Compile#2 November 21-27 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Personal Logs Day: 1 Stardate: 2414.02.12 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0854) (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - 0857) (USS Boudicca, First Officer's Office, Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign (JG) Vanik, 09:37) (USS Rosenante- Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1- 1028) (USS Rosenante– Ready Room– LT David Michael Tamblyn– 1030) (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1041) (Starbase Geneva- Personal Quarters- SO, Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1- 1045) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 1046) (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1051) (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1057) (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle In Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1110) (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle In Time Shop - ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos - Day 1 - 1117) (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle in Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1122) (Starbase Geneva- Caskie's Personal Quarters- SO, Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1- 1129) (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle in Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1130) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - aFO Josh Caskie - Day 1- 1131) (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1, 1132) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1134) (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1, 1145) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - Science Officer - Ensign Andrew Elliot Maddox -1147) (USS Rosenante – Gangway – CO Captain Durand – 1252) (USS Rosenante – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 1258) (Starvase Geneva - Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.05) (Geneva, Holdeck 1, Combat Nurse, E’Mpak, 1307) (Starbase Geneva – Holodeck 1 – AOPS Lt(jg) Roberts – 1308) (Starvase Geneva - Holodeck ! - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.30) (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Recreation Level, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 1632) (Starbase Geneva – Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon – CO Captain Durand – 1633) (Starbase Geneva, Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon- SO Ens. Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1, 1635) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level - Club Avalon - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1637) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1638) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1640) (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - T'Lela - 1643) (Starbase Geneva, Medical 2, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 1830) (Starbase Geneva - USS Rosenante (Docked) - Main Engineering - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1842) (Starbase Geneva - Signos's Temporary Quarters - Day 1 - 2045) (Starbase Geneva - Temporary Quarters - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 2312) (SB Geneva, Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson, Married Officers Quarters, Day 1, 2345) ======================================================== Mission: Personal Logs Day: 2 Stardate: 2414.02.13 Compile Summary (Starbase Geneva- Hotel Fantasy- CSec- LT Chance Raschen and T'Lela- 0130) (SB Geneva Married Officers Quarters Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 2 0630) (Starbase Geneva, Medical 2, Lieutenants Ben Soma and Sanok,0855) (SB Geneva Married Officers Quarters Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 2 0900) (Starbase Geneva, Guest Quarters, SO, Ensign Eva Saint Jean, Day 2, 0901*) (Starbase Geneva - Guest Quarters - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0908) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 0854) Durand nodded at the Romulan and her disarming smile. He was neither disarmed, nor charmed, but no trace of either showed on his carefully neutral features. “A moment ago, you made a point of telling me you were a Starfleet officer, and now you tell me you are a civilian. You can’t have it both ways, Lieutenant. Your oath as an officer supercedes any order, even one given by the Romulan senate. I do appreciate your efforts on our behalf, of course. I’m equally sorry that your ship was expended in the fashion it was. Necessary, but nonetheless regrettable.” As he had been speaking, he had reviewed the pertinent section of regulations for this particular situation. “As to your not being under orders, I’m afraid you are both right, and wrong.” He spun the desk reader so she could clearly see it. “Once you came aboard during a security situation – in fact what was soon to become a combat situation – your duty as a Starfleet officer superceded any other obligations. In point of fact, until released by the Authority Having Jurisdiction – in this case, Captain Salid, the TF CO – you are attached, in effect, to this crew.” (Reply T'Rillian iyw) “So again Lieutenant… I thank you for your services, but must repeat you are, for the time being, bound by my orders to not leave the station until discharged by Captain Salid. Thank you for coming to me with your report. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed.” (Reply T'Rillian iyw, but none needed) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca - Ready Room - Lt (jg) Ael Harkonnen T'Rillian - 0857) Captain Durand refuted her argument about being a civilian during the last mission and informed her that once she had come aboard the Boudicca during a security mission she was indeed regarded as Starfleet Crew. Ael could not disagree with that so she smiled sweetly and changed tack. "Sir if it was indeed the case that I was designated as Starfleet Crew, perhaps you might explain to my why I was kept confined to quarters for a period of time and not allowed the run of the ship as all Star Fleet Offficers would have expected and perhaps you would indeed tell me who indeed gave those orders. (Reply Durand) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Boudicca, First Officer's Office, Assistant Chief Science Officer Ensign (JG) Vanik, 09:37.) "Thank you so much for reporting so quickly Ensign. Unfortunately I have to inform you that Ensign Caliel has been reassigned and will be shipping out immediately. I need you now to report to the CSO's Office and organise all of the reports there and send them to me. Once you have done that I want you to consider you and everyone else in Science on leave for the next 72 hours. I suggest that you all go and have fun." "Aye Sir." Vanik said and left. He made his way back to the Science Research Facility were the worst of the damage had been suffered first, which was on it's way to the Chief Science Officer's Office. He approached the Human Crewperson he had left in charge. "I would like these damage reports ready as soon as possible." "Yes Sir." The man said. "Once you have compiled them, send them to the Cheif Science Officer's Office." The man nodded and Vanik then left and headed for the Officer, where he started to compile the reports he already had and worked out which ones were still to be done. A while later, the last reports came in and a full tally of the damage was known: Starting with Deck Five, the first Deck to have a Science Lab on it, Vaink wrote in his report about Stellar Cartography, which was completed destroyed from a direct hit. According to Operations, the entire room would have to be completely replaced. Nothing within the room was useable and the room was full of broken panels and bulkheads. Next in the report was the Biophysics Lab, which was not far from Stellar Cartography. Being so close to it, it had also suffered damage, but the damage was minor and so the room was still useable. One control panel was out of order, but could be easily replaced. The Atmospheric Physics Lab, Astrometrics lab and Research Labs were almost untouched, apart from some minor structal damage and a loose bulkhead, those rooms were useable. Moving onto Deck Six, Vanik's report now told of The Science Research Facility, which was right below Stellar Cartography and so had taken massive damage. There was a gaping hole one quarter of the ceiling in the lab which showed the deck above. The bulkheads and panels would take the rest of the day to fix, maybe more. The Lab would most likely be out of order for the next few days and every control panel would also have to be refitted and fused. Next, Vanik organised all of the Scientific reports that Caliel was working on before she had left and organised them by date and protect type and then by name before adding them to the report. Once his report was finished, he stood up and headed to the First Officer's Office. (Posted by Gavin Work) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1- 1028) The only thing worse than making life-and-death decisions in the heat of the moment was filling out the paperwork associated with those same decisions. And considering the difficulties that the Rosenante and the Boudicca had endured recently, and the number of such decisions that he had been forced to make, the prodigious amount of paperwork was almost an obstacle unto itself. He was in the middle of working up the after action report for the admiralty when the sound of his door chime sounded. The door slid back to reveal a man with whom Ahmed was unfamiliar. Interest piqued, the Egyptian placed his PADD on the desk in front of him and took a deep breath as the man smartly entered his office. "Lieutenant David Michael Tamblyn reporting sir. Recently transferred from the USS Cavalier," he stated as he offered Ahmed the PADD that he was carrying. Ahmed reached out and accepted the display device with a mix of reluctance and happiness. He was always happy to receive well-adjusted career officers, but at the same time he realized that the reason that he was receiving this man to his ship's compliment was because he had lost so many crew. He gestured to the seat across from him, one of the few pieces of furniture in his ready room to have survived the battle with the Borg as he glanced at the man's orders. "Please have a seat Mister Tamblyn." he added for the man's benefit. (reply Tamblyn) It took a few moments for Ahmed to scroll through the impressive accomplishments in Tamblyn's record. It was detailed yet precise at the same time an unusual thing to find in the fleet these days. He reviewed the man's routing orders last, before authorizing the transfer and returning the PADD to the newest addition to the Rosenante's crew compliment. "Impressive record mister Tamblyn" Ahmed finally stated. "But I've always found that records tend not to really give me a good indication of the man or woman to whom they belong. They tend to be so impersonal. So do me a favor and tell me a little bit about David Tamblyn that isn't found in the records." (reply Tamblyn) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante– Ready Room– LT David Michael Tamblyn– 1030) "Please have a seat Mister Tamblyn." he added for the man's benefit. "Thank you sir." David said as he sat down. "I feel I must apologize sir. I was do to report in to you got underway on your last mission, but do to unforeseen complications in transit I arrived at 989 after you had set sail." (Reply Salid eye) It took a few moments for Ahmed to scroll through Tamblyn's record. It was detailed yet precise at the same time an unusual thing to find in the fleet these days. Especially in David's case considering how many times he had been in and out of Starfleet. David couldn't help but stare at the man behind the desk. After all, he had spent a couple of years on the Buenaventura searching for him, his crew, and his ship. "Impressive record Mister Tamblyn" Ahmed finally stated. "But I've always found that records tend not to really give me a good indication of the man or woman to whom they belong. They tend to be so impersonal. So do me a favor and tell me a little bit about David Tamblyn that isn't found in the records." "Well sir, I think the only way my record is impressive is the number of separate times I have become a member of Starfleet. My only real combat experience was on the Cavalier during the Heatherby Revolt. But that was a few years after you and the others had vanished." (Reply Salid iyw) "Before returning to Starfleet this time, I was a Grad-Student teaching history and literature at the University of Florida while finishing my Masters degree. I also earned money on the side working with a friend of mine, an Archaeologist, who frequently contracted me to do research as well. "While at the university I had even written a book on Admiral Riker for SFI entitled Halsey Wasn't the Last. I don't think they used it though. I was surprised one day when one of my students, in the ROTC program, sited it in their bibliography on a paper they had written on the evolution of naval tactics." (Reply Salid) "Right now I have no plans to stay in Starfleet. Though when I finish this contract for being recalled when you and the others reappeared, that will put me at around 16 years in. I have never re-up ed before so I may just go ahead and finish off my 20 and go from there." (Reply Salid) (Reply Salid) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1041) "I'm okay. Just tired." Eian told the group has they started to eat it was a answer no one could disagree with. But, to Jessica something about the excuse seemed hollow, empty. She let it go for the time being there would be time later when they were away from others that they could about what was on their minds. "These pancakes are good," Eian said, earning him a nod from Liam. Jessica hoped he picked up what she felt. Jessica was truly worried about Eian, she wondered what she could tell him that would make him feel better. Then again she was the one confined to the chair, The battle with the Borg had taken something from everyone on the Rose and the Boudicca especially those who had come face to face with Volus. Jessica looked to Eian her eyes large and pleading. ~Please talk to me, don't shut me out Eian.