From: Sent: Wednesday, 7 January 2004 3:38 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Dec 8-15 (pt 3) Moments later, however, both other ships opened on the Warbird. The ship shook wildly as it got pounded, causing Talath to grab the armrests and grit his teeth. "Bring us around, target the largest ship!" He looked over at the shield stats of the ship, and nearly cringed. The largest of the enemy ships was incredibly strong, at least a match for his Red Claw. Mayhap more, considering his ship was still recovering from earlier poundings. The Romulan looked over, "Concentrate all fire on their weapons systems. Conn, commence strafing runs, keep us mobile. If you can manage it, Tactical, target rear weapons on the smallest ship when we pass." A chorus of affirmatives rang through the bridge. The Romulan commander smiled evilly as they turned yet again, his lips pealed back from the gums and the smile became a feral grin. "Fire!" he bellowed, when they were back in range of main weapons. The Red Claw dove in, ripping holes in the large biological vessel. But the Romulan ship was suffering as well, it lurched as several SIF fields went down. "Status!" he said, in crisp tones. "Hull breaches on three decks, shields down to 54% Disruptor Bank 1 is recharging after being stripped of power." Talath cursed, then his operations officer said "Sir, the smaller ship is making a run for the planet!" The Romulan commander spent a couple precious seconds in a quandary, then let his own emotions rule him. "The Spectre will have to deal with em, open a channel." "Open," "Red Claw to the Spectre. Xenolithe ship heading your way, we are engaged with a larger ship and they got through..." The ship suddenly shuddered as they took another direct hit. "Deal with it. Red Claw out =^= NRPG: You mentioned the message was fragmented. RPG: "Sir, communications were knocked out mid-transmission." The ship rocked again as the Red Claw turned about for another strafing run. He looked at his monitor and noticed all his shields were down below 30%, "It doesn't matter, they will have to live with it." The Romulan ground his jaw together, "Get us out of here, best speed. Effect emergency repairs, we will come back and finish the job." (reply: any, none) (posted by Trout) (planet's surface, base camp, Kahila Lono, 7:40) Kahila was sure, even before the Captain spoke, that he had very bad news to tell her. She stood silently, as he said: "Maber and the others are working on a plan to cure the infection and they are making progress, currently they have a problem that the treatment isn't going to work for everybody, as the side effects would be fatal to some species, include Betazoids." "I understand,Sir," Kahila said. Though something deep within her didn't understand at all why her own death should suddenly seem to be a near reality. "Don't worry, we'll find a way to solve these problems. let's head back to camp." She walked beside him, as he continued to brief her on the information he'd gained from the Romulans. "We've got another major problem, the Xenolithe, I think they are coming our way, here, on this planet, I don't think the Romulans stopped them from getting through." "Commander, can you supervise the efforts of security around the camp? Make sure everyone is armed with something that works, even if its one of the 2O's chemical based weapons I keep hearing about." "Yes,sir. I'll see to it," Kahila said, very glad to have something useful to do, even in the midst of potential emergency. Somehow, it seemed more real -- a threat outside herself-- now, than the more intimate threat within her own body. She hurried toward the tent where the camp weaponry was stored, as the Captain rushed to give orders to the Spectre Security forces, and the Marine Commander alerted his troops. Kahila called to Ensign Wells, and motioned for her to join her. Then she tapped her combadge and ordered two other nearby Ensigns to the tent. "I'll take these chemical weapons and get them ready for the infected patients to use," Kahila told them. You take the phasers and make sure everyone else has one." Word had spread rapidly through the camp, and crewmen were crowding around the tent. kahila and the others supervised the arms distribution, and soon everyone that was able, carried some kind of weapon and stationed themselves behind the perimeter defense. The Security and Marine forces had barely had time to dig their foxholes, before the first Xenolithe ships could be seen. ~Will this really come to a hand to hand battle,~ Kahila wondered. She felt her body readying itself, her empathic sense tapped into the battle alertness and high energy of the forces around her, and she responded with