From: Sent: Monday, 12 April 2004 4:50 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compile March 29-April 5 (pt 2) Spectre compile March 29-Apr5 (USS Spectre, Engineering, ACEO Peabody - 17.10) Walter stood in the engineering room, silently cursing fate. Again. It seemed they had crashed. Again. It never seemed to fail. He had just repaired the ship. He had made her well again. Seems that someone couldn't resist bending things out of shape. Peabody knew who exactly he could blame, but he wasn't going to play that game again. Maybe. He wasn't sold on the idea yet of letting the trashing of his girl go unpunished. And just as he was thinking such things in his head, the target of his thoughts waltzed into the room, saying something that the good Engineering officer simply processed. "Doc, what's the status?" Obviously he hadn't seen the shape the ship was in. Walter "Doc" Peabody shrugged non-chalantly. "She's hurting again, but I think I can get her back on feet, provided we don't repeat this. She's bound to just throw her hands up here soon enough and just..." He kept talking, but the good captain interupted him and went straight to the punch. In the Doc's head, he was still talking. "I need the Spectre back up in orbit but not until we are ready. Concentrate on making the impulse engines and some kind of launching procedure your priorities." Launching procedure? Orbit? What type of madness was the man speaking? The Doc usually didn't outright dress down his superior officers, and this wasn't going to be a change as he silently kept his mouth shut. He was disheveled, tired and in some kinds of pain that were just now coming into his awarness. "Perhaps you can use this? I have to go, I have to retrieve 2/3s of the crew from their pods." The assistant chief engineering officer nodded as the Captain vanished from view. Fair enough. He wants a ship up and running, he'll get a ship up and running. Walter realized all his grumpiness was a direct affect of the pain and frustration he was going through. He would do whatever the captain asked. If it took a miracle, he'd do it. After all, he was a miracle worker. Always had been, always would be. Even if the ship decided she needed to crash a third time. Hell, third time was always a charm. Peabody cleared his throat. "Everyone! We need to get this girl back up and running. I speak in obviousness. Here's what I need. I need damage control team alpha to get the impulse engines online. Gafferty, take beta team with you as well. Then, Ceta and Deta and Meta teams will get the core back online. She's brand new and I doubt we'll be replacing it anytime soon considering the mess we're in. The rest of you, and that's a good number, we need to build something." He quickly pulled up the PADD and handed out a few extras with the design on it. "Once we get the Spectre powered, we can get her into orbit and deal with warp power from there. Orde? Are you around again? Orde?!" (reply Orde, if you are still alive.:)..) (reply orde, any engineering npc's,) (posted by Adelay) (USS Spectre: Engineering - George Orde - 1717) "Once we get the Spectre powered, we can get her into orbit and deal with warp power from there. Orde? Are you around again? Orde?!" George Orde stuck his head out from under an access panel. "Aye? The last flight we took gave th' cloak a severe beatin'," he reported. "I wouldna recommend we use it again." Like most other people familar with phase cloaks (of which there were few), anyon particles played hell with the phasing process: it took twice as much power to effect a cloak and that power tended to overload circuits. (Reply Peabody) (Posted by Lenox) (unknown place of captivity, Kahila Lono, 17:40) Since coming back into the room, Kahila had simply sat down on the floor and tried to clear her thoughts, which was more of a task than usual. Her relaxation/meditation didn't work as it usually did. She felt as though parts of her brain had been overly-activated during the alien proceedure, and now couldn't calm down. At the same time, she felt exhausted physically. What she wanted more than anything was a cup of coffee. When she saw the barrier disrupt, she flinched away, sure that the robed alien was returning. She wasn't certain she could trust her own vision when Ensign Octan walked easily through the wall. He said, in a cheerful voice: "Lt Lono, nice to see you." He then began an explanation about the walls, finishing with: "So, you see, these walls aren't really walls, but some sort of forcefield that can be breached with a slight amount of pressure and, seemingly, intent. Let me show you." Octan walked toward the wall against which Kahila was sitting and walked straight into it, hurting his nose in the process. Kahila struggled against her own wildly flowing currents of thought, following what Octan was saying. Then, annoyed, she thought, ~Does he think I didn't discover for myself that the walls were actually forcefields? But why is he now able to walk through them, when they shocked me every time I touched them.~ Her confusion was mitigated a bit when Octan met strong resistance from one of the walls. He said "I guess that wall is real then. Well, some of them have to be I suppose. Let's try another one. By the way, you haven't seen a tricorder anywhere, have you?" Before she could answer, he'd moved into the next room, so Kahila followed, relief at regaining some freedom of movement offsetting her annoyance and confusion. As they moved along, they found other crewmembers,- and gesturing for them to be silent, and follow- they kept walking. Finally, Octan found the tricorder he'd been searching for, and started to work with the equipment he'd brought. It was obvious that he was boosting the transmission capability of the tricorder. Kahila had noticed that one of the young women, a nurse, looked dazed, and sometimes stumbled into one of the other crewmembers. She went to her and whispered, "Are you all right, Ensign?" The woman startled at the question, and tried to fix her gaze on Kahila, but her eyes kept sliding back and forth. ~She looks as though her mind is jumping around even more than mine has been,~ Kahila thought. She put her hand on the ensign's shoulder, and talked to her for a few moments, simply and softly. "We'll talk later, back on the Spectre, about what happened here. Ensign Octan is transmitting our location to the Captain now. We can wait here together." Finally the woman nodded, but then looked away, eyes darting around the room. Kahila wondered what she was seeing. She also wondered if others in the crew had undergone the same sort of experiences as her