Compile#8 December 27-31 (USS Rosenante & USS Boudicca Joint) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 2 Stardate: 2414.02.13 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, ACSO Lt. (jg) Viskhard, Day 2 - 1058) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 5 Stardate: 2414.02.16 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 5 - 0940) (USS Rosenante - Captain's Ready Room - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 5 - 0946) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 5 - 0948) (USS Rosenante - Captain's Ready Room - ACEO Lt Eian O'Neill - Day 5 - 0951) (USS Rosenante - Sickbay - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 5 - 1100) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Steven Matrix Day 9 2001) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - ACSO Lt. (jg) Viskhard, Day 5 - 2003) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - CEO Lt. Commander Steven Matrix, Day 5 - 2004) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Tom and Dahlia Jackson Day 5 2004) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A – ACSO Lt (jg) Viskhard, Day 5 - 2005) (Starbase Geneva - Formal Ballroom - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 20.05) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Steven Matrix, Day 5, 2006) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 21, Formal Ballroom A - CO Captain Durand - 2010) (Star base Geneva - Deck 21, Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS - 2012) (Starbase Geneva - Formal Ballroom - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 20.15) (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - CO- Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 5, 2015) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 6 Stardate: 2414.02.17 Compile Summary (USS Boudicca - CO’s Quarters - CO Captain Durand - 1425) (Starbase Geneva - The County Cork - CO Captain Durand - 1435) (Starbase Geneva, The County Cork, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 6, 1436) (Starbase Geneva - The County Cork - CO Captain Durand - 1438) (Starbase Geneva, The County Cork, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 6, 1450) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 7 Stardate: 2414.02.18 Compile Summary (Starbase Geneva - Main Medical Offices - Recovery Ward - FO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 7 - 1300) (Starbase Geneva - Medical Waiting Area - FO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 7 - 1402) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 10 Stardate: 2414.02.21 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante- aCMO - Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 10 - 1435) (USS Rosenante- CSO- Sick Bay- LT David M. Tamblyn- 1437) (USS Rosenante - Sickbay - aCMO - Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 10 - 1440) (USS Rosenante– Sickbay– CSO- LT David Michael Tamblyn– 1443) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 12 Stardate: 2414.02.23 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante -COPS Quarters - SB Geneva LT. Cmdr Tom Jackson 2o/COPS Day 12 0930) (USS Rosenante - Main Sickbay - CMO's Office - aCMO Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 12 - 0932) (USS Rosenante-Sick Bay - LT. Cmdr Tom Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 12 0935) (USS Rosenante - Sick Bay Deck - aCMO Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 12 - 0938) (USS Rosenante - Outside Ready Room- Ned Soma-1300) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid Day 12-1305) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- Ned Soma-1307) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid Day 12-1309) (USS Rosenante - Ready Room-Ned Soma-1311) (Aldavye, Slave Processing Complex, Marah Neru, 1430) ======================================================= Mission: Personal Logs: Day: 13 Stardate: 2414.02.24 Compile Summary (Axtis III, Highlands, CTAC Lt. sg Ben Soma, 0645) (Axtis III, Highlands, Lieutenant sg Sanok, 0650) (Axtis III, Highlands, CTAC Lt. sg Ben Soma, 0655) (Axtis III, Highlands, Lieutenant sg Sanok, 0700) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante, Ready Room, ACSO Lt. (jg) Viskhard, Day 2 - 1058) The Captain smiled, "We should have lunch sometime. I always enjoy being directly exposed to new cultures and philosophies. I'd really like to learn more about Denobula and her wonderful people. But I'm afraid that I have another pressing appointment at the moment, so if you have no other questions, or concerns, I'd like to ask you to carry on with your assignment." Viskhard smiled back, happy that his new CO was understanding and seemed much more amenable that Straton had ever been. He had always been quite nervous around her, but Captain Salid seemed to be able to put him at ease. "I would enjoy a meal with you Captain, I look forward to when we are able to sit down together. As for questions, the only one is my quarters. I understand that the Rosenante is being refit and I wonder when I should be arranging to vacate my temporary quarters on the Station?" (reply Salid) "I see, I will make those arrangements. Thank you, Captain." Viskhard stood up and gathered his pile of PADDs, knowing that he had plenty of work to complete, even without the new assignment. Visk nodded and turned, walking out of the Ready Room, his eyes reflecting his sense of excitement and happiness. (reply Salid iyw) (posted by Lori) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 5 - 0940) "Yes, Sir," Eian said without hesitation. "She gave that PADD to me four nights ago, on our first night back. I admit that I didn't read the whole thing, but she gave me the summary version of what was on it. I assumed...perhaps incorrectly...that she wasn't a threat because she had ample opportunity to sabotage our mission and harm any one of us, and no motivation for telling me about her past. We have no evidence that Section 31 kidnapped her, Sir, but I find it hard to believe it's a coincidence, so soon after she told me and broke her cover." "I haven't seen her since she gave the PADD to me four nights ago, Sir. We haven't been on speaking terms since then." Ahmed gave the man before him a level glance and then looked over at his father. "Gentlemen, what I am about to tell you is classified and is not to be discussed beyond these walls." He stated very clearly and concisely. "Jessica or rather Lily advised me of her existence during the fight with the Borg. And I have to admit to you that I was uncertain what to do about the situation. Section 31 is an illegal organization, forbidden from operating within or on the behalf of the Federation. Their movements and activities are amoral and often result in more heinous crimes than those that they seek to protect. There is even evidence that they supported both the Doenitz Regime and the Heatherby Revolt to overthrow the lawful government." "As I needed every man I had at the time, I could not secure Signos and risk her life. Instead I decided that her skill and expertise was essential to fight the Borg threat. When we returned to the Geneva, I notified Admiral Richardson who determined to conduct a counter operation against section 31. He has been suspecting that they have an operational Section 31 cell here on Geneva for some time now. And this opportunity would allow him to flush out the cell working here." "In return for Jessica's freedom and the necessary deprogramming from the Section 31 brainwashing, I reluctantly agreed to allow him to conduct his operation using Starfleet Intelligence assets." Ahmed gave O'Neill a very firm nod. "I just received a report concerning the mission. Through an undisclosed means, SFI is monitoring Signos' location. They are also aware of the involvement of a man named George Hayden, who runs a shoe store on the station. I tell you this, because as of twenty minutes ago, Starfleet intelligence refused my request to arrest Hayden and rescue Signos. They have also just revoked my security access to the operation. That tells me that they are willing to expend Jessica as a resource to get to the heart of the S31 cell operating here on the station. and since you are both now very aware of the situation, then I'll need your help to do the right thing." "I have leaked a detailed data packet someplace where Hayden should find it, showing my awareness of a Section 31 operation on the station and an awareness that Jessica/Lily is a Section 31 Operative. Without the access to the Starfleet Intel operations records, I have to bring Hayden to me. And the best way for him to handle that operation will be to send Signos to silence me. When that happens, you'll need to be ready, because this could all go very wrong. Do you understand?" (reply O'Neills) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Captain's Ready Room - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 5 - 0946) Liam was surprised that Jessica had revealed her cover to Salid. She had no reason to, in his opinion, unless she felt that she was going to be found out. Perhaps she wasn't as malicious, or rather, wasn't as under control, as he previously assumed. After the Captain finished speaking, Eian nodded but looked slightly uncomfortable. However Liam responded with a firm, "Yes, Sir." His son was probably feeling betrayed, angry, and uncertain that he wanted to get wrapped up in this. Hell, Liam didn't want to get wrapped up in this. He would much prefer to pretend he had never met Jessica and that none of this cloak and dagger mess was entering his life. But as he had long ago learned, one didn't get to pick and choose which crosses one would bear. "How do you plan to track this man, George Hayden, after Jessica makes an attempt on your life, Sir?" Liam asked. "There has to be a way they're sending signals to her brain," Eian interjected. It was something Liam could tell his son truly wanted to believe, but he heard the doubt in Eian's voice that he didn't know if Salid could hear. "We could trace the signal back to him, maybe." Eian was thinking like an engineer, which was not usually the first pattern he assumed. Liam had seen Eian analyze every scenario from a tactical standpoint, but this time, for some reason, he was falling back on the scientific. He wondered what that was all about. (reply Salid, room for more) "I believe my medical training may be of use, Captain. When we find Jessica, I'd like to be with her in Sickbay to analyze her brain patterns and see what I can come up with. I'm not currently practicing but I am a medical doctor, and I could use the excuse of research into the Signos Thread." It also made sense, in his opinion, that Salid allow Eian to take the lead on profiling Hayden, and that Security was not alerted to the possibility of Salid's life being at risk. The more people that knew about this operation, the more likely it was to fail. But he would not tell another Captain how to assign his crew or how to handle a situation that Salid knew so much more about than Liam did. He did think it was convenient that he and Eian were the only two who knew about this business because they both had the excuse of concern for Jessica to