a matching ferocity, her own problems forgotten, for the moment. reply any (posted by Josephine Goodman) <> (Base Camp - ACMO Anderson - 7.40) Rain stood with CSO Maber and DR Cambridge and watched Kahila's face as the CO spoke. Rain thought she was getting quite good at reading people's emotions from facial expressions. She saw a brief expression of pain cross her face, then a grim resolve. Lono was not going to let this news destroy her. They spoke briefly then headed back to the centre of the camp. The talked as the approached and the look on the FO's face spoke volumes. There was something much worse than nanoprobes to worry about! The word spread like wildfire that the Xenolithe were approaching. Lono handed Rain a projectile weapon similar to the one that Orde had given her weeks ago that was safely hidden in her wardrobe on the ship. At the very least she was glad to have some sort of defence, although she knew from bitter experience that nothing was going to save them. The CO approached again "Whatever you are planning to do to get this infection out of our crew, you'd better get on with it, and the Spectre is a sitting duck on the surface." Rain nodded and holstered the weapon at her side. She moved to the medical tent to begin working on a solution. She hoped that the xenolithe could be held off until she found one. She examined Claire again and used her fingers to feel for the node in the young woman's neck. It still couldn't be felt. Rain wished she had her tricorder to scan the brain but she would have to do without it. She racked her brain for a way to deliver intense temperatures to the brain stem without the risk of permanent injury or death. Rain thought again about what Maber had said. He hadn't specified a temperature! She wished he was here now but she hadn't seen him for ages, and thankfully she hadn't heard any weapons fire yet. She thought about Mac's idea of administering intense heat to the brain stem area and then repairing the damage as quickly as possible. She worried that none of the dermal regenerators would function until the nanoprobes were completely disabled which might take some time, based on what Maber had said. An idea occurred to her. The CSO had said that the nanoprobes shorted out under intense heat when they tried to increase capacity. What about if the heat wasn't as intense but was more prolonged and came from an internal source... not external? She worked on the idea for a bit longer and formulated a plan. She then began to act. She thought she better leave someone a record of her experiment in case she didn't survive so she began a note. < disrupt the functioning of the nanoprobes. To this end I have administered an immunosuppressant to myself and an 8mL dose of Paratonium bacteria (available as standard in all medkits). Although Paratonium encephalitis is deadly, it will initiate a fever of at least 109F which I hope will counteract the nanoprobes. The antibacterial agent is in the medkit and should counteract the effect but shouldn't be given until fever has exceeded 109. As a doctor, I'm much happier facing a bacterium than a xenolithe.>> She left the note in plain site on the table and went to work with the hypospray. (Reply anyone who happens by) (Posted by Wendy Keen) (Planet's surface, Base Camp, CSO Octan Maber - 08:00) Octan scanned the horizon, almost wishing to see a Xenolithe approaching. Anything would be better than this - waiting, feeling like a sitting duck, helpless to protect the Spectre. There was nothing they could do. There would be no point in returning to assist. The small group at the planetary camp could just hope that the marines were up to the task. The most frustrating part was that nothing could be done for the infected crew out here. They had to get back to the Spectre. The Xenolithe were just wasting their time... He had to do something. Octan stood up and ran from the trench, keeping a low crouch as he lithely and quickly covered the ground. "Hey! What are you doing?" somebody shouted from behind him, but the sounds quickly faded as he made his way toward the Spectre and the Xenolithe threat. It was far, too far to realistically make it on foot, but Octan was never made to sit and wait. Training took over. SFI trained their operatives well, but this was more than that - some natural instinct that was put in place long before he joined Starfleet. Octan's past was catching up with him and it felt great. A sudden movement to his right. He turned and fired automatically, indulging himself in a smirk as he saw the Xenolithe disappear in a cloud of vapour. Better change to a lower setting - corpses might be useful. Never once did he even think of the stun setting. The