Compile#4 November 08-14 (USS Rosenante) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission: The Gilded Man Day: 6 Stardate: 2413.11.06 Compile Summary (USS Rosenante- Trade Winds Lounge – Mngr T’Lela/ LT Raschen- 1101) (USS Rosenante, Trade Winds Lounge, Ensign sg Sanok, 1103) ===================================================================== Mission: The Gilded Man Day: 7 Stardate: 2413.11.07 Compile Summary (Irlix, Khoda City, Supreme Commander's Suite, SC Khoda Rhone, Day 7, Dreamscape) (Khoda City, Irlix – Third District Alleyway– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1030) (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Republic Park - aCMO - Ens Kimiko Ichijo -Day 7- 1039) (Irlix – Khoda City– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1050) (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1051*) (Irlix, Khoda City, Main Street - Business Section , Lt Tom Jackson Cops , 1055) (Irlix - Khoda City - AFO - Lt Cmdr T'Larah Sullivan - 1056) (Irlix, Khoda City, side street - Business Section , ACOPS, Ensign Smith, day 7 1058) (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1100) (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Apartment Building - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1102*) (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, LT Tom Jackson COPS , 1103) (Irlix, Khoda City, Business Section Unknown, Lt. Steve Matrix, 1104) (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1105) (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Business Area - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1115) (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Hotel Voltul - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1120) (Irlix - Khoda City - Third District Hotel Voltul - AFO - Lt Cmdr T'Larah Sullivan - 1123) (Khoda City, Irlix – Third District Hotel Voltul– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1125) (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Hotel Voltul - ACMO Ensign Sam Lopez-Day 7- 1130) (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Hotel Voltul, Ensign sg Sanok, 1135) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante- Trade Winds Lounge – Mngr T’Lela/ LT Raschen- 1101) "I understand that you are seeking knowledge about someone that is important to you," said Sanok, "but I am a Vulcan, and so I may not be able to give you what you want. I found Lieutenant Raschen to be a competent, though colorful, Starfleet officer, that is dedicated to his duties and to his shipmates." All of her Imperial Intelligence training told T’Lelal that Sanok had deliberately given her a limited answer. Lieutenant Raschen was his immediate superior after all. “Everyone else seems to have the same professional opinion of him; but what is your personal opinion of him?” (Reply Sanok) Just then Chance walked up to the table after hearing Sanok’s response to the latest inquiry from T’Lela. “It’s okay Sanok; don’t ever hesitate to speak your mind about me to anyone.” Then Raschen turned to face the Romulan woman “On the Dennison, Sanok here was by far the most reasonable guard I ever had while I was in the brig.” Thankful that Chance had given his permission for Sanok to answer, T’Lela asked again “So tell me; what was your personal opinion of him? What did he do to get put in the brig? Was he a model prisoner? Tell me everything.” (Reply Sanok) After Raschen listened for a bit, Chance interjected at some point shaking his head “Take it easy on him darling.” He said before kissing her on the lips. “Like a said; don’t ever hesitate to speak your mind about me to anyone. And I will see you later.” (Reply Sanok iyw) Then Chance left the lounge and T’Lela stared intently at her new Vulcan acquaintance in anticipation of his reply, and hopefully a good story or two about her beloved. (reply Sanok) (posted by Charlie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (USS Rosenante, Trade Winds Lounge, Ensign sg Sanok, 1103) "Everyone else seems to have the same professional opinion of him," said T'Lela, "but what is your personal opinion of him?" "Vulcans do not have personal opinions," said Sanok. Before anything else could be said, Sanok heard someone approaching them. It was Lieutenant Raschen. "It’s okay, Sanok," said Raschen. "Don’t ever hesitate to speak your mind about me to anyone. On the Dennison, Sanok here was by far the most reasonable guard I ever had while I was in the brig." Sanok didn't like where this was going. There was a part of him buried deeply inside, that wanted to roll his eyes and sigh. "So tell me, what was your personal opinion of him? What did he do to get put in the brig? Was he a model prisoner? Tell me everything." "Lieutenant Raschen hacked the command codes and took over the ship," said Sanok. He began telling the rest of the story, though preferring that he did not need to do so. After listening for a while, Raschen admonished T'Lela to go easy on Sanok. He kissed her, told Sanok to not worry about telling stories about him, and he left. "It seems I am to tell you everything you wish to know," said Sanok. Inviting T'Lela to make herself comfortable, Sanok resumed the story, making sure not to leave out anything. (Reply Raschen, T'Lela, iyw) (Posted by Bob) ===================================================================== (Irlix, Khoda City, Supreme Commander's Suite, SC Khoda Rhone, Day 7, Dreamscape) Khoda Rhone slept fitfully. The comfort of his deluxe bed had been forgotten as his body tossed and turned under the Irlixian Silk sheets that cocooned him throughout the night. A thin sheen of perspiration glistened on his forehead as his eyes darted rapidly from side to side beneath his closed eyelids. His dreams tonight had come to haunt him. In his mind's eye he was standing on a hilltop overlooking the Albany valley in upstate New York. The green hills stretched out as far as he could see, reaching outward with long stretching fingers towards the distant Allegheny Mountains. The sky was a calm blue and filled with a scattering of summer's cumulus-nimbus clouds that promised to bring rain long before the end of the day. Green grass surrounded him; peppered with small wildflowers. Daisies, Bachelor's Buttons and small Brown-eyed Susans dominated the floral carpet that ran down the side of the hillside until it reached the meandering Albasesca River. Behind him was a tree, a maple, one of the ones that was so prevalent in this part of the country. It's leaves were full and green, as they stretched outwards like some primitive sun worshiper forever captured in a pose of praise. Beneath it, a small red and black checkerboard patterned picnic blanket was laid out. A small wicker and wood basket sat on one corner of the artificial carpet acting as a ballast against the tiny puffs of wind that occasionally stole their way over the crest of the hillside. Samantha sat reclined, her light blue sundress fit snuggly against her feminine form and the small white floral pattern lent their shape to her already curvaceous shape. Her dusty brown hair billowed around her face in sporadic bursts as those same stray breezes played havoc with her tresses. She half-sat reclined against the base of the Maple tree, the accruements of the picnic set out along the fabric of the blanket with apparent impunity against the forces of nature brewing in the clouds some miles away, or even concerned for the occasional unwanted insectoid visitor that was certain to find their way to their hilltop feast. In her left hand she held a glass of red wine, half-full, which she swirled in a slow motion that left the thin wash of the wine's quality clinging to the sides of the crystal glass. "The Medea?" she asked then, directing her question towards his back, since he had risen to look out at the valley immediately after telling her the news. "But I thought you were happy at Utopia." There was a pain in her voice. it was almost as Palpable as the threat of the storm that was on the distant horizon. Between the two, the hairs on his arms rose in anticipation of some sort of storm. "I thought you were happy with us." she continued, "With our plans for the future." ~There it is.