From: Sent: Thursday, 1 April 2004 3:47 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compile March 22-29 (pt 2) Spectre Compile March 22-29 (pt 2) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CSO, Ensign Octan Maber - 16.15) "Duck!", said Remae as yet more devices appeared on the Bridge and began shooting more darts. Octan ducked as ordered, once again being narrowly missed by several darts. Remae returned fire and Octan followed suit. "Soval, cover Maber. Get the shields up Ensign - now!", he said, rolling around once more as he first on anything that looked like a device, hitting more than his fair share of computer terminals. Upon hearing the second order, Octan deliberately rolled away from Soval, making it impossible for the agent to cover him. Trying not to make it look to obvious he crawled to the nearest terminal, which promptly exploded in front of him as one of Remae's phaser bursts hit it. "Damn, Captain! Who are you trying to shoot!?" His shout went unheard by Remae as the Captain grabbed a tricorder and tossed it towards the domes just as they shot their round, one dart impacted the tricorder and it disappeared. Octan was stunned, but only for a moment, as he crossed to the next available terminal and quickly re-erected the forcefields, once again rendering the domes ineffective. A few darts made it through, but by and large the threat was nullified. Octan gave everyone a few seconds to steady themselves and lowered the forcefields again. With a curt "Now!" he started firing at the closest dome and smiled as it vaporised. Alongside him, Remae resumed firing along with anyone else on the Bridge and after a long moment, it was clear that nothing else was firing at them. "Report?", he said to Soval and Maber as he holstered his phaser. "Captain, we can contain the threat posed by these domes, but not indefinitely. We need to find out where they are coming from!" Octan crossed to the science station, grateful it was still intact and had survived Remae's assault on all that looked mechanical. "Computer, run a scan of the ship. Scan for these domes and try to trace where they are coming from." "Several projectile drones detected on all levels. Origin unknown," the computer replied. "Raise shields," Octan replied. Maybe raising the ships shields will keep the domes from teleporting in. "Unable to comply. Cannot raise shields while the ship is in contact with planetary surface." "Damn," Octan exclaimed. He had forgotten they were now, for the second time in his brief service on the Spectre, where no starship has any right to be. "Captain, we have to get off this planet if we are to do anything," he said, turning back to his CO. Suddenly, to Octan's irritation, Soval interjected. (Reply Soval, Remae, Any) (Posted by Arnaud Malherbe) (unknown place, Kahila Lono, 16:15) Kahila moved closer to the energy barrier, and shouted "Is anyone there? Please answer?" Then she forced herself to keep silent. She suddenly felt the exhaustion from the mental process to which she'd been subjected. She sat down on the floor, near the barrier. ~The least 'they' could do is provide some chairs. Some hot coffee would down well too.~ She sighed, and tried to slip into the meditative state she'd managed earlier - before. After a few moments, she quieted her thoughts and her fears, after sifting through a few memories, making sure they were still there. ~But how can I really know for sure, whether anything is jumbled or not? If I have nothing to compare present memories with? Well, that will have to wait until later.~ The main thing she needed at this moment was a reply to her shout -- to know if others from the Spectre were also captured. So, after her thoughts settled, she became attentive; listening. Though she heard nothing from her outer surroundings, she was suddenly aware of an inner presence, as if it had been there for a while, also waiting. Even now, she smiled. "Pierce! It's so good to know you're in contact. Have you also been captured?" reply Pierce posted by Josephine Goodman <> (Space: In orbit in an escape pod - TAC/SC Orde - 1615) ::Pierce! It's so good to know you're in contact. Have you also been captured?:: Pierce heard in reply to his probing. ~Captured? Are you well?~ he queried. (Reply Kahlia) (Posted by Lenox) (unknown place, Kahila Lono, 16:16) Kahila,surprised and overjoyed, heard Pierce's inner voice: . ~Captured? Are you well?~ He asked her. ~I am fine, Pierce. Though one of their dome-like machines did a memory copying from me. I was worried there was damage, but I haven't found any yet. I can discover nothing from my surroundings though. I'm in a small empty room surrounded by energy fields. I can hear murmurs of sound, but nothing loud enough to understand. And the fields seem to negate use of my empathy sense -- except for your inner voice. Perhaps that's because of our previously established link. But I could be on the surface, or within one of the ships. I just don't know. You haven't been captured though, have you? Where are you, Pierce?