last thing he would need was live enemies behind him. He wondered briefly if that was a loner that got past the Spectre defences or part of a larger group trying to attack the ship from another angle. Did they even know about the camp? His worst fears were confirmed as he crested a small hill and immediately dropped flat. A small band of Xenolithe were heading away from him, toward the Spectre. The fact that they were heading away from the camp meant they didn't know about it - the Spectre was their one and only target. But, if so, why didn't they just destroy it with a phaser blast from their ship? There was no way the Spectre could defend itself against that, lying defenceless like a beached whale on the surface of a planet. Octan had a decision to make. Should he go back to the camp and raise a force to track these Xenolithes or push on towards the Spectre. He was still not a quarter of the way to the ship. It would be more sensible to go back, but these Xenolithe were moving fast... The decision was made before he knew he made it. (Planet's surface, CSO Octan Maber, 09:00) He had been tracking the Xenolithe platoon for an hour, moving along their flank, utilising all the stealth he possessed. Occasionally he would pick one off that strayed. This made the other Xenolithe nervous, causing them to bunch closer together, but he was surprised they didn't send a detachment out to look for him. It's as if they were single-minded in their mission. They were nearing the Spectre rapidly, but Octan had no idea how the battle was progressing. For all he knew, the Spectre might be in enemy hands. He couldn't risk using his comm because that would surely alert the Xenolithe to his exact location. Should he try and get ahead of them? Suddenly, the platoon stopped. The leader walked to the middle of the group and looked around, like someone checking the sun to gauge time. He pulled a small device from his uniform an stared at it intently for a while. Seemingly satisfied, he barked commands at his followers and there was as scurry of activity. Each Xenolithe moved to the centre spot in turn and handed the leader what Octan originally thought were their weapons. The leader took each 'weapon' in turn and seemed to connect it to the other pieces. In fact, Octan now realised, they weren't weapons at all, but components of something else. That's why they didn''t come looking for him - this was a platoon of engineers, with only a few guards! Octan watched intently as the construction began to take shape. It looked like a disruptor, mounted on four legs, pointing downwards. But what could they use it for? Suddenly it dawned on him... Shouting curses, Octan jumped up and ran towards the Xenolithe, phaser firing wildly. the Xenolithe guards immediately returned fire, but Octan ignored them, focusing all his attention on the construction in their centre. He couldn't allow them to use it. Luckily for him it was flimsy, designed to be carried rather than for it's sturdiness. It collapsed like a pack of cards, but Octan kept firing until it disappeared in a small explosion, taking a good number of the Xenolithe with it. At that moment, Octan dropped to a crouch and did a wide phaser sweep, taking out most of the other Xenolithe, who were still startled by the explosion and the loss of their brethren. Octan couldn't help the smile that crept onto his face. This felt good! Only a few more... Everything went black. (Planet's surface, Base Camp, CSO Octan Maber, 11:00) Octan awoke, staring at Kahila and Remae, who were bent over him. "What? Where am I?" he muttered groggily. "At the camp," Remae replied. "How?" was all Octan could muster. "The Captain sent a small group after you when you ran off," Kahila said. "They found you a couple of kilometers from here, in the middle of a group of dead Xenolithe. When they brought you back, we thought you were..." "That's enough," Remae said. "Let him rest. He is going to have a lot of explaining to do." Octan smiled as he slipped from consciousness again. He knew the Captain would be angry, but it was fun... (Replay Remae, Kahila, Any) (Posted by Arnaud Malherbe) <> (The Lower Cradle, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 08:06) Shaking his head, Longfellow peered at the PADD with a frown. In less then three hours he'd gone from having days of work to having only hours. At that speed it was easy to set up a system only to have it fail again, but he too doubted the enemy would give them the time needed to make proper repairs. "I'm assuming then that we are only setting up the basics of the Cradle and not the upgrades that were in the plans you originally threw together on its alteration," asked a Vulcan engineer as she