~ The words were on her lips but she knew better than to push the issue now. So instead she glanced over to Liam. "Yes, I think all the food is quite good, don't you Liam?" She smiled, giving Eian's father a chance to reply. (reply Liam) "Liam, you did make mention that you were at one time a doctor. The name of my condition is the Signos Thread. Please, look into it all you want. I would prefer knowing a Doctor that would see me has a person rather than a science experiment." She smiled. "Wouldn't you agree Eian." (relpy Liam and Eian) She took a few small bites of her meal and savored the sweet taste, before speaking again. "So" she looked across the table at Liam. "Is there anything You wish to talk about?" (reply Liam) (reply has noted above) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva- Personal Quarters- SO, Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1- 1045) Mike had just settled into his personal berthing aboard Starbase geneva after seeing to the welfare of his squad when the messaging monitor on the small workstation in his newly assigned room chirped. It was a perplexing thing for a few moments, only because he had only been assigned the room a few minutes prior by the quartermaster. He dropped his carry bag on the floor near the door, and let out a deep sigh. It felt good to be in a familiar place; one that had working showers, replicators and a bed that hadn't been trashed by the Borg. Shaking his head at that last thought, he crossed the room and activated the monitor as he slid into the less-than-comfortable chair provided for his use. Despite his fatigue, Mike smiled. ~Leave it to Jennifer~ he thought ~to brighten my day.~ There was a message waiting for him inquiring as to his availability for lunch. He quickly glanced over at the chronometer, calculated how much time it would take him to properly shower, shave and make himself presentable, before replying. Once he'd determined that he had enough time, he tapped out his reply. [I'd love to. Pick you up at your quarters 1130 hours. Love Mike] He struck the send command, and hurried off to make himself presentable. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 1 - 1046) "Yes, I think all the food is quite good, don't you, Liam?" Jessica asked, and Liam nodded. The pancakes reminded him of those his wife used to make. He would have never stepped foot in the place even last year after tasting that specific taste again. But what once would have brought him sadness now brought him happiness. He hoped it was the same for Eian, and he wished Glenn could be here to taste them. "Liam, you did make mention that you were at one time a doctor. The name of my condition is the Signos Thread. Please, look into it all you want. I would prefer knowing a doctor that would see me as a person rather than a science experiment." She smiled. "Wouldn't you agree, Eian?" Eian nodded. "That's my dad's specialty," Liam's son said. "He's good at seeing people as people." "It's an important skill to have," Liam responded. "I was a general practitioner for years, and then I started to get into a specialty. Starfleet had a deficit of pediatric and adolescent specialists, so I concentrated on that area. Then I eventually gravitated toward the command track. Not the most direct career path, I admit, but a rewarding one," he said, and smiled. "It's an interesting condition you have, Jessica. It's very applicable to my former line of work, and I will look into it." After all, from what Jessica described, her mind had developed normally for her age, but her body was stuck in adolescence. It was mind-boggling how that might work in a natural way and not be engineered, but Liam had a few ideas as to how it could work on a cellular level. "So," Jessica broke his line of thought. "is there anything you wish to talk about?" Liam smiled. She was direct, he'd definitely give her that. "Well, I had a few things in mind that we could do together if you two feel up to it. There are a few amusement park holodeck programs that I've got stored on a portable drive." He saw his son's eyes flash in momentary happiness, and he felt relief. "And then there's the live feed I purchased for the 2414 Earth Stanley Cup Finals." "Just before the Mars Finals, awesome," Eian said. "That's something I want to see." "Jessica, do you follow hockey at all?" (reply Jessica) "That's okay, it's mainly a Sol System sport. It's migrated out to a few other systems but the Sol Stanley Cup Finals are by far the most watched in the galaxy. We can watch live from the holodeck, front row, center ice seats." Eian grinned, and Liam grinned back. That was a good sign. "It's played on the ice, and the players on two teams wear ice skates as they move around chasing a rubber cylinder called a 'puck'. The object of the game is to hit the puck into a net with a stick. It's fast-paced, and Eian's loved it since he was a little boy." (reply Jessica) Liam smiled. "I also found a store on this station that has a bunch of historic merchandise from different civilizations." Eian was a history buff, and Liam was trying to give him the best time possible after what he had been through. "I found something in particular I think you'll like, Eian, and I'm having them hold it for us." Eian looked up from his food. "What is it?" He laughed. "It's a surprise. I'm not going to *tell* you." He smirked. "We can go check it out today if you want." His son nodded. "I definitely want to do that." Liam nodded back, and hoped that his facial expression wasn't giving away too much relief at Eian's responses. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) "Yes, I think all the food is quite good, don't you Liam?" She smiled, giving Eian's father a chance to reply. (reply Liam) "Liam, you did make mention that you were at one time a doctor. The name of my condition is the Signos Thread. Please, look into it all you want. I would prefer knowing a Doctor that would see me has a person rather than a science experiment." She smiled. "Wouldn't you agree Eian." (relpy Liam and Eian) She took a few small bites of her meal and savored the sweet taste, before speaking again. "So" she looked across the table at Liam. "Is there anything You wish to talk about?" (reply Liam) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Good Morning Diner – ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos – 1051) "Jessica, do you follow hockey at all?" One of the two asked her, Jessica missed exactly who. She was busy finishing the last of meal. It seemed Liam had quite a goodly amount of time to prepare for this encounter. Jessica liked the ideal of going to an amusement park the last park she went to was with her parents, a place called Islands of Adventure's. It was located just outside of the town were she was born. She smiled to them both has the thought of doing something fun set in. That and the fact that Eian looked like he had just come alive. "I know a little about the basics of the game." She answered, but her words seemed to get lost in nestalgia. "That's okay, it's mainly a Sol System sport. It's migrated out to a few other systems but the Sol Stanley Cup Finals are by far the most watched in the galaxy. We can watch live from the holodeck, front row, center ice seats." Liam spoke. Jessica watched has a smile graced Eian's face it was the first she saw him smile since they all made it back to the station. After so much bad, and so much pain It was good that they would be making some good, fun memories to help heal the hurt. Laim Continued, as Jessica paid more attention to how Eian reacted than what Liam said. "It's played on the ice, and the players on two teams wear ice skates as they move around chasing a rubber cylinder called a 'puck'. The object of the game is to hit the puck into a net with a stick. It's fast-paced, and Eian's loved it since he was a little boy." One Liam finished his discription of hockey. "Has I've heard." was Jessica's simple answer has she smiled. She might not of known much about the game, but she knew wnough that it was a face-paced game where people skatted on ice trying to hit a puck into a net. The conversation changed to a store that soild historic iteams, and that Liam had something put on hold there. The thought intruged Jessica. She indeed what to go to the prominade deck and do a bit of shopping herself since all that survived from her quarters was a blast resistant footlocker that held iteams of a more sensative nature, Some of which Jessica know knew had to deal with Lily. Almost all of her personal iteams were destroyed beyound repair, and needed to be replaced. Jessica also knew this was not the time for a shopping spree, but having a look around and getting a few ideals never hurt either. Eian nodded, looking up from his food. "I definitely want to do that." "Well we just have to go there first then." Jessica said then smiled mischievously. "Who know's it might be a holy hand gernade of antiotch." Jessica giggled at the sly referance. When they first met Eian had made comment about a particular vid they had both seen, She hoped she could get Eian to remember that time... to get Eian to laugh. (reply Eian.) "Well I'm ready whenever you both are, It seems we are far to busy to sit here idly wasting time. Don't get me wrong the conversation is good. But that can follow us were every we go." (reply Eian, Liam) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Good Morning Diner - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1057) "Well, we just have to go there first then," Jessica said, and then smiled at Eian. "Who knows, it might be a holy hand grenade of antioch." She giggled, and Eian laughed at the reference. "It could also be a coconut from Earth," he said, and left an opening for his dad. To Eian's delight, his father answered without missing a beat. "Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?" They all laughed, and for the first time in a while, Eian felt like he had gotten home. Maybe this was what would replace that place in his heart where God once was. Maybe the joy of family could make him come alive again. "Well, I'm ready to go whenever you both are. It seems we are far too busy to sit here idly wasting time. Don't get me wrong, the conversation is good. but that can follow us wherever we go." Eian smiled, and nodded. "Then let's get to that shop, and we'll see whatever Dad has in store for us." After Liam paid for breakfast, they all took off for the historic shop he had found. (no reply necessary) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle In Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1110) The "A Wrinkle In Time" shop had a very small storefront and was so crowded in the front that Jessica's wheelchair almost didn't fit. However, once they got inside, they realized that the shop opened up. The store had intentionally made the outside look smaller than the inside. Eian remembered that concept from a vid that came out around the same time in history that Monty Python did. Liam led the way through the small crowd in the store and to the counter, which was off to the side. The counter was located inside an ancient Bajoran war chariot--something Eian knew only because his mother was an expert in alien civilizations and a history buff herself. "You're back, and you brought your boy," the man behind the counter said. He was an odd-looking human man in his forties, probably seven or seven and a half feet tall, bald and wearing a bright purple suit, and missing his right ear. "And his girlfriend," the man added, and extended his massive hand to Jessica, bowing deeply as he said, "It is my honor, madam." (reply Jessica) "And you, Sir, it is my honor as well." He extended his right hand to Eian, and Eian's left hand moved first. He had to think about moving his right hand--it was still awkward. But he successfully raised the prosthetic up and shook the man's hand. "What's your name, Sir?" Eian asked. "I legally changed my name to Billy Cardilly. Do you get the reference?" Eian raised an eyebrow, and looked to Liam and Jessica, who shrugged. "He was a radio show host in an Earth city called Pittsburgh, during the twentieth century. He specialized in spooky stories, and they're some of my favorite radio broadcasts. But enough about radio. You're here about something entirely different." "I left an item with you the other day," Liam said. Billy nodded once and ducked behind the Bajoran chariot/counter. Eian was amazed that he could fit under the counter, with his enormous size. But he emerged holding a yellow and black hockey stick. "This item came to me from someone who knew much about Billy Cardilly, among other twentieth-century Pittsburgh references. Your father told me you would be aware of the existence of a Pittsburgh Penguins player named Mario Lemieux." He handed the hockey stick to Eian. Eian stared at it in disbelief. "*The* Mario Lemieux?" "He's not Wayne Gretzky but he's pretty close," Liam stated with a smile. Eian held the stick as though it would break if he gripped it as his mouth hung open. "No need to be gentle," Billy told him. "It's been treated with a nanoscopic poly-metallic transparent wood hardener, and epoxy-reinforced on the blade and handle. I wrapped it in hockey tape myself when I was through waxing it yesterday. May I see it?" Eian handed it back to him, and Billy pointed to Lemieux's signature in the middle of the stick. "Watch this spot." Then, with amazing accuracy and leverage Billy swung the stick directly into a nearby small-diameter metal pole. Eian involuntarily gasped and cringed, but the stick came away unharmed. Billy then took a razor blade and began attempting to shave the stick, but couldn't even make a scratch. He handed it back