Compile summary Your adoring CO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Corridor - Lt. Commander Mason Garrett- 1601) (USS Mystique - CSO's office. - CSO, Lt. Commander Holis Gralen - 1602) (USS Mystique - Science Dept. - Ensign Cynthia Darson- 1603) (USS Mystique - Science Dept. - CSO, Lt. Com. Holis Gralen - 1604) (USS Mystique - Ten-Forward - Lt. Commander Mason Garrett - 1610) (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) – 1615) (USS Mystique – Sickbay – AOPS/CONN, Ensign (JG) Ash Physioc – 1617) (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht – 1618) (USS Mystique – Sickbay – AOPS/CONN, Ensign Ash Physioc – 1619) (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) - 1620) (USS Mystique – Counselor’s Office – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) - 1625) (USS Mystique - Ready Room- CO Captain Saleke- 1730) (USS Mystique - Ten forward- CO, Captain Saleke- 1735) (USS Mystique - Ten forward- ATAC Ensign(Jg) Ammon Ranae - 1736) (USS Mystique - Ten forward- CO, Captain Saleke - 1737) (USS Mystique - Ten forward - ACSO Ensign SG Taya - 1741) (USS Mystique - Ten forward - ACSO Ensign SG Taya - 1743) (USS Mystique - Ten forward - TC Ensign Shurik Rosanov - 1745) (Starbase Geneva - Runabout Goshen - in the main ship bay - Ensign Rooker - 2110) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin compile Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Corridor - Lt. Commander Mason Garrett- 1601) Travis looked over at Marto. "I will meet you in 10 forward around 1830 we have a lot to go over. Right now I have a few things I need to take care of. Travis sead as the turbo-lift doors opined and Mason walked out and Travis followed him. Travis looked over at Marto. "I will meet you in 10 forward around 1830 we have a lot to go over. Right now I have a few things I need to take care of. Marto smiled at him and nodded, "No problems, see you then." She turned to the FO as he and Travis left the turbolift. "I should be in Sickbay until then if you have the time. If not then I am available anytime after 0800 tomorrow morning. Unfortunately I wont be free from lunchtime onwards." "I'll come to Sickbay at 1700, doctor," Mason told her, giving himself enough time to finish the preliminary arrangements with Travis and Fredricks. The lift doors closed before him and he and Travis turned to continue down the corridor. "The transfer won't actually begin until our engineers and Geneva's people get the Hades humming at one hundred percent," Mason said. "That will probably be at least a day. In the meantime, I want to make sure security arrangements are clear, and the department heads have plans laid out that will make the transition as smooth as possible." (Reply: Travis) "Let me know, how you plan to proceed as soon as possible," Mason said. "Ops will have to be split up to maintain minimal service to to the Myste until everyone else is gone. The last of your people will leave with the remaining Engineering and Security crew." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - CSO's office. - CSO, Lt. Commander Holis Gralen - 1602) Holis was humming a tune as he looked over the reports on Beta Seranis 4, this planet was highly intriguing and he had come straight away from meeting his ACSOs to the office to catch himself up. A glass of water with lemon was by his right hand as he considered the data. A chime from the door caught him by surprise. "Hmmm. Well come in." A young woman entered and after stopping before his desk stood straight and attentive. "Pardon me commander if I've come at a bad time," she said. "Bad time?" He mused on that for a moment. "I wouldn't say it was a bad time unless you consider catching up on the fly with reports from a large department conducting hundreds of experiments on several dozen different topics while trying to be conversant enough with the subjects to speak on them intelligibly tomorrow a bad time." He grinned then to set her at ease. "Don't be silly, sit down." (Reply: Cynthia) A light touch on her mind identified her quickly. "Now Ms. Darson tell me what you had in mind when you came here." he realized suddenly this was THE head of the Astronmetrics lab who had been working closely with Lieutenant Ketal on the very subject he was so interested in. He ran the fingers of his right hand through his thinning hair. "Thank you for coming, I wasn't going to have a meeting with the department till tomorrow to introduce myself but the sooner I get to know everyone the better." (Reply: Cynthia) "While you're here let's talk about that fascinating planet you discovered that's so mysterious." He leaned forward as he broached the subject. "By the way are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink? I hate being a bad host." He added with an infectious grin. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Science Dept. - Ensign Cynthia Darson- 1603) "Pardon me commander if I've come at a bad time," she said. "Bad time?" He mused on that for a moment. "I wouldn't say it was a bad time unless you consider catching up on the fly with reports from a large department conducting hundreds of experiments on several dozen different topics while trying to be conversant enough with the subjects to speak on them intelligibly tomorrow a bad time." For a moment, Cindy wasn't sure if she was being chastised or served a dose of her own style of ironic humor then Gralen smiled broadly at her. "Don't be silly, sit down," he told her. "Now Ms. Darson tell me what you had in mind when you came here." He paused. "Thank you for coming, I wasn't going to have a meeting with the department till tomorrow to introduce myself but the sooner I get to know everyone the better." How interesting that he knew her name. "While you're here let's talk about that fascinating planet you discovered that's so mysterious," he said before she could say anything. He leaned forward as he broached the subject. "By the way are you thirsty? Would you like something to drink? I hate being a bad host" he added with an infectious grin. "You've either been looking into the bio-files of the people in your department," she said straightaway, "or you're a telepath. And, yes, I would like a drink. The computer knows my preferred blend of tea." She was already warming to her new CSO and returned his smile. "As to the planet, I can sum up our investigations thus far by saying for every answer discovered we find a bucketful of questions." (Reply: Holis) "Our running hypothesis is that the planet has been terraformed by someone, but there is no sign of a presence of any kind, past or present," she told him. "The planet's surface is a paradise. Rich in both vegetation and mineral resources. There are indications of an anomalous shift in the planet's magnetosphere about three years ago, but we can't find evidence of a cause. Some of the probe data we've collected has been corrupted so the causes behind the shift are inconclusive. In addition, we've detected the presences of anti-material residuals and we have no substantial theory to explain that as yet." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Science Dept. - CSO, Lt. Com. Holis Gralen - 1604) "You've either been looking into the bio-files of the people in your department," Ms. Darson said pointedly, "or you're a telepath. And, yes, I would like a drink. The computer knows my preferred blend of tea." She returned his smile. "As to the planet, I can sum up our investigations thus far by saying for every answer discovered we find a bucketful of questions." Holis stood up and walked to the replicator as she was speaking. "Guilty as charged," He said lightly before entering their requests into the device. "I am full Betazoid and wanted to know your name before speaking with you so I cheated a bit." He picked up the two steaming mugs and returned to the table, placing hers before her. " As for the quandry the planet in question is presenting, isn't that what makes our field of endeavor so rewarding? What is your gut feeling on this?" "Our running hypothesis is that the planet has been terraformed by someone, but there is no sign of a presence of any kind, past or present," she told him. "The planet's surface is a paradise. Rich in both vegetation and mineral resources. There are indications of an anomalous shift in the planet's magnetosphere about three years ago, but we can't find evidence of a cause. Some of the probe data we've collected has been corrupted so the causes behind the shift are inconclusive. In addition, we've detected the presences of anti-material residuals and we have no substantial theory to explain that as yet." "I've seen that in the reports," he stated. "I had a lengthy conversation with the Captain before the staff meeting and he appears determined to return there after we leave Geneva, the only thing that might interfere with an immediate return is for command to give him other orders, at this time he has no evidence to lean one way or the other on the outcome. Hopefully everything will fall neatly into place and Beta Seranis 3 will be our first stop in the new vessel." (Reply: Cynthia) He thought a moment as she waited. "Naraht seems to be a wild card in the exploration of this planet, when we do get there I'm sending down a full scientific investigative team first and you and he are going to be on it. I want this mystery cracked and fast." (Reply: Cynthia) "We'll do a complete planetary survey from orbit along with an EM field deep scan and a protoplanetary investigation. Also I'm hoping to put some type 1 probes in orbit so we can get a complete picture of everything that happens real time. That aside I am having a meeting tomorrow at 0730 and I'll expect you there." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten-Forward - Lt. Commander Mason Garrett - 1610) Mason spotted John Frederick's from the entrance of Ten-Forward with no problem. The new FO crossed the room to stand before a seat facing Fredericks and with a hand gesture said, "Mind if I join you for a moment, Mr. Fredericks." (REply: Fredricks) Mason pulled out the chair and a server was obligingly beside him before he'd fully sat down. "Orange Pekoe iced tea with about five percent pak'lur root mixture." He turned his attention back to Fredericks as the server walked away and introduced himself. "Mason Garrett." (REply: Fredericks) "I'm touching base with all of my department heads about the upcoming transfers," Mason told him. "Security is going to have its hands full and I want to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) – 1615) Naraht very quietly moved across sickbay in an effort to not wake up any patients, especially Physioc. He came to check on Physioc’s progress and to visit a bit if his shipmate felt up to it. He stopped by Physioc’s biobed and raised his main phalange to get a better view. Physioc looked as though he was resting better, although his skin color still looked mottled with bruising in some spots on his head. He lay quietly on the biobed with his eyes shut. He appeared to be unconscious. ~He has had surgery only a while a go, but he looks better than I thought he might. His electrical activity looks pretty good although I am not a medic.