would be able to see Eian again. She grabbed the PADD. That contained the message he first sent to her more so many days ago. She held it tightly against her, whispering. "Soon my love, soon." (reply none but always welcome.) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0819) He studied his first officer closely, without being obtrusive about it. That was a skill developed over time; it wasn’t really something that you learned at command school, but it was a critically important part of the tools needed to do the job he had been assigned. This was the first time they had been alone together since the heat of battle. He thought he caught a ripple of emotion beneath Caskie’s tightly controlled façade, but even he couldn’t be sure. They hadn’t worked together all that long… and aside from being a demonstrably excellent command officer, she was also from all reports a highly skilled physician. As he knew from his father, doctor’s faces showed exactly what they wished them too, no more. Even so, he was fairly certain that she had to be feeling the strain as much or more than he was. After all, Durand had the benefit of a period of forced unconsciousness during the battle – Caskie had ably carried the full load during that time. “… I would also wish to tender my apologies. I was supposed to keep tabs on him so to speak and I let him get away from me Sir." He smiled, thinly but genuinely for the first time in recent memory. Gesturing toward the comfortable and roomy couch against one bulkhead, he took a seat on one end of it. “Commander… Josh… let’s take a step back, shall we? I’m being a little thoughtless here, and for that I apologize. First, let me thank you personally. You kept things together while I was hors ‘d combat.” He held up his hand, expecting that she might protest. “Yes, I know that’s *your job*, but you did it better than I could have hoped for, maybe better than I would have done in your position. The official record will reflect that, of course… but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your outstanding work.” (Reply Caskie iyw) He rose from the couch and made his way across the room to a small vanity. He extracted a bottle and two tumblers from it, pouring a generous two fingers of single malt into each one, then crossed the room again and offered one to her. “I know it’s early in the day… but I think given the schedule we’ve kept we can ignore the chronometer, don’t you?” (Reply Caskie) He smiled again and continued his thought. “No apology is necessary. You could hardly be expected to anticipate such an unorthodox action. Besides, as the Captain I’m ultimately responsible for the conduct of everyone in my command… and that includes you and I.” (Reply Caskie) “Now. With his security codes revoked… and the state the ship is in… I hardly think it likely he can cause or get into much trouble here at Geneva, or aboard. If I deemed otherwise, it is of course within my scope of authority to remand him to the Brig pending trial. I don’t feel that’s needed, do you?” (Reply Caskie) He nodded. “Very well then. Now to amend my previous orders. I want you – and you may consider this a direct order, Josh – to enlist whatever help you need from the medical personnel on Geneva. There are plenty of competent professionals here, I *do not* want you trying to handle the medical duties alone. Until we get back to full staffing, I will ask you to oversee operations – our surviving medical staff is pretty green, with a couple of exceptions – however,” he paused for emphasis, and to take a sip of his Scotch. “However, once you set that in motion through delegation of your authority, I expect you to include yourself in that 72 hour stand down, alright? Josh, you’ve proven yourself – beyond question – to be an indispensable member of this crew, and I can’t think of anyone I’d prefer to have in that job under my command. I’m going to recommend you get the FO billet permanently—“ he chuckled mirthlessly – “assuming of course that I am still in authority after the board of inquiry I’ll be no doubt facing. As to the investigation pending trial, I need to clear our actions with the task force commander, and probably check with a JAG representative before we proceed. I intend to go see Captain Salid when you and I are finished here.” (Reply Caskie, Room for more iyw) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - aFO Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0821) For the first time in a very long while Josh saw her captain genuinely smile. Yes he had, on the trip to Geneva, used what was called a 'social' smile, as everyone else had. It was long recognised as a way to get through the day and attempt to keep everyone happy. Lord knows Josh had practiced this hundreds of times in her career as a doctor and, she realised, probably more than was good during the trip to Geneva. Gesturing toward a comfortable and roomy couch set against the bulkhead, he took a seat on one end of it and waited until Josh joined him before continuing. “Commander… Josh… let’s take a step back, shall we? I’m being a little thoughtless here, and for that I apologize. First, let me thank you personally. You kept things together while I was hors ‘d combat.” He held up his hand, expecting that she might protest. “Yes, I know that’s *your job*, but you did it better than I could have hoped for, maybe better than I would have done in your position. The official record will reflect that, of course… but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your outstanding work.” Josh shrugged her shoulders. "Thank you Sir, but I was merely doing what was needed to keep us all alive. No more nor less than any member of either crew would have or did do, yourself included. Josh watched as he rose and crossed over to his small vanity and came back with a couple of glasses of what appeared to be something alcoholic. Crossing back he handed one to Josh and continued. “I know it’s early in the day… but I think given the schedule we’ve kept we can ignore the chronometer, don’t you?” Josh allowed a bark of laughter to escape her. "Sir, during my career in the Fleet I have disappeared and reappeared five years later and have now gone back millions of years and come back again give or take a month or two. I barely know what year it is now never mind what the time is. She held her glass up to the light admiring it's amber colour. "Anyway, as I am sure the Borg would say, Time is irrelevant." Taking a smell and then a sip she regarded her captain. "Tastes and smells peaty. Is it Lagavulan or perhaps Islay? Anyway whatever one it is it is welcome. Thank you." (Reply Durand iyw) “No apology is necessary. You could hardly be expected to anticipate such an unorthodox action. Besides, as the Captain I’m ultimately responsible for the conduct of everyone in my command… and that includes you and I.” Nodding Josh agreed with him. "Indeed you are Sir, however as night follows day I am equally responsible for what happened whilst I was in charge. There is no getting around that fact." “Now. With his security codes revoked… and the state the ship is in… I hardly think it likely he can cause or get into much trouble here at Geneva, or aboard. If I deemed otherwise, it is of course within my scope of authority to remand him to the Brig pending trial. I don’t feel that’s needed, do you?” Josh smiled but this time ruefully. "I'm not so sure of that. To be honest I am beginning to come around to the theory that Lt Trei is somewhat of an extremely loose cannon so to speak and could probably get into trouble all by himself in an empty and locked room. However given the state of this ship even if we wanted to remand him to the brig we couldn't. It would mean either assigning security officers to guard him when they should be on downtime, asking Geneva to lend us officers, or having him remanded to Geneva custody and to be honest I am reluctant to use any of these methods at present. I agree in as much as I don't think he will disappear however I would suggest than when I speak to him I will make it clear that he is free to move around the station on his own recognisance however any further breach of disciple, however minor, will indeed get him free board and lodgings in Geneva's brig. If you are happy with that then so am I." Josh watched as the Captain agreed with her and then brought up something else. “Very well then. Now to amend my previous orders. I want you – and you may consider this a direct order, Josh – to enlist whatever help you need from the medical personnel on Geneva. There are plenty of competent professionals here, I *do not* want you trying to handle the medical duties alone. Until we get back to full staffing, I will ask you to oversee operations – our surviving medical staff is pretty green, with a couple of exceptions – however,” he paused for emphasis, and to take a sip of his Scotch. “However, once you set that in motion through delegation of your authority, I expect you to include yourself in that 72 hour stand down, alright? Josh, you’ve proven yourself – beyond question – to be an indispensable member of this crew, and I can’t think of anyone I’d prefer to have in that job under my command. I’m going to recommend you get the FO billet permanently—“ he chuckled mirthlessly – “assuming of course that I am still in authority after the board of inquiry I’ll be no doubt facing. As to the investigation pending trial, I need to clear our actions with the task force commander, and probably check with a JAG representative before we proceed. I intend to go see Captain Salid when you and I are finished here.” Josh grinned at him. "Believe me sir when I leave here I plan to transfer every single one of our wounded over to the Medical Centre on Geneva and then have Sickbay more or less shut down except for one or two members of Geneva medical staff who will be on duty for the next 72 hours in case of any emergencies. After I have spoken to Lt Trei and organised and forwarded all the department reports to you and seen that the Geneva staff all have copies, believe me you won't see me for dust. I plan to find quarters on Geneva, take a long, a very long shower, have something decent to eat and sleep for a very long time, and to be honest Sir, it is my recommendation as CMO that once you are through with Command you do exactly the same thing yourself." (Reply Durand iyw, but not needed) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante– Bridge– LT Chance Raschen– 0825) Chance sat at his security station on the bridge doing some multitasking. Basically doing the CSec thing while touching up recommendations for awards and promotions to turn in to the skipper before the tugs start putting the Rose into her assigned slip. Its no where near the first time Chance had been on a ship that had to be towed into the slip. Hell, he'd been through 2 wars and God knows how many skirmishes. He had always made it home, but needed help at the end a time or 12. Raschen looked up at the main view screen and saw the yard tugs approaching. Satisfied with what he had, he walked over to Sullivan and handed her the PADD that had the documents he was working on. "Commander, this has all my recommendations for awards and promotions." (Reply Sullivan) "Yes ma'am, I'll be willing to answer any questions after we dock." (Reply Sullivan) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Main Engineering - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0840) By this time the Boudicca had made it into the slips of Repair Bay 23. As Jacobs gave the order for the warp core shut down process the starbase personnel wasted no time boarding the ship and arriving in engineering. What seemed like hundreds of engineers began to fill the engineering walls as the ships counterparts exited out. The pulsing of the warp core engine slowed as the shut down system was completed. "Jacobs to the bridge, warp core shut down complete." (reply any) "Commander Caskie please respond." (reply Caskie) "Yes ma'am I would like to speak with you alone at your earliest convenience." (reply Caskie) "Thank you ma'am for your time and I look forward to speaking with you." (reply Caskie) Jacobs tapped his chest to close the channel and walked over to who seemed to be in charge of the repairs for the Boudicca. "Hello I am the acting Chief Engineer on board the Boudicca. Lets get to work shall we?" (reply any) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Sickbay - CMO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0842) As soon as Josh had left the Captain she had made her way to Sickbay where indeed Geneva medical staff were already waiting to transfer her remaining patients to their own Sickbay. Handing over a stack of padds detailing their various conditions to the doctor in charge Josh watched as they were all transferred out of the bay. Taking one final look around Josh tried to remember when she had ever come across a Sickbay so devoid of anyone but staff. She had to rack her brains but eventually she smiled remembering the first time she had stepped aboard the Rose as it's CMO. Smiling at the memory she turned to the Sickbay staff clustered around the main room. "Ok boys and girls, make sure all your reports are up to date and sent to my terminal before you leave, but, assuming that, you are all free to go get some rest. I believe that the Geneva quartermaster has assigned us all rooms aboard the station, believe me you really don't want to stay onboard ship given the repairs that will have to be done to it. Geneva will be far more comfortable. You are all on leave for the next 72 hours, so go have fun and report back here in 72 hours." She made a shooing motion with her hands and smiled as she watched most of the staff leave for Geneva. Walking back into the CMO's office she began collating all the medical reports ready to send to the Captain when she heard her comm badge chirp. =/\=Commander Caskie please respond.