to Eian. "Feel free to play on the ice with that," he said. Eian grinned like a little kid on Christmas. Liam smiled and placed his hand on Eian's shoulder. "Charge it to my account," he told Billy. After the transaction was done, he turned to Jessica and Eian. "Let's look around. I'm sure there are more treasures in this shop where that came from." (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle In Time Shop - ATAC/SC Ensign (jg) Jessica Signos - Day 1 - 1117) Jessica was thankful for the lighter conversation and the good humor. It was good to laugh and hear Eian laugh. In his silence all Jessica could see was the Borg that was 2 of 5 and not Eian, but drones don't laugh and tell jokes. Jessica was beginning to see Eian come alive before her eyes. A very good turn of events, Eain and Liam talked about sports, mostly hockey, most of the way to the store. They took turn pushing Jessica along the way. She hated it, Jessica was always independent and she was sure that someone did this to her on purpose just to get her to relax, and take things easy. She knew what was in her medical report, and knew the rumors that followed her. She should of died, several times, Jessica did not know herself how she managed to survive the way she did, and continue fighting, she just did. Soon Eian guided her chair to the entrance of a store that his father motioned to, It was a tight fit but Jessica soon found herself in the store and transported to another time. The store held so many wonders from times long since past that Jessica just sat there and took it all in. Jessica being a medieval fan herself. "You're back, and you brought your boy," the man behind the counter said, being Jessica back to the here and now. He was an odd-looking human man in his forties, probably seven or seven and a half feet tall, bald and wearing a bright purple suit, and missing his right ear. "And his girlfriend," the man added, and extended his massive hand to Jessica, bowing deeply as he said, "It is my honor, madam." She laid her hand in his. "Thank you, It's an honor..." Jessica let her voice trail off, before continuing "You have many wonders in this place." Jessica watched has the man shook Eian's and the men started to converse about hockey again. Jessica paid attention but let her eyes wonder about the store looking for what might strike an interest with her. There was a loud bang that brought her attention back to the boys at the counter. Jessica watched the color drain from Eian's face as he turned white with sheer terror. When the hockey stick collided with a metal pole. But the stick came back unscathed. Eian was grinning from ear to ear when he glanced at Jessica. He reminded her of the boy that stole all the cookies and got away with it, and that caused Jessica to laugh. After the transaction was done. Eian came to Jessica's side she smiled at Eian who beamed brightly. "Let's look around. I'm sure there are more treasures in this shop where that came from." Eian spoke she was sure that he would vanish into the treasure trove and never return. But he stayed by her side and they prepared to explored the store together. "Yes lets explore, but first... Mr. Cardilly, you wouldn't by any chance have a display case for a single knife of about six inches long and an inch wide. Proply something with a more medieval flare, to it." (reply Carilly, Eian) (reply Eian, Laim, all other noted.) (posted by Matthew Locke) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle in Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1122) At Jessica's request, Cardilly smiled and held up one of his giant fingers as he disappeared behind a gap in some nearby shelves that Eian hadn't even noticed was there. He realized after a moment that he hadn't noticed it because there were mirrors set up to make it look like the shelf continued there. A clever trick, especially if you didn't want customers stealing merchandise. When Cardilly emerged, he held a small knife in a sheath. He handed it to Jessica in two hands, holding the tip of the handle with his thumb and forefinger and the sheath lying flat in his other hand in a very practiced motion. "Forgive me if this assumption was incorrect, but I have assumed that you meant medieval Earth...if you want medieval Bajor, medieval Cardassia, medieval Vulcan, medieval Kro'noS, medieval Cataxia...I have many other options. This, madam, is the pocket knife of a medieval conquerer named Richard I, also known as Richard the Lionheart. He pioneered the political and religious quest known as the Crusades. At first a purely political quest for England to gain territory, the Crusades was a drain on money and resources. Therefore, Richard I led the soldiers into battle himself, explaining that it was a religious quest of Christianity against Islam, another popular religion at the time. He succeeded in recruiting a massive amount of Christians to fight for their faith, and successfully pushed back the Muslim regime that was gaining territory in Europe until the dawn of the Crusades. Most historians believe that if he had not done this, Islam would have controlled most of Europe, including England. He was a brilliant warrior and leader, most skilled in strategy and inspiring his men. However, the Crusades are considered by most to be a horrible time for equality, pitting two major religions against each other in such a way that it took several hundred years for them to reconcile again. The knife you hold is believed to have been used to skin animals for food. Richard was not a man who liked to be served, and he much preferred the independence of killing and preparing his own food." (reply Jessica) The knife itself was of beautiful architecture. The hilt was ornately decorated with notches for one's thumb, allowing one to successfully pivot the knife quickly out of the sheath and directed at 'prey'. It was shiny silver and featured a rope grip at the top and bottom of the hilt. "Like the other historic items in this shop, the material is original but coated in slim but protective layer that hardens the blade and handle and prevents it from degradation due to use. You are free to use this blade to do whatever you wish--whether it be skinning animals or simple opening of packages...or even self protection. It is a small but useful knife, and extremely sharp. I sharpened and oiled it myself last week." (reply Jessica) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva- Caskie's Personal Quarters- SO, Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1- 1129) Mike had hurriedly shaved, showered and replicated some comfortable civilian clothes. He wore a pair of soft fabric trousers and a comfortable Anturian silk shirt. The trousers were the rich variegated brown of natural fibers, while the shirt was a deep cerulean blue. He had tucked his commbadge into his pant's pocket before leaving his quarters. A quick stop at a couple of vendors netted him a lovely Bottle of imported Chilean red Wine, and a bouquet of Bajoran flowers, that put most terrestrial blooms to shame. Thus so armed, he reached her quarters and rang the enunciator. (reply Caskie) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - A Wrinkle in Time Shop - ACEO Lt JG Eian O'Neill - Day 1 - 1130) After they were done at the front counter, they explored the rest of the shop. It was stocked full of interesting items that one would never expect to see next to one another. Eian burst into laughter when he saw two particularly mismatched items. "Jessica," he got her attention, and pointed. "Third shelf up, right there." A poster of dancing Orion slave women was right next to a selection of Catholic rosary beads. "What do you think, Cardilly's trying to say something?" He smirked. (reply Jessica) "Jessica, Eian," Liam interrupted, and pointed at a case a few meters from where they were. Eian wheeled Jessica over and they looked inside. "Wow," Eian said, impressed. The case was sealed with not just glass but also a force field, and inside were assorted weapons. The weapons ranged from automatic projectile weapons from Earth's and Bajor's relatively recent history to energy weapons from ancient civilizations now gone. There were more where that came from as well. They didn't notice it before, but the shelf they were staring at was lined with these cases placed strategically about five or six feet from one another and hidden with mirrors. Unless you were looking for them, you wouldn't spot them. A good security tactic, Eian thought. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - aFO Josh Caskie - Day 1- 1131) After Josh had dressed she crossed back to the terminal and read all of the messages that had finally caught up with her. There were a huge amount of them and Josh screened all of the medical ones out since they were Journals or updates that could be read later. That left her with five messages. Three of them were from her family wishing her a happy birthday. One from Iain, one from Mags and one from Calum. Josh smiled as she realised that sometime during the Cretaceous period she had gained a year. ~A year or a few million.~ she smiled. ~It all depends on how you look at it.~ ~Oh well. What's a few million years between friends.~ The next message took her completely by surprise. It was from T'Lela and was an invitation for her and Mike to join their party at Club Avalon. Josh remember T'Lela in passing as someone she had met but had very little to do with. Although if her memory served her correctly she was from the alternate universe and someone that Raschen had sponsored to the Fleet. That alone made Josh curious, but her participation might depend on what Mike was doing at the time. Her final message was from Mike to say that he would pick her up at 11.30 and realising that she didn't have much time she looked in the mirror and gave herself a once over as her door chimed. As Josh opened the door the first thing she say was a whole bouquet of Bajoran Spring Blooms and she smiled inviting Mike into her quarters and taking them from him to put in a vase. "They are beautiful, where on earth did you get them at such short notice. (reply Mike) Josh kept talking. "I don't know if you've seen it yet but T'Lela has invited us both to Club Avalon this afternoon. I must admit that this invitation took me by surprise, but I assume that it is more to do with you than me. If you indeed want to go I have no objection but I will need to go find something decent to wear." "I only brought casual clothes with me. Not expecting this kind of invitation, so after lunch I need to go shopping if we are going to go." (reply Mike) "So, where would you like to go for lunch? (reply Mike) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, SO Ensign Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1, 1132) As Josh opened the door the first thing she saw was a whole bouquet of Bajoran Spring Blooms and she smiled inviting Mike into her quarters and taking them from him to put in a vase. "They are beautiful, where on Earth did you get them at such short notice. "I know a Botanist here on the Station that owes me a few favors. Remember I was stationed here for a short while before joining the Rosenante crew. Geneva is one of those places where it pays to know people." he replied as she crossed the room with the bouquet. "Still, as lovely as they are, they're nothing as beautiful as you." Josh kept talking. "I don't know if you've seen it yet but T'Lela has invited us both to Club Avalon this afternoon. I must admit that this invitation took me by surprise, but I assume that it is more to do with you than me. If you indeed want to go I have no objection but I will need to go find something decent to wear." "I only brought casual clothes with me. Not expecting this kind of invitation, so after lunch I need to go shopping if we are going to go." Mike shook his head, as he replied, "I haven't seen it, but I wouldn't mind getting out for a while. God knows how much we all need to unwind after everything that we've been through." "So, where would you like to go for lunch?" Mike scrunched up his face in thought, "Hmmmm... good question. I hadn't really given it much thought. To be completely honest, I was hoping you had someplace in mind. But if you don't we can go walk the restaurant level and see what screams out at us." (reply Caskie) Mike smiled. "You know it's good to see you, Jennifer. I'm relieved that you made it. I don't know that I could have handled losing you too. It makes me even more thankful for the short time that we get to spend together." (reply Caskie) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1134) "So, where would you like to go for lunch?" Mike scrunched up his face in thought, "Hmmmm... good question. I hadn't really given it much thought. To be completely honest, I was hoping you had someplace in mind. But if you don't we can go walk the restaurant level and see what screams out at us." Josh smiled at Mike. "Suits me. To be honest I didn't have anywhere particular in mind." "You know it's good to see you, Jennifer. I'm relieved that you made it. I don't know that I could have handled losing you too. It makes me even more thankful for the short time that we get to spend together." Josh stopped arranging the flowers and walking over to Mike wrapped her arms around him and sighed. "I know Mike, I heard about Mosh and I am more sorry than I can ever say. I realise that you lost someone especially close to you since I know how much your team means to you. If you will be holding a service on the Station please let me know since I would like to attend." (Reply Mike iyw) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 1, 1145) Ahmed had requested Commander Sullivan's presence in his ready room as they awaited the arrival of Ensign Maddox under armed escort. He had a hard decision to make, and one that either way wasn't going to be pleasant regardless of the options he selected. For his safety, Sullivan had insisted on being armed, and considering the events that had transpired the last