own. And she decided it was needless to remain silent or speak softly. So she motioned for attenton from the others, except for Octan- who remained busy. "We are probably under surveillance still, unless these beings have learned all they can from us, and are ready to dismiss us. But they could be performing some sort of test, allowing us movement through some of the walls, but not others-- creating a maze. Did any of you have unusual experiences while here?" Each person nodded, reporting the presence of spheres or domes that read their memories. "Anything else?" Kahila glanced around. An Engineering crewman spoke up then: "I was taken someplace to fix a huge machine. Or maybe it was like being on the holodeck. But I've never seen anything like that -- it made no sense to me. I knew I was supposed to make my own tools first, from an array of parts. That was kind of fun - at first. But I couldn't seem to get what they wanted. I mean, I didn't see anyone, but . . ." He shrugged and looked away. "Thank you Crewman," Kahila said. An Ensign from Stellar Cartography spoke hesitantly, "This is going to sound silly. Maybe it was just a vivid dream. But I was kept in a dark room, and made to prepare something - like a recipe- from scents. I had to fumble around through little bottles of liquid and powders. I don't know if I was cooking, or making perfume -- but when I finished, I could smell a -- like a multilevel creation of scents. Beautiful. I can't describe it any better than that - then it was gone." She laughed, obviously embarrassed. Kahila smiled. "Thank you, Ensign. I don't think you were dreaming. What you've both described has much in common with my own experiences. These beings have created scenarios to test our perceptions and ways of thought. Eventually, I want us to talk about this in greater depth. For now, let's stay together, and wait. I suggest we relax, yet keep alert." She glanced toward Octan, and saw he had completed his work. Kahila sat, leaning against the wall, still struggling to keep her thoughts in the here-and-now. reply Octan, any posted by Josephine Goodman (Shuttlepod Three: Aft Compartment - Pierce Orde - 1802) "Welcome aboard, Pierce," Remae said to him. "Glad to be aboard; I hate escape pods," Pierce replied. "How's the ship?" (Reply Remae) "Why can't we seem to keep her in space?" He shook his head. "I have a lead on Kahlia -- we communicated when I was in that pod. She's being held somewhere, but neither of us quite know where." (Reply Remae) (Posted by Lenox) (Shuttlepod Three, Helm, CO, Captain Remae - 18.05) "Welcome aboard, Pierce," Remae said to him. "Glad to be aboard; I hate escape pods," Pierce replied. "How's the ship?" "Not good but Doc's on it, I doubt he'll get any sleep anytime soon." "Why can't we seem to keep her in space?" He shook his head. "I have a lead on Kahila -- we communicated when I was in that pod. She's being held somewhere, but neither of us quite knows where." "Good work, keep at it, we're heading back to the Spectre.", he said, flipping the throttle wide open, the pod screamed back to the Spectre, probably a bit faster than it was designed to. (USS Spectre, Shuttlebay, CO, Captain Remae - 18.15) =^= Soval to Captain Remae, we have ascertained the location of the missing crewmembers. They would appear to have been transported through the dimensional rift, we are preparing to launch a probe to gather further information however we may be required to take the Spectre through the rift to retrieve the missing crew. =^= "Understood, am on my way to the Bridge now. Lieutenant, you're with me.", say Remae jumping cleaning out of the shuttle. =^= Sir we have intruders within Stellar Cartography, they do not appear to be similar to the drones. =^= =^= Dispatch a security team immediately, attempt to disable one of the attackers if possible however utilise maximum force if necessary. I will join you shortly. Captain you heard? =^= "Yes Soval, Pierce is on his way now, join him as soon possible. Remae out.", said Remae as he nodded to the Security Chief. He went the other way and to the turbolift. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 18.20) Remae was back on the Bridge, "Engineering, report?" (Reply from Peabody) "Understood. Bridge to Soval, what's your situation?", asked Remae and when he had a reply, he added. (Reply from Soval, Pierce) "I need you back up here to make sense of this data, I need to know where this rift is and how we get to it.", said Remae. (Reply from Soval, Pierce, Peabody, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Spectre: Shuttlebay - TAC/SC Orde - 1815) "Yes Soval, Pierce is on his way now, join him as soon possible. Remae out.", said Remae as he nodded to the Security Chief. He went the other way and to the turbolift. ~Isn't there enough to do around here?~ he thought ruefully. ~Kahlia, if you can hear me, let me know if you want the running commentary.~ Orde, tapping his commbadge, issued quick orders for deployment of his men enroute to Stellar Cartography. ~One more message.~ "Orde to Soval; meet Alpha squad in area 15-C." (USS Spectre: Corridor outside Stellar Cartography - TAC/SC Orde - 1818) Arriving, Pierce accepted a Pha/Pro rifle from one of his officers, quickly checking it over. Looking over to Soval, he nodded once. "Have any positional data available?" he asked. (Reply Soval) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 18.22) "Ensign Torelle, report to the Bridge.", said Remae remember the encounter he had before he had left to retrieve the crew. A few moments later, the new Ensign appeared on the Bridge and Remae stood up from the command chair and despite the lack of crew on the Bridge, Remae walked up to the Ensign. "Ensign Ariana Torelle, sorry to pull you away from your duties, but I wanted to inform you personally of the situation and to welcome you aboard." (Reply Torelle) "The majority of the crew including the CSO, FO and Acting CMO have been taken into somekind of rift, we are trying to find out what that means and return our people. In the meantime, can you prepare sickbay for causalities, until we get our medical staff back, you're in charge of sickbay." (Reply Torelle) "As soon as the current crisis is over, we'll have a senior briefing and I can bring you up to speed, carry on.", said Remae nodding at the Ensign to resume her duties. (Reply Torelle) Remae was waiting for a report on what was going on, as he looked around the Bridge and found he was one of the few people left on it, he decided to leave and make himself more useful. (Reply from Torelle, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>