~ Naraht gently touched his main phalange to Physioc’s hand. ::If you can hear this my friend, please heal up and get better. I know this would not be the way you would wish to have your life end. Rest and heal.:: Naraht retracted his main phalange, coiling it up underneath him, and very quietly turned away to leave Physioc’s room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Sickbay – AOPS/CONN, Ensign (JG) Ash Physioc – 1617) The black warmth of Ash's mind was spreading with every second of the aching pain he was in. He could feel his body healing, but that was nothing compared to what his mind was doing. He was in overdrive, trying to keep the pain from searing him. He could feel his body being tampered with - presumably by Doctors, he was grateful for whoever was speeding along his recovery. He couldn't tell how long he had been in the comatose state, the last thing he could remember was the mounding amount of crowds forcing themselves past him to get to Naraht - he assumed they hadn't entirely noticed he wasn't Human in the onslaught of things. His mind whizzing around, began to focus on a single question - wondering if what had happened was in vain, had Naraht got a way? Did the crowd beat that rocks surface so hard that he caved in? For a moment has he was knocked Un-consciousness he felt like he could see his mum and dad, maybe even feel them. For that fleeting moment Ash figured out what it was it meant to be him... and then he was pulled away - into blackness, into this eerie pit of loneliness and self-pity. Suddenly as if his mind began to explode a memory popped into his head, it was off him and his new friend Naraht on Geneva... then the attack and then all of a sudden he heard ::If you can hear this my friend, please heal up and get better. I know this would not be the way you would wish to have your life end. Rest and heal.:: Ash suddenly spring to life, his memories flooded the gates. His mind opened and his mental wounds began to heal, his physical wounds still ached but he was able to open his eyes for the first time in... well he didn't know how long. As he did open his eyes, he groaned - he hadn't expected them to be flooded with quite so much light as they had been. It took him a moment to register where he was, although he couldn't be quite sure. His blurry eyes vision could just make out a small rock like creature moving about on the floor. "Naraht?" He asked weakly, still not up to his full strength he tried to sit up but dismally failed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht – 1618) “Physioc, you’re awake,” said Naraht happily, relieved. “How do you feel Physioc? I am so glad to see that you are awake. I was really worried for you. You were so brave in the face of such terrible odds.” He again extended his main phalange to reach out to touch Physioc’s hand lightly, but remembering that he was a telepath, Naraht stopped and waved his phalange in silent jubilation. (Reply Physioc) Naraht, becoming more serious, said, “I wanted to ask you if you felt up to lodging a complaint with the station about getting attacked. I will be more than happy to help you do whatever is necessary to put a stop to any more violence. I am planning on lodging a complaint anyway, due to the fact that I was attacked, although I remain unhurt, but neither of us did anything to start such unwarranted violence. At this point this is technically a civil matter with the station. I have made sure Captain Saleke knows about it. Now that you are awake, he may want to talk to us both.” (reply Physioc) "I will leave you to rest and on my way out I will tell the doctor on duty that you are awake," said Narht. "I will see you again tomorrow." Naraht quietly moved his bulk out of the door. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Sickbay – AOPS/CONN, Ensign Ash Physioc – 1619) Ash's vision was still blurred but he could tell he was in Sickbay. “Physioc, you’re awake,” said Naraht happily, relieved. “How do you feel Physioc? I am so glad to see that you are awake. I was really worried for you. You were so brave in the face of such terrible odds.” Ash then saw a blurred movement as he assumed something waved passed his face as if someone was waving at him. Ash delved down deep inside to find out how he felt. How did he feel? "I'm fine. I mean there's a few cuts a bruises but I don't think I'm seriously injured." He said as he tried to sit up once again but failed dismally again. “I wanted to ask you if you felt up to lodging a complaint with the station about getting attacked. I will be more than happy to help you do whatever is necessary to put a stop to any more violence. I am planning on lodging a complaint anyway, due to the fact that I was attacked, although I remain unhurt, but neither of us did anything to start such unwarranted violence. At this point this is technically a civil matter with the station. I