Compilers Notes: Geneva Compile 18 - Street Date July 24, 2005. THANK YOU to everyone who has read this section and made steps to fix things before they get to me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Fixed timestamp errors only very minor problems. Excellent work! Fixed spelling errors great improvement here, thank you so much! Fixed formatting errors. 24 pages of compile in total with 22 posts in total. Total compile time: 0 hrs 55 minutes. Your compile wombat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 2 to Day 3 Stardate 2407.01.02 to 2407.01.03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of posts: Stardate: 2407.01.02 (USS Nautilus, turbolift, ACEO Ensign JG McLaren, 1722) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1729) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, ACEO Ensign JG McLaren, 1733) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall, 1734) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1735) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, CSO, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi - 1736) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1738) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1740) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1746) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, CSO, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi - 1749) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1751) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1800) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1806) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1812) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1831) (WaveRider, Cockpit, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1902) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1948) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1955) (USS Nautilus-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-2005) Stardate: 2407.01.03 (Starbase Geneva-Personal Quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0239) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class - Bridge- CO - Gul Damok - 0732) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class - Captain's Office, CO - Gul Damok - 0742) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class, Bridge, CO, Gul Damok, 0800) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0850) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, EC, Petty Officer (3rd) Jason Miller, 0854) (Starbase Geneva-Conference Room-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0857) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, ATAC ensign Dorrin Klars, 0858) (Starbase Geneva-Conference Room-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0906) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0908) Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 2 Stardate: 2407.01.02 (USS Nautilus, turbolift, ACEO Ensign JG McLaren, 1722) As the turbolift quickly moved through the ship, Matthew tapped his badge. "Engineering, have there been any other signs of corroded equipment. There could have been more exposure before the shields were raised." "=^=No. I think the only one was on deck 2.=^= Came the reply from one of the engineers. "Understood. Matthew out." He tapped his badge again to close the channel and as he did the doors swished open in front of him. He quickly made his way back to engineering and went to his office. He sat down and began to read reports of the situation unfolding on the planet below. He felt a bit like a 5th wheel at the moment with the ship operating at peek efficiency and in no immediate danger. So after a while he stood and headed out of engineering nodding to one of the engineers on the way out to take charge. (Posted by Matthew McLaren) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1729) Thrall's head was clearing, but he was still feeling a little light headed. He shook his head as he moved over to the tactical station. He heard Mackenzie's voice. "Sir..." She paused to get her nausea under control again. "I think I might have an explanation as to what's going on." "Go ahead," Thrall said, looking over some scans. "Both you and Dr. Engtamn-Jensi are registering high levels of radiation poisoning," she explained. "I don't know why my sensors didn't detect it sooner, but my guess is.... ," there was a slight pause and Thrall looked over at the doctor expectantly. "My that it's coming from this planet's atmosphere. If that's true, the away team might be in trouble as well." But there was something that Engtamn-Jensi had said before he passed out. The Grazerite had begun to come round and was mumbling something, as if in reply to Mackenzie. "An energy signature... a radiation... seems to be coming from that other ship. I don't think this is what they intended with it. In our present state... we cannot use the transporters however." Thrall looked down at his own scans and confirmed what he'd just been told. "You're correct doctor, the energy signature is coming from the other ship." He stopped and thought for a moment. The ship had not moved, not even a millimeter, so he doubted very much like this was an attack. If they had known the debilitating affect of their beam they would have attacked immediately. Or at least, that would have been his own tactic. "Are you suggesting they are trying to prevent us from recovering our away team?" "That would appear..." said Engtamn choking off the desire to vomit, "correct, Sir." Thrall took a step away in order to prevent any possible projectile vomit from getting on him. Looking around the bridge he had to think fast. "If that's the case, then you might be correct also, Dr. Mackenzie," he conceded, "the away team may be in danger. Has the beam cut of the comm link? I want to hear what's going on down there." He turned to the command center. Helm, I want an intercept course with that ship, half impulse. Computer, record message and send out in a continuous stream. Cease your beam, it is causing our people harm. If you do not stop I will be forced to fire on you." (posted by Al Muir) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, ACEO Ensign JG McLaren, 1733) He wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing but he didn't really care and made his way to the bridge anyway. He stepped out of the turbolift and stood in the little alcove and called to the man in the centre chair who he assumed was the man who called him before, "Sir, permission to enter the bridge." (Reply Thrall) "Well sir, things are pretty quiet in engineering, everything's operating at its peek and I wondered if I could help out up here." He explained (posted by Matthew McLaren) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall, 1734) As the Nautilus moved towards the alien vessel, Thrall waited impatiently for their reply to his call. Then another call came from the surface. =^=Mr. Thrall, we have a problem, get us out of here now. De'Charin is dead. There is a group trying to take us hostage. They're NOT part of the government.