From: Sent: Wednesday, 17 December 2003 3:41 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Dec 2-8 Spectre compile Dec 2-8 Mission: The Prisoners Dilemma, Day 3 Stardate 2406.03.11 (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 05.47) (The Upper Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 06:00 (Red Claw - Bridge - Cmdr Talath - 0630) (The Lower Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 07:00) (Base Camp, CMO Cambridge - 07.02) (Planet's surface, CSO Ensign Octan Maber, 7:05) (planet's surface, Kahila Lono, 7:05) (planet's surface, campsite, Kahila Lono, 7:10) (Red Claw - Bridge - Cmdr Talath - 07.32) (The Lower Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 08:00) (USS Spectre, Ready Room, CO, Captain Remae - 05.47) =^= Longfellow here, computer is operational, replicator systems are operational, hull repairs should be completed before the end of two days at the most along with the nacelle however I'll be working on doing it in less. =^= =^= Major modifications have been made to the cradle-like area which was carved out for the ship and the systems for it are being enhanced and made operational as we speak and the warp core is back online along with impulse power. =^= =^= The fact that the nacelle was off before we came in was one of the factors in making this go so quickly but the burn on entry was somewhat hard on areas where the fields weren't up to normal power. If it was an absolute emergency we could take off on an hour's notice with impulse systems but it could compromise the integrity of the hull or the nacelle. =^= Remae nodded as he made some notes about the Status Report, "Good work Ensign and thank your team for me, it'll be a few hours yet before we even think about lifting off." =^= Anything else I can do sir? =^= "Two things, Ensign, I want to see your plans for taking off at 10.00 but I want you to get some sleep, I heard you've not gone to sleep yet and I want you to get a few hours, that's an order, Ensign - Captain out.", Remae closed the channel before the ACEO could reply or protest. allowing himself a small smile, Remae knew the ship was in good hands. (Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 07.00) "Captain," Octan said as he approached. "I have a theory." The Bajoran CSO continued to outline his theory and method of killing the infection the crew had been suffering with, heating up the bodies was the solution he had come up with. "But I don't see any other way.", said the CSO as he finished laying out his ideas. "Have you spoken with Dr. Cambridge or other medical officers as to the methods that can be used to produce the needed temperature?", asked Lono to Maber. Remae looked over at the First Officer, "I doubt it, I suspect the CMO would be over here now telling his ideas about heating up the infected crew. let's go and see him now." He walked over the terrain easily until he found Cambridge working on one of his chemical experiments. "Mr Cambridge, our CSO may have a solution to our problem, but I'll let him explain it to you, when he's done, I want to hear your and Ensign Anderson's ideas on how it can be achieved." He took a step back before another Ensign came over. "Sir, the Spectre is being hailed by the Romulan Warbird!", he said, looking scared and concerned. "Very well.", he said, and he headed for the shuttle to see what they had to say this time. (Shuttle, Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 07.30) =^= Captain, I am routing the hail from the Warbird to you =^= "Very well.", he said and a moment later, Commander Talath appeared on screen. =^= Red Claw to Spectre, mmm, run into a bit of trouble? =^= "Commander, I could ask you the same thing.", he said, wondering where they had been all this time. "We have crew infected from when they boarded the Nageri ship; I strongly suggest you don't send any away teams over to one until we have an idea how to cure our sick." Even though he didn't have to, Remae explained to the Romulan about the infection and what it did to technology. Nothing would have given him more pleasure than to see this infection sweep through the Romulan ship but they still needed them, if they were to have any hope in finding the Xenolithe. "So, what have you been upto?", said Remae a small smile crossing his face! (Reply from Base Camp, Spectre, Romulans, Any) (Posted by Anthony Keen) (The Upper Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 06:00) Hank blinked. It was the blink of someone attempting to wake up from a dream but the fatigue that worked through his body told him that he wasn't sleeping. "I have four hours to get the ship ready for take off, I need to make a report on this to the Captain as soon as I can… and I've just been ordered to get some sleep," he whispered to himself as he tried to reason it out then shook his head. "Longfellow to Main Engineering," Hank said as he patted for his combadge, an act that took twice to do. =/\= "Main Engineering here," =/\= reported the voice on the other end of the