Compilers Notes: Geneva Compile 14 - Street Date June 11, 2005. THANK YOU to everyone who has read this section and made steps to fix things before they get to me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Fixed timestamp errors. much better! Good work guys! Fixed spelling errors… WHAT A MESS!!! Please please please please spellcheck. Fixed formatting errors. 78 pages of compile in total with 57 posts in total. Total compile time: 4 hrs 23 minutes. Your compile wombat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 1 to Day 2 Stardate 2407.01.01 to 2407.01.02 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of posts: Stardate: 2407.01.01 (Trill, in the Valley near her home, Kassia Marta, Time unknown) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1610) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1615) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Centre, ACEO, Ensign {JG} McLaren, 1616) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 8 Officer's Lounge-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1620) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Centre, ACEO, Ensign {JG} McLaren, 1623) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, OPS, Ensign{JG} Zadora Yalrath, 1645) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1648) (USS Mithrandir-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1650) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1652) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1654) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, CSO and AFO/TAC/SC, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi and Lieutenant {SG} Paul Casely, 1657) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 8 Officer's Lounge-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1657) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1658) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1700) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1701) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1702) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1703) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1706) (Starbase Geneva-Main Operations-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1708) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1717) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1719) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1723) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1725) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann & Lt. Casely-1726) (Starbase Geneva-FO office -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann & Lt. Casely -1727) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 1729) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1730) (Starbase Geneva, First Officers Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1736) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers 1736) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1738) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1739) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1740) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1743) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brain Rogers, 1753) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1754) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Roger, 1757) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1759) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1802) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1805) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1808) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 65, Hologym -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1845) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1857) (Starbase Geneva, High Security Laboratory, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1904) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1907) (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1908) (Starbase Geneva-personal quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1911) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1914) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28 The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1915) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28 The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1916) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1918) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1919) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Counselor Ensign (SG) Kassia Marta, 1920) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, AFO/TAC/SC & COUNS , Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely & Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1923) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Station Leader, Humans for Humanity, Dean Benford, 1926) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign {JG} Dorrin Klars,1930) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC & COUNS, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely & Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1932) (Starbase Geneva-Personal Quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1934) (Starbase Geneva-Security Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1939) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1941) (Starbase Geneva-Security Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1942) (Starbase Geneva, Security Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1946) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1950) (Starbase Geneva, Security Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1951) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 26, Callahans-ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars-1953) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1954) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1956) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Station Leader, Humans for Humanity, Dean Benford, 1957) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Security, Petty Officer Helen Aboz, 1958) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1959) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Security, Petty Officer Helen Aboz, 2000) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 2002) (Starbase Geneva, The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 2003) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC ensign Dorrin Klars 2005) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Ensign McLaren, 2012) (Starbase Geneva, Dorrin's quarters, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 2100) (Starbase Geneva, Brian Roger's Personal Quarters, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 2101) Stardate: 2407.01.02 (Starbase Geneva- Little Cardassia- Hatri Ronsworth - 0525) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0540) (Starbase Geneva, Little Cardassia, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0547) (Starbase Geneva, Brian Roger's Personal Quarters, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0559) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0616) (Starbase Geneva, Promenade, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0637) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0650) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0653) (Starbase Geneva, Corridor, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0656) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0700) (Starbase Geneva, Dorrin's quarters, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 0700) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0701) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0703) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0733) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0734) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0809) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0810) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0825) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Ensign (JG) McLaren, 0826) (Starbase Geneva, FO's Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 0827) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0828) (Starbase Geneva, FO's office, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 0855) (Starbase Geneva, FO's Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 0922) Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 1 Stardate: 2407.01.01 (Trill, in the Valley near her home, Kassia Marta, Time unknown) Kassia enjoyed the feeling she got when she was riding Palo, her horse, in a gallop through the meadows in the valley near her home. Her hair billowing in the wind that was generated and the smell of all the blossoming flowers made her want to stay there. She brought Palo down to a walk as she looked around the valley. It was a large one that stretched for miles and at either side there were mountains that rose high with snow peaks. The many colored wild flowers and the snow caps was a picture worth painting if she only knew how. Growing up she spent many hours and sometimes days in the valley exploring it from one side to the other and from end to end. There were places that she had found where she could hide from anyone and still be safe. One was where you could be close to and not see the entrance. It had an entrance that actually had an optical illusion that if you did not know, you would pass right past it. Kassia had guided Palo toward her favorite place so that she could play in the cool clear water there. There Palo could also graze without her having to keep a watch out for him, not that she really had to. Palo was her favorite horse because he liked to stay within hearing distance in case she called for him or if danger was near her. He had alerted her on more than one occasion of danger and they had left with ease before it became a problem. As she had done before many times, Kass started exploring the many paths that also lined the area which most opened up to yet more beautiful sights. Some you had to negotiate carefully as they did get a bit high and the trail very small which also had a drop off. She never had a real problem negotiating them, though, recently it had rained and all the trails were wet and that made them more hazardous. She was carefully walking the trails looking at the freshly washed flowers and smelling the new fragrances, then, sat down on a rock to look over the area. As it was starting to get dark, she figured it was time for her to head back home. She stood up to start her way back down where she would call for Palo when her foot suddenly slide sideways. The sudden movement sent her tumbling down the side of the hill where she landed against a rock at her mid section. An excruciating pain ripped through her as she passed out. It wasn't long before Palo was there licking her face to wake her up. "Palo, go, help." She told him through the pain in her stomach. At that he galloped off and she hoped it would not be long before someone would arrive to help her. Her dad knew what time that she usually made it back home and if she was not there, he would start to worry. If Palo came home alone, he would start out to find her knowing that something went wrong. The next few hours dragged on and on. She kept slipping in and out of consciousness finally not knowing what was dream or what was reality. Times she saw what she thought was the walls of a medical center on some Starfleet station with nurses and orderlies running around. Then she looking around at the flowers and the stars above. Some time in the early morning, she thought she saw a nurse over her checking her out, then she saw her dad over her making sure that she was alright. She knew that she had sustained injuries to her stomach, but, her dad's probing around actually could not show that she had any. The longer he searched over her the more she saw the nurse or doctor looking over her and her dad. Then her dad looked up and told her that he loved her before he melted away into the face of the nurse or doctor that was talking to her. (Posted by Frank) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1610) When Ensign Klars destroyed the asteroid, Brian felt easy again, but then saw Ensign Marta's body laying over her station. Lt. Casely tapped the badge and began talking. "Casely to Mackenzie, Ensign Marta requires emergency medical beam out," Lt. Casely ordered. Soon, Marta's body shimmered away. Brian turned back to his work while Lt. Casely got up and went to Helm and started working. "Ensign Rogers, how far are we from Geneva?" asked Lt. Casely. "Roughly 4 hours, sir." Brian reported. Lt. Casely nodded and talked to Ensign Klars. "Mr. Klars, good work with the torpedoes. For future reference, we use torpedoes instead of phasers because phaser output is passed through the warp engines to save on power drain. When that kind of warp anomaly forms, firing the phasers can cause the engines to explode "Do you have any questions?" Then, Kaitlyn's voice came threw the ship's comm system. =^=Doctor Mackenzie to Lt. Casely, Ensign Marta will be recovering in sickbay for awhile before I can send her back up to the bridge. She's undergone minor surgery to repair some internal bleeding.=^= "Will she be okay Doctor?" asked Lt. Casely =^=Yes sir, she will make a quick recovery. Mackenzie out.=^= Brian was glad to hear his fellow counsellor would be ok. Then Chief Rourke interrupted with a report on the engines. =^=Rourke to Casely, I believe we're ready to go, Sir,=^= said the chief. "Are you sure Chief? I don't want a repeat of our last performance," Lt. Casely said. Brian smiled. The ship's last attempt at Warp drive wasn't fun, per say. =^=Yes Sir, positive,=^= said the Chief. "I'll be right down to double check," said Lt. Casely. There was a short pause. Brian wondered if the comm system went down, but knew it was open. Rourke responded.=^=Yes Sir, we'll be ready.=^= Lt. Casely turned to Klars. "Ensign, I have to go down to engineering for a few minutes. For now, you have the bridge. Try not to break anything." Lt. Casely got up and left. Brian sat at his station and waited. Brian sat, watching his station input information to him. Soon, Lt. Casely returned. "Thank you Mr. Klars. "We should be ready to use the warp engines again in a few minutes. Mr. Rogers, please notify the ship that we're attempting warp again and have them ready at their stations. I want you to be ready for targeting and scanning again just in case. Mr. Klars, make sure the torpedoes are online just in case as well. There shouldn't be a problem, but I'm feeling a bit cautious as I'm sure you can understand." "Yes, sir." Brian said. He did that has the ship jumped to warp. Soon without error, they arrived outside Starbase Geneva. =^=Mithrandir, this is Starbase Geneva. Proceed to the Mithrandir docking port. We will tractor you in from there. Welcome home.=^= "Thank you Geneva. Please have medical facilities on standby. We have on officer with serious injuries. Ensign Marta will be directly transported to the Medical Centre. We'll also need a repair crew to work on the Mithrandir. Tell them they have 12 hours to get her up to spec again. Never know if we'll need her again." Lt. Casely said. =^=Yes Sir,=^=, said the officer on Geneva and with that, the channel closed. "Mr. Klars, make sure the weapons are powered down. Mr. Rogers, please ensure the shields are offline. I'm taking direct helm control at that point," Lt. Casely ordered has he took manual control of the ship. Soon, they docked. After some checking up with other parts of the ship, Casely addressed Brian and Ensign Klars. "Mr. Klars, Mr. Rogers, you have both served well on this mission. Thank you for your hard work. I will ask that both of you try to run some holodeck training simulations at some point on a starship at the stations you utilized here. Its always good to get practice. You both might want to consider working together in fact on various scenarios trying all the stations. That is, of course, up to you," said Lt. Casely. Then, the crew got up and began heading towards the door, but Lt. Casely stopped Brian and Ensign Klars. "Gentlemen, don't forget, I want Mr. Benford. I would advise you to have a counsellor with you when you're dealing with Benford. Having some psychological profiles of him based on his behaviour would be good. Remember, he's not under arrest, we have no proof he's done anything wrong. We just want to ask a few questions. Mr. Klars, I look forward to your report on the matter," said Lt. Casely. ~Benford?~ Brian recalled the name from the civilian log files, but couldn't remember anything else. Ensign Klars turned to Brian, has Lt. Casely walked away. "I have an idea Counselor, can you gauge reactions without looking directly at a person? If so, please go to the Cantina and find two tables in a corner and close to each other. On one, cleverly put on something that will record a conversation, on the other sit on it and fall asleep through drunkenness, if you know what I mean. A short time after, while you are still sleeping, I will become very good friends with Mr. Benford, at the table with the recorder, what do to you think?" Ensign Klars said. Before Brian could ask about how he would get Benford to a meeting with him....or why Benford was so bad, Red Alert sounded. =^=I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have.=^= Klars muttered a four-letter word and spoke. "Well counselor it seems that the matter of Benford will have to wait until later. Lets go to the Main Ops and see what the heck is going on!" Brian followed Klars has he took off running. (Posted by Brian Rogers) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1615) Working was helping keep Gr'iann's mind from worrying about Kaitlyn, and from embarrassing himself, and her, any further. He took care of the plasma burns and left the patient with their arm in the cellular regenerator. It would take several hours, and there will still be a permanent discoloration to the skin, but at least he'll get to keep his arm. He decided to do rounds. The one thing about a starbase the size of Geneva was, there were always patients. Everyone seemed to doing fine. Then he came to the intensive care room. This was Ensign McLaren. As he read the chart he found that this was the young man who collapsed for no reason. Upon examination they had discovered a cranial aneurysm, which was promptly operated on by Dr. Mackenzie. He entered the room with the PADD in paw. He seemed to be awake and aware. "So Ensign, how arre you feeling? You gave us all a bit of a scarre this mmorrning." (reply McLaren) "Well, you have had mmajorr brrain surrgerry, so you'rre bound to feel a little disorriented forr a while. Yourr mmain job forr the next couple of says is to rrelax and rregain yourr strrenght." (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Centre, ACEO, Ensign {JG} McLaren, 1616) Matthew had been awake for a while now and was feeling restless. All of a sudden the Admiral walked in. "So Ensign, how arre you feeling? You gave us all a bit of a scarre this mmorrning," the Admiral said with a strange accent. "Believe me, I gave myself a scare too. What's it all about, what happened?" Matthew asked. "Well, you have had mmajorr brrain surrgerry, so you'rre bound to feel a little disorriented forr a while. Yourr mmain job forr the next couple of says is to rrelax and rregain yourr strrength," The Admiral said. "Major brain surgery? What caused it? Was it to do with my implants?" Matthew asked. (reply Gr'iann) "So how long am I going to be here? I need to get back to work as soon as I can," Matthew said feeling frustrated. He hated being cooped up like this. (Posted by Matt) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 8 Officer's Lounge-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1620) "Major brain surgery?" McLaren was understandably worried. "What caused it? Was it to do with my implants?" "Implants?" Gr'iann looked down at the PADD again, and scrolled through the patient information. Ah yes, there it was, occular implants. Fascinating indeed. He purred a little at the prospect of such a procedure. He knew that a few had been performed but he had never personally dealt with one. "I'mm not cerrtain," the doctor replied, "but it is definitely a possibility." He began to run a tricorder over the man's head. "So how long am I going to be here? I need to get back to work as soon as I can," McLaren said. Gr'iann could understand his reluctance to stay, but had to be firm. "I'm afrraid, Ensign," Gr'iann said sternly, "that you will be herre until we find the cause of yourr aneurrysmm. If it was yourr immplants then somme adjustmments mmight need to be mmade. I would say that you're herre at least anotherr two days. Maybe mmorre if test rresults don't comme out the way they need to, mmaybe less, if things go well." (Posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Centre, Ensign {JG} McLaren, 1623) The admiral looked a bit confused when Matthew asked about his implants and consulted a PADD. "I'mm not cerrtain," the doctor replied, "but it is definitely a possibility." He began to run a tricorder over McLaren's head. "So how long am I going to be here? I need to get back to work as soon as I can," McLaren said. The admiral seemed sympathetic at this statement but kept his tone firm. "I'm afrraid, Ensign," Gr'iann said sternly, "that you will be herre until we find the cause of yourr aneurrysmm. If it was yourr immplants then somme adjustments mmight need to be mmade. I would say that you're herre at least anotherr two days. Maybe mmorre if test rresults don't comme out the way they need to, mmaybe less, if things go well." the admiral said. Matthew laid back and sighed. Matthew slipped in and out of sleep for the next 20 minutes or so while the admiral scanned him and did whatever it was that doctors do. Just then 2 figures materialized into the main med bay. Matthew couldn’t see from where he was lying but the admiral seemed distracted all of a sudden and turned away and left McLaren by himself. Matthew let himself slip into a light sleep until he was awoken by the red alert siren and the flashing of red lights along the walls of the medical centre. =^= I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have.=^= came the voice of LT Casely from ops. Matthew watched as the senior officers began filing out of the centre. Matthew longed to be a part of the action again rather then lying in the bed. (posted by Matt) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, OPS, Ensign{JG} Zadora Yalrath, 1645) Zadora had been working non-stop, mostly in the background of the action, for hours now. She had adjusted the power flow to allow for more scanner sweeps to the planet below once the bad guys had blown a rather large hole in the planetary shield. In a strange sense, they'd done them a favour. She hoped that the Lieutenant and the rest of the officers onboard the Mithrandir would be back soon. Inwardly, she was also a bit annoyed that she didn't get a chance to be on the Mithrandir for this mission. =^=Mithrandir to Starbase Geneva, awaiting permission to begin docking procedures.