From: Sent: Sunday, 5 October 2003 1:48 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Sept 22-28 (pt 2) Spectre compile Sept 22-28 (pt 2) (USS Spectre - 10 Forward - CMO Cambridge - 11.27) "If you are going to work all night, doctor, you need to check the chronometer once in a while. Good morning to you. How are you feeling?" Cambridge sat back in his seat, taking a drink of his cup and sighing deeply. "Well Ms. Anderson, I'm well. Drinking and sitting here across from my assistant and just enjoying the view. But I have to complain, that confounded Romulan thing out there is blocking a perfect star field..." He turned to her and smiled. "You know, there is no place in the entire galaxy that you could go to see a better picture of the stars then back home on Earth. Little place they call Montana. Open space and open sky. They used to call her the "Big Sky Country" you know?" He chuckled and pointed out to the stars. "You could pick out all the major stars, the formations and sometimes you could see a falling star spinning towards you..." A moment more held until he turned to her. "I've never seen a more beautiful place than on the ranch out in the open while the Billings Lights play across the sky with the stars playing first." He nodded towards her. "I'll have to show you my ranch someday Rain. Cows, Horses and every farm animal imaginable. Ever ride a horse?" (Reply Rain) (posted by Sulu) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 11.30) In conjunction with the Romulans, the course had been set that would lead them into the part of space that was, possibly, the region of the Xenolithe or at least, the part of it that the Tal Shiar thought it was. The Romulan ship powered up and lead the way, behind, the Spectre engage its impulse engines and they followed suit. It wouldn't be long before they reached the system. "Forward sensors at maximum", ordered Remae as ahead, the viewscreen showed them the mass of clouds, storms, light and asteroids that could easily disguise a base of operations or anything else. The only way to be sure was for them to go on in and explore for themselves. "Open a channel to the 'Red Claw'.", he ordered. "Commander, we'll cover more ground if we separate, do you agree?", said Remae, wondering if they had a problem with working and playing well with others! NRPG: Reply from the Red Claw RPG: "Send over our search grid, begin a standard search from this point. Engage.", he ordered and the Spectre slowed down and began searching. (Reply from Any, Romulans) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae Ktell - 11.35) "Captain, I figured now was a good time to make an appearance." Remae was back on the Bridge and the ship was on course for its examination of the suspect system, even though the viewscreen showed a mass of different phoneme that would make navigation quite hard, finding something like base or planet was going to be even harder. "Commander, welcome to the Bridge. Thanks for stopping by, I would like you and the Romulan Tactical Officer to remain in communication, we have to find the best way of charting this region, as fast as possible and their scans and data will be invaluable to that task.", said Remae. Having a full blown Strategic Operations Officer on the ship would make his life easier. NRPG: I am not sure if this Romulan is on the ship or not, I'll leave that for Aaron to work out! RPG: (Reply from Kevel) "Thanks Commander, please get your reports to Lt Orde and me as soon as possible.", said Remae returning to the viewscreen. (Go crazy Aaron, I want imagination and with this area of space, anything goes!) Looking up the viewscreen, the CO noticed that they were drifting off course. when suddenly the Spectre seemed to lose control and began a hard turn! The CONN Officer, Lt Wilson slumped over across his station. (Reply from anyone who wants to take the station) "Medical Emergency.", Remae stated into his commbadge as he ran over to the station, along with a few other of the crew. The ship stabilised and resumed it's course. Remae thought the view of the Spectre making sharp turns must have been a comical event to the nearby and no doubt watching Warbird. Medical teams arrived and began examining the sick Flight Control Officer and before long, they wheeled him away, Remae made a quick note to go down there in a few moments but before he did. "Lt Lono, please ask Lt L'Tal to come up here and assume the CONN Station.", said the CO, returning to his chair. (Reply from Lono) The Vulcan, L'Tal had been assigned as the Missions OPS for the duration of this assignment but that would have to wait, the ship needed a CONN, the OPS Officer, Lt Gort would have to take those extra duties on hand. For the next few moments, the ship was quiet as they waited for the arrival of L'Tal to take his station; Remae was also hoping that the Long Range Sensor reports would soon give them an idea of what they are facing out here. (Reply from Lono, Kevel, L'Tal, Medical, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Kahila Lono, 11:38) Kahila was seated in the chair on the left of Captain Remae, and was watching through the viewscreen, feeling amazement at the unusual phenomena in the area of space they'd entered. She was suddenly aware of the ship beginning a maneuver that had not been ordered, and her glance went to the Helm. When she saw Lt. Wilson slump down, she immediately rushed over to the Helm station, and, lurching as the ship began a turn, she reached around the officer, and moved her hands across the controls, steadying their course. ~I may not know very much about navigation, but flying shuttles has taught me this much.~ She moved aside when medical personnel arrived to take the Helm officer for treatment. ~He hasn't regained consciousness! I hope they're able to help him.~ Then she sat down at the Helm station and checked the readouts, brought the plotted course into a window on the display, making sure the ship had been brought back on course. A few moments later, the Captain said, "Lt Lono, please ask Lt L'Tal to come up here and assume the CONN Station.", "Yes, Captain," she said. Then she tapped her combadge. "Lt. L'Tal. Lono here. Captain's orders. You're to report to the Bridge and assume the CONN Station." reply L'Tal Kahila continued to sit at the Helm, keeping her full attention on the display and viewscreen, until L'Tal's arrival. reply any posted by Josephine Goodman (USS Spectre: Science Lab 1, Workshop - Major Drizzt - 11.40) The Andorian's antennae twitched as he walked into the Science Lab. He always felt out-of-place in labs and other such locales, like he was going to plow over something and catch thirty levels of blue-hell from some scientist. He licked his lips and noticed a man with a Yellow collar, someone who didn't necessarily belong in these labs either. He made his way over with a well-trained grace. "Lieutenant Orde, I presume?" (reply: Orde) The Andorian nodded briefly, "I've been ordered to liaise with you about internal security, and to work out some joint-strategy should we need to take our forces out. Mixing our forces together on the Holodeck would seem to be a good idea, while