communications channel. "Drop the work on the warp nacelles and focus on emergency hull repairs," Hank ordered with a frown. "Evacuate and close off the lower levels and seal them just incase the hull pops on us when we leave," he muttered grimly as he moved the mug to his lips and took a sip of the jumja juice inside of it. "We're no longer simply repairing as normal the ship needs to be bandaged for the moment so we're going to have to rig up something to keep the work we have done in tact and protect the systems we can't reach from failing on us," he said as he walked towards the ramp down to the lower area of the Cradle. "Fields take priority over the panels for the moment," he added as he walked down along the ramp quickly towards the ship. Silently he wondered if he should sleep before or after his report and the 10:00 deadline. The order had been left open and even the four hour nap wouldn't let him wake in time for anything to happen. =/\= "Longfellow… we need a day at least to…," =/\= started the voice on the other end but Hank cut them off. "I know, but evidently this is an emergency and I told the Captain the risks… now we need to make this happen," Hank stated flatly as he slipped the PADD he carried out from his engineering kit. Setting the mug down he moved over towards one of the areas marked off with transporter enhancement units even as one of the engineering group were unloading a number of panels. Quickly Longfellow moved to grab the panel on top and started to work with the rest of the engineers in the area to repair the damage done. "We have two hours and then I need to be set to report to the Captain on just how we're going to be lifting off and moving into space at 10:00," said to those around him even as it went over his combadge. "Let's get moving," he barked out as he moved over to a damage cleared area of hull and started to put the panel into place. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) (Red Claw - Bridge - Cmdr Talath - 0630) "Sir, the damage report you requested." Talath held out his hand as his eyes crawled over the Tactical monitor. "Have you had any luck finding the pitak Federation ship?" "No Sir." Talath turned his eyes to the PADD, "Keep looking, I will not give in to the hope that they were destroyed until I have confirmation." The Sub-Centurion engineer came to attention, then turned on His heel to go join the repair effort. Talath looked over the status of his ship and growled slightly, after several running fights his ship was starting to show the strain. He had to give the Xenolithe this, they knew how to fight, even with small craft. The Romulan was starting to think that a fleet would be required here. But that would be taken care of, he had already sent off a message probe to clear the mess of this area. It was, of course, destined for the Romulan Empire. Talath wouldn't willingly warn the Federation, even if his life depended on it. "Sir, we are getting sensor readings around a planet in this system. There is a station in residence." "Battle Alert, set a course." Talath said immediately as He turned to face the front. "Train all weapons on it, full scan for supporting vessels." Several seconds passed as the bridge fell to a deathly silence, except for the occasional bump of the even-more-hurried engineers effecting quick repairs on battle-required systems. He looked at the station when it came into visual range, and frowned. "That's indigenous to our part of space," he said out loud, "And it's a wreck." "There is evidence of recent damage to it, Sir. Debris is still in evidence." He paused, "Its sending out a discreet signal on Romulan bands, highly encrypted." Talath's eyebrow quirked slightly, "Decrypt it." "Working on it, Sir.." there was a pause, then "IT will take some time, these are Tal Shiar codes." "Tal Shiar? That's a Romulan station?" "Possibly, Sir." came the Operations officers response. "I'm working on it." "Sir, I've located the Spectre." Talath turned, "I thought it was too much to think them destroyed, where are they?" "Sir... They are on the planet." The Romulans eyebrow quirked again, "Why wasn't I informed that ship had landing capability?" "Because, sir, none of our scans indicated that it did. Its possible they crash-landed, running a scan now." Several seconds passed, then the Operations officer cleared his throat and said, "They sliced up part of a cliff, to use as a sling. I would lay a bet they are planet-bound until they receive assistance." Talath chuckled, the sound unpleasant. "Get to work on that signal, and Open a channel" He turned back to the screen, "Red Claw to Spectre, mmm, run into a bit of trouble?" (reply: Spectre, any) (posted by Trout) (The Lower Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 07:00) Bits and pieces of sleep now and then when he'd nod off without meaning to weren't keeping the want and his body's need for slumber at bay. There was one hour left before he should contact the Captain to let him know what was going on and what had