=^= This was exactly what Thrall did not want. He took a deep breath and hit his comm channel. "Sorry Lt., no can do. The alien vessel is hitting us with some form of irradiated energy beam that has made it impossible to use transporters. I believe that was their purpose. I'll let you know the moment we can grab pull you out." He didn't want to add the part about the crew getting sick. Casely had enough to worry about on the surface. Besides, it's always good to have a little surprise for the CO when he gets back. If he gets back. ~What are those aliens doing?~ McLaren walked out the turbo lift door and came over to Thrall. "Sir, permission to enter the bridge." Thrall looked the engineer up and down wondering what he meant by that. "Well, obviously you're already on the bridge so that was a redundant question wasn't it. And just what are you doing here on the bridge. Isn't your presence required in engineering. After all we are in a yellow alert situation." "Well sir, things are pretty quiet in engineering, everything's operating at its peek and I wondered if I could help out up here." He explained. The idea of him helping on the bridge when he was an engineer was almost beyond comprehension. His face started to change to a shade of purple before he forced himself to relax. Strange are the ways of Starfleet sometimes. "Well they may be quiet in engineering, but we're hopping up here. You might as well take the engineering station and be prepared to give us as much power to weapons and shields as possible. If this goes south, it'll get ugly pretty damn quick." (reply McLaren) "Incoming message, audio only," the new tactical officer called out. "Put it through," ordered Thrall. =^=Flying Saucer? Your bottle note is like Greek to us. Please rephrase.=^= Thrall rubbed the bridge of his nose, and rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long process. He got the last bit, "Please rephrase." Now he had to learn to speak the way they did. What was it, they spoke in analogies. He scratched at his long white hair as he thought. His antennae quivered. What he wanted was just to blast them and put an end to the threat, but that wasn't the "Starfleet way." ~Where the hell was that PADD Casely left with the references they had already come up with.~ Frustrated he looked for the PADD, unsuccessfully. So he thought he'd try some of his own. "Polarized energy cell flashlight is causing Targonian disruption. Holster and unload your weapon." He smiled at the screen with hope. Thinking that good wishes would make the message easier to understand. He wanted to avoid a conflict if he could, but he needed to be able to retrieve his away team if necessary. (reply Algidor) The response was more positive than before, but they just weren't getting through to each other. He turned to Engtamn-Jensi. "Suggestions?" (reply Engtamn-Jensi, sorry Jeff but I’m going to assume that E-J will say something) He should have thought of that. All of the references had been human. His analogies had a distinctive Andorian flavor to them. He thought for a minute again then retried. He had to hurry, they were coming with in weapons range and wanted to give the aliens an opportunity to back down. "E.T. Titanic, Ever-ready flashlight is causing need for Pepto. Red light the flashlight." ~There, let's see if they get that one.~ (posted by Al Muir) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1735) Algidor kept getting updates on the progress from the group on the planet below. It seemed things were going as planned, she was pleased. There was a regrettable death and the individual who had caused it would have to pay for his actions, but overall, the point had been made and it seemed there was a chance for some resolution. "The Flying Saucer wants to talk," stated one of her officers. "Proceed!" came Algidor's reply. =^=Cease your beam, it is causing our people harm. If you do not stop I will be forced to fire on you.=^= Algidor shook her head at the incomprehensible words. She understood some of them, but not all of them. She could hear the concern... even anger... in the voice. "Flying Saucer? Your bottle note is like Greek to us. Please rephrase," Algidor responded into her message device. She sent it out on rotating frequencies to the Nautilus. Algidor had no idea what they were saying. She only wanted to keep the ship from taking away their representatives, as the rebels saw them as a way to help their cause. Algidor did not want conflict. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, CSO, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi - 1736) Engtamn was still trying to get his feet underneath him. He heard the Lieutenant Major trying to speak to the alien vessel. He half listened to it and shook his head slowly. He was hardly surprised when the alien ship told him they didn't understand. Thrall turned to Engtamn-Jensi. "Suggestions?" "Well Sir, maybe if you tried some human reference points instead of Andorian ones. They seem to be dealing with 20th and 21st century culture and history. That's why Ensign Rogers programmed the PADDs," stated Engtamn smiling weakly. Engtamn listened as Thrall tried again. This seemed better, they were offering help afterwards, but still some aspects were lost to them. "Ummm... Sir. Rogers made 5 or 6 PADDs. I don't think they took them all with them. They must be here somewhere... the computer might be able to locate it... maybe even tie into it? It could work, Sir," said Engtamn softly. Thrall was definitely not a diplomat, and the last thing Engtamn wanted to see was this turn into a shooting match. (Reply Thrall) (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1738) Algidor stood in her command compartment, waiting for the reply from the strange people on the other vessel. Their language was so bizarre. There were no reference points at all to what they seemed to be saying. Nothing. How could they communicate based on that kind of garbled trash? Then, the communication came through, =^=Polarized energy cell flashlight is causing Targonian disruption. Holster and unload your weapon.