From: Sent: Tuesday, 22 June 2004 9:49 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compile June 1-13, 2004 Spectre Compile, June 1-13 Mission: Unknown Country, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.05.11 (USS Apollo, FO's office, Kahila Lono, 9:30) (USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Kahila Lono - 0937) (USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Pierce Orde - 0938) (USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Kahila Lono - 09:43) (USS Lion - ACEO Peabody- Bridge-1040)' (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 11.30) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Kahila Lono, 11:30) (USS Apollo - Deck1, Bridge - Ensign(jg) Meyron - 11:31) (USS Lion - Bridge - ACEO Peabody - 11.35) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 12.00) Mission: Unknown Country, Day 3 Stardate: 2406.05.12 (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 15.00) (USS Apollo, FO's office, Kahila Lono, 9:30) Kahila found the office of the Apollo's FO to be more spacious than expected, but also more utilitarian. ~I suppose the previous occupant had no use for holoscenes.~ She suddenly recalled the holosculpture she'd purchased while on shore leave at the starbase -- the same starbase where she'd decided to adopt her daughter Caro. She'd already realized there was no use expecting to find Caro in this present timeline. Probably the planet the natives inhabited had not been overrun by Xenolithe -- and even if it had, the Spectre had not been there to rescue them. ~I suppose the only way I'll ever see Caro again is to regain our original reality.~ She knew that Captain Remae intended to do just that, return them to that reality. She admired his dedication and determination. Sometimes she found herself doubting that even those qualities would be able to accomplish such an awesome task. She sat down at the console and programmed the subspace signature of the Lion. When Peabody -- now Admiral, she had learned! -- was brought online, she said, "Admiral, this is Lt. Commander Kahila Lono, aboard the USS Apollo. Unfortunately, we didn't much have time to become acquainted . . .before. But I recall what wonders you worked with the Spectre. Captain Remae asked that you rendevous with the Apollo at the coordinates the Spectre occupied at the time of our launch into this alternate dimension." reply Peabody After the call was completed, Kahila logged it, then tapped her combadge, placing a call to Lt. Orde. She realized that the two of them were able to communicate in an inward fashion, but she regretted it had been so long since they'd really been able to talk, face to face. ~I admit to being curious about what his alternate self was like.~ "Pierce," she said, "I have twenty minutes until I need to report for duty, could we have a quick cup of coffee together?" (USS Apollo, Bridge, 11:00) Kahila watched their approach, the planet growing from mere disk to vivid reality in the viewscreen. Suddenly, it was all too familiar to her. It was so obviously the same sight that she'd viewed just before the alien dome-shaped 'bots appeared on the Spectre. The Captain ordered: "Drop us to impulse and begin scans, I want the entire system checked for anything unusual.", said Remae from the command chair, hopefully, some of the answers to this puzzle were here for them to find. Kahila set her display to record the sensor readings as they came in. She recalled doing the same thing . . .before, and the strange energy signatures they'd found. As she scrolled through the findings, she noted the anomalous readings -- not from the planet's surface -- but from low orbit. Though no craft was optically visible. She turned to the Captain and said, "From my recollection, these readings are similar, but not precisely the same, as they were then." reply Remae posted by Josephine Goodman (USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Kahila Lono - 0937) When Kahila entered Ten-Forward, she saw that Pierce had already secured a table and two cups of coffee. After she sat, and took her first sip: He raised a mug to her. "Here's to old times," he said. She raised her own mug, saying, "And to regaining those times. Soon." She grinned. "This seems right, Pierce. Sitting together like this. I still have the alternate memories - and I hope that some other Kahila will be able to live that life. It was a good one. But, minute by minute, it seems less real; or at least less my own." "Theoretically, I'm not part of ship's crew in this universe. However, I managed to get myself added on under Havok K'Thac and as supercargo, considering that the computer system wouldn't believe that Pierce Orde was in two places at once." Kahila's mind tried to stretch enough to encompass Pierce's meaning. But at the mention of