time that Salid was left in Maddox's presence, he had decided to accept her request without any provisions. And so, when the door to the ready room slid open and Maddox escorted inside, it was into the presence of both the senior most officers of the Rosenante that he appeared. The unflinching captain, seated behind his desk ready to play the part of disciplinarian, and the Stoic, practical Vulcan, ready to take action should it prove necessary. The two security guards also entered the compartment, ready and aware of the risk that Maddox posed. "Thank you, please wait outside." Ahmed said to the security officers. They gave him a single nod and then exited the compartment to wait outside his ready room door. "Ensign Andrew Elliot Maddox" the CO began, "you stand here in preliminary investigation to determine if you should be forthwith charged, under the regulations and laws of the Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets, and her representative Federation Laws, with the following charges." "Charge One: Willful intent to conduct subversive activities contrary to the interests and goals of the United Federation of Planets, whereby you have rendered aid to the enemies of the Federation to the detriment of her citizens and holdings." "Charge Two: That you willingly or otherwise placed in unnecessary jeopardy the lives of your fellow Starfleet officers, whose names shall be listed upon the filed report for your perusal as Appendix A. These acts are classified as indirect endangerments, and are inferred through acts undertaken by yourself should your actions have continued unchecked by the due authorities established by Starfleet Command." "Charge Three: That you through action, or inaction put forward an effort to assassinate a duly appointed officer of Starfleet and in so doing interfered with a mission of the most critical sort. That in your actions, you endangered the lives of the crew and threatened to sabotage the completion of a lawful mission necessary to maintain the safety and security of the United federation of Planets." "Charge Four: That during your attempt at assassination, you caused the near fatal injury of a fellow officer, namely Ensign Joseph Willowbrook." "Charge Five: That you took upon yourself the duties of an Ambassador of the United Federation of Planets, contrary to your assigned duties, without the authority of duly appointed officials, and in so doing, entered into negotiations and conduct which has been determined as counterproductive to official Federation Domestic and Foreign policy." "And Finally Charge Six: That you willingly and enthusiastically undertook an agenda to aid the enemies of the United Federation of Planets in their efforts to subvert, injure, defame or render impotent, said Federation and thereby acted as an agent for an external power in opposition to the United Federation of Planets." "This is not the place to argue or determine guilt or innocence of these charges. At present, I need only know if you understand the charges levied against you Ensign Maddox. Do you understand these charges as I have relayed them to you at this time?" (reply Maddox) "I want you to understand the severity of the charges as well. Three of these charges carry the potential of death penalty, while the other three carry sentences ranging from fifty-years to life imprisonment if you are found guilty. In addition, If convicted you will lose all rank and privilege associated with your Starfleet Service. So I want to make it very clear that these are all very serious allegations against you. Do you understand?" (reply Maddox) "In light of everything that has transgressed I feel that punishment for your actions is essential. I also feel that you must come to realize the severity of your actions and that if you are to be salvaged as an officer that this is something that you will have to work very hard towards." "That said, it has been my recommendation to the Judge Advocate General's Office, that you be charged and that you serve a suitable punishment for those charges brought against you." "It has been determined that the more serious charges that I read to you at the beginning of this interview will be held in suspension awaiting leverage against you, should you fail to adhere to any of the conditions that I am about to lay out for you following." "First That you shall be demoted to the Rank of Crewman, and that all commission as an officer of the Fleet shall be stripped from you and that you will no longer be considered eligible to return to the commissioned ranks of the fleet, save through the special recommendation of myself and approved by special tribunal of the Judge Advocate General's office." "Second, that all positions of authority, be summarily revoked or downgraded to reflect your new rank and position within the fleet." "Third, that all off duty time for the next year shall be spent in the Brig and that you shall be denied all shore leave, or free time for personal pursuits without the express permission of this ship's current command staff. Such time shall be subject to revision, such as increase, decrease or adjustment as is deemed fair and appropriate by myself and or Commander Sullivan and that such actions concerning this punishment shall be held accountable and in conformance with all current Starfleet regulations concerning the long-term incarceration of Starfleet Personnel." "Fourth, that you will continue with your assigned duties aboard the Rosenante, under due supervision and with the expectation of maintaining all critical performance criteria." "Fifth, that you will undertake upon a regular schedule weekly counseling sessions with a trained counsellor, as is available and as does not interfere with your assigned duties." "If you agree to this arrangement, then we will forego formal charges of a more serious nature and handle this discipline as a captain's mast. Should you feel that these restrictions are unreasonable, or if you are unwilling to abide by these restrictions, you will be formally charges in a formal General Court Martial." "Before you tell me how you would like to proceed, please confirm with me that you understand the situation and options that I have placed before you for your consideration." (reply Maddox) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - Science Officer - Ensign Andrew Elliot Maddox -1147) "Ensign Andrew Elliot Maddox" the CO began, "you stand here in preliminary investigation to determine if you should be forthwith charged, under the regulations and laws of the Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets, and her representative Federation Laws, with the following charges." "Charge One: Willful intent to conduct subversive activities contrary to the interests and goals of the United Federation of Planets, whereby you have rendered aid to the enemies of the Federation to the detriment of her citizens and holdings." "Charge Two: That you willingly or otherwise placed in unnecessary jeopardy the lives of your fellow Starfleet officers, whose names shall be listed upon the filed report for your perusal as Appendix A. These acts are classified as indirect endangerments, and are inferred through acts undertaken by yourself should your actions have continued unchecked by the due authorities established by Starfleet Command." "Charge Three: That you through action, or inaction put forward an effort to assassinate a duly appointed officer of Starfleet and in so doing interfered with a mission of the most critical sort. That in your actions, you endangered the lives of the crew and threatened to sabotage the completion of a lawful mission necessary to maintain the safety and security of the United federation of Planets." "Charge Four: That during your attempt at assassination, you caused the near fatal injury of a fellow officer, namely Ensign Joseph Willowbrook." "Charge Five: That you took upon yourself the duties of an Ambassador of the United Federation of Planets, contrary to your assigned duties, without the authority of duly appointed officials, and in so doing, entered into negotiations and conduct which has been determined as counterproductive to official Federation Domestic and Foreign policy." "And Finally Charge Six: That you willingly and enthusiastically undertook an agenda to aid the enemies of the United Federation of Planets in their efforts to subvert, injure, defame or render impotent, said Federation and thereby acted as an agent for an external power in opposition to the United Federation of Planets." "This is not the place to argue or determine guilt or innocence of these charges. At present, I need only know if you understand the charges levied against you Ensign Maddox. Do you understand these charges as I have relayed them to you at this time?" ~You did this Andrew, time to be a man.~ "I understand the charges sir." he said still standing at attention. "I want you to understand the severity of the charges as well. Three of these charges carry the potential of death penalty, while the other three carry sentences ranging from fifty-years to life imprisonment if you are found guilty. In addition, If convicted you will lose all rank and privilege associated with your Starfleet Service. So I want to make it very clear that these are all very serious allegations against you. Do you understand?" Maddox was quiet, and remained at attention. Memories of past pain came flooding back, his skinned knee when he was 7, his first crush at the academy blowing him off. Tears began to roll down his cheek. ~Ok, I don't want to play anymore. I DIDN'T WANT TO HURT ANYONE!~ his mind screamed. "Mister Maddox, compose yourself." the XO said in a calm voice. Andrew took a deep breath and wiped the tears off his face with his sleeve, he then resumed attention. "Answer the Captain's question Ensign, do you understand?" the Vulcan re-iterated. "Yes, sir, I understand the grave seriousness of the situation in which I find myself, created of my own machinations." he said, his voice cracked at the end, he had almost lost it, but found his composure. "In light of everything that has transgressed I feel that punishment for your actions is essential. I also feel that you must come to realize the severity of your actions and that if you are to be salvaged as an officer that this is something that you will have to work very hard towards." "That said, it has been my recommendation to the Judge Advocate General's Office, that you be charged and that you serve a suitable punishment for those charges brought against you." "It has been determined that the more serious charges that I read to you at the beginning of this interview will be held in suspension awaiting leverage against you, should you fail to adhere to any of the conditions that I am about to lay out for you following." "First That you shall be demoted to the Rank of Crewman, and that all commission as an officer of the Fleet shall be stripped from you and that you will no longer be considered eligible to return to the commissioned ranks of the fleet, save through the special recommendation of myself and approved by special tribunal of the Judge Advocate General's office." "Second, that all positions of authority, be summarily revoked or downgraded to reflect your new rank and position within the fleet." "Third, that all off duty time for the next year shall be spent in the Brig and that you shall be denied all shore leave, or free time for personal pursuits without the express permission of this ship's current command staff. Such time shall be subject to revision, such as increase, decrease or adjustment as is deemed fair and appropriate by myself and or Commander Sullivan and that such actions concerning this punishment shall be held accountable and in conformance with all current Starfleet regulations concerning the long-term incarceration of Starfleet Personnel." "Fourth, that you will continue with your assigned duties aboard the Rosenante, under due supervision and with the expectation of maintaining all critical performance criteria." "Fifth, that you will undertake upon a regular schedule weekly counseling sessions with a trained counselor, as is available and as does not interfere with your assigned duties." "If you agree to this arrangement, then we will fore go formal charges of a more serious nature and handle this discipline as a captain's mast. Should you feel that these restrictions are unreasonable, or if you are unwilling to abide by these restrictions, you will be formally charges in a formal General Court Martial." "Before you tell me how you would like to proceed, please confirm with me that you understand the situation and options that I have placed before you for your consideration." the Captain said. "Sir. I understand the situation, and I understand the options. If I may be allowed some time to carefully consider my options, I do not want to enter any decision rashly or prematurely." (Reply Captain Salid) "Thank you sir. May I be allowed visitors?" he stated. (Reply Captain Salid) "I understand it will be extremely limited, each person a case by case basis to be judged by you and you alone." (Reply Captain Salid) "I can work productively until that time. With appropriate equipment." he answered. (Reply Captain Salid) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Gangway – CO Captain Durand – 1252) After preparing his own addenda, and reviewing the consolidated reports from all departments and his First Officer, Durand was about to present his formal report to Captain Salid. He had stopped at an obscure little corner of the Starbase on the way, and was cradling the small purchase he had made along with the PADD containing all the data he needed to give the senior officer. He came to attention and saluted the security officer at the head of the gangway. “Captain Durand of the Boudicca. Permission to come aboard sir?” The very young looking Ensign might have thought it odd to be called ‘sir’ by a Starfleet Captain, but it was the correct phrasing by tradition and protocol. No trace of consternation showed in his face when he replied; yet another mark of a fine crew. The young officer glanced to his right and checked the display. The Rosenante’s internal sensor system automatically scanned and confirmed the Captain’s identity; he was, according to the system, whom he purported to be. The Ensign returned the salute smartly and gave the proper response. “Granted sir. Welcome aboard.” “Thank you, I’m here to see Captain Salid, Ensign.” “Captain Salid is in the Ready Room, sir. Do you require escort sir?” Durand smiled thinly and shook his head. “I do not, thank you. I was given the tour not so long ago.” With that, he headed for the Ready Room. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante – Ready Room – CO Captain Durand – 1258) After announcing his presence and being granted permission to enter, Durand stood in front of Salid’s desk at rigid attention. “Good afternoon sir. I’m here to deliver my report.” (Reply Salid) “Very well sir. Before we begin, I brought something we both might need.” He placed the small box within Salid’s reach on his desk, and continued by way of explanation. “A certain trader who I got to know the last time I had a port call here happens to have a fine selection. That’s supposed to be Ethiopian Roast. I thought it might be apropos, given your fondness for coffee. It makes a strong flavored brew. I enjoy it, and hope you will as well.” (Reply Salid) He next deposited the PADD which contained his encrypted report. Only his command codes, or those of Captain Salid would unlock the data. It was, in Starfleet parlance ‘Eyes Only – Commanding Officer’, as it contained highly sensitive readiness and tactical data, along with personnel information and recommendations. “My report sir. The official updates, as of about thirty minutes ago. There are separate attachments for the yardmaster, detailed damage reports and repair estimates, along with personnel status, casualty lists, etc for BuPERS. There is also an ‘eyes only’ tactical analysis, which deals with the tactics developed and refined by your Commander Sullivan and myself, along with the detailed after action reports of the Boudicca’s portion of the engagements. Commander Sullivan is a true credit to the fleet, Captain… but I suppose you know that.” (Reply Salid) “You’ll find another letter of commendation/recommendation from Lieutenant Commander Lorimar, my ATT officer. It deals with your Lieutenant Raschen, and his actions on the surface.” He paused a moment, fairly certain that Salid would read and understand all that was said, and perhaps as importantly, not said. “Lorimar was quite impressed with your man’s performance and courage under combat conditions. But I think his letter speaks for itself sir.” (Reply Salid) “I was able to briefly observe Mister Raschen while he stood in at tactical during the last engagement with the T’Kon… device. His performance and tactical skills were in the finest tradition of the service. Your other officer that was seconded to us – Mister Jackson – did an impressive job as well. You train your people well, Captain. This ship, her crew, and her CO are a jewel of the fleet. I’m proud to have served under your command.” (Reply Salid) He listened intently to all the senior man had to say, then pushed on into much less pleasant but equally necessary topics. “Under the personnel section, Captain, you’ll find the preliminary investigative results – Commander Caskie is tasked with completing that – of our inquiry into Lieutenant Trei’s actions during the mission. I intend to recommend a General Court Martial. He was already under probation as a result of Mast held during our last stay at Starbase 989.” He stopped and sighed heavily, and with genuine feeling. “Sir, as Captain of the Boudicca – at least until the Admiralty relieves me for my performance during this mission – I am wholly and completely responsible for the conduct of the officers and crew under my command. Therefore, as a result of the gravitas of his actions while under my command, I respectfully submit myself for whatever disciplinary action you see fit.” (Reply Salid, Room for much more throughout) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starvase Geneva - Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.05) Detron waited for people to come in and sign up for the class. When nobody came in after 15 minutes, he took a seat in the Mortal Combat throne. Another 5 minutes passed when a young girl entered the Holodeck. She had a soft ridged forehead indicating she was part Klingon. He walked up to her and asked her name. She said her name was Lisa and that she had Klingon blood but didn't know how much. She said her father was Klingon and her mother was Betazoid which would make her half Klingon half Betazoid. This intrigued him. He marked her name in his PADD for he intended to train her until people came to sign up for the class. He asked her where her parents were. All she knew was they were staying at the station for ship repairs. That was good enough for him. He would find her parents after the session. He handed her a wooden Battlaff and urged her to be careful. He entered the Sumo ring and began demonstrating some moves. (Reply None) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Geneva, Holdeck 1, Combat Nurse, E’Mpak, 1307) E’Mpak stepped into the holodeck and saw that there were a fight already started. She gave a mental smile. She was the daughter of a Dahar Swords Master and was proficient in the use of Bat’leth, Mak’leth and De’tack. Although she preferred the Mak’leth, she was equally good with the Bat’leth but she was not big headed enough to realize that she had learnt everything about the Bat’leth. She took every opportunity to learn about this old and historic weapon. She pulled herself from her thoughts as the Trei stepped forward and started the class. (Reply Trei, Any) (Posted by Robbie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Holodeck 1 – AOPS Lt(jg) Roberts – 1308) Doug Roberts had been wrapping up the mountains of minutiae oft requiring the attention of a vessel’s operations department. One of the perks of said duty, however, was the connections that one had within, and throughout, the fleet and beyond. An old friend in the Quartermaster Department aboard the station had expedited Doug’s billeting, and he moved the barest of essentials off the Boudicca to his temporary home. He had heard of Lt. Trei’s proposal to teach the finer points of armed combat with the Klingon Bat’leth, and was instantly intrigued. Doug was neither a combat specialist, nor a fitness fanatic, but he did enjoy and indulge in both as either the spirit moved him or the situation required it. As a result, just as quickly as he could do so, he changed into his workout clothing and made his way to the holodeck where he found a program running with the portal unlocked. When he made his way inside he saw an interesting recreation of what he supposed to be a Japanese Dojo, with some type of competition ring which he recognized, but couldn’t name, in the center of the room. He cast a quick glance about, and saw both Trei, whom he of course recognized, and a young female with a ridged forehead whom he did not. Trei was bedecked in a full suit of warrior armor, making a most impressive visual. ~Did I get myself in over my head here?~ He bowed respectfully in Trei’s direction, then started his warm up routine. As always, he practiced the discipline of Tai Chi to focus and prepare his mind and body. (Reply Trei, Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starvase Geneva - Holodeck ! - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 13.30) After Detron finished showing some moves to Lisa, LTjg Roberts entered the Holodeck and began warming up with what looked like Tia Chi. He motioned Roberts over to the Sumo ring and gave him a wooden Battlaff. "Computer. Create two training dummies in the ring. Make one of the dummies suitable for a teenage girl about four feet in size." The dummies materialized as he instructed them to be. Roberts took position at his dummy and Lisa took position at her dummy. He then instructed them to attack head in a upward swing motion. They turned to watch him demonstrate the action. Roberts seemed to be doing better than Lisa. He went behind her dummy but close enough that he could see her technique. After a few attempts, she started to get the hang of it. He returned to his original position and instructed to attack the middle of the dummy using a thrust motion. Lisa fared better at this attack. Roberts eventually did well at the attack. He told Lisa and Roberts to come back tomorrow at this time for more instruction. Just then Lisa's parents entered the Holodeck. They approached him as if to ask what his purpose was with their daughter. He understood the concern and explained that he was teaching Battlaff Training. They approved of his class as a means for Lisa to learn about her Klingon heritage. He recognized the mother somewhat and the father a little. It was possible he had seen the mother on Betazed growing up there. As for the father, he could have briefly seen him on visits to Quo'nos. The mother and father assured him that Lisa will be here tomorrow at 13.00. He thanked them for that assurance. He told the computer to save program titled Battlaff Training Trei 1. The computer saved the program and cleared the room. (Reply Roberts) (Posted by Edward --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Recreation Level, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 1632) Ben was walking around the secondary recreation level watching as patrons entered and exited their favorite places, things were pretty quiet this time on Geneva. He thought back to the last time he was here and what had happened, that day hadn't been so quiet. He and Sanok had volunteered for a few shifts to augment base security then but he had decided to take some time to relax and visit with his parents this time around. He was happy to have his parents back but what Sanok told him earlier about Marah was troubling. His commbadge brought him back to the present time. =/\= Security to Lieutenant Soma, Lieutenant Sanok is involved in a fight in Tavat's Bar on the secondary recreational level and is requesting backup=/\= Ben tapped his commbadge and said. "Acknowledged, I'm on my way." With that he turned back, Tavat's Bar was several sections behind him, and started running. He made his way through the crowd and wasn't surprised to see a mass of people outside the Bar, no doubt wanting to see a good fight. He made his way through them and entered the Bar. One Klingon was on the floor unconscious while Sanok faced two more, two humans were also present but were backing off. Behind him he heard other footsteps approaching, the cavalry had arrived. Ben went to stand beside his friend, he wasn't armed but the Klingon's reaked of bloodwine and hopefully wouldn't put up much of a fight. When the stations security officers arrived Ben instructed them to detain the two humans and the Klingons, they moved to do so. The humans didn't put up a fight but the Klingons were intent on battle. Both grabbed the approaching officers and tossed them aside. Ben looked at Sanok and nodded, he moved to square of against one of the Klingons leaving the other for Sanok. The Klingon facing Ben was around seven feet tall, a good hundred or so pounds heavier. He laughed at Ben as he lunged forward, Ben side stepped the attack. The Klingon growled in frustration as he turned back to face Ben again. "There's no reason for anyone to get hurt here." Ben said. The Klingon grunted. "The only one who's getting hurt is you." He managed to spit out. He lunged at Ben again and swung his fist at Ben's face. Ben half stepped to the side, caught the Klingon's arm and placed his foot in front of his knee. Using the Klingon's momentum he proceed to flip him over on to the floor, the Klingon crashed on the deck as Ben released his arm and rolled into a nearby table upsetting it and breaking off two of its legs. He jumped up grabbing one of the broken legs and ran at Ben with it, using it as a baton he tried to strike Ben in the head again. Ben ducked the attempt as the Klingon staggered past him, he spun about kicked him in the back of the knee and knocked him down again. The Klingon spun on the spot swinging his impromptu weapon, Ben blocked the attempt with his foot and them struck the Klingon in the side of the head with the same boot dazing him for a second. That second was long enough for Ben to get behind him and grab both arms while kneeling on the back of the Klingon's legs, he trust the Klingon to the floor while turning to the other security officers and giving them a nod. They came over and got the Klingon to his feet. "Hold him." Ben said as he turned to see how Sanok was handling the other. (reply Sanok, any present) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva – Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon – CO Captain Durand – 1633) Returning the firm handshake from Raschen, he smiled warmly and nodded as he accepted the Scotch. He spoke quietly, but clearly audibly, at least to the Lieutenant. “No need to apologize for being who you are. I’m glad to have you on our side – you did a fine job at tactical – I appreciate you pinch hitting for us. I trust you know why I did what I did, having been in command yourself.” (Reply Raschen iyw) Durand smiled again, setting the bottle carefully on the table. "Forgetful. Sometimes in a confrontation of any kind, I forget that I'm no longer a privateer captain, but a starfleet lieutenant." “As I said, never apologize for being true to yourself. I know you had the mission and the ship in mind. ‘Means to an end’ and all that. I just reviewed the official reports and made my own to Captain Salid. I told him you were a credit to his vessel. Something I didn’t mention to him was a conversation I had with Mister Lorimar in regard to the away mission on Dovek II.” He paused and looked