From: Sent: Friday, 28 May 2004 2:59 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre Compile May 10-17 Spectre Compile May 10-17 Mission: Unknown Country, Day 2 Stardate: 2406.05.11 (USS Apollo, Bridge, SFI Agent Soval - 0010) (private shuttle, Kahila Lono, 1:15) (USS Apollo, Bridge, CONN/OPS Ensign Selera - 0130) (USS Newton: Bridge - CO Captain Bridget Mark - 0132) (USS Apollo, Bridge, CO (Spectre), Captain Remae Ktell - 0140) (USS Lion- Bridge- ACEO Peabody - 0140) (USS Apollo, Ten-Forward, CONN/OPS Ensign Selera - 0500) (USS Apollo, Bridge, CO (Spectre), Captain Remae Ktell - 07.00) (USS Apollo, Bridge, SFI Agent Soval - 0010) "Welcome aboard the Battleship Apollo sirs.", said the CO of the Apollo, Captain Ariana. Remae and Soval had sped directly to the Bridge upon their arrival on the Apollo, an impressive ship particularly when compared to those of the original timeline "Now, what do we do, sir?", said Commander Selera who just beamed over from er Romulan Command. "As soon as we get a fix on everyone on Earth and beam them aboard, we'll be darting. For right now, why don't you take the CONN/OPS station?" "Soval, grab a station and get up to speed on the ships systems. well, Cptain Ariana, we'll need to depart at 0100, please prepare for departure." Soval nodded in reply before seating himself at one of the vacant LCARS terminals beginning a systematic analysis of the ships specifications, as well as the specifications for other vessels within the fleet. "This is the best information I managed to get, can you plot a course that'll cover the most ground in the least time?" “Certainly Commandant, it should not prove a difficult task.” "I'll be in the transporter room", said Remae leaving the Bridge Soval merely nodded in reply before returning to his research. (USS Apollo, Bridge, SFI Agent Soval - 0130) "Soval, all set? Transfer the course to the CONN, Captain, erm.", Soval watched the Captains expression with mild fascination curious as to how he would cope with the situation, half the Captains in the Federation must have been present on the Bridge, "Captain Ariana, let's go." << Red Alert, all hands Read Alert >> The computer kicked in, the lights dimmed and the klaxon sounded. =^= This is the Federation Timeship Newton, we know what you are doing and we've been sent to prevent it.=^= ~Fascinating, why would a future vessel wish to prevent our actions, although logically they will result in a less desirable Federation … but why not attack us earlier while still separate and vulnerable … unless the ship is from this period and temporal investigations determined the origin of the temporal wavefront~ Soval continued to consider possible scenarios however the temporal causality element caused some additional thought to be devoted to the problem. The channel went dead and the ship opened fire, throwing Remae and the crew around like dolls. "Get us out of here!", shouted Remae, logically he had no intentions of taking on this 'timeship' whatever it was. "Captain, we have damage to the forward shield grid," he reported. "Looks like pulse-phaser arrays." Soval perceived a notable lack of science officers on the bridge; expected given that they had still as yet been unable to locate Octan, and so took position at the science terminal. “Indeed; vessel appears to feature pulse-phaser arrays, bio-skin coated hull and multiphasic signature would indicate considerable likelihood of transphasic torpedoes. Our sensors also indicate presence of temporal shielding; conventional weapons are likely therefore to prove ineffective. Essentially it is similar to one of the vessels I had considered commandeering for our purposes from Temporal Investigations within this timeline.” (reply any) (Reply from All on the Apollo, Any) (Posted by John Morrison) (private shuttle, Kahila Lono, 1:15) Kahila could see the Apollo now; and neither set of her memories brought her any recognition of it. The ship was strange to her; it seemed huge, imposing. Not a place where she'd feel at home. Nevetheless, she was rapidly heading toward it. Suddenly she heard a voice on the com unit. She recognized the voice immediately, and felt better, as if she'd done the right thing after all, in coming here. Apollo to Lono, Commander is that you?", asked Remae opening a communication channel to the shuttle. "Yes, Captain/Commandant. Kahila Lono here. Three minutes until intercept." "Welcome, shuttlebay 1 is ready for your arrival; see you on the Bridge. Apollo out." When the bay door opened, Kahila keyed in the adjustments, and the thrusters maneuvered the shuttle through the door, where she brought it to rest. After she climbed out, Kahila made her way through the bay, and into the corridor. She saw a lift near the far end, and then directed it to take her to the Bridge. (USS Apollo, Bridge, CO (Spectre), Kahila Lono - 0130) Kahila had walked out of the lift and onto the Bridge, surprised to see both a Trill and Vulcan wearing Captains' insignia. She recognized Agent Soval, and nodded her greeting. Then she recalled