From: Sent: Friday, 26 September 2003 7:46 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compiles Sept 15-22 (pt 1) Spectre compile, Sept 15-22, 2003 Mission: the Prisoners Dilemma, Day 2 Stardate 2406.03.10 (USS Spectre - Observation Lounge - ACMO Anderson - 0704) (USS Spectre, Observation Lounge, Kahila Lono, 10:10) (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 10:30) (USS Spectre, Observation Lounge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 10.30) (USS Spectre, Observation Lounge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 10.30) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 10.34) (USS Spectre - Temp Marine Deck - CCE/MCO Major Drizzt - 11.02) (USS Spectre - 10-Forward - CMO Cambridge - 11.03) (USS Spectre - 10-Forward - ACMO Anderson - 11.03) (USS Spectre, 10 forward, Kahila Lono, 11:07) USS Spectre - 10 Forward - ACMO Rain Anderson - 11.10) (USS Spectre, 10 Forward, Kahila Lono, 11:13) (USS Spectre - 10 Forward - ACMO Rain Anderson - 11.25) (USS Spectre: Science Lab 1, Workshop - TAC/SC/2O Pierce Orde - 11.30) (USS Spectre - Observation Lounge - ACMO Anderson - 0704) ".....we need to do to accomplish them." Rain caught the last few words of the captain's sentence as she tried to unobtrusively sneak into the back of the meeting. She hoped she hadn't missed anything important. He stood and moved over to the computer screen and all eyes followed him. "A hostile alien species known as the Xenolithe made quite impressive inroads into Federation Space a few years ago, and more recently, the formation of Freedom Squadron inside Sector 221-G caused even more confrontations with this race, that had only one thought on its mind, kill everything and everyone." Rain gulped and tried to control her breathing. Cold rivulets of sweat trickled down her forehead, chilling her to the bone... fear made her feel weak. More than anything, anything, she had feared this moment the most.... feared hearing their name, seeing again the image that haunted her nightmares. "... captured an Admiral, we managed to get her back but she was never the same afterwards. Other encounters are available to you, I suggest you study them." Rain did not need to study them... she'd lived them. Her very first assignment had encountered them and almost been destroyed by them. She felt her fear take a stronger hold. Rain did her best to listen to the meeting. "Starfleet Command recently received reports from the Romulan Tal Shia, indicating that the Xenolithe are preparing new bases deep within the Neutral Zone, from our perspective, its close, very close to the Romulan Border of the zone." The map zoomed in on the new area the Captain was talking about. "This is the sector marked out as containing these new bases. The entire area is awash with Ion Storms, Plasma is everywhere not to mention other hazards. Long range analysis of the sector proved inconclusive." "Although Starfleet put together a plan to investigate on our own, cloaking technology will not work in this sector of space, so, on this matter the Romulans were contacted and a deal worked out, a temporally alliance for two ships, one Federation and one Romulan would contact a combined search in this sector." The Captain returned to his seat.. "If this is a trap by the Romulan Tal Shia to draw the Federation in we will be in vulnerable position, but if the Xenolithe bases are there, we have orders to find out their strength and numbers and then return to Federation Space to assist in the planning of a Task Force to eliminate this threat.", he said before thoughtfully adding, "The relations between the Romulans and the Federation aren't good to say the least, any wrong move by us when dealing with them could lead us to war and the worse case scenario is to be at war with the Romulans and still have the Xenolithe bases to deal with." "Hand Phasers are to be given to all personnel; we'll be remaining at Yellow Alert until further notice. Mr Longfellow, bring the warp drive online, Pierce, I want continuous diagnostics on the weapons array, Sickbay is to be on permeant alert from now on. Full long range scans are to be completed continuously as well.", he said sanding once more. ~Sickbay on permanent alert?? No-one survives a Xenolithe attack... !~ For the first time since joining starfleet, Rain looked forward to holding a phaser in her hands.... and sense of security was better than none. She left the meeting room insearch of a phaser, pleased that she had managed to keep her hysteria in check. (Reply any) (Posted by Wendy Keen) (USS Spectre, Observation Lounge, Kahila Lono, 10:10) Kahila had completed her short meditation, gaining the needed inner strength from it. She then moved one of the larger tables nearer to the viewport, and set chairs around it. When Captain Remae came in, she turned and looked at him. He said: "Thanks for trying to scan the Romulan, given your encounter and the amount of power he has; don't open your mind to him. Concentrate on reading his physical reactions during this meeting.", he said smiling and reassuring the Counsellor. "Yes, Captain. I'll do that. And, thank you." Then the Romulans arrived, escorted by Pierce; and there ensued a few moments of initial tension and mutual staring. After the introductions -- during which Kahila surreptitiously noted the stance and movements of the Romulans-- everyone sat down. ~These Romulans are a disciplined lot. It's as if they're accustomed to being watched, and not giving anything away by body language. I suppose it's because they're always watching each other.