Havok K'Thac, she laughed out loud. "I hadn't thought of Havok for so long -- but there's no forgetting those days. Actually, I don't think I've had as much fun since. The disguise, and hidden armaments, and clambering about on rooftops, spying out Klingons." reply Pierce "So, there really are two of you, Pierce, here in this reality? Are you aware of him -- psychically, I mean, or empathically?" reply Pierce posted by Josephine Goodman USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Pierce Orde - 0938) "I hadn't thought of Havok for so long -- but there's no forgetting those days. Actually, I don't think I've had as much fun since. The disguise, and hidden armaments, and clambering about on rooftops, spying out Klingons." Orde smiled. "It's always been a good alter ego," he replied, holding up an arm to show his garb. "My clothes seemed to fit the personality, although I have no idea where they came from." "So, there really are two of you, Pierce, here in this reality? Are you aware of him -- psychically, I mean, or empathically?" she asked. "Chalk it up to quirks in the multiverse. He's twenty-six years older than I am -- which is natural, given the circumstances. And no, I'm not really aware of him. I suppose if we were in closer quarters, both of us would be, but I suspect we have a 'blind spot' when it comes to sensing ourselves." (Reply Kahlia) "So, given our current predicament, do you think we'll get out and figure out what or who caused us to get kicked across the multiverse?" (Reply Kahlia) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Apollo: Ten-Forward - Kahila Lono - 09:43) Kahila was thoroughly enjoying this few minutes of reminiscing with Pierce, as she finished sipping her coffee. "So, there really are two of you, Pierce, here in this reality? Are you aware of him -- psychically, I mean, or empathically?" she asked. "Chalk it up to quirks in the multiverse. He's twenty-six years older than I am -- which is natural, given the circumstances. And no, I'm not really aware of him. I suppose if we were in closer quarters, both of us would be, but I suspect we have a 'blind spot' when it comes to sensing ourselves." "But I envy you that knowledge of his presence. It was difficult leaving my life here, and it would have been easier if there had been another Kahila to take over." "So, given our current predicament, do you think we'll get out and figure out what or who caused us to get kicked across the multiverse?" "Well, I can't help but suspect the aliens that kidnapped me! They certainly seemed motivated to find out everything they could." She smiled. "I expect it will be most interesting to hear the elder Orde's ideas on ways and means of getting back. Probably we will need to get the Spectre back first; having things back as closely as we can get them. I've been scanning through the literature on multiverse realities. We're fortunate we didn't find a 'mirror universe' here! I don't want to think what that would be like. It's fascinating to imagine that perhaps infinite versions of us exist, each a slightly bit further removed from our familiar reality." She sighed. "I hope we find exactly the right version. And that my daughter will still be there - not abducted for alien experiments. We'd barely begun our mother/daughter relationship, when all these disruptions happened." reply Pierce She glanced at her chronometer, and said. "Break time is over. I want to do some more research, before reporting to the Bridge." They both put their cups into the recycler, and made their way to the door. posted by Josephine Goodman (USS Lion - ACEO Peabody- Bridge-1040)' The channel had remained open for several moments and Peabody began to be concerned. Kevel stood and moved to the communcations station as the ensign sitting there. Both began to search for an answer. Richard looked back to Peabody. "They've cut communcations. We still can talk to them, but they probably won't be responding themselves." Walter nodded and leaned back in his chair. "We've got the start of the evidence we need to start understanding this mess. Mr. Kevel, get that conversation record saved and included in a report for Ktell when we meet up with him." The comm officer spoke up. "We have new instructions Adm..cap..sir...Doc." She sheepishly grinned and Peabody nodded to her, a smile on his face as well. "On my station here..." He read it quickly and then sent the new orders to the helm officer. "Get us there as fast as you can. Continue yellow alert and sensor sweeps. Engage when you can." The ship leapt into warp quickly. (USS Lion - ACEO Peabody - Bridge - 11.15) They had been traveling through space, leaving the crew to return to normal duties. Jack Wylde had been given the task of reading the communcation record and file that had come from the encounter