=/\= The person on the other end of the channel hadn't specified who they were but Josh recognised Ensign Jacobs voice and tapping her badge in return she responded. "Caskie here Ensign, how can I help you?" The reply intrigued Josh. =/\= Yes ma'am I would like to speak with you alone at your earliest convenience.=/\= Tapping her comm badge again she checked the time and realised that she would have to be in the FO's office to meet with Lt Trei in about twenty minutes. "Very well Ensign please meet me in the FO's office at 0910 if that is acceptable to you. I can spare you five minutes. Ten if you plan to resign from the fleet." (Reply Jacobs) (posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Observation Lounge - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - Day 1 - 0845) Ael stood outside the Observation Lounge wishing to be honest that she was anywhere else but here. She waited whilst the chime acknowledged her presence and she was granted entry. Trying her hardest to keep this short and sweet she stopped in front of the Captain's desk and handed him a padd. "Sir whilst I am a Starfleet Officer , I was indeed given the mission to aid the Boudicca and the Rosenante by a member of the Romulan Senate and a member of the Senate who would have quite happily have seen all of us dead at the end of this mission since it suited his ambition. I was also asked by him to report at the end of the mission if at all possible, and that padd contains a report that I would like your permission to send. Not to him, but to the Senate courtesy of my father Senator T'Rillian." (reply Durand) "As you can see from reading it my report is detailed in the extreme about the Borg threat but carries no information about how we defeated then other than we did. I have made no specific references as to where we found the Borg although given the information I was given by this Senator, the Romulan's already knew that they were at Dovek III. However I am fairly sure that they did not understand why the Borg were there and probably had no reason to think that Dovek III was indeed part of the T'Kon empire at one point. (reply Durand iyw) I request your permission to send this report to Senator T'Rillian once you have read it over and I also request your permission to disembark from the Boudicca. I will arrange quarters on Geneva until I can arrange transport back to Earth since I no longer have my own transport." (Reply Durand) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0850) Durand looked up at the sound of the door chime, and called out for whomever it was to enter. He was surprised at his guest, having allowed himself to put her presence aboard in the back of his mind. He still wasn’t particularly comfortable having her on the ship, but took the PADD she offered with a growing sense of curiosity. "Sir whilst I am a Starfleet Officer , I was indeed given the mission to aid the Boudicca and the Rosenante by a member of the Romulan Senate and a member of the Senate who would have quite happily have seen all of us dead at the end of this mission since it suited his ambition. I was also asked by him to report at the end of the mission if at all possible, and that padd contains a report that I would like your permission to send. Not to him, but to the Senate courtesy of my father Senator T'Rillian." ~Interesting. A parent in the Romulan Senate?~ He made a mental note to fully review the lieutenant’s personnel file as soon as he had a moment to do so. He thought it might make interesting reading indeed. He simply nodded and allowed her to continue. As he listened he was speed reading the data on the PADD to get the gist of it, if not the details. His interest grew further as she went on to explain that she had ‘laundered’ – rather carefully it appeared – all of the tactically significant and sensitive details from her report. Of course, without detailed analysis, it was possible that she could have hidden a coded message within the body of the data packet. She had been vetted fully by Starfleet intel, he supposed. If that were the case, it should be obvious by what was missing from her file, and what he couldn’t access in her records when he did so. But that would have to wait. “Lieutenant, I appreciate you coming to me with this. Clearly, you could have sent this as a private message to your father as you suggest. Permission to send it, however, now that you have brought it to my attention, is not mine to give or withhold. As you are aware, Captain Salid was the Task Force commander, and the ultimate authority to release any after action report or communication resides solely with him. As to your second request, permission to disembark is granted, with a proviso.” He paused and looked up at her briefly, attempting to read the inscrutable. “Until I receive orders to the contrary, you are, by Starfleet fiat, attached to my crew. So I’d appreciate it if you kept that in mind. You are under the same restrictions of movement that I broadcast to the rest of the crew earlier. I trust you have no issue with that? In the meantime, I’ll forward your report to Captain Salid. He may wish to see your personally. I will keep you informed either way.” (Reply T’Rillian, Room for more iyw) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - Day 1 - 0853) Ael listened to everything the Captain had to say and smiling gently began to speak to him. Actually Sir, if you would be so good as to check my orders you will find that I am not under any orders from Starfleet to aide either the Rosenante or the Boudicca. My orders came from the Romulan Senate and Command gave me no orders regarding the Boudicca or indeed the Rosenante. At present I am a civilian who got caught up in something that she helped in a small way with and nothing more. Whilst I am happy to have served in any way I could my orders are that I must report back to the Academy in two weeks time, and whilst I am willing to leave a deposition regarding my actions on the Boudicca and the Rosenante I do need to return to earth shortly. (Reply Durand) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Temporary Quarters, Lieutenant jg Ben Soma, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 0900) Since the final defeat of Volus, the destruction of the Tkon sphere, and their return to their proper time and then to Geneva, the remaining Rosenante crew had been working long hours. Sanok had wanted to talk with Ben about the return of his parents, but because things had been so busy, he hadn't had the chance until now. Going to Ben's temporary quarters on the base, he rang the door chime. Ben rose from his seat and crossed to the door, he wasn't expecting anyone so early in the morning. It may be some wayward ensign looking for authorization to transfer something to the Rose, or a repair schedule he might have to approve. He pressed the door release and was surprised to see Sanok standing on the other side. Ben couldn't help but smile. "Don't tell me there's another fire at the Hyperion." "No, there is not," said Sanok before he realized Ben had made a joke. Ben stepped aside and allowed his friend to enter, once the door had closed he added, "What's on your mind Sanok?" "I do not wish to disturb you if you are busy, but there is something I would like to discuss with you." Ben waved towards the common area of his suite. "Let's have a seat then." He said knowing his friend would prefer to stand but would humor him anyway. Once they had been seated Ben leaned back on the sofa, it felt good to sit and relax for a bit, he was curious as to what Sanok wanted to discus. "We've been through a lot together my friend." Ben said. "I'm never to busy to listen to what you have to say." Sanok got right to the point. "I wanted to talk with you about this much sooner, but because we have all been so busy, I did not have the opportunity." He paused, knowing this would be an emotional time for his friend. "I wanted to let you know, that it is extremely agreeable to me that you have your parents back. Since they will need time to recover, and since you will want to be with them, will you be taking an absence from Starfleet?" There was more Sanok had to tell Ben, but he first had to wait to see what Ben's plans were. It was important for him to be with his parents now, so perhaps Sanok should not tell Ben the rest. "Thank you, I'm very glad to have them back." Ben smiled, glad hardly explained how he felt. "I had thought about taking a leave." Ben said. "But after speaking with my father I decided against it." Sanok had advised Ben to leave Starfleet in the past, surely he wasn't going to do the same now. Sure Ben wanted to spend some time with his parents, catch them up on what happened over the last decade but he was happy where he was and had no desire to leave. "They still have countless surgeries and the medical staff have very strict visiting hours." Ben continued. "Taking a leave now would not be a good idea, Captain Salid needs everyone of us where we are." It was true that they were all needed right now, but because of the damage to the Rosenante was so extensive, it was going to take weeks, perhaps even months, to restore it to full capacity. There were rumors that much of the crew would be transferred to other assignments. There were also rumors the senior staff would be granted some leave time. This would be a perfect time for Ben and Sanok to take care of certain matters. He had to tell Ben everything. "Late last night, I received a communique from Rupert, the co-owner of RJ's on SB 989. While we were there, I paid him to use his connections to try to find Marah. I have disturbing news." Ben could feel his body tremble at the idea that Marah was in trouble. He had tried locating her himself but had no luck, she had disappeared from his family residence without a trace. He could feel the heat rising in his face. He clenched his right fist and placed it in his left hand. "Tell me." Ben said looking at his friend. Sanok could see Ben's strong reaction; he knew Ben would be upset, but he had to be direct. "While on Earth, Marah was abducted by an unknown person and taken to Axtis III. She was turned over to relatives of Kavol. They left Axtis, but it is not clear where they went. There has been no trace of her since then by anyone. It is possible she is no longer alive." While Sanok and Ben were on leave on Axtis III, Ben had participated in a martial arts tournament there. It is also where he met Marah, a lovely Bajoran woman also there to compete. Unfortunately, Kavol, a possessive Nausican, felt Marah belonged to him. Kavol was murdered, and Ben was initially accused of it. After Sanok took charge of the investigation, Ben was cleared and the evidence pointed to Marah. Someone else turned out to be the killer, but the result was, that Ben and Marah began a relationship. Marah had gone to live on Earth in Ben's family home, but she mysteriously disappeared from there. Because Sanok and Ben were serving in Starfleet, and because they had been on one of the ships that jumped ahead five years in time, they had lost all trace of Marah. Marah dead, that was a thought Ben was unwilling to entertain for the slightest of moments. "She's alive Sanok, I know she is." Ben said as he stood up and began pacing in front of the sofa. "We'll have to get to Axtis III, talk to that Ferengi Bral. He has to know something, someone has to know something." Ben turned to face Sanok, pain evident in his features. "We have to find her." Five years had passed since he had seen her, felt her in his arms. He missed the smell of her hair, the softness of her skin, the peace he felt when he was with her. She had to be alive, he had to find her. Even if that meant he had to fight every member of Kavol's family in the process. Sanok had grown up with his emotions, so he could understand how Ben felt right now. He knew this was very hard on his friend, especially after how happy he was feeling after learning that his parents had been returned to him. He also agreed that they needed to find Marah. "I have heard rumors that we will be granted leave time soon. I will go with you to Axtis III," said Sanok. "Thank you Sanok," Ben replied. "One day I'll get to return the favor." Ben didn't know when or where, but he would return the favor in some way. "There is no favor to return," said Sanok, standing to his feet. "You make my life more exciting." Sanok's face had no expression, though there may have been a slight glint in his eyes. "Nevertheless," Ben said. "I'm in your debt." Sanok placed his hand on Ben's arm. "I will contact Rupert again and see if he can locate Bral. We will find her, Ben, if it is the last thing we do." (reply none) (posted by Milo and Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0901*) Josh had made it back to her office a few moments before Lt Trei was expected. Sitting down at her desk and picking up the appropriate padd she waited for him to arrive. (Reply Trei) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 09.07) Her door chimed and Josh sighed knowing that this was Lt Trei and she was not looking forward to saying what needed to be said to him. However as a doctor Josh was used to delivering bad news so pulling one of her many padds to the top