mask their true involvement. (reply Salid) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room - CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid - Day 5 - 0948) "How do you plan to track this man, George Hayden, after Jessica makes an attempt on your life, Sir?" Liam asked. "There has to be a way they're sending signals to her brain," Eian interjected. "We could trace the signal back to him, maybe." Ahmed held up a hand. "Slow down, Eian." he stated calmly. "Have you ever heard of the transference law?" (reply Eian) "Basically, it's simple. When two objects touch each other, they leave tiny little particles on each other. In this case, When Hayden and his men touched Jessica, they leave micro fragments of nucleopeptides. They're unique to every living thing. We capture Signos and we swab her for these genetic tracers. The Rosenante's biological sensors are still fully operational, and they can detect microcellular organisms at a distance of over a half-a-million kilometers. We plug the data into the system and we conduct a detailed scan of the station. We'll be able to pin-point Hayden to within a few meters. He'll have left a trail as clear as day to the sensors. With a mass-density chart we'll be able to make certain we have the correct location." "I believe my medical training may be of use, Captain." Liam added, "When we find Jessica, I'd like to be with her in Sickbay to analyze her brain patterns and see what I can come up with. I'm not currently practicing but I am a medical doctor, and I could use the excuse of research into the Signos Thread." Ahmed nodded, "On one condition, Commander. You recruit Lieutenant Fisher, my aCMO to assist you. She'll be critical to the mission when the time comes." (reply Liam) "In the meantime, Eian, I need you to work up a profile, based on the data I'm going to provide you on Hayden. Keep the data secure and don't share it with anyone not directly involved here. If necessary, we can tap some of our security people to help with the apprehension and confrontation with Hayden." (reply Eian) "One final thing gentlemen, I need to make it clear that we can't just bring in Hayden alone. We have to get the entire cell, or we've blown this mission and the repercussions will be larger than anything that I can stop. We have to do this right and completely or we'll all be losing our jobs." He handed a PADD to Eian. "Any other thoughts before we put this mission into motion?" (reply Liam, Eian O'Neill) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Captain's Ready Room - ACEO Lt Eian O'Neill - Day 5 - 0951) "Slow down, Eian. Have you heard of the transference law?" As soon as he heard the words, something completely absurd occurred. He had never heard of the transference law himself, but some back corner of his mind suddenly dredged up a definition and read it back to him in a monotone-mechanical voice. He attempted to keep his expression neutral and pay no attention to the Borg-sounding voice as he said, "No, Sir." "Basically, it's simple. When two objects touch each other, they leave tiny little particles on each other. In this case, When Hayden and his men touched Jessica, they leave micro fragments of nucleopeptides. They're unique to every living thing. We capture Signos and we swab her for these genetic tracers. The Rosenante's biological sensors are still fully operational, and they can detect microcellular organisms at a distance of over a half-a-million kilometers. We plug the data into the system and we conduct a detailed scan of the station. We'll be able to pin-point Hayden to within a few meters. He'll have left a trail as clear as day to the sensors. With a mass-density chart we'll be able to make certain we have the correct location." Eian nodded and tried to concentrate on what his father was saying next. He made some kind of proposal to use his medical training to assist them. He couldn't get over the sound of the Collective in his head. Perhaps he needed that mandatory counseling appointment, after all. Or at least a visit to the doctor. "On one condition, Commander. You recruit Lieutenant Fisher, my aCMO to assist you. She'll be critical to the mission when the time comes." "Of course, Captain," his father answered. Salid spoke again. "In the meantime, Eian, I need you to work up a profile, based on the data I'm going to provide you on Hayden. Keep the data secure and don't share it with anyone not directly involved here. If necessary, we can tap some of our security people to help with the apprehension and confrontation with Hayden." "Yes, Sir," Eian said with a nod. Recovering from the strange experience he just had, he was attempting to get his head back in the game. The same alarms that had helped him for years during meetings or class when something important was said were now blaring at him, 'PAY ATTENTION!' Indeed, this was not a simple matter of missing a detail about an assignment or duty. This was life or death, and if he failed, he knew Section 31 was not above coming for his family for revenge and to guarantee his silence in the future. "One final thing gentlemen, I need to make it clear that we can't just bring in Hayden alone. We have to get the entire cell, or we've blown this mission and the repercussions will be larger than anything that I can stop. We have to do this right and completely or we'll all be losing our jobs." He handed a PADD to Eian. "Any other thoughts before we put this mission into motion?" He knew his father was going to speak before the man ever spoke. Sometimes reading family's body language was easier than others, and sometimes it was harder. In this case, he could almost predict what Liam was going to say. "Captain, I have one concern. If we do manage to expose this cell and shut its operation down, what is going to keep others in Section 31 from coming after us?" It was a valid question. If Section 31 could take down one of their own assassins, what was to keep them from getting an operative aboard the Rose or the Kelman or any of the bases where the ships docked, and simply killing them while they slept? It would be a message to anyone they left alive: don't mess with Section 31. His tactical mind was beginning to kick into full gear, and he thought about this situation like a chess game. After this cell was gone, S31 would have lost resources and this was something they were normally unwilling to let go, lest they be attacked by Starfleet Intelligence in the future. They would lash out and make an example of them. Salid must know of something else, he concluded, that this cell was doing that they would uncover by embarking on this dangerous mission. That piece of information would be used as leverage. If they were killed, Richardson would know why and would then use that piece of extra information in retaliation. At the same time, Eian realized, this mission would make them targets for life. If there was a clean way of killing them that didn't alert Richardson to the nature of their demise, then they would take that opportunity. Or they might go after innocent family, such as Eian's younger brother Glenn, to keep them quiet. Finally, there was another aspect of this mission that was a bit of a wild card. It was not sanctioned. SFI had pulled the plug and they were about to embark on a mission that could mean that Richardson wouldn't care if S31 took them out to keep them quiet. If that was the case, then they were already dead. In Eian's mind it was not worth it to risk everything to save someone who was an assassin for Section 31. But being a Starfleet Officer, he realized, did not come down to making decisions that felt right in his gut. It came down to making decisions that *were* right, and following the moral code he had pledged allegiance to when he was commissioned. He would embark on this mission and risk everything, and he would not complain. ~Besides,~ a part of his mind said, ~if God doesn't exist, then why does it even matter if you risk everything? There's no point to *keeping* 'everything' anyway.~ (reply Salid) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Sickbay - CMDR Liam O'Neill - Day 5 - 1100) Liam was never one to waste time. As the newly appointed captain of the Kelman, he had started to become nearly as impatient as his son Eian when it came to getting results. After speaking to Captain Salid about the situation with Jessica, and doing some basic research so he knew what he was talking about, he went directly to the Rosenante's Sickbay to see Lt. Kitty Fisher, who he hoped would be willing to work with him on this incredibly dangerous clandestine mission. His goal was to get the information they needed from Jessica, give it to the Captain to track George Hayden, and then if possible end his involvement there. They would stop Jessica from attacking Salid, but after that Liam wanted to wash his hands of this entire Section 31 mess and pretend it never existed. He hoped Eian would do the same. This was damned dangerous business and in Liam's mind, Eian had too much going for him to ruin his career with cloak-and-dagger games. He walked into Sickbay and found Kitty Fischer in her office. ~Good,~ he thought. ~It won't be too difficult to close the door and have a secure conversation. Eian had given him a tricorder that was programmed to scan the room for bugs, something his son learned how to do in his tactical training at the Academy. "Doctor Fisher? My name is Liam O'Neill. I'm currently commanding the USS Kelman. Do you have about ten or fifteen minutes to spare?" He planned to use the guise of talking about Eian's condition as cover for their true conversation. (reply Fisher) (posted by Morgan G) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Steven Matrix Day 9 2001) The invitation was formal, but short. Matrix was requested to attend a formal dinner hosted by Captain Zephyr. Something not all that unusual given the mission downtime and the work that lie ahead of both crews and the Geneva refit teams. Matrix entered the ballroom in full military dress, noting everyone else in formal dress attire. The Ensign at the entrance greeted Matrix by rank and name and told him to proceed to the center of the room where Captain Zephyr was already surrounded by other officers and guests. Matrix could hear the Captain talking and laughter followed from those around him. "Ah...Commander Matrix good to see you. Please join us." said Captain Zephyr. Matrix smiled and walked over to the Captain, the gathered officers and guests moved out of the way of the Captain as he approached. "Good evening sir." replied Matrix. Zephyr continued, "Allow me to introduce you. This is Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Steven Matrix of the USS Rosenante. He's just come off of a trying and tiring mission against the Borg." Matrix took turns shaking hands with the various guests for a few moments and the Captain motioned a select few over to his table. "Commander, if I may is the refit of the Rosenante coming along so far?" asked Zephyr as he ordered another drink. "Well sir, things are progressing nicely." replied Matrix. Captain Zephyr smiled, "All is not going well from what I hear Commander. My sources tell me you've insisted on