=^= stated a voice on the other end of her comm link. Zadora snapped out of her thoughts and called back to the ship. "Mithrandir, this is Starbase Geneva. Proceed to the Mithrandir docking port. We will tractor you in from there. Welcome home." =^=Thank you Geneva. Please have medical facilities on standby. We have on officer with serious injuries. Ensign Marta will be directly transported to the Medical Centre. We'll also need a repair crew to work on the Mithrandir. Tell them they have 12 hours to get her up to spec again. Never know if we'll need her again.=^= "Yes Sir," stated Zadora back as the comm link closed. Zadora immediately called down to the Medical Centre, "Ensign Yalrath to Doctor Gr'iann, please be advised that Ensign Marta will be transported directly to the Medical Centre." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1648) =^=Mithrandir, this is Starbase Geneva. Proceed to the Mithrandir docking port. We will tractor you in from there. Welcome home.=^= "Thank you Geneva. Please have medical facilities on standby. We have on officer with serious injuries. Ensign Marta will be directly transported to the Medical Centre. We'll also need a repair crew to work on the Mithrandir. Tell them they have 12 hours to get her up to spec again. Never know if we'll need her again," stated Paul. He knew that Kassia would need more attention than she could receive in the stripped down medical bay on this ship. Paul also was completely aware that the Mithrandir was not ready to go straight out again, but he could need her very quickly depending on the activities of the 'fanatics' they had encountered earlier. =^=Yes Sir,=^= came the expected reply as the channel closed. "Mr. Klars, make sure the weapons are powered down. Mr. Rogers, please ensure the shields are offline. I'm taking direct helm control at that point," stated Paul, walking over to the helm and sitting down. He switched from the automatic system to the manual. ~Piloting by hand, at least to the tractor bay, that's the way to do it,~ thought Paul with a wave of nostalgia. (Reply Klars, Rogers) Paul felt the control shift as he got manual control. He took the ship down to one quarter impulse as he banked it around to the other side of the station and began to manoeuvre towards the docking bays. Part way there, he felt the tractor beam take hold. Paul watched with a combination of admiration and awe as the ship slipped past the station. It looked so huge from this angle. He knew the Mithrandir was scarred, but still overall operational. Slowly, the ship began to near the station, and slid inside. As it came to rest, the beams locked hold, holding the ship in place and Paul could feel the docking clamps take hold. "Doctor Mackenzie, please beam Ensign Marta to the Medical Centre. They're waiting for both of you there at this point. Good work Doctor," said Paul over this comm channel. (Reply Mackenzie) "Mr. Klars, Mr. Rogers, you have both served well on this mission. Thank you for your hard work. I will ask that both of you try to run some holodeck training simulations at some point on a starship at the stations you utilized here. Its always good to get practice. You both might want to consider working together in fact on various scenarios trying all the stations. That is, of course, up to you," said Paul. They had done well, but it would be useful for them to be ready for more complicated and varied possibilities. (Reply Klars, Rogers) With that, Paul disembarked the Mithrandir and back to Geneva with the rest of the crew. He immediately walked to the turbolift for Main Ops, and then turned back to Klars and Rogers. "Gentlemen, don't forget, I want Mr. Benford. I would advise you to have a counsellor with you when you're dealing with Benford. Having some psychological profiles of him based on his behaviour would be good. Remember, he's not under arrest, we have no proof he's done anything wrong. We just want to ask a few questions. Mr. Klars, I look forward to your report on the matter," said Paul with a grin. He knew that Benford was more difficult to deal with than most people realised at first. He also knew that Klars and Rogers had some difficulties of the personal nature. Paul hoped that by forcing them to work together, they'd work out some of their differences. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Mithrandir-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1650) It was good to hear a voice from Geneva. For a while Kaitlyn was beginning to feel like she would never get back home. Not that she didn't like away missions, she loved them, but she hated when things went wrong just like everyone else. Glancing in Marta's direction, Kaitlyn saw that the medication she had given her earlier was still at work. She guessed she probably wouldn't wake up for about another hour or two, unless she brought her out of it herself. Putting various items away, Mackenzie stumbled a bit when she felt the sudden jolt of the docking clamps being put into place. ~Finally.~ "Doctor Mackenzie, please beam Ensign Marta to the Medical Centre. They're waiting for both of you there at this point. Good work Doctor," said Paul over the comm channel. Sighing, she said, "Computer, beam Ensign Marta and myself directly to sickbay." (Posted by Stacey) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1652) Before she knew it the shape around her had changed and she was being rematerialized in the familiar, large medical center. Spotting Ensign Marta, Kaitlyn went directly up to her and the medical team that had been standing by. She immediately started to fill them in on what happened and how she would just be undergoing the recovery process at this moment in time. Nodding in understanding, they walked away, leaving just Kaitlyn with Marta. She glanced at the chronometer and decided she would come back to check on her later. Moving on, she then saw Ensign McLaren......talking with Admiral Gr'iann. It obviously wasn't a crime, but Kaitlyn was NOT happy at all with the day's earlier actions by him and was NOT looking forward to his confrontation. Since the Admiral seemed to have had most everything under control, Kaitlyn went into the office and sat down. She was about to pull up the Ensign's medical file so she could add today's incidents, when she looked at what was presently displayed. Her file. ~What the hell is my file doing up?!~ Looking up with her eyes only, she glared at the back of the Admiral's form standing in the main medical bay. She presumed it was him. ~It has to be, but why?~ What was he so interested about that he pulled up her file? Or was it even him that did it? Frustrated and furious, Kaitlyn decided to take him up on it at a later time. She had work to do right now and it wasn't going to be a good time to talk to him because of the fact she was so ticked off. If she were to talk to him, the entire starbase would probably hear the argument from her shouting mouth. Trying her hardest to shake it off, she pulled up Ensign Marta's file and started to add her injuries and Stardate into the list. As she was doing so, she just happened to glance up, and see Admiral Gr'iann looking into the office from the main area. He looked as if he were too scarred to even attempt to walk into the office. She sat, looking at him who looked back at her, and waited for his next move. (Posted by: Stacey) (USS Mithrandir, Bridge, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1654) "Mr. Klars, make sure the weapons are powered down. Mr. Rogers, please ensure the shields are offline. I'm taking direct helm control at that point," stated Paul. Dorrin nodded and powered down the weapons glad to be back on the station at last. "Mr. Klars, Mr. Rogers, you have both served well on this mission. Thank you for your hard work. I will ask that both of you try to run some holodeck training simulations at some point on a starship at the stations you utilized here. Its always good to get practice. You both might want to consider working together in fact on various scenarios trying all the stations. That is, of course, up to you," said Paul. Dorrin nodded, he was fairly sure Paul was trying to build up some trust or respect between himself and Rogers. It might work, or it might be a disaster. Dorrin and the rest of the crew disembarked and began to walk towards Geneva Paul turned and addressed Rogers, and himself. "Gentlemen, don't forget, I want Mr. Benford. I would advise you to have a counsellor with you when you're dealing with Benford. Having some psychological profiles of him based on his behaviour would be good. Remember, he's not under arrest, we have no proof he's done anything wrong. We just want to ask a few questions. Mr. Klars, I look forward to your report on the matter," said Paul. Dorrin nodded and turned to Roger. "I have an idea Counselor, can you gauge reactions without looking directly at a person? If so, please go to the Cantina((is that what it is called?)) and find two tables in a corner and close to each other. On one, cleverly put on something that will record a conversation, on the other sit on it and fall asleep through drunkenness, if you know what I mean. A short time after, while you are still sleeping, I will become very good friends with Mr. Benford, at the table with the recorder, what do to you think?" Unfortunately before Rogers could answer the red alert came on. ~What the heck!~ Than Paul's voice came over the =^=I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have.=^= Dorrin swore, "well counselor it seems that the matter of Benford will have to wait until later. Lets go to the Main Ops and see what the heck is going on!" With that Dorrin went to the Main Ops at a run. (Posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, CSO and AFO/TAC/SC, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi and Lieutenant {SG} Paul Casely, 1657) Engtamn continued with his scans and monitoring the planet and its communications. Most of it was a complete and utter babble. He had enough difficulty with human words and phrases as it was when his universal translator wasn't quite working, this was almost incomprehensible. The concept that this could be metaphors from Earth's past, as Admiral Gr'iann had hypothesized, was possible... but how would they ever know them all? Besides which, the Admiral wasn't exactly seeming... balanced... lately. The communications console buzzed to life again suddenly. =^=Like Osama you came! Into our buildings your weapons fly! Not like Ghandi, like Hitler! Is it to be the Bay of Pigs? Will there be Titans, Peacekeepers and Minutemen? Like Tojo you are! Bigger 911, you gave AK47s to the Contras!=^= The same pair had appeared with their cryptic message, they definitely didn't look happy. Engtamn began to sweat. He now knew the terrible truth about the people on this planet. They had matter/antimatter technology. They had starship technology. They were at least comparable to Starfleet... perhaps even ahead in some areas. And now, they seemed angry. Engtamn hoped that someone who could deal with this, would soon. In the corner of his eye, Engtamn noticed something. Without even thinking he hit the red alert button. The station was again on high alert, the shields were raising. General quarters were called. [RED ALERT] Suddenly, Lieutenant Casely stepped onto Main OPs. "Who raised Red Alert? What is going on here?" "Sir, I did," responded Engtamn quietly, "They have powered what I can only assume are weapon installations following a rather... angry sounding... message to us." Paul nodded and walked to the tactical station. He saw what Engtamn had saw and could see his reason for concern. Paul pressed the intercom button and made sure the signal only reached Starfleet personnel, "I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 8 Officer's Lounge-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1657) Gr'iann caught Kaitlyn's scent the moment that she transported into main medical. He smiled as he could picture her in his mind. And the fact that she was safe and unharmed didn't hurt his mood either. But he had had to finish with McLaren, and that took a little time. When he turned he could see her sitting at the desk in his office. His face suddenly fell, the last thing he had been doing was trying to figure out why he had this attraction to her, and he'd been looking at her medical file. The file that she was probably looking at now. The feelings that went through him were a mixture of despair, fear and foreboding. Funny how none of these were feelings that he would normally have connected with Kaitlyn. However the look on her face made here feelings quite obvious. Her eyes locked on his, and they stood there, for a moment, which stretched into an eternity. It was as if they were two 12th century samurai, looking into each other, preparing for the battle that was inevitable, trying to discern who would win, before the first strike fell. That battle had already been lost, for Gr'iann was not up to the challenge. However, he did have to ... what was the phrase... look into the face of the music? Something like that. Slowly he moved towards the office, trying to put on a brave face. As the Caitian approached the door he took a deep breath. "Doctorr Mmackenzie, I suppose we need to talk." If phasers could shoot out of a humans eyes he was sure that Kaityn's were set on level 8. As she opened her mouth to speak they were, once again, interrupted. =^= I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have.=^= ~Saved by the emergency.~ (reply Mackenzie) Gr'iann let Kaitlyn pass by him as they both headed up to main ops. He watched her walk past and couldn't help but think how cute she looked angry, and how that walk of dismissal aroused him. He shook his head to clear those thoughts out and followed her out of the medical center. (Posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1658) Their eyes stood locked in the same position for what felt like an eternity. Kaitlyn was very upset with him and was ready to try that Klingon battle program Rogers was supposed to have introduced her to. She supposed that it was probably a good thing in her present situation. Not only that, but she WAS a doctor after all. First rule in the oath: Do no harm. Sometimes that oath was just no fun. As Gr'iann started walking towards the office, Kaitlyn shut the computer off and folded her arms across her chest, awaiting what his excuse would be. "Doctorr Mmackenzie, I suppose we need to talk." "That we do," she said sternly. She almost felt like a mother scolding her child. =^= I'm sure you've noticed by now that we're on Red Alert. It would seem that the planet has decided to see the explosion of the shuttle and the harm done to their shields as a hostile act. I need senior staff into Main Ops. Time is a luxury we no longer have.=^= ~Casely....what a knack for timing you have.~ Kaitlyn stood up and brushed past Gr'iann as she started toward the exit of sickbay. In one way, she was happy that there had been an interruption. That way she wouldn't have to face him right now. On the other hand, if she let her anger diffuse, she would never get her point across. ~With my temper it's probably better to settle down first before I rip heads off.~ She realized that Gr'iann was following her to the turbolift, but didn't care. She knew they would just have to grow up and get past this. After all, they WOULD have to work together the rest of their lives. (Posted by Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1700) Dorrin ran in panting and saw that Paul was already there. "Hello sir, I see that we have come across a problem, correct? (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1701) Klars ran in, Brian easily kept up with him, but allowed him to get ahead. They entered and Klars blurted out, "Hello sir, I see that we have come across a problem, correct?" Brian held back a smile has Lt. Casely grimaced at Klars' strange way of addressing a commanding officer. "Mr. Klars, assume the Tactical Station immediately. The planet's surface has powered what seem to be weapons. Mr. Rogers, please assume communications. We have another transmission from the planet. I have a good idea it was them being upset with us about the shuttle explosion disabling part of their shields, but I want you to find some of the exact references and attempt to decipher it." Lt. Casely asked. "Aye, sir." said Brian has he sat at a station and began working Lt. Casely sat at the center seat and spoke. "Computer, where is Captain Arianna?" [Captain Arianna is in the office of Ambassador Tane.] Lt. Casely said. ~Tane?~ Again, Brian recalled the name like Benford, but couldn't recall any more. However, Brian kept working. Soon, he brought up the message on his console, has he read it. =^=Like Osama you came! Into our buildings your weapons fly! Not like Ghandi, like Hitler! Is it to be the Bay of Pigs? Will there be Titans, Peacekeepers and Minutemen? Like Tojo you are! Bigger 911, you gave AK47s to the Contras!=^= A few words popped into his mind. Ghandi and Hitler were famous 20th century leaders. AK47 also seemed familiar, Brian thought of a pre-impulse atmospheric craft, but wasn't sure. He started with the first word he didn't know, Osama, and put it into the computer database. The computer came back with a reply. [Three Possible Meanings. Osama, a popular first name for men of the Islamic fate during the pre-warp Earth era. The name has since fallen out of use after the third world war. A small crater on the moon named Osama Crater. The third is Osama City, a moon colony located near Osama Crater.] Brian thought deeply. A crater cannot 'come' like 'we' came to the aliens. ~It must be a name.~ "Computer, show all men with the first name Osama that could be related to an attack of some sort." [Two possible meanings. Osama bin Laden, a terrorist leader of the religious movement called al-Qaeda. Believed to inspire an attack on landmarks in the year 2001. Other possibility, General Osama Ashuban, secondary commander for Eastern Earth Forces during Third World War. Named for Osama bin Laden. Considered by many a failure of an officer. Captured and killed by enemy forces.] Brian made a note of both people and went to the next name. "Computer, input Ghandi into the database and come up with all matches. [One meaning.] ~Finally! Brian thought.~ [Surname of the Ghandi family, a prominent politicians and leaders on the pre-warp Earth nation of India. It is most commonly used to refer to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi one of the leaders of India's independence movement, frequently called Mahatma Gandhi. He had 6 sons, all became leaders.] Brian made a note again. "Computer, please search Hitler in database." [Three possible meanings. One is Adolf Hitler, an oppresive dictator in pre-warp Earth of a nation called Germany. Second is Adolf Lu Hitler Marak is an politician in pre-warp Indian who renamed himself after the first leader. The third is a Camp Hitler, a World War Three camp site for Eastern Earth Forces.] Brian wrote all of them down and searched the term Bay of Pigs. [One meanings. A battle in 1961 between the nation United States and the nation of Cuba. The United States leader, President John Kennedy did not allow air support to be given to the United States forces. The mission was a critical failure for the United States. Later lead to the Cuba Missile-....] "Thank you, computer. Search database for possible meanings of Contra." Brian ordered. [Eight possible meanings. First is translation from pre-warp language Spanish, meaning counter. Second is a....] "Computer, please cross section all relating to war, or battle, or India." Brian said. [Three possible meanings. First is a irregular military force who opposed pre-warp Earth nation of Nicaragua. Second is an anti-war protest group in the Earth nation of Sweden. Third is the planet Contra, which was discovered by early Starfleet in 2315. It has simple single celled life forms where there are two versions, red and yellow that are at a state of war. Starfleet has declared this planet off limits to all and sends a research team every 25 years.] The computer said. Brian smiled and noted all the meanings and then went. "Computer, please search AK47." Brian asked. [One meaning. The AK47 or Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947 is a pre-warp ballistic device.] "Cross check my three Contra meanings and AK47." Brian said. [Checking, please wait....done. The anti-Nicaragua group likely used AK47's hence the weapons wide spread use in that era. The Sweden group was anti-war and anti-violence, and likely didn't use weapons. The Conrtian species have no way of operating an AK47.] The computer said. "Thank you, computer." Brian said. He got up and walked over to Lt. Casely. "Lieutenant, I have some notes to share with you on the planet's message, sir." Brian said. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1702) Paul looked at his ATAC and felt his eyes narrow. Klars worked well, but at times seemed to forget proper decorum, his comment seemed unnecessarily glib and informal. No one set off red alerts for no reason. Paul shook it from his mind, he'd deal with it later if he felt it necessary. No time for discussions or lengthy explanations now. "Mr. Klars, assume the Tactical Station immediately. The planet's surface has powered what seem to be weapons. Mr. Rogers, please assume communications. We have another transmission from the planet. I have a good idea it was them being upset with us about the shuttle explosion disabling part of their shields, but I want you to find some of the exact references and attempt to decipher it." said Paul. (Reply Klars, Rogers) Paul sat down in the command chair and spoke aloud, "Computer, where is Captain Arianna?" [Captain Arianna is in the office of Ambassador Tane.] came the automated reply. ~Figures,~ thought Paul. The Ambassadors' core would be concerned about what was transpiring, it made sense for the Captain to liaise with them. He felt a momentary pride that she seemed to be trusting him with so much responsibility. He tapped his comm badge. "Casely to Captain Arianna, please be advised that the planet has activated what seem to be weapons systems. We are attempting to decipher the transmissions from the planet's surface and have taken full defensive positions," said Paul with cool resolve. (Reply Arianna, Tane) "Ensign Yalrath, continue monitoring the planet's surface and make sure enough power is getting to our shields. Boost the power gain to acceptable limits. If you need to bring replicators and holodecks temporarily offline feel free to do so," Paul stated, "Doctor Engtamn-Jensi keep your scans up. I want to know what they have and where they're being aimed." "Yes Sir," came the replies from Yalrath and Engtamn. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1703) Both her and Gr'iann arrived at the same time, walking up to the main ops station on the bridge. She was sure the Lieutenant would be able to tell what had been going on with the look on her face. Trying not to show it, she acted like nothing had happened. "Lt. Casely, report please," said Gr'iann. That was another thing she forgot about. He was an admiral, so she'd have to choose her words wisely. She listened as Casely tried not to look insulted by being commanded when he was practically in charge of the entire mission. She knew better, because Gr'iann was an admiral, but wondered if he wasn't pulling rank to look good in front of her. Mentally rolling her eyes, she fought off the urge to sigh loudly. After listening to Casely report to Gr'iann, it was Rogers who walked over to Casely with new information leading to what the new message could've meant. Listening again to Rogers, she took more time in listening on his report since the new information was held in it. When he finished, Paul once again took command and told medical where they needed to be. "Presently, I need medical to be ready to take care of both our wounded and theirs in the event this turns violent, of course I'm hoping it won't. I would also appreciate someone manning the biological scanners to see if they can get a better idea of what's going on, on the planet's surface. Our crew is still not complete. Doctor Engtamn-Jensi is excellent with power flow and the like, but a bit lacking in the biological sciences," stated Paul, "I'm hoping that if Mr. Rogers gets some information fast in terms of the meanings of some of the words, I can attempt to communicate our peaceful intentions with the planet." "Yes sir," Mackenzie said as she turned around and headed back to sickbay. ~Anything to get me off the bridge at this point.~ Her and the Admiral would be too busy trying to get sickbay ready for injuries. Not sure if he was following or not, she got into the turbolift, and said, "Sickbay," and waited to feel the jolt. (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1706) Paul had finished directing the rest of the staff to their stations when he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Lt. Casely, report please." It was the 'Admiral'. Paul still had to deal with him at some point. His conduct suspect, and Paul's personal respect for the man definitely waning, he decided to choke it down and deliver. Paul was not someone who would defy requests or orders from senior officers lightly, and this was still the case no matter what the Admiral's past behaviour. Paul turned impassively, "We have received a communication from the surface of the planet. It seems that they have not taken the attack by the enemy vessel without some offense. They have powered up what Doctor Engtamn-Jensi believes are weapons. Mr. Rogers is attempting to get context in terms of the words and phrases that were used, Mr. Klars is manning tactical in the event it becomes necessary to utilize it. Captain Arianna is apprising the Ambassadors on station of what is happening. I have Main Operations, Sir." (Reply Gr'iann) "Presently, I need medical to be ready to take care of both our wounded and theirs in the event this turns violent, of course I'm hoping it won't. I would also appreciate someone manning the biological scanners to see if they can get a better idea of what's going on, on the planet's surface. Our crew is still not complete. Doctor Engtamn-Jensi is excellent with power flow and the like, but a bit lacking in the biological sciences," stated Paul, "I'm hoping that if Mr. Rogers gets some information fast in terms of the meanings of some of the words, I can attempt to communicate our peaceful intentions with the planet." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva-Main Operations-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1708) Gr'iann listened intently to Casely's report. He couldn't help but notice the emphasis when he stated, "I have Main Operations, Sir." Gr'iann nodded. Another set of toes to step on, he frowned. He really wasn't trying to take over, just find out what's going on. "And as it should be, Lt," Gr'iann nodded. "How can I assist you?" Casely explained that he needed somebody in medical to take care of any potential injuries. "I would also appreciate someone manning the biological scanners to see if they can get a better idea of what's going on, on the planet's surface. Our crew is still not complete. Doctor Engtamn-Jensi is excellent with power flow and the like, but a bit lacking in the biological sciences. I'm hoping that if Mr. Rogers gets some information fast in terms of the meanings of some of the words, I can attempt to communicate our peaceful intentions with the planet." Kaitlyn took that as an indication to head back to medical. She was probably wondering why Casely wanted her up here for in the first place. Although she seemed to be happy going back. He watched her walk away for a moment, wondering if he was supposed to go along so they could finish their "talk." No, he was needed here for the moment. It would have to wait. He listened as Rogers gave his report, and was intrigued by the results. His earlier thought on the Tamerans came back to him. "Lt," Gr'iann said, " if you can put the mmessage thrrough this terrmminal, I'd like to see if I can help, along with the bio scans. Between Counselorr Rrogerrs and myself, we mmight be able to comme up with an adequate rresponse." (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1717) Paul was discussing the issues of the moment with Admiral Gr'iann when Ensign Rogers broke in. "Lieutenant, I have some notes to share with you on the planet's message, sir," Ensign Rogers stated. Paul had seen a great improvement in Rogers attitude towards other crew members and his job as of late. Perhaps he just needed a crisis for the best in him to come out. Paul considered Admiral Gr'iann for a second, "Excuse me Sir, I need to hear this." He turned to the Ensign, "Proceed Ensign, I hope this is thorough." Paul didn't have time to fool around at the moment. Within the next few minutes he would have to make contact with the planet and try to smooth things over. The Ensign's report would figure prominently in his attempt to communicate and could be the "make it or break it" factor in this exchance. At this point, all of Paul's former training and studies in terms of diplomacy would come into play. (Reply Rogers) At the end of his report, Paul nodded, "I need a list of words and what you believe their basic meanings to be. Use this last transmission and the one from earlier today. Concentrate on ones that you think have to do with peace, friendship, non-violence. I also need to convey the fact that a group of rebels attacked the planet and we stopped them." (Reply Rogers) "And Mr. Rogers, please hurry but be careful. I'm putting all of our lives in your hands. I'll deliver the message, but your translations will make the difference," said Paul. If this worked out properly, Paul could make contact and give them some idea of their peaceful intentions. He hoped that he could give some explanation, but if that was impossible he at least wanted to make a pledge of non-violence. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1719) Brian saw that Lt. Casely was talking to Gr'iann, but the lieutenant turned to Brian. "Excuse me Sir, I need to hear this. Proceed Ensign, I hope this is thorough. And Mr. Rogers, please hurry but be careful. I'm putting all of our lives in your hands. I'll deliver the message, but your translations will make the difference" "Uh, of course, sir." Brian said. "Well, I started with Osama, which is a first name for a religion in pre-warp Earth. There are two infamous people named. Osama bin Laden, a terrorist leader and General Osama Ashuban, a military leader during the Third World War. General Ashuban is known has a military failure, so I believe it is referring to Osama bin Laden." Brian said. He then noticed that .Kaitlyn was here. Brian looked at the floor has he tried to remember what to say. "The next word I tried to research was Ghandi family. Mahatma Gandhi was a leader in an Independence movement in a nation-state called India on Earth. Then I researched Hitler, who was an oppresive dictator in pre-warp Earth of a nation called Germany. Bay of Pigs was a battle between a country called United States and Cuba, the United States failed their invasion. Contras were a small terrorist organization, and AK47 were ballistic weapons. I am going to research connections between Contras and AK47s. From what I can tell, sir, they think we are terrorists. In the line, 'Not like Ghandi, like Hitler', may be that they think we are not coming peacefully. Again, Bay of Pigs is perhaps like we are United States and a failed assault. I will research the other words, sir." Brian said, finished his report. He had hoped it was thorough enough for the lieutenant, but now he wished he had finished researching the other words. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1723) "The next word I tried to research was Ghandi family. Mahatma Gandhi was a leader in an Independence movement in a nation-state called India on Earth. Then I researched Hitler, who was an oppresive dictator in pre-warp Earth of a nation called Germany. Bay of Pigs was a battle between a country called United States and Cuba, the United States failed their invasion. Contras were a small terrorist organization, and AK47 were ballistic weapons. I am going to research connections between Contras and AK47s. From what I can tell, sir, they think we are terrorists. In the line, 'Not like Ghandi, like Hitler', may be that they think we are not coming peacefully. Again, Bay of Pigs is perhaps like we are United States and a failed assault. I will research the other words, sir." Brian said. At the end of his report, Paul nodded, "I need a list of words and what you believe their basic meanings to be. Use this last transmission and the one from earlier today. Concentrate on ones that you think have to do with peace, friendship, non-violence. I also need to convey the fact that a group of rebels attacked the planet and we stopped them." (Reply Rogers) "And Mr. Rogers, please hurry but be careful. I'm putting all of our lives in your hands. I'll deliver the message, but your translations will make the difference," said Paul. If this worked out properly, Paul could make contact and give them some idea of their peaceful intentions. He hoped that he could give some explanation, but if that was impossible he at least wanted to make a pledge of non-violence. (Reply Rogers) At that point, Gr'iann decided to interject. "Lt," Gr'iann said, " if you can put the mmessage thrrough this terrmminal, I'd like to see if I can help, along with the bio scans. Between Counselorr Rrogerrs and myself, we mmight be able to comme up with an adequate rresponse." Paul looked at the admiral and considered for a second. He knew that Rogers was a 'rival' for Mackenzie's affections for Gr'iann and was concerned about the outcome of that pairing. Paul knew he'd have to sit down with the Admiral and clear this up fast, this was definitely causing problems in terms of working relationships and Paul's sense of 'ease' with the Admiral and his decisions. "Actually, Admiral, I believe that would be appropriate, although I'd like to speak to you first. There are a few things I'd like to run past you in private," said Paul with a self- conscious smile. In the end, he was part of the command team of this station. He couldn't allow personal feelings or concerns to cloud things and that included doing his duty and discussing potentially problematic behaviour coming from support crew. Paul really had no desire whatsoever to confront the Admiral directly about this issue, but at the same time he knew that it was part of his duty. He was acting second officer. The situation with the planet was dependant on Mr. Roger's completing his task. Something that Paul knew could take some time. He had a few minutes to discuss these concerns with Gr'iann. (Reply Gr'iann) Paul nodded, "Mr. Rogers, please have as much of that list assembled as possible. Mr. Klars, alert me if their weapon status changes at any point. DO NOT fire unless you are directly ordered to by myself or the captain. Admiral, I'm sure we can use the First Officer's office. I guess, in an odd way, it is currently my office after all." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1725) When Brian finished his report, Lt. Casely nodded, "I need a list of words and what you believe their basic meanings to be. Use this last transmission and the one from earlier today. Concentrate on ones that you think have to do with peace, friendship, non-violence. I also need to convey the fact that a group of rebels attacked the planet and we stopped them." "Yes, sir!" Brian said. "And Mr. Rogers, please hurry but be careful. I'm putting all of our lives in your hands. I'll deliver the message, but your translations will make the difference," said, Lt. Casely. "Of course, sir. I'll try my best." Brian said. He would try not to let the lieutenant down. (reply Casely, iyw) "Lieutenant," Gr'iann said, " if you can put the mmessage thrrough this terrmminal, I'd like to see if I can help, along with the bio scans. Between Counselorr Rrogerrs and myself, we mmight be able to comme up with an adequate rresponse." "Actually, Admiral, I believe that would be appropriate, although I'd like to speak to you first. There are a few things I'd like to run past you in private," Lt. Casely said. Brian knew he was going to get scolded. It was a funny thought of an Admiral getting scolded by a Lieutenant (JG) but Casely was the acting First Officer....or acting Captain for that matter, and he was in the command division. Casely then turned to Brian after Gr'iann's response. "Mr. Rogers, please have as much of that list assembled as possible. Mr. Klars, alert me if their weapon status changes at any point. DO NOT fire unless you are directly ordered to by myself or the captain. Admiral, I'm sure we can use the First Officer's office. I guess, in an odd way, it is currently my office after all." And with that Gr'iann and Casely walked off. Brian walked back to the station he was using and began forming his list. He then finished and waited for Casely to return from the office. While he waited, he thought about working with the Admiral. ~I sure don't like him, but I have to work with him.~ Brian said, rolling his eyes. ~I should just try to make it work. Maybe the admiral isn't that bad....~ (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann & Lt. Casely-1726) "Actually, Admiral, I believe that would be appropriate, although I'd like to speak to you first. There are a few things I'd like to run past you in private," said Casely, giving the Admiral a weak smile. Gr'iann's ears swung round in interest. He was sure that Casely had a few questions about his behavior earlier, but those would only be in connection with Kaitlyn. Since she was not in the picture he couldn't imagine what the security chief/second officer/first officer- the man had more hats than a Danubian concubine- had to say. "I'mm all, if you excuse the exprression, ears." The Caitain smiled a little at his joke. He followed Casely after the man had given his orders to Rogers. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron and Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva-FO office -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1727) Gr'iann followed Casely into the office and watched as the human looked a little uncomfortable in the surroundings. Gr'iann smiled warmly, he couldn't help but like the man. "So what can I do forr you Lt?" Paul paused uncomfortably for a moment and looked dead in the eyes of the Admiral. "Sir, I generally stay out of the personal matters of people aboard the station. Unless, of course, it starts to interfere with their duties or the duties of others." Gr'iann nodded, "Usually a good policy," he agreed. Then he realized where he was going. "You are referring to mmy little slip earrlierr. I do appologize forr that. i know that you know yourr job, Lt. That was a serrious breach of etiquette. I cannot think why I did that." "Well Sir, it goes a bit deeper than that. You greatly embarrassed Doctor Mackenzie and have caused some difficulty in terms of the way the other 'senior' staff views you. It would seem, Sir, that Doctor Mackenzie isn't really welcoming your advances. I'm not sure how things are with your species, but with humans if you show too much interest and pursue to hotly it becomes very uncomfortable." Gr'iann 's eyes narrowed as he thought about that. He began to rub his chin, emphasizing his thought process. "I seeeeee," he said. "I mmust admmit that I seemm to be purrsueing herr more than anyone else in recent mmemmorry. I have a worrking theory as to why, but I want to be surre." Paul nodded, he didn't figure that Gr'iann meant any harm, but he had to protect his senior staff, another part of the FO job. "Well, if its something medical, we have a lot of medical staff to help you, but I am concerned. Your little break with protocol caused a lot of odd looks and reactions. I was able to shift Doctor Mackenzie to sickbay duty to get her out of the situation, although I could have used her on the bridge. People definitely noticed, and she is definitely uncomfortable. You've had a very long and respected tenure in Starfleet, it would be a shame if she were so uncomfortable that she complained and caused both of you trouble, especially if she mistakenly sees you as an 'admiral' using his rank to get closer to her. What's more, I think she might have some interest in Ensign Rogers... and he might have interest in her... which might cause some resentment with the young man. This is one of the problems with pursuing romantic entanglements in the 'workplace' especially one with such a strict hierarchy," said Paul softly, trying to choose his words carefully. He felt a bit like a high school guidance counsellor talking to a teenager, but the issue had to be dealt with. Gr'iann could only imagine how uncomfortable this conversation was. After all, in human years, Gr'iann was more than twice the young man's age. It was kind of like telling your father about the facts of life. He really had not intended this to be such an "affair", he was sure Paul had better things to deal with. "Lt, I rreally did not want this to be so obvious. The condition," now it was his turned to be embarrassed, "the condition is called," he lowered his voice to a whisper, "the season." Then back to his regular voice. "It is a timme forr ourr species to mmate. I thought I was just too od to be affected by this. But it is always brrought upon by the femmale. Mmy only thought is that perrhaps it is Dr. Mackenzies... season aswell." Paul looked at Gr'iann and blinked a second, suppressing a chuckle. "Human beings don't have regular 'seasons'. We mate whenever we wish to and can produce offspring at any time of the year. Its probably the reason there are so darned many of us. We don't choose mates based on that... we look for other qualities which I can't even begin to explain because they vary from human to human. I have no idea why yours began, perhaps its Doctor Mackenzie's cycle... human females regularly ovulate about once a month until they hit a certain age. Every human female on the station up to a certain age will do that. If the woman isn't interested in having a child at that time, she just ignores it and takes something for the discomfort. Its just a difference in cultures I suppose." Gr'iann knew the basic physiological differences between humans and Caitians. But Paul's explaination helped put some of the poeces of this puzzle together. He nodded and his tail curled up playfully. "I underrstand. Therre is a mmedication I cna take, but it does take a few days to prreparre. I will try my utmmost to contrrol mmyself, in the interrim." "As for Mmrr. Rrogerrs, well, I had no idea that they werre... involved. Arre you cerrtain? She neverr mmentioned himm to mme. Hummans, they can be so commplicated sommetimmes." Paul laughed at this point, "We certainly can be. They aren't completely involved yet, but they want to be. The signals are there and there seems to be some interplay between them, but they'll mute it in public and when on duty. Lets face it, we haven't had much but being on duty lately." The Caitian's ears twitched a little as he fought the urge to be jealous. "Signals?" He shook his head. "They should make a manual. Ah well. Yes, yes, need mmorre down time." At that Casely's com badge chirped as Klars interrupted their conversation. (reply none) (posted by Al Muir and Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 1729) Dorrin grinned as he headed to the tactical post. He found that pushing the superior officer's buttons was a great way to ensure that the voyage remained fun and entertaining. He was sure that deep down, Casely really appreciated his insolence as really rather refreshing. He heard as Rogers gave his report and decided that he was finally pulling it together. Perhaps he wasn't an intolerable person, but Klars would reserve judgment, honestly he didn't know him well enough yet. "Mr. Rogers, please have as much of that list assembled as possible. Mr. Klars, alert me if their weapon status changes at any point. DO NOT fire unless you are directly ordered to by myself or the captain. Admiral, I'm sure we can use the First Officer's office. I guess, in an odd way, it is currently my office after all."said Casely. "yes sir," responded Klars with a face of perfect acceptance, ~must not get bored enough to blow something up, this will be difficult!~ Dorrin was still struggling with boredom when his scanner started to get some interesting results, when he read them he swore like a pre-warp sailor and jabbed at his combadge. "Lt. Casely we have a problem, the planet s charging all of its weapons, it looks as if they are preparing to launch a massive attack!" (Posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1730) "Well, Admiral then I think you should put me down for interested, sir." Rogers said firmly. Gr'iann sat silently for a moment, a little surprised, and greatly disappointed. He had begun to hope that Casely had been mistaken about the two of them. His eyes narrowed slightly as he tried not to look at Rogers. His claws extended and retracted as he decided what he should do. "Don't you have family, sir? I mean you are...not a spring chicken anymore. I assumed an older person would, you know, sir?" Brian said. Now there was a comment that caught the Caitian off guard. Why had he never mated before? Well, considering he was "damaged" from his childhood experiences, took his oath of pacifism so late in life, he was a bit of an outsider in his own clan. When his surrogate parents died, he had little reason to stay on Caitia Prime. Caitians are quite rare in the Starfleet community. Gr'iann had really only met about a dozen Caitians in his tenure. "I suppose I neverr met the rright woman," Gr'iann said nonchalantly. The two spent the next half hour in an uncomfortable silence, only communicating by sending messages through their computers of something that they found of interest. When Casely's orders came through to take a rest, Gr'iann watched Rogers leave. They both seemed to be relieved at the distance of each others company. Gr'iann sat at his console a while longer, trying to use up his energy on the problem of the language and looking at the read outs of the bios cans they'd received. However, he found he couldn't concentrate. his mind kept wandering back to Kaitlyn Mackenzie and hearing Rogers voice saying ~Put me down for interested.