Compilers Notes: Geneva Compile 2 – Street Date March 12, 2005. Fixed symbol errors. Fixed timestamp errors… they were a bit more ‘sloppy’ at the beginning of the week, but improved as the week wore on. Thanks for your attention to that problem. Fixed spelling errors… these were much better than last time. Fixed formatting errors… again, there is an overall improvement here. 60 pages of compile in total with 39 posts in total! Good job everyone! Your compile wombat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: New Beginnings, Day 7 to Day 8 Stardate: 2406.12.30 to 2406.12.31 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of posts: 2406.12.30 (LRT Shuttle Diablo - co-pilots seat - Ensign Kassia Marta - 1027) (Starbase Geneva - CO's Office - Colonel T'Vanek - 1045) (Starbase Geneva, COs Office, CO Lise Arianna, 1047) (Starbase Geneva - Docking bay - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1112) (Starbase Geneva - Main Operations - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1120) (Starbase Geneva - Captains Office - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1132) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1136) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, COUNS Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta, 1140) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1145) (Starbase Geneva, Crawlspace just alongside Main Engineering, SPC Vetaniuk, 1220) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 34, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1226) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17 Main Medical Center, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1237) (Starbase Geneva, CO's Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1300) (Starbase Geneva, Ready Room, SPC Dr. Eistal, 1307) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 3, Random Corridor, The Triplets De'Ktor, 1315) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, CSO Ensign {SG} Doctor Entamn-Jensi, 1439) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 1, Ops, Ensign McLaren, 1406) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Old Stone, Ensign McLaren, 1420) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Old Stone,2O/TAC/SC - Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1422) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Olde Stone, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1430) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Olde stone, Ensign JG McLaren, 1432) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, SPCs Triplets De'Ktor, 1435) (Starbase Geneva, Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1440) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, SPCs V'Tral, B'EtaK and V'Staq of the house of De'Ktor, 1444) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1448) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center, 2O/TAC/SC Ensign Matthew McLaren, 1449) (Starbase Geneva, Quarters, COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta, 1450) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, CSO Ensign Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1451) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1458) (Starbase Geneva - Main Ops - COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta - 1500) (Starbase Geneva - Main Ops - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1502) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1505) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - COUNS Ensign (JG) Marta - 1510) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1513) (OSS Sho'Kar - Bridge - Lord Gled Forsch  - 1530) (Starbase Geneva - Main Operations - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1542) (OSS Sho'Kar - Bridge - Lord Captain Gled Forsch - 1543) (Starbase Geneva, CO's Office, CO Lise Arianna, 1710) (Starbase Geneva - Brig outside cell 2 - COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta and Dean Benford - 1750) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center Cell 2, Dean Benford, 1807) (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2130) (Starbase Geneva - Ambassadorial Section, Tane's Quarters – Ambassador Miador Tane - 2157) (Starbase Geneva, Tane's Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2200) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 2206) (Starbase Geneva -- Tane's Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2209) 2406.12.31 (Starbase Geneva, Deck 32, Crawlway, Ensign McLaren, 0212) (Starbase Geneva, deck 7, Personal Quarters, Ensign JG McLaren, 0219) (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 0630) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 0631) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 70, Main reactor Beta, Ensign Matthew McLaren, 0710) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, CO Lise Arianna, 0745) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely and CSO Ensign Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 0747) (Starbase Geneva, deck 1, Observation lounge, Ensign McLaren, 0757) (Starbase Geneva - Observation Lounge - COUNS Ensign Kassia Marta - 0830) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 118 Science Deck Misc., CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1013) (Starbase Geneva, Ops Deck, CO Arianna, 1014) (Starbase Geneva, Captain's Ready Room, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1025) Mission: New Beginnings, Day 7 Stardate: 2406.12.30 (LRT Shuttle Diablo - co-pilots seat - Ensign Kassia Marta - 1027) Kass was granted leave to return home after she finished her training and before she had to report to her new duty location. She had been away from home since she left for earth to join Starfleet. She had been in training for almost ten years for a new career in counseling. She had fun at the Academes, but, her fun was strictly in the area of what she was learning. She really had no time for any social interactions, but, she did on occasion venture out to settle the longing to dance. Home had not changed except for the fact that her bedroom had been changed into a storage room for the most part. As her mom told her, they did not expect her back for some time and after she had sent them a message. Showing up out of the blue, they had been surprised and did not have the time to clean it up for her. She reassured them that together they could make enough room for her since she was not going to be there very long. Her dad, Richard, was a simple man, but, well liked in the community. He was not only a simple farmer, but, was also on the town council. He was known for his simple logic and fairness in every decision that he made. Mom, Gerry, was more a house keeper than anything else, but, just like her husband, she was a town leader among the women. Richard could only smile all the time because he was so proud of his only daughter and what she has accomplished. He talked to her constantly about the values that the Trill have and to always keep them on the forefront of her mind. Telling her that there were or would be people out there that were not good people she would have to deal with as a counselor. "just kept da chin up my girl." he kept repeating to her. All she wanted to do was make them proud of her and to help as many as she could. "Ensign," the pilot started which brought her out of her thinking. She turned to look at him, so, she could give him her undivided attention. "We will be at Geneva in about thirty minutes." "Thank you sir, it has been a pleasure traveling with you." She replied then got up and moved to the back of the Long Range Transport (LRT) Shuttle Diablo. She had to ensure that all her belongings were packed up, not that she had that much to worry about. Once that was done, she sat down to read her PADD that had her reporting instructions. She had left the Academy a month ago and her PADD, which during the last update, said that she was to report to the current CO, a Captain Lee. It also mentioned that Captain Lee was only standing in until a permanent one could arrive. Kass figured that the new CO had probably arrived since her PADD had been updated. She would just have to check once she arrived as to who was in charge. As she moved back to the front and looked out, she saw one of the largest Starbases she had ever seen. ~there has to easily be over a million people on that thing~ she thought to herself ~how am I going to do this~ "Big isn't she?" The pilot asked as he saw the look on her face. "Is she the biggest?" She asked not really knowing she had. "Maybe not the biggest, but, not many surpass her." He replied with a hint of admiration. "First time you saw one this big?" "Yes sir and I am going to work on it." She replied with a bit of skepticism. "You will make it, Ensign, Everyone does. Don't let her size get to you, once inside it will seem smaller." He tried to calm her fears. She looked at him, "I hope you are right sir." She replied with a smile and sat back to wait for the finish of their docking maneuvers. (Posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva - CO's Office - Colonel T'Vanek - 1045)   "Come in."   T'Vanek stepped inside the door and came to attention before the desk. "Colonel T'Vanek and the 1st Geneva Company, reporting for duty as ordered, Captain." (posted by Trout) (Starbase Geneva, COs Office, CO Lise Arianna, 1047)   "Colonel T'Vanek and the 1st Geneva Company, reporting for duty as ordered, Captain."   Lise looked at T'Vanek, a man she had once served with before.  "At ease Colonel, good to see you again."  She started, "As it stands now, our Marine Corp is not entirely doing 'business as usual' so the reason you're here, as I understand it is to liaise with Security and help them with their efforts so that we can guard the station against possible attacks."   (Reply T'Vanek)   "Excellent, any other questions?"   (Reply T'Vanek)   "Dismissed."   Lise watched as T'Vanek left and she returned to her paperwork. (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva - Docking bay - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1112) Kassia shook the Pilot's hand as the both of them were exiting the shuttle. "Thanks again sir for the ride." She said as smiled back at him then turned to head for the Customs official. Once the line shortened and it was her time, the Customs Official looked her up and down. "Anything to declare on your or in your bags, Ensign?" He asked her as he looked back down at his paper work. "Ensign Kassia Marta, No sir just the required, as I was told from my last duty Station." She replied firmly with a smile. She did not want to get started as sounding like a weakling and would be afraid of her own shadow. She had to step aside to let the other person working with the Customs Official scan her for any hidden items then they went through her personal belongings, looking at each and every items carefully. "Move on and welcome to Geneva." The second man said as he left her things on the counter for her to put back. "Can I ask a question sir?" She asked as she started to replace her items. "Make it quick, we got more than just you coming aboard." He replied being short with her. "Who is the Current Commanding Officer?" She asked finally standing up straight as she had finally finished putting all her stuff back in her bags. He looked at her for a moment, then as he chuckled, " why Captain Arianna of course. Where you been all your time in Starfleet Ensign? On some backward planet? Move on, we have work to do ." He finished then turned from her as if she never existed to him. "Well, thank you sir." She replied nicely no matter how acted to her. Picking up her belongings, she looked around for the way out to the rest of the station. Upon finding it she made her way to it only to stop by a stop that said that new personnel needed to stop there to acquire quarters. This she did and the one there she assumed was either the quartermaster or one that worked with the QM offered to take her belongs to her quarters as she checked in with her supervisor. She was happy that at last someone was helpful and she let him arrange that for her. Then off she was in the direction that he had instructed her to the bridge. (Posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva - Main Operations - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1120) Kassia had finally managed to arrive on the Operations center, it had taken her a bit of time as she kept looking around at the wonderful sights that abounded on Geneva. She had not taken the turbolift straight there as she wanted to look around, but, now she was finally there.. She hoped that the Captain had not been informed that she was on board, if she had been, then she was probably wondering why it took Kass so long to arrive. "Permission to enter to report to the Captain" she asked before exited the turbolift. Someone that was walking around that looked as though they were the one in charge turned and answered her.   "Permission granted," replied Lieutenant Casely. She exited to walk up to the one that had answered her. She stopped in front of them at attention, "Sir, I am Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta, the new Starbase counselor. I am required to report to the Captain, could you possibly direct me there?" She asked still at attention. "At ease Ensign. I'm the station 2O/TAC/SC, although our FO still hasn't arrived so I'm doing double duty, my name is Lieutenant Paul Casely," stated Casely extending his hand, "You'll find the Captain's office just through these doors and down the hall a bit. You can't miss it." "Thank you sir." She replied then headed in the direction that had been indicated. As she stopped at the door, she pushed the door chime then waited. "Enter" she heard a few moments later and she took a deep breath then entered. (Posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva - Captains Office - Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta - 1132) Kassia quickly looked around the room to make sure where the captain was sitting then walked straight to the front of her desk. Stopping the correct distance that she was taught in the academy, at attention and looking behind the captain not in her eyes. "Sir, Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta, Reporting for duty." She said in a firm but soft voice. (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1136)   Lise smiled as she watched the newest ensign report in.  ~Wow, so many new faces, what a day!~  Lise though to herself.   "Sir, Ensign (jg) Kassia Marta, Reporting for duty"   Lise smiled as she looked at the young Ensign.  "Welcome aboard Ensign.  Please, have a seat!"  Arianna said she watched as Ensign Marta took a seat across from her.   (Reply Marta)   "Well Ensign, what can you tell me about yourself?"  She asked, wanting to know a bit more about this woman who was going to be the station's new counselor.   (Reply Marta)   "I see.  Well then, this should prove to be most exciting!"  Arianna stated.  "Currently, we do not have anyone onboard in Medical but I am expecting our acting CMO to be coming onboard later this afternoon.  Her name is Dr. Eistal."   (Reply Marta)   "As far as I can tell, that's about it.  Do you have any questions?"   (Reply Marta)   "Well then, Counselor, welcome aboard.  Please see the quartermaster for your quarter's assignment and I look forward to working with you."  Arianna said as she stood and extended her hand to the woman.   (Reply Marta)   Lise smiled.  "Dismissed."  She watched as Marta exited the room and then continued on with her paperwork.  ~Check mark beside Counselor~  She thought. (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, COUNS Ensign(jg) Kassia Marta, 11.40) "Welcome aboard Ensign. Please, have a seat!" Kass saw the CO smile as she spoke to her. She then looked at the chair beside her and moved over to sit as instructed. She did not let her guard down and sat at attention. She just did not know how to react to this Captain just yet. Maybe in time, she thought to herself, she could relax around her. "Thank you sir." Was all she said with a smile and firm yet friendly as she sat. "Well Ensign, what can you tell me about yourself?" the Captain asked her. ~she would have to ask that~ Kass thought to herself quickly ~now where do I start and how much do I say.