walked up and glanced over his hands. Quickly moving his slightly trembling hands behind his back as he assumed an at-ease stance he nodded curtly. "We hardly need to create anything more if we're only going to be here a few hours," Hank stated as he looked to the ship for a moment. "They were phased out when we started on the new schedule for departure," Hank added with a slight frown. "Will we be breaking down the equipment to recycle it back into the replicators," she asked and Hank shook his head. "No.. let it stay," he said softly as he reached out to pick up the PADD from where it rested. "We may need it later and regardless we don't have time to undo it," he explained as he turned to walk away. =/\= "Ensign Longfellow, this is the CO, come in." =/\= said a voice over Hank's combadge. =/\= "Is there anyway to establish shields around the Spectre, we could be looking at a Xenolithe force landing on the planet." =/\= Hank sighed and shook his head. His tight deadline had just gotten a lot tighter. "Longfellow here sir," Hank stated as he tapped his combadge. "The ship's shields should be operational but we can rig up another defensive line around the ship," he started to say as the Vulcan looked to him for a moment then started to tap on the PADD she held in her hand. "We'll do what we can to be ready for them here, sir. Out," Hank said as he looked curiously to the PADD the woman held out for him. Taking it he looked over modified plans for the Cradle. "These aren't mine," Hank said with a frown. "No, they're from the Marine combat engineers," the Vulcan said as Longfellow looked over the plans with a soft sigh even as he glanced up to see a group of them moving off towards the rocks around the Cradle's border. "Maybe their movements are classified or something," Hank muttered grimly as he shook his head and moved over towards the transporter zone. "Ens Longfellow to Main Engineering I need sixty-five force field emitter units made up and beamed out towards the edges of the Cradle with hookups into the power grid down here," he ordered as the Vulcan followed him along. "Perhaps they were waiting for the Chief Engineering officer rather then just the assistant to coordinate things," the Vulcan offered. "And perhaps you were too tired to notice," she added which earned her a glaring look from Hank before he caught himself. "Two to beam up to Main Engineering," the Vulcan stated as she tapped her combadge from where she and Longfellow stood in the square made up of transporter enhancement beacons. (USS Spectre, Main Engineering, ACEO, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 08:30) Longfellow stared at the workstation before him. "Okay from what I can see on the scans the Marines have artillery units along I think the Upper Cradle at the outer edges," said the crewman next to him and Hank nodded almost absently. "How is coordination on that second line of force field emitters working to keep the Xenolithe back," Hank asked with a slight frown. "I think most of the systems are in place and online but most of them are behind the CE's lines," stated someone off to the side and Hank groaned softly. "They say they're in placements defendable enough already so we're sticking up the walls behind them… I think they dug fox holes and stuff," the man stated and Hank nodded quietly. "I want people on those shields… if they need a way back then we give it to them quickly and coordinate lines of retreat and or moving injured out or equipment in quickly," Longfellow stated with a frown even as someone stepped away to make sure the systems were watched. "The transporters will work well enough for that," said one of the others and Hank shook his head. "Not if we need the shields on the ship up…," he muttered grimly. "According to someone working on sensors we may be facing two ships.. one small and the other a larger ship with damage," he added as he touched areas along the lower Cradle and the walls. "Stick in repulsor field systems onto the systems already there to lift the ship, if we are able to keep it in the air I doubt they can fly without ships to get up at the Spectre," Hank said with a slight smirk. "What about just putting in a few walls," one of the crewmen said as he pointed to spots along the sides of the large emitter pads. "The one we had aboard tore through walls like a bullet through a single ply wet tissue… I want something there to push back those claws.. if they can't touch what's holding them back then they can't rip it apart," Hank explained. =/\= "Drizzt to all Starfleet forces, Enemy incoming, keep your eyes open and don't waste a shot!" =/\= came a voice over the communications systems. "Engineering to Ops and Captain Remae, Update if the fields holding the hull up go off then we could drop… bringing us back down right now could also undo the damage to the point where repairs are required on areas we've already cleared… it would make our stay here a bit longer," Hank stated after tapping his combadge. (Reply from Gort or Remae on if the ship is lowered or not ) (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) (Outside the Spectre - Lt Major Drizzt - 08.08) =^=Captain Remae to Major Drizzt, we've got a major problem, I want you to prepare for an invasion, the Xenolithe are coming. I need a perimeter around this camp heavily defended and one around the Spectre.