from Remae's recorded message that the Trill and Vulcan had been new crew members aboard the Spectre, who in this reality seemed to have moved up in the world. She wondered what they thought of her - the only person on board not wearing some sort of uniform. Then she wondered how these captains would sort themselves out. Suddenly, Remae and Pierce arrived on the Bridge. She barely had time to greet them, and take her place at a workstation, when Remae gave the order: "Soval, all set? Transfer the course to the CONN, Captain, erm.", Remae looked around, half the Captains in the Federation must have been present on the Bridge, "Captain Ariana, let's go." << Red Alert, all hands Read Alert >> The computer kicked in, the lights dimmed and the klaxon sounded. =^= This is the Federation Timeship Newton, we know what you are doing and we've been sent to prevent it. =^= The channel went dead and the ship opened fire, throwing Remae and the crew around like dolls. "Get us out of here!", shouted Remae. Kahila drew the protective webbing around herself, and hung on. She searched her memories - both sets - and found nothing there about timeships. ~Maybe it's some secret branch of Starfleet? And they don't want to lose their place in this timeline - obviously!~ reply any posted by Josephine Goodman <> (USS Apollo, Bridge, CONN/OPS Ensign Selera - 0130) It's been a hour since Selera arrived and she spent this time coducting a research on her own station. This ship was nothing like she remembered, and furthermore, her memories were still not all in place. Their new course had just appeared on her station, when computer sound and change of lights made Selera look around in suprise. ~Now what!~ =^= This is the Federation Timeship Newton, we know what you are doing and we've been sent to prevent it. =^= ~Excellent! Just what we need right now!~ Before there was anything she could do, the ship opened fire and she was on the floor. Commandant shouted: "Get us out of here!" so she jumped and instinctively pushed the button to send the ship away from their new friends. (Reply from Any) (Posted by Ivona Marzic) (USS Newton: Bridge - CO Captain Bridget Mark - 0132) Captain Mark absolutely hated people who would willingly muck with the timeline -- they had no respect whatsoever for others. ~The Apollo cannot be allowed to finish its mad plan.~ she thought. ~However, I do not wish to provoke the Starfleet of this time. Withdrawl may be a viable option.~ "Captain, torpedoes incoming!" her CONN officer reported. "Evasive." None of the torpedoes hit the Newton. "Launch a phased chronometric tracer and prepare to withdraw." Her crew followed its orders, punching a small hole in Apollo's shields and hitting her with a small device. Once attaching itself to the hull, it shielded itself from detection and emitted an encoded tracking signal on a temporal phase variance of .004, ensuring none but the Newton herself would be able to track the ship as it jumped into warp. "Bring us about and find a place to hide -- we're committed now to stopping that ship." "Aye, sir." (Reply none) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Apollo, Bridge, CO (Spectre), Captain Remae Ktell - 0140) The ship was taking evasive manoeuvres as the Apollo dodged and weaved around, torpedoes were being launched and Remae saw them miss, everyone on Earth and a few light years would be monitoring this display. "Ensign Selera, Lay in the specified course and prepare engage at slipstream velocity.", he said as he grabbed something, it was clear the Apollo was taking hits. "Captain, we have damage to the forward shield grid," he reported. "Looks like pulse-phaser arrays." "Indeed; vessel appears to feature pulse-phaser arrays, bio-skin coated hull and multiphasic signature would indicate considerable likelihood of transpahsic torpedoes. Our sensors also indicate presence of temporal shielding; conventional weapons are likely therefore to prove ineffective. Essentially it is similar to one of the vessels I had considered commandeering for our purposes from Temporal Investigations within this timeline." "Save the speculation for later, engage! Now!", said Remae as the slipstream drive came online, and they passed through the subspace layer and they were gone. RPG: (USS Apollo, Ten-Forward, CO (Spectre), Captain Remae Ktell - 05.00) Remae had managed to get away from command for a while; some sleep was welcome for sure. As he entered the mess, breakfast was being served by some of the Spectre's crew who had come onboard during the early hours. "Scrambled eggs and toast.", said Remae into the replicator, "Coffee, black, sweet." He sat down by one of the forward facing windows and watched for a moment as the slipstream tunnel washed past the ship on all sides, then, he tucked into breakfast. (Reply from Anyone wanting breakfast) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Lion- Bridge- ACEO Peabody - 0140) Captain Walter Peabody spun on his toes as the klaxons began to ring. "RED ALERT! Unknown battleship is coming about!" The