~ "Well sir," Kass started, "there is so much that I could say, but, I am sure you don't have the time for me to go that direction." She looked at the pile of work on the Captain's desk then added, "even if you would want to. What I will say is that I have wanted to help people all my life. I really did not want to become a doctor, as I have been one before. Well, let me say that one of my other hosts was a Medical practioner and I wanted to see how exciting being a Counselor would be." "I see. Well then, this should prove to be most exciting!" Arianna stated. "Currently, we do not have anyone onboard in Medical but I am expecting our acting CMO to be coming onboard later this afternoon. Her name is Dr. Eistal." "Well if anything comes about, I can do minor medical procedures if there is a need. Is there anything else I need to know?" Kass asked "As far as I can tell, that's about it. Do you have any questions?" ~How far should I go in asking things~ Kass thought now really knowing just how much she could ask. "Well one thing I guess I really need to know right off is, do you have any assignments for me?" Kass asked thinking that if anything she would know if there was any pressing assignment that she needed to get on first. (Reply Lisa) "Well," Kass said trying to think of other questions to ask while she had the Captains ear. "You will call me if anything comes up?" Then she regretted saying that as of course the captain would call her if something came up. "When do you want me to get started?" Kass asked not knowing what else to say. (Reply Lise) "Yes sir, I will be in my quarters putting things in order there." Kass answered then thought of something, "Oh, one more thing, where is my office?" (Reply Lise) "Thanks, I believe that is about it for now." Kass finished. "Well then, Counselor, welcome aboard. Please see the quartermaster for your quarter's assignment and I look forward to working with you." Arianna said as she stood and extended her hand to the woman. "Uh I have talked to the Quartermaster already Sir. He is having my things delivered there as we speak and I look forward to working with you also." Kass took the Captain's offered hand and shook it as she stood up. Kass could feel that she had been silently dismissed. Lise smiled. "Dismissed." (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva, COs Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1145)   Lise smiled at the young woman across from her as she spoke:  "Well one thing I guess I really need to know right off is, do you have any assignments for me?"   Lise shook her head; "There aren't any specific assignments that stand out, but then again, I just received possession of the station this morning.  Other than the routine meetings with all the senior staff upon arrival on a new station, I can't really think of anything at the moment.  However --"  Lise said as she gestured to the mountains that engulfed her desk.  "It is possible that there is something, but I haven't gotten to it quite yet."   "Well,"  Ensign Marta started, "You will call me if anything comes up?"   Lise nodded.    Marta continued, "When do you want me to get started?"   Arianna looked at her and smiled, "Well, perhaps after you get settled, you might like to draw up a schedule to see the senior officers.  However, you may want to do it tomorrow morning if your schedule permits as there is a social function starting in the afternoon and stretching into the evening!  I'm sure details about it will be in your message box in your quarters."   "Yes sir, I will be in my quarters putting things in order there.... Oh, one more thing, where is my office?"    Lise smiled.  "That's a good question."  She picked up a PADD and checked it to make sure that the counselor’s office hadn't been moved in the time she'd been away from the station.  "It's still there."  She said, "Deck nineteen for all your counseling needs!  Your office is there as well."   "Thanks, I believe that is about it for now."  The counselor stated.   Lise welcomed the woman again and there were a few more exchanges of conversation before she said: "Dismissed."   Lise watched as Ensign Marta left the room and then suppressed a groan as she looked at the piles around her.  Somehow, they didn't seem to be getting any smaller.   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva, Crawlspace just alongside Main Engineering, SPC Vetaniuk, 1220)   "Almost got it..." Oksana said as she reached a couple pf centimetres to her left.   Just then her COM badge sounded and she instinctively moved her hand to activate it.  This caused her precariously balanced position and caused her to roll off the side of the access panel that she's somehow perched herself upon and land with a thud in the middle of the grates that lined the crawlspace.   "Ouch!"  She said as she rubbed head.   =^=Doctor Engtamn-Jensi to Oksana please. =^=   "Vetaniuk here..."  Oksana replied slowly as the pain receded.   "I was... umm... told by Ensign McLaren to talk to you about how I could help.  I'm the Acting CSO, I will help you with anything except weapons and weapon systems."   "Got it.. Doctor... umm... I missed your last name sir?"   (Reply EJ)   "Ah, Engtamn-Jensi, that's right -- that sounds great, we're currently in the middle of massive repairs and so anything could be helpful.  I'm currently tied up at the moment, but if you could make your way down to engineering, I'm sure there are a plethora of people down there who can help you find something to do."  She continued in her thick -Slavic accent.   (Reply EJ)   "Or, you could do that, yes.  That sounds like a good plan."   (Reply EJ)   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 34, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1226)   "Doctor Engtamn-Jensi to Oksana please."   =^=Vetaniuk here...=^=  Oksana replied slowly.   "I was... umm... told by Ensign McLaren to talk to you about how I could help.  I'm the Acting CSO, I will help you with anything except weapons and weapon systems."   =^=Got it.. Doctor... umm... I missed your last name sir?=^=   "I am Doctor Engtamn-Jensi... I apologize for utilizing your first name, it was all I was told by Mr. McLaren," said Engtamn.   =^=Ah, Engtamn-Jensi, that's right -- that sounds great, we're currently in the middle of massive repairs and so anything could be helpful.  I'm currently tied up at the moment, but if you could make your way down to engineering, I'm sure there are a plethora of people down there who can help you find something to do.=^=  She continued in her thick -Slavic accent.   "I understand, perhaps they need systems and hardware checked in Sickbay. I do not believe we've done any diagnostics there and it might be most important," said Engtamn, knowing that it would be mostly empty and he wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of people crawling about.   =^=Or, you could do that, yes.  That sounds like a good plan.=^=   "Thank you, I will go there directly. Engtamn-Jensi out," stated Engtamn softly.   (Posted by Jeff) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17 Main Medical Center, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1237)   Engtamn walked into the medical center and looked around. He pulled out his tricorder and began to scan the circuits and then walked to the computer systems and began running diagnostics. ~This will take several hours,~ he thought to himself as he worked.   (Posted by Jeff) (Starbase Geneva, CO's Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1300)   Lise put down another PADD and rubbed her eyes.  They were tired, she'd been reading for such a long time and she could no longer remember precisely everything that she had read.  It was about time for her to take a break.  Just as she was entertaining that thought, the door chime rang:   "Come in"  She called.   "Captain Arianna, Dr. Eistal reporting in for duty, sir."  Stated the brown haired woman who now stood across from Arianna's desk.   "Dr. Eistal."  Arianna said courtly, she'd been thinking of taking a break but this wasn't what she'd had in mind.  "Please have a seat."   The doctor sat.  Lise waited but Eistal did not speak.   "Dr. Eistal, I know that you and I have had this conversation before, and quite frankly I am surprised to see you on Geneva again."  She said in a firm, but not unkind tone.   "I understand that sir."  Was Eistal's quiet response.   Arianna continued, "We expect the highest standards aboard Geneva and will not tolerate any misdemeanours from its officers, or their children.  I trust I make myself clear?  Those children of yours need to behave themselves.  This isn't the situation we used to be in, we're in the middle of a war and this station is one of the major centres for ship transfers.  We can't have them golfing about and causing damage.  In addition, we are rather short staffed and so we don't exactly have the extra security guards that necessarily are required to police your children!"   Lise watched as the face of her CMO tried to remain relatively neutral, but she heard echoing in her head: ::That's because they're all policing you!::   Lise's eyes narrowed.  "You forget Ms. Eistal, that *I* am also telepathic, I shall remind you to guard your thoughts."  Lise did not wait for the Doctor to reply, instead she continued in the same even, cutting tone: "I trust I have made myself clear, Doctor?  Good."  She said, again without waiting for Deirdra's response.  "Dismissed."   With that Lise watched as the woman rose and silently left the room.  Lise was livid.  She knew, it was only a matter of time before everyone knew.  The kids probably knew, everyone would know.  This was going to be more than just a command -- now she knew what it would be like to live an eternity in gre'thor.  ~Perhaps I'm already there~  She mused silently before returning to her work.   (Posted by Katherine)   (Starbase Geneva, Ready Room, SPC Dr. Eistal, 1307)   The CO bade Deirdra to take a seat.  She did, but didn't speak.  ~I know she's waiting for me to speak, but really, there's nothing to say~  She thought.  Deirdra was careful to shield her mind as she was a telepath also and did not want the Captain to be able to have easy access to her mind.   "Dr. Eistal," the CO began, "I know that you and I have had had this conversation before, and quite frankly  I am surprised to see you on Geneva again."   Deirdra looked over at Arianna and lowered her head.  It was true, when the Eistal family had come aboard the last time it had been during the docking of the Nimitz and the triplets had caused so much trouble, it was unsure if they would even be permitted to transfer through Starbase Geneva in the future.   "I understand that sir."  Deirdra said quietly and silently.    Deirdra listened to what the Captain was saying, but the more she spoke, the more resentful she became.  The more she remembered precisely what was in that article from the Klingon monthly, that bit about how she'd dishonoured basically everyone and had fought the rebel cause.  Deirdra herd Arianna continue on her rant: "This isn't the situation we used to be in, we're in the middle of a war and this station is one of the major centres for ship transfers.  We can't have them golfing about and causing damage.  In addition, we are rather short staffed and so we don't exactly have the extra security guards that necessarily are required to police your children!"   ~That's because they're all policing you!~  Deirdra thought harshly as she tried to keep her face in a neutral position.   But as soon as that thought had entered unbidden into Deirdra's head, she realised it was a mistake.  The demeanour of her CO (which hadn't been all that great to start with) took a dive for the worse.  "You forget Ms. Eistal, that *I* am also telepathic, I shall remind you to guard your thoughts."   Deirdra was about to reply to that statement but was instead cut off, "I trust I have made myself clear, Doctor?  Good.  Dismissed."   Deirdra wasn't quite sure how to take the CO's final statements, but she knew that the CO had inadvertedly received her thoughts and had understood their meaning ~hit a nerve, did they?~  She wondered curiously.  She stood and quickly exited the room.   ~Maybe there's more than meets the eye, maybe I need to get some sort of information from the others and see what they know.  But first off, I should check on the kids.... and then report into sickbay.  Acting CMO, what the heck were they thinking?~   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 3, Random Corridor, The Triplets De'Ktor, 1315)   As soon the three had gotten off the shuttle craft, had they been placed in Deirdra's quarters while she went to report in.  The minute the door had closed behind them, V'Staq looked over at his two siblings.  "We're back!"  He said in an evil voice.    It had been a while since the triplets had been aboard, but this still was one of their most favourite places to be in the world.  Geneva, the USS Nimitz, they both ranked high in their books.  "But this brig is more comfortable."  V'Tral said as if reading his siblings minds.    It wasn't as if the triplets TRIED to get in trouble, in fact, they were just random innovative children who had a flair for the imagination.  A flair that happened to wind them in TROUBLE that is, but that wasn't something that they regularly thought about -- usually it was one of those unforeseen consequences to their actions.  Teachers and mentors had consistently tried to impress upon these three young youths that they needed to use their brains to reason what possibly could go wrong when they commenced one of their endeavours.   They tried, but usually weren't capable of figuring out what would come next.  They usually were just trying things out to see what happened, and after all, if you don't know what's going to happen, how can you tell what's going to happen and therefore figure out that you can't get in trouble from not doing it.  Right?  Well, that was their reasoning at least.   B'Etak had looked at her two brothers scoldingly.  "Now listen."  She'd said, trying to be the voice of 'reason', "Deirdra has JUST been assigned here, and I don't think that we should go wandering about."   "We're not going to go wandering about B'Etak."  V'Staq said in an annoyed tone.  "That would suggest that we don't know where we're going.  And we know precisely where we're going, we know this ship like the back of our hands so..."   He paused as he pulled out three cowboy hats and lassos, "we're goin' to take over this hear station and have us some hog-tiein' fun."   "V'Staq!"  B'Etak warned.   But he was already passing a hat to his brother.  "Really, B'Etak "  V'Tral said in a patronizing voice, "You of all people should have interest in this, it's all about the physics of the lasso and what trajectory you need to release it from in order to obtain the desired object."   B'Etak looked at her two brothers, and saw how utterly ridiculous they looked in their cowboy hats, holding their lassos and having bandanna's tied around their necks.  It looked strange up against the twenty-seventh century attire that they were in the process of wearing.   "Ok, so here are the rules:"  V'Staq said beginning to explain what would be the De'Ktor's latest exploit game to the other two.   "If you rope a pole, or any inanimate object that is less than a metre high, it is two points. If you rope an alive animal that is non-sentient, it is four points. If you rope a small object that is less than a metre it is three points and if it moves, it is four. If you rope a civilian, it is five points. BUT with all respects to Deirdra, if you rope a Starfleet officer, it's negative three. However, admirals are ten points a piece!"   He laughed.  So did V'Tral.  B'Etak did not look amused.   "Alright, here we go..."  The three said as they gathered around in a circle and put their hands in the middle.  "One two three, GO!"   And with that the three had crawled through the Jeffries tubes, in an effort to rope their prey!   That had been nearly twenty minutes ago.  V'Staq currently had eight points, V'Tral six and B'Etak had only five.  Then V'Staq decided that (even though he hadn't really meant it when he'd said it), checking into the admiralty's whereabouts would be a good idea.   So the three had managed to manoeuvre their way up to the command deck and were walking slinking along the corridors, careful not to be seen and therefore asked how they'd managed to get up there.  