~ he thought selfishly. ~The real crux of the problem. He turned to face her, a frown graced his lips at the unpleasantness of the turn the conversation had taken. "Of course I'm happy with us." He said flatly, with less enthusiasm than he'd desired. "It's just..." There was a pause as he exhaled loudly, "'s just that I, well I have the chance to explore. To see something I've never seen before, to go out there." His eyes rose skyward, following the natural flow of the outstretched limbs of the majestic maple tree. Automatically he raised his shoulders into a shrug and his hands in supplication. "I see," she said, her face turned downwards towards her lap, in a state of dejection. "It's the chance for a promotion, I mean I'm twenty-six and being offered the chance to be a chief engineer on one of the Akira Class ships. It's a tremendous opportunity." "So am I." she said then, her voice a bit vehemence as she turned her face upwards to look at him again. There were tears rushing down her face, leaving trails that turned her fair skin puffy and red. "I thought we were going to get married and start a family." she said, the tears still streaming. "We are!" Khoda's once human form replied with a touch of anger in his voice. "After a year on ship, I can bring aboard family. We'll get married and start our family there. We'll be able to explore the universe together." "And what about me?" She said the anger even more pronounced in her voice now, "I'm just supposed to wait for you? I'm supposed to drop my career in a year just because you want to go gallivanting around the galaxy? This isn't the 18th Century! I have as much right to my career as you do!" "You could transfer." he offered her, although the words came out as more of an accusation than a suggestion. "Oh I could transfer?!?" she responded, her voice dripped with an acid that threatened to burn it's way all the way to the core of the Earth. "And exactly what use do you think an Art Critic will have on a starship? Have you even considered that? I'm at the top of my game here. If I go off-planet for more than a few weeks, I'm done for, my career will cease to be. I don't get the luxury of critiquing art from halfway across the galaxy. And you... your such a selfish sonuva-" "Hey now. hold on. That's not fair." Khoda interrupted, "You can't talk to me like that." "Oh can't I though? It's no different than you just assuming that I'll drop everything and chase after you in a year! The universe, in case you haven't noticed, doesn't revolve around you or your damned ego." Khoda could feel the anger rising inside of him. "So that's it then?" He asked in a tone that was almost a statement. "Yeah." Samantha replied, as she wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. "That's it." She rose then and in a burst of anger threw the wine glass against the base of the maple tree, the shards of glass twisted and shone in the sun for a few moments before disappearing into the tall grass. She started packing up the picnic. The food and other goodies hadn't even been touched. Khoda was seething with anger, just like he had been the day that this had all happened. He stalked away from the site and plunged his left hand into his pant's pocket. He withdrew a shiny black lacquered box and holding in front of him, he snapped the lid open with a click. There nestled inside the confines of that little wooden case, were the culmination of his plans for the future. The thin gold-pressed latinum band bore an impressive Rigelian Fire Diamond. It shone with a brilliant red orange shower of sparkles as the terrestrial sunlight twisted and wound their way through the many facets in it's face. He regarded it for a moment, then with a sudden decisive movement, took two long steps and hurled it, box and all down the hillside. He watched with a sense of despair as the box twisted end-over-end before slashing into the grey blue-green flow of the river at the bottom of the hill. In a moment his future had ceased to be an issue. He had made his choice and he would take the position on the Medea. Forget all about the woman that had ripped out his heart and find a new beginning amongst the stars. Khoda Rhone would participate in his first and last away team on a distant uncharted world that would later become known as Irlix. He would be standing on the roof of a high rise building a week later, watching as the massive pieces of the Medea rushed through the atmosphere on a date with Irlixian history. He had made some difficult decisions. When the wars had started over the wreckage of the Medea, he had seen a way to stop them. He told himself that he had made the right decision. That he had done the right thing by getting rid of the rest of the away team and assuming the persona of Khoda Rhone, the eccentric scientist who could surprisingly understand the alien technology. He had ended the war. Stopped the wholesale slaughter, and was moving forward to unify the Irlixians so that they could join the other races in the Galaxy, as was their birthright. For so long, he had led these people. For too long, he had been forced to make hard decisions. Now Starfleet was back after all of these years and he understood finally what was at risk. His fate was intricately tied to those of the Irlixians. If they arrested him for violating the Prime Directive, the Irlixians would suffer. If Starfleet prevented the Irlixians from taking their place amongst the stars, he would be forever unable to leave this world. An anger burned deep in the recesses of his mind now. How could they punish him? He was a savior to these people. He had all but done away with homelessness and poverty. He was bringing order to the chaos that had been the war. He had been revered amongst these people all these years. They would never allow Starfleet to take him. He was a God among them. He was beyond reproach. He was the Khoda Rhone. In all struggles, there were casualties. He'd make certain that when the usefulness of the federation crew was at an end, they would become such casualties. Rhone's eyes snapped open and a smile spread across his lips. ~He would be victorious.~ he thought as he lay on his bed, ~You can not stand against a god and survive.~ Let Starfleet come. He was ready for them. He'd kill them all and establish a new order through the Irlixians. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. (reply none) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Khoda City, Irlix – Third District Alleyway– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1030) Once they had settled and Chance had managed to get acclimated to the sounds and smells of the city, he turned to regard Rosenbauer. "I think it best if we split up to find a suitable area. I would suggest some sort of large open public area, perhaps a park or maybe some public square where we could group without drawing suspicion." Mike had suggested. “I recommend a vacant building or an empty park. Agreed?” Chance said. "Agreed." “Time is of the essence; what do you suggest?” "I'll head west and you can head east, that way we can cover more terrain. First one to find a suitable site can send out the signal." “Last one buys at the pub.” "See you in a few minutes then." Mike stated and headed out of the alleyway. Raschen turned and headed the other way. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Republic Park - aCMO - Ens Kimiko Ichijo -Day 7- 1039) The Ensign appeared in a curiously deserted park between a small grove of trees and a obnoxiously heroic statue. She was standing is a flowerbed and was surrounded by sweet-smelling plants that looked like a miniature sunflower with drooping white petals. Kimiko carefully walked out of the garden and looks around. ~It’s odd; that with some many worlds that life exists on, there are so many similarities~ Kimiko decided that they needed to be in some sort of crowd. “I think that we will draw attention standing around this park and we need to leave” Kimiko took Remey’s silence as agreement and made her way towards the entrance. ~There was something …off, about this place, almost like a backdrop….no that’s not it~ The doctor inserted herself into the flow of traffic, she glanced to her PADD. ~No beacon~ The doctor thought to herself ~ conservative monumentalism, yes that is it... big blocky building that impose itself upon the landscape to demonstrate the power of the new order.~ Kimko noticed that even with the new gleaming construction and the ostentatious displays of wealth, there was an undercurrent of... Kimiko was not really sure of the word, not poverty or ignorance but a little of both. There was certain technologies that every warp culture had a variant of; those technologies were conspicuously absent here. The Ensign mulled that thought over in her mind. ~It is very strange to think that this culture has wherewithal to produce warp fields, but still has waste repositories.~ The doctor, lost in thought, nearly ran into a man. The man shrunk away from her, mumbled his apologies and scurried off. Kimiko stopped, flabbergasted, she was not used to that kind of reaction from anyone, especially from someone who outmassed her by at least 50 kilos. It took her a moment, but she recognized the man as a Mol, one of the minorities. The doctor felt a wave of nervousness at that moment, she realized what was at stake. (Reply any moving on street - iyw) (Posted by Jack) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix – Khoda City– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1050) Raschen had walked out of the alleyway onto what appeared to be a rundown business street. Chance turned and followed the road; he passed all kinds of disreputable folks. Bums, junkies, drug peddlers, prostitutes, pimps, and of course your basic thugs. In his suit, carrying a brief case, Raschen stuck out like a sore thumb. Another block down the way, the neighborhood was the exact opposite. This area had restaurants, hotels, night clubs, and theaters for starters. Chance then got an idea, so he entered one of the hotels and went to one of the large multi-stall restrooms. Once he checked it out to make sure there were no surveillance devices or anyone else using the facilities, Raschen set and activated the beacon before he went to the door to keep watch to make sure no one else entered. (Reply any) (Reply any) Posted by Charlie Raschen --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1051*) Sanok had remained hidden inside the clump of trees in the park, periodically activating his tricorder to search for a signal, but each time, there was none. There were several explanations for this, but since the native Irlixians in the park were continuing their recreational activities, and not reacting to a news report that something disruptive had happened in the city, he took the position that the team was simply having a difficult time finding a suitable rally point. Since he would need to come out eventually, and because he did not wish to be placed into a situation where he would need to explain why he was hiding in the trees, Sanok decided to come out. Carrying himself in the posture of the Irlixians, he casually stepped out from the trees and found an unoccupied bench where he sat. The environment in the park was pleasant. People were scattered about, simply enjoying themselves on a nice day. An occasional Irlixian would pass by, jogging or walking, most not acknowledging him, but a few nodding or even saying hello. Sanok was fitting in. Activating his tricorder again, which was hidden in a pocket, there was still no signal. Turning it off, he became concerned when he saw an Irlixian child running towards him. It was a little girl, perhaps equal to a Human of age 10. She ran past him and hid behind the bench on which he was sitting. "Don't tell them where I'm hiding, okay?" whispered the girl. The group of children were now apparently playing a game called hide-and-seek. A few minutes passed, and the child that was 'It', was searching the area for someone, presumably the girl hiding behind him. "I see you, Tari! You're behind that man on the bench." Laughing in victory, It ran towards home base. "You lose, Tari. You're It now." Dejectedly, Tari came out from behind Sanok, and sat next to him on the bench. "Thanks for not saying anything." "You are welcome," said Sanok. The last thing he needed was having attention drawn to himself. "The other children are waiting for you. You are It now." "That's okay," said Tari with a deep sigh. "I'm always It. I'm the slowest runner, so they always get me. I don't want to play anymore." "Indeed," said Sanok. It seemed as though he had a new friend. "Come on, Tari, you're It. We want to play." "I don't want to play anymore," said Tari, shouting back to the other children. "I told you she was a baby." The children laughed and ran off to play something else. Sanok looked at Tari. She had a hurt expression on her face. "Are you all right?" "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just tired of being the littlest one." Sanok could see that Tari was clearly the shortest and the most slender. In physical games, the rest would dominate her. "Are there other children with whom you can play?" "Not in this neighborhood. They're nice kids. I'm just the littlest." "Perhaps there are other games you can play," said Sanok. "Maybe the girls can play together without the boys." Tari looked at Sanok like he had just said something stupid. She giggled. "Thanks, Mister, but you know better than that!" "Indeed. I was just making a suggestion." It would seem that on Irlix, or at least on this part of it, boys and girls did not play separately, but always together. "My friends and I come here all the time, and I've never seen you before," said Tari. "This is my first time visiting this park." "Did you just move here?" "No, I do not live in Khoda City. I am just visiting here. That is why I asked about just the girls playing together. Where I live, children do not always play in one group. Many times, they have separate groups of friends." "That's funny," said Tari. "You're funny, too." She giggled. "I have been called many things," said Sanok, "but no one has ever said I am funny." Tari giggled again. Sanok realized Tari was not going to leave him. It was clear that the Vulcan from Starfleet, had befriended the little girl from Irlix. Of course, her presence would make it difficult to check for a rally signal. He sat quietly with his new friend, waiting for the opportunity he needed. (reply any) (posted by Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Main Street - Business Section , Lt Tom Jackson Cops , 1055) Tom decided to move out and scout his surroundings. Standing in an ally and not doing anything would draw some suspicious looks and inquiries. So far Tom had not hooked up with the other members of the away team - this was a bit troublesome. He had not heard from Robbie Smith either. It was their assignment to check out the Irlixiam computer systems. Jackson still thought there was a hidden agenda of another power involved. He exited his alley and walked toward the main street. The street activity had picked up. The area reminded him somewhat of the business areas he had seen on several worlds. There were a multitude of shops and businesses. He was glad Lt Cmdr Sullivan had made them review the maps of the target area. He was feeling more confident as he walked the street. People for the most part ignored him or simply nodded in his direction. Tom returned the nods and tried to smile. ~Hmm, I wonder where everyone is?