~ ~Ah yes, but is she interested in you Mr. Rogers?~ Unable to concentrate any further he decided a good workout was what he needed, so he left his work station and headed down to the hologym. (Posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, First Officers Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1736) Paul was just finishing his conversation with Admiral Gr'iann when his comm badge chirped to life. =^=Lt. Casely we have a problem, the planet s charging all of its weapons, it looks as if they are preparing to launch a massive attack!=^= It was Klars and he definitely seemed agitated, its sounded like for good reason too. "I do believe Admiral, that we need to be back in Main Operations," said Paul heading for the door. (Reply Gr'iann) (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers 1736) Brian was sitting, tugging on his uniform and waiting for Lt. Casely to return, when suddenly Klars jumped up and yelled, "Lt. Casely we have a problem, the planet s charging all of its weapons, it looks as if they are preparing to launch a massive attack!" Brian suddenly looked around and began scanning the planet using the station he was sitting at. Casely and Gr'iann walked in and Casely took the command chair. "Mr. Klars, status report. Mr. Rogers, what do you have figured out for me? I need the information immediately." Brian waited until Klars finished his status report, after all, that was more important, then Brian started. "Well, sir. Words for peace, friendship and such would be words like, United Nations, Allied Powers, Coalition, Pact, Treaty. Perhaps if we tell them we are non-violent people. Try comparing us to Martin Luther King Jr., Dalai Lama, Leo Tolstoy, Barbara Deming or Benvolio." Brian hoped it would be enough for the lieutenant to send a message to the planet and hopefully stop them from blowing Geneva into space dust. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 1738) Paul strode into Operations and towards the command chair. "Mr. Klars, status report. Mr. Rogers, what do you have figured out for me? I need the information immediately," stated Paul. He was prepared in a moment's notice to contact the planet's surface. He needed to be able to construct a message quickly that would indicate their peaceful desires. (Repy Klars, Rogers) "Mr. Klars, I want the station's shields on maximum but leave our weapons offline. Make sure they're ready to bring up at any point, but otherwise have them offline. I don't want them getting the wrong idea," said Paul hurriedly. With that he began to compose his message. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1739) Paul listened to the report of Ensign Rogers and frowned slightly. He had wanted to use words that they had already used in past transmissions, not attempt new ones. At least they had a better idea that the people on the planet below would know the words they'd already used. Paul found himself reaching back to previous words and reports that the crew had given on the messages sent. "Ensign Yalrath, open a channel through the planet. Continue rotating the frequencies and repeating the message until its responded to," stated Paul, "Let me know when you're ready to record and send." "Yes Sir," responded Yalrath and the moments began to tick by. The planet still hadn't fired, thankfully. Paul could feel himself start to sweat as he began to compose the response in his mind. If this worked, it could hopefully begin a dialogue, if it didn't it could bring war... as if they didn't have enough conflict to deal with. Finally, Yalrath announced that the channel was open and ready to send. She nodded to Paul and waited. He took a second to compose himself and stood up. "Friends of the planet below. We wish to be like the...ummm... Dali Lama, like Ghandi, like Martin Luther King Junior. There is no reason for titans and minutemen. No reason for Bay of Pigs. The AK47s were given to your contras by our contras. That is why we behaved as ummm... Sherlock Holmes to their Moriarty... the United Nations to their Bosnia... the police to their criminal," Paul hoped they were getting this, it wasn't as easy as it looked, "let this sound and fury signify nothing." With that, Paul sat down. He hoped that the images that were mixtures of theirs with ones that had been suggested plus some that Paul knew from his own education in history would help to explain their point of view. Paul could feel a tense moment as everyone waited and Ensign Yalrath rotated the message throughout transmission frequencies. Time passed and then Doctor Engtamn-Jensi almost squealed with delight, "SIR! They're powering down their weapons, their matter/anti-matter weapons generators are going offline." Paul breathed a sigh of relief. The coordinated efforts of the crew had de- escalated the situation, at least for the moment. "Ensign Yalrath, please make sure the Captain knows that the danger has passed for now. Mr. Rogers, good work, please try to get more of their words and phrases worked out so we can talk to them in more regular of a fashion. Well... as regular as this would ever be. Work with Admiral Gr'iann on this. Mr. Klars, please visit Mr. Benford." (Reply Rogers, Gr'iann, Klars) Paul touched his comm badge, "Doctor Mackenzie, it looks like we're out of the woods for now. You can stand down from emergency triage procedures. Incidentally, how are Ensign Marta and Ensign McLaren doing?" (Reply Mackenzie) Paul nodded and closed the comm channel. "Well, good work people. We all have things to do now I believe. Lets get hopping," Paul said to the crew in ops. From here, they were on their own to deal with their individual assignments. Suddenly Yalrath called out, "Sir, we have an incoming transmission." =^=Let us discuss SALT. We will ready Versailles and you will come to our Holiday Inn. Arrive in one rotation of the Earth.=^= With that, the transmission cut. Paul looked over at Rogers and Gr'iann wide-eyed and shrugged. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1740) Brian saw Lt. Casely frown. ~I must of misunderstood him.~ Brian thought. He hung his head low has Lt .Casely gave the command to open the channel. Then he stood up and spoke. "Friends of the planet below. We wish to be like the...ummm... Dali Lama, like Ghandi, like Martin Luther King Junior. There is no reason for titans and minutemen. No reason for Bay of Pigs. The AK47s were given to your contras by our contras. That is why we behaved as ummm... Sherlock Holmes to their Moriarty... the United Nations to their Bosnia... the police to their criminal, let this sound and fury signify nothing." Lt. Casely said in an impressive fashion. ~He must have an expanded education of history~ Brian thought ~They don't teach that at the Academy's basic Earth History course.~ Finally, they waited and the CSO yelled out.... "SIR! They're powering down their weapons, their matter/anti-matter weapons generators are going offline." Everybody seemed relieved. Brian was happy his misunderstanding of Casely's orders didn't cause the crew to get blown apart. Lt. Casely then turned to the crew and gave out orders. "Mr. Rogers, good work, please try to get more of their words and phrases worked out so we can talk to them in more regular of a fashion. Well... as regular as this would ever be. Work with Admiral Gr'iann on this." Brian winced, but nodded. "Mr. Klars, please visit Mr. Benford." There was it was again, Benford. Brian would have to try to access the files on him later. He was a civilian, but Casely and Klars seemed intent on him for some reason. If he was a security risk, then Brian should be involved, after all he was the counselor....but Kass probably had already done it. She was her before him, and the ranking counselor. Brian rolled his eyes. "Well, good work people. We all have things to do now I believe. Lets get hopping," Lt. Casely said. Brian stood up from his seat and took one step forward towards the Admiral when Ensign Yalrath spoke up. "Sir, we have an incoming transmission." Everyone stood in silence has a new alien message was revealed. =^=Let us discuss SALT. We will ready Versailles and you will come to our Holiday Inn. Arrive in one rotation of the Earth.=^= And then, it ended. Lt. Casely looked over at Brian and Admiral Gr'iann and shrugged. Brian shook his head and walked over to the Admiral. "Admiral Gr'iann, we should get to work right away, sir." Brian said. (reply Gr'iann) Brian sat down at the nearest Station and the Admiral followed. All the time Brian was trying to put his earlier day dream out of his head. Where he held Gr'iann's neck in his and connected his fist to Gr'iann's he could do it, Klars and Casely couldn't reach him in time. He could get off two or three punches...maybe enough to.... Brian suddenly pulled himself out and started speaking to the Admiral. "OK, sir. I recognised a few words from the new message. Versailles is a town outside of Paris. I took my old girlfriend there during the Academy....uh, I mean I took a fellow female cadet to Versailles for a foreign study trip, sir." Brian smiled. The admiral certainly wouldn't approve. "And one rotation of the Earth is a Earth day." (reply Gr'iann) "Well, Salt is sodium chloride. An flavoring used on Earth foods. Bad for the human heart. Perhaps it has another meaning. Let me check, sir." Brain said. (reply Gr'iann) Brian turned to the console and brought up his pre-warp database from earlier in the day. "Computer, please search salt and all meanings. Excuse the sodium chloride meaning." [Searching, three possible meanings. Salt is a city located in the Earth area called Spain. Salt is a ancient town in the area of Earth called the Middle East, formerly called Jordan. Salt is a name for a military agreement.] "Well, Admiral. I believe that the aliens would want to discuss an agreement, don't you?" Brain asked. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1743) Gr'iann followed Casely back to Main Ops. He listened to Klars report, and looked over at the sensor readings as he finished. The energy readings could only mean some form of anti-matter weapon. Then Casely turned to Rogers. The counselor seemed to have worked out some of the visuals and the words they needed. Paul nodded and used what he had learned, sending a message to the planet, hopefully a message of peace. Apparently, the aliens understood, as the energy readings fell and changed, indicating a stand down of their weapons. The whole room seemed to breath again, as one, as Casely began to hand out jobs. One of those jobs was having Counselor Rogers work with the Admiral on the language. Then the message came from the planet. =^=Let us discuss SALT. We will ready Versailles and you will come to our Holiday Inn. Arrive in one rotation of the Earth.=^= . Lt. Casely looked over at Rogers and Gr'iann and shrugged. The Caitian's ears twitched in anticipation. "That sounds like an invitation," Gr'iann suggested. "Admiral Gr'iann, we should get to work right away, sir." Rogers said. Gr'iann nodded and purred, "I agrrree. Show mme what you've comme up with so farr." Gr'iann noticed the tension in Rogers as he led the Admiral to a console. He shook his head, as if waking from a daydream. ~Interesting.~ "OK, sir. I recognised a few words from the new message. Versailles is a town outside of Paris. I took my old girlfriend there during the Academy....uh, I mean I took a fellow female cadet to Versailles for a foreign study trip, sir." Brian smiled. The admiral certainly wouldn't approve. "And one rotation of the Earth is a Earth day." Gr'iann smiled a toothy smile. Taking a girl to a beautiful city was definitely a good thing, as far he was concerned. However, the counselor appeared embarrassed. "Yes, one day. And Verrsaille has mmorre than that conotation of a city. It is wherre hummans signed theirr trreaty afterr thefirrst worrld warr. This is cerrtainly a sign of hope." Rogers appeared surprised by the Caitian's knowledge of Earth. "I was at the academy once, aswell Ensign. Just a lot longerr ago. What about salt?" "Well, Salt is sodium chloride. An flavoring used on Earth foods. Bad for the human heart. Perhaps it has another meaning. Let me check, sir." Brain said. Gr'iann was an not only an Admiral, but also a doctor. He was well aware of what salt was. He was starting to get a little irritated by people thinking he was ignorant of such basic chemical compounds. He sighed heavily and maintained his calm. "I amm awarre of what salt is, Ensign, however, it mmust have somme otherr connotation." Rogers turned to the computer and asked for more details on the word salt. [Searching, three possible meanings. Salt is a city located in the Earth area called Spain. Salt is a ancient town in the area of Earth called the Middle East, formerly called Jordan. Salt is a name for a military agreement.] "Well, Admiral. I believe that the aliens would want to discuss an agreement, don't you?" Brain asked. Gr'iann nodded. "Commputerr, please expand on the last definition." [SALT-Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty- A treaty between the United States of America and the United Soviet Socialist Republic of the late twentieth century. originally conceived May29, 1972, and revised June 18th 1979. An agreement to limit nuclear weapons with the understanding that nuclear war would be devastating for all mankind. Based on a series of agreed understandings and statements between the ...] "Commputerr, stop," Gr'iann ordered. "Obviously this is what they meant. "Let us discuss SALT. They want to talk about a trreaty of peace in one day, at wherre they would considerr to be Verrsaille. Holiday Inn? Perrhaps a mmeeting place? If only we knew wherre they mmeant?" (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brain Rogers, 1753) "Obviously this is what they meant. 'Let us discuss SALT.' They want to talk about a trreaty of peace in one day, at wherre they would considerr to be Verrsaille. Holiday Inn? Perrhaps a mmeeting place? If only we knew wherre they mmeant?" Gr'iann said. Brian was impressed with his knowledge of Earth. "Well, Holiday is a day on the calendar Earth. Marks the day of a religious event or maybe political independence. An Inn is a like a hotel of sorts. But they don't go together. Perhaps if we asked the computer. Computer, search for a 'holiday inn'." Brian ordered. [One possible meaning. A pre-warp Earth hotel chain. Introduced some time in the late 1950's, and fell out of service around 2090.] "Well, I think that we found what they were talking about, sir." Brian said. (reply Gr'iann) "Now that we've got that translated, we can work on getting Mr. Casely that list of commonly used words that we can use. Computer, display words that were in all three messages only." Brian said. [One word used in all three messages. 'In'] Brian had to almost hold back a laugh. "Well, Admiral, do you have any ideas?" (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1754) Gr'iann could sense Rogers begin to relax. He knew, from experience, how it was to have someone looking over your shoulder, and thinking of how they're watching you. It seemed that the counselor was getting over it. "Well, Holiday is a day on the calendar Earth. Marks the day of a religious event or maybe political independence. An Inn is a like a hotel of sorts. But they don't go together. Perhaps if we asked the computer. Computer, search for a 'holiday inn'." Brian ordered. [One possible meaning. A pre-warp Earth hotel chain. Introduced some time in the late 1950's, and fell out of service around 2090.] "Well, I think that we found what they were talking about, sir." Brian said. "Indeed, Counselorr," Gr'iann nodded, "I just wish we had a betterr idea just wherre this... "Holiday Inn" was on theirr worrld. Let mme send what we;ve got to Ltt. Casely." With a few taps on the console a message was sent to Casely. "Now that we've got that translated, we can work on getting Mr. Casely that list of commonly used words that we can use. Computer, display words that were in all three messages only." Brian said. [One word used in all three messages. 'In'] Brian had to almost hold back a laugh. "Well, Admiral, do you have any ideas?" Gr'iann frowned at the use of Mr. Casely. It was usually a term reserved for superior officers to use with their junior officers. He probably should point that out to him at some point. But things were going to well right now, and the Admiral did not want to change the mood. "I keep thinking about the Enterrprrise's encounterr with the Tammarrins in 2368. Perrhaps we should starrt therre. I amm cerrtain that we can gatherr somme insight on how to speak with these people." At that Gr'iann began to bring up the records of the incident, and the linguistic records that ensued. He found it amazing that, now, almost forty years later, there has still been very little interaction between the Tamarins and the Federation. And after the first year since their encounter, very little linguistic research. However there had been some, and it was most helpful. As he went through the information Gr'iann looked over at Rogers. He wanted to bring up the topic of Kaitlyn Mackenzie, to see how accurate Paul's information was, but he wasn't exactly sure how to do it. They worked in silence for a little while, then Gr'iann decided he should "break the ice." "So, I underrstand you and Kaitlyn Mmackenzie arre involved," he said, trying not to look up from his research. (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Roger, 1757) "I keep thinking about the Enterrprrise's encounterr with the Tammarrins in 2368. Perrhaps we should starrt therre. I amm cerrtain that we can gatherr somme insight on how to speak with these people." Gr'iann said. The admiral brought up the records of the event, and the records that were related. Brian couldn't recall the Enterprise and their encounter with the 'Tamarins' but he remembered something about aliens that spoke only in referring to their culture's famous stories and fables. Brian was reading the information when suddenly Gr'iann said, "So, I underrstand you and Kaitlyn Mmackenzie arre involved," he said. Brian almost fell right out of his chair. "Well, sir, we just talked last night at the party. I had no idea you and her had a romantic relationship, sir." Brian said, he was referring to Gr'iann's message earlier when they were aboard the USS Mithrandir. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1759) Gr'iann shook his head and began to chuckle. He looked over to see the astonished counselor. "I'mm sorrrry, it's just, well, I was inforrmmed that you and she had a rrelationship, or there were signs of such a rrelationship in the nearr futurre. You thought that I was having a rrelationsship with herr. Kaitlyn is cerrtainly quite a womman to have so mmany of us on hand." He stopped what he was doing and turned to look at Rogers. "So you arre telling mme that you arre NOT interrested in Drr. Mmackenzie," his ears flicked a little in interest. "Please, be honest with mme." (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1802) Gr'iann shook his head and laughed. I'mm sorrrry, it's just, well, I was inforrmmed that you and she had a rrelationship, or there were signs of such a rrelationship in the nearr futurre. You thought that I was having a rrelationsship with herr. Kaitlyn is cerrtainly quite a womman to have so mmany of us on hand." Brian smiled, but then quickly frowned, ~What is going on, does he have a relationship with her or not?~ Then Gr'iann stopped and looked at Brian. "So you arre telling mme that you arre NOT interrested in Drr. Mmackenzie. Please, be honest with mme." Brian was taken aback. "She's nice and good looking, Admiral, but are you telling me you and her aren't currently in a relationship? After your outburst when we were on the USS Mithrandir?" Brian was trying to remain respectful of the Admiral, but was getting angry at him. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Main Ops-CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1805) Gr'iann couldn't understand why Rogers was getting so agitated. It seemed obvious that the man had no claim on Kaitlyn, and did not seem to be making any. In fact, quite the opposite. He seemed to be offering her to the Admiral. "She's nice and good looking, Admiral, but are you telling me you and her aren't currently in a relationship? After your outburst when we were on the USS Mithrandir?" Gr'iann hung his head and sighed. "Ah, yes, that was rratherr unforrtunate. I did not rrealize that it would have such an immpact on you. Accorrding to Lt. Casely, I amm not in a rrelationship with herr, and she does not seemm interrested in mme. Howeverr, that does not mmean I amm unwilling to purrsue the mmatterr if you arre not interrested." (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Ops, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1808) "Ah, yes, that was rratherr unforrtunate. I did not rrealize that it would have such an immpact on you. Accorrding to Lt. Casely, I amm not in a rrelationship with herr, and she does not seemm interrested in mme. Howeverr, that does not mmean I amm unwilling to purrsue the mmatterr if you arre not interrested." Gr'iann said. Brian felt bad seeing the admiral put his head low. It reminded him of his old pet, a domesticated Earth animal called a canine, or commonly called a dog. "Well, Admiral then I think you should put me down for interested, sir." Brian said, hoping it wouldn't hurt his feelings anymore. (reply Gr'iann) "Don't you have family, sir? I mean you are...not a spring chicken anymore. I assumed an older person would, you know, sir?" Brian said. (Posted by Schram-meister K) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 65, Hologym -CMO- Admiral Gr'iann -1845) By the time Gr'iann stepped onto the hologym, he was ready for a good workout. Even at his age, he'd managed to stay up on his martial arts training. It had been part of his centering while growing up, and it gave him an exercise regiment that allowed him to have better endurance than the average Caitian. It also has come in handy over the years. He was dressed in his Kama and already looking forward to the activity. "Commputerr, access Grr'iann exerrcise rroutine, 5 alpha, level thrree." The computer beeped and the grid shimmered and changed into an Aikido dojo. He spent the next 20 minutes warming up, practicing his falls and stretching. Then he was ready. "Activate prrogrramm." Three opponents appeared and began a series of attacks. Gr'iann easily overcame the three adversaries. "Continue prrogrramm at level five." Five opponents appeared. Gr'iann knew, aswell, as per his programming, that these were more accomplished attackers. He rolled from attacks and sent on attacker flying into another. Using his circular sweeping moves, he managed to parry and defend against the continuing onslaught. He felt the sweat trickle between his ears and down his back. By the time he had choked out two opponents, render two more unconscious, and had the last one in a submission, he felt better. "Computerr, what timme is it?" he asked. [Present Geneva time is 1952] "Wherre is Drr. Kaitlyn Mmackenze?" [Dr. Mackenzie is in the Security Center.] ~Security center. Why would she be there?