some modifications to main engineering that wasn't on the refit plans...seems you got your wish as I see those modifications were authorized shortly after you left the yard master's office." Matrix grinned, "Some things are not negotiable sir. I'm glad I could persuade the Commander to see it my way." Zephyr smiled in reply. "Please forgive me everyone I need to speak to the chef before dinner is served. Please feel free to mingle. Dinner won't be served for another hour or so and more guests are due shortly. Please enjoy, this is a celebration." Matrix and the entire table stood up as the Captain stood and preceded to the master chef already waiting just a few yards away. (Reply any, none required) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - ACSO Lt. (jg) Viskhard, Day 5 - 2003) Viskhard cast his gaze over the room, wondering why the formal dress and why he'd been invited, both questions which go unanswered unless he found someone with the knowledge to ask. He accepted a tall, thin glass with liquid that was an interesting shade of turquoise and continued looking about. As he looked around, he spotted the host, one Captain Zephyr, as he obviously left a group, making an exit towards the mess room door that attached to the the ballroom. He noted the one officer he recognized from that group as one from the awards ceremonies he'd attended the previous day and made his way over. Overcoming his nerves he spoke quietly as he neared the blue-eyed officer. "Greetings, I am Lt. Viskhard, recently transfered to the Rosenante. I've forgotten your name?" (reply Matrix) Viskhard, ever the scientist, wasted little time getting into the question currently plaguing him. "I don't suppose you know the purpose of this dinner?" (reply Matrix, any) (posted by Lori) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - CEO Lt. Commander Steven Matrix, Day 5 - 2004) Matrix and the others at the table took the opportunity to mingle and started to move away from the table to visit with others now arriving in the ballroom. As Matrix turned he noted the Denobulan approaching him. "Greetings, I am Lt. Viskhard, recently transfered to the Rosenante. I've forgotten your name?" Matrix swapped the drink between his hands, extending his right hand as he spoke, "Steven Matrix, Mister Viskhard. I'm glad to meet you." replied Matrix. Viskhard continued, "I don't suppose you know the purpose of this dinner?" Matrix was wondering the same thing, "I'm not entirely sure, but when a ranking officer suggests you attend a dinner he's hosting you attend." replied Matrix. (Reply Viskhard) Matrix continued after taking a sip of his drink, "I suspect this is simply an opportunity for the crews to informal meeting environment...despite the formal attire." said Matrix with a smile. (Reply Viskhard) "Have you had an opportunity to go aboard the Rosenante yet? I know she's not in the best of shape as yet, but even in her current condition anyone can tell she's a fine ship." said Matrix. (Reply Viskhard) Matrix was visually touring the room when he noticed Tom and Dahlia enter the ballroom. Matrix felt himself smile. "Lieutenant, please forgive me I see a good friend entering the ballroom with his wife. I'd like to say hello. May I catch up with you later and introduce you?" asked Matrix. (Reply Viskhard) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Tom and Dahlia Jackson Day 5 2004) Tom hated wearing his formal uniform. The only other time he had worn it was the day he had married Dahlia on SB 989 just over a year ago. He looked at his wife. She was just beginning to show a 'baby bulge'. To (om that made her all the more beautiful. Her choice in fashions was as always well thought out. She had chosen a lovely red dress. The dress,against her black shoulder length hair, caused Tom jackson to fall in love yet again. Tom and Dahlia spied Steve Matrix and headed over to greet their old friend. "Hi Steve" the duo called out. (Reply: Steve) "What's this shindig all about my friend?" Tom asked. (Reply: Steve) They chatted a bit more, On an impulse Tom asked "Would you care to act as our baby's uncle? I have no siblings as you may know. I trust you a lot". (Reply: Steve) They then headed over to get something to drink. (Reply: any present) (Poisted by: Bill W,) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A – ACSO Lt (jg) Viskhard, Day 5 - 2005) Matrix added a little levity to the conversation, "I'm not entirely sure, but when a ranking officer suggests you attend a dinner he's hosting you attend." Visk smiled slightly at that, “Indeed, I would normally find some means to escape a formal gathering, but I've heard Captain Zephyr is not one to be denied.” Matrix continued after taking a sip of his drink, "I suspect this is simply an opportunity for the crews to informal meeting environment...despite the formal attire," he said with a smile. Visk tugged at his collar in sympathetic fashion and smoothed the front of his dress whites. “Perhaps,” he conceded. "Have you had an opportunity to go aboard the Rosenante yet? I know she's not in the best of shape as yet, but even in her current condition anyone can tell she's a fine ship." said Matrix. “She is indeed a fine vessel. I was aboard when I met Captain Salid regarding my transfer. However, I haven't completely moved over to the ship. My quarters are in an area still being refit and I have been working on finalizing a dissertation.” Visk noted the young man's eyes roving, he'd probably been a little forward in his approach, at least he wondered if he shouldn't have been a little less abrupt. ~Always was a bit awkward.~ "Lieutenant, please forgive me I see a good friend entering the ballroom with his wife. I'd like to say hello. May I catch up with you later and introduce you?" asked Matrix. “Certainly, I'll be delighted to meet more Rosenante crew. I look forward to it.” Visk inclined his head and raised his glass in a silent toast. He watched the other officer walk over to a handsome couple and strike up easy conversation. Visk turned himself away and took in the room again, the variety of costumes was impressive. After a short while he noted Captain Salid arrive with an attractive woman on his arm. As one of the few faces he recognized, Visk drifted over to say hello. “Captain Salid, how are you this evening?” (reply Salid) (posted by Lori) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Formal Ballroom - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 20.05) Detron entered the Ballroom in formal dress blues. He preferred the dress blues over the dress whites as the whites made him look like a star about to explode. He walked over to CPT Zephyr and introduced himself to him. "Hello. I am TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei of the Boudicca. It is a pleasure to attend your party." He extended his hand to shake his with a firm grip. He waved to CDR Matrix sitting at a table. (Reply Matrix, Zephyr) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Steven Matrix, Day 5, 2006) Matrix took his leave of Lieutenant Viskhard and walked toward the couple. "Hi Steve" the duo called out. Matrix put his drink down on the nearest table and walked over. He held out his hand and took Dahlia's first. "Good to see you Dahlia...I assume you're keeping Tom out of trouble while he's on leave?" asked Matrix with a smile. (Reply Dahlia) Matrix shook Tom's hand and patted him on the shoulder. "Good to see you my old friend. I'm happy we made it back." said Matrix. "What's this shindig all about my friend?" Tom asked. "You're the third person to ask me that very thing. I suspect its nothing more than a get together for the crews, but rumor has it Captain Zephyr has some sort of announcement to make later." said Matrix. (Reply Jackson) "I was on the Rose again this morning...things are progressing nicely. Have you been aboard yourself lately? I can't believe some of the refit specifications they are planning. I need to talk with Captain Salid about the weapons control systems. I know these are considered upgrades, but at least they could put the fire controls in the same order as the original systems. Its going to slow things down if they don't adhere to our tried and true standards." said Matrix. (Reply Jackson) "You okay Tom? You seem to have something on your mind?" said Matrix. "Would you care to act as our baby's uncle? I have no siblings as you may know. I trust you a lot". replied Tom Matrix smiled, "It would be my honor. Of course I would love to be Uncle Steve!" said Matrix Matrix continued, "I think this is indeed a celebration...lets make a toast!" (Reply Jackson, Dahlia) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Deck 21, Formal Ballroom A - CO Captain Durand - 2010) Alan normally hated this sort of formal function; he much preferred to mix with a few friends on a low key, casual basis. Sometimes, being in command required ‘showing the flag’ so to speak. This was one of those times. He had responded to the invitation indicating that he would attend. He was a bit curious, he had to admit, as to why Captain Zephyr had opted for a formal social event. Who knew? He had donned his dress uniform, as the occasion was most definitely formal. He had eschewed the dress whites, which he detested immensely, and rather selected the longer-than-normal tunic. Aside from his rank pips, he wore only his gold ‘length of service’ stripes and the single decoration he had been recently awarded by Salid. There was a time, he mused briefly, when half his chest was full of medals. But no longer. That had been another life... a lifetime ago it seemed. So be it. The measure of man was far different than the colors he wore upon his uniform. It was inside, where almost no one could see. He glanced around the room, recognizing a handful of faces, including the host of the affair, the Rosenante’s CEO, her Second Officer Lt. Commander Jackson, and his own tactical officer, Lt. Trei. He stopped a roving server and got himself a small flute of champagne, then made his way around the room, stopping first at Matrix’s table. “Good evening Commanders, Mrs. Jackson. Congratulations on your promotions,” he said with heartfelt sincerity. He knew any members of Salid’s crew was certainly worth of the utmost respect. (Reply Matrix, Jackson, Any, Room for more) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Star base Geneva - Deck 21, Formal Ballroom A - LCDR Tom and Dahlia Jackson 2nd Officer / COPS - 2012) Tom saw CAPT Durand approach their table. Tom wasn't always a good reader of body language but this time he sensed that Alan Durand was a man with something bothering him deeply. As Durand greeted them, Tom introduced Dahlia. "Sir, this my wife Dahlia" Tom said. (Reply: Durand) Dahlia replied "Good evening Captain". Alan Durand congratulated Matrix and Jackson on their promotions. Each man thanked him. The group chatted on a bit. (Reply: any present) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Formal Ballroom - TAC/SC Lieutenant(SG) Detron Trei - 20.15) Detron found a seat at CDR Jackson's table. He had a blessing to give their due baby in Klingon. He hoped the UT was active if not he will translate after. He turned to Dahlia and CDR Jackson and waited for them to display their full attention. "I have a blessing to give your soon to be born baby in Klingon. I will translate in English after so don't worry about that. "May Iij ghu glaj the Hos ej DichDaq vo a warrior ach the teq as warm as the pemHov. It is translated as May your baby have the strength and will of a warrior but the heart as warm as the sun" He waited for their response. (Reply CDR Jackson, Dahlia) (Posted by Edward) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (SB Geneva – Deck 21 Formal Ballroom A - CO- Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 5, 2015) Fashionably late. That was the term that Ahmed had been given to use whenever he had been invited to anything formal. Now the Commanding Officer of the USS Rosenante, dressed in his finest dress white uniform, strode into the Ballroom, with the Lovely Jasmin Mohandas on his arm. She was a now a Lieutenant Commander in the Medical department serving aboard the USS Pangaea, as CMO. After the five year time jump they had lost touch with each other, but recently, as Jasmin had taken some leave time to attend a medical conference on Rigel V, they had become reacquainted. He had received his invitation and had asked her to be his plus-one to the affair. And she had really dressed up. She wore a shoulder-less, full length dark blue dress that was just formfitting to entice an officer into improper thoughts, but yet remained modest enough to be wearable in public. (reply Any present) Daniel Greene ======================================================= (USS Boudicca - CO’s Quarters - CO Captain Durand - 1425) =^=Captain Salid to Captain Durand.