=^= ~Weapon? What weapon? They hadn't used any weapon. What was this person talking about?~ "Still Greek to us," stated Algidor in reply. The communication grew silent for a moment and then the strange being caught on. =^=E.T. Titanic, Ever-ready flashlight is causing need for Pepto. Red light the flashlight.=^= Algidor scratched her head. ~Titanic? They were in trouble? Pepto? Obviously something was making them sick. The rest was bafflegab.~ "Flying Saucer? You need Florence Nightingale? We will send M*A*S*H. The rest is still Greek to us," she replied. If they needed medical help, surely the Frondeur could help. Algidor didn't wish these creatures any harm, just that she fulfill her mission. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1740) =^=Flying Saucer? You need Florence Nightingale? We will send M*A*S*H. The rest is still Greek to us.=^= Thrall rubbed his eyes. This was beginning to hurt his brain. Although, the scary part was that he was starting to get the idea of some of the references. For instance, he knew who Florence Nightingale was. She began the movement of civilian first aid care, he believe it became the ... Red Cross... or something like that. M*A*S*H was something else he recognized, as it was a military acronym, for a mobile army surgical hospital. ~Were they offering medical assistance? "Ummm..." Engtamn made an effort to get Thrall's attention. Thrall turned, his eyes narrowed as if he were about to burn a hole through the scientist, " Sir. Rogers made 5 or 6 PADDs. I don't think they took them all with them. They must be here somewhere... the computer might be able to locate it... maybe even tie into it? It could work, Sir." Thrall's patience was wearing thin. "Of course it would work, if I could only find the damn thing." He picked up a stack of PADDs and waved them about. "I just can't seem to find the right one." Engtamn nodded grimly and picked up the PADDs. He looked through for the proper one, it would have a communicator component tied into. He couldn't help but wonder what Thrall was thinking as he watched Engtamn pull off the back cover of several PADDs. "Here it is Sir," Engtamn said finally. Thrall looked a little sheepish. He hated someone else finding something right under his nose. he was becoming too impatient with this détente thing. He needed to settle himself down. He took a deep breath then nodded to the CSO with a grateful look. "Thank you doctor." He looked at the PADD as if it were filled with poison then put it by the command console. He set up a tie in to the computer. As his screen began to go through the references Engtamn threw him another piece of advice. "Perhaps, Sir, you can say something about Three Mile Island, or Chernobyl in your statement. That seems to have references to radiation. Ummm... Your flying saucer causing Chernobyl? My troops are... ummm...?" Engtamn offered then trailed off. Casely and Rogers were really the ones who were proficient in this strange speech. Thrall nodded, then nodded again to the tactical station. "Flying saucer, no M*A*S*H needed, but you are causing Three Mile Island." He looked for a reference to make them turn off whatever their energy beam was. The only reference he could find was so bizarre that he had to use it. "Cancel lasers immediately or we must Lusitania." He hoped that they got that message, even though he wasn't sure that he totally understood it. All he could do was hope they understood. (Posted by Al Muir) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1746) While he waited for a reply A message came from the surface. =^=Lieutenant Casely to Nautilus, I need you to patch this through to Geneva. I need them to research vessels lost shortly after Cochrane discovered the Warp drive. Especially those that would have carried civilians of both male and female varieties. I think we're dealing with the descendants of those people here.=^= Thrall's antennae looked at each other with curiosity. "You have a theory Lt.?" (reply Casely) "I'm on it." Thrall stated. "I'll get back to you as soon as we hear anything. Thrall out." He turned to O'Reily at Ops. "Pass that message onto Geneva, and see what they can come up with." "Aye sir," O'Reilly replied pressing some buttons, forwarding Casely's request. With that done the alien ship sent a response. =^=Flying Saucer, the beam has been ended. Please, do not Houdini your people from Ricilia, or we must resume. Your Pearson must have the chance to Gandhi on the planet.=^= Thrall didn't need a translator for that message. He didn't like the idea of not being able to get to his people, and he was about to say something about it when Casely called again. =^=Casely to Nautilus, talks are proceeding here. What is your current status?=^= ~Frack this, doesn't that man have something better to do than bug me?~ He tapped his comm badge. "I think we're making progress up here as well. The aliens have turned off their dampener beam, but they're insisting that we don't beam you out. It doesn't sound like you need it though." (reply Casely) Thrall closed the channel and opened the channel to the alien ship. "Understood. No Houdini. But we need," he looked at his PADD, "411 on what's going on here." (posted by Al Muir) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, CSO, Ensign{SG} Doctor Engtamn-Jensi - 1749) Engtamn listened as Thrall tried to sort things out. He was doing extremely well considering he wasn't a regular Starfleet Officer and had no diplomatic training. Engtamn imagined that part of the reason was the Casely might cut off his antennae if he just started firing. Thrall seemed curious with Casely's commands, "You have a theory Lt.?" =^=I believe that we are dealing with the descendants of a liner lost several centuries ago. It seems this planet phases out of real space regularly... they have a couple weeks here still. The humans have integrated with society, but some seem to feel that they are missing something. They, their spouses, in some case they are Ricilian, and offspring wish to leave the planet. I need something to show that they're our descendents and therefore, technically, Federation citizens.