the former privateer in the eye before going on. “Our ATT officer told me that you acted with courage and skill on the away mission, drawing off the Borg so the rest of the party could move in relative safety. He seems to imagine he is in some sort of debt to you. He also told me you reminded him about the responsibilities of being in command. A lesson he needed, he told me. He asked me to omit most of that in the report, which I did after a lengthy discussion with him. What I did include in my official report to the Task Force commander was Lorimar’s rather glowing recommendation for a citation on your behalf. What your CO does with it is his business, of course.” (Reply Rachen iyw, Room for more if desired) Durand smiled at Raschen’s reply. “At any rate, thank you very much for the Scotch. I’m certain I will enjoy it, and perhaps share it with some close friends. Even Starfleet Captains have those you know… we’re not all recluses and martinets.” "Well, I'm going to go back to my party. If you want to close out your tab and join us, you are more than welcome to. We are going to be changing locations here in the club, so just ask for the Temerarious party." He said as he turned to head back to his table. Durand watched him leave, then cast a glance at the bottle on the table. He sat a moment, finishing his drink. Shortly, he found to his dismay that an anonymous benefactor had paid his tab. ~Not exactly a stretch to figure that one out, now is it? Even Captains… or maybe especially Captains have to lose gracefully sometimes,~ he chuckled to himself and made his way to the Balcony area where Raschen and the “Temerarious party” were comfortably settled. He almost paused a moment, when he realized he was the only ‘solo’ there – at least at the moment – but then waded in. “Mind if I join the party, folks?” (Reply Any) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon- SO Ens. Mike Rosenbauer, Day 1, 1635) Mike had really enjoyed spending the day with Jennifer. The two had made the rounds of the stations glamorous mercantile district of the promenade, purchasing gifts, nick-knacks, lunch and clothes. Much Like Jennifer, Mike hadn't brought any clothing other than a couple of changes of casual attire. But after the shopping trip, he had managed to acquire a pair of Vegan Khaki slacks and a lovely Crimson and orange shifting shirt of a fabric called Veloq that hailed from the planet Dero XIX. The fabric shifted it's color index based on body heat, which meant as you moved, it shifted patterns rapidly, drawing a cascade of colors ranging from bold yellows to brilliant crimsons and a variety of Oranges stuck in between the extremes for good measure. He'd never seen anything like it, and the cut of the shirt was really very complimentary, so he decided to splurge a bit and get something unlike anything else that he had ever purchased prior. On his arm was draped his lovely consort, and jeweled darling, Jennifer. She was wearing a dress that was tight enough to make a sailor blush, assuming that was even a possibility. Her curves were dangerous and Mike was well aware of the stares that followed them as they entered the club. While he normally wouldn't go into the higher end clubs, mostly because they made him uncomfortable, Mike decided that he didn't really want to turn down an opportunity to see Jennifer wearing the kind of dress that she was wearing currently. That and the promise of some other company was a good prescription for loosening up and putting so much of the harsh reality that they had faced lately behind them. He scanned the room; his eyes taking in the virtual see of undulating bodies as they moved to the music. The sounds of something tribal sounding and exotic filled the air. It was driven by some sort of heavy bass beat that seemed to dissolve into bird-like tweets periodically, creating a strangely full mental image of a Jungle. Likewise, the movements of the crowd seemed oddly tribal, although Mike suspected that it was an illusion caused more by the flashing lights, music and variety of dances on display in the room. Finally his eyes settled on a largish table, tucked into a private alcove just adjacent to the dance floor. It was inhabited by Chance, T'Lela, Tom and his new Wife Dahlia. It looked as if the evening was going to be a couples night out. "There they are." Mike shouted over the noise while pointing across the room at the table in question. (reply Caskie, Raschen, Jackson, Any) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level - Club Avalon - aFO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 1 - 1637) Josh had to admit that the day with Mike had been fun. They had lunched quickly in a small out of the way diner and had then proceeded to shop until Josh, who had honestly never been much of a shop-a-holic, had protested that they had bought far more than they could comfortably carry and if they wanted to meet up with Chance and his party they had better go back and change. As she walked into the club on Mike's arm she was more than aware of the looks that were fired in their direction. She was wearing a dress that to be honest, had she gone shopping herself she would never have considered buying, but Mike had picked it out and suggested that she go try it on and his response when she appeared in it persuaded her to buy it. It was almost the same shade of green as her eyes and when teamed with a pair of slightly higher heels than she was used to wearing made her tower over all but the tallest of patrons in the club. Josh was aware however that not all of the looks fired in their direction were actually aimed at her. She could see that a great many of them were directed at Mike and rightly so since he looked spectacular in Veloq shirt and she smiled quietly to herself allowing one corner of her mouth to quirk upwards. She had never been one for show usually feeling somewhat uncomfortable to be in the spotlight but somehow with Mike she felt comfortable enough to do so. As they walked forward Josh's hair which she had unbraided and left down for once, rippled around her in waves cascading down her back almost to her waist and fell across her face. Lifting her free hand to tuck that side behind her ear Josh's hand stopped as Mike shouted something that she barely heard and pointed across the floor to a secluded booth. A waitress stopped in front of them just as Josh looked in the direction that Mike had pointed and asked if they were the Rosenbauers and were they members of the Temerarious party and Josh, dissolving finally into a fit of laughter, left it up to Mike to answer the waitress. (Reply Mike iyd) Following the waitress and trying hard to suppress her laughter Josh and Mike were shown to the alcove where Chance, T'Lela, Tom and Dahlia and somewhat surprisingly Captain Durand were seated. Both she and Mike began a round of greetings and Josh simply nodded and smiled at Chance, Tom and her Captain and said hello to both It'll and Dahlia, thanking It'll at the same time for the invitation. (Reply, Chance, Tom, Mike, It'll, Dahlia and Durand) Having finally seated herself Josh looked up at the waitress as she asked what they would like to drink and Josh, throwing caution to the wind asked for a Low Flying Girder. She could see the puzzlement on the waitress's face and taking pity on her Josh explained. "A nip of Grouse whisky topped up with Irn Bru, normal, not diet and no ice thank you." After taking everyone else's order the waitress departed and Josh turned to the table and was about to speak when something about Dahlia caught her eye and Josh began to surreptitiously regard her. Dahlia was positively glowing and Josh, looking at her, was sure that it was more than simply getting Tom back. A few more moments of watching Dahlia and especially looking at her eyes confirmed a growing suspicion. The woman was positively glowing on her own and could probably have lit up the whole room if the lights had been turned off. Scanning Dahlia's face Josh paid particular attention to her eyes and saw slight darkening under the eye and the ever so slight pouched effect that told Josh all she needed to know. Turning her gaze to Tom she watched him closely. He was his normal self, slightly quiet and ever so unassuming in a large company and Josh realised that Dahlia had said nothing yet so Josh simply smiled and keeping her knowledge to herself turned and began to chat about nothing in particular to anyone who was willing to listen to her. (Reply Mike, Chance, T'Lela, Tom, Dahlia and Durand and anyone else who cares to join us) (Posted by Marilyn) Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1638) Chance scanned the room; his eyes taking in the virtual see of undulating bodies as they moved to the music. The sounds of something tribal sounding and exotic filled the air. It was driven by some sort of heavy bass beat that seemed to dissolve into bird-like tweets periodically, creating a strangely full mental image of a Jungle. Likewise, the movements of the crowd seemed oddly tribal, though Chance knew that it was an illusion caused more by the flashing lights, music and variety of dances on display in the room. From his largish table, tucked into a private alcove just adjacent to the dance floor his eyes locked onto a couple at the door that he recognized. He waved to the waitress. When she came over he pointed toward Mike and Josh at the door and told her to bring them to his table. Once the waitress had departed to ask the 'Rosenbauer's' if they were part of the Temerarious party, he turned to the others at the table "They've arrived." (Reply any iyw) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - CSec LT Chance Raschen - 1640) Durand paused and looked the former privateer in the eye before going on. “Our ATT officer told me that you acted with courage and skill on the away mission, drawing off the Borg so the rest of the party could move in relative safety. He seems to imagine he is in some sort of debt to you. He also told me you reminded him about the responsibilities of being in command. A lesson he needed, he told me. He asked me to omit most of that in the report, which I did after a lengthy discussion with him. What I did include in my official report to the Task Force commander was Lorimar’s rather glowing recommendation for a citation on your behalf. What your CO does with it is his business, of course.” Chance smirked and shrugged as he spoke "I appreciate that, but I'd rather have a promotion. In any case, I didn't come over here to talk shop." Durand smiled at Raschen’s reply. “At any rate, thank you very much for the Scotch. I’m certain I will enjoy it, and perhaps share it with some close friends. Even Starfleet Captains have those you know… we’re not all recluses and martinets.” "Well, I'm going to go back to my party. If you want to close out your tab and join us, you are more than welcome to. We are going to be changing locations here in the club, so just ask for the Temerarious party." He said as he turned to head back to his table. Raschen watched Durand as he almost paused a moment, but then waded in. “Mind if I join the party, folks?” "By all means, pull up a chair." T'Lela had said. Then Chance waved at someone, signaling them to approach. "Alan, I have someone I'd like you to meet. Well, meet again. This is Katya Romanov." Raschen said as a 6 foot tall brunette with green eyes walked up and put her arm around Durand's shoulders. "Long time, no see Alan." She said in a Russian accent as she gave him a little peck on his cheek before sitting down next to him. (Reply Durand) "We first met at the academy and then again at that Loyalist planning conference before you defected." Katya explained. (Reply Durand) Chance answered, "Katya didn't make the post-war purge. Now she works for my mom as captain of the Pink Panther." (Reply Durand, any iyw) (Reply Durand, any iyw) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Primary Recreation Level, Club Avalon - T'Lela - 1643) Both Josh and Mike began a round of greetings and Josh simply nodded and smiled at Chance, Tom and her Captain and said hello to both T'Lela and Dahlia, thanking T'Lela at the same time for the invitation. "Thank you for coming." T'Lela said as she shook hands with them both. (Reply anyone who cares to join us) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Medical 2, CTAC/SEC Lt. jg Ben Soma, 1830) Ben walked into the medical bay and crossed to the ward where his parents were being treated, he nodded to the doctors and nurses as he passed. He stepped into the ward and noticed that his mother was present and his father wasn't. Seeing the look on her son's face Freya smiled and said. "He's in surgery, they are attempting to remove his biradial clamp. The doctors tell me it is a fairly delicate procedure that might take half the night considering the clamps location." Ben didn't know a lot about Borg anatomy so he took his mothers word for it and pulled up a chair next to her bed. "Where's the uniform?" She asked. "I'm off duty for a while so I decided to try on some civies." Ben said with a smile. "Fairly comfortable too." "Your father tells me you've met a girl." "You'd like her mom." Ben said. "She's beautiful, caring, open, with a good sense of humor." "If she makes you happy I already like her." Freya replied. "Tell me about her." Ben smiled as he remembered Marah. It had been a long time since he had seen her, at least from her perspective but her image was forever burned into his memory. "She's Bajoran, her name is Marah Neru but she prefers being called by her family name. long black hair with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. She also studies martial arts but is only a performer, she's far to gentle to hurt anyone." Ben explained. "You could say she is the exact opposite of me." "I don't believe that." Freya said. "You wouldn't injure someone intentionally, your martial arts training was meant for self defense and tournament fighting." Ben's smiled faded a little at that. "I have