They checked in all the offices they found, but the majority of them were empty.    ~I guess no admirals today~  V'Staq thought.   ~Hmmm....  I dunno about this...~  V'Tral hesitated.   ~I WANT TO GO HOME!  THIS IS SUCH A BAD IDEA!~  B'Etak's conscious screamed.   But they had to honour their brother's turn and see what came of it.  ~Please let him find nothing and decide to go home.  Please, please.~   And then, B'Etak heard the words she'd been waiting to hear:   "There's no one here right now, well at least no one with roping potential.  I think we should go."  And so, they went.   They figured perhaps they would make their way to the medical facility so that they could visit Deirdra -- and plus, maybe she'd have something good in her office that they could rope! (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 1, Ops, Ensign McLaren, 1406) "We can run that level 3 diagnostic if you would like," stated McLaren. Paul suppressed a chuckle as he eyed the Ensign. "Mr. McLaren, have you forgotten what a level 3 diagnostic is? Its half diagnostic by computer and half you and other engineers pulling apart systems and testing them by hand. It will take hours to complete. The reason I asked to come up was so we could schedule a time when it would be convenient," stated Paul. He picked up a PADD and grinned, “It seems that traffic in and out of the station is lightest at around 0200. What say we schedule it for Stardate 2407.01.03 at 0200? Does that suit your schedule?" asked Paul. "Yeah, no worries sir." "Good! Now, I'm going for lunch. I've been standing at this post for over 5 hours without anything to eat. Always relieve your crew before yourself. I think I'll hit the Olde Stone. Care to join me Ensign? You look like you haven't had anything to eat in hours. It will give us a chance to get acquainted," said Paul with a smile. "Sure." "Excellent. Now I just have to log out here," Paul pushed a few keys, "Ensign Yalrath, you have the conn." With that, Paul strode out of OPs with McLaren following. (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Old Stone, Ensign McLaren, 1420) Paul motioned to a table and sat down. "So, Ensign, tell me about yourself," said Paul with a smile. "Well gees, where do I start." Matthew said with a laugh. "I was born on earth but my parents moved to Rigel 7. Shocking place, my parents were killed in the mines so I had to get out of there and went to Andoria to live with my uncle. He was a looser though, in debt like you'd never believe, a smuggler, a drunk. I got out of there pretty quick and have pretty much just wandered ever since, picking up work here and there." Matthew finished. ~that was the short version~ he thought to himself. "So how bout you?" McLaren asked. (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Old Stone,2O/TAC/SC - Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1422) Paul motioned to a table and sat down.   "So, Ensign, tell me about yourself," said Paul with a smile.   "Well gees, where do I start?" Matthew said with a laugh. "I was born on Earth but my parents moved to Rigel 7. Shocking place, my parents were killed in the mines so I had to get out of there and went to Andoria to live with my uncle. He was a loser though, in debt like you'd never believe, a smuggler, a drunk. I got out of there pretty quick and have pretty much just wandered ever since, picking up work here and there." Matthew finished. ~that was the short version~ he thought to himself.   "So how about you?" McLaren asked.   Paul looked at Matt and considered his reply, "Well, its nothing as interesting as your story. I spent a lot of time in studies... in fact I was just a few steps away from joint doctorates in tactical history and interspecies diplomacy. It started to become clear that I wasn't doing that for myself, but to please my family. I left university and joined Starfleet to do what I wanted to do. Things have been... difficult... with my family since," said Paul.   (Reply McLaren iyw)   "In terms of how I came to be 2O on this station, that still kind of baffles me. I was posted out of the Academy as Assistant Tactical Chief of the USS Nimitz. In the course of one of my first few missions, the Security Chief and the Tactical Chief were both killed. I made some either good or lucky decisions and found myself promoted very quickly. When that mission ended I was offered this placement and accepted.  Now I'm trying to help get this station up and running," stated Paul in response.   (Reply McLaren iyw)   Paul lowered his voice, "So... your uncle was involved in smuggling was he? That's interesting... we'll have to have a talk in a more 'private' location about that sometime."   (Posted by Jeff) (Starbase Geneva, deck 28, The Olde Stone, Ensign JG McLaren, 1425) "So tell me, is Jopek still harassing cadets at the Academy? I'll never forget my 'graduation speech' from him, it pretty much amounted to here's your diploma, good job, get the heck out of my office." Paul laughed while remembering that. ”Yeah, same old, To be perfectly honest I was glad to get out of there, he seemed a bit to good for me all the time." Matthew said with a grin. (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Olde Stone, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1430)   "So tell me, is Jopek still harassing cadets at the Academy? I'll never forget my 'graduation speech' from him, it pretty much amounted to here's your diploma, good job, get the heck out of my office," Paul laughed. "Yeah, same old. To be perfectly honest I was glad to get out of there, he seemed a bit to good for me all the time," Matthew said with a grin.   "Nah, he's just a typical Vulcan. He doesn't have emotions and figures no one else will either. One of those things I guess," said Paul with a grin as he dug into the hamburger sitting in front of him. Eventually lunch was finished and Paul stood up.   "Well, I suppose we should get back to it, this station isn't going to run herself," stated Paul as they exited the Olde Stone.   (Reply Matthew)   The pair walked through the promenade, and saw a large crowd gathered around a central point. Straining to hear, Paul and Matthew could hear a man shouting at the top of his lungs at the crowd.   "...and we trust every manner of strange creature walking around on this station! Those green blooded demons the Vulcans, who for years held our people back and didn't give them the information they needed! Those disgusting Klingons, once our enemies, but now we want to be friends. All manner of strange creatures ranging around our ships and stations, toxic Bolians, smelly Grazerites, and those Betazoids, reading our minds and stealing our secrets... just because they look like us, doesn't mean we can trust them. An Alien is an Alien!" screamed the human male at the assembled crowd of mostly humans.   Paul looked at Matthew and shook his head disgustedly, "I've had about enough of this guy. Care to give me a hand? If we let this continue a riot is going to break out."   (Reply Matthew)   Paul acted quickly and decisively in managing the crowd. "All right folks, get out of here, back to your shops and business... now. Lets go." Presently Paul made his way to the speaker who was yelling at the top of his lungs about free speech and his rights as Paul took hold of him. ~I can't believe people still think this way,~ thought Paul.   "The Federation has laws against inciting riots and spreading hate you know... I think you'd better come with me," stated Paul authoritatively.   "I will NOT go with you, I do not accept your polluted multi-species laws," stated the agitator.   "Well, I'll put this another way... you will come with me now, you will stop spouting that garbage or I will stun you and carry your enlarged pungent frame to my brig and offload it there," said Paul with a flash of anger, "I will also remind you that you're on a Starfleet Starbase and you can just as easily be removed from this Starbase."   With that, the man dropped his pretense and allowed Paul to take him into custody.   Paul called over to Matthew, "How are you doing over there?.   (Reply Matthew)   "Alright, lets finish up here. We have to take Mr. Tolerant here to processing and the brig. I should also let the Captain know what's going on," called back Paul as he tapped his comm badge.   (Reply Matthew)   "Lieutenant Casely to Captain Arianna, sorry to bother you again. We've had an 'incident' on the promenade. It seems we have a gentleman who likes to try and incite riots against species that aren't human. I've taken him into custody with the help of Ensign McLaren. We'll just mop up here and process him then get back to our respective duty stations," said Paul, "Its been a busy day... is this normal when Space Stations relaunch?"   (Reply Lise)   "Well... anyway Sir, I'll take care of this little matter, he can spend the night in the brig while you read the report and decide what to do with him," stated Paul leading his prisoner to the turbolift.   (Reply Lise)   "Understood, Casely out," said Paul before turning back to Matthew, "Stick with me and I can promise you excitement," said Paul with a grin.   (Reply Matthew)   (Posted by Jeff) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28, The Olde stone, Ensign JG McLaren, 1432)   "Well, I suppose we should get back to it, this station isn't going to run herself," stated Paul as they exited the Olde Stone. "Yeah, I better get back down to engineering and help out, going to be a late night tonight." Matthew commented.   The pair walked through the promenade, and saw a large crowd gathered around a central point. Straining to hear, Paul and Matthew could hear a man shouting at the top of his lungs at the crowd. "...and we trust every manner of strange creature walking around on this station! Those green blooded demons the Vulcans, who for years held our people back and didn't give them the information they needed! Those disgusting Klingons, once our enemies, but now we want to be friends. All manner of strange creatures ranging around our ships and stations, toxic Bolians, smelly Grazerites, and those Betazoids, reading our minds and stealing our secrets... just because they look like us, doesn't mean we can trust them. An Alien is an Alien!" screamed the human male at the assembled crowd of mostly humans. Paul looked at Matthew and shook his head disgustedly, "I've had about enough of this guy. Care to give me a hand? If we let this continue a riot is going to break out." "hmmm, sounds like fun." Matthew said and quickly moved into the crowd. More people were gathering on the promenade. "Come on, lets move it on people!" Matthew yelled, ushering people to the exits. One man grabbed hold of Matthew's arm, and yelled into his face, "Do not speak to me, federation dog and do not tell me what to do." Matthew shoved him off. "I will tell you what to do sir, and unless you plan on spending a few nights in the brig I suggest you back down and get the hell out of here!" Matthew yelled back. The man glared at him and finally backed down. The crowd was diminishing but there were still people milling around. Matthew tapped his com badge =\/=Security to the promenade on deck 28, we need some crowd control down here.=\/= Matthew said into his badge. =\/=On our way=\/= the reply came. Paul called over to Matthew, "How are you doing over there?” Matthew shrugged, "Getting it under control, a security detail is on the way, they'll keep it under control." "Alright, lets finish up here. We have to take Mr. Tolerant here to processing and the brig. I should also let the Captain know what's going on," called back Paul as Paul tapped his comm badge. "Lieutenant Casely to Captain Arianna, sorry to bother you again. We've had an 'incident' on the promenade. It seems we have a gentleman who likes to try and incite riots against species that aren't human. I've taken him into custody with the help of Ensign McLaren. We'll just mop up here and process him then get back to our respective duty stations," said Paul, "Its been a busy day... is this normal when Space Stations relaunch?" (Reply Lise) "Well... anyway Sir, I'll take care of this little matter, he can spend the night in the brig while you read the report and decide what to do with him," stated Paul leading his prisoner to the turbolift. (Reply Lise) "Understood, Casely out," said Paul before turning back to Matthew, "Stick with me and I can promise you excitement," said Paul with a grin. "hmmm, sounds fun." Matthew said whilst moving some people into another turbolift. (Posted by Matthew) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, SPCs Triplets De'Ktor, 1435)   V'Staq had passed his turn on, having roped something in the hallway --- some little girl's pet canine that she had out for a walk.  V'Tral had roped a decorative plant, and now it was back to B'Etak.   They came into the main medical centre, and were so excited by the array of biobeds that awaited them.  B'Etak smiled a large toothy grin as she took the lasso over her head and then twirled it in a quasi-skilful manner.  The small loop grew, and grew, and grew and grew until she let it go and it sailed almost gracefully across the room and landed perfectly centred around a biobed.   "Ha!"  She said looking at her two brothers.  "That puts me up to twelve!  Your turn!"   V'Staq went to rope something, but what should he rope?  He looked around the room and what caught his eye was a chair that was not currently being used by a scientist that seemed rather absorbed in his work.  V'Staq smiled evilly as he brought the rope over his head and twirled it about, roping the chair quickly and skillfully, he pulled it back towards himself.  If the scientist took notice, he did not seem to show it!   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, CSO Ensign {SG} Doctor Entamn-Jensi, 1439) Engtamn was working on ensuring the medical center was up to snuff when heard several what he guessed where children come into the room. They were loud and boisterous and Engtamn noticed out of the corner of his eye they were Klingons. He felt a wave of fear go through him. ~Maybe if I'm very quiet they won't notice I'm here,~he thought to himself. They seemed to by twirling some type of rope around things. "Ha!"  She said looking at her two brothers.  "That puts me up to twelve!  Your turn!" Engtamn stood, trying to complete his work, pretending to be so absorbed that he didn't notice them. Suddenly the chair next to him got pulled back behind him. He felt a slow rise of panic... ~What if they rope me next?! Will they hurt me?~ Engtamn did not want to engage these things... he just wanted to be left alone to do his work, but they were doing harm to the sickbay. It was only a matter of time before it affected a system. Finally, Engtamn decided he had to say something. He turned slowly to face the children. "Excuse me children. This is not a designated play area. I am concerned that you are disrupting my work and may do harm to the facilities. Could you please relocate elsewhere?" asked Engtamn quietly. He blinked his huge brown eyes, waiting for a response. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Ready Room, CO Lise Arianna, 1440)   Lise sat at her desk, continuing on with her seemingly eternal drove of paperwork.  Her communicator chirped.  =^= Lieutenant Casely to Captain Arianna, sorry to bother you again.  We've had an 'incident' on the promenade.  It seems we have a gentleman who likes to try and incite riots against species that aren't human.  I've taken him into custody with the help of Ensign McLaren.  We'll just mop up here and process him then get back to our respective duty stations.  It's been a busy day... is this normal when Space stations relaunch?"   Lise frowned.  "Good work, Lieutenant and to the Ensign as well."  Lise said, "As for the business of the station during relaunch, I'm afraid that it is rather common.  But good work to the both of you."   =^= Well... anyway Sir, I'll take care of this little matter, he can spend the night in the brig while you read the report and decide what to do with him. =^=   "Understood Lieutenant, I look forward to reading your report."   =^= Understood, Casely out. =^=   Lise looked at the ever increasing mountain.  ~I can't believe this, I've sat here ALL day and that's all I've done, and more just keeps coming in.