=^= "I'm on it." Thrall stated. "I'll get back to you as soon as we hear anything. Thrall out." He turned to O'Reily at Ops. "Pass that message onto Geneva, and see what they can come up with." "Aye sir," O'Reilly replied pressing some buttons, forwarding Casely's request. With that done the alien ship sent a response. =^=Flying Saucer, the beam has been ended. Please, do not Houdini your people from Ricilia, or we must resume. Your Pearson must have the chance to Gandhi on the planet.=^= Engtamn breathed in deeply. Leaving Casely and the others on the planet wasn't a happy task. He hoped that things would work out alright. Engtamn wanted the regular bridge crew back. He couldn't help but feel... unsettled by Thrall. =^=Casely to Nautilus, talks are proceeding here. What is your current status?=^= Engtamn could tell that Thrall was starting to feel irritated. Casely was following standard procedure, but marines often weren't subject to normal procedures. Engtamn could at times see that Thrall really was a fish out of water. He couldn't help but hope that the marine might be gaining some kind of respect for the complexity of the skills needed for this kind of mission, even if he did never admit it. "I think we're making progress up here as well. The aliens have turned off their dampener beam, but they're insisting that we don't beam you out. It doesn't sound like you need it though," Thrall replied. =^=No, we should be fine. We'll proceed when we finish with the Waverider, Casely out.=^= Thrall closed the channel and opened the channel to the alien ship. "Understood. No Houdini. But we need," he looked at his PADD, "411 on what's going on here." =^=411 comes from your Washington. Peace be with you.=^= (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (RRS Frondeur, Bridge, CO, Algidor, 1751) Algidor listened as the latest message came through from the other ship. =^=Flying saucer, no M*A*S*H needed, but you are causing Three Mile Island. Cancel lasers immediately or we must Lusitania.=^= Algidor listened intently. ~Lasers? Which lasers? THE BEAM! Its the beam. Its making people sick!~ Algidor turned to her crew, "Immediately end the anti-Houdini beam! It is causing Three Mile Island." Algidor never considered the possibility that the beam could be harmful. They should have tested it more completely obviously. "Aye" came the standard response. "Flying Saucer, the beam has been ended. Please, do not Houdini your people from Ricilia, or we must resume. Your Pearson must have the chance to Gandhi on the planet," stated Algidor. She hoped that the commander of the vessel would not remove the people from the planet. They needed time to come to an agreement and that would never happen if the people were removed. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1800) =^=411 comes from your Washington. Peace be with you.=^= Thrall's headache was getting worse again. He wondered if the aliens had really turned off their beam, but he knew, instinctively that they had. ~What the hell was this "Washington?~ He looked at his PADD, tapped a key and nodded. ~Why couldn't they just say from my commander.~ He sighed and sat back in his chair as the channel closed. He didn't have long to wait. =^=Casely to Lieutenant Major Thrall, we seem to have things more or less wrapped up here. We're getting ready to disembark and return to the Nautilus. What is your status please?=^= He thought that it all happened so fast, but then again, so does battle. "We are status green, and ready for your arrival Lt." Thrall said. "Have a safe journey back." He closed the channel and began to work on his report that he would have to turn in. (Posted by Al Muir) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1806) Lt. Casely had just seen Klars' palm phaser. "Hide it away from view. I'll ask for it if I need it. Good work Rogers. We seem to be close to an agreement however. I hope the Nautilus is in good shape." "I didn't try to contact them, sir, Lt. Casely nodded and spoke to the others,” I must walkie-talkie my flying saucer. No tricks," when he got clearance from the alien leaders, he contacted the ship, then turned back to Brian. "Ensign Marta has been excellent at helping out in your brief absence. If you wouldn't mind picking up where you left off, I'd appreciate it." "Yes, sir. Of course. I hope my setting changes will work better now." So far it seemed the translator had gotten the words slightly wrong every time. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1812) "Yes, sir. Of course. I hope my setting changes will work better now," stated Rogers. Paul looked at the young officer and shook his head. "You know, Mr. Rogers, while I understand and appreciate your desire to be perfect it really isn't necessary. Your machine has done an excellent job so far. I don't know what I would have done without it." (Reply Rogers) Paul nodded and refocused himself back to the table. Things were finally proceeding well. The planet would allow the human descendants and their spouses to leave the planet, if they wished as long as there was no violence. The Riclian government would forward their records to Geneva, so they could choose to deny access to anyone the UFP thought was dangerous. No revolt, no military action, no pain. Finally, it was time for them to go back to the Nautilus. Paul hoped that the ship was back in standing condition. "Well, everyone I think we did a good job here. Well done! Time to ensure the Nautilus has their 'issues' dealt with and get Klars back up to medical," said Paul. (Reply Rogers, Marta) Paul tapped his comm badge, "Casely to Lieutenant Major Thrall, we seem to have things more or less wrapped up here. We're getting ready to disembark and return to the Nautilus. What is your status please?" (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Planet Riclia, Diplomatic Centre, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, 1831) Brian watched has Casely and the alien made the deal. It was an interesting process, and Brian's PADD seemed to help. "Well, everyone I think we did a good job here. Well done! Time to ensure the Nautilus has their 'issues' dealt with and get Klars back up to medical," said Paul. Brian nodded, "Yes, sir," he was very exhausted, mentally and physically, and looking forward to any off duty time they might have coming. Brian sat and waited for Casely to contact the Nautilus and listened to the conversation. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (WaveRider, Cockpit, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1902) Paul looked at the crew as they assembled in the cockpit of the WaveRider. He smiled broadly at them. They had worked hard and he was proud of them. They had saved a planet from conflict and could begin to bring citizens of Earth at least part of the way home. He looked at Rogers and Marta. "So, when we get back to Geneva, how about a round at the Olde Stone, on me?" Paul said smiling. He was impressed that the two counsellors had shown such great use. He didn't know what he would have done without them. (reply Rogers and Marta) "Incidentally Mr. Rogers, how is Mr. Klars back there?" asked Paul. He hoped that Klars was okay. He wasn't happy with the way things turned out with the Ensign and was beginning to wonder if Tactical/Security was the best place for the young man. If he regularly fainted at times of stress, there wasn't much hope for him to survive in that position long. (Reply Rogers) Paul nodded at Rogers, they should make it back in plenty of time and then Doctor Mackenzie can deal with him on the Nautilus. "Mr. Marta, you don't mind if I pilot again do you? I know I'm hogging all the fun, but I seldom get to do this," stated Paul with a smile. (reply Marta) With that, they disembarked the planet and continued to the Nautilus. Soon, they could feel the docking clamps engage. The WaveRider was home. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Nautilus, Bridge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 1948) After exiting the WaveRider and re-entering the ship and transferring Klars to the sickbay, the group stepped onto the bridge of the Nautilus. Paul looked around and saw Thrall sitting in the command seat. Everything was more or less as he left it. Paul walked over to the command chair and Thrall moved as was expected. Paul sat down. "Lieutenant-Major Thrall, thank you for keeping the seat warm, and thank you for handing back my ship in one piece and not causing a major diplomatic incident... although I'm sure you wanted to," said Paul with a broad grin, "Well done to everyone on-board. I understand things were a bit tense here too. I look forward to reading the report." (Reply Thrall) Paul patted his comm badge, "Casely to Doctor Mackenzie. How is Ensign Klars doing? How long until you estimate he can return to duty?" (Reply Mackenzie) "Understood. Do what you need to do, don't forget Mr. Rogers is schooled in medicine if you need a hand. Casely out," replied Paul as he closed the channel. Paul looked around at the Nautilus. Definitely a beautiful ship with a good crew. "You know Lieutenant Major Thrall, this is the second Nova Class ship to bear the name Nautilus. The first was destroyed by the Paladin's captain... well... sort of," said Paul with a grin. (Reply Thrall) "This was the Suzuki, the redesignated it and sent it too us shortly after it was built. Still hasn't had a shakedown cruise," replied Paul, "What say we take a couple hours and head to the star on the right?" (Reply Thrall) Paul grinned and nodded, "Patch me through to Geneva. Lieutenant Casely to Starbase Geneva. We have completed the negotiations and despite some difficulties everyone is in one piece. I think we're taking the Nautilus for a short shakedown cruise, to get the kinks out and to give ourselves some... rest. We will probably be testing the weapons systems on one of the asteriod fields as well. We'll return at around 2200, if someone could contact The Olde Stone and tell them to reserve a few tables I'd appreciate it. We'd appreciate it if you could pass the invitation along to anyone in Operations on Geneva, including command staff. Its been a long couple of days for all of us." (Reply Geneva) "Thank you, Casely out," with that, Paul closed the channel, "Oh... did I forget to mention? Drinks at the Olde Stone when we get back to Geneva, on me." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (USS Nautilus- Bridge- MXO- Lt Major Standorval Thrall- 1955) As Casely stepped onto the bridge, Thrall rose from his seat and stepped to the side. Casely came over to him. "Lieutenant-Major Thrall, thank you for keeping the seat warm, and thank you for handing back my ship in one piece and not causing a major diplomatic incident... although I'm sure you wanted to." Thrall nodded at the CO's smile. "You have no idea, sir." Then Casely turned to everyone. "Well done to everyone on-board. I understand things were a bit tense here too. I look forward to reading the report." Thrall held out the PADD with the report completed. he didn't waste any time, and since he had the time until the shuttle had docked, he used it to do the dreaded report. "Not nearly as much as I enjoyed writing it," Thrall muttered. After talking to the rest of the crew, Casely settled down into his seat. He looked over at the Andorian. "You know Lieutenant Major Thrall, this is the second Nova Class ship to bear the name Nautilus. The first was destroyed by the Paladin's captain... well... sort of," said Paul with a grin. "Indeed," Thrall replied. "I did not know that. I wonder how it was destroyed." "This was the Suzuki, the redesignated it and sent it too us shortly after it was built. Still hasn't had a shakedown cruise," replied Paul, "What say we take a couple hours and head to the star on the right?" Thrall had been around humans enough to recognize the reference. "Whatever you say, Captain Pan." Casely grinned and nodded, "Patch me through to Geneva." Thrall went to the tactical station. for the first time, he wondered what happened to Klars, All he was sure about was that the man had let them all down, and he wasn't about to forget, nor forgive that mistake soon. Casely informed Geneva of his intentions. =^=Verry well, Lt. Casely. But I believe the Captain would like to debrief you as soon as you arre back. Geneva out.=^= When the channel closed Thrall looked down at the Lt. "Second star on the right Lt.?" (posted by Al Muir) (USS Nautilus-Sickbay-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-2005) Having scanned Klars for the third time, she was making sure he was resting as ordered. He would be back on his feet in no time. As if Casely was reading her thoughts, she heard his voice over the comm. =^=Casely to Doctor Mackenzie. How is Ensign Klars doing? How long until you estimate he can return to duty?