=^= Durand had just stepped out of the sonic shower and was in the process of dressing when the voice of his friend broke the silence. He stopped what he was doing immediately and answered the disembodied voice. The computer controlling the comm system would almost magically interpret and properly direct his spoken reply, something he rarely thought of, let alone appreciated for its technical wizardry. “Good afternoon Captain. What can I do for you?” =^=Captain. I have a ruling back from the Admiral concerning Lieutenant Trei. Can we discuss it over lunch at the County Cork on the Promenade deck?=^= He replied without hesitation. “Of course sir. I was just finishing a shower. Is this a formal function Captain? I think we are both still on leave.” =^=No nothing formal,=^= He replied, =^=I'm in civvies myself, I was given the information while on leave. Don't feel as if you need to come in uniform Captain.=^= Durand rubbed his chin with the palm of his hand, considering. “Very well Captain. I’ll be there in ten minutes or so.” =^=Very good captain I'm there now and will see you soon. Salid out.=^= He paused as he heard the channel close with the distinctive signal tone indicating the end of a transmission. ~This could be the end of two men’s careers... mine and Trei’s. Let’s see if the Admiral’s reputation for being a fair minded sort is well founded. I could always start a second career... Doing what? You’re a Starfleet Officer. That’s all you know, all you’re good at. Not very good at that, either...~ He finished dressing, pulling on a comfortable pair of denim pants and a ‘commando’ style sweater. Tucking his commbadge in a pocket, he headed for the station. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - The County Cork - CO Captain Durand - 1435) He made his way easily through the station and arrived just exactly on time for his meeting with Salid. Durand cast a glance about and then saw his friend in a private corner. He made his way to the bar and got a mug of black coffee, then ambled over to the table. “Doctor Livingston, I presume?” (Reply Salid iyw) He took the offered seat and took a pull from his coffee mug. It wasn’t the greatest brew he’d ever tasted, but then the Cork wasn’t that well known for coffee. He put the mug down on the table and immediately adopted a more serious demeanor. “Should I be looking for a new job, Captain?” (Reply Salid) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, The County Cork, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 6, 1436) “Doctor Livingston, I presume?” "Only if that makes you Mister Stanley, " Ahmed replied with a wry smile. "I hope you don't mind the location? I heard some very good things about the branch of this restaurant that was on Starbase 989, and thought that since they had opened a new establishment here, that we could see if all the hype is deserved." Ahmed gestured to the seat across from him and Durand settled in nicely. As durand made a slightly sour look after pulling a draft from his coffee, Ahmed smiled, "Although I have to say, their coffee most assuredly leaves something to be desired, but I came in forewarned." He gestured to his half-full juice glass. Alan placed his mug on the table and turned very serious. “Should I be looking for a new job, Captain?” he asked grimly. Ahmed took a sip from his glass and slid the PADD across the table towards the captain. "The admiral asked me my opinion of your performance. I'll be very frank with you, I didn't sugarcoat anything. But I also recommended against any disciplinary action against you considering the extreme situation that we found ourselves in. Besides, I have a crewman that endangered the mission almost as much as Lieutenant Trei did, and once the admiral determined that there was nothing that could have been done for that incident, it was a simple exercise in logic to convince the Admiral that your situation was not any different than my own." Ahmed paused. "The only person being disciplined from the Boudicca is Lieutenant Trei. The details of which are on the PADD. The admiral was very precise in his reasoning and his sentencing. He also was very clear with me to advise you that there would not be any further chances for Trei going forward. Starting now, he had better walk a very narrow line or he'll find himself incarcerated. It's all detailed on the PADD." (reply Durand) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - The County Cork - CO Captain Durand - 1438) Durand listened intently, not interrupting even once, as Salid fielded his question. ~Just how much do I owe this man?~ Alan didn’t much care to be in another person’s debt, but he realized that there were no choice in the matter. The position of Task Force Commander notwithstanding, Salid’s unblemished reputation within the fleet, and particularly the Admiralty, undoubtedly carried serious weight. Alan’s own, on the other hand... not so much. ~That is what you get for making the decisions I have. Made your bed, boy... now lay in it.~ He took another sip of the coffee, and repressed a grimace. It was truly awful. He wondered what he might order without offending his friend? Something... anything... would be better than the coffee. He finished examining the PADD at about the same time that Salid finished speaking. He didn’t have Salid’s eidetic memory, but he read at well above average speed. He skimmed some of the drier legalese, just absorbing enough to know where the Admiral was coming from. He gave Salid a long, searching look as he deactivated and encrypted the data. It was not for just anyone’s eyes, after all. “Captain... Ahmed. Have you ever questioned your own abilities? I mean to the point where you have considered resigning? My actions, or inactions, got a lot of good people killed during this damned mission. I’ve questioned my loyalties, my beliefs, even my own morality before... I presume you are familiar with what I was involved in during the Civil War?” (Reply Salid, Room for more iyw) “My faith... not in the crew, the ship, the fleet... but in myself, has been shaken. Badly. I spoke briefly to a counselor aboard Geneva -- we haven’t had the luxury of one aboard the Boudicca, nor could I have that discussion with them even if we had one -- and I learned enough to realize that I’m laying some heavy blame on myself for the loss of life. I *know* we won... such as that was. What I’m wondering is, can I be trusted to go out again? If you were under *my* command, instead of the other way around, would you have faith in me to get you through adversity?” (Reply Salid, Room for more) (Posted by Russ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva, The County Cork, CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid, Day 6, 1450) Durand took a few moments to look over the documents before finally sealing them and placing the PADD back on the table between them. He had a look that Ahmed recognized. He'd seen it before, standing in front of a mirror after a particularly difficult mission. He'd seen it recently, the self doubt and wondering if you'd done the right thing. It was commonly know, in the parlance, as 'The Burden of Command.' “Captain... Ahmed. Have you ever questioned your own abilities? I mean to the point where you have considered resigning? My actions, or inactions, got a lot of good people killed during this damned mission. I’ve questioned my loyalties, my beliefs, even my own morality before... I presume you are familiar with what I was involved in during the Civil War?” Salid gave the man sitting across from him a short nod. "We all have Alan." He replied simply, "At some time in our career, we always have to ask those questions of ourselves. We're always forced to question our beliefs, actions, and morals. It's part of the process that either makes or breaks a command officer. The moment that you don't question those things about yourself, you've lost. You've stopped being human and have no place in command. So consider it a good thing that you're bringing all of these things into question, because to do so allows you to adapt, to throw off beliefs that should be thrown off and to retain those that remain critical and solid. To question these things is to make yourself a better man, to confirm who you are, or to grow as a person into someone new. I have rarely heard of anyone becoming something horrible because of such questions." He paused for a moment, taking a sip of his juice before continuing, "And as for your history with the civil war, Of course I know about it. Just because you sided with the other side doesn't make you a bad person. There are a great many fine officers, who made that same decision, because they believed that they were safeguarding the Federation. I made a different choice, but that doesn't make me any more right than you, nor does it make me superior. It means that we both wanted the same thing and we both chose different ways to undertake that belief. People make mistakes, we better ourselves from learning from them and not repeating them. Why do you bring this up now?" “My faith... not in the crew, the ship, the fleet... but in myself, has been shaken. Badly. I spoke briefly to a counselor aboard Geneva -- we haven’t had the luxury of one aboard the Boudicca, nor could I have that discussion with them even if we had one -- and I learned enough to realize that I’m laying some heavy blame on myself for the loss of life. I *know* we won... such as that was. What I’m wondering is, can I be trusted to go out again? If you were under *my* command, instead of the