to be wrapped up before lift off. Intensive scans that needed to be done after such an incident weren't happening and had been replaced by minor scans to pin point areas of greatest damage that had to be resolved. The outer casing of the nacelle would be patched over without repairing the damaged systems inside so that the shielding was in place and it would look whole even though the warp drives wouldn't be able to be brought fully back on line. One system was up but the other wasn't which meant they could go in circles really, really fast. Stepping over to the side Hank crouched down next to one of the small emergency medical sites that had been placed around the work area. They were little more then transporter beacons with a medkit stored inside and an emergency communications link to the Sick Bay. Glancing around for a moment Hank opened up the medkit and frowned slightly at himself as he slipped out the hypo from the kit. He'd grown up around medical equipment and was well versed in fixing it since his father had been a doctor. Even at the Academy they'd suggested that he become a medical technician rather then an engineer, but he'd long ago decided to avoid the medical profession as best he could. Taking one of the small vials from the kit he moved off to the side of the cradle and sat down for a moment as he rolled up the sleeve of his uniform. Frowning at himself he slipped the vial into the back of the hypo and keyed in the dosage. Not a lot but just a little bit. Just something to keep him awake and alert or so he hoped as he touched the cold metal tip against his arm with a soft hiss of the chemicals spraying into his skin. Rubbing the spot for a moment he took the vial back out and glanced it over for a moment before walking with both of them back to the medkit and opening it. "Is everything okay," asked one of the engineers as he walked over and Hank glanced up at him and nodded. "Just scuffed myself with a panel," the ACEO said as he put the gear away and closed the kit. "A little something to keep the alien microbes at bay," he said with a slight smirk as he slipped the PADD out from his engineering kit and moved back to check on progress. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) <> (Base Camp, CMO Cambridge - 07.02) The Chief Science Officer hadn't given anything of worth when they had gone to meet with him and Cambridge had been less then pleased with the officer when he left the offices. Maxwell was about solving a problem, not getting information from others and then sending them away without any answers. It grated on the Chief Medical Officer and it was now why he was working on chemicals, hoping there was a sliver of an answer in the liquids he examined now. However, he understood where the science officer was coming from. He was jumping in the midst of a full on investigation. And when you did that, you tended to trip on your own shoelaces a few times. So, the experiment continued. Before he could get too in-depth, the Captain and the newly minted CSO showed up near him. Again. "Mr. Cambridge, our CSO may have a solution to our problem, but I'll let him explain it to you, when he's done, I want to hear your and Ensign Anderson's ideas on how it can be achieved." Cambridge nodded as the CO moved away, distracted by yet another ensign. There was something about ensigns running around that called attention. 'Mac' didn't know what it was, and he wasn't concerned with it. He turned to the CSO. "Good to see you again," Cambridge reached out a hand to the officer and smiled. "My apologies for the unpleasant reaction earlier Mr. Maber. We're trying to find out the same thing. What do you have?" NRPG: Save you the time of typing it out...:) RPG: Maxwell nodded as the man explained his plan, his eyebrows raising up and down at the points where the heat and cold came into play. All of it fascinated the Chief Medical Officer, but only so much. He wasn't playing Science Fair, he was playing doctor. As the science chief finished, Cambridge nodded. "If we can shield the patient's skin from the heat and focus it fast and quick, we can repair the small amount of skin we do damage." The doctor thought for a moment longer. "Yes! I think we have it. Get a heating implement, focus it on the area of the node and have dermal regenerators ready at the side." Cambridge thought a moment longer and stabbed his finger at the Science Officer. "You're pretty smart. Not too bad there. Rain?" He called out to the ACMO, who had been standing near him, listening off and on. "I think we can do it. You?" There was something back in the doctor's eyes again. Hope. And a prayer. (reply CSO, Anderson, any) (posted by adelay) (Planet's surface, CSO Ensign Octan Maber, 7:05) Kahila Lona nodded to Octan, and asked, "Have you spoken with Dr. Cambridge or other medical officers as to the methods that can be used to produce the needed temperature?" Before Octan could answer, the Captain interjected:"I doubt it, I suspect the CMO would be over here now telling