=^= "Ensign Klars will make a fine recovery. He should be able to report back to duty within a day." =^=Understood. Do what you need to do, don't forget Mr. Rogers is schooled in medicine if you need a hand. Casely out.=^= Mackenzie was busy, but not too busy as not to be able to handle the situation until they returned to the starbase. Then she thought about Rogers. It was almost time for his next dose. She would wait until they arrived at the starbase so he wouldn't be on duty having a bad reaction. ~When will we return?~ She thought as she made more rounds in sickbay. (Posted by Stacey) Mission: Go Forth, Shadowy Future, Day 3 Stardate: 2407.01.03 (Starbase Geneva-Personal Quarters-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0239) They had been back awhile and sick patients had been immediately transported to sickbay. Having made sure everything critical was done first, she invited Rogers back into her office for his injection for the night. Knowing he would probably be heading for bed, she was hoping he'd sleep this one through. Stirring in her bed, she woke up and glanced at the chronometer. It was only a short while before she had to be up and ready for the meeting tomorrow morning. She was tired, but was having a hard time getting back to sleep. After about half an hour, she got annoyed, then thought of something that would definitely do the trick. In a sleepy voice, she said, "Computer, play....anything with an orchestra....or classical music.....that'll work," she mumbled. After the computer's annoying, "Please specify," routine got her, she did what it told her, and was soon on her way to dreamland. (Posted by Stacey) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class - Bridge- CO - Gul Damok - 0732) Damok looked around the bridge. This had been a mostly uneventful flight so far. Damok had the members he knew were in the Obsidian Order under constant surveillance, but one could never be sure how far their tendrils extended. "Status Gil Ellok?" stated Damok brusquely. "We are on course and on schedule, Sir," came Ellok's reply. Damok nodded, perhaps the sense of ill ease he was feeling was not real. He tried to shake the feeling, but no matter what, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fight the feeling. Suddenly, the doors to the bridge swung open and in walked Council Member Madon. "Gul, I will speak to you in private, immediately," she stated imperiously. Damok shook his head, he wasn't used to be ordered around, especially by a Depta Council member. "What issue is so pressing Council Member?" asked Damok, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Now!" ordered Madon. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class - Captain's Office, CO - Gul Damok - 0742) The pair walked briskly into the office. Damok circled around his desk and sat down behind it. "Now, what is this all about? Coming on my bridge of my ship and ordering me around?" stated Damok flatly, trying to contain his anger. Madon chuckled and put a small metal case on his desk. "What I'm showing you now, was a gift that the Federation was once offered and did not take. We are being given a chance at greatness with it... and a chance to bring at the start, Starbase Geneva under our heel. Look..." stated Madon almost maniacally. Damok wasn't sure what was going on... he felt a pang of concern... even fear... at the prospect of dealing with this woman. Slowly he opened the case. "Whaa... what is this insect?" he asked aloud. "That insect will give you new strength, new power... all you have to do is surrender yourself," stated Madon as she took out a small phaser she had hidden and stunned the captain. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (CUS Reklar, Galor Class, Bridge, CO, Gul Damok, 0800) Damok walked back on to the bridge stiffly and sat down. "Gil Ellok, Glinn Bokat, please ensure you visit Council Member Madon in my office. She's waiting for you," stated Damok dispassionately. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0850) Paul paced nervously in the observation lounge. He knew that soon the crew... his crew... would be here. He had talked to Captain Arianna about their promotions and it was decided that she would be present, but he could award them. Paul was proud of his group and the hard work they put into this mission. He still was upset about the loss of Ensign De'Charin. The official report had been filed, and Captain Arianna had decided it was death by misadventure. Paul peered out thinking about what he could have done differently. He wished so much that De'Charin would have survived. (Reply anyone that arrives - all staff should be there) Paul looked at the eager group in front of him. He glanced over to Captain Arianna who smiled and nodded at him. Paul was happy to see Admiral Gr'iann there. He had been a big part of this mission, especially when Arianna was working with the Ambassadors. (Reply Arianna if you want to say anything) Paul cleared his throat, "First of all, everyone. I'm very proud of all of you. This mission, in my opinion, was a great success. Everyone who is awarded earned something here. Many of you also should be recognized, but you know that ranks are harder to achieve as you move up. Your days will come. First of all, I'm proud to tell Ensign Junior Grade Matthew McLaren, that he is no longer an Ensign Junior Grade, but promoted to Ensign Senior Grade, with all the responsibilities and privileges of that rank." As McLaren walked over, Paul pulled out a solid gold pip and replaced the black one on his collar. (Reply McLaren, any present) "Ensign Kassia Marta who worked hard on my negotiation team and who piloted every craft possible for these missions, I promote to Lieutenant {JG} with all the rights and privileges of that rank." Paul watched as Marta walked to him. He put a black pip beside her solid gold one. (Reply Marta, any present) Paul took a breath. This was definitely the most pleasurable duty he'd encountered. He wished every meeting could be like this. "Ensign Junior Grade, Dorrin Klars. You are hereby promoted to Ensign Senior Grade," stated Paul removing his black pip and adding a solid gold one. The two men would have a 'discussion' later, apart from the others. (Reply Klars, any present) "Doctor Engtamn-Jensi, provisionally you are now known as a Lieutenant Junior Grade. While the rank is provisional, the respect due to you for your