other way around, would you have faith in me to get you through adversity?” Durand continued. Ahmed gave the shaken officer across from him a smile. "It's not a matter of your junior officers trusting you captain. It's a matter of you trusting yourself. As a Commanding Officer, surely you realize that if you have confidence, even false confidence, that your people will trust in you to make the right decisions and to decide the things that need to be decided. Discipline and trust aboard a starship starts with the Captain trusting and disciplining himself. Without that stalwart appearance and irrefutable confidence, everything will come apart around us. Even when we don't know what to do, we must know what to do. Sometimes we're wrong, and sometimes we're not. We either learn, adapt and survive or we don't. We are the Anthropological leaders of our starship tribes and without our strength and guidance, the tribe breaks down and everyone suffers. What you need to ask yourself is , 'Do I trust myself to go out again? Do I trust myself to get us through adversity?' Because if you don't no one else will either." (reply Durand) Daniel Greene ======================================================= (Starbase Geneva - Main Medical Offices - Recovery Ward - FO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 7 - 1300) Once the operation was over Josh told Dr MacGregor that she would sit with Henry until he woke up. She knew that the doctor had nurses that were more than capable of doing that but Josh had nowhere that she needed to be in a hurry and she would prefer that the first face that he saw would be hers, so sitting down beside his recovery bed she kept an eye on his monitor knowing that it shouldn't be too long before the ensign woke up. She watched as his respiration change, his body began to move slightly and his one remaining eye began to flutter. The other eye, Josh knew, was probably doing exactly the same, but being covered she only had the biobed's read out to confirm that. Leaning over him she spoke quietly. "Henry, it's Dr Caskie here. Can you hear me?" (Reply Jacobs) "The operation is over and you are doing well. Your new eye is covered and blacked out since you need to recover from your operation first before we start to let you use your eye. You will be in Sickbay for 24 hours until we are sure that you are fine. After that I will allow more light to penetrate the blackout gradually until you are able to fully use your eye. Do you understand?" (Reply Jacobs) "Good Henry. I'm going to let the nurses take care of you now and I will come back and check on you once they have settled you in. Okay? Try to rest as much as you can and I will see you in a while." (Reply Jacobs) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Starbase Geneva - Medical Waiting Area - FO - Cmdr Jennifer (Josh) Caskie - Day 7 - 1402) Josh had finally stripped of her scrubs, showered, changed and was on her way out to get something to eat when she came across a familiar face in the waiting room. Now whilst Josh was a huge fan of everyone's private life being just that it had never stopped her, as FO, being aware of what washappening with regard to the crew. So changing direction and stopping in front of Eva she smiled at her. "Eva. Henry is being taken down to a ward just now. His operation went well and, I will make sure that as soon as he is settled you can go see him." (Reply Eva) Turning to the nurse in charge she motioned to Eva. "As soon as Ensign Jacobs is settled could you have someone escort this visitor to his room. Five minutes only." Turning back to Eva she smiled. "Five minutes only Eva and then you need to let him rest until he is discharged. I will be examining him at 1400 tomorrow to make that decision. If you happen to be here to help him back to his room, I would have no objections, ok?" (Reply Eva) (Posted by Marilyn) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante- aCMO - Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 10 - 1435) “Doctor Fisher, I presume?” Kitty turned when she heard herself being addressed and smiled since she recognised the errant CSO that had caused her to revise her schedule so many times. Her smile wasn't really her, 'nice to see you' smile. Unfortunately for Lt Tamblyn he had rescheduled his physical once too often for Kitty's liking. So, he got her crocodile smile meaning 'It's nice to finally see you, but your a$$ is now mine.' "Lt Tamblyn, how nice to finally meet you. Would you like to hop up onto that biobed or should I just have my heavies strap you down now before you run away again." (Reply Tamblyn) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- CSO- Sick Bay- LT David M. Tamblyn- 1437) “Doctor Fisher, I presume?” Kitty turned and smiled. Her smile didn’t seem like one of those ‘nice to see you' smiles. Unfortunately it looked more like a crocodile smile meaning 'It's nice to finally see you, but your a$$ is now mine.' "Lt. Tamblyn, how nice to finally meet you. Would you like to hop up onto that biobed or should I just have my heavies strap you down now before you run away again." David held his hands up in surrender after he hopped up onto the biobed “No need for violence Doctor, but wouldn’t it be better to have at least a first date before someone gets tied to a bed?” he said jesting in hopes of lightening the mood. (Reply Fisher) “I have an allergy to Retinox.” He said and continued “I want to appologize to you Mrs. Fisher. I got caught up in my work and missed my previous appointments.” (Reply Fisher iyw) “I know its no excuse, but I have never headed up a Science Department before so I have been going through a lot of on-the-job-training. In fact, my last 3 postings had been as an Operations Officer. The funny thing is, when I’m not in Starfleet I taught history.” David tried to explain. (Reply Fisher) As he focused in on those green eyes that had enchanted and terrified Tamblyn “I’d like to buy you dinner, or simply a drink to make it up to you if I could.” He invited, half expecting to be shot down. (Reply Fisher) (Posted Charlie Raschen) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Sickbay - aCMO - Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 10 - 1440) Kitty watched as the lieutenant hopped up onto the biobed and held his hand up in surrender. “No need for violence Doctor, but wouldn't it be better to have at least a first date before someone gets tied to a bed?” Sighing and rolling her eyes Kitty stared at the lieutenant. "Mr Tamblyn, believe me you have no idea how many times I have heard some sort of variation on that opening line and how mind numbingly boring it has become. Now, before I start your physical, since you are a new member of the crew, I need to know if you have any allergies and if you have come across any new ones since your last physical. “I have an allergy to Retinox.” He said and continued “I want to apologize to you Mrs. Fisher. I got caught up in my work and missed my previous appointments.” Kitty ignored what seemed to her to be a fishing expedition regarding her marital status and merely nodded. "Yes, your allergy is listed in your medical history lieutenant and it's Doctor Fisher if you please." “I know its no excuse, but I have never headed up a Science Department before so I have been going through a lot of on-the-job-training. In fact, my last 3 postings had been as an Operations Officer. The funny thing is, when I'm not in Starfleet I taught history.” Kitty finally decided to relent somewhat and smiled at him. "I can relate to how busy you have been. I know exactly what you mean. It feels like I've been stuck in the CMO's office since I came onboard with very little chance to escape." The lieutenant's next comment surprised Kitty. “I'd like to buy you dinner, or simply a drink to make it up to you if I could.” It took Kitty all of thirty seconds to decide. "Why not. I've never been someone who turns down a free meal or a free drink. Let me know when your free and I will meet you in Tradewinds." (Reply Tamblyn) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante– Sickbay– CSO- LT David Michael Tamblyn– 1443) Kitty seemed to relent somewhat and smile. "I can relate to how busy you have been. I know exactly what you mean. It feels like I've been stuck in the CMO's office since I came on board with very little chance to escape." The David's next comment apparently surprised the doctor “I'd like to buy you dinner, or simply a drink to make it up to you if I could.” It took her all of thirty seconds to decide. "Why not. I've never been someone who turns down a free meal or a free drink. Let me know when your free and I will meet you in Tradewinds." David smiled "Tradewinds it is. Casual dress good for you? Or do you prefer something more formal?" (Reply Fisher) "Okay. When we are done with my physical I'll be calling it a day. When will you be calling it quits for the day?" (Reply Fisher) (Reply Fisher) (Posted by Charlie) ======================================================= (USS Rosenante - Docked - COPS Quarters - SB Geneva LT. Cmdr Tom Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 12 0930) Tom and Dahlia had moved back on-board as soon as their quarters were refurbished. Occasionally they both saw some of the remaining scars. The good old Rose was making her comeback at last. Tom smiled as he explained Steve Matrix’s love for the ship, He added that he had ‘advised’ the yard master on several occasions about the re-fit. They knew Steve loved the Rose as if she were his wife. He would do whatever was needed to get his love back on her feet; Silently Tom added his thanks that Steve was part of their crew. “Dahlia, we need to go see the Sick Bay folks about your pre-natal care. Let me see if there is space to visit them today” Tom suggested. “Excellent my dear” she replied. Tapping his comm-badge Tom requested “LT Cmdr Jackson to Sick Bay. Is there time so my wife and I can drop in?”. (Reply: Any on Sock Bay) NRPG: I will assume Kitty or someone else will reply yes RPG: Tom and Dahlia heard the reply “Come on down Commander”. Tom replied that they were on their way and would be there shortly. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Main Sickbay - CMO's Office - aCMO Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 12 - 0932) Kitty had been sitting in the CMO's office try to juggle the crew rosters and she was beginning to wish she was a simple Head Nurse again. Then she only had to worry about organizing the nurses. Now she had to worry about the doctors, the nurses and the med techs. Realising that she needed to have a conversation with Nate very shortly she put that in her ever expanding, 'Things to Do' list. Adding a note that she needed to find a Head Nurse and quickly, she smiled remembering what ship she was on. She knew just the person, however she would need to speak with the Captain about it first. Putting that on her 'To Do' list as well, she crossed to the replicator and replicated herself a quick cup of coffee. Unfortunately she wasn't able to finish it. =/\= LT Cmdr Jackson to Sick Bay. Is there time so my wife and I can drop in?. =/\= Kitty smiled to herself and answered. "Tom, there is always time for you and your wife to drop by. Come on down Commander" --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Docked - Sick Bay Deck - SB Geneva LT. Cmdr Tom Jackson 2nd Officer/COPS Day 12 0935) Tom and Dahlia entered the Sick Bay area. Seeing Kitty Fisher, he and Dahlia walked over. Tom made the introductions. “Dr Fisher, this is my wife Dahlia - Dahlia, this is Dr Kitty Fisher. We are old shipmates” Tom added. (Reply: Kitty) Tom and Dahlia explained why they came to visit Sick Bay. “Doctor, Thomas trusts you and I respect his opinion. I would like you to handle my pregnancy. It is very likely we’ll have the baby during the upcoming mission” she added. (Reply: Kitty). “I’ll leave you two ladies to discuss the upcoming event. I have some official business to tend to. Dahlia, I’ll meet you on the SB promenade after you are done ok Sweetie?” Jackson asked. “Ok Thomas - don’t work too hard dear” she added (Reply: none) (Posted by: Bill W.