~  She rolled her eyes.  ~Unbelievable~ (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, SPCs V'Tral, B'EtaK and V'Staq of the house of De'Ktor, 1444)   "Excuse me children."  Came a quiet voice.  "This is not a designated play area.  I am concerned that you are disrupting my work and may do harm to the facilities.  Could you please relocate elsewhere?"   The triplets looked at one another, in a semi-state of shock.  Never had they been approached in such a calm and un-angered manner by an adult.  Usually there was screaming and shouting, and several phrases uttered in a variety of languages, mostly followed by the word can't.  There was usually a lot of the word 'can't', but that was beside the point.  The three were perplexed as to what they should do.  It was usually so easy -- when someone said no, they said yes, when they were told can't they tried 'can' -- that was the way it was.  But please relocate elsewhere -- this was something new all together.   V'Staq tried to speak to man across from them:  "But we're not causing damage.  And we're not really playing."   (Reply EJ)   "Honest, we're not playing."  V'Tral piped up.  "We're investigating."   Now it was B'EtaK's turn.  "Yes, the absolute physics in the throwing of a lasso.  Would you like to help us?  You're dressed in blue, that makes you medical or scientific -- either way, I bet you like to do experiments -- and I bet you're good at physics.  Physics is my favourite subject!"   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1448)   Paul led his prisoner to the Security Center with Ensign McLaren behind him. He looked at Matthew, "Ensign, could you take the prisoner in hand and put him in Cell 2 after processing please?"   (Reply Matthew)   Paul let go of the prisoner and watched Matthew take him in hand. Paul sat down at his desk and began working his computer.   "Name," requested Paul.   The large man sighed, "Dean Benford... don't know why you asked, that computer knows us all anyway."   Paul looked at the man and sneered, "Hardly the point..." After inputting the name a whole host of information flashed on the screen. This wasn't the first time he'd been up to these tricks... ~Turns out Mr. Benford was the head of an organization called Humans for Humanity. Stupid name, ~ Paul thought.   "Is it just you here, or are there other members of your organization skulking around the Starbase?" asked Paul in a none to happy tone.   "Who knows?" replied Benford with a smug grin.   "No matter, we have your number now," stated Paul, "Ensign, if you'd do the honour of showing our guest his 'suite' in Cell 2."   (reply Matthew)   With that Paul left the Ensign to that duty and turned back to completing his report. When he finished he shipped it up to Captain Ariana and waited for Matthew to return.   "Well, that was fun, wasn't it Ensign?" said Paul with a grin, "You raised the force field and made sure it was working properly?"   (Reply Matthew)   "Excellent, we should probably get back to work..." trailed off Paul as he headed towards the turbolift, "We still have to get things operating properly here." For some reason, Paul didn't think this would be the last they'd hear of Dean Benford and Humans for Humanity.   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center, Ensign Matthew McLaren, 1449) Paul led his prisoner to the Security Center with Ensign McLaren behind him. He looked at Matthew, "Ensign, could you take the prisoner in hand and put him in Cell 2 after processing please?" "It'd be a pleasure." Matthew replied.   Paul let go of the prisoner and watched Matthew take him in hand. Paul sat down at his desk and began working his computer. "Name," requested Paul. The large man sighed, "Dean Benford... don't know why you asked, that computer knows us all anyway." Paul looked at the man and sneered, "Hardly the point..." After inputting the name a whole host of information flashed on the screen. This wasn't the first time he'd been up to these tricks... ~Turns out Mr. Benford was the head of an organization called Humans for Humanity. Matthew chuckled at this name. "Is it just you here, or are there other members of your organization skulking around the Starbase?" asked Paul in a none too happy tone. "Who knows?" replied Benford with a smug grin. "No matter, we have your number now," stated Paul, "Ensign, if you'd do the honour of showing our guest his 'suite' in Cell 2." Matthew moved out of the office and into a corridor with the man in front of him. They turned a corner and were now out of Lieutenant Casely's view. All of a sudden the man turned and spat into Matthew's face. Matthew grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall. "Listen to me. I don't know what your trying to prove but it isn't working. I could have you charged for that on top of the charges you have already. But I won't do that, so you should feel privileged  because I rarely am generous towards people I don't like. Now get in there!" Matthew snarled at the man and pointed at the cell. The man just stood there. "Move!" Matthew yelled and the man backed slowly into the cell. Matthew to a console nearby and tapped a few keys and the force field fritzed on. After checking the integrity McLaren took one last look at the man who just sat glaring at him.   As Matthew walked into the office Paul looked up from his work.   "Well, that was fun, wasn't it Ensign?" said Paul with a grin, "You raised the force field and made sure it was working properly?" "Yes sir." "Excellent, we should probably get back to work..." trailed off Paul as he headed towards the turbolift, "We still have to get things operating properly here." (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Quarters, COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta, 1450) Kass had walked into her new quarters to find that actually it was probably bigger than the room she had back home. She had not brought much as she did not expect that she would have much room to place things. She had stood at the door taking in the sight and thanking her lucky stars for gaining acceptance into Starfleet. Now she just had to perform above their expectations to show they did not make a mistake. Before Kass had started to place things, she went around and opened every door and drawer to let Angel explore. Angel needed to see what was in every corner of the new place. This was the normal ritual between Kass and Angel. Kass pulled out the picture that she had taken with her when she headed off to the academy, one of her with her dad and mom, to place it on the night stand near her bed. She sat there staring at it for a few minutes before getting back up and continuing her placement of things. =/\=Ensign Marta, please report to Main Ops.=/\= had came out of the blue and slightly startled her, but, she quickly recovered. Moving to where she had placed her comm badge, picking it up she tapped the crystal. "Ensign Marta here, I will be there shortly sir." She said and then started to change back into her uniform. Once she changed, she headed out to Operations. ~Well there goes the day off~ Kass thought to herself as she left. (Posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 17, Main Medical Centre, CSO Ensign Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1451)   Engtamn watched as the children seemed floored. He hadn't been overly aggressive or angry. He had just plainly stated his concerns... at least that's what he had thought he'd done.   V'Staq tried to speak to man across from them:  "But we're not causing damage.  And we're not really playing."   Engtamn cocked his head slightly and observed the group, "I do understand you have not caused damage yet, however you must agree, the potential is there. Had you have accidentally tipped that chair into a control panel or a bio bed, it could have caused damage which I would have then had to fix. Unfortunately, with the station in its present state, there are not enough of us to fix things," said Engtamn softly, "I do not understand, however, your assertion that you are not playing. There is nothing wrong with play, it is important for all species."   "Honest, we're not playing."  V'Tral piped up.  "We're investigating."   Now it was B'EtaK's turn.  "Yes, the absolute physics in the throwing of a lasso.  Would you like to help us?  You're dressed in blue, that makes you medical or scientific -- either way, I bet you like to do experiments -- and I bet you're good at physics.  Physics is my favourite subject!"   Engtamn regarded the children and smiled slightly and then nodded, "I do a great deal of work in physics and indeed work in scientific, but I do not know lasso. I cannot be derelict in my duties and must complete them as I am concerned with the welfare of all. However, perhaps when I am off duty I can help you with some physics experiments. I would appreciate it though, if I am left to complete my necessary adjustments in this area... or I will never get to be off duty. Could you please lasso someplace where it is not possible for you to damage equipment by accident? When I conduct my experiments I always try to do them where I cannot accidentally do harm to others or equipment."   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant Paul Casely, 1458) Paul strode back into Main Ops and returned to the chair that had become so familiar to him. He turned to the Ensign he had left on the conn. "Ensign Yalrath, have there been any problems?" asked Paul. The response came quickly from young woman, "No Sir, we had a freighter come in and that was about it." "Very good Ensign. Please signal to the new Counselor... what was her name again?" asked Paul. "That would be Ensign Marta, Sir," responded Yalrath. Paul considered for a moment... ~it could be problematic, but still, she should be apprised~ Paul thought as he spoke into the intercom, "Ensign Marta, please report to Main Ops." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva - Main Ops - COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta - 1500) Kass had met the lieutenant that very morning when she came in to see the Captain. He had been nice enough to direct her to the captain but she had not spent time to talk with him. She had thought that she would possibly first thing in the morning. She knew that the best laid plans were always the first thing that went down the tubes. It seems that she was going to get to know him today or at least get some assignment from him. She exited the turbo lift on to the main operations deck and walked over to the Lieutenant that called her. He also happens to be the second officer of the station and seeing that he is also the Security/Tactical chief, it had to be something about that but she was at a lost as to what it had to do with her. "Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta reporting as ordered sir." She said as she stopped by him. (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva - Main Ops - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1502) Paul was looking again at the information on Benford, considering how he would advise the captain on dealing with him. He needed to know what he was dealing with and had therefore called the counsellor. "Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta reporting as ordered sir." She said as she stopped by him. Paul looked at the young Trill woman standing in front of him and considered things for a moment. "Thank you for your promptness. I have some matters to deal with involving both security and command of this station and need a professional opinion. Perhaps we can move to one of the briefing rooms on this deck. My office is several decks below and I need to be close at hand in case something happens in Ops," said Paul. (Reply Marta) "Excellent, if you'll come this way please," said Paul as he exited Main Ops and headed towards one of the briefing rooms. (Posted by Jeff) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1505) Paul activated the viewing screen in the briefing room and called up Dean Benford's file, complete with photo. He felt a wave of disgust as he saw the face flash before him. "Ensign, I want you to meet Dean Benford, an important placed member of an anti-alien group known as Humans for Humanity. Today I took him into custody for attempting to incite a riot on the promenade. I'm afraid that the group may have a presence on this station," stated Paul grimly. (Reply Marta) "I need you to give me some kind of psychological profile on this man. He is currently in Main Security, in the brig. You're welcome to question him, but I can assure you he won't like you. How you proceed with your psychological profile is up to you. You can rely on the files available or you can try meeting him. If you decide to meet him I'll send an appropriate security detail," stated Paul. (Reply Marta) "Beyond some shoving and some spitting he hasn't shown himself to be overly dangerous. In fact, the true danger with him is in his words, his attitudes, and his skills as an orator. All I know is that before I decide to give the Captain advice on how to deal with him, I need to know more about him than what I see on this screen," said Paul, "You're the person best suited at the moment to do that." (Reply Marta) "Its a nasty job, and he's a nasty man but its important that we try to come up with a way to combat him and his group, if they exist in any numbers on this station," intoned Paul while raising his eyebrows in sympathy for the young Trill in front of him. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - COUNS Ensign(JG) Marta - 1510) As they walked into the briefing room, Kass watched Lieutenant Casely activate the viewing screen. The Lt. then brought up what looked like a file on an individual that she figured he was going to talk to her about. ~is this going to be my first job?~ She asked herself as she began to read what was there beside his photo. ~Humans for Humanities, that does sound like my first job~ She thought as she read down and listening to Casely. "Ensign, I want you to meet Dean Benford, an important placed member of an anti-alien group known as Humans for Humanity. Today I took him into custody for attempting to incite a riot on the promenade. I'm afraid that the group may have a presence on this station," Lt. Casely reported to her. ~The Lt does not particularly like this person~ Kass thought as she picked up the sound of his voice. "Ok, if I understand you correctly, he has broken a law, or what you call it on the station, for tying to incite a riot. It seems to me that you have him incarcerated for some time because of that. So, sir, what is it that you want me to do for you?" She asked already knowing about what he was going to ask her. "I need you to give me some kind of psychological profile on this man. He is currently in Main Security, in the brig. You're welcome to question him, but I can assure you he won't like you. How you proceed with your psychological profile is up to you. You can rely on the files available or you can try meeting him. If you decide to meet him I'll send an appropriate security detail," Lt. Casely restated the obvious after she had read the bio. "So, He actually gotten violent with the other species on the station then. If he feels that strongly against what he would call, Aliens, I would have thought that an attack would have happened already. Has it?" Kass asked "Beyond some shoving and some spitting he hasn't shown himself to be overly dangerous. In fact, the true danger with him is in his words, his attitudes, and his skills as an orator. All I know is that before I decide to give the Captain advice on how to deal with him, I need to know more about him than what I see on this screen," Lt. Case replied as he pointed at the file showing on the screen. "You're the person best suited at the moment to do that." Kass got up to walk over to the screen, she looked at the photo closer as if she could gather some feeling from it about the man. She knew that getting across to a person that thought he hated all alien races was not going to be an easy job. She also knew that it was her job to try, not only because of the Lieutenant wanting it but because she was trained to do just this. "I will try my best to find out what you want. I want to try and do this alone at first as I want to try to gain his trust. I can't do that with an armed escort now can I." She replied as she turned to look at the Lieutenant. "Its a nasty job, and he's a nasty man but its important that we try to come up with a way to combat him and his group, if they exist in any numbers on this station," Casely said trying to explain the why that he needed the info and she agree with him. ~Is that a look of sympathy?