we work some tactics out." (reply: Orde) (posted by Trout) Headers -------------------------------- Return-Path (USS Spectre, Personal Quarters, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 11:40) A soft but insistent chirp of a combadge had echoed through the darkness of the room as a still form lay sprawled out over the bed with an arm dangling over one side and a leg over the other. It had been barely an hour since Hank had gone off duty just for a little while. Just long enough he had hoped to get some needed sleep but he would feel no anger or disappointment really at the call trying to awaken him. Slowly he moved and shifted as the sound pulled him back from his haunted dreams until he had opened his eyes. "Because I am not you," he said as he looked around in confusion. It had taken him a little while to figure out where he was before he'd finally shifted himself up enough to tap his combadge. =/\= "Main Engineering to Ens. Longfellow," =/\= said a voice over the combadge and Longfellow rubbed his eyes tiredly. =/\= "Longfellow here, I'll be down to Main Engineering in five minutes," =/\= he stated as he moved to get off the bed with a moan of pain. He hadn't even bothered to remove his uniform since he'd known he'd be needed on a moment's notice and shaking his head he ran out the door of his quarters and down the corridor for the turbolift. (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 11:44) The doors to Main Engineering had hissed open as had Hank run in and looked around. "We slowed down around when we started calling for you," said one of the other engineers as Hank looked to the large display board for a long moment. "The board looks clean," Hank muttered as he turned around and looked to the other Ensign. "Yes, but we were checking on what's outside and where we were going and look," the Ensign said as he called up the image onto the display. "We are the engineering crew," Hank stated flatly. "We are not helms officers and if you or anyone else," Hank said as he raised his voice for a moment, "would like to transfer to that department I can assist you with the paperwork. However until such time as that paperwork goes through perhaps we should keep our minds on engineering tasks." "But..," the man started to object as he pointed to the display and Hank shook his head. "But there are things that are out there that make you concerned," Hank asked as he looked to the man calmly if sleepily. "Why do you think we just went through the minor upgrades and making the adjustments we just went though," Hank asked as he reached out and cycled through the commands to return the screen to normal. "Now get with engineering on deck 7 and have them check out and bring the Auxiliary Power Generator fully online," Hank said as he walked over to the Officer on Duty desk and checked with George Orde. "Most everything has been done as you were askin' but you need to remember that for some of them here it's their first real mission out from the Academy," George said as he looked up from where he was sitting. "Surely you remember the way you were on your first mission," he asked. Hank smirked slightly as he stretched out a shoulder with a slight wince. "Actually I was slightly hallucinating from an alien virus during that mission and had my mind on my task only part of the time, my second mission was the test run of this vessel which we weren't really ready for as far as Engineering is concerned," Hank stated with a shrug. "So this actually is -your- first real mission," George asked softly and Hank shrugged slightly then nodded. "But don't tell them that," Hank said softly back before walking back over to the large display board. "Okay people, we need enough power reserves to boost shields if we need it and those shields are going to need to keep out some stuff that they're not exactly used to," Hank reported as he crossed his arms and leaned his back against the display board behind him. "They'll also be wanting sensors to have a high priority and we will be giving them that priority without fail," Hank continued as he looked around Main Engineering. "In ten minutes I will be assigning you each probably to another spot so wrap up what you can and mark what needs to be done otherwise. If it can't be left then tell report it to me but I will need the best people in the best spots for them. We trust in security to keep us secure, and in the helmsman not to crash us into anything and they trust us to keep this thing running," Hank stated as he paused and tapped the ship on the display board behind him. "That is all," he said as he shifted to his feet and walked over to the Officer On-Duty desk and picking up a PADD. Leaning against the side of the desk he looked over the PADD and started to go over it in silence as those around him returned to work. The first thing he did however was to section out the engineering crew that had any advanced medical training beyond the normal first aid classes. Glancing around he reassigned them to prepping the auxiliary triage/medical areas and notifying them that they were to be prepared to report to the CMO for duty as backup upon notice. They wouldn't make the areas fully functional unless told to by the medical department, but he wanted them to know that engineering was ready to assist if called. "The transporter rooms are calling in and reporting that they don't know if they can beam through some of the areas if needed," said one of the other engineers and Hank looked up and nodded. "That was expected," he said simply. "Tell them to adjust as best they can and keep Ops updated on their status for surrounding conditions. Also tell them to get with science if they can and make up a map of probable no-beaming zones," Hank said before looking at the PADD and assigning those with the highest rankings in it to the sensor arrays for upkeep of them and setting up the same groupings for the damage control teams as he had during the simulations. Pausing he checked his hip and patted the phaser that rested there. He frowned at it and shook his head then reached for his combadge. =/\= "Longfellow to Engineering Departmental Staff," =/\= he said as he looked over the assignments and sent them out. =/\= "Assignments are going out now, if you are currently off duty be prepared to be pulled back to active status as quickly as possible, if you are on duty be set to stay for a while. After all is said and done I will try my best to pull in some extra time off for those that want it. Also..," =/\= he started to say then paused as he heard a murmur around Main Engineering at his words. =/\= "Ahem… also remember that we are to wear the phasers assigned to us at all times even if we're not used to them, they get in the way and we aren't security. They are there to save you if you get caught in a bad spot. Treat it like a tool you don't ever want to have to use but have to have if you need it. If you see something report it to security and leave the area if you can however, out," =/\= Hank said before moving over to check on the shields. He ached and he needed sleep, but he was ready. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) <>