~ he thought. An informational sign indicated what seemed to be a park. He figured that would be a safe place while waiting for the others. Tom walked into a park and saw a pair of Irlixians sitting and chatting while a child. NRPG: I will make an assumption that we have some means to identify ourselves to each other here. RPG: Tom's equipment alerted him to the identity of the person. It was the new Ensign Sanok. Jackson always had a soft spot in his heart for kids. He debated whether to interrupt Sanok or seek his own place to wait. Tom was a tad lonely and a bit jealous so he walked over to Sanok and his little friend. "Hello you two. May I join you?" Jackson asked. (reply: Sanok) Thank you - I have walked for a while and need a quiet place to rest" Jackson added. (reply: any present) "Thank you" Tom replied as he sat down. Sanok's small fiend looked at tom and was curious about this new stranger. The three began to talk amongst themselves. (reply: any present) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix - Khoda City - AFO - Lt Cmdr T'Larah Sullivan - 1056) ~Why a drainage ditch?~ "At least he didn't put me in the sewer." she said to herself as she took survey of her surroundings. She stood in a drainage ditch. There were three concrete tubes that collected drain water from the streets of Khoda City here for collection and probably eventual processing at the waste water treatment plant that was behind her. The smell permeated the area she found herself in. The area was contained inside a twelve foot high metal link security fence. The fence was constructed like chain mail. The frame was constructed of welded metal tubing, which was secured by being cemented into the ground every 10 feet. Metal rings three inches in diameter woven together in a five to one ratio stretched tight over the frame comprised the bulk of the fence. T'Larah did a visual sweep of the area. She was alone. She fastened up her jacket an placed her PADD and flash light inside. ~ I know I'm going to need both my hands for this one.~ A few quick moves and she had scaled the fence. She knew that standing up would put her almost 18 feet in the air announcing her presence for a very large area. She worked to present minimal silhouetting and she swung one leg over and rotated her body then followed with her other leg. She finished climbing down a few feet then dropped off. She landed and absorbed the impact of the fall by landing in a crouch. She quickly recovered and began to walk forward at a normal pace. Walking a small distance revealed to her what kind of neighborhood she was in. Most of the buildings were run down. A moderate portion of the shops and businesses were closed down. There were small signs in each of the windows with white writing on red background. Unfortunately the universal translator incorporated in her wrist jewelry and ear piece didn't translate the written word. She took out her PADD disguised as the Irlixian personal data assistant. Once she activated it, a visual alarm alerted her that the beacon had been activated. She began to make her way towards the beacon. T'Larah put her PDA away but continued to walk in the same direction. She kept her eyes alert scanning around, unwilling to be caught unaware. This allowed her to spot a face with familiar characteristics. The familiar person was also wearing clothes that Sullivan had seen previously. ~Doctor Ichijo.~ Thinking better of yelling a block away to catch not only the doctor's attention, but also the rest of the random people walking along the street, Sullivan quickened her pace to catch up. With in a few blocks she had caught up. She seemed to have caught Ichijo un-aware, or at least by surprise as she tapped her on the shoulder. (Reply Ensign Ichijo) "I'm sorry it's only me. Have you received the signal yet?" she asked now walking beside her. (Reply Ensign Ichijo) "Indeed, that is why I was walking in this direction." she said. Just then an Irlixian male in a tailored suit of a garish design approached the two females walking down the street. "Ladies, ladies." he began with a broad smile on his face. " Such fine regal specimens out alone walking by yourselves. How would you two like to make some money?" "What do we need money for?" T'Larah asked. "Everyone needs money. And I'll take care of you." he said with all sincerity in his words. He slipped in between the two putting one arm around each. "You won't have to worry about a thing, just making money for your big daddy." (Reply Ichijo) Baffled at first by what he meant and what Doctor Ichijo was trying to tell her, his motives became absolutely clear once his hand touched T'Larah's shoulder. The mental impulse of what he was intending to do with the two, along with abhorrent memories of what he had already forced a plethora of your Irlixian females to do filled T'Larah with revulsion. "You had best back away if you know what's good for you. We aren't that kind of women." she replied with a veiled threat. "Drek no, Big Daddy isn't like that either, you won't be pulling tricks here, no, no. I'll bring you uptown. You'll make the big bucks sipping wine and spirits with politicians and big business men." He tried to touch Ichijo inappropriately. (Reply Ichijo) The Irixian didn't listen, he was warned. T'Larah slammed her left fist up above her shoulder straight back, and broke his nose in the process. 