have made sure Captain Saleke knows about it. Now that you are awake, he may want to talk to us both.” Ash could tell Naraht's tone was more serious just by listening to his voice. He nodded, feebly. "Of course. What happened on Geneva shouldn't happen again - if there's a way to stop it, I will help. Maybe we should call Saleke now?" He said attempting to sit up, this time managing to do so. "I will leave you to rest and on my way out I will tell the doctor on duty that you are awake," said Naraht. "I will see you again tomorrow." And then Naraht quickly left. "But..." Ash felt so weak. He quickly lumped back down on his bed and began trying to call up some energy reserves. Suddenly a searing pain erupted in his chest. ~"ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"~ He screamed out loud. He tried to do his standard pain blocking procedure, but he was too weak. ~"ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"~ Never before in his life could he remember being in soo much pain, usually he could put his defences up against it.. but he was just too weak. What was happening? What had happened? How long had he been out of it? So many questions.. "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, HELP!" He shouted eventually. "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Sickbay – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) - 1620) "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, HELP!" Physioc shouted eventually. "ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Naraht, outside Physioc’s door way, moved to find a medic and he didn’t care what kind. His friend was screaming in pain and Naraht stuffed down near panic. “Please help my friend Physioc. He is in great pain!” said Naraht, reaching out to a passing nurse with his main phalange. “Yes, I will,” she said and moved quickly into Physio’c room carrying a hypo. There was a hiss and then silence. Naraht just outside of Physioc’s room could see that the nurse was doing her job, waving scanners and instruments over his fellow crewmate. Physioc was resting quietly again from what Naraht could detect. Naraht felt miserable for the third time that day. He had been so happy and relieved that Physioc was awake and better. He had only wanted to help give his friend support and encouragement, not upset him and put him in pain. He resolved to check with the doctor on duty before visiting again. Depressed, Naraht quietly left Sickbay. He didn’t want to cause anyone more grief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique – Counselor’s Office – Asst CSO Ensign Naraht (jg) - 1625) After stopping off in Sickbay to check on Ensign Physioc, Naraht felt horribly unsettled, but didn’t feel like he had a friend in which to confide. ~Well, that’s what Counselors are for.~ he thought. He found the way to the counseling department. Stopping outside the closed door, he realized he might disturb someone already in conference with her. He hesitated, but then rang the door chime hastily before he could change his decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ready Room- CO Captain Saleke- 1730) There was still much to do today and much more to come in the weeks ahead and the Vulcan was in his office considering the most logical and efficient way to navigate through that period of time. He glanced down at the row of buttons before the monitor that was at attention before him and using his right forefinger depressed the yellow button. "Captains log, Stardate 2407.02.18. Operations aboard the Mystique are proceeding smoothly. Captain Winters is undergoing intensive analysis at this time but has not as of yet regained consciousness, it is to be hoped that good news will be forthcoming. Lieutenant Ketal requested and was granted a transfer to Geneva to aid the treatment in any way possible. Commodore Hikagi summoned me to the admirality offices this morning and informed me that the officers and crew of this ship are to be transferred to a new ship currently being completed at Spacedock Phoenix, a Prometheus class warship named the USS Hades. A briefing was held for the officers of the Mystique to announce the transfer. The ship has four new departmental chiefs and an XO was installed today, Lieutenant Commander Garrett has accepted the position of First officer for the ship. Doctor Vren has been installed as chief of medical and Lieutenant Harper has replaced commander Garrett as chief of engineering. Lt. Commader Holis Gralen has transferred to the ship and has taken over the science department and Lieutenant John Fredericks has likewise transferred aboard and has been installed as chief of security. The arrangements for the upcoming marriage of Dr. Vren and Lieutenant Keswick are proceeding apace, the parties for both as well as a get-acquainted dinner party for the Klingon and Bajoran families are scheduled for tomorrow." An eyebrow lifted at the thought of the dinner party. "As the best man I have been invited to the affair." That look crossed his face again as he considered the repast that he had ordered to be prepared for the soiree. "I find the possibility of eating live worms to be distasteful yet an old Terran proverb seems to be in effect here. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." he shook his head slightly to banish the image of the wriggling repast. "Commander Garrett is arranging the transfer of crew over to the new ship to expedite the completion of it, scheduled launch date is 2407.02.31. End log." [Log ended.] Getting up from behind the desk he moved toward the door to make an appearance in ten forward, it was past time for dinner and he had eaten little since being informed of the transfer. He wondered who might be there at this time of the day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward- CO, Captain Saleke- 1735) The Vulcan stepped through the door to deck 10 forward and looked about before moving further inward. The combination restaurant, lounge and bar was filling up rapidly and he stepped out of the way for a crewman in work clothing with two others that followed him in. This was highly out of his routine as he normally preferred to take his meals in his office or quarters but he had been endeavoring to follow the senior counselors advice and mingle with the crew, he also knew that the news of the new ship would be a topic of discussion and his presence would have a calming effect for the uncertainty they might feel surrounding the move. There were few empty tables and those that were available were too close to the greater part of the hubbub, he noticed however that Ensign Ammon was at a table on the periphery where it was a bit quieter and since he was here to mingle anyway, why not join her? ~A logical conclusion.~ He moved toward her table, weaving his way past the crowded tables and crewmen who moved aside quickly for him, sometimes jostling their fellows who upon turning to protest clamped their jaws shut when they saw him. (REply: Ranae) "Ensign." he said in greeting as he stopped before the table. "May I join you?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward- ATAC Ensign(Jg) Ammon Ranae - 1736) Time had flown by while Ensign Ammon had been working on pre-transfer lists, but she was still glad to get away for a meal and a break when 1730 arrived. As always, Ranae had chosen a table towards the back of ten forward, where it was quieter and positioned herself so that she could see if Taya arrived, so she could give her a wave as the lounge was beginning to fill with hungry crew members. She had not long arrived and was sipping on some ice water, waiting to order her meal when she looked up to see the crowd parting like the red sea for Moses. The noisy bustle had lessened substantially. really it was quite comical and she was curious as to why, and then the object of her curiosity manifested before her eyes and purposefully headed her way. "Ensign." he said in greeting as he stopped before the table. "May I join you?" Ranae almost choked with surprise. ~Captain Saleke here? Wanting to join ME?~ For a second she was almost too dumbstruck to say anything and then her brain kicked into gear and manners won over stupefaction. She stood up. "Please do, Captain. It would be my honor to have you join me." Ranae smiled sincerely at him as she gestured at the remaining vacant chairs, still not quite believing that the captain would want to dine with a lowly ensign. As he took a chair and sat, Ranae also sat down. "I was just about to order as soon as one of the servers gets round to taking it...." She glanced up and saw that a server was coming over. ~So, there are benefits to dining with the CO.~ "Ahhh, I see one is coming." (reply Saleke) "I acquired a taste for Earth's seafood while at the Academy, so I thought I'd have a crab and scallop salad with a simple creamy cucumber dressing." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward- CO, Captain Saleke - 1737) The woman rose up quickly from her chair as he stepped up. "Please do, Captain. It would be my honor to have you join me." She gave a smile and waved to the empty seats, Saleke nodded and chose one facing where he could see most of the activity. He had rather expected that she would remain standing and he would have to order her to sit but such was not the case, she slipped into a chair after him. "I was just about to order as soon as one of the servers gets round to taking it...." She looked up and appeared surprised to see one approaching. "Ahhh, I see one is coming." The Vulcan nodded, when he did get into ten forward a waiter was invariably hovering close by. "I acquired a taste for Earth's seafood while at the Academy, so I thought I'd have a crab and scallop salad with a simple creamy cucumber dressing." "I acquired a taste for orange juice." He replied in kind. "A salad sounds like a logical choice however the animal proteins are unneccessary for me." Considering the choices he settled upon something he had not here-to-for tried. "And your order Captain?" The man smiled easily, a veteran of many captains and several starships no doubt. "A tomato and cucumber salad with diced carrots and shredded Vulcan dashi and a sun dried tomato vinagrette dressing." He said. "And a glass of water with a lemon wedge for refreshment." "Very good, was there anything else for you madomaiselle?" he asked Ranae. (Reply: Ranae) After the waiter had left there seemed to be some sort of commotion break out, he heard profuse apologies followed by someone coming up behind him. "Sir," An ever so slight turn of his head brought Ensign Taya into his line of vision. "Ensign, please join us." He said. "We ordered only a short time ago." (Reply: Ranae, Taya) "I see you two were planning to meet here and I was not intending to intrude, do I need to find another table?