his ideas about heating up the infected crew. let's go and see him now." They walked over the terrain easily until he found Cambridge working on one of his chemical experiments. "Mr Cambridge, our CSO may have a solution to our problem, but I'll let him explain it to you, when he's done, I want to hear your and Ensign Anderson's ideas on how it can be achieved." He took a step back before another Ensign came over. "Sir, the Spectre is being hailed by the Romulan Warbird!", he said, looking scared and concerned. "Very well.", he said, and he headed for the shuttle to see what they had to say this time. Cambridge nodded as the CO moved away, and turned to the CSO. "Good to see you again," Cambridge reached out a hand to the officer and smiled. "My apologies for the unpleasant reaction earlier Mr. Maber. We're trying to find out the same thing. What do you have?" Octan laid out his theory again, quicker this time and looked at the doctor, trying to guage his response. "If we can shield the patient's skin from the heat and focus it fast and quick, we can repair the small amount of skin we do damage." The doctor thought for a moment longer. "Yes! I think we have it. Get a heating implement, focus it on the area of the node and have dermal regenerators ready at the side." Cambridge thought a moment longer and stabbed his finger at the Science Officer. "You're pretty smart. Not too bad there. Rain?" He called out to the ACMO, who had been standing near him, listening off and on. "I think we can do it. You?" Octan was the first to respond: "Are you sure? The heat will be unbearable. My tissue sample analyses show about a 60% chance of survival. Also, the treated personnel will spend a while in recovery. I think it may be best to do one, maximum two, at a time, before you sit with an infirmary full of patients. "There is one other thing.... but, I think the Captain needs to hear this as well." With that, Octan turned and walked to where the Captain was, followed by two doctors in thought. The three arrived, just in time to hear Captain Remae finish talking to a Romulan. ~Must be the Warbird we spotted on arrival,~ Octan thought as he approached Remae. "Captain, the doctor might have a workable plan," Octan said as he came near. "There is one problem, though, and it concerns Lt Commander Lono. She is half Betazoid right?" The other three officers nodded, prompting Octan to continue: "Well, Betazoids' heat tolerance are lower than humans, not much - in fact, normally you wouldn't notice it, but enough so that the treatment will not work on her - it will certainly kill her!" (Reply from Cambridge, Anderson, Remae, Any) (Posted by Arnaud Malherbe) (planet's surface, Kahila Lono, 7:05) Kahila had been quietly sipping her coffee, enjoying for a moment the colors and textures of dawn on the planet -- something she missed when in space. When she realized that Ensign Octan had stopped speaking exclusively to the Captain, she moved closer to hear his findings and theories. At first she was fascinated by the idea that cells could be caused to mutate, facilitating communication between the Xenolithe and the ships they enslaved. But a moment later, the seriousness of the situation obscured her intellectual interest in the possibilities raised by such methods. This was potentially deadly -- for her as well as her crew mates. She listened, as the CSO continued: "I realised this when Lt Gort found that there may be sentience behind the emmissions - they are testing the transformation, trying to communicate with the Nageri. However, their attempted communication is showing up on our systems!" "I may have found a way to slow the probes down and even kill them!" He paused a few moments, waiting for what he just said to sink in. "I tried various methods on the probes - nothing worked, but something stood out: Exposure to cold actually speeds them up, much like superconductors, causing them to work an multiply much faster! Seeing that, I tried exposing them to heat, which definitely slows them down! "Excessive heat even kills them! The interesting factor is that it isn't the heat itself that kills them, but when they slow down they try and compensate for it by 'working' faster, eventually 'shorting' themselves out. "There is just one problem - the heat required is at the upper end of humans' heat tolerance - the infected crewmembers will be at severe risk if we choose to use this treatment." He glanced around. "But I don't see any other way." Kahila shivered, despite the mild breeze, and despite the forthcoming heat of her treatment. She nodded to Ensign Octan, and asked, "Have you spoken with Dr. Cambridge or other medical officers as to the methods that can be used to produce the needed temperature?" reply Octan (posted by Josephine Goodman) (planet's surface, campsite, Kahila Lono, 7:10) After Captain Remae and the CSO went to confer with Dr. Cambridge and Dr. Anderson, Kahila had gone into the tent housing the comatose patients. As she'd suspected, Ensign Wells was still