of the pile Josh asked him to enter and when he had she hit the privacy button on her desk ensuring that no-one except the Captain would be able to enter. The Lieutenant entered and Josh was quite taken aback to find him beginning to speak before she had even begun to address him. "Before you lay your judgment, I would like to offer myself for the crew. I offer to teach both crews to fight with a battlaff. It can be done in the Holodeck. There is plenty of time to do it while the ship is being repaired. There can even be a tournament conducted in the Holodeck as well. Consider it please." His request didn't honestly surprise her since she was indeed aware of the Lieutenant's ability to be an excellent officer if he could only reign back his obvious compulsion to follow his own instincts over any orders he had been given. She thought about it for a moment or two and then addressed him. "Very well Lieutenant I agree. I find it an appropriate use of your time whilst on Geneva Station and you have my permission to conduct such a class and I will inform Geneva Quartermaster that you will be doing so. Please arrange with him regarding your holodeck needs. However, I am making two stipulations. Firstly all holodeck safeties will remain in place and you will not be permitted to alter that setting. Secondly, all Batleths that are used for your training regime will be wooden ones and again you will not be allowed to alter this. This is non negotiable Lieutenant so you might as well get used to it." (Reply Trei iyw) "Now Lieutenant we come to the reason that I asked you to report to my office. "It is my duty as First Officer of the USS Boudicca to inform you that because of certain of your actions during our last mission I have, unfortunately, had to suggest to Captain Durand that you face a formal Court Martial regarding said actions. Captain Durand will contact you once he has made a decision regarding this, but, as First Officer I do have to inform you that until we have conducted a full enquiry regarding your actions and come to a firm decision you are removed from duty pending that enquiry. All of your security codes have been revoked by me and you are remanded, on your own recognisance, to Geneva station until any and all charges that may ensue have been resolved. You will be escorted off the Boudicca by the two Security Officers waiting outside my office at present. They will allow you to return to your quarters and gather anything you think you will need for your stay on Geneva and will then escort you to the Geneva Quartermasters office where you will receive your billet. You will not be allowed back on the Boudicca without either my express permission or that of Captain Durand's so I suggest you take everything you think you will need." (Reply Trei) "Now Lieutenant, you are being remanded to Geneva station on your own recognisance. That means that you need to behave yourself. Believe me, any infraction and you will find yourself getting free bed and board in Geneva's Brig. Do I make myself clear?" (Reply Trei) Josh nodded. Very well then. You're dismissed Lieutenant." (Reply Trei) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 09.10) Detron listened to what CDR Caskie had to say. He somewhat expected to be under a full court marshal so it didn't shock him much. He was happy to be able to conduct the Battlaff Training Class but on the station instead. That was OK for him and he understood the caution with wooden Battlaffs. "Understood sir" He left the office --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0913) Jacobs was reviewing his padds as he saw Lt. Trei leave the office. He had shown up at the time the Commander had given him but it appeared she was preoccupied dealing with the Lt. He stood and walked over to the double doors and the door chimed to alert her of his presence. (reply Caskie) "Thank you for taking the time to hear me out. As you can see the condition of my eye is beyond repair. I wanted to show you these." He handed the padds over to her and she begin to read them. The padds contained extensive information on ocular implants and the latest advances in that particular field of surgery. Henry had plenty of time to do the research while the ship took its time making it's way to Starbase Geneva. It was his plan to have the surgery done during the extended leave. While doing his reading he had no one better in mind to perform the surgery than the ships foremost Doctor. "I was hoping that during our time here you would be able to perform the surgery." (reply Caskie) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0915) Just after Trei left her door chime sounded and Josh, knowing that Ensign Jacobs was due called for him to enter. Normally she operated an 'open door' policy but due to the serious and private nature of her discussion with Lt Trei she had activated her privacy light and ensured that her door was locked. Ensign Jacobs entered the room and without any social preamble immediately got down to why he was there. "Thank you for taking the time to hear me out. As you can see the condition of my eye is beyond repair. I wanted to show you these." He handed her various padds and as Josh began to read then he carried on speaking. "I was hoping that during our time here you would be able to perform the surgery." Josh sighed quietly to herself and looked up from the padds regarding the Ensign. Motioning to the chair opposite her she asked him to be seated and finally, putting the padds down on her desk she smiled at him. "Firstly Ensign I would like you to know that I have not forgotten about your injury. I have this morning sent a whole stack of padds off to Geneva Medical letting them know what medical procedures still needed to be dealt with in regard to our crew and I can assure you that one of those padds did indeed cover your eye injury and what medical steps I thought necessary to restore you to full function. As you were no doubt aware given the nature of the damage to our ship and the severe shortages we faced I thought it best to wait, in your case, until we reached Geneva. I am sure you understand this. They have far more extensive facilities and are far better equipped for this kind of surgery." (Reply Jacobs iyw) "No doubt Geneva Medical will be contacting you shortly to arrange to have you report to them for evaluation. I am surprise, but flattered that you would wish me to perform the surgery and I thank you for the compliment Ensign. However I must point out that although I indeed still hold a current Medical Practitioner's Licence I must point out that it in no way allows me 'carte blanche' to perform surgery on Geneva Station without the express permission of the Station CMO. Whilst it is possible that I might indeed outrank the Geneva CMO within the Fleet. He is still the ranking medical officer on this station and I would not even attempt this operation without his express permission and without him participating fully in the procedure." (Reply Jacobs) Josh took a deep breath and continued. "However, what I am willing to do is this. I will be stopping by Geneva Medical today to check on all of the patients that I have transferred there. I will indeed speak to the CMO and mention your request and I would ask you to mention it also when they call you in for your first evaluation. However as I do not know the CMO at all and have no idea how he will take this request I would indeed caution you against getting your hopes up. However I will do my best to facilitate your request and will keep you notified of what is happening." (Reply Jacobs) Nodding again she smiled. "Very well Ensign I will keep you posted. Now if that is all, I simply need you to make sure that all your reports are forward to me and once that is done I am ordering you to take 72 hours leave and find your billet on the station. I am further ordering you not to set foot on this ship for the next 72 hours and whilst I can't order you not to check up on the repair schedule I am suggesting to you that you need to relax just as much and possibly more so than everyone else on our crew. Geneva staff will take a lot more than 72 hours to fix all the repairs the Boudicca needs and they, the ship and the repairs will still be here after your 72 hour leave. Do I make myself clear Ensign." (Reply Jacobs) She watched him leave and just before he exited her office she spoke to him again. "Ensign, I will check on the whereabouts of the Boudicca staff. Don't let me end up finding out that you spent any of your 72 hours aboard." (Reply Jacobs iyw) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0919) Henry was taking his time examining the Commander's body language as she reviewed the padds he had handed to her. He was excited about finally having the time to address the issue of his eye, and what a benefit an ocular implant would be, especially to an engineer. He was snapped out of his day dreaming when she started to respond. "Firstly Ensign I would like you to know that I have not forgotten about your injury. I have this morning sent a whole stack of padds off to Geneva Medical letting them know what medical procedures still needed to be dealt with in regard to our crew and I can assure you that one of those padds did indeed cover your eye injury and what medical steps I thought necessary to restore you to full function. As you were no doubt aware given the nature of the damage to our ship and the severe shortages we faced I thought it best to wait, in your case, until we reached Geneva. I am sure you understand this. They have far more extensive facilities and are far better equipped for this kind of surgery." Gathering his thoughts which were running extremely fast through his mind, Jacobs formulated a sentence. "I am well aware that the medical facilities on Geneva are state-of-the-art and superceed those on board the Boudicca." In response the Commander replies. "No doubt Geneva Medical will be contacting you shortly to arrange to have you report to them for evaluation. I am surprise, but flattered that you would wish me to perform the surgery and I thank you for the compliment Ensign. However I must point out that although I indeed still hold a current Medical Practitioner's Licence I must point out that it in no way allows me 'carte blanche' to perform surgery on Geneva Station without the express permission of the Station CMO. Whilst it is possible that I might indeed outrank the Geneva CMO within the Fleet. He is still the ranking medical officer on this station and I would not even attempt this operation without his express permission and without him participating fully in the procedure." This what started making Jacobs think. It appeared that the process would take longer than he expected and it was starting to look like the Commander would not be participating in the procedure. However, he was reassured as she continued to talk. "However, what I am willing to do is this. I will be stopping by Geneva Medical today to check on all of the patients that I have transferred there. I will indeed speak to the CMO and mention your request and I would ask you to mention it also when they call you in for your first evaluation. However as I do not know the CMO at all and have no idea how he will take this request I would indeed caution you against getting your hopes up. However I will do my best to facilitate your request and will keep you notified of what is happening." The news reassured him and he took his mind off his eye and started thinking about getting his sleeping assignment on board Starbase Geneva. He thanked the Commander again for her consideration and enthusiasm about helping him out. Grabbing his padds he made haste to his quarters and grabbed what he needed to take with him on board the Starbase. (reply Any) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0920) Thankfully Josh only had one final thing to organise before she left the ship and pulling another padd to the top of her pile she opened a channel and contacted Ensign Vanik. "Cmdr Caskie to Ensign Vanik, please report to the FO's Office asap." (Reply Vanik) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Docking Area Slip 21 - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0921*) After the ship was docked and the non-essential personnel was cleared to disembark, Eian assumed that he would stay in Engineering and help Matrix 'tie up the boat.' But to his surprised, after his preliminary duties were done, Matrix suggested that he go ahead with the others. It both pleased and annoyed him. He wanted to be treated normally, resume his previous life, and have everyone act as if nothing had happened. But that wasn't possible. It did offer him probably the only chance that he would ever get at an early leave. He had been thinking a lot in the past few weeks, like everyone else on the ship. With nothing but time to contemplate the horrific mission and think about his future, he had decided that with his new take on life and faith, he needed more direction. He needed to do something meaningful with his life, something that involved command or at least his passion, tactical. Whatever that ended up being, he knew it wouldn't come with much leave time. There would be time to figure that out, though. After such a trying journey home, eating emergency rations for weeks and living off of limited power, which meant limited potable water, showers, uniforms, basic medical treatment, no entertainment, etc...Eian was as ready for leave as everyone else. And he knew he needed to reassure his father, who was probably an emotional wreck, that he