'Big Daddy' staggered back clutching his face dark ichor streaming down his face. "Drek, fraggin', drek, lady!" he cursed. The curse didn't translate well in the universal translator. "What did you do that for?" he spat. "Because no, means no. You obviously don't know the meaning, So I explained it to you in words you understand. I'm new to this city, and so is my friend. If I see you pedaling your wares, ever. You will get more of the same. I will not have you taking advantage of helpless women and little girls ever again, do you understand me?" she said in all seriousness. The Irlixian looked up the blood dripped from his nose still, dark stains marred his garish lapel, even as tears streamed down his face mingling with the blood. "Yeah, yeah. You didn't have to hit me though." he said as he got up. T'Larah waited until he had turned away and walked out of sight before she motioned for Ichijo to continue toward the rally point with her. (Reply Ichijo, IYW, room for more) NRPG: It will take some time for the pair to get to the hotel, feel free to have an on-the-way conversation. I will press forward to the destination as we are running slightly behind. RPG: (Irlix - Khoda City - Third District Hotel Voltul - AFO - Lt Cmdr T'Larah Sullivan - 1123) The signal lead the pair of female starfleet officers to the front of what appeared to be a hotel. The overall shape of the building was thin, deep and tall. It reminded T'Larah of some of the historical buildings in downtown San Fransisco. "Apparently this is the place. Keep your eyes open and we should be able to find Mister Raschen or Rosenbaur soon enough." she said. (Reply Ichijo) The Tricorder readings lead the pair past the lobby and down an off hallway. Rosenbaur and Raschen who were apparently already in conversation. "Are we the first four to the meeting?" she asked. (Reply Raschen, Rosenbaur, Ichijo) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, side street - Business Section , ACOPS, Ensign Smith, day 7 1058)   Robert looked around the street where he had found him self. It had what looked like a few restaurants which had moved there tables into the street. He smiled as he walked past smelling the different types of herbs and spices that were wafting from their kitchens. He stepped to one side as a man hurried past.   ~Wonder if he is late~ He stepped back onto the street and walked at a steady pace.   ~Come on your not here for sight seeing you have a job to do~   He had remembered what his big sister who had been a SFI agent had told him about surveillance and espionage. Always make sure your ‘history’ holds water. Due to this before he had gone planet side he had gotten as much information that he could find. He knew that the Boss and he were going to try and get to the computer core but he wanted a reason to be here in case he was stopped before hand.    ~Okay you are here on holiday to try and find the central archives to look at your family history~   To help him look like a tourist he had replicated him a camera, which hung from his neck by a strap. He lifted the camera and took a photo of the ornate building that he was passing.   “You are not from here are you?”   ~Ow hell I’ve not been here five minutes and I’m caught~   He turned and saw an old lady looking at him.   ”Excuse me?”  He said politely.   “I said you are not local are you.”   Robert smiled hiding his true feelings.   ~The street is too full I can’t just run for it dam, dam not good~   “Is it that obvious?”   The old lady nodded.   “You have been looking at every thing as you have been walking down the street and the fact that you have been using your camera gives it away?” ~Ow thank you, thank you~   “Yes I guess I rather stick out like a sore thumb.”    The old lady smiled back.   “So what are you doing here in Khoda City?”   ~Blimy you really are very nosy aren’t you~   “I am here to look at the central archives. I am trying to track down my family on my mother’s side and as I have not been to Khoda City before I  thought I would make is holiday as well.”   The old lady gave him a sceptical look.   “So where do you come from then?”   ~What’s this a security interrogation~   “I come from a little village form the Norestat Basin and I thought is would be nice to have a wonder round while I had the time.”   ~Thank goodness I did my research. Lucky for me the Norestat Basin is massive and has lots of villages~   “You are looking for the central archives are you?”   Robert just nodded.   “Well follow this street along until you get to the end where you will get to the park. If you cross the part to your left the central archives are just there.”   Robert smiled as he nodded. “Thank you very much.”   He turned and headed off purposely down the street but not hurrying he did not want to arouse the old lady’s suspicions.   ~Well I would rather get interrogated by security then her again that is for sure~   (Reply any) (Posted by Robbie) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1100) "I have been called many things," said Sanok, "but no one has ever said I am funny." Tari giggled. Sanok needed an opportunity to check his PADD to see where the rally point was, and he saw it coming. One of the officers from the Rosenante, Lieutenant Jackson, was approaching. "Hello, you two. May I join you?" said Jackson. Tari looked at the new arrival, then at Sanok, a questioning expression on her young face. "Yes, please join us," said Sanok. "I know this man, Tari. We work together." "Thank you. I have walked for a while and need a quiet place to rest," said Jackson. "Sure, Mister, you can sit here," said Tari, a smile spreading on her face. It was agreeable to Sanok that she was smiling and no longer sad. "Thank you," said Jackson as he sat on the bench. Tari studied Jackson for a moment, then looked at Sanok. "How do you know each other? Where do you work? What do you do? You haven't told me your name, you know." She giggled, a trait about her that seemed to come freely. "We're from a faraway place. You probably haven't heard of it, and my name is Sanok." "That's a funny name!" Tari laughed. "I've never heard one like that." She turned to Jackson. "What's your name, Mister?" Seeing his chance, Sanok quickly looked in his pocket and turned on his PADD. The signal had been broadcast. Quickly noting the position, he turned off the PADD and while Jackson was still talking with Tari, he nodded, signaling to the Ops officer that they had to leave. (reply Jackson, any) (posted by Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Apartment Building - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1102*) The older woman turned and looked at Mike and immediately her eyes lit up. Life seemed to return to her aging body almost at once. "He's...a human." She said, her voice clearly amazed. Ios simply nodded. "Yes, Mother he is." was her reply. Mike's jaw would have hit the floor had it not been for the iron discipline that his Starfleet service had engrained into his person. As it was he was certain that there was enough surprise in his voice to betray him nonetheless. "A what?" he replied lamely. The older woman, reached down and placed her hands on the wheels of her wheel chair and spun herself to face him with a strangely surprising speed. "You needn't worry human." She stated. "I'm a friend, not one of those scientists that would dissect you." There was a slight pause, "My name is Sola, I am a geneticist." That piece of information seemed to explain a great number of things, such as how she had been so quick to recognize Mike for a human based solely on the few drops of blood that were still seeping from the wound in his lip. Mike nodded. "So you have seen humans before?" He asked the matron. "Yes. Many years ago. " She replied, although there was a hint of sadness in her voice. "I was once a genetic researcher. When your star ship crashed here, I was one of the scientists that worked on the recovery projects just before the war, and through the conflicts as well." Her voice quivered. "I only studies the bodies of those that had died in the crash, working out their genetic sequences, categorizing their genomes and the various viruses and bacterium that inhabited their bodies." Her head seemed to sag under some unseen weight. "My work was critical to bringing the war to an end. The genetic information that my team and I were able to gather was critical for the development of new medicines and some specialized viral weapons. But I was young at the time." Mike regarded her for a moment before pressing her with questions. "And how exactly did you know that we were called humans?" he asked her. The woman shifted uncomfortably in her chair. A ghost of something