used my training to injure." He said. "It's something I'm not proud of, my line of work requires it from time to time." "If you don't like it why stay in that line of work, choose another field." "I like my work, I'm out there helping others." Ben replied. "I'm comfortable where I am, there's nothing else I'd rather do." Freya regarded him for a moment before speaking. "Your like the Samurai, you protect your emperor and his subjects. Sometimes that requires using what you know to inflict injury on others, it isn't dishonest nor dishonorable. You should not feel disgrace for doing your sworn duty." "When you look at it that way." Ben replied. "That is the way you have to look at it Benjamin, it's who you are." His mother flashed him a smile. "Now back to the subject we started with, where is Marah? When are we going to get to meet her?" "I don't know where she is." Ben replied." She was abducted from Earth and no one has seen her since. A friend of mine has a lead on her we will look into once we have been granted leave." "I'm sorry Ben." His mother stated. "You didn't know." Ben replied. "It was bound to come up sooner or later." His mother dropped the subject after that, she asked about his career in Starfleet, what wonders he had seen. Then the conversation turned towards old friends, Ben told her about the time he had spent on the Wanderlust talking with it's crew and how one of them had given him several home movies copied from his collection. His mother asked about his friends and Ben had named them off. Sanok, Eian, Steve, Tom, Chance, people who he had worked closely with and trusted with his life. Sanok stood out among the others, Ben explained the reasons to his mother. "You'll have to bring Sanok to meet us." Freya said. "You father and I owe him debt of gratitude for looking out to you." Ben smiled. "I'll bring him by in the morning, you need some rest." Ben replied. "The nurse will soon be here to drive me out anyway." "In the morning then." She said. "I'm gonna hold you to that." Ben stood to leave. "See you in the morning then mom." Ben said, bending in to kiss her check. "I love you mom, have a good night." "I love you too Ben." She replied. Ben crossed the little ward and then the medical bay. He headed to the nearest lift and sent it on it's way to his temporary quarters. (reply any, none required) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - USS Rosenante (Docked) - Main Engineering - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 1842) "Commander I don't see how you're going to integrate the spiral drive into your proposed power matrix. These frequencies are just not compatible and your proposed intermix ratios are not within the specifications of these engines." announced Matrix. "Lieutenant, I understand that you're the resident expert on spiral drive technologies, but we've made substantial advancements since you've the field." said Lt. Commander Alura Mossen. Alura Mossen was one of the top propulsion experts in Star Fleet, but as far as Matrix was concerned, she didn't know anything about real world fleet experience. "Besides...we're planning on upgrading the Rose's power conduit feed with a new augmented power conduit system. It will automatically set the intermix ratios based upon the system load, flight dynamics and engine feedback from the sensor arrays." continued Mossen. Matrix smirked. "Lieutenant... shouldn't you be on leave...enjoying some down time? Besides I have work to do and I don't have time to step you through the refit." said Mossen. "Yes, that part is true, but I don't like handing off my ship to anyone...especially..." "Especially what Lieutenant? Or should I say whom?" asked Mossen. "Now didn't let me finish...I was going to say especially someone who hasn't been out in the need to live and work with these engines to fully understand them. We have variables in the fleet that you simply can't replicate in space dock. That's why I'm here ensuring that the Rose is properly attended to." replied Matrix. "Okay...then I suggest you read my complete report. I would be happy to give you the specifications so you can *fully* understand the refit proposal." replied Mossen. Matrix smiled, "So its official?" asked Matrix. "Excuse me Lieutenant?" asked Mossen "A refit...the Rose is going to be a refit?" said Matrix. "Of course Lieutenant what did you expect?" asked Mossen. Matrix simply smiled, "I'll take your specifications and be one my way Commander." said Matrix. Mossen continued, "I would advise you Chief...take your shore leave and leave the refit to me and my crew. I don't want to contact your Captain." Alura said with a smile. Matrix wasn't amused, " I think my Captain would appreciate my dedication to this ship, my ship...his ship. We've been through a lot and I don't like..." "Understood Lieutenant. We're all on the same side. Get some rest. I'll keep you posted on our progress....okay?" asked Mossen. Matrix was taken-aback by her honesty and realized the obvious...he was home and downtime was ordered. It was time to rest and let the crews do their job. "My apologies Commander...thank you, but I'd like to discuss how things are going for the duration of our refit." said Matrix. "Absolutely is my contact information...check your PADD under Mossen...I'm the only one on the Geneva." replied Alura. (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Signos's Temporary Quarters - Day 1 - 2045) After dinner, Jessica and Eian had headed to her quarters to 'unwind'. They both knew that certain things needed to be said, and sooner was better than later. Liam went back to his quarters, giving the excuse that he had crew reports to check up on. He was very observant and knew that Jessica and Eian needed the time alone. Eian limped over to the replicator and got himself an apple juice and vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce. One of his favorite desserts. "Would you like anything, Jessica?" he asked as his ice cream materialized. (reply Jessica) He joined her at the coffee table, and before sitting down on the grey, standard-issue couch he asked, "Do you want to get out of that chair? Maybe join me on the couch?" (reply Jessica) After they were settled, Eian looked into Jessica's eyes. Even in the dimmed light, he could see the outlines of where bruises and cuts once were. He had no doubt she was studying him in the same manner. His obviously altered face now had metallic implants permanently etched into it. He knew his skin was even paler than normal, if at all possible, because it had been newly regenerated after the explosion and removal of implants. His short, wavy red hair was soft and new as well. And aside from physical appearances, they both could see the close memories of pain reflected in their eyes. They had seen so much destruction, been part of the deathly, gruesome engagement called war. They were forever changed in more than one way. While such an experience would normally spark feelings of resilience in Eian, he now felt despair. Despite their happy and carefree day, Eian still was left with no purpose in life, and he struggled to settle in his mind exactly what he should do. In some deep crevice of his consciousness, he thought that if he had no purpose that he shouldn't allow himself to continue to live. But that thought was buried for now--he had to bury it for Jessica, Liam, and Glenn. He was about to tell her about his pain, about his revelation about his faith, but as he dropped his eyes to speak, Jessica spoke first. (reply Jessica) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Temporary Quarters - Lieutenant Steven Matrix - CEO Day 1 2312) Matrix spent the last few hours pouring over the proposed refit specifications. He was simply tired, dead tired. The soreness in his shoulder reminded him of the mission...and the loss of life, friends, crew mates, comrades. The engineering commander reminded him of his own Alura...he'd forgotten how much he missed her. ~Professionalism Steve...professionalism...don't get involved. Just do your job.~ reflected Matrix "Computer...turn down the lights in 20 seconds...temperature 67 degrees...wake me up at 0530." said Matrix [Acknowledged] Matrix crawled into bed...closed his eyes and fell asleep. (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva, Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson, Married Officers Quarters, Day 1, 2345) Tom and Dahlia left Chance and the others. Dahlia had been coy with Tom since telling him she had a secret to tell him once they were alone. Tom was relaxing in a comfortable chair and letting his mind drift off to nowhere in particular. Dahlia emerged from the dressing area and silently looked at her husband. He was a wonderful man and she had loved him since they were both kids. Tom was loving, kind and gentle. She found it hard to believe he could kill. She made them a couple of drinks and moved to where he was alone in his thoughts. Dahlia set the drinks down and sat in Tom's lap and kissed him lightly. Tom smiled and said "What's all this?". Dahlia made a pouting face and replied " Your always so suspicious". "I surrender " Tom replied throwing his hands up in mock surrender. She looked deeply at Tom before answering. Dahlia grew quiet. "Thomas, you are soon to be a father" she replied bursting into tears of joy. Tom looked at her a long moment before replying "outstanding" and hugged her tightly. Realizing she was pregnant he released her as if she were a piece of delicate china. She looked at the father of her unborn child with a look of love she never knew existed. "When?" Tom asked. "In seven months Tom. Around your birthday actually she replied". "Heck of a present dear" Tom added". "Have mom and Pez been told?" he asked. "No, I wanted you to be the first to honey" she said. "Well we can tell them in the morning. We'd better turn" Tom said. (Reply: None) (Posed by: Bill W.) ======================================================= (Starbase Geneva- Hotel Fantasy- CSec- LT Chance Raschen and T'Lela- 0130) Hotel Fantasy was something to behold. It didn't look like much, but each suite in the hotel was a holo-suite. You could bring in a program that you wanted, or they could help you build a program from scratch. One of the fun parts was that your selected program would be running when you entered your suite. T'Lela had made the reservation before leaving Starbase 989, and had checked in when the Rosenante was being maneuvered in to her berth. After the get together at the Avalon, they were both in good spirits and feeling very…..much in the mood. Outside the door to their suite, T'Lela stopped and kissed Chance passionately before speaking. "There is a new lieutenant on the ship, he's an Historian. He arrived at 989 a couple of days after you had gotten underway." Chance leaned back away from T'Lela so he could see her face clearly "And why are you bringing this up now?" he asked in an unsure tone with a questioning look on his face." "David is very apt a research," Raschen raised an eyebrow when he heard the unknown man's name, but allowed T'Lela to continue speaking. "And I asked him to help me do some research in the Federation's War Archives about the Irregular Federation Forces. The idea was to find someplace that I had been in my universe that you had been to in this one." "Okay, I think I'm with you so far. But you still haven't told me…" "Cool your thrusters." She interrupted him "I am trying to explain." Raschen just gave a nod of his head signaling her to continue. "David had found a place that you and I had both been at in our two versions of the Fed-Car War. Neither of us was senior ranking in our respective attacks, but we both made it to the same place, wanting and even saying similar things. You were a Privateer Captain, and I was a Romulan Centurion; both doing our part in a small diversionary assault." Chance kissed her again softly as he reached over a pushed the control to open the door to the suite. As they walked in Chance was surprised, not only by what he has seeing, but the emotions that swelled up inside him at the scene. They were in the bedroom of a High-Priest's lofty tower apartment. The temple it was in sat comfortably on a hill top overlooking the city down below. They walked side by side, holding hands over to the blasted out window and looked over the burning city below. Even the lower levels of the temple were beginning to burn. The glow of the fires could be seen high above the temple along with several monolithic looking mountains that stood hard upon and the full moon. As they viewed the carnage below, both thought back to their own version of that night. Both unexpectedly victorious, covered in various colors of blood, impassioned, and wishing that their respective someone special had been there to share it with them as they looked out the same window. T'Lela noticed a tear begin to form in the corner of Raschen's eye when she turned towards him. "Someone only referred to as Nightcrawler made a note about you. He wrote, quote when informed of the victory, Temerarious simply responded with 'I wish T'Lela was here to see this' unquote." "And you? When you got news of victory, what was it you wanted as you stood here?" T'Lela smiled "I wanted Temerarious to be here looking at me the way I have seen stills of the way you looked at your wife." Suddenly he reached one arm around her waist and pulled her to him as he wrapped his other arm around her torso as he began kissing her deeply. As they began exploring each other's mouths, she ran the fingers of both her hands through his hair. Suddenly she grabbed two fistfuls of his hair and pulled away from him. "Temerarious honey; I may look like her and have the same name, but I am not your T'Lela. You know that right?" "That kinda goes both ways. You ain't her and I ain't him. There is no one else here but you and me." T'Lela smiled and ripped his shirt open, sending fasteners everywhere. She noticed the medallion of St. Bernard on a chain around his neck. On the back of it T'Lela noticed the lettering 'M.N.' ~I'll have to ask Marta about it tomorrow.