~ "Who is with her?" [Dr. Mackenzie is with Ensign Brian Rogers and Lt. Paul Casely.] ~Really! Interesting! Perhaps they're down there laughing at old Gr'iann. The stupid old man who dared to show an interest in the much coveted Kaitlyn Mackenzie.~ He felt the ire rise up his spine. Without thinking he pulled on the arm of his holo- adversary and was meet with the sickening crack of broken bones and torn ligaments. Not even looking down he headed for the door. His mood completely darkened. ~No one makes a fool of Gr'iann.~ "Commputerr end prrogrammm," he hissed. And to the relief of the holo-adversary, he disappeared, escaping his pain. (posted by Al Muir) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1857) Paul was sitting in the command chair in Main Operations and had been for over a half hour. He spent the bulk of his time signing registries and orders. Paul had heard from Ensign Yalrath that Captain Arianna was busy with the Ambassadorial corps. Apparently they were all a bit concerned and it was no small task in convincing them not to contact their respective governments. She would be spending a good deal of her time smoothing things over in order to prevent several warships from different worlds arriving to blockade the planet. Everyone seemed to be in the middle of something exciting, except him. He knew this was an aspect of command, paperwork. He'd had his excitement for the day without a doubt when Captain Arianna was left behind to report to superiors and do paperwork so he really couldn't complain. Paul heard a chime go off in Ops. He smiled, ~Shift Change~. He knew that the Beta shift would be in soon to take over. A group of officers who's primary purpose was to keep the station going while the main shift had their off time. Paul knew that in the event of an emergency, no matter how small, he would be recalled instantly and that he had the power to call any of the Alpha shift staff back to duty immediately. Paul hoped that wouldn't be necessary. Most of Alpha shift had been on duty for 10 hours or more. Little doubt they were tired and it was absolutely certain they earned some off time. Paul rose and tapped his comm badge to contact Alpha shift. "Casely to Klars, Rogers, Mackenzie, Gr'iann and any other alpha shift member. Its time for a shift change. I must insist that you all take some time off, we'll resume tomorrow at 0800 barring an emergency. That... would be an order," said Paul with a slight chuckle in his voice. He grinned. His team deserved the time off... they'd worked hard that day. They'd averted two potential disasters, and seemed to be on the road to a peaceful settlement with the planet below. Paul would be back for the second half of gamma shift at 0500, he preferred to double up his shifts, but for the next 8 hours, he was going to have some down time. Just at that moment, the Beta shift flooded into Operations. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, High Security Laboratory, CSO, Ensign (SG) Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, 1904) Engtamn walked into his lab after going through all the standard security protocols and looked around. He sighed heavily after feeling an uncharacteristic flash of anger. His dark matter/antimatter generator still hadn't been recovered and he saw very little attempt to return the item to him. In his spare time, he'd been busily attempting to reconstruct it. The work had gone relatively quickly and Engtamn was almost completed the device. As he entered the room he activated his small matter/antimatter generator and set back to working on the 'item'. After some time working, Engtamn held up the small device and inspected it. It seemed to be constructed properly, but he would have to test it to see if it worked. "Computer, please activate all security and safety protocols for dark matter/antimatter experimentation," stated Engtamn aloud. [Protocols enabled.] "Thank you," Engtamn replied softly and walked over to check the status of his generator. In the time he'd taken to reconstruct the device, the generator had achieved full power. Engtamn walked over to the generator control area and opened a small compartment. He snapped the device in and then started to readjust some of the controls. "Computer, please activate containment field over area two," said Engtamn. A few seconds later a force field flashed into being around two twin nodes. Engtamn began to work the controls and watched as a bubble of energy began to form. He started monitoring the energy. It seemed consistent and that the powerful was regular, but it would require more testing, and more specific testing to be sure. Engtamn left the generator running for a few minutes and continued taking readings. Everything seemed as it was before. With that thought, Engtamn began to power down the generator. When the generation device was stopped, Engtamn removed the device from the panel and put it into a small locked box, which he proceeded to lock into a larger one and then took to a large safe built into the wall. "Computer, deactivate protocols, lock protection boxes, place security protocols on them, please," said Engtamn. [Security protocols enabled] "Thank you," stated Engtamn as he walked farther down his lab and through a small door. He then looked at the small shuttlecraft sitting on the floor, mostly in pieces. He knew for his work to be important, he'd have to make the device work in the shuttlecraft and that the shuttlecraft would have to be altered in design compared to common ones. With that in mind, he set to work at constructing the craft he needed. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1907) Kaitlyn was finally relieved that she was off duty. The first thing she wanted to do was to go back to her quarters and get a shower. Just thinking about it was driving her to finish up on the inventory list for the night. She finished up as she looked through the glass into the main area of the medical bay. For the most part, only a few minor injuries and Ensign Marta lay in the main bay. Marta was still going to need a few days to recover, and Kaitlyn knew she would need them. Grabbing a few PADDs, Kaitlyn handed things off to the Beta shift and walked out the doors. (Posted by Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Secondary Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1908) Brian walked after rubbing his forehead. He was feeling worse and worse about his mental problems with Gr'iann and how angry he got at everything. The only thing that claimed him down was some physical activity, somebody telling him he did a good job or....the thought of Kaitlyn. He suspected where the source of his problems where coming from, but didn't want Gr'iann...or certainly Kaitlyn to find out. He walked in to the empty Medical Center. Most of the medical staff was located in the main medical center, and even though one nurse was supposed to be on duty, the current one wasn't here. ~She must be alpha shift.~ Brian thought. Brian looked around and spoke. "Computer, activate the Emergency Medical Hologram." Soon, the holographic human male appeared. "Please state the nature of your medical emergency," He said in a automated fashion. The EMH reached for a medical tricorder, but Brian held his hand in front of him, stopping him. "I am Counselor Brian Rogers. I have a patient. He's an adult human male. Aged 25. He requires Cordazine injections for his phobias. Lately he has been experiencing, angry, moon swings, frustration, and an irrational hatred of fellow officers. I've tried to help him with psy-therpy, but nothing has happened. I fear he may have a disease or something deeper." Brian said. The EMH thought deeply and rubbed his chin. "Well, Counselor, those conditions of drug addiction to Cordazine. I recommend we contact the ranking medical officer and start a rehab program." The EMH said. Brain got angry and closed his fist. "No, thank you. That will be all." Brain said. "I'm sorry, but Starfleet Medical has required that the Chief Medical Officer must be informed of all drug-related illness. Please tell me the name of your patient. If you refuse, I will attach your name to the report." The EMH said. Brian suddenly got angry, and pointed a finger in the face of the holographic doctor. "Listen to me, I will delete your program if you don't-...." Brian was interrupted. "You can't delete my program. You aren't an authorized Engineering Personnel." The EMH said. That pushed Brian over the edge. He picked up a medical tricorder off the nearest cart of supplies and threw it the holographic man. The hologram faded out for a second has the item passed threw him. The tricorder kept on its course and hit a medical readout display, for the medical bed below it. It cracked the display. "Oh, now security must be informed for damaging Starfleet property!" The EMH said. "Computer, end EMH program." Brian said has the hologram disappeared. Brian hoped he had deactivated it before it filed a report with Gr'iann's office or Security. He walked out in an angry mood. (Posted by Schrammiekins) (Starbase Geneva-personal quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1911) Having reached her quarters, Kaitlyn wandered over to her bed and fell onto it backwards, arms sprawled out beside her. Sighing, she took her feet and used them to kick off her boots without getting up. ~Feels better already.~ She laid there for a few minutes before getting up and heading to the shower. Dropping her clothes to the floor, she looked at herself in the mirror. ~Since when did I have all these circles under my eyes?~ She knew that having a career in Starfleet wasn't exactly an invitation to relaxation, but she liked the job she did. Frowning at her reflection, she sighed and got into the shower. The warmth of the water felt good. After all, she hadn't taken one since the mission on the Mithrandir. She had been too busy at work. As she stood in the shower, her mind started to wander about the days previous events. ~What should I do about this whole stupid situation? I like Ensign Rogers, he seems nice. Gr'iann is also nice, but he just seems too .....~ Kaitlyn stopped thinking for a moment. Her mind couldn't think of the right word. ~Stalking? Overbearing?~ Continuing, she thought, ~I wonder what Ensign Rogers does think of me, or if he likes me at all? After all, I KNOW Gr'iann's intentions. He made that pretty clear on the Mithrandir.~ Suddenly she felt anger start to rise as she thought about the moment on the bridge. Now ignoring her thoughts, she finished her shower and stepped out. Dressing in casual clothing, she went into her living room and sat down, trying to read to relax her. She started her book and only got half a page through it when her mind started to wander again. Part of her was tempted to locate the Admiral and talk to him, but part of her didn't even want to face it. ~This is ridiculous....I'll never be able to concentrate on anything but this whole stupid mess.~ Putting her book down, she stood up. "Computer, locate ...." she stopped, not wanting to do this, but having to put her mind at rest. {Please restate the question.} "Computer, locate Admiral Gr'iann and Ensign Rogers." At the computer's reply, she took a deep breath when she realized they were both in the same room. ~What could they be talking about?~ Then she thought, ~Timing, it's all about timing.~ She decided not to go yet, but when the two were apart she would talk to them. (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1914) Brian stomped out of the Men's Locker Room wearing the Starfleet Standard Bathing Suit and carrying the white towel with the Starfleet Symbol on it. He threw the towel on the ground and dived into the pool from the deep edge and started swimming. After he reached the end of the pool he tapped the edge and turned around. He conflicted in his mind what to do. Gr'iann or possibly even Kaitlyn would get the report. Then they would see a drug addiction report with Brian's name on it. Brian could break into the office and delete the report, but that would cause more trouble....then the was the problem of security. If they got a report that Brian was throwing things around, then he would might spend some time in the Brig. ~So much for the clean record of Cadet Brian Rogers~ Brian thought has he tapped the edge of the pool and pushed back. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28 The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1915) Paul strolled into the Olde Stone Brewing Pub and moved towards a table. He sat down heavily and sighed deeply. It HAD been a long day, Paul was greatly looking forward to this. Presently a server came to the table. "Hello! What can I get you today?" Paul looked up and saw the pretty little red haired server who had looked after him many times before in the pub. He knew that she was also her shift manager. Paul fought to remember her name. "I'll have an order of the coconut shrimp and some Thai noodles. Could I also have a pint of Olde Dubh please... ummm... Erin?" requested Paul. The woman smiled and wrote down his order. "You remembered!" she said as she walked away to fill his order. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 28 The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1916) Paul was in the middle of his meal when his comm badge chirped. ~Oh for heaven's sake? Can't I just get a bit of peace?~ "Casely here," said Paul after tapping his badge. ~Whoever is at the root of this problem is going to be busted down to warrant officer on a garbage scow.~ =^=Sir? Philips here. We just received a report from the EMH in med centre two. It seems one of your senior officers damaged Starfleet equipment purposely and refused to report the name of a member of Starfleet who has an addiction to Cordazine.=^= Paul sighed, "Well that is a problem. Who is it?" =^=Ensign Rogers, Sir. Do you want me to send a team to get him?=^= "No... that's okay. I'll deal with this myself," Paul said rolling his eyes before he cut the channel. "Computer, locate Ensign Rogers." [Ensign Rogers is currently on Deck 65] (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1918) Paul walked into the pool area and saw the Ensign cutting through the water. He stood at the edge of the pool, just in front of where the Ensign would end up and waited. When Rogers made it to his position and looked up Paul spoke firmly to him. "Ensign Rogers, it would seem we need to talk... now," said Paul firmly and strongly. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1919) Brian swam threw the water. He saw somebody walk in, but assumed it was another person swimming. It was a little late, but maybe they had some things on their mind like Brian. Brian started swimming faster and reached the edge of the pool, but this time saw Starfleet Regulation Footwear standing there. Brian looked up and saw Lt. Casely standing there with a firm look on his face. ~I don't suppose he's here to offer me a spot on the Geneva Inter-Starfleet Swimming League team....~ Brian said. Lt. Casely spoke in a strong voice. "Ensign Rogers, it would seem we need to talk... now," He said. Brian looked down at the pool and put a hand on the edge and pulled himself up. He grabbed his towel and tried off his face. He then stood at attention. "Sir, what is the problem?" Brian said. He half hoped that he was telling Brian that the EMH has blew up, but he doubted it. Brian didn't release the kind of trouble he was in. (Posted by Kevin "Schramazan" Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Chief Counselor Ensign (SG) Kassia Marta, 1920) "Counselor, Counselor, do you know where you are?" The person asked. "Tr... Trill, no Gen ... Geneva." She answered not really knowing but assuming. "Thats right Counselor, you are back on Geneva. You had to have some surgery to fix a stomach problem. You are recovering nicely and will soon be back ready for duty. Just take it easy until then." The person told her. "Mis..Mission?" Kass asked having just enough memory running to want to know about what she was a part of before. "The Mithrandir returned with everyone." The person answered as Kass went back to sleep. (posted by Frank) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 65, Swimming Pool, AFO/TAC/SC & COUNS , Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely & Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1923) Rogers pulled himself out of the pool and looked at Paul, "Sir, what is the problem?" "Get your clothes on Ensign and come with me. We'll discuss this in the security centre," said Paul furrowing his brow. He was definitely anything but pleased about this current occurrence, especially when he'd rather be having dinner. Brian suddenly felt his body feel different. He knew this was not good. "Alright, sir," Brian said before he retreated to the locker room. He came back out wearing his uniform, trying to control his hands from shaking. He returned back to the poolside. "OK, sir. Lead the way," Brian said. Paul walked out of the pool and towards the turbolift, glancing shortly behind him from time to time to make sure the Ensign was still with him. He didn't want to restrain him, but would... and easily could... if necessary. This would be more dignified for everyone involved. He watched as Rogers got into the lift behind him and the doors slid closed. "Security Centre," he said aloud and the lift began to move. Paul then stood back away from the door, his face an emotionless mask. "Ensign, I believe I made it perfectly clear that we would discuss this in the security centre. Have I failed to make myself clear?" said Paul sternly. Rogers was definitely nervous about something. Paul was beginning to wonder if he should have brought more people with him. Almost as an afterthought he stated, "Computer, secure lift until reaching security centre, authorization Casely Gamma Epsilon Four, alert beta team in security that we are enroute." Brian's knees suddenly felt weak. "Yes, sir." Brian wanted to tell the lieutenant that there was nothing wrong, but this didn't seem like a good time. Presently, the left doors slid open and a small team of security guards met them at the lift. Paul walked off towards his office with Rogers in tow. (Posted by Kevin Schram and Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Station Leader, Humans for Humanity, Dean Benford, 1926) It had been a long day. A long day filled with disappointment. Benford didn't deal well with disappointment, he was not a happy man. He'd lost one of his best strike teams and a covert shuttle. All because of that overgrown boy scout. Thinking about Casely almost made him ill. If things continued along this route, he might have to arrange for Casely to have a little 'accident'. The strike team had done the right thing, had followed orders... do not allow yourselves to be captured. Do not compromise the movement. They would be remembered as heroes and Casely would be remembered as the fool... the villain... who could not see the sense and honour in what they were doing. History was written by the victors after all. Dean was deep in thought and contemplating his drink when an unfamiliar voice broke the silence. "Excuse me Mr. Benford. I was wondering if you had time to talk with me a bit." Dean looked up and saw a Starfleet officer in a yellow uniform. He searched his mind... Klars... this was Klars. Klars was Casely's assistant, he remember from his regular study of the computer officer logs. Dean suppressed an urge to chuckle. He had no doubt that this drone had been employed to engage him in pointless chatter to see if he might mistakenly give up information. ~Foolish.~ thought Dean. "Certainly, Ensign... you seem to have caught me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I have no idea who you are," Dean lied skillfully. In another instance, at another time he might be a more than competent Ambassador or politician. (Reply Klars) "Well Mr. Klars. What is it that I can do for you? Have a seat..." said Dean. He looked forward to seeing what this 'gentleman' would do next. He might be able to get information from him without him even knowing. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, Dorrin Klars, 1930) "Certainly, Ensign... you seem to have caught me at a disadvantage. You know my name, but I have no idea who you are," Dean said. "I am Ensign Dorrin Klars, the new ATAC." Dorrin replied. "Well Mr. Klars. What is it that I can do for you? Have a seat" said Dean. "Why thank you sir," Dorrin said oozing obviously fake politeness, "But before I do I brought some drinks for us to share, please make your selection," with that Dorrin opened up the knapsack that held three drinks. This point was crucial, if Dorrin's estimation of the man was right he would notice something strange about there being 3 drinks. He patiently waited for a response. (posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC & COUNS , Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely & Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1932) "Sit down Ensign, I want to know why you activated the EMH in Med Centre two to start with," stated Paul as he sat down behind his desk. Brian sat down and wondered what he should tell the lieutenant. "Well, sir. I have a counselor...uh...patient that has a drug problem and I didn't want to betray his trust." Paul took a sharp intake of breath. He didn't believe the Ensign on instinct. He knew that the Security Centre computers were recording everything right now and monitoring his heart rate and blood pressure. Old techniques, but when the species was familiar, relatively fool proof. Paul really didn't need the automation to know that the Ensign was lying. "I believe, Ensign, that it is a breach of your duty and trust not to inform the CMO to actively get the 'patient' into treatment. You know as well as I do that Starfleet protocol wouldn't allow us to treat the 'patient' any differently as long as he sought treatment." "Yes, sir. I will inform someone on the medical staff of this." Brian said. He breathed out and stood up. "Are we finished, sir? I would like to finish my swim." "No, we are not. First off, you have lost rights to expect that kind of trust. Secondly, you damaged Starfleet property in your rather uncharacteristic rage. Finally, you spoiled my dinner. The last issue is water under the bridge, but I want some truth from you now, or would you prefer I check the security computer to see just how often you've twisted the truth in dealing with me?" stated Paul, "Believe me, if I catch you in a lie, it will be much worse than anything else. You aren't a civilian; you are a member of Starfleet." "Yes, sir. I understand." Brian said. "For now, Mr. Rogers, you are going to sit right here," said Paul tapping his comm badge, "Lieutenant Casely to Doctor Mackenzie, I'm sorry to bother you in your off time, but I have an issue here and need a medical doctor. Would you mind coming to the Security Centre please?" Paul didn't want to bring down Gr'iann, he knew that the Admiral evoked feelings of anger in Rogers and that Rogers wouldn't accept anything Gr'iann had to say medically. It would be harder, however, to discount Doctor Mackenzie. (Posted by Jeff and Kevin) (Starbase Geneva-Personal Quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1934) After having paced the living room floor, wondering whether or not she should interrupt Rogers' and Gr'iann's talking session, she was tired. This was only going to interrupt her ability to concentrate. ~I won't let it...