~ reply Pierce, posted by Josephine Goodman (Takresh Facility - Observation Block delta - Nith Sahor - 16:18) He approached the entrance to the containment cell of the first creature to be captured, nonchalantly examining her conversation with the Pierce creature. ~These creatures pose little threat and are exceptionally undeveloped, why then is the companionship curious about them~ he thought as he waited patiently for the two creatures to break their telepathic link. Several moments after the creature had apparently ended her transmission he gestured his hand before the neural receptor causing the barrier to become momentarily malleable allowing his passage. As he entered the cell he observed her reactions closely noting each nuance of motion and thought for further study, once he was confident she had fully considered her situation he gestured towards the far barrier instantly propelling her back against the surface where he held her suspended. “Who are you Miss Lono?” (reply Kahila) “That is merely a name, a term allowing rapid identification. Who are you Miss Lono?” (reply Kahila, any) (posted by John Morrison) (reply Kahila, any) (posted by John Morrison) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 16.20) "Captain, we have to get off this planet if we are to do anything.", said Maber to his CO. The failure of the shields to go up surprised Remae but he was even more surprised to see the continuing friction between the CSO and the SFI Agent, he shook his head as Soval produced a plan. "Your statement is illogical ensign since these drones were not prevented from appearing within a force field and therefore would not be deterred by the ships shields. Logic therefore dictates we remain upon the planets surface where we are presently protected from the vessels engaged in combat and consequently are able to focus upon this one threat as apposed to dividing our resources. Furthermore the captain logically allowed the tricorder to be captured in order to track its movements therefore we will be able to determine a source from our present location." "That's true Ensign but I was hoping that our missing members would find it and use it to let us know where they are, but I am afraid I didn't have time to program the tricorder, we'll have to wait till someone finds it and begins to sends a subspace distress signal. In the meantime, seeing we can't launch, we can't raise shields, we'd better do something about our situation." "Computer, how many of the Spectre's crew is missing?" << Forty Seven members are missing; One Hundred and Thirty Two are on the surface in Escape Pods >> "Bridge to Engineering.", said Remae but he didn't get a reply just a crackle over the speakers. "Ensign, beginning scanning for escape pods. See if you can a transporter lock on them, start beaming back. even the closest ones. As for the rest, we may have to go and get them ourselves. Soval, I do have a 2O or a FO, so for now, you are the highest ranking officer on the ship, you're with me. Ensign, you have the Bridge." Remae left Ensign Maber to his scanning while he and Soval went into the Ready Room. (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 16.40) "Lt Commander, I'd appreciate some Vulcan logic at this point. what do you recommend our next course of action should be?" (Reply from Soval and room for more) Remae then had a report from Maber, he got some of the crew back but for the rest, they were beyond the limited range of the Spectre's damaged systems and transporter. Remae listened to Soval; it was nice to hear a logical mind's analysis of the situation. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 17.00) He returned to the Bridge and quickly looked around, noticing some more people had been returned to duty. "I am afraid the ships problems will have to wait, we need to retrieve the rest of our crew. Can you open a channel to the Night's Watch? Captain Lee will have an orbital eye view we can use." (Reply from Soval, Maber) "Prep a shuttle, I am going out to get the rest of the crew wherever they maybe, Lt Commander Soval, you have the Bridge. carry on.", said Remae and for the first time since the Spectre arrived in this dimension of space, he was going to be apart from the ship and it would be without its CO, FO and 2O and in the hands of Starfleet Intelligence. (Reply from Maber, Soval and Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <> (USS Spectre - Bridge - CSO Ensign Octan Maber - 16.20) "Your statement is illogical ensign since these drones were not prevented from appearing within a forcefield and therefore would not be deterred by the ships shields. Logic therefore dictates we remain upon the planets surface where we are presently protected from the vessels engaged in combat and consequently are able to focus upon this one threat as apposed to dividing our resources. Furthermore the captain logically allowed the tricorder to be captured in order to track its movements therefore we will be able to determine a source from our present location." ~The tricorder! Of course!~ Octan thought, turning his back on Soval as the latter turned to the Captain for confirmation of his theory. Octan started entering commands into his station as the Captain replied. He only half-listened to Remae as the Captain countered Soval's suggestion. His dislike for the Vulcan agent was growing by the minute. Why did Vulcan's have to be logical all the time? Where's the fun in that? Of course, Soval was even worse, he was right as well! Octan sensed Soval approach him from behind as the Captain was querying the computer. "Ensign I must question your justification for your earlier actions. Your instruction to lower the forcefields was illogical given information available at that time and its imprecision resulted in the loss of a further twelve crewmembers as well as considerable damage to the ships systems. I am therefore curious as to what rationale you had for your actions?" "I don't see why I have to answer to you, Agent Soval," Octan replied, emphasising the SFI operative's designation to make him understand that Octan clearly saw him as outside his chain of command, "but at the time I didn't realise there were other drones on