~ she thought. She and Chance had never agreed to be exclusive. And she wasn't going to let it interfere with the moment either. Chance picked T'Lela up in his arms and put her onto the bed where they proceeded to undress each other as he climbed onto the bed himself. Her warmth, the firmness of her toned muscles, the softness of her skin, her fragrance, the suppleness of her curves, the way the different lights from the moon and fires shown on her body; Chance appreciated all of her being. From their sounds and movements, this wasn't love or even sex, this was more…..Animalistic. (Reply none) (Posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva Married Officers Quarters Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 2 0630) Tom rose early and left his wife sleeping contentedly in the bedroom. Crossing the living area he went to the replicator and ordered "Coffee and cream". The drink materialized and Jackson took the mug and stood looking out the portal overlooking the dock yard. He pulled up a chair and sat down lost in a maze of conflicting thoughts. Tom was proud he was a dad to be. He hoped he'd be as good a dad as his step-dad Pez had been to him. He winced again after looking at his Rose and the Boudicca. Both were horribly scarred and burnt. Tom smiled as he thought of Steve Matrix a good friend. Steve was in an engineer's dream and nightmare all rolled into one. Steve would pester repair teams to make sure the Rose was in A-One shape before they shoved off. His gaze drifted to the Boudicca. She was as badly damaged as his Rose. Josh Caskie had used him as a First Officer while Captain Durand was in Sick Bay. Tom smiled and felt the pride of a challenge he had done well. His tenure was brief. Would he be one again he wondered? He heard his wife call for him. He rose and walked to his wife and on the bed beside her. "How are you Mom?" He asked his love. "Wonderful Poppa" she said as he kissed the mother of his child. Moments passed as each looked at the other. They communicated without words as only those deeply in love can. Tom smiled - something he was doing a lot of lately. His crewmates would never believe the change in their friend. "We better tell Mom and Pez" Tom thought out loud. "You do that dear" she said. Dahlia told Tom. Tom shook his head and said "We'll do it together". They opened a channel to the Ferengi home world. (Reply: None) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Medical 2, Lieutenants Ben Soma and Sanok,0855) Ben and Sanok entered the medical bay and crossed to Ned's and Freya's ward. When they entered, both sat up in their beds and smiled. Ben moved to hug them both and then turned to his friend. Sanok had wanted to meet Ben's parents ever since learning they had been rescued from the Borg. With things being so busy, and with Mr. and Mrs. Soma needing so much medical care, the meeting hadn't taken place yet. Now that it was finally time, Sanok felt an odd sensation inside his stomach. He couldn't possibly be nervous.... "Mom, Dad, this is Sanok," Ben stated. "He's saved my life more times then I can count." Ned was the first to speak. "I remember you now," he said. "You were there on the Tkon sphere." His mother chimed in. "Yes, I remember, too." "He helped to liberate you and prevent Volus from accomplishing his goal of enslaving the entire Human race," Ben stated. Ned nodded. "Thank you for that, Sanok. Seems we owe you more then our son's life," he said. "Speaking of which, I trust Ben hasn't caused you too much in the way of trouble." "It is most agreeable to finally meet you both," said Sanok. "Ben and I have served together and have been friends for some time now. It is very good that he has you both back in his life." Sanok wasn't certain what to say, so he hoped what he did say, was appropriate. Ben could almost feel Sanok's discomfort. Vulcan's weren't known for their small talk. "My first posting was aboard a ship that Sanok was serving on. We worked together there and after that ship was damaged, we ended up doing a couple shifts here on Geneva," Ben said, "one of which turned out to be interesting, to say the least." "By interesting, I assume something happened out of the norm." Ned said. "You could say that," Ben responded. "I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but perhaps Sanok could elaborate a little." Freya sat a little straighter. Ned looked to Sanok and Ben had to turn and smother a giggle that he hoped sounded like a cough. He didn't want to put his friend on the spot like this, but he was among family and should feel comfortable. "Would you mind?" Freya asked. "There's so much to catch up on." Sanok suspected Ben was up to something, but he didn't know what. He also understood that his parents were eager to learn about everything their son had done since they were taken by the Borg. Not wanting to overtax them, Sanok told the story about the restaurant fire, about the organized crime connection, about Sanok being kidnapped, and about Ben rescuing him, all while leaving out the most graphic and worrisome aspects of what had happened. "Ben said I have saved his life, but he has saved mine as well," said Sanok. He looked at his friend. "We are hopelessly connected to each other." "We usually take turns with the life-saving. I think it's my turn again," Ben said. Freya looked from Ben to Sanok, not sure what to make of what her son had just said. Ned seemed to take it in stride. "You boys lead dangerous lives," Ned said as he glanced at his wife. "You're both lucky to have each other." Ben looked back to Sanok. "Don't mind her," he said with a smile. "Once a medic, always a medic. Life is precious and shouldn't be taken for granted, and all that." Freya gave Ned a look and then smiled. "I just don't like it when people get hurt," she said. "You both should be more careful." "We're always careful, Mom," Ben replied. "Trouble is just naturally drawn to us." "I assure you, Mrs. Soma, that we do try to be careful," said Sanok. "However, as Ben said, things do seem to follow us wherever we go." "All the more reason to be more careful then, don't you think?" Freya replied. Sanok was going to say that being careful wasn't always possible. There were even times they were sent into situations where their lives were expendable, like on the Tkon sphere. However, he thought better of it and did not say it. Mrs. Soma probably didn't need to hear that. "You're right," Ben said. "We'll be more careful in the future." "Now that we have that cleared up," Freya continued, "Ben told us he considers you to be his brother." She looked at them both and then at her husband, who nodded. "That makes you our son as well, Sanok," she said, "so you'll forgive me if I feel a little overprotective." Ned smiled at what his wife had said. "She's right, Sanok," he stated. "You've been the closest thing Ben has had to family since our accident. We can't thank you enough for that." Sanok did not move, standing with his hands behind his back. On the outward, he was the typical, stoic Vulcan. Inwardly, he was fighting to keep his emotions in check. He felt the same way about Ben and had told him so while battling the Borg. However, he did not expect this moment. Completely lost on what to say, he gave a simple response. "You are welcome." His parents didn't know Sanok well enough to know he was touched by what they said. Ben did, however. Sanok had let his 'guard down' on occasion around him. Ben knew his friend was at odds with his emotions. "Maybe we'd better let you rest a little before the nurse comes to drive us out," Ben said, not wanting the situation to become anymore awkward for Sanok. "It was nice meeting you, Sanok," Freya said. "It was," Ned echoed. "You boys try to stay out of trouble," he added with a smile. "We will," said Sanok. "It was good to meet you." Once outside the medical bay, Sanok regained his full composure. "I cannot tell you how good it is that you have your parents again. Once we have found Marah, your family will be complete." "Thank you, my friend," Ben replied. "Marah is the only puzzle piece missing. We will find her. We just need to make arrangements to get back to Axtis III." (reply any) (posted by Milo and Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva Married Officers Quarters Lieutenant Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS Day 2 0900) Tom and Dahlia chatted about the things new parents do while waiting for their baby to arrive. "What should we name him?" Dahlia asked. Tom looked at her a moment. "It might be a her" Tom added laughing. He hugged her gently. She had started crying again. This Tom didn't understand. She smiled and said "I'm so happy Thomas". ~A woman crying when she is happy?~ Tom sighed. This was one of the mysteries of the universe! Their talk was interrupted by the beeping coming from their terminal. Tom looked at his wife and said "the folks". They walked to the terminal and sat down. The UFP seal was replaced by the toothy grin of his step-dad Pez. "Hello Thomas how are you?" he asked. "Well. Dahlia and I have some news for you and mom" Tom added. Soon his mom Chris appeared in the view. "Hello Son" she said. "Mom Pez well Dahlia and I will be parents soon" Tom simply added. Pez beamed as his mom and Dahlia started crying. Pez shrugged his shoulders and smiled. (Reply: none) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, Guest Quarters, SO, Ensign Eva Saint Jean, Day 2, 0901*) Eva had been released for general shore duty for the better part of a day now, and all that she could do was think about Mosh blowing himself and a group of attacking Borg Drones into tiny little bits, while she struggled to get the security force field that had trapped him down. No matter what she tried to do to take her mind of the inevitable fact that Mosh was gone, every time that she closed her eyes, she was struck by the vivid nightmare of the event, replayed over-and-over again.It wasn't so bad when she was awake and alert. Then she could make herself consider other things. But as of late, she found herself thinking about Jacobs, whom she had recently discovered had been injured in the furious struggle with the Borg. He was a kind man, funny and robust, and she certainly hoped that he was emotionally unblemished after his encounter. During the fight, she had been occupied, either fighting for her life and the life of her crewmates, or treating the injured and the dying as she was able. Once the more serious aspects of the threat were concluded and their return to their present secured, Eva had ended up supplementing the Medical crew aboard the Rosenante, filling in for missing medical techs and nurses because of her medical training. That didn't leave her much time to think about the people that she had lost or who had been injured, and she had wondered through that dantesque maze of tangled bodies and medical equipment in a sort of fatigue induced haze, hardly aware of her surroundings beyond the limits that she could immediately detect. But once they had put into port at Geneva, everything had changed. Initially it had been the hectic preparation and coordination to move the wounded, followed by the dull semi-conscious shuffle to station housing and the sleep deprived nose-dive into the much too soft bedding that was afforded as a small luxury. Now, having awakened several hours later, with a shower in her recent past, Eva had been able to consider her next step. She didn't know how she felt about the man, after all, they had only shared a kiss during a public event. She knew him for what he was, a considerate man who could use a friend; and so she had inquired with the station computer as to his location. Then without further delay, she had allowed her feet to carry her to his door. Eva took a deep breath and gingerly reached out and pressed the door chime. (reply Jacobs) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Guest Quarters - aCEO Ensign(jg) Henry Jacobs - 0908) The door chime jolted Henry out of his sleep. The dream he was having was uneventful and the bed the was sleeping in was uncomfortable. The fact that he had been awoken didn't bother him considering the two prior disadvantages. He had heard the door chime a second time before he actually made it out of the bed and walked over to the door. He hit the door panel and and the doors slid open. It may have been that sleep had still been heavy on his conscious but he didn't have the words to describe what was in front of him. His eyes traced the woman's outline starting from her feet promptly planted on the deck of the corridor. Working his way up he noticed her soft hands placed firmly on her waste. As he continued to raise his head he noticed that his eyes spent an extra few seconds on the bust of the the woman. ~Definitely worth getting out of bed for!~ He eventually forced his eyes up to Eva's face but only to realize that here eyes weren't there to meet his. He had answered the door without a shirt and saw that this had surprised her. He could not for sure know what she was staring at but it took a her a minute to recognize that Henry had been watching her sneak a peek. "Morning," he started. Clearing his throat to be heard. (reply Eva) Jacobs stood in front of her with his hands rubbing his arms as the temperature in the corridor was a few degrees lower than that in his quarters. After she responded all he could do was smile as he was content that she had awoken him. Still smiling he turned his back and started walking deeper into the room while motioning her to come in. (reply Eva) He walked to the replicator, a commodity they had both been without while dealing with the Borg. He ordered himself ginger ale and asked if she wanted anything. (reply Eva) Wanting to know what her reason for finding him was he asked her a question in a joking manner. "What brings you to my neck of the woods?" (reply Eva) (posted by Darryl McDaniel) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------