was okay. He disembarked the ship with a simple duffel bag that contained the few items he had salvaged from his quarters. His uniform was dirty and hadn't been changed in days. He was off the leg braces, but much to his frustration he was still limping slightly. Therefore, he didn't run to his father as he saw other people running into their loved ones' arms. His father came to him instead. Eian beamed when he saw Murphy, the first genuine grin he had worn for weeks. They embraced each other without words, Liam burying his face in the top of Eian's head, closing his eyes in a silent prayer of thanks, and then kissing the top of his son's head once before pulling away. "Praise God," he whispered. Eian looked down. He couldn't reciprocate on the prayer. He didn't want to tell his father his conclusion, was embarrassing. He took Murphy and held the puppy close to him as the little dog began licking his face happily. Apparently he remembered Eian after all. "Are you hungry? Do you want to go to your quarters first or do you want something to eat?" His father seemed to be studying him, calculating what he should say. Eian hiked up the duffel bag strap on his shoulder and said, "Let's go to my quarters and drop off this stuff...I'll change into something that isn't two weeks' dirty, take a shower, and then we can grab some food. I'm starving." With that decided, Liam took the duffel bag from his son and put an arm around his shoulder, leading him to his quarters. He was so happy to have his son back that he didn't want to let go. (reply none necessary) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca, Science Lab One, Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign (JG) Vanik, 09:22*) Vanik had spent most of the morning helping Operations with the repairs to the Science Labs, which had been badly damaged during the fight with the Borg. However, he was pleased with the rate that the repairs were processing. He was confident that this lab would be up and running within the next few hours. The main task right now was to help remove the damaged panels and bulkheads which littered the room. One of the supporting beams had been torn from the wall and was now over the floor in several pieces, and the section of ceiling which it had supported was also scattered around the floor. Several crewpersons from Operations were picking the pieces up and putting them to one side to be recycled later and turned back into a bulkhead and ceiling. With a PADD in hand, Vanik was recording the damage and logging it into the databanks. The hole in the ceiling was so big that they could see to the deck above and for some reason, some of the Human crewpersons found this funny, waving at each other though the hole and laughing. Vanik didn't find anything amusing about this whatsoever. =/\="Commander Caskie to Ensign Vanik, please report to the FO's Office ASAP."=/\= Vanik pressed his COMM badge. =/\="Ensign Vanik here. Message recived and understood. On my way now."=/\= Vanik handed his PADD to a Sceince Crewperson. "Take over here, Crewperson. I have already logged in all the damage from this side, so start at the other." "Aye Sir." The white male Human said, nodding. Vanik made his way to the door and walked to the First Officer's Office. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0923) Due to her medical condition, Jessica was one of the first to be wheeled of the battered Boudicca. But with the wounded from both ships being unloaded into the station medical bays, not to mention the large number of deactivated Borg being held in stasis. She was not one of the most server cases. She would have to check into medical from time to time to see how the nerve damage in her leg was healing. It was a tedious process and one that Jessica would be glad once it was over. She was being pushed by one of the Geneva's medical personnel, who was trying to make small talk and ask questions about the mission. It wasn't everyday a star ship came back in the kind of condition the Rose and the Boudicca had. To have two ships come back in that condition at once was something that hasn't happened since the civil war. Jessica wished to herself that he would shut up. Has they made there way to the observation lounge to pick up her billeting assignment. They passed the docking slip of the Rose, Jessica looked into a field of familiar faces each moving to some loved one. Hugs, kisses, and passionate embraces were shared. Each one made Jessica feel more and more alone. She had no family, only... The though passed her mind has her eyes scanned the many faces that filled area before her. It was the small joyful yelp of a puppy that alerted Jessica's attention to another side of the slip. She saw him. there was no mistaking that red, wavy hair. She wanted nothing more than to run to his side and wrap her arms around him, there was something burning with in her that needed to be said something that had to be said face-to-face. Jessica motioned to the man behind her. "Please stop." she spoke softly. She than looked to Eian who was walking away with who she supposed was his father. She called after him. "Eian." She cried only to have her words lost in the crowd. "Eian." She called again clenching her hands to the side of the chair willing her cry to reach him. (reply Eian.) She watched hoping he would turn around, come to her. The next few second ended up being some of the longest in her life. (reply has noted) (posted by Matthew Locke.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 09.25) Detron gathered all his personal items for the stay on the base. He entered the Quartermaster's Office and waited to be seen. (Reply Caskie iyw, Quartermaster) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Docking Slip 21 - ACEO Lieutenant JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0927) Eian thought he heard his name but among all the people disembarking both vessels, it was hard to tell. When he heard it again, though, he turned and saw her. She was in a wheelchair being pushed by a nurse. She looked tired to him, and clearly wasn't fully healed. But then, neither was he--and he never would be, but would always bear the telltale signs of assimilation along with the less visible, but no less impactful changes within his body and mind. He had received a preliminary report of Jessica's medical condition, and it had provoked more questions than it had provided answers. No one, no matter how strong they were, could survive what Jessica had been through. But his questions could be answered later. “Dad, there's someone you have to meet.“ They made their way through the crowd and to Jessica's location as fast as Eian could walk, and as soon as she was in reach he embraced her with his right, still human, arm. (reply Jessica) "I didn't think you would be out of Sickbay so soon...Jessica, I was so worried I'd lose are you?" he struggled to find words. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0929) Jessica waited has long seconds passed, has Eian turned and searched the crowd. But then he saw her, she smiled has tears welled in her eyes. Eian moved though the crowed as fast as his new legs could carry him his father not far behind him. Jessica wished she could get out of the chair to run up and meet him. It wasn't long however that she felt his arm around her holding her. Jessica buried her face into his shoulder and cried. "I didn't think you would be out of Sickbay so soon...Jessica, I was so worried I'd lose are you?" Eian struggled to find words. "I was worried about you too," She whispered into his ear. "I love you Eian, and I'm sorry, so very sorry." She continued softly feeling a large weight lift from her small shoulders. Even though Jessica knew she was following her orders, doing her duty, and she knew in her heart Eian would never be at piece has a Borg drone. Jessica still felt accountable for the pain she had caused him, for nearly killing him. The though of it, remembering the event so clearly, only brought back the pain. She gripped Eian all the tighter, has tears of joy, pain, happiness and sorrow fell from her face. The two broke their embrace has Jessica composed herself and looked into Eian's changed face a hand came up to brush a unruly piece of hair back in place, sliding her hand softly down his face, over what remained of Borg implants, and down his cheek. "Eian," She spoke softly but with more certainly. "No matter what happened, no matter how we may of changed I still love you and will be by our side, as long has you want me to be there." (reply Eian) She let Eian rise after that till they were holding hands and Eian stood by her side. She smiled when Eian introduced his father. Jessica bowed her head slightly, in greeting. "The please in all mine Commander. I'm glad that I am finally able to meet some of the family Eian speaks so highly of." (reply Liam) (reply has noted above) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca, First Officer's Office, Assistant CSO (JG) Vanik, 09:31*) Vanik pressed the chime and awaited permission to enter. Once permission was given, he walked in and stood at attention. "Reporting as ordered, Sir." He said. (Reply Commander Josh Caskie) (Posted by Gavin Work) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Docking Slip 21 - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 0932) "I was worried about you too," she whispered in his ear. "I love you, Eian, and I'm sorry, so very sorry," she said as she clung to him. Eian was puzzled. What was she sorry for? He knew this wasn't the time to ask--they could talk privately later. But he couldn't for the life of him remember why she was sorry...what had happened, that physical or mental trauma had erased from his memory? As they pulled away from the hug, Jessica brushed a piece of hair back from his forehead and revealed the implants still attached to his face. One on his forehead, one above his new prosthetic eye, one on his cheek, and finally one on his neck. He looked down, ashamed. "Eian," she said, and he met her eyes. "No matter what happened, no matter how we may have changed, I still love you and will be by your side, as long as you want me to be there." He smiled. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible to Jessica, let alone anyone around. He rose and took her hand. "Dad, this is Jessica." Liam extended his hand to the ensign. "Pleasure to meet you, Jessica," he said, using her first name instead of addressing her by rank. From what Eian said, she may be joining their family soon and formalities were not needed. "The pleasure is all mine, Commander. I'm glad that I am finally able to meet some of the family Eian speaks so highly of," Jessica said. "Thank you," Liam said, and smiled. "And you can call me Liam. We're an informal bunch in the O'Neill clan." Eian smirked at that, and Liam continued, "Why don't you two get to your quarters, get settled in, and then we'll all go to breakfast? I'll take the puppy on his potty run and meet you both at Jessica's quarters?" Eian nodded. "Sounds like a good plan," he said, and looked to Jessica. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Fo's Office - aFO - Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 0934*) "Reporting as ordered, Sir." Josh looked up and smiled at Ensign Vanik. "Thank you so much for reporting so quickly Ensign. Unfortunately I have to inform you that Ensign Caliel has been reassigned and will be shipping out immediately. I need you now to report to the CSO's Office and organise all of the reports there and send them to me. Once you have done that I want you to consider you and everyone else in Science on leave for the next 72 hours. I suggest that you all go and have fun." (Reply Vanik) (posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Docking Area Slip 21 – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 0935) "Yes, Liam." She said softly. "I meant no offense, I just though it better error on the side of caution." She smiled at them both has a plan of action was laid before them. She smiled has she looked up to Eian. "Sounds good to me." Yes getting, washed, into something other than medical robes and eat a good hot meal was something that Jessica would have to mad to pass up. She looked to the medical personnel behind her. "If you don't mind I think we can make it, and I'm sure you have more pressing concerns." She smiled, as the man in blue nodded and soon vanished into the crowd. She looked to Eian and Liam. "Then shall we be off?" Jessica smirked. They had enough of hard, and sad times it was time for everyone to sit back and have a good laugh. (reply Eian, Liam O'neal) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0951) Henry stood in line for a while taking in the sights of busy station. With a duffle bag tossed over his shoulder Jacobs contemplated all he could do once he got some sleep. A visit to the holodeck loomed in his mind as he approached the head of the line. After receiving his assignment he wasted no time making his way to his temporary domicile. As he walked he reminisced about the last time he was on a station of this caliber. He remembered running into Eva and being the right guy at the right time granting him a kiss and the start of a friendship. He shook his head to bring himself out of his day dream as he reached his door. As the doors opened he thought to himself. ~72 hours~ He tossed his duffle bag on the coach and headed to the bed, where he collapsed. He slept for the next three days. (reply Any) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - FO's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1000) Finally everything was done with. Every report that had crossed her desk had been dealt with and forwarded on to the Captain. Finally Josh was done and she smiled to herself. Shutting down her station she picked up the pile of padds that contained all the reports from every station on board the Boudicca. She had made copies of each and every one of them but these specific ones would be left on her desk for the head of the repair team to access. Taking one last look around her office she smiled and headed off ship. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1010) After Eian had helped Jessica get settled in her quarters he had headed to his to shower and change. Liam had bought him some civilian clothes to wear, which was fortunate because no civilian clothing was salvageable from his quarters. He wore a black turtleneck and khaki-colored pants with small pockets on the sides, and a blue and black sweater over top. He thought the Starbase was a little chilly compared to the Rosenante, but the AC system had been severely damaged so what Eian was used to was probably a little warmer than normal. He walked to Jessica's quarters where he met his dad and Murphy, and then he wheeled Jessica to a destination his dad had already picked for breakfast--a North American-style breakfast diner that served what they claimed were the best pancakes in the sector. He noticed right away that the chair kept steering to the right, mainly because he couldn't get the hang of applying the right amount of pressure with his right arm yet. Although movements were supposed to be natural and the sensors in the prosthetic were supposed to exactly mimic a biological arm, he didn't feel like it was his. He felt like there were nerves missing, like it was partially numb. They arrived at the diner and sat at a table instead of the counter, to accommodate the wheelchair. A waitress came up to them dressed in some sort of "diner waitress" costume that Eian vaguely remembered seeing in a holomovie once, and took their orders. After she was gone, Eian asked, "So Jessica, when are you due at the Geneva Sickbay?" He assumed she would have medical procedures to undergo. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1015) Jessica was thankful for Eian's help once they found got their billet assignments. she was even more happy that Eian's quarters were only a few rooms down from hers. It made life less complicated. Jessica felt comfortable having Eian around to help her with the many difficulties that came with having restricted movement. After Eian left Jessica managed to get into the sonic shower on her own. It felt refreshing to finally get clean, She though about how things were going and how to spend the next few days. She remembered that while she was medical that her quarters were one of the places involved in the Defense against the Borg, as in it got destroyed during the fight and very little was salvageable. She shrugged it off, after all she was a woman and what woman did not enjoy a good reason to shop to her hearts content. Wrapping a towel around herself she somehow manages to exit the shower and return to the main open area of her quarters. A light flashed on a desk nearby showing the she had a message waiting. She took a moment to read over the content of the message only to have it confirm what the message as about. Geneva Chief's CMO wasted little time. She was to be seen tomorrow which would give the CMO plenty of time to review Jessica's file, and medical particulars. She moved, with the aid of the chair to the side of a large comfortable looking bed, uniforms were laid out for her. Jessica couldn't imagine waring something so rigged, when she was suppose to be going out with her beloved, She wanted to look nice for the O'Neal's. So she went to the replicator. Jessica was barely ready to go when the chime on her door sounded. "Who is it she." Called knowing full well who it was. When Eian and Liam replied she called again. "It's open, has she wheeled her way to the door." When the door to her quarters slid open Eian and Liam found Jessica sitting comfortably in her wheelchair. She wore a black form fitting silk dress, it was laced down one the right side making it easy for Jessica to get in and out of. The dress clung to her body falling to three inches below her waist then was slit down both sides to give accent to her legs. The wounds and the wrapping on her wounded leg were covered by white the stockings She wore. Soft black shoes were fitted onto her feet each having a black silk cord that wrapped up each leg to mid-calf. The arms of the dress were pieces of a black transplant cloth that flowed around her arms and attached to a solid piece at her wrist. Jessica took the liberty to wear make-up, not a lot just enough to accent her large sapphire eyes, and rosy lips. Her hair was braided a white lily tucked into her hair above her left ear. With babies breath tucked neatly into the braid. Jessica might of went a tad over kill but she knew not the plans of where the Liam planned on taking her and Eian to. Besides with what they went though firmly behind them Jessica was dead set determined to look presentable and not the half crazed fighter she might of appeared to be only a few short weeks ago. Eian moved behind Jessica to push her along there way. Jessica noticed Eian seemed lost in though has he continuously has to correct his path from drifting to the right. She reached back and ran a hand along his arm, She looked back and smiled. As if to say. ~It'll be ok, well get though this.~ Soon they made there way into a restaurant. Eian drove Jessica to a table and took the seat next to her. Has a waitress came up and took their orders and vanished from sight. Once the waitress was gone, Eian turned to Jessica and asked, "So Jessica, when are you due at the Geneva Sickbay?" "Tomarrow, the CMO wants today to review my file and give me a chance to rest and unwind, I think." Jessica responded happily. "What about you?" She asked Eian. "Do you have anything planned?" (reply Eian.) She listened to Eian's respond and nodded. Before turning on Liam. "So how long do you have with us, before you have to leave?" (reply Liam.) "I see," Jessica noted the time they would have together. Time to be a family. "So, what has Eian told ya about me." She asked kindly a large grin spreading across her face. (reply Liam) (reply as noted.) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1021) "Tomorrow, the CMO wants today to review my file and give me a chance to rest and unwind, I think," Jessica responded happily. "What about you? Do you have anything planned?" Eian nodded. "I've been ordered to PT," he said, discouragement coming through his voice. He perked up slightly as he added, "I think it may be fun, though. It's a program on the holodeck--a sports program. American football at first, and then I can graduate to ice hockey. The doctor told me it moves up in increments, and the players move at your speed and increase in speed and intensity as you do." He needed to rebuild muscle strength, coordination, and flexibility. Because he was a fan of both American football and ice hockey, the wise Doctor Oren had suggested this particular holodeck physical therapy program for him. Jessica turned to Liam and asked, "So how long do you have with us, before you have to leave?" "The Kelman departs in two weeks. We've been ordered to help with the cleanup and any incidentals for the Rosenante and Boudicca, and it coincides with our six month availability*, so the crews are busy on our ship as well." Eian noticed the slight twitch in his father's eyebrows that told him that there was more to it than what he said. He suspected that his dad or the captain of the Kelman had pulled a few strings to get the Kelman's availability at Starbase Geneva instead of its regular home port. "I see," Jessica responded. "So, what has Eian told ya about me?" she asked, and grinned. Liam laughed. "That you're quite the martial artist..." he started, and glanced at Eian with a smile. "That you've got the same training background. I'm sure I'm missing more details than I'm hitting." "No, Dad, you've got it right on the money so far," Eian said, and smiled at Jessica. He took her hand and said, "But you've missed a bit. She's the most interesting person you'll ever meet. Go ahead, Jessica. Tell him a little about yourself." (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1024) "No, Dad, you've got it right on the money so far," Eian said, and smiled at Jessica. He took her hand and said, "But you've missed a bit. She's the most interesting person you'll ever meet. Go ahead, Jessica. Tell him a little about yourself." "I don't know what you want to know." Jessica stated. "Has you said I take been training in the martial arts since I was around five, at my fathers request and dance at my mothers. To say they kept me active during my childhood is a certain understatement. I remember being slightly upset when I was a child not being to go and do with other kids but has I grew older I found myself being physically able to do things that others my age couldn't." She took a breath, has there drinks were delivered, and Jessica took a sip from a tall glass of fresh squeezed Florida orange juice. "Hmmm, that hits the spot. You can travel the universe but can't find a better orange juice. Any way where was I." Jessica picked up her story. "Those were happy times in my life. At the age of thirteen it was found that I had unknown biological mutation that slowed the aging process. Since then I age at a rate of one year for every ten. When the doctors told my family this is was a real change in my life. Especially has I became a adult or mentally became a adult. People continued to look at me has a child something I was not but I knew full good and well I was by no means what one would call an average adult." She went quite for a bit there was far more to her history but she wasn't sure how everyone would take to the realization that she shared her body with another soul or how her parents died. Jessica was determined to keep the conversation has light has possible. But it was clear that Eian had heard somethings has he was healing on the Rose. Things that would be better discussed in private, and has of right now there were orderes in place that Captain Salid did not want her talking about Lily to anyone. (reply Eain, Liam) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Quartermaster's Office - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 1025) It had taken her a long time to get to the front of the queue given how many people were indeed looking for quarters on Geneva, but Josh was indeed a patient soul when it came to something like this. Eventually she reached the head of the queue and received her billet although she did take an extra minute or two to make sure that Lulu and Bruiser had arrived safely on the Kelman. Assured that they were safely store in the Veterinarian Bay Josh organised to pick them up the following morning and headed off to her assigned quarters. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante– Ready Room– LT David Micheal Tamblyn– 1027*) David had walked up the gangway as soon as he could. He had heard rumors about the extent of the damage, but nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. As a Historian, he would have loved to be able to put the story together of what the crew had gone through. Unfortunately though, his days as a Historian and Literary at the University are over. At least for the time being. When he got to the bridge, David didn't see to many people there. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry shutting things down in an attempt to get out as soon as possible. From the looks of things, he couldn't blame them at all. One of the petty officers had told him that the captain was in his ready room and pointed the way. ~Well, here goes.~ he thought as he tugged on his gold collar and walked over and pushed the button for the door chime. (Reply Salid) David walked smartly up to the captains desk and stood at attention as he reported in "Lieutenant David Micheal Tamblyn reporting sir. Recently transferred from the USS Cavalier." (Reply Salid) (Reply Salid) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 1029) As Liam listened, he couldn't help but think back to his son's childhood. Eian had never looked his age. It wasn't nearly as extreme as Jessica's condition, but it was certainly prevalent throughout his youth. He was a tiny premature baby. His physical growth was stunted by his difficult time as a fetus, and his emotional growth was stunted by his ADHD. He caught up emotionally by the time he was a teenager, but he never quite caught up physically. He was strong as an ox before this last mission, but still smaller and lighter than most human men his age. Liam thought about how it might be to go through life looking decades younger than one's age. He quietly listened as Jessica spoke of her interesting and rare condition, and then took a sip of orange juice before asking gently, "If you don't mind the question, does this condition come with adverse effects to your health or will you simply always look younger?" (reply Jessica) Liam nodded. He had thought as much. "I used to be a medical doctor," he explained. "I admit I haven't heard of your condition, but it sounds like something that could be both a blessing and a curse. There are many people who pray for a youthful, healthy body. Then there are some, like yourself, who probably wished they looked a little older." He smiled. "Life can be ironic." (reply Jessica) "The grass is always greener," Eian stated, and looked down at his orange juice, as if studying it. Liam glanced at his son, trying to read what was going on in his head. Eian had an excellent poker face, probably from his training reading facial expressions. He wished he had that skill. The food arrived, and Liam poured maple syrup over his pancakes and placed two slices of butter in his Irish bacon and cheese biscuit sandwich. "Before we start, Jessica, do you mind if we pray?" he asked. (reply Jessica) Liam reached over with his left hand to grab Eian's right hand. He realized that the prosthetic was giving his son some trouble, and understood when Eian didn't want to squeeze his father's hand for fear of squeezing too hard. He made no comment about it. He then took Jessica's hand and bowed his head. "Dear Lord, we...are Your presence here. We thank You for the miracle that You've given us. We thank You for life, we thank You for returning Eian and Jessica to us and protecting them in their journey. We pray for their continued health...and we pray for the souls of those who were lost." He paused, and squeezed Eian's hand. "In the name of our Savior, Your Son Jesus Christ, Amen." (reply Jessica iyw) The commander couldn't help but notice Eian's quiet demeanor after the prayer. He was quieter than normal in general, and Liam expected that. But he thought the prayer might help Eian come out of his shell a little, not push him further in. He was worried about him, and wondered if Jessica was also picking up on it. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1033) "If you don't mind the question, does this condition come with adverse effects to your health or will you simply always look younger?" Eian's father asked Jessica It was a valid question, one that Jessica would choose rather to avoid but she knew Liam would find out the details of her condition one way or another. She figured it would be better if it came from her. She lowered her voice has a more serious tone set in. "Doctors aren't sure yet. Test were conducted to see what would happen if the protein shield that protects my and DNA and stops my aging were removed. They found that with out the shield that it is more than likely that I will age at an alarming rate. At that point I would need treatments probably daily to replace the protein to regulate my aging. They said with treatment I could life at a sustainable age for the rest of my days, with out...." She was silent for a moment. "Well it's to hard to tell how fast the accelerated aging would be." Liam nodded. "I used to be a medical doctor," he explained. "I admit I haven't heard of your condition, but it sounds like something that could be both a blessing and a curse. There are many people who pray for a youthful, healthy body. Then there are some, like yourself, who probably wished they looked a little older." He smiled. "Life can be ironic." "It is a blessing and a curse. I was thankful in the last mission for having a body that could take the punishment that was dealt to it and continue to press on. But I have had to live with the curses of it. Had to come to terms..." Again she paused has she tried to find the words to express what she was thinking. "Doctors have advised me and my family that I would be dangerous to my health if I was to try to have any children, along with the health of the child. People hardly take a woman looking like a girl serious, epically in life or death situations. Luckily both of the crews on the Rose and Boudicca seemed to put such things aside in our last mission and I was able to put such thoughts to rest." "The grass is always greener," Eian finally spoke up, he then looked down at his orange juice. Jessica could tell something was wrong. They have been together now for a little over two months. Even if they couldn't have been by each others side they still talked about each others dreams, fears, hope, and faith. Jessica already knew that Eian's faith was terribly shaken. Volus had seen to that, and when Jessica fought him she understood what lengths that sick creature would go to turn someone's strength into a weakness. He did it with Eian's faith, tried with Jessica's love, and in the end paid dearly for it. The seriousness of the conversation was broken then by the sweet aroma of fresh pancakes, as the waitress returned and laid each plate before them. Jessica had ordered two pancakes filled with cheesecake filling and topped with strawberries and whipped cream. Jessica knew it was a sweet indulgence, but her sweet tooth craved it, and there was no better way to get away from all the emergency ration they had to eat that with a little indulgence. "Before we start, Jessica, do you mind if we pray?" Liam asked. Jessica's tummy growled in protest. "No, I don't mind." She replied sweetly. Knowing how religious Eian's family was. She was true happy that she could grant his request. She reached out grabbing Eian and Liam's offered hands. Has Eian's father began to pray Jessica kept herself politly quite reciting her own prayer in her own mind. ~May the spirits hold us, May the fates guide us, May the both set us free.~ With the prayer said, Jessica looked to Eian, she was worried about him. He had been quite, which was unlike him. She caressed his hand. "Eian is everything alright. You seem..." She looked for the write word. "distant. You know what ever it is you can talk about it to us." Even has the words exited her mouth Jessica knew there were somethings that could not be discussed. She was sure by now Eian had heard enough of the rumors read enough of the reports to know that something happened to Jessica. That someone else was there with them, silent unseen but there none the less. "I love you." she whispered to Eian and kissed him gently. before she settled in to enjoy her meal. (reply Eian) It was habit for Jessica to take small controlled bites. Her mother was a strict when it came to women acting like a lady even in her mothers profession, one could still be a lady. It was one of the things that drew her father to her mother. However Jessica still enjoyed her meal. (reply O'neal men) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 10.35) Detron left the Quartermaster's Office and settled in to his quarters on the station. After that he decided to explore the station before he would set up the Battlaff Training class in the Holodeck. It was a bit early to have a drink at a bar so he went to a place that smelled of fresh pancakes, bacon, and sausage. He hadn't had food like that since the Acadamy. He waved at Signos and Eian as well to Eian's father at a table not far from him. He sat at the counter to not impose upon them. When the waitress came, he ordered some pancakes with fresh strawberries, some bacon, some sausage, some hash browns, and Earl Gray to drink. He enjoyed the great breakfast and left a reasonable tip. (Reply None Needed) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1038) Jessica held his hand and said softly, "Eian, is everything alright? You seem...distant. You know whatever it is you can talk about it to us." she was silent for a moment, and then whispered, "I love you," as she kissed him, and then began eating. She seemed to know that he couldn't answer. Not in front of his father. There were some things he couldn't talk about. He had never seen war up close. He had been in plenty of training scenarios, seen live footage of the front lines of the civil war, and his mother had been killed in those front lines. He had nightmares about how she had died, a concussion grenade knocking her out before she could escape from where she was, after she had evacuated multiple civilians and secured important intel. But he had never actually seen it. Now he had, and it had taken his faith from him. It had taken most of his body from him. He felt like it had taken his freedom. But to mention these things in front of his father would go beyond graduated into the level of unspeakable. He couldn't reveal that his faith was shaken, let alone destroyed. He was too prideful, and he knew this. But that didn't change how he felt. And more than his pride, he couldn't allow the information he knew to get back to Glenn. His younger brother was just about to join Starfleet. He was a boy, only eighteen. He was as dedicated to his faith as Eian used to be, and to tell him that once one became Borg that God's voice was no longer there, that it was true that the function of the 'faith center' of the brain was purely evolutionary and not the means by which God normally communicated...Eian feared Glenn would lose his faith too. And that couldn't happen. He would rather die than see more people hurt by Volus. So he gave the most convincing smile he could, and said, "I'm okay. Just tired." It was total crap. His stimulant was working and he was back on his normal sleep schedule. He had plenty of sleep during his recuperation on the Rosenante. He wasn't tired in the least. It was a good excuse, though. One that neither one of them could really refute. "These pancakes are good," he said, and that earned him a nod from Liam. Eian could tell his father knew something was wrong. He could read his family's facial expressions just like everyone else, even though sometimes he missed subtleties because of a lack of attention to the perceived 'cake walk' that was reading one's family. He started thinking about what he was going to do. He really had no idea. He was living in a shell, going about his life and doing all the things he had to do, but none of it had any purpose. All meaning to life was gone. He would have never given it this name before, but he couldn't help but think that he had truly become a drone. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 1040) Josh finally entered what would be her quarters until the Boudicca had been repaired and simply dumped her carrysack on the floor. She had managed to gather a day or two's clothing from her quarters before she left the Boudicca but to be honest all she cared about at this moment was hitting the shower. Not even the thought of talking to Mike could keep her out of that shower at present, although that probably would be her next choice. Leaving a trail of clothes scattered across the floor Josh finally allowed herself to enjoy a sonic shower. Stepping out of the shower and wrapping herself in a dressing gown she realised that she was indeed hungry. Crossing to the computer in the room she attempted to find Mike's location. She knew, being an FO that there were only so many times when people's paths crossed in the fleet and that when they did you needed to take advantage of every moment that you could get. So sending him a message she asked him if he was free for lunch. (Reply Mike iyw) (posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Bridge - Science Officer - Ensign Andrew Maddox - 1143) Maddox was glad that his hand was well on the way to recovery. What ever the docs had done, they did it while he was asleep for the most part, except for the exam. His hand itched terribly though. It didn't feel half as bad as the embarrassment of being escorted to the bridge through the ship in variable graviton shackles. Interesting little devices, the gravity could be turned up so much even a Klingon wouldn't be able to lift their own feet or hands, or if the polarization were reversed, the individual wouldn't be able to put their hands to together to mount any kind of attack or defense. His were set at about 2.5 G. They didn't take the most direct route, no. They walked through about 2/3rds of 5 decks on the way up. They had explained it was 'battle damage' that they couldn't cross by turbo lift. Andrew doubted that much damage was caused to the Rose, at least at first, until he saw all the damage that they walked past. ~Could that have been part of the reason for the detour?~ The head of the three security crewman was the female that had pointed the phaser at him when he used his cell's forcefield to overload the nanites, and the Borg implant he was given. Andrew was sure that while they were examining his hand that they made sure the nanites were inoperative, or destroyed. That's what Andrew would have done anyway. "Stand fast here, Ensign." she said indicating an exact spot a bout a two meter step to the left of the Captain's ready room door. He could feel the eyes of the current shift upon him, as she notified the Captain that he was here. Lieutenant Xim was at the center seat, but the normal night crew was mysteriously absent. There was a single science crewman manning the aft station. "They are ready for you." she indicated. She dialed his shackles down to alow him easier egress but kept his arms heavy. The door opened and Andrew stepped inside. He saw the Captain flanked by the First Officer. Captain Salid had his 'stern-face' on and the Commander had a Type II phaser on her hip. ~Well say good-bye to your career, Andrew. Gallivanting around the stars was fun while it lasted.