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Docked - Sick Bay Deck - aCMO Lt (sg) Kitty Fisher - Day 12 - 0938) Dr Fisher, this is my wife Dahlia - Dahlia, this is Dr Kitty Fisher. We are old shipmates” Tom added. Kitty smiled at Dahlia as Tom made the introductions. "It's a pleasure to meet you Dahlia and my congratulations to both of you." Tom and Dahlia then went on to explained why they came to visit Sick Bay. “Doctor, Thomas trusts you and I respect his opinion. I would like you to handle my pregnancy. It is very likely we'll have the baby during the upcoming mission” she added. Kitty's smile broke into a warm grin. "Then I must congratulate both of you even more. I think we should take this conversation into the CMO's office. We will have more privacy there." Ushering Dahlia into the office Kitty settled her into a chair and asked if there was anything she could get her. Before she could answer Tom spoke. “I'll leave you two ladies to discuss the upcoming event. I have some official business to tend to Dahlia, I'll meet you on the SB promenade after you are done ok Sweetie?” Kitty simply blinked at that comment and smiling at Dahlia, turned to her and began questioning her. "Ok Dahlia I need to know how far along you think you are with your pregnancy and when you think you are due. There are certain tests I am going to have to do to confirm this and if you are ok with them we can do them now, or you could come back tomorrow, whatever you feel most comfortable with." (Reply Dahlia) (Posted by Marilyn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Outside Ready Room- Ned Soma-1300) Ned stood outside the ready room of the Rosenante's Captain, his son's commanding officer. This man had saw fit to bring two Borg drones aboard his ship in an attempt to restore their humanity, it had been a great risk at the time but he had taken it none the less. He had wanted to thank Captain Salid for a while now but didn't want to interrupt the man, he was no doubt quite busy seeing to the repairs of his ship and with crew transfers. He stepped closer to the door and pressed the door chime to alert the occupant to his presence. When he had been given the go ahead he stepped inside. "Captain Salid," He said. "I hope I'm not disturbing you. If this isn't a good time I can come back later." (reply Salid) Ned walked over to the desk and sat down. "I wanted to thank you and your crew for rescuing my wife and I." He continued. "I know the risk you had to take to do so." (reply Salid) "We are doing well." Ned replied. "The Doctor has released us to guest quarters, we still have a couple treatments to go but our continued presence in the medical bay is no longer required." Ned sat straighter in his chair. "Captain." He said. "I have a somewhat personal inquiry to make regarding my son." Ned paused for a moment before continuing. "What kind of a man has he become?" Ned asked. "I ask because there is only so much he can tell me himself, the rest I have to learn from others. His mother and I were taken when he was a teenager, it must have been difficult for him." (reply Salid) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid Day 12-1305) Ahmed was turned facing the observation window in his ready room contemplating everything that had happened and was happening over the last several days. In his hand he held a cup of Freshly brewed Ethiopian coffee rather than a PADD. On the overhead the soft strains of the al-Mu'allaqat by Ishaq al-Mawsili played a series of soft, soothing rhythms, reminding him of his origins. It was a sort of therapy that had served him well in his years of command, especially after a particularly difficult mission. Outside the portal, Workbees still scurried about, carrying their payloads to work sites and using their manipulators and contingents of equipment to conduct repair operations. In a way Ahmed missed the life of a Chief Engineer, yet at the same time he could not imaging returning to that life now that he'd had the opportunity to lead some of the finest Starfleet personnel into the unknown. For years he had felt that Allah had gifted him with a sharp mind so that he could become an Engineer, which had happened. But now, he believed the latter was nothing more than a stepping stone to get him here, commanding a starship, safeguarding the Federation and exploring the unknown. Here as a captain of a starship, he could do more than he could ever have done as a chief engineer. This is the place where he was needed most and the place that he would stay to the best of his ability. His ruminations were broken by the sound of the door chime to his ready room sounding. The computer lowered the music to a barely audible level and simultaneously opened the door to the compartment. Ahmed lazily swung around in his chair, surprised at the identity of his visitor. Ned Soma was very much the image of an elder version of his Son. Strong of presence, sharp of wit and scrupulous as well. "Captain Salid," He said. "I hope I'm not disturbing you. If this isn't a good time I can come back later." "Not at all Mister Soma, please come in and have a seat" gesturing to the still single chair that remained opposite him." Ned walked over to the desk and sat down. "I wanted to thank you and your crew for rescuing my wife and I." He continued. "I know the risk you had to take to do so." Ahmed smiled. "Sir it was the least that we could do. Our duty is to safeguard the lives and property of the peoples of the United Federation of Planets. I only regret the fact that we could not have saved more. How are your wife and you coming along?" He asked changing the subject, "Is there anything that you need?" "We are doing well." Ned replied. "The Doctor has released us to guest quarters, we still have a couple treatments to go but our continued presence in the medical bay is no longer required." "That's very good. I'm happy to hear of your progress." Ned sat straighter in his chair. "Captain." He said. "I have a somewhat personal inquiry to make regarding my son." "Of course," Ahmed replied with a short nod of his head. He placed his coffee on the saucer sitting on his desk. "What would you like to know?" Ned paused for a moment before continuing. "What kind of a man has he become?" Ned asked. "I ask because there is only so much he can tell me himself, the rest I have to learn from others. His mother and I were taken when he was a teenager, it must have been difficult for him." "It was very difficult, and he had some trouble adjusting to your loss, like any healthy young man of his age would. But eventually, he stopped being angry with the universe and joined the academy. He's excelled in Starfleet. He served during the civil war aboard another ship, he and Sanok. And at first I will admit that I was a little concerned when they transferred to the Rosenante. They had excellent service records, but it was apparent that Ben was a little distant from most members of the crew with the exception of Sanok." "But he has come to be a valuable member of the crew, and the fleet. I gave him the impossible task of stopping that sphere despite all the risks, because I knew that no matter what happened, Your son Ben wouldn't stop until every avenue for success, had been explored. He's never let me down. I consider him to be a good friend and a fine officer." He smiled, "You can be proud of him. He's become the sort of man that we all want to become; kind, honest, valorous and capable. I have trusted him with my life and, more importantly, I have trusted him with the lives of my crew. He'll need some time to get familiar with the idea of having you back, and no longer being an orphan. But I have confidence that you will have a strong relationship, if you can be patient and allow him the time to allow himself to become familiar with the idea of having a family again." (reply Ned Soma) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- Ned Soma-1307) Ned listened as Salid described his son's apparent withdrawal from the crew with the exception of Sanok, considering they had served together in the past it wasn't hard to understand why. Then his son's CO stated how he had become a valuable member of the crew and a reliable officer, Ned couldn't help but feel pride for his son. Despite everything that had happened to Ben he had grown into a fine young man all on his own, he had found direction in his life and a purpose. Salid smiled, "You can be proud of him. He's become the sort of man that we all want to become; kind, honest, valorous and capable. I have trusted him with my life and, more importantly, I have trusted him with the lives of my crew. He'll need some time to get familiar with the idea of having you back, and no longer being an orphan. But I have confidence that you will have a strong relationship, if you can be patient and allow him the time to allow himself to become familiar with the idea of having a family again." Ned returned the smile. "I am proud of Ben Captain, he's done a fine job by himself." Ned replied. "His mother and I will give him what ever support we can, and space if it is needed." Ned paused for a moment and then continued. "I find it strange that my son would befriend a Vulcan." He said. "They aren't the most friendly species in the quadrant, don't get me wrong I have nothing against them. I've known a few and they have all been reliable, precise and very efficient. I suppose if Ben had turned inward it was easier to relate with a Vulcan then another Human." Ned placed his hands on his lap and leaned ahead a little. "Do you have children Captain?" (reply Salid) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room- CO, Captain Ahmed Ibn Salid Day 12-1309) "Do you have children Captain?" Ned asked. Ahmed shook his head. "No, not in the biological sense. But in a psychological sense, you could say that the crew of this ship fulfills a similar need in my I suppose. Someday, I'll likely get married, have children and pass on my family name. I have no siblings, so I don't want to be the one who let a lineage that stretches back to the first crusade die out if it can be helped." "Still such things aside, it's difficult to have a meaningful relationship over any sort of distance. Captains are not permitted to fraternize with their