from her past haunted her. She swallowed hard before replying a fear and tension in her voice. "For the intelligence services transcripts." She finally replied. "I received daily interrogation transcripts. They detailed many things, some were very specific, others were enigmatic, but we were at least able to categorize the bodies with their correct species." "Interrogation transcripts?" Mike asked, "So there are other humans alive here?" The older woman shook her head in an oddly human method. "No, not any more. The ones that had landed on the planet before the crash have all been captured. They are all dead now. Some were injured and died, one died of a sickness and the rest were killed trying to escape." Mike's eyes narrowed as he regarded the woman sitting in the wheelchair before him. "I take it you no longer work on genetics projects?" "No I do not." she replied with a shake of her head, "I contracted one of the many viruses that you humans live with. It caused severe nerve damage. I can not walk. I was forced to retire after three years of painful experiments. It seems that I now have an immunity and that the original virus is no longer contagious. I have been living here since my release from the medical complex." Mike's eyes narrowed. "I shouldn't be here. I am putting you at risk." he said, "I should go and you should forget that you ever saw me." Ios, the young woman, stepped forward. "No you rescued me." The energy and passion in her voice was clear. "I can help you with whatever you are doing here. I know the city, I can answer questions." Mike shook his head and turned for the door, he had to go before he was discovered here. "I can tell you more about the history between our people, what happened to those humans that crashed here. I know where their bodies and their space craft are located." Mike stopped mid-stride. He turned again to face the matriarch and her daughter. "And why would you help me? How can I possibly trust you?" Sola's eyes glistened and she turned her face away fro a moment. When she was looking at mike again there were tears streaming down her face. "Because of a human woman named Helen Baker." She explained, "I met her and we talked about medicine and Earth and her life. We were friends before she got ill and died. Because I promised her that If I could I would find a way to get a message back to her home. And I always keep my promises." Please let me help you." There was a short pause. "The same sickness that killed her, crippled me." the woman offered. "I know the suffering I endured for three years before I was released and it made me realize the suffering that those humans had endured was far worse. It wasn't right what we did and it needs to be made right. Let me help make it right." There was conviction in her voice. "Do you know where the human ship is now?" Sola nodded. "I know about the new one also. I also know that the second ship did not crash like the first one did. I know that they captured more humans and some other species, and I know that one of them is already dead, and that the others may die soon if you do not help them. If we do not help them." Mike looked at Ios, then back at Sola. The older woman met his gaze and said, "Ios knows too. And she will be able to tell you many things." "What sort of things?" Mike asked. "She works at the place where the humans are being held." Sola answered. Mike nodded. He pulled out his PADD and activated it. He picked up the regroup signal, noted it's location and then turned off the device and placed it in his pocket. "Okay then. "Ios you can come with me. Sola, when we need more information, someone will come to see you." Both women nodded. "Alright then." Mike stated and turned to head for the door. "Wait." Ios said. She retrieved some sort of cylindrical tube from her purse and opened it, inside was a sick of lipstick. "We need to hide the blood." She said simply. Mike nodded and Ios stepped forward and used her lipstick to paint his lips and thereby conceal the injury from easy speculation. "Is this going to be a problem?" Mike asked afterwards pointing at the newly colored lips. Ios shook her head. "It shouldn't be. It's all the fashion for street thugs these days." Mike frowned, shook his head and then turned to lead the younger woman out of the apartment and towards the rendezvous point. (reply none yet) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, LT Tom Jackson COPS , 1103) Sanok and his young friend Tari had invited him to sit on their bench. Tom walked to where Sanok and a young Irlixan were sitting on a bench. Jackson asked "Hello, you two. May I join you?" said Jackson. Tari looked at the new arrival, then at Sanok, a questioning expression on her young face. Sanok saved a potentially difficult situation by answering "Yes, please join us," said Sanok. "I know this man, Tari. We work together." Tom jackson sat down and thanked the pair. Like young ones everywhere, Tom soon was peppered with questions. Out of the corner of his eye Jackson noticed Sanok sneaking a peak at his gear. Tari asked Jackson "What's your name, Mister?" Tom smiled,. He loved kids and often wished he had a family of his own. He looked at the young Irixan and said "My name is Tom and yours is ??" he asked in return. She replied "Tari" . Tom smiled again. The little one had an infectious grin and said to her "I like than name". Tom noticed Sanok;s signal and told Tari" Tari SAnok and I need to leave now - Have a pleasnt day". She took off after some others. Once alone Sanok and TOm chatted. "What is it Sanok?' Jackson asked. (reply: Sanokl): Tom nodded and simply said "Let's get going" and followed ten Sanok out of the park and to the rally point. (reply: Any in area) (posted by: Bill) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Business Section Unknown, Lt. Steve Matrix, 1104) Matrix was double-timing it into the area and trying to catch up with the rest of the away team. The area didn't look all the different from where he grew up. Restaurants, shops, business, schools all seemed obvious. The people not all that dissimilar to any he'd personally know, at least by demeanor, occupation or interests. Ship's wardrobe did a good job of blending him into the environment. It was all how Matrix would present himself that would 'sell' his presents to the native people of this city. Irlix was a pretty city in its own right. Matrix hadn't yet caught up with any of the away team. In fact he didn't know where anyone was so he was on the lookout for someone who didn't quiet 'fit in.' Trying to observe another Star Fleet crewmember on a mission could jeopardize the other crewmember and Matrix too. He had to be careful. Matrix had fashioned a tricorder in the form of his jacket with its sensors disguised as buttons with the primary CPU tucked neatly in an inside pocket. The audible feedback was presenting a problem as some of native inhabitants seemed to notice the beeps. Matrix tried his best to subdue the tones and smiled whenever someone looked in his direction. It wasn't working. Matrix tried scanning for Star Fleet communication signatures without success. He could not risk exposing the display screen in to see the geographical output. He had to find a cover and 'blend in.' As Matrix looked around to scout out a possible refuge he noted three small groups of men looking in his direction. The closest group was about 12 meters away, but avoided eye contact. The other two were moving slowly in his direction and were about 75 meters way. His heart raced. ~Security forces~ he thought. He had to