~ (Reply Captain Salid) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.00) Detron approached the computer panel and described what he wanted the room to look like. He thought a Teran Japanese Dojo would serve the purpose with a Sumo ring in the center made the setting very attractive. He entered the scene wearing full warrior armor dress to fit the role of teacher. He commanded the computer to give him a electronic board on the wall to keep track of the students and also to display matches. He made the same notations on his PADD. He took a seat at a Mortal Combat type throne and waited for students to sign up. (Reply Anyone taking the class) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CO Captain Durand - 1615) Alan had dealt with the thousand little details that required his attention, and then succumbed to the need to stretch his legs. Taking Captain Salid's *suggestion* to heart, he had gone to his quarters, changed out of uniform and headed for the station. It had been quite some time since he had last been to Geneva, but his memory was clear -- at least the portion that he required at the moment. He found his way unerringly to the place he sought, a cozy little place called the Avalon. It was part bar, part dance club, and a very good place in which to get lost, without being alone. He felt the pull of anonymity quite strongly this afternoon. After all that had happened, he wanted to shirk his responsibilities for a short while. For the occassion, he had donned a pair of khaki trousers, black loafers and a navy turtleneck, which had a discreetly stiched pocket in its sleeve, designed just perfectly to contain and conceal his commbadge. He remembered a particular corner of the club, which afforded an excellent view of the entrance and in fact the whole place, with his back to a richly decorated wall. The tactical officer in him never slept, it would seem. As if by magic, a waiter appeared with a smile and the de rigueur question. He selected a a house specialty that he remembered with some fondness, and settled in to people watch. Several couples were on the dancing floor, moving to a catchy, fast number. Presently, the waiter returned with a red crystal tumbler, extra large in size. Contained within was the 'signature' drink of the club, dubbed rather thematically and appropriately "The Mists of Avalon". It contained, he fuzzily recalled from his last visit, an interesting combination of liquors which made for a delight to the palate. Amusingly, the glass it was served in spewed forth a mist like vapor into which the base of the glass and the drinker's hand disappeared quite magically. ~Mists of Avalon indeed...~ (Reply Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1620) Chance and T'Lela had invited Dahlia and Tom Jackson to join them at Club Avalon. The ladies had gotten to know each other at Starbase 989 while Tom and Chance were off helping to save the universe. Amazing how wives do that, isn't it? Anyway, it was T'Lela's idea to go out dancing. They sat at a table accessible to the dance floor but far enough away that they didn't get danced on. Chance caught himself watching the room behind him in the mirrors on the wall in front of him. He heard T'Lela say something. But it didn't register as he turned around to double check what he thought he saw. ~I'll be damned~ Raschen thought as he watched Durand make his way to a corner table. Focusing his attention back on T'Lela he asked "What did you say sweetheart?" He watched her as her smirk went to the opposite side of her face as her dragon tattoo as she replied "I invited Jennifer and Mike to join us if they wanted.". Chance raised an eyebrow at what he thought he heard her say as she reiterated "You know, Caskie and Rosenbauer." Then she smiled "I told them to ask for the 'Temerarious Party'." Chance smiled back and nodded in understanding saying "That's fine.". Raschen said as he flagged down an Andorian waitress. That is one thing both T'Lelas agreed on. The both enjoyed it whenever he went by the pseudonym Temerarious. "Yes sir" she said when she arrived. And he was about to enjoy one of the small pleasures of being independently wealthy as he spoke to the waitress. "We are going to be expecting at least another four joining us, perhaps more. I want to move my party up to a balcony VIP section easily accessible to the dance floor. Also, this will all be on one check and that goes to me and only me. And I want an unopened bottle of your oldest, best Scotch." "Anything else sir?" She said in a huff. "Yes there is." He stated as he handed her a rather large tip "I want the bottle first, my friend here will okay where my party is moved to, and lastly..." Chance paused wanting to make sure he had her attention as he pointed Durand out to her "That gentleman in the corner," she nodded "I get his check also. When he asks for it, all he gets is a receipt that says 'Paid'. Understand?" "Yes sir." Chance then handed the waitress a couple strips of gold pressed latnum and said "This should be enough to get us started" The waitress's eyes widened as she smiled and hurried to her tasks. (Reply Tom and/or Dahlia, room for more) After some time the waitress finally brought a 100 year old bottle of De war's Scotch. Chance turned and kissed T'Lela, then turned to Tom "Make sure they move us to a good spot. I'll be right back." (Reply Tom iyw) Chance simply pointed toward the corner as he picked up the bottle and started heading for the table where Durand was sitting. (Reply Durand) (Reply Jackson, Durand, Dahlia iyw, room for more) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Star Base Geneva - Docking Area Slip 22 - Lieutenant Tom Jackson - 2nd Officer / COPS Day 1 1621) Tom walked through his ship sighing at her condition. The yard master's team now had the repair lists and he was on leave ! He signed out at the docking portal and let both base and Rose security where he'd be in case he was needed. As he crossed over to the base proper he was greeted by the sight of his wife running to meet him. Tom also began to run as well as cry. The two clasped each other. He couldn't speak as she was smothering her husband with the sweetest kisses in the galaxy. "Thomas, my love how are you?" she asked. Tom looked deeply into her eyes for what Dahlia thought an eternity before he spoke in hushed tones. Dahlia Jackson saw strain and worry etched in his eyes. "Physically well" he replied. He was struggling for words to tell her what he saw and experienced. (SB Geneva Promenade Area Bronk's Bistro) They entered and sat in an out of the way nook. Tom had composed his thoughts and now spoke. Tom ran over the general mission scenario for her. He mentioned the Away Mission where he had killed Maria Holly. Jackson was quiet for a few moments. She found it hard to believe her gentle, loving husband could ever do what he just described to her. Dahlia simply reached out and stroked his bowed head. (Reply: None Needed) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva - Bronk’s Bistro - Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 1 1623) Dahlia sensed her husband needed to be around others. She and T’Lela had come to know each other while their men were away saving the galaxy. “Thomas. T’Lela and Chance have asked us out. I accepted fro the two of us. That was alright?” Tom smiled at his wife and said “Sure - you Chance and I are close. Thanks for accepting” Tom replied. They left Bronk’s Bistro and headed off to meet Chance and T’Lela. (SB Geneva - Primary Recreation Level Club Avalon Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 1 1625) Tom and Dahlia arrived at the club. Tom spoke to the hostess, a cute Andorian whose name tag said Candy “Temerarious Party. - we’re the Jackson’s” he said. Candy smiled and led them to a rather exclusive area. “Chance” Tom cried out as they neared his friend. (Reply: Chance) Chance made the introductions as Tom didn’t really know T’Lela well. Her history had been one he had not felt comfortable asking Chance about - duty always seemed to get in the way. “Chance, feeling better now that things have calmed down? Tom asked his friend. (Reply: Chance) Dahlia and T’Lela were chatting like old friends. Tom was glad his wife was making friends - fleet service often times left wives alone and that could breed trouble for the officer and his wife. Tom looked around and noticed Captain Durand near by, he wondered if Chance and the Captain were headed for trouble, The memory of the bridge incident loomed in Tom’s mind. Chance’s free wheeling days in the IRR and as a privateer gave him an independent streak that got his friend into a lot of trouble. (Reply: None) (Posted: Bill W,) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon – CO Captain Durand – 1624) Alan was relaxing for the first time in days, both physically and mentally. Not that he ever felt ‘off duty’ (or even ‘off guard’) but he was enjoying his quiet little corner. He was taking a light pull from his drink, bemused at the way his hand and forearm seemingly dissolved into the mists coming from the glass. He was also enjoying watching the people on the dance floor, several couples were dancing now, and some tables had filled with parties since his arrival. It was surprisingly busy considering the hour of the day. Or perhaps not so surprising, given Geneva’s status as the hub of nearly everything is this part of space. He was just lowering his glass when someone he recognized caught his eye. Lt. Raschen of the Rosenante was approaching, with a bottle in hand. Durand waved in greeting, and nodded, motioning toward the table. As Raschen approached, he stood and offered his hand. “Afternoon to you Mister Raschen.” (Reply Raschen, Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva -Secondery Recreation Level, Tavat's Bar -ACOPs - Ensign Smith - 1625) Robert placed his empty pint glass onto the table and grinned. "You can't be serious." His older brother laughed. "Ow yes little brother you better believe it." He looked back a Kenneth aghast "But how? there are so many safe guards and protocols?" Kenneth laughed spraying the froth off the top of his pint. "Ow you think to much brother. It was just the most funniest thing that I had ever seen." Kenneth leaned back in his chair, over balanced and landed heavily on the floor knocking over the person behind him and sending drinks flying. Robert got up from the table and stepped towards his brother to help him off the floor when there was a large Klingon standing before them covered Kenneth's pint. and from the expression on his face he did not look happy. "You son of a pet'ach. are you an incompetent fool." Robert pulled Kenneth to his feet who turned to the irate Klingon's friends joined him. "Well you should have moved out of the way." ~Ow grate way to go~ Robert could almost see the Klingon's head explode with rage. He saw Kenneth move into a fighting stance. His brother being the type of marine who enjoyed a lot of drinks was well versed in bar room brawls so was prepared for them the Klingon lunged at him but Robert not being that way inclined groaned mentally as he went to help his brother. (Reply any) (Posted by Robbie --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva - Primary Recreation Level Club Avalon Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 1 1627) Tom started talking about the recent mission with his friends. Tom Jackson related some of the details without violating SF security protocols. Chance and Dahlia knew him well - one from service the other from love. They knew Tom needed to speak his mind to lighten his burden. Tom trusted Chance and Dahlia implicitly. “The hardest thing I’ve learn in my fleet service was to make decisions where there was no really decent alternative” Tom started with, (Reply: Chance, T'Lela, Dahlia) “We faced the prospect from the mission’s on-set that assimilated crew members might oppose us. We were instructed to save them if we could but if the mission was imperiled to take them out - that order I gave personally to the away team” Tom paused, lost in the recent past for a moment. (Reply: Chance, T'Lela, Dahlia) Tom Jackson went on after sipping a bit of his Romulan Ale. We were on the surface and under attack - I turned and a vaguely familiar drone attacked me - reacting instinctively I used my dagger and killed the drone. When things calmed down, I knelt down beside the drone. To my horror. I saw it was Ensign Maria Holly” Tom grew quiet. (Reply: Chance, T'Lela, Dahlia) Dahlia moved closer to Tom and gave him a soft, gentle kiss. Tom knew he’d die without her and vowed then and there to protect her all his life. She whispered into his ear so only he could hear. “Thomas, later on I have a big surprise for you” she cooed silently. Tom pulled back a bit and gave a ‘what is going on?’ look. She smiled and didn’t say anything other than “let’s dance”. Chance and T'Lela looked at the two questionably. Tom was not the most graceful being in the universe. As they danced slowly together , Dahlia whispered to Tom “I love you Thomas - thank you”. Like most males of any era, Tom Jackson could never understand the female of his species. Here they had hardly been married and she was thanking him. Tom had left her shortly after being married on SB 989. That did not seem to Jackson something to thank him for. (Reply: None) (Posted by: Bill W,) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1629) Raschen never really liked being in uniform. He was a straight civilian clothes kinda guy. As Chance approached Durand's table with bottle in hand, he noticed the look of recognition in the other man's eye as he lowered his glass. Durand waved in greeting, and nodded, motioning toward the table. As Raschen approached, he stood and offered his hand. “Afternoon to you Mister Raschen.” Chance accepted the proffered hand and shook it "Afternoon." He replied as he held the bottle of 100 year old Scotch to him. "I just wanted to give you this and apologize for being...well, for being what I am." (Reply Durand) "Forgetful. Sometimes in a confrontation of any kind, I forget that I'm no longer a privateer captain, but a