with the Timeship. So far, nothing. He sat in the rear of the bridge, eyes locked onto the screen in front of him. The bridge was quiet, men and women looking forward to the meeting with the USS Apollo. Walter "Doc" Peabody sat in the center chair, quietly reading through the history of the world they now occupied. "Cap..Doc, we're coming up on the point the USS Apollo had given us. Dropping" The ship slowed and came into the sector. "Find me the Apollo." Kevel nodded from tactical. "Got her, bearing ten clicks." Walter nodded. "Helm, intercept, full impulse." The USS Lion was a Sovereign class vessel. As she passed through space, it almost inspired a theme song. Not many could argue it. The Lion came close to the Apollo. Peabody was on the bridge. "Open channels, get me Captain Remae Ktell." (reply Apollo, any, all) (posted by Adelay) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 11.30) "From my recollection, these readings are similar, but not precisely the same, as they were then.", said Commander Lono. Remae looked at his console on the conclusions stated, "On screen.", he said. The view of the planet changes and replaced by sensor readings showing the subspace readings. "CONN, bring us on an approach course and take us close. Set sensors for short range scans of these readings.", said the Spectre's CO. "Mr Soval, can you align the sensors for subspace scans?", asked Remae, in place of the missing CSO. (Reply from Soval) "Captain, the USS Lion is now entering sensor range, and we're being hailed.", said someone from the aft stations. "On screen.", said Remae and the viewscreen changed to show the Acting CEO of the Spectre. "Doc, good work getting here, can you get into transporter range, and we need to get the Orde's onboard the Apollo as fast as possible." (Reply from Peabody) Moments later, the Apollo was closing on the readings and as she slowed, the viewscreen again showed another amazing sight, a kind of subspace windows appeared to show 100s of images a second, apparently showing many, many different realities. Remae stood up and looked closer at the viewscreen, "Perhaps, this is somekind of entry or focal point? Soval, I need to know how this field is being generated, is there somekind of control mechanism anywhere? On the planet, perhaps?" "Commander Lono, assemble an away team, get down to the planet and examine the area around our original crash site, perhaps more clues will show up down there." The CO sat down again, even if there correct reality was to flash past, there would be know way they could get through in time? He hoped that the warp experts, George and Maria would know more, Soval was no slouch either, the Bajoran was sure he would have some theories about what was going on. (Reply from Lono, Soval, Peabody, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Kahila Lono, 11:30) Kahila, like the other bridge officers, stared in amazement at the swiftly flashing scenes on the viewscreen. She was sure she saw images of herself there, once or twice, though everything moved so fast she knew it could be just her imagination. ~Is this really a gateway -- as it seems -- or just something to lure us in?~ From what the Captain said to Soval, it seemed he was expecting the Agent to provide some clue as to how they could slow the gateway down enough to enter. She'd come to respect Soval, as much as she'd once resented his presence aboard, so long ago it seemed now. He had a logical, yet active, approach to solving problems that she admired. Then Remae said: "Commander Lono, assemble an away team, get down to the planet and examine the area around our original crash site, perhaps more clues will show up down there." "Yes Captain." Though Kahila had an instant of dread, it was quickly replaced with an almost eager curiosity. ~At last, an opportunity to discover what's really going on.~ "Lt Orde," she said, nodding to him, "You're with me." Glancing around the Bridge, she had to eliminate Agent Soval and Ensign Selera from the away team, as they were obviously needed aboard the ship. She noticed an EO had just taken his place for shift duty at the engineering console. Though she'd seen him aboard-- he was a Vorta, you don't see one of those every day-- she hadn't become acquainted with him. Now she caught his glance and said, "And you, Ensign. Call a replacement and meet us in the transporter room." Kahila quickly called up the coordinates of the Spectre's landing site that the Captain had entered into the Apollo's computer, entered it on a PADD, and made her way out into the corridor, followed by Pierce Orde. By the time they'd entered the turbolift Ensign Meyron had joined them. She introduced herself to the Ensign, then said, "This probably wasn't the job you were expecting for today. I'm sure it will prove interesting! It