~ Captain Remae commenced the briefing: "Well, Commander, thank you for agreeing to this meeting. Lets get started.", he said, bring up a map of the area and their indented course to the area of space the Tal Shiar had indicated to Starfleet Command. Though Kahila kept her gaze on the Captain, as she listened, she also grew aware of Pierce's thoughts, intersecting her conscious mind: ~Kahila, I think your sleeves are wide enough to hide those ball bearings well,~ he sent over. Kahila couldn't help an inner smile forming. She sent Pierce the image of it. ~I'd almost forgotten about those. They did give 'Marianne' a sense of security. Though she never did get to throw one. Good idea. But -- aren't those too powerful to set off on ship? I'd be afraid of causing a hull breach.~ The Captain continued, describing the mission to the Romulan commander. "Sensors are extremely limited in this area of space but we'll have probes to assist us and when we get onsite, we'll investigate options of sending out shuttles and boosting the sensor arrays." And he closed with words that stunned and chilled Kahila: . "Commander, we've encountered our share of the Xenolithe, if we find their base, I hope you agree with me there is only one course of action. irradiation." Kahila's glance met Pierce's for a moment. What Remae had said brought home to her just how desperate this situation was. Though the Romulans were not to be taken lightly, these Xenolithe were dangerous, almost beyond comprehension. (reply any) posted by Josephine Goodman <> (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 10:30) Tiredly Hank started to inspect the display before him once more. His sea-blue eyes picked out the small areas circled in red and yellow before he glanced to the PADD in his hand. "Deck one is changed over now," said the ensign next to him and the engineer glanced to him and nodded. "Any changes so far," Hank asked with a slight frown as he shifted to cross his arms then scowled slightly as one arm brushed against the weapon upon his hip. "Slightly, but all according to specifications," the ensign said as he checked the readings coming in. "Couldn't this wait until our next refit," the man asked as he glanced over and caught Hank in a yawn. "No," he muttered flatly. "This is a Federation ship and we are Federation engineers," Hank said firmly as he slipped into an at-ease stance. "That means we fix everything and make sure it works as close to perfectly as we can get," he added. "Until the next upgrade comes in," the other ensign offered with a shrug. "It's a minor swap of a good part for a better part and I would rather rely on the better one," Hank said. He checked the PADD then glanced up as a few more of the red circles shifted to yellow and those that had been yellow turned green and vanished. "I hear there are Romulans onboard," the ensign said questioningly as Hank studied the display. Hank paused and narrowed his eyes as he looked over to his fellow crewman. "I don't care who's here unless they break something," Longfellow said evenly before looking back to the display. "Check our sensor grid after the adjustments that have been made go through," Hank said firmly. "Decks two and three are clear," the ensign said as he checked them off on his PADD and Hank followed suit. "Not to second guess you, but maybe we should be working on a way to find the cloaked Romulans more then tinkering with little subsystems," the ensign pointed out, "after all this only keeps things working better if for some odd reason you're in an area with something strange like ion storms or high concentrations of plasma." "That would be correct," Hank said as he turned and started towards the Officer On-Duty desk, "keep the alterations going, please." "What are you doing," the ensign asked as he glanced over his shoulder to watch Hank. The ACEO slowly placed the PADD on the desk and turned around to walk for the main doors. "I'm going to catch a little more sleep while we're on the way," Hank stated as he paused by the doors even as they hissed open to let him out. "Keep one of the Orde's on the desk when they get back from the cannon and wake me if anything major goes wrong but otherwise continue with procedures as I've already laid out for them to be followed," Hank stated before he walked out. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) <> (USS Spectre, Observation Lounge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 10.30) "I agree." After Remae's briefing there was quite a pause as the Commander seemed to think about his options and his response to the Bajoran. "Utter destruction, both to save... Our people... Troubles with that group, and to serve as a future warning to other nomadic groups that they are not wanted." He folded his hands together. "I will leave the tactics of the operation to my Tactical officer and Chief Scientist; you will have access to them at all times." "Thank you, Lt Pierce will remain in contact with your Tactical Officer, you're all welcome to stay on board as long as you want, your access will be restricted and your movements monitored. We'll be departing at 12.00.", he said, ending this meeting. Quickly, they left, with the rest of the crew and within moments, Remae was alone with his thoughts. (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 10.45) The Helm and OPS Officers were working together to plot a course that would cause the least problems, Remae was monitoring their progress. "Deploy a subspace communications relay here, we maybe able to use it to keep in some kind of contact with Command.", he ordered. The viewscreen continued to show the Romulan Ship, Remae was sick of looking at it so he headed off the Bridge. "Lt Lono, you have the Bridge. please continue to make preparations for departure.", he said, walking away and towards to the lift, he was inside quickly thereafter. (USS Spectre, Temp Marine Deck, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 11.00) "Computer, what is the location of Leonal Drizzt?", he asked and before moments, he had found the Andorian, preparing his troops. The Bajoran regarded the Marine for a moment before speaking up. The Spectre was loaded to defend itself and to take out some of the Xenolithe they encountered and to report back, whatever they found, but having Marines on the ship, seemed like they were going on the offensive, something the ship wasn't even close to being able to deal with. "Major, I just wanted to see how you were doing.", said Remae, full well that, if he was going to be ordering these people to defend and attack whatever response was called for, if and when they found what they were looking for. (Reply from Spider) "My ASC has been running weapon drills and tests on the Xenolithe, here are the results. Not good seems to be the saying of the week around here.", Remae passed the PADD over, something he could have done via the computer but he wanted to see these men for himself. "Why don't you show me what you have done so far?", he asked, looking for a quick tour of the facilities and weapons of his Marines. (Reply from Spider) He smiled and shook hands with the troops, looked at some weapons and got the feel for the Marines. "If we do led some kind of coordinated attack, it's very likely, I'll be sending you in with Security, I want you to work together. I want you and them to put together some tactical scenarios that are based in defence and holding position, this mission, we won't be taking the battle to the Xenolithe, if we find them at all. is that clear, Major?", said Remae, trying to put as much authority behind his voice as he could. He may have to send these people into battle and even death, it had to be for the right reasons and they had to understand that he was the Captain, at the end of the day, the decision for action was his. (Reply from Spider, Romulans, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) --------------- Freedom Squadron, a Star Trek email adventure CO, Utopia Planitia, Admiral Jopek CO, USS Spectre, Captain Remae Ktell "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." - Galaxy, Futurama --------------- ICQ: 5201764 MSN: AIM: admjopek123 Yahoo: tk19712000 E-Mail: <> (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 10.34) Rain felt the phaser at her side and felt less reassurance than she had hoped. An image of crewmates torn into small pieces around her threatened to overwhelm her and it was only with the greatest of effort that she could function. She felt lost and helpless. There was no way out now and she had little choice... she could try and control her fears or she could let them win and cause her to cease to function. She knew she was no good with a phaser, but more disturbingly she knew phasers would be little help. She'd have more luck with a laser scalpel! She took her self to the nearest console and prepared a message. To: Security Chief or Assistant SC Re: Defense training I'd like to formally request some weapons training in response to the current threat. Please advise if this is possible. ACMO Rain Anderson "Computer, send message" =^=Message sent=^= She had been through too much to give up now, even if it did mean asking for help from that weapon-wielding megalomaniac Pierce Orde.... she would survive. (Reply SC, ASC, any) (posted by Wendy Keen) <>