the ship in addition to the one in my science lab. The computer also misinterpreted my command by lowering the forcefields on all the drones, instead of just the one I was trying to shoot." Octan was amazed that he stayed calm when all he really wanted to do was punch the smug Vulcan in front of him. Remae's command diffused the tension: "Ensign, beginning scanning for escape pods. See if you can get a transporter lock on them, start beaming back, even the closest ones. As for the rest, we may have to go and get them ourselves. Soval, I don't have a 2O or a FO, so for now, you are the highest ranking officer on the ship, you're with me. Ensign, you have the Bridge." Octan began executing the Captain's request as Remae and Soval disappeared into the ready room. After about half an hour he had all the crew members back that he could possibly get and sent this out in a report to the Captain. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CSO, Ensign Octan - 17.00) "I am afraid the ships problems will have to wait, we need to retrieve the rest of our crew. Can you open a channel to the Night's Watch? Captain Lee will have an orbital eye view we can use." Octan glanced around as the Captain arrived on the bridge. "Channel open," he replied, feeling like a glorified switchboard operator, or he would have if he knew what a switchboard operator was. All he knew was, he didn't like the feeling. He transmitted the orbital view on the viewscreen, not waiting for the Captain's inevitable order to do so. "Prep a shuttle, I am going out to get the rest of the crew wherever they may be, Lt Commander Soval, you have the Bridge. Carry on.", said Remae and proceeded to leave the bridge. "Captain," Octan spoke up, stopping Remae just before he entered the turbolift doors. "I may have an idea on how to get that tricorder working. Permission to proceed?" "Granted," Remae replied as the dors closed behind him. Octan smiled and, within seconds, he was also in a turbolift heading for his lab. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CSO Ensign Octan, 17:30) Octan stepped from the turbolift onto the bridge, hauling some equipment he collected from his lab. "Computer, please specify location of any projectile drones." Soval turned around at the sound of Octan's voice and the Bajoran flashed him a quick, sarcastic smile. "Projectile drones located on decks ...." Octan missed the rest, because, as luck would have it, a drone appeared 3 metres away from him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Soval spin around and aim at the white dome. Quickly, Octan walked into Soval's line of fire. "What are you doing, Ensign!" Soval shouted. "This is completely illogical." "I'm going to fix the Captain's tricorder," Octan replied with a smile as the darts shot from the dome, several hitting him. Octan vanished, leaving a confused Vulcan on the bridge. As the darkness engulfed him, Octan grinned. He couldn't remember ever being happier. (Reply Remae, Soval, Any) (Posted by Arnaud Malherbe) (USS Spectre - Ready Room - Agent Sovak - 16.42) "Lt Commander, I'd appreciate some Vulcan logic at this point. What do you recommend our next course of action should be?" "Until more information on the attackers is discovered it would be inadvisable to attempt any retaliation would be inadvisable, however to that end it would seem logical to research the drones that have been disabled in order to ascertain a means of counteracting their capabilities. I would also counsel investigation of the means of the drone’s arrival so as to prevent such occurrences in future and possibly identify the source of the attacks. Until that information is available the only logical course of action would appear to retrieve our crewmembers therefore providing increased probability of defending the vessel as well as improving our investigative capability. Essentially we are presently in a relatively controllable and protected situation, and therefore it would be illogical to leave the planets surface at this present time. There is however one further important point, our attackers motive is as yet a complete mystery and I am unable to identify a logical intention given presently available information. They caused no significant damage to the ship, and that which was caused was primarily an indirect consequence. The crewmembers who were taken were captured as apposed to simply being killed and there were no casualties directly resulting from the assault therefore I must question what they intended to achieve through this attack, without that information it is doubtful we would be able to successfully counteract their incurious into the Spectre. (reply Remae IYW) “For the present time it would appear logical to continue our efforts to retrieve the crewmembers who are currently within escape pods, security should be increased throughout the vessel to prevent further incursions and particularly to prevent the establishment of a foothold. Once our repairs are completed we may be able to assist the Nights Watch in combating the other vessels and also to determine the cause of their sudden appearance however it would be illogical to act now given our present condition. (reply Remae - room for more) (USS Spectre - Bridge - Agent Soval - 17.02) "I am afraid the ships problems will have to wait, we need to retrieve the rest of our crew. Can you open a channel to the Night's Watch? Captain Lee will have an orbital eye view we can use." ~a logical course of action if the Nights Watch is able to provide assistance~ (Reply Maber) "Prep a shuttle, I am going out to get the rest of the crew wherever they