service is not," Paul added a black pip to his uniform making it official. "Thank you sir, I'm honored," replied Engtamn softly. (Reply any) "Ensign Zadora Yalrath, you worked hard to keep Geneva afloat during some difficult times, often taking executive control of Operations. I'm proud to make you a Lieutenant Junior Grade," stated Paul "Thank you Sir. Its a pleasure to serve with this crew," replied Zadora grinning broadly. (Reply any) "Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Miller, is hereby promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class. Thank you for your hard work on the translation device and in helping with problems in Operations during out mission, well done," stated Paul smiling broadly. (Reply Miller, any) "Finally, I have a presentation to make to Ensign Junior Grade Brian Rogers. I am happy to make him an Ensign Senior Grade, but I am also happy to present him with the Captain's special commendation for his work in solving the language problem with the planet. Through his efforts we were able to broker peace and help descendants of Earth. Well done Ensign," stated Paul shaking Brian's hand and then attaching the rank and the medal to his uniform. (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) (Starbase Geneva, Observation Lounge, COUNS, Ensign (JG) Brian Rogers, EC, Petty Officer (3rd) Jason Miller, 0854) Brian walked into the room, and saw a few others and Lt. Casely were here. Casely was standing near the front of the room and seeming was nervous or ill or something. Brian walked up to him and nodded. "So, Lieutenant Casely. What is this briefing about?" Brian asked, he had felt like Casely and him had become 'familiar' with each other during the course of the mission, what with the relaxation training, the command training, and the meeting on the planets. Brian thought of Casely has a friend, and wondered if the lieutenant thought the same. (reply Casely) Soon, everybody took their seats. Then, Miller ran in. "Sorry, sir, I didn't know that I was invited," he apologized. Brian smiled and shook his head. ~Poor Miller.~ (reply Casely) Miller took a seat and waited for Lieutenant Casely to start talking. First, Casely promoted McLaren, the engineer who had worked hard on keeping everything running. Then he promoted Kass, who was Brian's fellow counselor. Brian wondered if he would be next, after all, put the two together? Brian sat, waiting for his name... "Ensign Junior Grade, Dorrin Klars... " and Brian's heart sunk. He shook his head. He wasn't going to get promoted. After all his work on the translator? Helping Casely on the planet? All for nothing. Then Engtamn got promoted... the normally outspoken science officer was usually quiet. ~I still want that appointment with him...~ Brian thought, trying to keep his mind off his lack of promotion and his rising anger at Casely and Arianna. ~How could he... I WORKED SO HARD! AGGHHHH~ Brian slammed his fists down on the table, distracting everyone from the process. Brian ignored their stares and kept looking at the floor. Then, that Bajoran Ops person got promoted. ~That’s it... tomorrow I'm filing a transfer to another ship. Maybe the Paladin... I bet those guys don't treat their crewmates this bad... ~ Then, Casely turned to Miller. "Petty Officer 3rd Class Jason Miller, is hereby promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class. Thank you for your hard work on the translation device and in helping with problems in Operations during out mission, well done," Jason stood up, with a tear in his eye. "Why... why... thank you, sir! I'm so glad... I never... I thought you all hated me... I always wanted... oh god..." and Jason started crying loudly and finally breaking down and started sobbing and hugged Casely. (reply Casely, any in room) Brian shook his head and said aloud "Oh for the love of..." before he quieted himself. Soon, just has he expected Casely to call it wraps, he turned to Brian. "Finally, I have a presentation to make to Ensign Junior Grade Brian Rogers. I am happy to make him an Ensign Senior Grade, but I am also happy to present him with the Captain's special commendation for his work in solving the language problem with the planet. Through his efforts we were able to broker peace and help descendants of Earth. Well done Ensign." Brian's knees started shaking. He was so angry, and Casely was saving him for last. He stood up and shook Paul's hand. "Thank you, Lt. Casely. Most people go their whole careers, without ever getting promoted or an award, now I get a promotion and an award on my fourth day of active duty. I'm honored, sir." Brian said, then he felt bad for those who didn't get an award. He hoped he didn't look like he was showing off. Then he released that he had a longer 'speech' than anybody else. He felt humbled and returned to his seat. (Posted by Kevin Schram) (Starbase Geneva-Conference Room-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0857) Kaitlyn walked in the conference room with none other than a full cup of hot coffee. She needed something to kick her into gear after her night before. Taking a seat, she noticed half the crew was present, and watched as the other half arrived on a timely manner. Lt. Casely then started the presentations of the awards and commendations. Kaitlyn was proud of everyone that had helped on the mission. In her eyes they all did a wonderful job too. And to her, she felt funny knowing that she herself outranked the first officer, and he would need to be promoted soon. She gave a mental laugh at the thought of that as she sat back and enjoyed the presentation. (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, ATAC ensign Dorrin Klars, 0858) Dorrin walked in still a bit groggy. He had awakened in the Sickbay. After learning from an aid that he was alright and about this meeting he hurriedly got dressed and went here. He knew this was where promotions would be given out and Dorrin really didn't expect one. First off all Casely didn't like him, second he fainted on the away mission. Which technically wasn't his fault, but still. The thing that really annoyed him though was that when he fainted it was because an old condition he had came back, though a medical officer at the academy told him it was gone, ~Something to be explored later.