move quickly into a cover just in case he was discovered. (Reply any, none) (Posted by Steve) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Park, Ensign sg Sanok, 1105) "Tari, Sanok and I need to leave now," said Jackson. "Have a pleasnt day." Tari looked at Sanok, an odd expression on her face. The girl had formed an attachment to him in the very short time they had known each other. It seemed as though upon hearing that he and Jackson had to leave, she had become sad, and possibly hurt. Without saying anything, she ran off. His eyes followed her as she left. "What is it, Sanok?" said Jackson. "With all due respect, Lieutenant, I believe it was not necessary to be so hard on Tari," said Sanok. "She was feeling sad about something involving her relationship with the other children here, and sitting with me made her feel better. I would have preferred to say good-bye to her in a more gentle way." Sanok paused. "Nonetheless, we have a mission to accomplish, so we should leave now." Jackson simply nodded. "Let's get going." As the two Starfleet officers left the park, Sanok resolved to find a way to see Tari again. He would give a proper good-bye to his little friend. (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Hotel Voltul, Ensign sg Sanok, 1135) Sanok and Jackson didn't talk much as they traveled through the city to the rally point, which turned out to be an opulent hotel that was nothing more than a cover for the Irlixian version of a social club. Seeing Lieutenant Raschen loitering in a hallway that led to public restrooms, the two headed that way. Sanok couldn't help thinking meeting there was like sending up a flare telling everyone that something was happening that was out-of-the-ordinary. We wondered what would happen if any of the hotel patrons would need to use one of the facilities. "Hello, Lieutenant," Sanok said to Raschen. "I presume we are to meet inside?" After hearing Raschen's answer, Sanok opened the door and entered the men's room. (Reply Jackson, Raschen, any) (posted by Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Business Area - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1115) With Ios in tow and using his PADD/Tricorder as a guide mike led the way through the crumbling neighborhood towards the assembly beacon. His mind was still reeling with the little bit of information that he had already gathered. technically, he knew that he was taking a huge risk, but the potential information that these two women offered could easily save lives and time. Those things were worth the risk. The streets became nicer, the buildings cleaner and better tended as they progressed. before long they were in a district of the city that appeared to be thriving. Dance clubs, small shops, hotels and restaurants seemed to be the norm here. Crowds too were beginning to form, some midday ritual where workers, shoppers and entertainers began to flood out into the streets in search of whatever they required. Mike glanced over at Ios as they walked. the woman was slender and had dark black hair. Her coloration was a bit darker than those around the immediate area and her eyes had begun to take on a slightly frightened aspect. He reached down and took her left hand in his right. She turned to look at him and gave him a nervous smile. "It's okay, just stick with me. I'll see to it you stay safe." He stated. She gave a half-hearted nod before following him down the sidewalk. The crush of people had forced them into a single file line, Mike bullying his way forward with his bulk and Ios moving along behind him in his wake. They found some respite in the nook of a hotel awning, just outside the main flow of the crush of pedestrians. Mike reached into his pocket and pulled out the PADD. He then accessed it and reviewed the data taking another bearing to the rally point. With a jab of a finger he indicated a direction across the street, even as he was stowing his PADD from site. "It's over there." he added for Ios' benefit. "on the other side of the street. Probably in that Hotel." Ios made a sour looking face. "I suppose it had to be THAT hotel." She said in an acidic tone. Mike gave her a raised eyebrow. "Don't worry." She said, "I didn't mean you. I mean well... That where Gabs take their Mol mistresses for some uh..." She stumbled over the word for a moment before adding, "...private time." "Oh..." Mike replied a little embarrassed. "I didn't know." he offered. "I didn't think you did. I suppose it would be pretty crazy for you to travel all this way just to get laid." She countered, "Although knowing men, not entirely impossible." Mike held a look of surprise on his face for a bit, raised both eyebrows and then glanced across the street at the hotel. ~Leave it to Raschen to pick a weigh point that happens to be some sort of no tell motel~ he thought. "Look, if you don't want to go inside. I completely - " "Are you crazy!" she interrupted. "I'm not about to back down now. This is important." "Don't you have a reputation to protect or something." Ios gave out some sort of short snort before answering, "You're kidding right?" She replied, "No one has a reputation these days, least of all Mols. It's only a matter of time before I end up a victim, you know, like back at the alley. Going in there with you is the least of my worries. If anything maybe someone will see me and think I'm kept. That would mean that I was off-limits to other Gabs at least for a little while." Mike just looked at her. "Besides you're a big guy and you did promise to protect me. Hard to do with me out here and you in there, ogling girls." "Yeah." Mike sighed in agreement and then turned to head across the street. He threw out his elbow and Ios looped her arm through it and almost melted against him. He shook his head and then headed for the front doors of the hotel. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Hotel Voltul - SO - Ensign Mike Rosenbauer -Day 7- 1120) The building was larger than it appeared to be from the outside. That was most likely due to the narrowness of it's exterior, which was more than made up for by it's depth. It was decorated in a very minimalist style, textured walls, dark painted metal support beams and industrial sized chandeliers made up the majority of the decor. A service desk was seeing brisk business and a bank of elevators were running people up to whatever rendezvous' they had planned. Mismatched furniture that had seen better days was set out into small miniature islands on a sea of bluish carpet that was threadbare in a few places. While not as nice as the some of the other buildings nearby appeared to be, Mike realized that it was very busy. There were lots of couples everywhere. Gabs and Mols mixed and mingled freely within the confines of these walls, without apparent concern for any racial prejudices here. The women were dressed nice, much like women on the prowl are on most civilized worlds, and the men seemed more interested in the women than making themselves seem more presentable. It was an unusual thing to witness and Mike didn't have to be a social scientist to realize the role this place played in Irlixian society. Mol Women, hoping to land a Gab husband who could protect them from racial prejudices had gathered together here for the purpose of self-preservation and in the hopes of bettering their lives. Mike suspected that there were few other options for them, considering the warnings that they had received from Ensign Ichijo concerning Racism. It was no different than when a woman sought out a member of an occupying