maybe, Lt Commander Soval, you have the Bridge. carry on." “Captain …”, Various statements competed within Soval’s mind as he sought to advise his Captain. Firstly that it would be illogical for him to leave the vessel at such a vulnerable time, secondly that there were several logical alternatives however the most logical question was whether the crew would obey instructions from Soval without the presence of any of the command staff. He required a few seconds to consider the various probable scenarios and quickly determined that his comments would be ineffective, primarily as Soval had little alternative and he doubted the Captain would alter his decision, “… logically you should not travel unaccompanied given the present circumstances therefore may I request security to assist you?” (reply Remae) “Very well, Soval to security dispatch a two man security team to main shuttle bay to escort Captain Remae.” =/\=Understood=/\= Soval watched the Captain leave the bridge before attempting to formulate a reasonable course of action although little action was required at the present time from him since the Captain had already given logical orders to the various departments. (USS Spectre - Bridge - Agent Soval - 17:32) Soval noted the commotion as the CSO stepped from the turbolift onto the bridge, hauling some equipment however continued to analyse the latest damage reports until he heard the CSO speak, "Computer, please specify location of any projectile drones." Soval turned around at the sound of Octan's voice and the Bajoran flashed him a quick, sarcastic smile. <> the remainder of the disposition was ignored as a drone appeared 3 metres away from the CSO. Soval stood drawing his phaser in the same motion as he took aim however the CSO stood in his line of fire, “"What are you doing, Ensign" Soval stated. "This action is illogical." "I'm going to fix the Captain's tricorder," Octan replied with a smile as the darts shot from the dome, several hitting him. Moments later the CSO vanished from the bridge leaving Soval considering the illogical nature of most species as well as what he would state within his report (Reply from Maber, Remae, Any) (Posted by John Morrison) (unknown place - CSO Ensign Octan Maber - 17:35) Octan awoke, feeling as if he had been drugged. Propping himself up on one elbow, he lay on the floor, surveying his surroundings. He seemed to be in a small room, about 2 metres square, and all alone. Where were the other crewmembers? The room was completely bare except for the equipment he had on him. Octan felt afraid. He had managed to put on an act on the bridge for Soval, but now that he was alone, he allowed himself the doubt he had been feeling all along. He didn't really know what would happen when the darts hit him, but somehow he expected to arrive somewhere with the other missing crewmembers and, more importantly, the tricorder. Shrugging off his brief fears, Octan started exploring his cell. It didn't take very long. The room was completely empty. The walls felt cool to the touch, but Octan could find no cracks or weaknesses. In frustration, he banged his fist against the nearest wall. It went through! Or, it seemed to before it bounced off. Octan touched the wall again. It still felt solid. He pressed harder, but still nothing. Pressing even harder still, he visualised his hand passing through the wall. It did! He quickly pulled his hand back. After trying it a few more times, Octan stepped back. With grim determination, he walked towards the wall. Part of him expected to walk straight into it, but to his delight he passed through. He entered another room, identical to the one he just left, but this one had no occupants. Trying his luck again, he walked to the far wall, again passing straight through it. This time, the room he entered was occupied. As he stepped, through the wall, he noticed a solitary figure huddled against the far wall. He immediately recognised her. "Lt Lono, nice to see you," he announced cheerfully, startling the First Officer. When she recovered from her initial shock, he quickly explained the situation to her. "So, you see," Octan said, finishing his explanation, "these walls aren't really walls, but some sort of forcefield that can be breached with a slight amount of pressure and, seemingly, intent. Let me show you." Octan walked toward the wall against which Kahila was sitting and walked straight into it, hurting his nose in the process. Kahila struggled to suppress a laugh, which irritated Octan somewhat. Trying to hide his embarrassment, he said "I guess that wall is real then. Well, some of them have to be I suppose. Let's try another one. By the way, you haven't seen a tricorder anywhere, have you?" Without waiting for an answer, Octan stepped through another wall. Seconds later, Kahila joined him in the next room. (unknown place, CSO Ensign Octan, 18:00) They had been walking from room to room, picking up more Spectre crewmembers as they went along, when, finally, they happened upon the tricorder. Octan set to work quickly, using the equipment he brought to enhance the tricorder's transmission range. Finally, he programmed the device to start transmitting across a wide spectrum of frequencies, hoping one of them would reach the Spectre. He looked around at the assembled crowd. "Now, all we can do is wait." With that, he settled against one of the walls and closed his eyes, hoping Soval was awake. (USS Spectre - Bridge, 18:00) On the bridge, the science console started emitting a slow, steady beeping noise, accompanied by a flashing light. (Reply Kahila, Soval, Any) (Posted by Arnaud Malherbe) <>