crew and any other relationships would be with someone assigned to another ship, or not in the fleet, which makes it a difficult hurdle to overcome." The captain shrugged. "I have time though, I'm in no hurry." "And now that you and your wife are back, do you plan on expanding your family?" (reply Ned) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante - Ready Room-Ned Soma-1311) Ned listened as Salid stated his crew was his family, as a former freighter captain he could understand where he was coming from. The Captain was a single man, stating regulations that prevented him for fraternizing with subordinates or the difficulties of maintaining a long distance relationship. That was one thing Ned liked about being a freighter Captain, he could take his family with him. "And now that you and your wife are back, do you plan on expanding your family?" Ned had thought of that himself, both he and his wife were still relatively young. The Borg nanoprobes had continually regenerated their biological systems and they hadn't aged a day since their assimilation. "My wife wanted to try for a daughter a few months before our accident." Ned explained. "She never liked the idea of Ben being an only child, and she loves children. In her free time she used to visit nursery on board our freighter and play with the children. We haven't discussed it since our liberation, but I have a feeling it'll come up again soon enough." He smiled at the thought. "Anything is possible I guess." He said. "I'm living proof of that." He sat up straight in his chair. "Children can be very rewarding Captain, they are always so optimistic and care free. They can also be taxing on the nerves just the same." He smiled. "Everyone should make time for a family, I can't imagine my life without mine." "Ben tells me your second officer is expecting a child, hopefully they don't experience the sleepless nights accompanied by colic. Ben suffered from colic until he was twenty three months old, it made things interesting to say the least." (reply Salid) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Aldavye, Slave Processing Complex, Marah Neru, 1430) Since her release from the cage Marah had been nothing but a glorified chamber maid, she cleaned up after Turrel and prepared his meals. All in all it could have been worse, she had expected far worse. She still had the neuro restraint attached to her neck, she had hoped it would have been removed after her release but it hadn't. Turrel had been out all morning and she expected him to return shortly, she planned to ask him to remove the restraint. The door to the room opened and Turrel and one of his body guards entered the room. "Hello my dear." He said. Marah stopped what she was doing and turned to face him. "Hello Turrel." She replied. After a couple minutes of silence she added. "Do you think it's possible to have this removed?" She asked pointing to the device on her neck. "The itching is driving me crazy." Turrel laughed. "I think not." He replied. "Why not?" Marah asked. "I agreed to your terms when you released me from the cage, I've been behaving myself haven't I." Turrel walked over to the bed and removed his shirt which he tossed on the floor then sat on the edge of the bed. "Bring me a clean shirt." He said. Marah crossed the room to the ward robe and opened it and removed a clean shirt. She brought the shirt over to Turrel and offered it to him, he grabbed the shirt and her hand at the same time. "The restraint is there to ensure you don't change your mind." He stated. "It stays." He released her hand and pulled the shirt on. "Make sure you have that one cleaned." He said. Marah bent down and picked up the discarded shirt, as she straightened up Turrel caught her by the arm. "Continue to behave and I might grant you more leeway." He said before releasing her again. "Don't do me any favors." She spat back. He laughed. "You have a strong will." He said. "I will enjoy breaking it." He stood up and crossed to the door, his body guard followed him obediently. He turned before leaving the room. "I'll return in two hours." He said. "Have a meal prepared for me." He turned and left the room, once the door had closed Marah balled up his shirt and threw it at the door. (reply none) (posted by Milo Young) ======================================================= (Axtis III, Highlands, CTAC Lt. sg Ben Soma, 0645) Ben had been tracking the beast for half an hour, he knew he had two arrows in the creature but judging from the lack of blood they couldn't have caused any significant injury. He had hoped that the injuries were more severe, tracking the dagger beast was becoming increasingly difficult. Only the occasional broken branch or foot print gave him any indication of where the beast was heading, though he hadn't seen the beast he never let his guard down. He still had an arrow slung in the bow and slightly drawn back, just in case. A noise of to his left alerted him that something was nearby. Glancing to the side he caught movement in the underbrush, was it the creature or something else. If he had a tricorder it would have been a simple to determine what it was, now he had to rely on his senses and the evidence presented to him. Then a menacing thought occurred to him, just who was hunting who. Klagth had said the creature was cunning, it was clearly a predator and predators hunted lesser creatures. Was the dagger beast hunting him now, was intelligent enough to lead him into a trap or ambush? Time would tell. Ben moved more carefully now, he kept his attention turned in the direction of the noise. The dense foliage made visual identification impossible, he had to rely on sound alone. Only the noise or the rustling of the underbrush would alert him to danger. Sanok and the others were further behind him at a safer distance, he hesitated to think safe because there was no safe place here, the creature was injured and dangerous. He broke onto a trail, the ground was trampled in both directions. This was where the creature hunted, this was a game trail. Ben was at a disadvantage, the dagger beast knew the area and he did not. He stopped for a moment to listen to the sounds of the forest, there was nothing. He couldn't even hear the sounds of any insects. Further down the trail there appeared to be an opening, Ben decided to head towards it. If the creature attacked here he wouldn't have any warning, if he had a little open ground he could prepare himself for an attack much easier. When he reached the clearing he moved to it's center, he spun around looking in all directions. He couldn't ignore the feeling that he was being watched. The beast was more intelligent then he had given it credit for. From the corner of his eye he thought he saw something moving in the underbrush, he quickly spun in that direction. There was nothing there, he didn't like the feeling of being hunted. He heard a crack behind him and spun around, again there was nothing. ~Get a hold of yourself Ben~ To his left he saw a branch move, but he didn't jump this time. This was the beast's plan, fool him into doing something stupid. The dagger beast was quite cunning, it was a little unsettling to think an animal was capable of acting this way. It displayed intelligence and patience, this wasn't going to be an easy hunt. Ben resumed his slow spin, keeping his eye on the trees. The dagger beast wouldn't attack from the trail, it was smarter then that. ~What are you waiting for~ Then it happened, the dagger beast attacked. It didn't give him a chance to defend himself or prepare in any way. It leaped out of the foliage to Ben's right, how could an animal get so close without making any noise? One moment everything was quiet and then Ben heard the brush rustle, he turned but wasn't fast enough to avoid the assault. Before he knew what was going on he was airborne, flipping head over heels. He saw sky, ground, trees then sky again. The last thing he saw was the ground as he hit it, he was vaguely aware of the creatures hot breath and the stench of rotting meat. (reply Sanok) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Axtis III, Highlands, Lieutenant sg Sanok, 0650) After rising early in the morning and attending to their needs, the small group left to begin the hunt. They had camped near enough to the highlands for the trek to be short, but for enough away so as to still be out of the range of the dagger beasts. For Sanok, the journey through the wilderness could not be short enough. He was not the outdoors type, and not being able to bathe, was not agreeable to him. He continued to be thankful the local insects were not attracted to him, which was something, at least. Once the group reached the area where dagger beasts were on the prowl, Matan had instructed Sanok that he had to remain behind Ben and could no longer assist him. Only if Ben chose to return to them, could Sanok render any aid, of any kind. The ch'mok was in full swing now, and Ben was on his own. Sanok knew it was going to be very dangerous for his friend, but only after seeing the creature's territorial marks, and the damage its claws did on the ground and the trunks of trees, did the fullness of it strike him. Why had they decided to go along with this? Following close enough to see Ben, but far enough away to not be able to help, Sanok sighed when he got entangled in a thorn bush. Pulling thorns from his clothes, and from his hair, he froze when he heard a faint sound in the distance. Something big was coming. "Your Vulcan ears just heard the beast, eh?" said Matan in a whisper. Sanok nodded. He could tell that none of the others had heard it yet. "The beast is very clever," said Matan. "If your friend isn't as clever, this will be a short hunt." Sanok stared at Matan for a few seconds, then resumed freeing himself from the bush. When Ben finally heard the approaching dagger beast, it had moved within striking range. Coming into a clearing, Sanok blinked in awe at the beast. Klagth had tried to describe it to them, but as descriptive as the Klingon was, it was nothing compared to seeing it live. The animal stood a meter-and-a-half tall, and measured over three meters long, not counting its tail, which was almost two meters long itself. It had a ridge of bony spikes extending from from its shoulders, down its spine, to the base of its tail, each spike just a little shorter then the previous one. The beast's tail was thick and powerful, ending in a lump containing four spikes, two on each side. Its fur was dark gray and appeared very coarse and dense. This was truly a formidable animal. Sanok understood why no one had claimed the ch'mok challenge for so many years. The dagger beast stopped at the edge of the clearing, raising its head. Its nostrils flared as it scented the air. It then lowered its head and pinned its ears back before opening it's mouth to reveal it's dagger-like teeth. It shrieked a warning that was so otherworldly, even Sanok began to feel uneasiness in his stomach. He found himself, much to his shame, glad that he wasn't the one facing this mighty predator. The dagger beast began to claw at the ground. Sanok did not know the ways of such things, but he sensed that it was about to charge