may well be an advantage having an engineer's view of things." reply Meyron She gave the PADD to the Transporter Officer, then the three collected basic packs from a storage locker and stepped onto the three nearest pads. (planet's surface, Kahila Lono, 11:50) Wind and sand. That was her first impression. She took a filter-mask from her pack and placed it over her face, waiting a moment until it sealed against her skin; then watched as the others completed the same procedure. Visibility was still poor, but at least she could keep her eyes open, without the stinging sand blowing against her face. She consulted her tricorder, and moved in the direction indicated by the coordinates. Without the tricorder, she thought they'd probably be walking around in circles. All directions looked the same, in that there were no obvious landmarks; yet, nothing stayed the same from moment to moment. Small dunes were created by the moving sand; large dunes gradually became smaller. Her tricorder suddenly indicated an anomalous reading -- a few meters ahead. As they moved in that direction, a gust of wind swirled the sand from the top of a huge dune. Behind it, Kahila could see a structure. Though what it was would remain a mystery until they could examine it. It had more the appearance of an enormous gemstone, the color of a ruby, than of a building. Though it was large enough to hold at least ten people -- from what she could estimate of its above-ground size. The tricorder indicated that the structure extended beneath the surface of the sand - very far beneath! For several inches around the gem, a field was established. Sand beat against the forcefield, not touching the bright object itself. "Now we're getting somewhere," she said, speaking through the radio of the filter-mask. " Ensign, stand guard. Pierce, come with me. We'll try to gain entrance. What do you have in your personal arsenal that can deal with that field?" Kahila smiled. She was sure he'd come up with something. reply Orde, Meyron posted by Josephine Goodman USS Apollo - Deck1, Bridge - Ensign(jg) Meyron - 11:31) Meyron was just making his way to his first duty. He saw Lt Orde and First Officier Lono having a talk. And he couldn't help himself but to listen what they are saying. "Lt Orde, And you, Ensign. Call a replacement and meet us in the transporter room." -said Kahila while pointing to Meyron Meyron was curious - why he had to go with them. "This probably wasn't the job you were expecting for today. I'm sure it will prove interesting! It may well be an advantage having an engineer's view of things." -said FO Lono "It will be my pleasure!" -said smiling Meyron. Then Meyron gave a good look to his First Officier - he wasn't much happy, but what can he do She gave the PADD to the Transporter Officer, then the three collected basic packs from a storage locker and stepped onto the three nearest pads. (On the Planet's Surface - EO Ensign(jg) Meyron - 11:52) A fast winds and a lot of sand - just like the Vorteron prime. Meyron took filter-mask and placed it over his face while trying to breath. It was something that Meyron got used to, but then, the other didn't like the place, so Meyron just though that he must do his job as fast as he can, and get out of here as soon as he can. Lono's tricorder started beeping, as Meyron noticed - tricorder found some unusual readings ahead of the group. They found a stone beautiful as gem, but he noticed a field over and very close to this unknown structure. "Now we're getting somewhere," said Lono. " Ensign, stand guard. Pierce, come with me. We'll try to gain entrance. What do you have in your personal arsenal that can deal with that field?" Kahila smiled. "Aye sir!" -said Meyron, visibly sirious Meyron stopped, activate his Phaser rifle, and started turning around as he expects to find someone, or something. ~You can't never be too shure~ Meyron though. (reply Lono, Orde) (pb Edward) (USS Lion - Bridge - ACEO Peabody - 11.35) "Doc, Apollo responding." The screen changed, revealing Ktell and assorted crew on the bridge. A small smile tugged at the side of his mouth. It felt somewhat refreshing to see old friends. ^Doc, good work getting here, can you get into transporter range, and we need to get the Orde's onboard the Apollo as fast as possible.