force for protection and favors during an invasion or occupation. A desire to be protected and a need to survive could drive people to a very desperate and sometimes dangerous decision. For the part of the men here, their role was obvious. There was no need to look deeper than the most base of desires to understand their reasons for being here. It was simply the way men were the universe over, or at least in Irlixian society. He couldn't help but notice that there was a distinct lack of lighter skinned Gab women here. In fact, all the women appeared to be Mol, while all the men appeared to be Gab. Mike pulled out his PADD one more time, checked the data and then returned it to his pocket. He wrapped one arm around his 'partner' and then headed towards the coordinates. Their path led them down a narrow hallway where Raschen was standing apparently guarding a door to a public restroom. Mike nodded to him as he approached and withdrew his arm from Ios' waist. "Not exactly the best choice for a meeting, you know?" Mike said. (reply Raschen) "Do you know what this place is?" (reply Raschen) "Something like that, It's a love nest for Gab mean and their Mol mistresses." Mike explained. (reply Raschen) "Right. Sorry. This is Ios. She's a guide. She knows about me. I'll share some more when T... uhmmm. When we're all here." Mike explained. He looked at Ios. "Come one Ios, we should wait inside." She raised a single eyebrow at him, then gave him a slight chuckle. She shrugged and then said, "Sure why not?" And then led the way inside. Mike followed her in, Pausing just long enough to tell chance, Let the other's know she's here before they come in eh?" (reply Chance & All Others) Daniel Greene --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix - Khoda City - Third District Hotel Voltul - AFO - Lt Cmdr T'Larah Sullivan - 1123) The signal lead the pair of female starfleet officers to the front of what appeared to be a hotel. The overall shape of the building was thin, deep and tall. It reminded T'Larah of some of the historical buildings in downtown San Fransisco. "Apparently this is the place. Keep your eyes open and we should be able to find Mister Raschen or Rosenbaur soon enough." she said. (Reply Ichijo) The Tricorder readings lead the pair past the lobby and down an off hallway. Rosenbaur and Raschen who were apparently already in conversation. "Are we the first four to the meeting?" she asked. (Reply Raschen, Rosenbaur, Ichijo) (Posted by Todd) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Khoda City, Irlix – Third District Hotel Voltul– CTAC/CSEC- LT Chance Raschen – 1125) The building was larger than it appeared to be from the outside. That was most likely due to the narrowness of its exterior, which was more than made up for by its depth. It was decorated in a very minimalist style, textured walls, dark painted metal support beams and industrial sized chandeliers made up the majority of the decor. A service desk was seeing brisk business and a bank of elevators were running people up to whatever rendezvous' they had planned. Mismatched furniture that had seen better days was set out into small miniature islands on a sea of bluish carpet that was threadbare in a few places. While not as nice as the some of the other buildings nearby appeared to be, it was very busy. There were lots of couples everywhere. Gabs and Mols mixed and mingled freely within the confines of these walls, without apparent concern for any reason here. The women were dressed nice, much like women on the prowl are on most civilized worlds, and the men seemed more interested in the women than making themselves seem more presentable. Raschen was guarding a door to a public restroom to keep any Irlixians out just in case anyone from the Rosenante beamed directly down to the beacon. The ex-Privateer couldn’t help but smile when he saw Mike heading towards him with an arm wrapped around the waist of one of the local females. Chance nodded to Mike as he approached and withdrew his arm from the woman’s waist. "Not exactly the best choice for a meeting, you know?" Mike said. With a raised eyebrow, and a lopsided smile “What are you talking about? This is a great place for meeting folks; just because you brought a guest with you today.” Chance said in a jovial tone of voice. "Do you know what this place is?" In one of the more sarcastic tones Raschen had ever managed “Duh; it’s a ‘Social Club’.” "Something like that, it’s a love nest for Gab mean and their Mol mistresses." Mike explained. “What; afraid Caskie will find out I got you to a brothel after she left? But you’re right; I should have called everyone up and said ‘Hey; is this spot good or should I find someplace else for us to meet?’ But who is she?” "Right. Sorry. This is Ios. She's a guide. She knows about me. I'll share some more when T... uhmmm. When we're all here." Mike explained. He looked at Ios. "Come on Ios, we should wait inside." She raised a single eyebrow at him, and then gave him a slight chuckle. She shrugged as she said, "Sure why not?" and then led the way inside. Chance looked toward the front door of the establishment and saw Sullivan and Ichijo enter as Mike started to follow Ios into the public restroom. Suddenly Mike paused just long enough to tell Chance, “Let the others know she's here before they come in eh?" “No problem.” Raschen said with a smirk as the ex-Ranger followed Ios through the restroom door. After the door closed, Chance watched as T’Larah and Kimiko approach him. Once the three of them were together Sullivan had asked, "Are we the first four to the meeting?" “5 actually; Mike brought a ‘plus 1’ with him. I’ll let him explain it, but what I do know is that she is his guide and her name is Ios.” (Reply Sullivan, Ichijo) (Reply Sullivan, Ichijo) Posted by Charlie --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix- Khoda City- Third District Hotel Voltul - ACMO Ensign Sam Lopez-Day 7- 1130) Sam had almost arrived to the location of the signal.The streets that Sam had passed though were very different from each other.This street was very flashy compared to the other run down ones. The hotel that Sam had entered was filled with people.Mostly these people were in couples.This seemed weird to Sam in a way,but he could not put his finger on it. Sam entered a hall were the signal was coming from.Down the hall he could see mike Rosenbauer guarding the door. Sam walked all the way down the hall and stoped in front of mike. "can i enter?"Sam said. (Reply by rosenbauer) (posted by Shawn) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (Irlix, Khoda City, Third District Hotel Voltul, Ensign sg Sanok, 1135) Sanok and Jackson didn't talk much as they traveled through the city to the rally point, which turned out to be an opulent hotel that was nothing more than a cover for the Irlixian version of a social club. Seeing Lieutenant Raschen loitering in a hallway that led to public restrooms, the two headed that way. Sanok couldn't help thinking meeting there was like sending up a flare telling everyone that something was happening that was out-of-the-ordinary. We wondered what would happen if any of the hotel patrons would need to use one of the facilities. "Hello, Lieutenant," Sanok said to Raschen. "I presume we are to meet inside?" After hearing Raschen's answer, Sanok opened the door and entered the men's room. (Reply Jackson, Raschen, any) (posted by Bob) --------------------------------------------------------------------- End Compile ---------------------------------------------------------------------