~ Kass thought as she looked at him, ~if so, is it for me or Benford~. "Sir, could you have that file sent to my office or made available to me? I want to study it a bit more before I go see Mr. Benford." Kass asked ready to get to work on the case. (Casely) "Thank you sir, if that is it, I would like to head to my office and study him a bit before going to meet him." Kass replied thoughtfully as she started having thoughts as to the things she wanted to look at. (Casely) Nodding to the Lieutenant, she left the room. So goes the first real meeting between her and the second officer. Kass thought that it went well and if she could accomplish this, he might even start to trust her judgement. (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva - Deck 1, Briefing Room 2 - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1513) Paul knew that this could be a difficult assignment for the Ensign, but the information was necessary. "Sir, could you have that file sent to my office or made available to me? I want to study it a bit more before I go see Mr. Benford." Kass asked ready to get to work on the case. Paul nodded, "Absolutely. In fact, for now take this." Paul handed her the PADD he had stored some of the initial information on. As he was both in security and a command officer on the station he could access the information at any time from anywhere. "Thank you sir, if that is it, I would like to head to my office and study him a bit before going to meet him." Kass replied thoughtfully as she started having thoughts as to the things she wanted to look at. "You are free to proceed as you wish Ensign. I will just warn you that there is a good likelihood this 'person' will be released relatively soon as part of a larger 'operation'," stated Paul, "Make sure you let me know when you're going down. It may be necessary for me to have security personnel move to another location during the interview. I must also insist that you do not lower the force barrier." Nodding to the Paul, Kass left the room. Paul knew this was a lot to hoist on the shoulders of an Ensign on her first day, but no one expected this individual to crop up on the station. Paul would have been happier if there had been no Dean Benford on the station in the first place. With that thought, he transmitted the duty information for Ensign Marta to the Captain. (posted by Jeff Bergeron) (OSS Sho'Kar - Bridge - Lord Gled Forsch  - 1530)   As the sleek Orion trading vessel neared Starbase Geneva the hulking, green skinned Captain of the ship leaned forward, his eyes never leaving the viewscreen. His head was hairless as the norm for an Orion and his arms, legs and chest were heavily muscled. Gled was wearing tanned leather with a short furred fringe as a cape trailing from his back, criss-crossing his chest and as a loincloth about his waist. As commander of the vessel he was the only one wearing such a cape as well as the jeweled ornaments and gold buckles on his clothing that marked him as a man of importance along with a jeweled hilted long knife in a scabbard in a sheath and phaser weapon in a short holster at his waist. Tanned leather leggings that reached to just above his knees completed his clothing except for the soft leather boots he wore that reached up to mid calf.    He finally turned his dark purple eyes to his weapons officer whose station was beside that of the helmsman and in easy sightline between himself and the viewscreen.   "De-energize phasers and plasma missiles De'Karan, we wouldn't want them to think this peaceful merchant ship was looking for a fight."    His mouth split into a wide grin as his men guffawed at his joke while he, Gled Forsche considered just how heavily armed this 'Merchant Vessel' truly was. Orions technically maintained no warships per se', that they acknowledged publicly of course as they were strictly neutral and not at war as well as reclusive, in reality however almost every Orion vessel of any size and power that roamed the trading lanes or shadows of commerce on trading missions was capable of holding their own verse any enemy short of a capital ship of the various interstellar powers found in the galaxy such as the Founders, Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Gorn, Tholians etc.   Orions were first and foremost capitalists by nature, trading in anything and everything that could be bought and sold and Gled was determined to add the various beings of the Beta Quadrant to his list of clients. The opening of the subspace river promised to make him a rich man and he had come here as soon as he could get the necessary financing and backing he needed. His grin got wider at the thought. ~Best of all I've beaten the Feringinar lice here, the subspace river opens up the Beta Quadrant in much the same way as the Bajoran wormhole opened up the Gamma Quadrant, not as quickly perhaps but still much the same. There are riches to be made here, great riches!~     Gled saw the tells on the viewscreen blink as the weapons were disarmed. "Very good De'Karan now hail the starbase on all standard Federation frequencies."   Herein lay the biggest gamble of his plan, Orion traders had been operating for hundreds of years behind the scenes, flitting about nearly unnoticed as they dealt their precious cargo; often acquiring more as they happened upon unsuspecting or lightly armed ships of other races. Orions had been called many things including thieves, pirates and criminals but they had weathered it all to this day with their neutrality intact. He had lobbied long and hard within the Syndicate to send himself here. With the Federation and 52nd in an increasingly escalating conflict and battles being fought operating within the shadows might well have been easily done but the lesson they had learned from the Ferengi was that placing yourself at the hub of commerce meant that your new clients could come to you rather than you having to search such a vast area for them, often brought in by their hosts the Federation no less.   Secret (untaxed) trade could still continue but having a trade delegation on a starbase with a facade of legality could be lucrative as well as good cover, add to those points that the starbase would be a latinum mine of information on what was found in the Beta Quadrant finally gave him the ammunition to shoot down their objections and win the Syndicate over.   "Channels open Lord." The weapons officer intoned in a deep base voice.   Gled had put much time and effort into this venture, now he had come to the point of contact, his deep voice rumbled as he spoke. "Starbase Geneva of the Federation this is Gled Forsche, Lord and captain of the merchant vessel Sho'Kar of the Ky'Horo Syndicate of the Orions. I wish to dock at your station and await your reply."   (Posted by Charles Gatling) (Starbase Geneva - Main Operations - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 1542) ~Just a bit over an hour before my shift is over,~ thought Paul as he paced through Main Ops. It had been along day, one of the longest in memory. While he cleared the deck, so to speak, for his new captain who he knew was buried under various PADDs, new personnel and orders he had grown weary and was looking forward to an end of this duty so he could at least have the change of scenery that would be found by a few hours in his security office. Suddenly, a voice broke his concentration.   "Sir, we have a vessel arriving, its hailing us."   Paul sighed... ~What now?~ he thought as he paced back to the command chair and sat down.   "Put it up," Paul stated blandly.   =^=Starbase Geneva of the Federation this is Gled Forsche, Lord and captain of the merchant vessel Sho'Kar of the Ky'Horo Syndicate of the Orions. I wish to dock at your station and await your reply.=^=   Paul's mouth dropped in surprise and a sense of dread. Orions, the pirates of the universe... outside of the Ferengi they were the most double dealing, back biting, involved in illegal activities people and here they were in the Beta Quadrant. ~Just great,~ thought Paul.   "Captain Forsche, this is Lieutenant Casely of Starbase Geneva. Please hold your position and wait for instructions," stated Paul while he tried to figure out what to do. He drew his finger across his throat to indicate that transmissions should be cut for a moment and then turned to OPs.   "Ensign, I want you to scan that vessel please. I want to know about anything unusual or out of place and please bring up a dossier on her Captain, or Lord, or whatever the hell he is," said Paul abruptly, with that he tapped his comm badge.   "Casely to Ariana, we have an Orion trader attempting to dock. I'm currently scanning his ship and trying to retrieve data on him. I'm not sure I want to let him on without your permission."   (Reply Lise)   At that moment the Ensign called up the information on Forsche's ship. “His 'merchant' vessel is heavily armed sir. Phasers, plasma missiles..." Paul immediately relayed this to the Captain.   "Sir, did you get the scan? I can't find anything on Forsche, but I don't like it. Instructions on how you want me to proceed?" stated Paul.   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (OSS Sho'Kar - Bridge - Lord Captain Gled Forsch - 1543)   The reply that came from Geneva caused Gleds lips to pull back over his teeth in a great smile   =^= Captain Forsche, this is Lieutenant Casely of Starbase Geneva. Please hold your position and wait for instructions. =^=   His De'Karan though was not amused, he turned to Gled with an oath. "They dare to delay your docking! My Lord allow me..."   Gled shook his head emphatically only once, his weapons officer immediately subsided. "They are wise to do so De'Karan, they do not know us." His smile returned full force as the one manning the scanners behind him called out. "They are scanning us my Lord."   He nodded his head and settled back in the command chair. "Let them scan us De'Halak, they will find nothing save our weapons and they would be suspicious if they did not see those. We have nothing to hide... yet." He laughed, a short barking laugh at the thought of the plans he had for the future along those lines but the time was not yet, and would not be for some time; not until the Federation base had been lulled into a sense of security over his intentions. He had had a lot of time to plan this while the Syndicate deliberated over his schemes and he would not jeopardize the long term on account of foolishly barging in like a child.   "Do as he said De'Shof." He directed toward the helmsman. "We are simple and law abiding merchants for now, hold this position."   The helmsman nodded, the skullcap of silver he wore on his head flashing as he did so. "Even so Lord, it is done."    Gled sat back with the smile remaining on his face as he waited patiently, they wouldn't turn him away, they would not! He was Gled Forsch and destiny was in his hands.   (Posted by Charles) (Starbase Geneva, CO's Office, CO Lise Arianna, 1710)   Lise looked at her chronometer.  ~Time for me to take a break.~  She'd largely sifted through the paperwork that she had acquired during the morning, but it had continued to roll in.  ~I don't remember this much last time!~  She thought as she looked around herself feeling somewhat helpless.   Then she remembered.  ~Oh, yes, the meeting!~  She thought.  Arianna wanted to make sure that she got together with all the senior officers that she had onboard to discuss any problems they had been having as of late and to see how the station repairs were coming along.    "Computer, record message."    [Recording] Came the monotonous reply.   "Greetings all senior officers.  There will be a senior staff meeting tomorrow morning at 08.00 in the observation lounge.  I look forward to seeing you there."   Lise pressed a button that stopped the recording and instructed the computer to send the message to all senior officers.  [Message sent at 17.20].    "Excellent." She said to no one in particular before returning to work.   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva - Brig outside cell 2 - COUNS Ensign(JG) Kassia Marta and Dean Benford - 1750) Kassia had been reading up on Mr. Benford when she received a message from the Captain about a meeting. It was to be held in the morning and all senior officers were to attend. It was to be held at 0800 hour in the observation lounge, she suspected the one that Casely had briefed her in. ~Well, getting into things really fast, I guess that is the life on a Starbase.~ Kass thought to herself then had went back to the file she was studying. When she thought she was finished with the file, she decided to head over to the brig and see if she could talk to Mr. Benford. When she arrived, she walked up to the guard at the desk. "I am Ensign Marta, the Stations Counselor. I was told that you have a Mr. Dean Benford here and I was instructed by Lt. Casely to find talk with the individual. May I go back to talk with him now?" She was not sure if Casely had sent down word that she would be heading there, so, she decided to ask. "Yes sir, the Lieutenant has already informed us that you would be coming. He has authorized you visitation rights. We will also be keeping an eye on him for your safety." The guard informed her and she as happy that someone would be keeping an eye out for her safety but she would not say that. "Thank you" Was all that she said as she headed back. Kass walked back after the guard let her and she slowly walked to the Cell where Mr. Benford was suppose to be at. Just before she got where the man could see her, she stopped to make sure her she looked presentable then stepped around. "Mr. Benford" she said after she cleared her throat to get his attention, "I am Ensign Kassia Marta, the stations counselor. I would say glad to meet you, but, I do think that in this circumstance it would be inappropriate." She tried her best not to sound nervous as she did not want to start out on a weak footing with him, it was going to be hard enough as it was. Dean glanced out at the Ensign and saw her 'spots' and snorted, "And just what have they sent YOU here for?" She thought quickly to decide whether to lie to him or to tell him the truth. She really thought that starting out with a lie would not be the best, so, she decided to go with the truth. "Well sir" her training as a child also came forward in the way she addressed him seeing that he was a lot older than she was, "it is my job to talk with the various people on the station to try and help figure out ways for everyone to coexist. So, I am here to have a conversation with you about why you are in here. Are you willing to discuss this with me?" On one had she was hoping that he would say no, but, her counseling side wanted him to say yes. Dean snickered slightly and regarded this young wiff of a girl. She was an alien, that was true, but it was doubtful she was much of a threat. "So what you're saying is that you're the resident shrink and you're going to tell me how I should be behaving on this station. Interesting. Proceed alien shrink, psychoanalyse me despite the fact you have no links to my species or our collective mind sets." Kass not surprised by his comment and actually expected it from what she read from his file. "Thank you sir for allowing us to talk. First of all I am not here to tell you anything, I am here more to just have a conversation with you about the reason you are in here and why it is that you feel you are here." "We both know why I'm in here. The Federation is whipped by the other aliens of the galaxy and those same said aliens are controlling the right to free speech," stated Dean blandly. "I'd rather talk about why you're here. What do you think your function is?" Kassia knew from his file that this Benford was a highly educated man and seemed to be trying to turn the tables on her, but, she was going to try not to let that happen. "Why do you feel that the Federation has been whipped, as you say, by the aliens of the galaxy?" She was not going to fall into his trap. Dean rose his eyebrows and suppressed