^ Peabody nodded. "Understood sir. All over it." The channel closed as Walter turned to the OPS chief. "Get Maria and George Orde to transporter room 2 with all they have. Relay the orders from Ktell to them and the officer there. Helm, keep us close to the Apollo. Tactical, get ready to drop shields to transport them aboard." Kevel spoke up from the back of the bridge. "Sensors showing nothing of concern. We're clear." The USS Lion glided after the Apollo. On the bridge, Maxwell Cambridge continued to monitor readings from the sensors. Peabody waited until the OPS officer nodded to him. "Transport complete, the Orde's are aboard the Apollo. Raising shields and resetting to Yellow Alert." The bridge once more went to yellow lighting, the crew returning to focus on the events ahead of them. Walter sat back in his chair. "Kevel?" Richard nodded as he gathered what information he had. "Whatever we're approaching, it's not something we've seen before." The main screen switched to show the sight before them. Peabody stood quickly. "Dear God..." A window on what looked like thousands of different realities playing across the screen in front of them. He turned to Kevel. "Report?" The tactical expert shook his head. "Unsure..." Peabody looked to Wylde, who was staring at the screen himself. "I'm looking into it." He turned and began to study the formation before them. Walter moved back to his seat. What stood before them was something he didn't understand. Quickly, he motioned to Kevel. "Keep us on alert. Boost sensors and detecting equipment and keep an eye out for anything coming out way." Peabody returned to staring at the sight on the screen. This certainly made things...interesting. (reply any) (posted by Adelay) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 12.00) "Keep a close eye on the sensors, Mr Soval. I want to be able to pull out the away team quickly if we need to.", said Remae, sitting in the command chair. Waiting was not one of his major qualities. "Take the Bridge, Mr Soval, I am going to take a closer look at that, portal.", said Remae already heading off the Bridge before anyone else could object to his departure. (Shuttlepod 3, Helm, Captain Remae Ktell - 12.30) The closeness of the Apollo made the trip quite short for Remae and the shuttlepod soon arrived close to the time-portal still flashing its futures in front of him at an unwatchable speed. "Computer, bring us around to the other side and align scanners for ultra short range and sensitivity." << Scans underway >> The pod can around to the alternative side but unlike the other, there was nothing to see and scanners was just as useless, however, something caught his attention. Pressing a few buttons on the scanner console, one of the displays changed to show something interesting. "Apollo, this is the Captain. I'm sending you my readings. it looks like this, portal, is being generated or powered by something on the surface. I am sending the coordinates, have Commander Lono check it out." With that, the pod came around again to the active side, and once again, visions of different universes sped past. "Computer, commence recording, 10 seconds should do it.", said Remae and with that, he spun the shuttlepod around and returned it to the Apollo. (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 13.00) After docking, Remae returned directly to the Bridge. "See if you can slow down these visual recordings, perhaps if we take a look at each reality, one at a time, we can have a better idea of what is happening." Once more, Remae returned to the Command Chair and the viewscreen continued to show the speeding portal, unaware or uncaring about it's new visitors, or. "Captain - we're picking up an increase in power output from the portal.", said someone behind the Captain's chair. ~ Too late ~ A massive wave of energy launched itself at the Spectre and the Lion, propelling both ships away from the planet. Remae gripped his chair as the acceleration forced him to stay where he was! "REPORT!", he yelled over the noise of the ship groaning under stress; if anyone did answer him, he never heard it. white light engulfed him and everything went black. (Reply from ALL) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Apollo, Bridge, Captain Remae Ktell - 15.00) Remae was feeling strange, what just happened? Why did his head hurt? Why couldn't he see anything? ~ Ah, I know, open eyes, let's try that ~ Big mistake for Remae as soon as he did, an army of ants each with their own spear smashing into his brain rewarded him. ~ The viewscreen is upside down ~ Actually, Remae was upside down in the command chair, he had managed the impressive feat of placing his feet on the headrest and his head on the floor. He swung his legs down and he fell into heap onto the floor. "Sickbay.", another mistake, speaking, ". medical. assistance. to the. Bridge.", he groaned slowly as he managed to get onto his knees and sit up. ~ That'll to for now ~ He looked around, people were moving around, some weren't moving at all. "Can someone tell me what happened?", said Remae, the pain subsiding as someone pressed a hypospray into his arm. Whatever it was, nothing was on the viewscreen, except the Lion, she was spinning slowly, not far away. (Reply from ALL) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>