~ As she started to pace once more, she only got half way across the room when her commbadge chirped. =^=Lieutenant Casely to Doctor Mackenzie, I'm sorry to bother you in your off time, but I have an issue here and need a medical doctor. Would you mind coming to the Security Centre please?=^= ~What kind of issue?~ Looking up at the ceiling, she responded, "I'll be right there sir." She thought it was sort of odd that he contact her and not Admiral Gr'iann. He was, after all, the CMO. Not knowing if it was urgent or not, she didn't bother to change back into her uniform. Instead, she walked out of her quarters in the clothes she was in, all the while thinking of why Lt. Casely contacted her instead of Gr'iann. (Posted by Stacey) (Starbase Geneva-Security Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1939) Upon arriving at the security center, Kaitlyn punched her code in as medical, and the doors opened. Stepping inside, she suddenly stopped. Right in front of her stood Lt. Casely and Ensign Rogers. ~Oh my god....what else could go wrong?~ Her eyes went wide upon seeing them both, and she assumed that Casely had caught her reaction, so she didn't bother to hide it. "Sir?" <> She listened as Casely explained the situation. Her emotions were very conflicted, but she tried not to let them take control. As he went on with his story, the knot in her stomach only grew tighter. ~A drug addiction?~ Then, as if being hit by a hover car, it suddenly hit her as to why Casely didn't ask Gr'iann to come here. She looked over at Rogers and saw his eyes starring up at her, as if asking for help and saying sorry at the same time. She did feel sorry for him in a way. All she knew, was that this would be a long night. (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1941) Paul watched the shock and dismay on her face as Doctor Mackenzie entered his office and saw Ensign Rogers sitting there glumly. Things were pretty clear at this point. Paul wasn't an idiot after all... he had seen a lot in his short time on duty. He just hoped that they were able to help Rogers. "Sir?" asked Doctor Mackenzie. Paul walked up to Mackenzie and lowered his voice so only she could hear him, "Hello Doctor, I'm sorry to bother you in your off hours, but we have a little problem. Mr. Rogers got into an altercation with an EMH tonight while trying to procure cordazine. In addition to refusing to reveal the name of the person he was getting the drug for, he also threatened to delete and deactivate the EMH and threw a medical tricording cracking a medical output display. I've given Mr. Rogers a chance to explain his behaviour, but his explanations fall short. The medical subsystem tells me that cordazine addiction can cause irritability, irrational behaviour, angry outbursts and persecution complex, among other things. Looking at Mr. Rogers... and the recordings from Medical Centre Two, I can only really conclude one thing about who Mr. Rogers was attempting to get the drug for." (Reply Mackenzie) "If I'm right, which you'll have to confirm, we need to start treatment immediately. I can't have member of my senior staff at less than 100%. I also don't want to completely destroy the career of a promising young officer over this. I can minimize the impact of the damage he did to Med Centre Two, but I need this drug problem to be dealt with immediately and directly, otherwise he could lose his commission," stated Paul, keeping his voice low, Rogers still didn't realise that he knew. The EMH had analysed him as soon as he asked for cordazine, a blood test would be necessary for confirmation, but the outward signals were rather clear. He hoped that Doctor Mackenzie would have some magical cure, but he was relatively sure it would require a lot more work than that. Addiction was a nasty thing. (Reply Mackenzie) "Doctor, if you could examine him... try and find a way to have him come clean on his own with me present, we can begin treatment. Its not like we're back in the 21st Century or anything, as long as people are willing to try to kick the habit Starfleet will support him, and I will too. He has to admit he has a problem, and he has to want treatment though," said Paul softly with a sad look in his eyes. There were times that Rogers irritated him, but overall he was a promising officer and Paul believed that with the proper treatment and seasoning he could shed some of his 'less attractive' qualities and become a good officer, perhaps even a friend. Paul could feel the start of friendship cementing with Kassia, Gr'iann and even Klars. He got along well with Mackenzie, in as much as they respected each other and worked well together but Rogers had been a mystery... until now. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva-Security Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-1942) She stood, nonmoving as Casely filled her in on the details of Rogers' situation. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. ~Addicted to drugs...?~ As she listened to the lieutenant finish up, she caught a peek at Brian. His head hung low as if he knew he was in trouble and he knew she were standing there watching him in embarrassment. "Hello Doctor, I'm sorry to bother you in your off hours, but we have a little problem. Mr. Rogers got into an altercation with an EMH tonight while trying to procure cordazine. In addition to refusing to reveal the name of the person he was getting the drug for, he also threatened to delete and deactivate the EMH and threw a medical tricording cracking a medical output display. I've given Mr. Rogers a chance to explain his behaviour, but his explanations fall short. The medical subsystem tells me that cordazine addiction can cause irritability, irrational behaviour, angry outbursts and persecution complex, among other things. Looking at Mr. Rogers... and the recordings from Medical Centre Two, I can only really conclude one thing about who Mr. Rogers was attempting to get the drug for." Kaitlyn crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at Brian, like the scolding look of a mother to her child. "As can I." "If I'm right, which you'll have to confirm, we need to start treatment immediately. I can't have member of my senior staff at less than 100%. I also don't want to completely destroy the career of a promising young officer over this. I can minimize the impact of the damage he did to Med Centre Two, but I need this drug problem to be dealt with immediately and directly, otherwise he could lose his commission," stated Paul. Turning to face Casely for the first time, she said, "Sir, I also recommend we keep this quiet. I think that only us three and the captain should know about this. Otherwise he'll have a harder time trying to get through the rehab program." <> She listened again, only this time he wanted her to get Brian to confess his addiction to him. But she didn't have to, as Brian spoke up right on cue. "I want to end this addiction, Lieutenant." Brian said. Kaitlyn looked from Brian and back to Paul. She could see the determination in both men’s' eyes, knowing they both wanted the same thing. She also wanted the same thing. "Doctor, can you put him on some kind of a programme to take the edge off his 'cravings' for that drug?" asked Paul. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she said, "The best way to deal with an addiction is to slowly taper them off the drug. If I cut the drug out cold turkey, his body could go into severe shock. Unfortunately, I would inject him with lower dosages until the amount reached zero. I would say that, with a combination of a holodeck program should work." She watched Casely's reaction, hoping for the best. "Doctor, I also need him to have some form of programme to follow, please forward me a copy. Ensign, for now... you belong to me, got it? You do as I say, you take direct orders from myself. In essence, the doctor and I are giving you a second chance. The only thing that comes before my instruction for you are her medical orders. You will report to Holodeck 4 at 0700 tomorrow to begin training. I'll meet you there. Don't be late... I don't deal well with late," Paul stated authoritatively. Watching, she felt bad for Brian. He was a good man....she hoped. And for a moment, she wondered what he might be like on the inside without all the drugs. Then something else hit her. ~The gym....every time I asked the computer for his location he was in the gym off duty.~ She rolled her eyes at herself. When someone took a stimulant or steroid of any type, they most generally worked out all the time because of the energy they reserved from the medication. "Yes, sir. I will be there early, sir," Brian said. "Can I ask what we are going to be doing?" Brian requested. Kaitlyn had to go back to sickbay and pull up some files regarding the treatment program she was to apply. Speaking to Rogers to the first time since she had been there, she said, "I'm not sure yet. I'm going to have to go back to sickbay and look this up so I can forward it to the Lieutenant." <> This was going to be an even longer night. Kaitlyn thought about all of the problems that could arise with this. If no one else knew about the problem but them three and the captain, she could be in trouble. She could just imagine Gr'iann giving her direct orders to do something when she was supposed to report to Rogers quarters to give him another low dose injection. What would she do? He did outrank her of coarse. ~Guess I'll just deal with that when the time comes...~ (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Security Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1946) Brian sat with his head down. Now Kaitlyn would never even think of going out with him since he was a 'drug addict'. He guessed that Gr'iann had won her affection. He heard the door open but didn't bother to look. He knew who it was. Has Kaitlyn and Lt. Casely talked about Brian and what to do, Brian thought how much he had thrown away. He had graduated high school in the top 10% of his class. He graduated the Academy with high marks in every class expect Earth History, and had gotten what he considered an easy job on a Starbase. He was basically groomed by his parents since birth to be a command officer, and now, nothing. Brian thought back to the time when he started. His fear of shuttlecraft, all started after a shuttle accident that almost killed him. Starfleet Medical allowed him 5cc of Cordazine to allow him to stand being on a shuttle, and he took 10cc's once. Then 25cc's, then 30 just when he was sitting around his quarters one night. His holotherpy had helped and almost solved the fear of shuttlecraft. He had been handed the world....not that, the galaxy on a silver platter and just so he could feel amazing for a few hours, it was gone. He would be shipped away for sure, but then, like a beam of sunlight saving Brian, he heard the lieutenant say something.... "....try and find a way to have him come clean on his own with me present, we can begin treatment." Brian suddenly looked up and saw that Lt. Casely looked unhappy....sad almost. Brian felt much better....if he could stop, then he could get it all back. Then, it would be much better. He could have it all back again." "I want to end this addiction, Lieutenant." Brian said, and Brian had never said anything more true. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1950) Paul was in the middle of his discussion with Doctor Mackenzie when he heard Rogers' voice. "I want to end this addiction, Lieutenant." Brian said. He seemed genuine. Paul wondered though. Paul thought and nodded for a second. "Doctor, can you put him on some kind of a programme to take the edge off his 'cravings' for that drug?" asked Paul. He really didn't know and was relying on Kaitlyn. He hoped she would understand what he was up to and back him. Sound mind, sound body, distracted from the addiction... (Reply Mackenzie) "Doctor, I also need him to have some form of programme to follow, please forward me a copy. Ensign, for now... you belong to me, got it? You do as I say, you take direct orders from myself. In essence, the doctor and I are giving you a second chance. The only thing that comes before my instruction for you are her medical orders. You will report to Holodeck 4 at 0700 tomorrow to begin training. I'll meet you there. Don't be late... I don't deal well with late," Paul stated authoritatively. He needed to know if Ensign Rogers was serious and he would put him through his paces to determine it. If things worked out, Paul would have a more focused officer and the officer would have kicked his habit. Paul knew from Rogers' file that he had some idea of martial arts, Paul was advanced in more than one form... a prerequisite for Security. That would help with the centering... for other aspects, Paul had other plans. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Security Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1951) Brian listened has Kaitlyn and Lt. Casely talked, then he started speaking to Brian. "Ensign, for belong to me, got it?" Brian nodded and the lieutenant kept speaking. "You do as I say, you take direct orders from myself. In essence, the doctor and I are giving you a second chance. The only thing that comes before my instruction for you are her medical orders. You will report to Holodeck 4 at 0700 tomorrow to begin training. I'll meet you there. Don't be late, I don't deal well with late," Brian nodded. "Yes, sir. I will be there early, sir," Brian said. "Can I ask what we are going to be doing?" Brian requested. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Deck 26, Callahans-ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars-1953) Dorrin was not idle once he got off duty. He knew that this was the perfect time to gain trust with Benford, or at least get some information. But if he knew one thing, it was that such a move required careful preparation, there had to be no doubt in Bedford’s mind. So for a large part of the hour, Dorrin sat in his room and relieved memories, memories of how his brother was murdered by his partner, how that partner brought back information that helped seal an alliance, how that partner made Dorrin's life hell, and how that partner was a captain of a starship. He then focused those emotions into hate against aliens, but in such a way that it wouldn't be difficult to remember why he was doing this. He then packed some food for the conversation. This was perhaps the most important part, especially the three drinks; if Benford was suspicious he would notice the discrepancy. Luckily this could play right into Dorrin's hands. Ready Dorrin left but forgot one thing. He didn't know where the heck Benford was, so he spent some more time searching for him. He probably could have found him using the computer, but by the time he remembered that, he had already found Benford using some information he got from innocent questions. Quickly Dorrin walked up to him, "Excuse me Mr. Benford. I was wondering if you had time to talk with me a bit." (posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1954) Turning to face Casely for the first time, she said, "Sir, I also recommend we keep this quiet. I think that only us three and the captain should know about this. Otherwise he'll have a harder time trying to get through the rehab program." "I understand, however there are protocols that need to be followed. I can tag a section of his service record classified, but anyone with a rank of Commander or higher will be able to access it. I can't bury this completely, it isn't that easy. However, his peers won't know. Admiral Gr'iann, however, would have access to the information, for example, if he wished to look. Unless you want all three of us to end up on a penal colony," said Paul. He was well aware of these regulations and that they were upheld rather stringently. However, keeping it to higher ranked officers should keep it 'safe'. There was no reason that other people on board the station needed to know, at least for now. "I want to end this addiction, Lieutenant." Brian said. "Doctor, can you put him on some kind of a programme to take the edge off his 'cravings' for that drug?" asked Paul. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she said, "The best way to deal with an addiction is to slowly taper them off the drug. If I cut the drug out cold turkey, his body could go into severe shock. Unfortunately, I would inject him with lower dosages until the amount reached zero. I would say that, with a combination of a holodeck program should work." "Doctor, I also need him to have some form of programme to follow, please forward me a copy. Ensign, for now... you belong to me, got it? You do as I say, you take direct orders from myself. In essence, the doctor and I are giving you a second chance. The only thing that comes before my instruction for you are her medical orders. You will report to Holodeck 4 at 0700 tomorrow to begin training. I'll meet you there. Don't be late... I don't deal well with late," Paul stated authoritatively. "Yes, sir. I will be there early, sir," Brian said. "Can I ask what we are going to be doing?" Brian requested. Doctor Mackenzie answered the question before Paul had a chance to, "I'm not sure yet. I'm going to have to go back to sickbay and look this up so I can forward it to the Lieutenant." "Well, I am sure what you'll be doing with me first thing in the morning. We'll start with some advanced martial arts and centering techniques... and I'll tell you more from there. Doctor, I'll forward you exactly what my plans are, my goal is to get his mind and body readjusted to the idea of having Starfleet as your only addiction," stated Paul, "And incidentally Doctor, if anyone questions you or attempts to divert you from dealing with Mr. Roger's issues, tell them you are under direct orders from the Command division of the station. If they continue to question you, send them to me. As Acting FO, staff matters are my purview, my problem and rest on my decision. Only the Captain outranks me in those matters and I can't see her countermanding me on something like this." (Reply Mackenzie) Paul watched as Doctor Mackenzie left his office to do her research. He knew she had her work cut out for her. He didn't really want to visit this on her doorstep, but at the same time he knew she was the better choice to deal with this sort of thing. Paul waited until she was long gone before turning back to Rogers. Paul's face softened a little bit, "Another thing Mr. Rogers, you might want to consider keeping 'relations' professional until you're finished your treatment. You're in for a bit of a rough ride over the next little while and it might be easier for you and others you are 'interested' in that way. I won't order you, I won't force you, but it is my advice." (Reply Rogers) "Alright, now... I was in the middle of dinner. I would imagine you haven't had any yet yourself. Have you ever eaten at the Olde Stone? Why don't you join me?" asked Paul. He couldn't play the hardliner all the time. It would be much more effective if he could build some form of trust and only turn on the displeasure when necessary. Rogers had taken a big step in requesting help, he deserved acknowledgement for that. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1956) "Well, I am sure what you'll be doing with me first thing in the morning. We'll start with some advanced martial arts and centering techniques....and I'll tell you more from there." Lt. Casely said to Brian. Brian nodded without saying anything. Lt. Casely continued talking to Kaitlyn before she left. When she was gone, Lt. Casely kept speaking to him. "Another thing Mr. Rogers, you might want to consider keeping 'relations' professional until you're finished your treatment. You're in for a bit of a rough ride over the next little while and it might be easier for you and others you are 'interested' in that way. I won't order you, I won't force you, but it is my advice." "Uh, yes, sir." Brian said with a frown. He knew exactly what Lt. Casely was talking about, and whom. "Alright, now....I was in the middle of dinner. I would imagine you haven't had any yet yourself. Have you ever eaten at the Olde Stone? Why don't you join me?" the lieutenant asked. "Uh, yes, sir. Sounds great, sir." Brian said in a monotone voice. He then let Lt. Casely lead the way out. (reply Casely, any) (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Station Leader, Humans for Humanity, Dean Benford, 1957) "Why thank you sir. But before I do I brought some drinks for us to share, please make your selection," with that the Ensign opened up a bag and carted out three drinks. Very strange. Bringing drinks INTO bar. Was he trying to 'intrigue' him? If so, Dean was not amused. Dean got up. "I'm sorry Mr. Klars. My mother told me never to accept drinks from strange men when I don't know where they've been. You would rank amongst one of the strangest. I have no idea what you wanted, but I generally don't deal with the mentally defective. Now if you'll excuse me," stated Dean as he walked to the door to Callahans and left. ~Seems I'll have to research this Klars character a bit further. I wonder if there is some odd alien species somewhere in his background. Bringing drinks into a bar? I thought he was security... he should have known that isn't allowed. I'm a good, law honouring citizen after all.~ With that, he walked up to a member of station security. "Excuse me Sir, there is a Starfleet Officer who brought what look to be alcoholic beverages into Callahans. It looked like he purchased them elsewhere and brought them into the pub. He offered me one, but I refused. I just thought someone should know," said Dean as he walked along the promenade. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Security, Petty Officer Helen Aboz, 1958) Helen was on her regular patrol on the promenade, she had just reached the front of Callahans, when a civilian stopped her. "Excuse me Sir, there is a Starfleet Officer who brought what look to be alcoholic beverages into Callahans. It looked like he purchased them elsewhere and brought them into the pub. He offered me one, but I refused. I just thought someone should know," said the man. Helen looked at the older gentleman. He seemed like a straight shooter. She nodded and tapped her PADD a couple times, getting a description. "Thank you Sir, its good to know there are fine, upstanding citizens like you around," said Helen as the man walked away. With that, she walked into the bar, saw the officer and walked over to him. "Excuse me Sir, I have had a complaint that you're bringing outside alcohol into a private business establishment, against regulation 32.5. Is that true?" asked Helen. She knew how this went. Even if he was an officer, she had to do her job. She would report straight to Casely if she had to... in the end, this report would go to her anyway. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 1959) "I'm sorry Mr. Klars. My mother told me never to accept drinks from strange men when I don't know where they've been. You would rank amongst one of the strangest. I have no idea what you wanted, but I generally don't deal with the mentally defective. Now if you'll excuse me," stated Dean as he walked to the door to Callahans and left. Dorrin watched Benford leave and suppressed a chuckle. He had bit the bait, he probably thought Dorrin was trying to intrigue him, and Dorrin was, but in Dorrin himself. ~You aren't as smart as you think Benford, your concern with the big picture blinds you to the most subtle intrigues, but truthfully I didn't plan it like this. I actually forgot we were in a bar in my haste. But on the other hand, who the heck has to know that?~ Dorrin walked over to the station security Benford spoke to "don't bother arresting me, those are empty, I simply wanted to see how law-abiding he was." Dorrin lied blatantly, before putting the drinks into the sack, and leaving. They were actually full, but the bottles were closed and if the security had a problem they could take it up with Casely. Dorrin tapped his intercom to get in touch with Casely "excuse Lt. Casely, it is Dorrin, I must speak with you for an interesting development has occurred." ( posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, Security, Petty Officer Helen Aboz, 2000) "Don't bother arresting me, those are empty, I simply wanted to see how law-abiding he was." The Petty Officer blinked. "Quite frankly sir, I don't really care what you think you were doing. I have a job to do here. Please take those cans out and I'll determine if they're empty." Who the hell did he think he was? She would do the same whether it was the Lieutenant, the Captain or even an Admiral. There was no way she'd be derelict in her duty on this one. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 2002) "Quite frankly sir, I don't really care what you think you were doing. I have a job to do here. Please take those cans out and I'll determine if they're empty." Dorrin tried to remember that she was only doing her job, but his temper got the best of him. When they both arrived outside he snapped "these are full, but I was doing something for the Lt., of which you may not know. But of course you shouldn't believe me so please contact him and I will explain, it will save my arm the energy of being lifted. He knew he was pushing it, but his mouth had a mind of its own at times. He waited for a reaction. (posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, The Olde Stone, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 2003) Paul looked across the table at Brian as he dug into his second dinner of the night. He was just about to put a forkful of food to his mouth when his comm badge chirped again. "OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!" exclaimed Paul loudly as he put his forkful of food down and tapped his comm badge. Couldn't he just finish a meal in peace? =^=Excuse me Sir, this is Petty Officer Aboz here. I have Ensign Klars here. Apparently he brought outside alcohol into one of the station's bars with your permission?=^= Paul could feel a slow anger rising. "No... no I did not. Please ensure that he can hear this Mr. Aboz. At no point did I ever tell Mr. Klars that he could break station rules for any reason." =^=Yes Sir. He has been rather short with me about this I'm afraid. I know its a misdemeanour. I would have just reminded him of the rules, if he hadn't have lied to me first and then been rather... uppity... with me, Sir. I know he outranks me but...=^= At this point Paul, who had quite enough of this, interrupted, "...but he still has absolutely no right to treat any security member... any crew member... doing their job in less than a respectful fashion. He should know that. The only people I will have on my Security teams are those people who follow orders, follow station rules and lead by example. Leading by example includes being respectful to those who are doing their jobs in a proper fashion. You are absolutely right Mr. Aboz." =^=Do you need to speak to him Sir? As I say, I know its a misdemeanour, but he was rather insistent about contacting you.=^= "Well, Mr. Aboz, that was his undoing it seems. Tell him for the rest of the evening, until his duty shift starts tomorrow, he's restricted to his quarters. I want to see him in the FOs office at 0900. Please make sure he knows this and that he understands that I expect him to apologize to you as well. When he is doing anything be it duty or not, be it for me or not, I expect him to behave in a proper fashion. Now, I want to finish my dinner as interruptions have kept me rather hungry. Thank you for your good work Mr. Aboz," stated Casely as he cut the channel. What was wrong with these people?. He had a drug addicted counsellor, a lovelorn Admiral, two officers who kept banging their heads and an ATAC who didn't seem capable of getting along with others or following rules and protocol. He was starting to wonder if Klars' earlier disrespect was part of a larger problem. With that, Paul looked across from the table at Brian. "I'm sorry about that... its been one of those days," said Paul as calmly as he could muster. Paul couldn't help but wonder what the counsellor would make of this one. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck 26, Callahans, ATAC ensign Dorrin Klars 2005) "Well, Mr. Aboz, that was his undoing it seems. Tell him for the rest of the evening, until his duty shift starts tomorrow, he's restricted to his quarters. I want to see him in the FOs office at 0900. Please make sure he knows this and that he understands that I expect him to apologize to you as well. When he is doing anything be it duty or not, be it for me or not, I expect him to behave in a proper fashion. Now, I want to finish my dinner as interruptions have kept me rather hungry. Thank you for your good work Mr. Aboz," stated Casely as he cut the channel. Dorrin repressed a groan, what happened to the days when the security would escort you to the superior officer. But in truth, about the rudeness Casely was right, Dorrin shouldn't treat people that way unless they deserved. But right now something was eating away at him. "Mrs. Aboz the Lt. is quite right about my rudeness. The only excuse I can give is that I have been recently contemplating memories I thought I suppressed and that they have tampered my control with my emotions, and I hope you will accept my apology for everything. Also now I believe it is time for me to be escorted to my quarters if you would be so kind." Dorrin said wearily before being escorted. (Posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Ensign McLaren, 2012) Matthew had been tossing and turning for hours now and was becoming overly frustrated. Bio beds were not the most comfortable beds in the universe and he had to spend the next 48 hours lying on one. He hoped that he could get out of here tomorrow but the odds weren't looking good. From what the admiral said he would be in here for at least 2 days. He rolled over and saw Councilor Marta in a bio bed over the other side of the room. ~Seems like the entire senior staff will be in here soon~ He couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep so he called out softly, "Councilor, are you awake?" When he got no response he rolled back over and continued staring at the wall. He was so bored that he started counting the panels in the wall and working out what conduits lead to what behind them. If only he had some reports to read or something, anything to take his mind of lying here. The alpha shift had went off duty earlier in the night and there was only a few nurses in the med lab who he could see through the glass. He tapped the call button next to his bed to open the intercom. "Would I be able to get something to read, or some drug to put me to sleep?" He probably could have asked slightly more politely but he was overtired, frustrated and bored and it just didn't come out right. (posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, Dorrin's quarters, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 2100) Dorrin had been examining his behavior for a long time before realizing that what he said earlier was true. He really wasn't over the death, or the betrayal that came to light late one night...... [I] Dorrin was sleeping of sobs that came from the news in his room when he heard the voices outside his room. "So everything went well?" "Yes, I am a hero and that do-gooder is dead, and I am getting fame off his demise!" "So you will stick to our bargain?" "Yes I will take the place of the brat's brother and arrange for him to an accident"[/I} Dorrin recognized one of the voices, but not the other, he planned to find the one he recognized, get answers, and then kill him, and find the second. But at the current moment he was simply a tired man who missed his brother, and never let himself grieve properly. Dorrin sank to the floor weeping, and trying to find sleep that never came. (Posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Brian Roger's Personal Quarters, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 2101) Brian walked into his quarters. He was feeling quite ill about himself. Then he saw was a normal looking black leather bag sitting near the end of his bed. The sight of it filled Brian with anger and he ran up and kicked it with all his might. The bag sailed across the room and hit the walk, and a hypo spray and a few vials of Cordazine fell out. Brian shook his head, and fell into his depression state again and prepared for a few hours of rest. (Posted by Kevin Schram) Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 2 Stardate: 2407.01.02 (Starbase Geneva- Little Cardassia- Hatri Ronsworth - 0525) Hatri had a bit of a late start that morning. He detested being late. Some of his workers were standing outside the locked shop. His Vulcan bar tender and cook, Betazoid hostess, Ferengi trade manager, and his twin Human waiter and waitress were all looked a little anxious. They knew if Hatri was late there was a good reason. The truth was that Hatri had been in the Medical Centre since 0434. His implant was acting up. When he had awoken that morning he was colder than a Klingon slavery camp. The implant malfunction had messed with his hypothalamus, the gland in Humans and Cardassians that regulates core temperature. This sent him into a series chills and convulsions. After a little recalibration in the Medical Centre, he was right as rain and ready for work. "Good morning all." He turned to put the key in the lock on the outside of the big golden doors. He turned the key quickly and opened the door. They opened and for a brief moment Hatri could see his business. Then there was an explosion. The inside of the shop was torn inside out. His staff had time to dive out of the way but Hatri took the full brunt of the blast. It seemed to be localized in the front of the store. Not meant to destroy the shop but rather whoever opened the door first. A red alert went up on the promenade, there were people running in all directions. Dark smoke filled the passageways as the suppressant system failed to contain the fire. The turbo lift doors could not open fast enough. Several people were trampled underfoot trying to make it to the lifts. Finally the doors to the lifts opened and people began to stream into them. The panic remained but Starbase security began to get a handle on things. Pushing people back and making their way to calm things down. There was still no sign of the suppressant system being activated. Some people collapsed from the smoke inhalation. They were stepped on in the panic for the lifts. The blast had ripped through several other shop fronts but seemed to be localized; Little Cardassia was defiantly the target. The charge was obviously meant to simply look large, but not be large. The explosion could hardly have created a hull breach. It was meant to go out into the promenade and not cripple the Station. Hatri was conscious for the whole event. He cried out in pain. Lying on his side he watched as people ran from the explosion. Hatri was almost sure that he was dead. He was surrounded by the rubble that was once his store front. The panic was still all around. Hatri was pinned down by intense pain and some roof paneling. Finally Starfleet personnel made their way to the area. The walkway was now lit only by emergency lighting and the red alert beacons. Dust and smoke filled the promenade. A security officer with a breathing unit on ripped a panel off the far wall and pressed a few keys. The fire suppressant activated and the life support systems began to filter the smoke filled air. Then a young Vulcan medic knelt down next to Hatri. The woman shouted something and then Hatri blacked out. (Posted by Bobby Pirie) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0540) Paul sat in the command chair looking out at the planet hovering in the distance. He's been on duty for 40 minutes, with all that entailed. He'd joined in the tail end of Gamma shift. Alpha shift had just over 2 hours before it started. Suddenly, a call came over the comm link. =^=Sir, this is security team four, there has been a blast on the promenade. Should we go to alert status?=^= Paul considered that for a second and looked at the chronometer, "Have you found evidence of other explosives? Any injuries?" =^=No Sir. There are a few minor injuries. The proprietor is in the Medical Centre right now.=^= "Never mind the alert then. I'll be right down," said Paul. It was very possible that it wasn't even an explosive but another malfunction of some sort. With that Paul gave the Ensign on OPs control and left Main Operations. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Little Cardassia, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0547) Paul strolled across the quiet promenade to the shop and, after being apprised by one of his security officers, began to examine the door with a tricorder. ~No evidence of regular explosives. Better check a few more spectrums.~ Paul raised his eyebrows as the results came up and crossed into the cafe. The immediate thing that struck him was the fact that nothing else was disturbed. The shop, more or less, looked fine. Very little damage, very little indeed. Paul continued his scans. The team was right, no other evidence of explosives. Paul continued to collect information. After awhile, he looked at one of the other security team members. "Mr. V'Tor, please get some images for the investigation file and send them to the security division computer system. Then you can have someone from engineering replace the doors and any other damaged components and allow the shop to reopen. I'm going down to security for awhile. If anything odd comes up, let me know immediately," stated Paul frowning slightly. "Yes Sir," said the Vulcan as he began to get the equipment to carry out his orders. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Brian Roger's Personal Quarters, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0559) Brian was sleeping peacefully when the computer awoke him. [Ensign Rogers, it is now 0600, Ensign Rogers it is now 0600, Ensign Rogers it is-....] "OK, OK!" Brian said. He pulled himself out of bed and walked over to the sonic shower. After a quick shower and some replicated breakfast, Brian looked at the chronometer and saw he only had 9 minutes to make it to the holodeck. After scrambling to get some standard Starfleet Workout gear on, he ran out. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Security Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0616) Paul sat down in his office and called up information on Ronsworth. Nothing overly surprising and concerning there, as was the case with his staff. An odd assortment of different races to be sure, but otherwise nothing to be concerned about. "Computer, display lease for Little Cardassia," said Paul. With that the lease information popped up. It was a standard conditional release with Starfleet. Nothing exciting or concerning. No better or worse price or terms than anyone else. Then Paul noticed it... ~How odd, there's a Ferengi ryder on here.~ "Computer, cross reference with the rider number for Ferengenar. What is that ryder for?" asked Paul. [Little Cardassia is insured by a company on the Ferengi home world.] ~Insurance? Why does anyone need insurance on a Starfleet Starbase? We repair everything and replace everything in the event of a problem.~ "Computer, will any of the policy pay off due to this accident?" asked Paul? [Insufficient information to answer that query.] Paul sighed. He'd have to contact Feregenar later and talk to Ronsworth. In any event, no one had been killed and security was checking the entire station for explosives now, all to the negative. The priority at the moment was the peace negotiations with the planet, and Paul had to prepare that and man Main Operations. He decided to shelve this investigation for the time being after sending a general query out to Ferengenar and get back to resuming his regular duties. With that thought, Paul locked down the case file with his personal code. Only the Captain or Admiral Gr'iann could override his access at the moment... at least of the normal staff, and then he left the security centre. ~Possibility one, Ronsworth blew up a section of his own shop to make a bit of extra money. Possibility two, someone else has the insurance on his shop. I'll deal with it later.~ (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Promenade, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0637) Paul exited on the Promenade and walked past Little Cardassia. It looked as good as new. He saw the security teams slowly sweeping through the promenade and waved to them. "Mr. V'Tor, have you found anything?" asked Paul, expecting the answer. "No Sir, nothing as of yet." "Understood, carry on," said Paul as he walked into the turbolift and returned to his duties in Main Operations. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Main Operations, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0650) Paul looked at the chronometer. He knew soon he'd have to meet Rogers at Holodeck 4. This was all part of the drills and duties, all part of the life. "Ensign Yalrath? You have OPs. Please signal me if there are any problems. I should be back in an hour or so," said Paul grabbing a gym bag. "Yes Sir," said Yalrath. Paul wondered what he'd do without her. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0653) Paul walked into his traditional dojo wearing his white gi with his black belt wrapped around it. He knew it was early and warmed up for a few moments. "Computer, initiate sparring partner Gregory Barron," said Paul aloud. An instant later, his friend from the academy shimmered into view beside him. The pair bowed to each other and began to spar. Paul felt good... on top of his game. He wondered if Greg were actually here if he might actually beat him for a change. Paul could always hit harder both with his hands and his feet, but Greg was definitely faster and more wiry. Their sparring had been interesting but Paul always felt that Greg beat him. Paul started by matching Greg's moves, the simulation was definitely capturing Greg's speed and skill. The two men had written the programme together, two halves of the same whole. They knew that they probably wouldn't get posted together. Paul couldn't help but wonder with a grin if Greg was sparring with Paul's holoself somewhere. Paul learned quickly that he shouldn't let his mind wander. *THUMP* Paul hit the floor hard after a foot sweep. He flipped himself back to his feet and resumed his stance, continuing to hold his own. Paul hoped that Ensign Rogers wouldn't be late, they had a lot of ground to cover. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Corridor, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0656) Brian was running at full speed, almost ramming into a female science officer on his way. Has ran towards the holodeck, he thought about how he and Kaitlyn were supposed to go on that Klingon hunting program, last night, and how they never did. ~She'd never like a drug addict...~ Brian thought. He shook his head and arrived at the holodeck, right has the chronometer hit 07.00. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brain Rogers, 0700) Brian ran in and saw Lieutenant Casely sparring with a holographic man...or at least Brian assumed he was holographic, Brian didn't remember anything about another person. Brian walked over to Lt. Casely and stood. "Ensign Rogers, reporting has requested, sir." Brian said. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Dorrin's quarters, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars 0700) Dorrin woke up far earlier than he liked, and immediately realized that was foolish for his shift was going to start in a few minutes. He also realized that his control over his emotions was still compromised. ~I will have to watch it,~ with a heavy heart Dorrin headed out to fulfill his duty. (Posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0701) Paul continued his sparring for some time. They were, as usual, at a deadlock. Paul's force of blow effectively counteracted some of Greg's moves, but his speed did not allow Paul to win a scoring blow either. Paul was deep in concentration, when something intruded on it. "Ensign Rogers, reporting has requested, sir." Brian said. For a split second, Paul's attention was diverted from the holographic sparring partner. That split second was all it took. Paul felt his feet give out from under him and he fell to the matt... hard. He looked up at Brian for a second, feeling a split second of annoyance. "Ensign Rogers," said Paul from his position flat on his back, "from this time forward, if you enter and a sparring match is going on, please wait until its over, or you're seen, before saying anything. That will be lesson number one." (Reply Rogers) Paul flipped himself back to his feet and brushed himself off. "Ensign, you'll find a gi over there with a plain white belt. Please go and put it on." (Reply Rogers) Paul waited for a moment until Rogers returned. "To start off with, we're going to do some centering exercises. This will mentally prepare you. This can also be used to shut out things that are upsetting to you. Given time, you will be able to relax yourself to the point that you can sleep, or whatever." With that the lessons began and continued for the next half hour. Paul showing rudimentary movements and ways of centering yourself. Finally, he looked over at Rogers. "Now its time for my second surprise. Please change back into your uniform, I will do the same, meet me back here," stated Paul. After awhile both men rejoined in the holographic dojo. Paul looked at Rogers and nodded. "I wanted to do something with you that had relevance to your job, but that still required developing patience, knowing protocol and having self discipline," said Paul. (Reply Rogers) Paul looked at the Ensign and grinned for a second, he would never see this one coming. "Computer, begin Command Training programme, Casely Omega Four." With that, the holodeck shimmered into a replica of the Starbase Geneva bridge. Command training was a big deal. It could lead to Mr. Rogers, eventually being given duty shifts in charge of OPS, being able to take the command chair on the bridge and even rising the ranks to become a 3O, 2O, FO or eventually a starship commanding officer. Paul wondered if the Ensign understood the relevance. This was a way for him to build up trust with Rogers, a way to give him hope, and a way to give him something to keep his mind off the drugs. Paul hoped it would work. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0703) Has soon has Brian spoke, the holographic sparring partner knocked Lt. Casely off his feet "Ensign Rogers, from this time forward, if you enter and a sparring match is going on, please wait until its over, or you're seen, before saying anything. That will be lesson number one." "Uh, yes, sir." Brian said. He felt guilty, but Lt. Casely seemed not to be too upset. Lt. Casely flipped himself off the floor in an impressive fashion. "Ensign, you'll find a gi over there with a plain white belt. Please go and put it on." "Yes, sir." Brian said. He walked over to the gi and put it on. Brian then returned to Casely. "To start off with, we're going to do some centering exercises. This will mentally prepare you. This can also be used to shut out things that are upsetting to you. Given time, you will be able to relax yourself to the point that you can sleep, or whatever." And with that they began the training. Brian found it difficult at first, and a waste of time, when a sedative will claim just the same, but after a while, Brian got used to it. Then Lt. Casely stopped and spoke to him. "Now its time for my second surprise. Please change back into your uniform, I will do the same, meet me back here." Brian left and on his way thought about what this surprise could be. He walked back to the holodeck and Lt. Casely was already there. "I wanted to do something with you that had relevance to your job, but that still required developing patience, knowing protocol and having self discipline," he said. "Yes, sir." Brain said. His eyes rolled back into his head. ~This better not be a counselor simulation where I have to tell the Starfleet Widow her husband died in peace or the crazy Tactical officer not to blow up the station.~ Suddenly, Brian's heart almost stopped when Lt. Casely gave the computer a command. "Computer, begin Command Training programme, Casely Omega Four." Lt. Casely said. ~Command training....holy cow, this is a big deal....~ And with that, the holodeck changed to the Geneva Ops Center. Brian tried to talk calmly without screaming like a school girl with glee. "Uh...command training, sir?" Brian asked, "I don't think I understand." (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0733) "Uh...command training, sir?" Brian asked, "I don't think I understand." "Over the next while you will be learning to be capable in every department in Starfleet. You will learn to understand the nuances and difficulties of every job. You will be able to take over if necessary. If you do well, it could lead to command positions, if a CO deems it so. One way or another, you'll be a better officer than you were before... more versatile overall. I can't promise you 3O, what would essentially be Acting 2O, but it is a possibility," stated Paul. Rogers had to show he was able to clean himself up and behave as his own person, not riding the coattails of his 'famous' family, whom Paul had never heard of. (Reply Rogers) "Now, Mr. Rogers... if you'll step over here, I'll show you OPS for the station and how the power flow works," said Paul. With that, the training began. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Holodeck 4, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0734) "Over the next while you will be learning to be capable in every department in Starfleet. You will learn to understand the nuances and difficulties of every job. You will be able to take over if necessary. If you do well, it could lead to command positions, if a CO deems it so. One way or another, you'll be a better officer than you were before... more versatile overall. I can't promise you 3O, what would essentially be Acting 2O, but it is a possibility," said Lt. Casely. "Uh, yes, sir." Brian said, he couldn't hold back a slight smile. Brian never wished he hadn't done Cordazine now more than ever. His new mission in, his new goal would be to get cleaned up. If this worked out, he would be at a better place than his life when he started. Two days ago, he was a cadet getting off the transport ship on to his first assignment, now, he was training for a possible Command job. "Now, Mr. Rogers... if you'll step over here, I'll show you OPS for the station and how the power flow works," said Lt. Casely, and Brian paid attention has to how the critical systems worked. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0809) Kaitlyn did not have the relaxing evening she had hoped to have the night before. Instead, she was stuck back in the medical center on her next shift, wishing she could've gotten more sleep. She had already made her early morning rounds, paying particular attention to Ensign Marta and Ensign McLaren. Their vitals were both good, but she let them rest as it was still early. ~In fact, McLaren should be able to leave soon.~ As she tapped the vitals of other patients in on her PADD, a medical team rushed through the door and headed straight for the nearest empty biobed. Throwing the PADD in her lab coat pocket, she rushed over to join the action. ~Hatri?~ She waited until she could get a better look at him before telling for sure. However, sure enough, it was him. From the looks of it, there had either been a small explosion or some type of accident, like an engineering accident. Seeing as how he wasn't an engineer, and from what she had heard from the medical team, she knew there had been an explosion. Getting the junior officers in the medical center, she shouted, "I need 15cc's of...." She didn't even need to finish her sentence before one of the more promising junior officers handed her the hypo spray. Looking impressed, she took it, turned around and injected Hatri with it. The hypo spray was filled with painkillers and a sedative. By that time, Kaitlyn had finished most of her visual examination, so she now relied on the medical scans she was getting back from the biobed. So far it showed that Hatri's heart rate and blood pressure were increased, along with the fact that his left leg seemed to have a comminuted fracture. That was a somewhat common fracture that was usually seen when some type of force landed on the bone just right. Kaitlyn gathered he must have been caught under rubble for that to happen. With Hatri having well over enough scrapes, Kaitlyn decided she could clean the wounds first. With his blood pressure high and his heart rate high, she would have to wait on the surgery for now. As she cleaned all the wounds, she noted how some of them seemed rather deeper than others. Almost like fallen debris had hit him, but she wasn't sure. Finishing up, she tapped her commbadge, "Dr. Mackenzie to Lt. Casely. Sir, I believe there's a situation down in Little Cardassia. I have Hatri here in sickbay. He'll be alright for now, but the medical team informed me of some type of small explosion." <> "Alright sir, Mackenzie out." Kaitlyn closed off communications and started to walk back to her office when she heard the doors swish open to reveal Ensign Rogers. ~Not now...~ She noticed as he stopped to talk to some of his other crewmates before arriving at her. "Hello, Dr. Mackenzie. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for my problem and all that stuff last night. I just hope you can forgive me." Brian said. Ushering him into her office, she said, "I hope you realize the seriousness of your problem." <> Taking a seat, she said, "'re only human and these things can happen. I'm glad that you've finally admitted the problem to yourself so we can work this out together." <> Then, on a lighter note, she said, "So, just come from the holodeck? How did you like the program?" <> She listened as he told her about the program and the different difficulties he had. "Yeah, well don't forget, it was designed for this purpose." She listened as Rogers continued to speak about the program. So far, he didn't seem like he was too entirely effected by it, which was good. He was in a good mood. "Well, you want your low dose shot now or later?" Since they were talking in her office, she had no reason to be discrete about what she asked him. <> (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva-Medical Center-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0810) "Do you want the shot now or later?" She watched as Rogers had a look of pain cross his face. She surmised he didn't really want it at all, at least from her. " I guess." Brian said, sitting down. Getting up from her chair, she said, "I'll be right back." She went into the room where they stored the medication and grabbed a small canister that would fit into the end of the hypo spray. Making sure it was cordazine, she pushed it into the bottom and came back to her office. "This won't hurt a bit," she said as she injected him afterward. "The dose I just gave you was 25cc's. It's a little bit less than what you were giving yourself, but enough so your body will respond properly." <> "All right, that should do it until your next visit," she said as she looked up. Gr'iann was just walking through the doors of the medical center. Feeling like she was getting caught in the act, she said, "I'll see you next time." <> She noticed when Rogers got up to leave how Gr'iann seemed focused on the two of them sitting alone in her office. ~Just great.....that's all I need now is to have him conjure up something stupid just because we were in the office by ourselves. She wished she could tell the Admiral. She decided that since he was an admiral and the CMO that she would be alright to tell him. But the better part of her, to preserve as much of Rogers' reputation as possible told her not to. She saw Gr'iann eye Rogers suspiciously as he walked past him. She didn't think Rogers caught it, and hoped not. Gr'iann seemed to have a funny way of showing his feelings sometimes. Standing up, Kaitlyn walked back out into the main medical bay area. She walked up to Gr'iann and said, "Here's the vitals on the patients as of this morning. McLaren and Marta both seem to be doing well. I would recommend that McLaren be able to leave soon. His head injury is healing without infection....and he's restless," she said grinning. <> She remembered what it was like on the USS Paladin. The doctor always annoyed her with questions and was constantly on her back about getting her heart problem checked out. She never knew how it felt until she was on the other side of the coin. (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0825) Brian was feeling much better about himself after his training with Lt. Casely. He also hadn't had a Cordazine craze since last night, which made him feel better. He walked in and spotted Mr. McLaren laying on a medical bed. He walked over. "Hello, Ensign McLaren. How are you feeling?" Brian asked. (reply McLaren) "I see. I hope you feel better. If you ever need any conversation, just contact me." Brian said before walking off. (reply McLaren, iyw) Brian passed Kass and saw she was still asleep, or knocked out. ~Thats too bad a good officer isn't medically fit.~ Brian thought. Finally he arrived next to Kaitlyn...or Dr. Mackenzie has he should call her now, and smiled. "Hello, Dr. Mackenzie. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for my problem and all that stuff last night. I just hope you can forgive me." Brian said. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, Ensign (JG) McLaren, 0826) Matthew had had a shocking night sleep, tossing and turning all night. He had glanced at the chronometer above his bed that many times the previous night and had become more and more frustrated each time. When he had slept he had wild, uncontrolled sleep that would usually jerk him back out of sleep only moments after he had dropped off. The doors slid open and an ensign walked in. Matthew struggled to remember his name. Then it came to him. ~Rogers~ "Hello, Ensign McLaren. How are you feeling?" the ensign asked. "Hi. Well you know how it is. i feel ok but just very cooped up." Matthew said with a weary smile. "I see. I hope you feel better. If you ever need any conversation, just contact me." "Thanks, i might just do that. They didn't exactly fill this room with things to do." Matthew said. He felt very isolated in here and was dying to get to know the senior staff better. He had only briefly met them at the ball and that now felt like ages ago. From what he had read the crew had already been in a combat situation and McLaren felt very left out because he knew that those were the times when you really got to know people and made close friends not that had necessarily happened, but he still would have liked to be there. ~It was probably just a glorified hangover from the ball the previous nigh~ he thought to himself grimly. Then Ensign walked away and began talking to another person who Matthew couldn't se from where he was lying, but he wasn't really interested anyway. (posted by Matthew McLaren) (Starbase Geneva, FO's Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 0827) Paul had cleared the plastic off the chairs and desk. This room had evidently been renovated in the station refit. It was virtually barren, desk, computer, that was it. No personal touches. Paul didn't figure he should get too comfortable, he was just the Acting First Officer after all. He had to be able to move out of the office at any point. With that thought, he began to go through the station logs and reports for the day. ~Ah... paperwork... the bane of all command personnel.~ Paul spent a fair bit of time initialing reports and the like. He was annoyed by the two senior staff members making a splash in the security logs, but then he already knew about that. He ran a tight department most of the time... this hiccup was most annoying to him. Then... the source of at least port of his concern arrived. Paul looked at the Ensign standing in front of his desk, saying nothing. "Well Ensign, are you going to stand there or are you going to report in the way you're supposed to? Have you forgotten your Academy training already?" asked Paul sternly. (Reply Klars) "Mr. Klars, I don't know what you thought you were doing last night, but I'm a little bit less than impressed. You have a temper and a tendency to resort to snap judgments. I'm also beginning to get the feeling that you don't know your place," stated Paul directly. (Reply Klars) "You are an Ensign, junior grade. I have no difficulty maintaining a friendly relationship with crewmates at appropriate times, but you need to realise when those times are. You have to learn to follow protocols, rules and proper procedure. Otherwise we will have to redefine your place. Am I understood?" asked Paul. He really was disinterested with personal beliefs, feelings or anything else at the moment. (Reply Klars) "For now, you are off anything have to do with Mr. Benford. When things blow over, I'll reassess, but for now some distance will be needed. I want you to look into the bombing this morning. Apparently the cafe had insurance with a Ferengi consortium. You'll need to question Mr. Ronsworth and his employees. It seems like the bomb might have been an inside job. I'm waiting for a communication from Ferengenar about who paid for the policy. Work with some other members of the security team. Report back to me when you have some tangible information," said Paul. Perhaps giving Klars another chance to prove himself would work out. He hoped that Klars would understand the idea behind 'working with' instead of making them work for. Klars needed to work on developing his teamwork skills. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Medical Center, COUNS Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 0828) Has Kaitlyn and Brian went into her office, she said, "I hope you realize the seriousness of your problem." Brian put his head down. "Yes, I understand." Kaitlyn sat down at her desk, "'re only human and these things can happen. I'm glad that you've finally admitted the problem to yourself so we can work this out together." Brian let off a slight smile. "Yes, I'm glad we can work it out together." Seeming trying to change the subject, she said, "So, just come from the holodeck? How did you like the program?" "Well, the mediation part of it was difficult at first, but I think I'm getting the hang of it." "Yeah, well don't forget, it was designed for this purpose." "Then, Lt. Casely loaded a command training program. He said I'll be learning every major bridge station and if I do well and clean up this drug mishap it might lead to me be promoted to Third Officer, but right now I'm still an Ensign Junior Grade. One who has broken Starfleet regulations, and I'm surprised Casely didn't throw me in the Brig and petition Starfleet Command for my court marital." Brain said. (reply Mackenzie, iyw) "Well, you want your low dose shot now or later?" she asked. " I guess." Brian said, sitting down. After all that happened, his 'breakdown' in Medical Center Two, his workout and possible command training with Casely, he felt better than he had in weeks, and hadn't touched the Cordazine in a few days, but he knew that the cravings would come back. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva, FO's office, ATAC Ensign Dorrin Klars, 0855) Dorrin knew he was early, and also knew the Lt. probably was not happy, but he decided that he needed a few minutes to compose himself, he truly lost his temper once before, and that didn't end well. However, he didn't know what would happen, for even now, he felt his emotions try to take over him. (posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva, FO's Office, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant {JG} Paul Casely, 0922) Paul had been working most of the morning. The station was still technically under 'quarantine' and that created some rather unique problems. Paul had almost forgotten about the two members of the Cardassian Depta Council wishing to visit Geneva to decide on what their relationship with the 'breakaway' Federation would be. Now he sat, staring at the image of the personal attendant of the council trying to explain the situation. =^=That is simply not good enough Lieutenant. I do not believe I need to tell you how important this visit could be.=^= "Legate Rugal Pa'Dar, I mean no disrespect. In fact, I have every desire to show honour and respect to the members of the council who wish to honour us with their visit. The difficulty at this point has to do with safety. I do not wish anything untoward to happen to the venerable members. If the visit could be postponed for a few days, I'm sure we will be able to accommodate them, and we would be honoured to do so," said Paul calmly. The Cardassians required both strength and politeness when being dealt with. It was often those qualities that made them seem rather... oily... to those trying to speak to them. This is who we are. =^=Our venerable members have very demanding schedules. It is not so easy to change them once set. I would not wish to report to them that you are undesiring of their gracious visit.=^= "Honourable Legate, nothing could be farther from the truth. The delegates of the Depta Council are most welcome, I just wish us able to provide for all safety requirements and to ensure that they will have a fruitful and enjoyable stay. For that, more time is required. Sir, I wish only three days," said Paul lowering his eyes and letting his face belay the seriousness of the situation. =^=You may have half that. We will arrive on your Stardate 2407.01.04. I will expect that the members will be met by your Captain and yourself for a tour of your station and for the inspection of the quarters.=^= Paul winced, he wasn't sure if he could deal with problems that fast, but could not afford to upset the Cardassian Depta Council. If the Cold War between the two sides of the Federation erupted into a full blown conflict, Starfleet would need at the very least the neutrality of the Cardassian Union. "Legate, I accept your graciousness and appreciate the time you have allowed us. May we meet soon at peace," stated Paul. =^=I look forward to meeting you Lieutenant.=^= then the screen went blank. Paul relayed the news to Captain Arianna and then went back to the paperwork accumulating. The Starbase seemed to breed red tape and bureaucracy, especially now. Paul sighed... time was running out before he'd have to disembark for the planet. He tapped his comm badge. "Lieutenant Casely to members of the Senior Staff. We only have about 8 hours before I'm expected on the planet, as I'm sure you're aware, this has become a rather important enterprise. Doctor Mackenzie, what are the conditions of Mr. McLaren and Mr. Marta? Can they return to active duty soon? Mr. Rogers, Admiral Gr'iann, how are those translations coming? I'm going to need something available so I can communicate with the people on that planet. Mr. Klars, when you're done interviewing the people involved in the incident earlier this morning, please select a security team of about 10 for an away mission. Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, please do the same with the science staff. I need someone from every department. I know everyone was hoping for the pace to slow after yesterday, but unfortunately we have a lot of work to do," said Paul. He then sat back and waited for reports, questions and any other information to come in. He would prefer to have a staff meeting, but there wasn't time to remove people from their current tasks, a mass communiqué was the most expedient and least invasive way to communicate. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) [END COMPILE]