~ Dorrin sat through McLaren's and Marta's promotions than heard his name called. He got up in shock and walked to Casely where he was officially promoted. "Thank you sir" he replied before sitting back down still in shock. ~Why did he promote me?~ Dorrin spent the rest of the time trying to figure it out, though he did get a kick out of Roger's speech. (posted by Dan Black) (Starbase Geneva-Conference Room-ACMO Lt. Cmdr. Kaitlyn Mackenzie-0906) As she sat and watched the lieutenant hand out awards and ranks, she was amazed at how happy the crew seemed. ~Bet half of them never saw this coming,~ she thought, remembering back to her old years of being promoted. Watching patiently, she was suddenly distracted with the sound of a banging fist upon the table. Looking over, she could see that it was Rogers as he seemed agitated. ~Oh no....he never got his dose for this morning yet!~ Fearing the worst, Kaitlyn decided he must have been acting up because of the lack of cordazine in his system. She decided to wait however, until presentations were over before confronting him. ~He must be able to handle himself until the end of promotions.~ Kaitlyn's thoughts were interrupted once more as she saw Jason Miller crying in front of the entire....well, practically the entire crew. She'd never in her life seen someone cry with joy over a promotion. Jason stood up, with a tear in his eye. "Why... why... thank you, sir! I'm so glad... I never... I thought you all hated me... I always wanted... oh god..." and Jason started crying loudly and finally breaking down and started sobbing and hugged Casely. She was even more astounded when he hugged Casely. ~Talk about a Kodak moment,~ she thought, remembering back to the sayings people used to use. Then, out of nowhere, she heard, "Oh for the love of..." Fearing it was Brian's drug problem that was making him do this, Mackenzie stood up and said, "Lt., may I....." She didn't finish her sentence because she realized she was currently interrupting Casely who was giving Rogers a promotion and a special award. As Casely turned to look at her, she looked at Rogers who seemed to be better about his attitude since hearing his name. "Nothing sir, it can wait until later." She could tell by the look in his eye that he knew what she was probably thinking. And having received an award, she could see that Rogers' seemed normal as ever again. ~He's still coming with me for that shot after this is done.....~ (Posted by: Stacey) (Starbase Geneva, Deck Two Observation Lounge, AFO/TAC/SC, Lieutenant (JG) Paul Casely, 0908) Paul went through the roster and promotions with very little aplomb overall. He was more than a bit taken back by Miller's embrace. "Ummm... yes... well, you're welcome," was the best Paul could reply in the face of that kind of behaviour. This enlisted man definitely had some problems, but then he was very young and very far from home. Paul looked at Rogers' behaviour both with amusement and with concern. He could see Mackenzie's knitted brow and saw her rise to speak and then change her mind. Paul wondered if Rogers had missed his daily dose. He supposed the Ensign didn't realise that protocol dictated that medals came last. He laughed inwardly at the event. Probably the most surprising was Klars' reaction. Paul could tell that he wasn't expecting promotion. He had done his job, more or less, junior grade to senior grade was generally a done deal for most Ensigns. Rising in rank would become harder from here. Paul had also drafted the request to transfer Klars to Operations, where whatever medical condition caused his black out wouldn't affect things as much as in security. Ops had its dangers, but generally was well staffed. Paul wanted to give Klars another chance, however, and a possibility to redeem himself. He hoped that Klars' promotion had opened his eyes to a few things... mostly that the world wasn't against him, the officers on Geneva just wanted Klars to do his job and to behave in a manner befitting a Starfleet Officer. He knew that the rest of the group would be celebrating for the day, which was fine, they deserved a day off. He looked over and saw Admiral Gr'iann and Captain Arianna talking quietly to each other and glancing his way conspiratorially. Paul shrugged his shoulders and moved towards Klars. "Ensign, could I have a word with you for a moment?" asked Paul. (Reply Klars) Paul nodded and moved to a secluded area of the room and dropped his voice so only Klars could here, "Mr. Klars, I know you are having some problems settling in. You do a good job, when you put your mind to it. However, your behaviour at times is a concern to me, especially your anger issues. I understand your rage connected to your past, but we aren't prepared to deal with it on duty. In life and death situations, we don't have time and quite frankly, no one here had anything to do with the crimes your brother's captain committed. In fact, we've found that he's working for Admiral Doenitz, on the other side of the conflict. In essence, he's an enemy to us too. I would encourage you to work out your difficulties with a counsellor as well as have your physical ailments worked out with medical." (Reply Klars) "I believe in giving you another chance Ensign. I believe in giving pretty much everyone a second chance, or even a third. I realise that might class me as a boy scout in your opinion, however given the choice between being a boy scout and being what Doenitz and his people represent, I'll choose boy scout. If there isn't a marked improvement, I've started investigating transferring you to station Operations in which case you'll work for Lieutenant Yalrath and be mostly exempt from Away Missions. It isn't what I want to do, but I have to keep the well being of my entire crew in mind and your anger issues affects your work and therefore could cost lives. I hope you take advantage of this chance and can stay in tactical/security," said Paul genuinely. He wanted the crew, his crew, to be happy. He wanted to work well with them all, but in the end, he was second in command of this station until a new FO arrived and in therefore charge of staffing. Paul couldn't allow his people to be any less than in peak operational status, all of them. (Reply Klars) Paul nodded, "Enjoy the rest of the party and this day off. Think about what I've said. I'm not trying to be nasty or harsh. I'm just being honest, telling you what's what. Its another part of my job. If you need to talk to me about anything, just ask." (Posted by Jeff Bergeron) [END COMPILE]