a chuckle. "Tell me, what race are you? Trill is it? How does it make you feel to know that your race was stagnating beyond reproach when primarily humans of the Federation found it? Knowing that your reach into space needed the help of humans? Knowing that your entire species was inferior due to your inability to see beyond the past?" "Even now the 'joined' group of your species clings to what once was, rather than propelling itself into the future. Sad really," finished Dean. "Yes sir, I am a Trill. What do you mean sad?" She asked not falling into the trap of discussing the pros and cons of what her race did or not do in the past or present. Dean locked his eyes directly with the Trill and stared directly into her eyes. "You see dear, your species has been doomed for a long time. You've allowed yourself to gain some more time at survival by leaching like parasites onto the most adaptable species, humanity, but eventually your time will pass... as it does for all things that refuse to change. Your hold with the past is an infection... you refuse to just learn from it and force yourselves to be joined to it. Its not a trait I want to see amongst my people," stated Dean intently, never letting his gaze waver or his eyes blink. "Of course, then there is your tyranny over your own race by the few who are joined over the many that aren't. Oligarchical rule... we've had it before and it almost destroyed us. Your own systems will destroy you, we just don't need you passing along your infectious ways to us." "Yet it would seem that your beliefs are in the past and not joining the future. Tell me if I am wrong, but, don't you believe that it was wrong for humans to venture into space to interact with other intelligent life?" She replied knowing that she was somewhat out of her league with this man. Dean laughed again. "You misunderstand me. I have no problem with meeting other species. I have no problem with trading with them. I simply don't believe we should welcome them into our homes, onto our ships, into our political world. We shouldn't marry them, have children with them, lest their inevitable weaknesses get passed along to us. Every prophet in his house child," stated Dean unwaveringly. "We've tried the 'integrated path' and other races suck on us like leaches in a pond. Its time for separation. Peaceful coexistence when possible, but otherwise separation," said Dean. "If I remember right, even your America had different views than you and they have survived for a very long time. Are you telling me that they were wrong all these years?" Kass knew that the founding fathers had different views than Dean. "What about the religious freedom that your founding fathers came to America for? Were they wrong?" "Careful child, you're talking about my species now. You're trying to make it seem like the rest of you are human. You aren't. The very blood your heart pumps is different than us. Don't insult me. I've had enough of you now... shoo back to your keeper," stated Dean unperturbed. She had just shown that she understood nothing after all and he no longer had the time to engage in her foolish morass of thoughts. Dean muttered under her breath, "Foolish child, thinking that species and race are the same thing. She needs a biology lesson." "Sir, I never intended to insult the human race. I know that the blood that pumps in me is not the same that pumps in you. But, that does not mean that we can not have the same thoughts, the same passion, the same hopes or the same dreams that other species have. The human race is not the only one that have them." Kass responded not from hurt of what he said but from his ignorance of other species. Then she decided to approach something that really could get him upset but she hoped he would talk about it. "Tell me about your parents, please. Where they fully human? I suppose they were and I wonder what it was that they were thinking when they joined Starfleet." "You aren't very bright, are you? Is that endemic of your species? I do believe I said we were through. I'll not talk to you anymore. Good evening," stated Dean bowing graciously and lying back down on his bunk, not facing his 'visitor'. "You are right sir, I apologize. It has been nice talking to you and I believe another would be equally enlightening. Good evening sir." She said as she rose to leave. As she was walking out of the brig she noticed that Bean's meal was being brought to him and she knew that the conversation had ended at the right time even if she had not ended it on the note that she wanted it to. ~Benford one, counselor zero~ Kass thought to herself. (posted by Jeff and Frank) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62, Security Center Cell 2, Dean Benford, 1807)   Dean sat back on his bunk and looked through the vid novel he had been supplied. He wondered how long they would keep him there. He knew they had two choices, hold him and deport him or hold him and let him go. It was only a matter of time. There were no extended prison facilities on starbases. A security officer walked to the cell door and called through, "Benford, any preferences for dinner?"   "Pork roast and potatoes," stated Dean flatly. No freaky-deaky alien food for him. He could deal with good old fashioned earth staples. Eventually, a small slot opened in the force field of his cell and the food slid in. Dean began to eat slowly and picked up the plate from the tray so he could sit it on his lap. Sitting there, under the plate, was a small slip of paper. Dean quickly snatched it up and unfolded it.   "If you need us to get you out, cross your utensils on your plate when you slide it back through."   Dean considered this a moment before mashing the note into the potatoes and forking it into his mouth. He finished his meal and laid his knife and fork next to the plate on the tray.  It was good to know some of his people were on the 'inside' but he didn't want to compromise them, or himself. They weren't ready for it... at least not yet.   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2130)   Lise flopped down on her bed, completely exhausted from her day's work.  She'd started the day not knowing whether or not she'd even live to see the following one and had ended doing massive amounts of work and having become the Captain of Geneva -- again.   While so many people would have been entirely grateful for the position that she'd been given and the second chance that she'd been provided she stared out the large windows of the quarter she'd once inhabited both alone and with Yori and gazed into the depths of space.  He had been like family for her, and now he was gone.   Then there'd been Lisa.  The two of them had grown so close during the time that Lise had fought on Qo'noS and they'd really begun to understand precisely how much alike they are.  ~Except that she always got the bad luck.~  Lise reasoned.   And to some extent it was true.  During the invasion of their house, their parents were murdered.  The pillagers found one twin but not the other.  As a result, Lisa was condemned to live out her life in slavery in a brothel on some far away planet.  But she would never give up, she fought with her spirit and was punished many times for it -- but her spirit would not break.  Finally about two years ago she made it to Geneva, taking her young daughter, Angel, with her.   It was there that Lise discovered she had a twin.  But it was in a moment of mass chaos.  Dr. Tanya Leigh Dervin jr.  had been aboard and had conducted some warp experiment that created a portal to a series of alternative universes and then when the anomaly had collapsed upon itself several varieties of every person had been spawned onto Geneva.  It had been insane.   Lise was separated from her sister and transferred over the quadrant until they were reunited just a few short months ago -- on Qo'noS.  But it had not been the happiest of affairs.  Lise had been abducted by the Klingon rebels whose purpose was to continue the fight and struggle for sexual equality within Klingon culture -- in essence, to give the voice of the people to the women of Qo'noS and allow them to have a say and influence or even hold positions on the Klingon High council.   At first, she'd resisted.  Lise knew she couldn't be a part of any such movement taking place on any planet as long as she was a Starfleet Captain.  But it had happened, Lise realised, upon being reunited with her sister that they were so similar and that her sister was bleeding, because of this, her house was bleeding because of this and they had to stand up together.   Lise resigned her commission and stood alongside her twin sister, and they fought.   They'd fought together.   Lise could feel her emotions welling up inside of her.  They'd grown so close in such a short period of time they'd become dependant on one another.  It was the way things were.  Lise, for the first time of her life, knew what it was like to share her mind entirely with someone, to be of the same thoughts, and almost the same body -- it was difficult to explain, but her sister, was like her.   But unlucky.  And so she had been again.  Here was Lise, living in what now seemed to her as luxury (especially after living in caves for quite a period of time), in her quarters, spacious, with a replicator, whatever she required.  She did not want or need for anything.  She'd been brought back to the safe haven where she could speak her mind, where her thoughts and actions did matter and people listened to her.  She was a captain.   And her heart went out to her sister, who, as it seemed for the second time, had been condemned to misery and unhappiness as she fought against the social situations in which she lived.   It was too much for Lise.  She closed her eyes and reached her mind out to Lisa.  She couldn't make the link.  She couldn't speak to her, they were so far apart she ....   She needed to speak to her.   If she got caught, it would most likely be a penalty worse than death.   The need was growing greater and greater.  She needed to get in touch with her sister.   There was only one person who could help her.   Lise exited her room and made her way down the corridors to those assigned to Ambassador Tane.  She pressed the chime.   (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva - Ambassadorial Section, Tane's Quarters - Ambassador Miador Tane - 2157)   Miador, in nothing but an undone Starfleet uniform and sitting back in his chair, looked like nothing more then a lump as he rubbed at his brows with his eyes closed and his breathing steady. It had been an interesting day, half of it spent in Strategic Operations with Lee and several Klingons for some last minute entrance strategy before the Night's Watch departed with Lee once again in command. There had been a prestigious amount of yelling, Rich had a good set of lungs, as did the Klingons. In short, it had been very productive. This was going to be the first night in a long time that he had nothing planned, no meetings to attend. The Klingons were on their way, the groundwork had been laid. He grabbed a glass of a soft Trill wine and took a sip from it, savoring the light play of flavors over his tongue, as he considered his schedule for the next month. The real fun would begin once the Klingons were active and ships were interacting with LoDona's fleet all the time. For now, it was more small time matters and emergency meetings when something came up. And, of course, smoothing the Admiral's over when it came to Arianna. It was almost a pity, Tane really did like the woman, but she had nearly caused everything they had worked for to fall apart. Now she was in command again, it had taken every ounce of skill to convince the Klingons that it hadn't been a kick to their teeth. And, he still had a lot of convincing left to do. His buzzer rang moments later; he didn't so much as twitch as he said "Come."   The doors opened and someone stepped in. And then, without preamble, said: "I won't beat around the bush because that is a waste of time and energy that it looks like we're both short on right now.  The point of the matter is:   I need to speak to my sister and I need your help to do it." ~Wonderful.~ Miador uncovered his eyes and tilted his head up to look at her. After a few moments he put his elbow on the arm of his chair and tilted his head to lean against his hand, supporting the weight on the arm of the chair. "After you have already been banned for contacting or interacting with anyone in the Klingon Empire, you come to me and ask me to help you contact someone... not just someone, but someone who had been active in the resistance. I find that... amazing." He said, in a tired voice. "Of course, she's family, so I can understand it well enough." He didn't move his eyes from her as he considered the situation for nearly a minute of silence. Finally he came to a decision. "I will help you, but all your messages will be cleared through me first. Nothing gets sent without me pushing the button to send it; nothing gets written that isn't checked by me first. And if somehow you've worked out a code and give her orders through such communication..." he said nothing more, the threats were useless, and she knew his power at this point. (posted by Trout) (Starbase Geneva, Tane's Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2200)   After having been bid entrance, Lise strode into the quarters confidently.  She looked at Tane and then said straight out:   "I won't beat around the bush because that is a waste of time and energy that it looks like we're both short on right now.  The point of the matter is:   I need to speak to my sister and I need your help to do it."   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 2206)   It had been a long day.   It had been a long day filled with equipment failures, new captains, anti-alien nut jobs and almost everything else under the sun.  Paul never remembered a 'regular' day like this on the Nimitz. There were times when the action hit a fever pitch, but those were not regular days. The pace was astounding. The one thing Paul would have to ensure is that he kept enough time for himself.   Paul walked into the living room and looked at the computer. "Computer, any new messages?"   [There is 1 new message.] intoned the computer.   "Computer, play message," Paul considered for a second reading it as text but decided he was too tired, "using audio."   [TO SEE OR NOT TO SEE THAT IS THE QUESTION   ---   Hear ye, Hear ye, Come one and all, To the most marvellous Masquerade ball.   It will start in the theatre, While watching a play. The phantom of the Opera, Showed in Matinee.   And then for the eve, we'll go to the ball. Of princes and princesses, And those who enthral.   To dance and dance, like almost in heaven and  ring in the new year; twenty-four-oh-seven.   So hurry, hurry, don't be shy. To pick up your tickets, come on by. The office of the theatre run by me; Hagar, please do come and see.   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date: 2406.12.31 Matinee to begin at: 2pm - theatre Ball to begin at: 6 pm -- ballroom At the stroke of midnight, any unclaimed articles will be transformed into pumpkins. For any questions, suggestions, or volunteers please stop by Hagar's office: cupboard under the theatre stairs, Starbase Geneva] Paul rolled his eyes... ~What the heck is this?~ Paul figured it was some sort of party... After a moment's consideration, Paul decided that as long as there weren't more pressing duties, he would attend. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva -- Tane's Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 2209)   Arianna watched as Tane spoke:  "I will help you, but all your messages will be cleared through me first.  Nothing gets sent without me pushing the button to send it; nothing gets written that isn't checked by me first.  And if somehow you've worked out a code and give her orders through such communication.... "   Lise looked at him squarely.  "I don't want to write her.  I need to speak to her.  You have to understand, I was sent out on a mission and then disappeared when you and your forces grabbed me. And so my twin sister is back on Qo'noS not knowing that I am alive -- and this isn't the first time I might add -- and thinking that I have been taken in the line of their cause.  And yes, I did use the word THEIR."   (Reply Tane)   "You have to understand, I tried to contact her telepathically but we're so far apart and with all the emotions that she's feeling, I'm not sure if she can really get a sense of the fact that I'm alive.  In addition, any written message would be under great scrutiny and the actual source of it would be severely questioned.  It would be likely that it would attract people to investigate its point of origin.  Do you really want these people coming aboard the station to try and verify whether or not the message is correct?"   (Reply Tane)   (Posted by Katherine Mazurok) Mission: New Beginnings, Day 8 Stardate: 2406.12.31 (Starbase Geneva, Deck 32, Crawlway, Ensign McLaren, 0212) Matthew slammed the panel shut with frustration, He couldn't find the problem. There had been some minor power drains all over the station over the last few hours and he couldn't work it out. But now he had ruled out all the easy causes and there was only one other. But he was too tired now and couldn't keep going.   He gathered up his tools and crawled back out of the crawlway. He headed for the nearest turbo lift. "Deck 7." He barked at the computer which efficiently complied.   (Posted by Matt McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, deck 7, Personal Quarters, Ensign JG McLaren, 0219) Matthew stepped into his quarters with a sigh of resignation. "Half lights." He called and the lights came on as ordered. "Computer, set a wake up call for 0630." The computer beeped in response.   He didn't realise how quickly the next 4 hours past and before he knew the alarm he'd set went off. "Computer discontinue alarm." he groaned and the alarm stopped. It took him 15 minutes but he finally got up and got ready. Scoffing down a quick breakfast he dashed for a turbolift. (Posted by Matt McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Personal Quarters, CO Lise Arianna, 0630)   The sound of loud Klingon opera blared through Arianna's quarters.  "Computer, discontinue alarm."  Lise said in her sleep, with a whining tone.  If there was one thing that Arianna disliked, it was mornings.   [Secondary confirmation required]   "I mean it!"  She said, her tone growing even more impatient.  "Shut that bloody thing off, just five more minutes!"   [Unable to comply -- Manual input required ]   Lise sighed as she made a half-hearted effort to sleep through the next five minutes of the opera, but due to the sheer volume of it, she could not.  Instead, she awoke and made her way across the room to the only place where she could deactivate the alarm -- a small control panel.  Typing in a series of codes that actually convinced her computer algorhythm that she was awake, the music ceased and Arianna went off to take a shower.   "Stupid alarm."  She muttered under her breath.   Lise was excellent at talking in her sleep and had learned through her academy days that when it seemed her alarm hadn't gone off, it, actually had.  She'd just managed to deactivate it without being conscious of what she was saying.  That lead her to build the better mouse trap -- or alarm clock as was in this case.  It had undergone many revisions, and Lise was convinced that at some point she would be able to either sleep through Actun and Molota -- OR -- she would learn how to input the codes in her sleep and answer the skill testing questions correctly and then she'd have to reinvent the system again.   That's how it usually worked.  But for now, it still managed to wake her up on time, every single day.   (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva - Personal Quarters - 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely - 0631)   Paul was sleeping soundly in the room that he decided should be the master bedroom in his quarters when suddenly the most cacophonous sound he had ever encountered blared in his ears. He jumped up in bed with a start ready to grab his phaser. ~What in the name of all that is holy is that?!~ Paul thought for an instant. He then glanced over at the chronometer and noticed it was pretty much time for him to get up. However, this was NOT the way he wanted to wake up in the mornings.   ~I'll have to lodge a complaint about this.~ he thought to himself as he started to get himself ready to start the day.   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 70, Main reactor Beta, Ensign Matthew McLaren, 0710) Matthew had a theory to what was the cause of the problem but it wasn't going to be an easy job. The reactor on this deck was the cause of the problem. “McLaren to Vetaniuk, if you can spare anyone, I need a hand on deck 70.” (Reply Vetaniuk) Matthew set to work running a diagnostic on the reactor. There was something wrong but he wasn't sure what. Finally at 0750 he gave up and assigned the engineering team to find out the problem before he got back.   (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, CO Lise Arianna, 0745)   Lise sat at the head of the table and looked at the long black obsidian table that stretched before her.  It had been a long time since she'd sat at this table.  Watching the black reflective surface, she could almost see the faces of the other people staring back at her.  Rofellian, Aragorn, and of course -- Yori.   She closed her eyes and cleared her thoughts, there was not the time think about this now, she had business at hand and she didn't have time to explore the emotions that were still brought forth when she thought of him.  Almost, though, she was almost there -- almost over him, and his death.  She was ready to move on.  She was sure she was.   Her consciousness was snapped back into reality as the rest of the senior staff -- few that they were -- made their way into the room.   As 0800 drew nearer, the noise began to lessen.  Lise looked around at her crew and smiled.  "Welcome one and all.  Welcome to Geneva.  I know that this looks like there aren't many of us -- and at this moment that's true but I've been assured by the higher ups of Starfleet that we will be receiving more crew shortly.  But for starters, let's go around the table and introduce ourselves.  I'm Lise Arianna, your CO, and I've already met with you all but let's give you a chance to meet your fellow crewmembers, shall we?"  She said as she indicated to the person on her right.    When the introductions had ended, Lise spoke:  "Good then.  Let's get down to business.  Lt. Casely, I understand there have been some 'issues' aboard within the past day, can you please bring us up to speed?"   "Good, let's try and keep a watch on that, alright everyone.  That's the last thing we need around this station.  Speaking of Station --"  Arianna turned to Ensign McLaren, "How are we doing Mr. McLaren?"   Lise nodded her head.  "Understood."  She smiled for a moment remembering her own days as an engineering officer when she'd been expected to fix everything with nothing and five minutes ago.  Now it was her turn to have those expectations of others.  "Let's see what we can do about getting that time shortened up.  Colonel T'Vanek, can you please assign any of your company who have engineering training to Engineering for the time being so that they can give our Mr. McLaren a hand?"   (Reply T'Vanek -- hmm, is yes an ok answer to have?)   "Excellent -- there you go Mr. McLaren, a couple more hands.  Let's get everything back up and running at top efficiency in less than two days, shall we?  Good."  Then Lise turned to the doctor.  "Dr. Eistal, anything you would care to share?"   (Reply Eistal)   "Ok then.  And last of all but not least, Ensign Marta --"   "Alright then.  I hope I didn't miss anyone?"   "Good.  Well then does anyone have any questions?"  Lise asked as she surveyed the room.   "Well then, everyone.  I guess I'll see you at the play later this afternoon and the party tonight.  Don't forget to pick up your tickets before the show.  Hagar gets a little aggravated if we don't follow her instructions.  And seeing as she's organised this party for all of us... "  Lise let her voice trail off.  Hagar was definitely one of the most unique individuals she'd ever met.   "Dismissed."  Arianna said finally.  She watched as the officers began to file out of the room.   (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely and CSO Ensign Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 0747)   Paul walked into the Observation Lounge knowing he had plenty of time. He’d been to enough of these staff meetings on the Nimitz to realize that there would be a lot of preliminary hellos and introductions. What he saw, was his CO sitting, staring at the table. ~She has quite a history with this station.~   “Good morning Captain,” said Paul as he took the seat immediately to her right. It was the regular place for the ranking officer and he was technically the acting FO until the actual one arrived. A few moments later, the Grazerite doctor walked into the lounge and sat at the far end of the table. He looked to the two senior officers, averted his eyes and said in his usual soft tone, “I hope the morning finds you well.” (Reply Lise, any, all)   When the introductions had ended, Lise spoke:  "Good then.  Let's get down to business.  Lt. Casely, I understand there have been some 'issues' aboard within the past day, can you please bring us up to speed?"   “Yes Sir. Well, a lot has gone on in terms of the station in the past week,” said Paul pausing momentarily to collect his thoughts, “First of all, we have had indications that a smuggling ring has been in operation on the station. That is hardly surprising as we are currently understaffed in every department including security and customs. I’ve seen evidence of some banned technology from the Romulans on the station, who else knows what is finding its way on here… and more problematically off station. Of course, we’re doing what we can, but more personnel are needed to help combat the problem.” Paul paused to see if there were any questions or comments. (Reply any, none) Paul nodded and continued, “We also have been having some station glitches. Normal things when a refit has taken place. I’m sure that Engineering will speak to this a bit more extensively. I am, however, gratified that Mr. McLaren and Doctor Engtamn-Jensi were able to solve the problem with the life support systems.” (Reply any, none) “Finally,” Paul continued, “We took one, Dean Benford into custody yesterday for attempting to incite a riot on the promenade. Ensign McLaren was able to help me to restore order and process Mr. Benford. I’m sure Ensign Marta will give you her opinions on the mental state of Benford in her report. While I do believe there is a potential for trouble from Benford, I also believe he is running a station based chapter of Humans for Humanity on board. It would probably be best to set him free and keep him under surveillance to find the rest of his operatives. I would rather get rid of all of them in one sweep than have to keep hunting them down one at a time.” (Reply any, none) Paul looked over and nodded to the Captain, “Other than that, I want to say how pleased I am to be working with this staff. Despite definite hardships over the last little while they have acted and reacted admirably.” With that Paul sat down.   "Good, let's try and keep a watch on that, alright everyone.  That's the last thing we need around this station.  Speaking of Station --"  Arianna turned to Ensign McLaren, "How are we doing Mr. McLaren?"   (Reply McLaren)   Lise nodded her head.  "Understood."  She smiled for a moment remembering her own days as an engineering officer when she'd been expected to fix everything with nothing and five minutes ago.  Now it was her turn to have those expectations of others.  "Let's see what we can do about getting that time shortened up.  Colonel T'Vanek, can you please assign any of your company who have engineering training to Engineering for the time being so that they can give our Mr. McLaren a hand?"   (Reply T'Vanek -- hmm, is yes an ok answer to have?)   "Excellent -- there you go Mr. McLaren, a couple more hands.  Let's get everything back up and running at top efficiency in less than two days, shall we?  Good."  Then Lise turned to the doctor.  "Dr. Eistal, anything you would care to share?"   (Reply Eistal)   "Ok then.  And last of all but not least, Ensign Marta --"   (Reply Marta) "Alright then.  I hope I didn't miss anyone?"   A soft voice broke the silence after the Captain’s question, “Umm… I believe you may have missed me, Sir. I’m sorry…” said Engtamn. (Reply Lise) “I… ummm… followed up on something that Ensign McLaren told me about. He… was right about the relays for life support. It was a good catch on his part. I just… modified… them a little bit,” said Engtamn softly. (Reply any, none) “I also… ummm… checked out the Main Medical Centre. It required a tune up. I was in the middle of it when three Klingon children entered and were… throwing ropes on everything… It was disturbing,” said Engtamn. (Reply any, none) “I did finish that job... otherwise, I can’t really talk about… anything else…” said Engtamn softly, “I’m sorry for taking your time.” (Reply any, none)   "Good.  Well then does anyone have any questions?"  Lise asked as she surveyed the room.   (Reply any, none)   "Well then, everyone.  I guess I'll see you at the play later this afternoon and the party tonight.  Don't forget to pick up your tickets before the show.  Hagar gets a little aggravated if we don't follow her instructions.  And seeing as she's organised this party for all of us... "  Lise let her voice trail off.  Hagar was definitely one of the most unique individuals she'd ever met.   "Dismissed."  Arianna said finally.  She watched as the officers began to file out of the room.   Paul looked at the Captain, “I noticed, Sir, that you placed yourself in the early Ops duty. I was wondering what time period you’ll be moving me to?” (Reply Lise or any who want to talk to the station’s second officer)   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, deck 1, Observation lounge, Ensign McLaren, 0757) Matthew stepped into the observation lounge to find that the captain, Lt Casely and Doctor Jensi already seated at the table talking quietly. He said good morning too them all and took his place next to the doctor. When the introductions had ended, Lise spoke:  "Good then.  Let's get down to business. Lt. Casely, I understand there have been some 'issues' aboard within the past day, can you please bring us up to speed?" “Yes Sir. Well, a lot has gone on in terms of the station in the past week,” said Paul pausing momentarily to collect his thoughts, “First of all, we have had indications that a smuggling ring has been in operation on the station. That is hardly surprising as we are currently understaffed in every department including security and customs. I’ve seen evidence of some banned technology from the Romulans on the station, who else knows what is finding its way on here… and more problematically off station. Of course, we’re doing what we can, but more personnel are needed to help combat the problem.” Paul paused to see if there were any questions or comments. Matthew spoke up. "Sir, I am a trained security officer as you know, I could try and help out if you need me." (Reply Paul, any IYW)   Paul nodded and continued, “We also have been having some station glitches. Normal things when a refit has taken place. I’m sure that Engineering will speak to this a bit more extensively. I am, however, gratified that Mr. McLaren and Doctor Engtamn-Jensi were able to solve the problem with the life support systems.” (Reply any, none) “Finally,” Paul continued, “We took one, Dean Benford into custody yesterday for attempting to incite a riot on the promenade. Ensign McLaren was able to help me to restore order and process Mr. Benford. I’m sure Ensign Marta will give you her opinions on the mental state of Benford in her report. While I do believe there is a potential for trouble from Benford, I also believe he is running a station based chapter of Humans for Humanity on board. It would probably be best to set him free and keep him under surveillance to find the rest of his operatives. I would rather get rid of all of them in one sweep than have to keep hunting them down one at a time.” (Reply any, none) Paul looked over and nodded to the Captain, “Other than that, I want to say how pleased I am to be working with this staff. Despite definite hardships over the last little while they have acted and reacted admirably.” With that Paul sat down. "Good, let's try and keep a watch on that, alright everyone.  