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward - ACSO Ensign SG Taya - 1741) Taya walked into ten forward hoping Ranae hadn't given up on her. She looked around the busy lunge, smiling to a few people when they caught her eye before her gaze settled on the person she had come to meet. Taya started walking forward, making her way round the other tables and seats. Suddenly Taya stopped when she saw the back of the Captain sitting with her friend. Taya took a deep breath and pulled her now loose hair over one shoulder and playing with it slightly. "Excuse me Miss," a voice said but Taya didn't register. Suddenly a touch on her arm made her jump and knock the tray out of the servers hands. Coffee and synthehol found it's way to the floor along with the tray the drinks were on. "O god i'm sorry," Taya muttered going red and crouching down to help the server pick up the glasses. Taya looked up and caught Ranae's gaze. (Reply Ranae iyw) Taya stood up and bit her bottom lip, ~o well i have to face him sometime may as well be now~ Taya continued her walk to the table and stepped round to the seat next to Ranae. She nodded and smiled nervously at her friend before sitting down. "Sir," she said politely hoping that he wouldn't rake her over the coals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward - ACSO Ensign SG Taya - 1743) "Ensign, please join us." The captain said in response to Taya's acknowledgement. "We ordered only a short time ago." "Thank you," she replied. "O right well i'm not very hungry so when they bring your food out i'll just ask for something then" "I see you two were planning to meet here and I was not intending to intrude, do I need to find another table?" Taya sat up a bit straighter at this and lowered her head slightly catching Ranae's gaze again out of the corner of her eye. "No, you're welcome to stay sir." Taya said quickly knowing what it would look like if she said no. She moved her hair off her shoulder and looked at her friend hoping she would back her up and desperately hoping the captain wouldn't bring up the briefing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stardate: 2407.02.18 (USS Mystique - Ten forward - TC Ensign Shurik Rosanov - 1745) Shurik had been sitting at a table in near the edge of Ten-Forward, a data padd lain out before him as well as a dish of Pelmeni with a side of Potato Vareniki and to wash it all down he held a half-empty glass of Kompot. He looked down at his padd and mouthed his favored curse, "Blyad," He was then interrupted by the sound of eating utensils clattering to the floor. He looked up, noticed Taya attempting to help a server pick up the fallen glasses while apologising loudly. Before he had the chance to see what help he could offer Taya had already picked herself up and was on her way to meet with Ranae and Saleke on the other side of the room. Shurik, who had been busily trying to rack his mind for the smaller of the German words, sat back and began to wonder whether or not he should join the group. Clotilda, the woman he had been so busily trying to wipe from his memory had come back up after eight years of silence, now to tell him that she was getting properly married to a "real man". She therefore wanted all of her things back, things that Shurik had either already sent to her, or had sold upon his entry into the academy. Trying to come up with the right words to tell her in a letter was already difficult enough without having to write it in a language he had hardly practiced since their divorce. He finally collected his things and with a very interesting balancing act, he crossed over to the other table. "Em I entruding?" He asked as he approached. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stardate: 2407.02.18 (Starbase Geneva - Runabout Goshen - in the main ship bay - Ensign Rooker - 2110) Humans had founded the Federation and would deal with the Federation's internal problems without interference from off-worlders. Rooker smiled with self-satisfaction as he maneuvered the Goshen inside Geneva's vast starship bay until the little ships nose was pointed toward the Myste. Judgement Day would be coming soon enough and if the humans on Geneva were smart they would start cleaning all the alien scum out. Just about everything was set, with one exception. ~Very soon,~ he thought to himself. ~Very soon humans will be ready to push aliens out the nearest airlock. I'd like make a few of those smelly Klingons suck some vacuum.~ Rooker hated Klingon's worst of all. The Myste grew in size through the forward viewport as he guided the little runabout back to its mother ship. Reaching forward, he activated the com. "USS Mystique. This is the Goshen on approach from Geneva's maintenance bay." (Reply: anyone who wants to) Rooker answered the confirmaton. "Goshen moving to enter Mystique's hangar. Everything looks good. Feels like the ship runs real smooth. Geneva's people did a good job with her." He mentally noted that the servicers had been mostly humans but didn't say it aloud. No reason to stir up trouble at that moment. As the runabout entered into it's mother's protective house, Rooker's looked around at the runabout's interior and his mind began racing with ideas again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end compile