starfleet lieutenant." (Reply Durand) "Well, I'm going to go back to my party. If you want to close out your tab and join us, you are more than welcome to. We are going to be changing locations here in the club, so just ask for the Temerarious party." He said as he turned to head back to his table. (Reply Durand iyw) Raschen turned around to face the starfleet captain "Don't worry, I'm Captain Temerarious" When Chance rejoined his party he kissed T'Lela as he sat down. Tom started talking about the recent mission, relating some of the details. Chance and T'Lela knew Tom needed to speak his mind to lighten his burden. It was something that any service member of any government's military understood needed to be done. So they listened. “The hardest thing I’ve learned in my fleet service was to make decisions where there was no really decent alternative” Tom started with. “We faced the prospect from the mission’s on-set that assimilated crew members might oppose us. We were instructed to save them if we could but if the mission was imperiled to take them out - that order I gave personally to the away team” Tom paused, lost in the recent past for a moment. "I understand were your coming from Tom. As a Centurion on the ISS Rosenante, I was an Emporer's Hand and there was no telling who I would be summoned to kill. Friend or foe. Sorry, go on." T'Lela said. Tom Jackson went on after sipping a bit of his Romulan Ale. "We were on the surface and under attack - I turned and a vaguely familiar drone attacked me - reacting instinctively I used my dagger and killed the drone. When things calmed down, I knelt down beside the drone. To my horror. I saw it was Ensign Maria Holly” Tom grew quiet. "Tom, I know this might not mean much coming from me. But, you did nothing wrong. That thing may have looked like her but it wasn't.". Chance said. Just then T'Lela chimed in "You have a prime example of that sitting in front of you. I may look like his late wife..." She said as she pointed toward Chance "even have the same name, but I am not the same person. Am I?" She finished as she turned and kissed Chance. Just then Dahlia moved closer to Tom, gave him a gentle kiss and whispered something in his ear. She then smiled and didn’t say anything other than “let’s dance”. Chance and T'Lela looked at the two questionably. "Think we will look at each other that way someday?" Chance asked T'Lela. "Perhaps. Maybe, one day. Let's be honest though. On many levels we are still courting even though we are also lovers." "True, but on some level I do love you. You will also hold a place in my heart." Chance responded as he thought ~though so will Marta.~ Then Chance and T'Lela kissed each other passionately before they watched Tom and Dahlia dance. (Reply Durand, Tom and/or Dahlia iyw, room for more) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Recreation Level, Outside Tavat's Bar, Lieutenant jg Sanok, 1630) After speaking with Ben this morning about Marah, Sanok had some departmental duties to which he had to attend. The repairs on the Rosenante would take time, so at the beginning, he and Ben were needed to initialize things. Once his duties were done on board, Sanok went directly to the main security office on the base. With several days to spend there, he volunteered for duty shifts, something he always did when his ship spent time on a starbase. Sanok had been assigned to the secondary recreational level. It was a Wednesday afternoon, so the weekend crowd wouldn't be there, but things were busy enough. Sanok had first familiarized himself with the layout of the deck to which he was assigned. After that, he began his shift. He passed many different shops, stopping at kiosks to meet the proprietors. Things were going smoothly, until he saw three Klingons together. They were loud and unruly, pushing people out of their way. They continued their behavior, eventually entering a place called, Tavat's Bar. Knowing that something would eventually happen inside, Sanok placed himself outside the establishment, making sure he could see inside. Sure enough, a fight began, involving the three Klingons and two Humans. "Sanok to base security," said Sanok, tapping his comm badge. "There is a fight in progress in Tavat's Bar on the secondary recreational level. I need backup." Rushing inside, Sanok moved to intervene, but one of the Klingons saw him coming. Smelling of blood wine, and with a look of fury in his eyes, he swung at Sanok. Sanok easily avoided the blow, taking the momentum of the swing and bringing the Klingon to the floor. A nerve pinch rendered him unconscious. Sanok stood and turned back to the others. (reply any) (posted by Bob B.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Docking Area Slip 21 - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1634) The Geneva was home away from home. It was good to see her again and be aboard. The stress of the mission finally lifted from Steve's shoulders, but the grief and tragedy of lost crew mates would continue to haunt him. The Rose had suffered a great deal herself and it was unclear if she would be rebuilt, refit or scrapped. Matrix hadn't heard the official word. Matrix and his crew was told to disembark and leave the work to the Geneva's crews. "Permission to come aboard." said Matrix to the lieutenant standing watch at the receiving dock aboard the Geneva. "Welcome aboard the Geneva Lieutenant. Permission granted. Crew assignments can be found in the observation lounge. Please check the message center as well." replied the Lieutenant. "Thank you lieutenant." replied Matrix. The docking area provided a birds eye view of the port side of the Rosenante. The Boudicca could be seen just over the saucer section, but not in great detail. The Rose looked like she's been through hell and back...and she had. Matrix shook his head in disbelief. The damage was severe. How they managed to keep her running with that amount of damage was a miracle. If Matrix had seen the nacelle damage he wouldn't have pushed her so hard. The dock master's runabout was visible in the background and it was obvious he was making an inspection run. They didn't waste time and crews could be seen moving materials out to the docking bays. Matrix took the scene to memory and preceded to the observation lounge. (Star Base Geneva - Observation Lounge - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1641) " Lieutenant Matrix, USS Rosenante Chief Engineering Officer reporting in." said Matrix to the officer standing behind the counter. "...let me see...Lieutenant Matrix...ah've been assigned to deck 17, suite 11. We have made arrangements for new uniforms...already in your quarters Lieutenant. Please check your messages as well. Welcome aboard." replied the ensign. (Reply any, none required) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Geneva Station - Holodeck 4 - FO - Commander T'Larah Sullivan - 1710) T'Larah had recently faced almost a legion of Borg, and barely came out alive. It left an impass for her, she tried numerous methods to clear her mind of the thought. Exercise, weapons training, meditation, even rigorous mental games, all failed. She came to the conclusion that she would have to face these things head-on. She looked out to the seas near Thermopylae. Wave after wave crashed upon the shore. The seas patient assault changing the shore little by little as time past. T'Larah was sure that this same shore looked completely different now, some centuries later. "They're coming." the commander of the Spartan band before them gave his warning. T'Larah settled in the front rank of the phalanx. Her bronze shield ready to be joined to the warrior standing next to her. "We've worried him." the Spartan leader began. "The Spartan Nation is so mighty that Hades himself has taken note. He's sent legions after us. He means to break our phalanx, our backs and our very spirits, but I tell you brothers, with the daughter of Hephestas, Spartan shields and Spartan spears, and supreme Spartan will, we shall be victorious!" The Spartan warriors barked in unison expressing their willingness to serve and die at his command. T'Larah noticed very ground began to tremble. In-perceptibly at first, then the vibrations came into hearing range of the human warriors present, but they stood fast. The black army marched close enough to be identified. Legions upon legions of Borg could be seen pouring over the horizon. T'Larah gripped the haft of her spear tighter as her knuckles turned a paler shade of green. Her sandalled feet settled into a stable platform, a readied stance. Red targeting lasers could be seen in the dust clouds formed by the Borg trudging march. "Give them nothing, and take from them, everything!" the Spartan called, somehow over the thundering Borg advance. (Reply any in program) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Workpod M3B - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1753) Matrix couldn't stand it any longer. He commandeered a worpod and made his way over to the Rose. He was up on the routine of the repair crews and managed to assign himself a workpod. The new Mark 7 units were more comfortable and had many more capabilities than the Mark IV and Mark VI models. This little baby could outrun some fleet ships in certain worlds. "Computer...initiate inspection run Matrix 1-Alpha...USS Rosenante. Engage" ordered Matrix. [Acknowledged] The thee minute trip to the Rosenante was uneventful. The repair dock didn't notice that Matrix assigned an unauthorized workpod out for an inspection. Matrix was more than familiar with the Geneva's protocols and regulations. Workpod M3B blended into the hustle of the normal repair detail common when a fleet vesicle entered for repairs. Matrix had programmed the comm-link to engage in an automated fashion and even a routine flight path common when pod delivered materials. In fact, Matrix had over 2 tones of tritanium in route to the port nacelle. The usual inspection route started at the aft bottom of the ship and preceded in an elliptical fashion with the final flight over the primary hull. Matrix deviated from this slightly, but wanted to make a proper inspection of the Rose. He wanted to make his own approximation of the repairs and determine for himself, the the Rose was refit worthy. Many shipyard Captains took opportunities such as this to scrap a perfectly salvageable ship over a refit. Refits were costly and time consuming. Building anew presented less bureaucracy and provided Star Fleet with a reason to upgrade with newer technologies. He often thought there was some shady agreements going. The USS Paladin came to mind, although she was badly damaged as well and a fairly old ship. Refits usually meant the crews stayed together, otherwise they would be assigned to who knows where and on what ships. If they were lucky. The underside of the Rose showed nothing more than the usual space damage common in a long voyage or exposure to a planetary atmosphere. The port nacelle was more damaged that Matrix had allowed himself to believe. Structural damage from the port link all the way to the main deflector dish could be seen. The skeletal structure of the primary nacelle supports were visible. Matrix recalled the damage report display showing they were venting in that area, but in the mix of the past few days it was a blur. It was impressive how well tritanium held up when exposed to the vacuum of space. As he swing around the workpod even more damage was visible at the junction point to the main connection spars. Matrix tapped on the flood lights get be a better view and gasped at the discovery. The primary umbilical links to engineering were exposed. He couldn't believe the damage. It was as though someone took a plasma cutter and drilled a hole the size of a large shuttle into the Rose. There were only two skeletal structures left in this section and could have buckled completely. If it had, the Rose and the rest of her crew would have been destroyed in the turbulent throws of a warp maneuver. Matrix dropped the tritanium off at the designated point and preceded around the rest of the ship. The journey took nearly an hour. The starboard side of the Rose showed signs of damage, but all were easily repairable. The Geneva would have no problems getting these external repairs made within days. The internal damage would take the most time. The primary hull was in good shape, but there were large sections in need of new tritanium, transparent aluminum and a new material called passive magtronic-shielding. Matrix had helped develop the material to overcome heat and structural problems while in high warp using the spiral drive. The physical and chemical properties were a combination of trial and error and were subject of a paper Matrix co-authored. He'd forgotten about that until he scanned this part of the Rose. The materials crew had already brought over repair cages labeled "MAGSHLD." He made a mental note to contact the shipyard Captain to see what improvements Star Fleet had made to material. Matrix pulled the Mark 7 back just in front and above the primary hull and stopped. He took in the sight of the Rose. The number of repair pods, shuttles and materials being moved around her hull convinced him that she would indeed be repaired rather than scrapped. Still he wouldn't sleep until he heard anything official. "Computer...return to Geneva dock station 31" said Matrix. [Acknowledged] Four minutes later Matrix docked with Geneva with PADD in hand and headed to his temporary quarters. (Reply none) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------