there, using her distinctive healing and diagnostic techniques. Kahila said, "Ensign Wells, it seems I must order you to go out and have breakfast. While supplies last." She smiled at the assistant counselor, and shook her head in mock consternation. "I'm not even going to ask if you managed to get any sleep last night." Kahila looked down then, at Claire, whose eyes, though covered, emitted pulsing lights. "Has there been any change?" (reply Felicity) A few moments later, the two of them went out from the tent, toward the shuttle Captain Remae had used to bring supplies to the camp. As they neared the shuttle, Kahila saw Ensign Octan and the two doctors approach the Captain, from the opposite direction. Her first thought was to join them, and hear the details of the CSO's idea. But her empathy sense caught a clear distinct sense of danger. ~What -- that can't be right. Why would I feel danger from anyone here?~ Kahila's glance scanned the surrounding area, seeing nothing unexpected. She kept busy, pouring coffee for herself and Felicity, while she struggled to make sense of what she was feeling. Again, when she looked toward the Captain and CSO, she felt a definite -- threat. Kahila turned to Felicity, and said, "Do you sense anything unusual?" (reply Felicity) "Well, I'm not going to just stand here and wonder any longer. I have to know what this is all about." Kahila walked over to the officers grouped around the Captain. She noticed everyone became remarkably quiet as she approached. She gazed at Captain Remae and said, "Do you have anything I need to know, Captain?" reply Wells, Remae, any (posted by Josephine Goodman) <> (Rew Claw - Bridge - Cmdr Talath - 07.32) "Red Claw to Spectre, mmm, run into a bit of trouble?" =^=Commander, I could ask you the same thing. We have crew infected from when they boarded the Nageri ship; I strongly suggest you don't send any away teams over to one until we have an idea how to cure our sick.=^= The Captain went on about what the infection did. It was a boring monologue, but it was actually useful information. Talath inwardly cheered, but kept his face solid as he looked over to his Tactical officer, "No teams are to go near Spectre personnel, make a note of it." "Yes, Commander." =^=So, what have you been upto?=^= Talath smiled, ever so mockingly at Ramae's own smile. "Keeping the galaxy safe from the Xenolithe threat while you played doctor, it seems. We have engaged multiple small ships, though we haven't found a base of operations for them yet." It was impossible that the federation ship would have missed the station, they might even have caused its recent damage. Only a few scans would determine that. "We cannot keep watch over you for very long, we have a job to do. So what do you intend to do about your current planet-bound situation?" (reply: any) (posted by Trout) (The Lower Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 08:00) Sweat dripped down along Hank's face to burn and sting at his eyes even against the cool of the air in the shadow of the vessel that towered over him as he scanned over the panels with his engineering tricorder. Somehow he didn't trust himself for the moment however and two other engineers were running separate scans along with a self-diagnostic from the ship. He frowned at the tremble in his hand as he attempted to read the sensor readings on the little screen. He wanted to go. To be doing something and moving. To be doing anything as his pulse seemed to speed up to match the wanted activity. Slipping out the PADD from the engineering kit he opened and closed his eyes as he tried to read it then moved over to place it on top of a large phase-cutter to let it rest as he looked it over. The screen seemed blurry but readable. Reaching his hands up he ground his palms against his eyelids for a moment before looking over the data once more. "Ens Longfellow to Captain Remae," Hank said as he tapped his combadge and peered at the PADD before him. << reply Remae >> "I'll transmit my report on the ship's status now sir," Hank stated as he keyed in the transfer through the PADD. "I'd still advise against attempting to take off with the damage we have still unrepaired and the warp drives aren't fully functional but the hull should remain intact and with impulse the ride up will be a lot easier then the ride down," Hank reported then hastily added, "sir." He knew the hull still needed intense scanning for microfracturing and alloy destabilization and work to be both solid and dependable and while systems were operational for use they were still not at 100%. Somewhere in the back of his mind was also lurking the need for sleep, but he knew that if he tried to sleep that it wouldn't work for a few more hours at least. Lifting up a hand to glance at it Hank frowned at the tremble running through it and was thankful that the combadge communication only allowed someone to hear another rather then see them. << reply Remae >> (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) <> <> :