at Ben. Before it could, Ben let an arrow fly. The sound of th bow string alerted the beast that something was amiss, and with more speed than Sanok would ever have imagined, the animal leaped back into the brush, though by the sound of the angry howl it made, the arrow had found its mark. Ben fired again, nocked another arrow, and stood waiting. The sounds of something large crashing through the trees could be heard moving away. Ben had met the beast and survived the first encounter, though it would now be more difficult. The dagger beast was wounded. "Your friend was most fortunate," said Matan. "Most do not live beyond their first meeting with a dagger beast." Sanok did not respond. He simply put on his backpack and resumed following Ben. After about a half hour, the beast was close again. Sanok could hear it moving, and what he heard astounded him. The large animal was moving very quietly, and it was moving in a circular pattern around Ben. Ben could hear it, too, and he appeared to realize the beast was now hunting him. From his position slightly above Ben, Sanok saw a flash of movement in the trees, but it was gone as quickly as it had been there. This beast was amazing. There was now an eerie silence around them. Sanok could hear only the sounds of Matan and Damok breathing, and the sound of his own pounding heart. Without any warning at all, an explosion of muscle and fury leaped from the foliage. The beast swung its great paw, striking Ben and sending him hurtling through the air. He crashed to the ground and laid motionless. The beast slowly moved towards Ben, stopping next to him, it's gaping mouth only centimeters from Ben's throat. It was time to act. Sanok flung the backpack off and began moving towards Ben, grabbing an axe that he had attached to his belt. "Vulcan! Do not interfere!" hissed Matan. Sanok spun to face Matan, his eyes blazing like the desert sun, the axe in his hand. Matan did not flinch, though Damok's hand moved to rest on his weapon. "Do not interfere." Sanok glared at Matan, then at Damok. It was only seconds, but time seemed to stand still. He turned back to look at Ben, expecting to see him being dragged into the woods by the dagger beast, but what he saw, was the greatest surprise he had ever seen in his life. (reply Soma) (posted by Bob B.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Axtis III, Highlands, CTAC Lt. sg Ben Soma, 0655) The first thing Ben was aware of was the searing pain in his right shoulder, the next was the stench. ~Where am I~ Then he felt hot air passing over his face, that's when it started coming back to him. He was on a hunt, and things weren't going according to plan. He opened his eyes only to see the dagger beast standing over him, it's menacing teeth mere inches from his vulnerable throat. The beasts teeth looked as if they were capable of biting through the hull of a shuttle craft with little trouble, the soft flesh of his neck would stand little chance against them. Ben tried his best not to make any sudden movements despite his mind crying at him to get out of the way, get up and run. He knew if he did the beast would kill him in an instant. For the moment the creature seemed content to sniff at him, it appeared to be trying to determine if he would be a tasty meal or not. Suddenly the beast turned it's head, something else had caught it's attention, and snarled at the forest. Ben took advantage of the turn of events. He quickly grabbed one of the spikes from his belt and drove it as hard as he could into the dagger beasts neck and began to roll away. The beast howled in surprise and rage and brought one of it's massive paws down on the spot that Ben had occupied only moments ago. It's claws dug into the ground just as easily as if it were paper. Ben saw his bow on the ground a dozen feet away, the arrow still holding to the draw string. He began to run towards it, behind him he heard the heavy foot falls of the beasts paws striking the ground. He dared not look back, he didn't want to know how close the beast was. He heard it roar behind him, it was almost deafening. Just a couple feet more, Ben jumped towards the weapon grabbed it and rolled onto his back and pulled back on the string as he came to rest on his knees. The dagger Beast had also jumped and was now sailing through the air towards him, eight razor sharp claws and twenty or more dagger like teeth ready to tear him apart. He lined his shot up and let drift before the beast hit the ground, the arrow struck home in the creatures rib cage as Ben got to his feet and dove into the underbrush. He heard the thud of the animal hitting the ground, it roared again. Ben heard several snorts as the creature tried to pick up his scent, it began to growl. Through the foliage Ben could see it approach his position, then it did something unexpected. The dagger beast spun around swinging it's deadly tail into the underbrush. He heard branches as tress snap as they gave way to the onslaught. ~Guess I've pissed it off~ The creatures tail passed over Ben, had he been standing the spikes would have impaled him. He heard another loud thud and then the dagger beast roared again. From his position he could see the creature trying to move, glancing to the side he saw the creatures tail against a large tree. The spikes were imbibed in it's trunk and the beast was stuck, at least for now. Ben grabbed a spear from behind him and jumped to his feet running, before he reached the edge of the clearing he jumped into the air and brought the spear to bare. He put all of his weight into the attack but the beast saw him coming, just as the tip of the spear bit into the creatures side it pivoted around and struck out. Ben felt the impact of the beasts paw and the pressure of several needle points on his side and once again he was spinning through the air, this time he was able to catch himself and control the impact with the ground. He rolled into the fall just as he heard a loud snap somewhere behind him. He turned just in time to see the dagger beast emerge from the underbrush, it had freed itself. One spear, one spike and three arrows, how much could the creature take? The spear had done some damage, blood flowed from the wound and the dagger beast appeared to favoring that side. The only problem was now he was once again out in the open with nowhere to go. He faced the beast as it roared at him, he wondered if this is what a mouse felt like at the mercy of a cat. He too was injured, the beast had dug into his right shoulder and his left side. It was just a matter of who lost enough blood first. The dagger beast seemed unsure of how to proceed, Ben had injured it and the creature was not accustomed to it's prey fighting back. Ben readied his bow again, the beast took a cautionary step towards him and growled. Taking aim he drew the string as tight as it would go, he let the arrow drift and struck the beast in the right fore shoulder. It reared back from the strike and then charged him, head down. Ben slung the bow over his shoulder and grabbed a spike in each hand, once the creature was in striking range he flipped himself over onto the creatures neck and drove both spikes into the creature as hard as he could. The dagger beast tried to buck him but he held on, grabbing another spike he drove it home as well. The beast roared in pain and then tried to roll over on to him, Ben jumped clear and grabbed his last spear, the dagger beast was on it's feet once again racing for him. Ben moved to the side at the last moment as the beast past him, he poked at it with the spear puncturing it's injured side. The beast snapped it's tail striking him in the side, tossing him in the air again. He hit the ground once again and rolled onto his back in time to see the frame of the beast descending on him, he hoisted the spear and stuck it in the ground just as the dagger beast landed. He rolled away as the beast slid down the length of his spear and hit the ground. It hissed as it tried to stand but could not, it feel to the ground. The spear had found something vital, blood began to stain the ground in under the dagger beast. It took a deep breath and shuddered, it appeared the spear had found the beasts lung. It began to wheeze as a dark froth appeared around it's mouth and nose. It looked at him and Ben couldn't help but feel for the creature, it wasn't evil, it was just doing what it's instincts were telling it. Ben watched as the creatures ribs began to rise and relax more slowly, then the creature took it's final breath and moved no more. He slumped to the ground beside it, exhausted. He took one last spike from his belt and poked at the dagger beast, it didn't move. The hunt was over and he had prevailed, he had killed the dagger beast. Ben got to his feet and walked around the creature, he couldn't believe he had beaten the beast in the open. Turning back to the trees he said. "You can come out now, the beast is dead." (reply Sanok) (posted by Milo Young) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Axtis III, Highlands, Lieutenant sg Sanok, 0700) Adrenaline was coursing through Sanok's body, so it took every bit of his strength and discipline to remain where he was. Ben had been lying motionless on the ground, the dagger beast cautiously assessing the situation, when it had moved suddenly and looked towards Sanok and the others. Apparently, the sound of Sanok tossing away his backpack, had been heard by the beast. Its attention was averted just enough to allow Ben to get away from becoming a meal. The rest of the battle was something Sanok would not have believed, had he not witnessed it himself. "You can come out now. The beast is dead." The dagger beast had been slain and Ben, though injured, was still alive. "Am I permitted to help now?" Sanok asked Matan, an air of sarcasm in his voice. Matan nodded. Moving quickly through the trees, Sanok joined his friend. He emptied the contents of his backpack onto the ground and tossed it aside. Grabbing the basic medical supplies he had purchased in town, he began tending to Ben's wounds. He marveled at how much bigger and ferocious the dagger beast looked from so close. Though he had watched it happen, Sanok still could not believe that Ben had killed it. "I cannot tell you how agreeable it is to me to see that you are still alive," said Sanok. Very briefly, his eyes showed the feelings he had for Ben. Matan and Damok joined them, with Damok going directly to Ben. He placed his right hand on top of Ben's head and said something over him in his own language. He then moved to the dagger beast, and with a large knife, began cutting into its flesh. "Damok will take meat from the beast," said Matan. "Of course, you get your portion first. Whatever remains, will be given to the scavengers of these lands. Nothing will be wasted." Damok removed something from inside the beast. Facing Ben, he bowed and offered it to him. "The liver," said Matan. "We will return to Axtis City where the second phase of the ch'mok will be done before the full Council. You fought well, Ben Soma." "I hope this is all worth it, Ben," whispered Sanok. (reply Soma) (posted by Bob B.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------