tactical officer stated it factly, but with intensity. Peabody growled in his throat. =^= This is the Federation Timeship Newton, we know what you are doing and we've been sent to prevent it. =^= Kevel jumped over to Tactical and pointed the officer towards weapons control. "She's firing on the Apollo!" Walter quickly moved to the center chair. "Helm, evasive! Kevel, take 'em out!" The USS Lion banked, letting loose her weaponary, but having little effect on the attacking ship. Peabody looked to Kevel. He relayed the information about the systems onboard the Newton. She would be a challenge. Something the crew had been looking for. The ACEO sat back in his chair as the bridge shook from impact from the weapons. The Lion held. For now. Peabody looked over to Cambridge, who was calmy holding to the chair. A report from Tactical called out. "Apollo is leaving orbit...going into slipstream!" Walter watched in suprise as his former crew vanished into the blackness of space. "Oh, this is good. Kevel, blow that blasted Timeship into another decade...or something! I'm tired of her taking pot shots at my ship!" Richard shouted an agreement and began to throw the Lion into a hard attack. And then, the Timeship was gone. "We've lost her..." Kevel began to search as Walter sat back in his chair. The communcations officer began to call out. "Sir, I have Starfleet command on the line. They want to speak to you." Rolling his eyes, the soon to be Admiral sighed. "Very well, patch them into my office. Kevel, hold the line." The screen opened with a random collection of Admirals. Peabody began to explain what he knew as the reports came in from the bridge. (USS Lion - Ready Room - ACEO Peabody - 0200) He was now an Admiral, though it meant little. When he would return to his timeline, he would become the Assistant Chief Engineering Officer he had been assigned as. He welcomed the return home. At least he wouldn't be an Admiral. Or whatever they had promoted him to. He refused to allow the crew to call him Captain, literally ordered them to call him "Doc". After some time speaking with Starfleet, Starfleet Security, Fleet Operations, several Admirals he remembered dimly and one Starfleet President he had no knowledge going to school with, he had secured permission to go find the Apollo. The appearence of the Timeship had Starfleet extremely concerend. Peabody was also concerned, but he couldn't concern himself with it right now. He had to get to the Apollo and he wasn't about to stop for anyone, command or not. "Capta...Doc, I have a message from a George Orde. It's been delayed for some reason. Patching through now..." They patched it through to the room. ^Doc, it's George. I understand, and will do what I can to assist.^ Walter grinned. Orde was a good man. "Doc to Bridge, get George Orde onboard, now!" The engineering officer burst onto the bridge. "Helm, plot a course following the Apollo. Send a message to the Apollo, informing them we're on our way. We've got Orde. And we've put the pedal to the metal. Helm, get slipstream and get us the hell outta here." The USS Lion jumped forward into space. (reply Apollo when you reach 0200, Orde, any) (posted by Adelay) (USS Apollo, Ten-Forward, CONN/OPS Ensign Selera - 0500) A couple of hours to get some rest was a good idea. It helped to clear the mess in Selera's head and now she had pretty good idea of what happened, which was good, she felt better about this whole situation. She was still bit worried about their mission and that timeship, but not that much as she was worried about what could she had for breakfast. In the end, she decided to have a cup of cold black coffee, something she used to do sometimes, ever since she was in Federation. She sat by the window thinking about her life in the real timeline. (Reply Any, None) (Posted by Ivona Marzic) <> (USS Apollo, Bridge, CO (Spectre), Captain Remae Ktell - 07.00) He entered the Bridge to hear someone saying they were about to exit the slipstream for the next bunch of Spectre people, "Soval, Lono, come with me.", he said on spotting the senior officers. (USS Apollo, Observation Lounge, Captain Remae Ktell - 07.05) "I can't have everyone in a meeting, even though most of them are command staff in this timeline! Anyway, I want some advice on our next course of action. Soval, where are we on the collection of the crew?" (Reply from Soval) "Kahila, anything interesting to report amongst them, all in good health?", asked Remae, getting another coffee from the replicator. (Reply from Lono) "Okay, let's call a staff meeting; see what everyone thinks our next move should be. One hour in here, let's have all possible solutions to our problem on the table, plus, how we are going to find out still missing crew. dismissed." Remae headed out of the room and back onto the Bridge, the ship was at impulse and approaching an old looking station, whatever the Spectre were doing on there, Remae bet they were happy to see be getting of it. (Reply from Lono, Soval, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>