That's the last thing we need around this station.  Speaking of Station --"  Arianna turned to Ensign McLaren, "How are we doing Mr. McLaren?" Matthew sat up straighter in his chair and spoke to the group. "Well, as you know we have fixed the backup life support and have cleared up the problems with the other backup systems, however there are still things to work out." (reply any, none) "At the moment our task is tracking down a problem with the station's power output. There have been some minor power drains across the grid. I've tracked it down to be in reactor beta but we still are determining the problem as we speak. Should only be a minor problem." (Reply any, none) "We've also had some reports of minor things like replicators and personal consoles that are not working but we'll get to them as soon as we clear up the bigger issues. We just don't have the man power." (Reply any, none) "I also second what Lieutenant Casely said. I am enjoying my time aboard this base and I hope to get to know all of you really well." Matthew relaxed, ~didn't do too bad for a first report~ he thought and hoped. (Reply any, none)   Lise nodded her head.  "Understood."  She smiled for a moment remembering her own days as an engineering officer when she'd been expected to fix everything with nothing and five minutes ago.  Now it was her turn to have those expectations of others. "Let's see what we can do about getting that time shortened up.  Colonel T'Vanek, can you please assign any of your company who have engineering training to Engineering for the time being so that they can give our Mr. McLaren a hand?" (Reply T'Vanek -- hmm, is yes an ok answer to have?) "Excellent -- there you go Mr. McLaren, a couple more hands.  Let's get everything back up and running at top efficiency in less than two days, shall we?  Good."  Then Lise turned to the doctor.  "Dr. Eistal, anything you would care to share?" (Reply Eistal) "Ok then.  And last of all but not least, Ensign Marta --" (Reply Marta) "Alright then.  I hope I didn't miss anyone?" A soft voice broke the silence after the Captain’s question, “Umm… I believe you may have missed me, Sir. I’m sorry…” said Engtamn. (Reply Lise) “I… ummm… followed up on something that Ensign McLaren told me about. He… was right about the relays for life support. It was a good catch on his part. I just… modified… them a little bit,” said Engtamn softly. (Reply any, none) “I also… ummm… checked out the Main Medical Centre. It required a tune up. I was in the middle of it when three Klingon children entered and were… throwing ropes on everything… It was disturbing,” said Engtamn. (Reply any, none) “I did finish that job... otherwise, I can’t really talk about… anything else…” said Engtamn softly, “I’m sorry for taking your time.” (Reply any, none) "Good.  Well then does anyone have any questions?"  Lise asked as she surveyed the room. (Reply any, none) "Well then, everyone.  I guess I'll see you at the play later this afternoon and the party tonight.  Don't forget to pick up your tickets before the show.  Hagar gets a little aggravated if we don't follow her instructions.  And seeing as she's organised this party for all of us... "  Lise let her voice trail off.  Hagar was definitely one of the most unique individuals she'd ever met. "Dismissed."  Arianna said finally.  She watched as the officers began to file out of the room. Matthew headed back down to deck 70 to check up on how things are going. "Ensign Vetaniuk. Have you had any luck tracking down the problem?" (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva - Observation Lounge - COUNS Ensign Kassia Marta - 0830) Kass had awoken late and had to scramble to get herself ready for the meeting. As it was, she had not arrived with the normal buffer she liked and when she walked in everyone that she thought would be there was. She knew that everyone could see the color on her that signified that she was embarrassed to arrive so late. "Captain, Lieutenant" She said as she entered then hurriedly found a seat and sat down just as the Captain began the meeting. The captain started by letting the Second Officer start with his reports which Kass listened to in earnest. She listened to what he said about the smuggling ring knowing that at some point she would be talking with any one of the group. If Casely captures any of them, she would have to see if she can gather any information from them. He also spoke of how undermanned the station was and figured that she probably would be tasked at some point to do something that she really had no training. She would hardly be one to refuse him or the captain. "Ah Lieutenant, when I am not on duty with some case, I am willing to help out in any way I can." She spoke up and could not fathom why she did that other than getting the inevitable out of the way. He returned to talking about some problems that the station was having and it did not really concern her, so, she sorta of tuned that part out. Then she heard him talking about Mr. Benford that she had talked with the day before and he indicated that she could give a better idea on his mental condition. At this point she knew that she was not being called upon to give her report, so, she decided to just continue listening to the rest of the officers. "Ok then. And last of all but not least, Ensign Marta --" it was finally her time to talk and it was difficult to know where to start for her. This was her real first official meeting with anyone and it somewhat overwhelmed her. A slight moment of a panic attack started to take a hold of her, but, she took a deep breath to let it out slowly while mentally reciting a poem that had always calmed her. "Captain, Lieutenant, and everyone present. I am called Kass by my friends and so when we are not on duty please call me Kass. I am very happy to be here on this grand station and look forward to working with each and everyone of you. Speaking of which, I do need each of you to schedule a time with me where we can just sit and talk. According to Starfleet regulations, as each of us know, each officer is required to have a psych evaluation once a year. I would like to get moving as soon as possible." She looked around at everyone to see if anyone had a comment on what she just said before beginning once again. (Reply any ifw) "Now, to what Lieutenant Casely was referring, a Mr. Dean Benford. I will have to agree that he is probably the ring leader of the cell of Humans for Humanity. I had a chance to read over his file and he is a very bitter man toward other species. He is a highly educated man that can speak very eloquently and has a magnetic personality. Hence his success in getting people to listen to him. His were Starfleet officers and were into Federation politics before they were killed in active service by a group of Cardassians. Mr. Benford's family had a lot of political and social influence at one time, but, it has decrease substantially over the last few decades. As such, he and his family have been openly blaming the rise of what they call dominance of members of alien species within the Federation and Starfleet for their decline in power." She stopped for a minute for what she had said so far to be ingested by the group before continuing. She knew that she was probably saying more than she really needed to but she thought that they all needed to know this individual. "I spoke with Mr. Benford briefing yesterday afternoon." She paused for a moment as she just realized that she had not informed Lt. Casely that she was going to talk to Benford. He had told her to let him know so he could take precautions but she was so deep in thought as she went there that she forgot. She looked at him and smiled knowing that probably he would want to explain that to her after the meeting. "I found him to be arrogant and self important but extremely manipulative in his words. He can use his intelligence to wrap you around his words if you are not careful. I believe that he and his group wants to server the human race from the Federation and create a Isolationist empire of just humans. I believe also that they have many plans that they want to implement and one would be the eradication of mixed species of children. In short people this man and his group are dangerous. I look forward to talking to this man many more times if I can in the future. Thank you for listening." (Any questions) After she had finished, she listened to what Engtamn had to say before the meeting was brought to an end. But before it was brought to an end by the captain she mentioned about a play and party this afternoon. This was news to her as she surmised that she had not read her mail and it was probably there. ~now I have to read the message and decide what to wear~ Kass told herself. (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 118 Science Deck Misc., CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1013)   Engtamn carried the box out of the Secure Storage facility and down to his 'miscellaneous' laboratory on deck 118. His work was largely classified. He knew that the command staff would be aware of what he was working on but doubted most of them would really fully understand it. Sometimes he wasn't sure he fully understood it. He was just glad to get away from those pesky engineering duties so he could devote some time to his real passion. Presently, Engtamn arrived at the door to his secure facility, he stopped and cleared his throat.   "Computer, authorization Engtamn-Jensi alpha five epsilon nine please," stated Engtamn clearly and distinctly.   [Code and voice print match proceed.]   "Thank you computer," stated Engtamn as he walked through the door to the retina scanning equipment in the small walkway to the lab. He looked directly at the scanning camera and waited.   [Retina scan confirmed, welcome Doctor Entamn-Jensi.] intoned the computer as the doors slid open and the lab began to illuminate. Equipment resembling much of the machinery in an engineering area, but on a smaller scale spread out before him. ~Good,~ he thought, ~they have installed my matter/anti-matter generator.~ Engtamn knew that with the proper parts, formulae and luck, he could generate dark matter/anti-matter, now if he could only harness the power.   Engtamn began unpacking his box, slowly, putting each item on the counter. To most, it would seem either like an engineer's nightmare or sweetest dream. The equipment was complicated and in some cases dangerous, hence it being locked up in Secure Storage before he had a chance to set the most dangerous items up for himself. All of a sudden, Engtamn felt a rise of panic... ~Where is it? I know I put it in here, it can't be gone!~ Engtamn felt himself begin to sweat profusely as his orderly unpacking turned into a chaotic rummage. Finally, in desperation, Engtamn tapped his comm badge.   "Doctor Engtamn-Jensi to Captain Ariana... EMERGENCY! Oh no..." said the Grazerite louder and more forcefully than he ever had before.   (Reply Lise)   "I'm... I'm in my lab unpacking Captain, and its gone! We have to find it!" stated Engtamn serving most effectively in further panicking himself.   (Reply Lise)   "My dark matter collector Captain, its missing. Someone removed it from the box after it arrived on the station! We must find it, its imperative!" said Engtamn, now starting to hyperventilate.   (Reply Lise)   "You... don't... understand!  In... the wrong... hands, it could... destroy... a planet! My... experiment files... you have access!" gasped Engtamn as he blacked out and fell to the floor.    (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Ops Deck, CO Arianna, 1014)   Lise was sitting in her command chair, for what she thought was possibly the first time since she'd come onboard and enjoying the bustle of activity that surrounded her on the Main deck.  Her quasi tranquil enjoyment of the situation was cut short by an almost frantic sounding voice coming through her comm badge.   =^=Doctor Engtamn-Jensi to Captain Arianna... EMERGENCY!  OH no...=^=   Lise rose quickly and motioned for the next highest ranking person to take OPS as she stepped into her ready room.   "Arianna here."  She responded as soon as the doors had closed behind her.  "What seems to be the problem Doctor?"   =^= I'm... I'm in my lab unpacking Captain, and its gone!  We have to find it! =^=   He sounded quite frantic and Lise had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.  "I'm sorry doctor, I don't quite understand what is gone?"  She asked carefully, but the moment that the words had left her mouth she was wishing that she didn't have to say them because this level of excitement coming from any scientist could only mean one thing -- and quite frankly she wasn't sure she wanted to know.   =^= My dark matter collector Captain, its missing.  Someone removed it from the box after it arrived on the station!  We must find it, its imperative! =^=   Arianna placed a hand to her cranial ridges.  ~Of course, a dark matter collector... that's quite possibly the most 'safe' thing that could have gone missing on this whole entire station -- in fact!  That's precisely what this station is designed to house! ~  She thought sarcastically, becoming severely unimpressed with the situation at hand.   "Alright, Doctor, just calm down. I'm sure we can find it. "  Lise said, trying to find a way to calm the scientist.  The last thing she needed in this situation was an upset scientist who was possibly the only one who knew precisely the limitations of his creation -- well not entirely -- the person who took it, Lise reasoned, probably knew what it could do as well.  ~now if only I knew -- that would be a step in the right direction.~   =^=You... don't...understand!  In... the wrong...hands, it could...destroy...a planet!  My experiment have access!=^= The doctor said becoming more and more frantic at the moment.  Lise heard a thud and wasn't quite sure what that had come from.  The good doctor had been breathing quite irregularly as he was expressing his horrific situation.   "Doctor?"  Lise asked carefully.  There was no reply.  She touched her comm badge.  "Arianna to sickbay, please send a doctor down to Doctor Engtamn-Jensi's  Science lab , I believe that he may have passed out."   (Reply sickbay)   Satisfied that the doctor would be well taken care of, Lise made her way over to her screen.  "Computer, access files on details of Doctor Engtamn-Jensi's experiments."   With that, the sound of data filling the screen was heard as her computer displayed the schematics of the so-called device.  Lise's mouth dropped.  She read the schematics and realised that he was indeed talking about a dark matter collector and he had, in fact built one, and had brought it aboard the station.  It was designed to collect dark matter/antimatter for the purpose of harnessing it and --   It was missing.   Lise touched her comm badge.  "Lt. Casely, and Major T'Vanek report to my ready room immediately."  Arianna said, her voice stressing the urgency of the matter. (Posted by Katherine) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 62 TAC/SC’s office, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1022)   Paul had been working for nearly an hour clearing the paperwork after releasing Benford. He had to, of course, process the release documents. Now he was authorizing the surveillance and specifying the mission. Bureaucracy had just seemed to increase over time... it was funny how it always got in the way of the important things. Suddenly, Paul's comm badge chirped.   =^=Lt. Casely, and Major T'Vanek report to my ready room immediately.=^=   "On my way," replied Paul as he jumped up to leave.   Paul heard definite stress in her voice. This was not a time to dawdle... especially when she had called the marine commander too...   (Starbase Geneva, Captain's Ready Room, 2O/TAC/SC Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1025)   Paul cleared the stations and moved directly to the ready room. He definitely was walking like a man with a purpose. He entered the ready room to see a grim faced Captain looking at a computer screen. ~This does NOT look good at all,~ thought Paul.   Paul stood stiffly and said, "Reporting as ordered, Sir."   (Posted by Jeff Bergeron)