=^= Drizzt, who was already jumpy from the landing and everything they had learned thus far, was already at a dead run before the Captains message was done. "Aye Sir, out." He wasted no words as he spoke the name of the Marines. "All CE's to the base camp, Eternal Rage to the Spectre, Honor and Roses to the Base Camp. Bring the gear, we are on battle alert!" He skid to a halt before the Marine gear depot, most of their heavy weaponry had been taken down just for the eventuality. Most of it was in place already, in fact. All their heavy artillery was in the rocks, with an excellent view over most the potential battlefield. All that was left, really, was to get the men into place. The Andorian, who was already fully armed, grabbed his 'little black box' of explosives, one of the specialty tools of the Combat Engineers, and started jogging to the base camp. En route, he opened a channel, "Drizzt to Security. I've got two Marine squads at the base camp, one of the Heavy Infantry is setting up around the Spectre. Send me two squads to the camp if you can, keep the rest on the ships Perimeter." He paused, then continued with "And get one of your crack-shots on the ships main phasers, for long range bombardment. With any luck, you can take out most of them before they get to close for main phasers to be effectual without endangering us." (reply: Security) When he arrived at the base camp, the place was a flurry of activity. He looked around, and noticed most of the Marines were in place. The CE's were on the ground, the squad 'Honor and Roses' were spread out in higher places so their heavy phaser arrays could be effectual. The Marines had already been digging foxholes, but now the activity was in a frenzy. Every hole they could dig would be used, the Xenolithe had disruptor type weapons. Spider was, quietly, hoping that it didn't come to hand-to-hand fighting. "Sir, we are dug in, still preparing." Spider turned his head, and looked at the CXE. "Very well, set a spotter to watch, I want at least fifteen minutes warning." "Yessir!" the Marine turned, and orders started flying from him to all the Marines. The Andorian, in the mean time, jumped into one of the prepared foxholes and popped his head over the barricade. It was a standard foxhole, perfect for protection. He unstrapped his scatter-gun, a close range 'shotgun' type phaser, and placed it against one of the earthen walls. Without pausing he unslung his type-3 marine phaser, and snapped an oversized power-module into it. He smoothly reached behind him, and grabbed a sniper scope from his back. Within moments, the scope was attached to the phaser and activated. He took a deep breath, then swung the phaser out and started peering through the scope at maximum magnification. They were ready, as ready as they could be. (Base Camp Perimeter - Lt Major Drizzt - 08.35) =/=Incoming, two fronts, Incoming!=\= The Andorian focused inward on his HUD, and looked at the report. On his screen, approaching both the base camp and ship at once, were no less then sixty Xenolithe moving at high speed. The Andorian cursed, and opened a channel to all Starfleet personnel. "Drizzt to all Starfleet forces, Enemy incoming, keep your eyes open and don't waste a shot!" (reply: any) Spider turned slightly, to where the Xenolithe were approaching from, and thinned his lips as the Heavy Artillery started firing off phaser blasts over his head. The good thing about Marine Heavy Artillery, was that it was effective for miles. If they were lucky, most of the incoming forces would be wiped out before coming within range. ~Not likely~ he thought, darkly. The Xenolithe were fast, intelligent, and born hunters. Too many would make it through. He peered through his scope again, then frowned as the first Xenolithe warriors came into visual range. They were still too far, even for a sniper rifle, but they were coming, and coming fast. A voice suddenly buzzed in his ear. =/=Xenolithe ship incoming!=\= Drizzt said, immediately, "Drizzt to Spectre, target all available main weapons on the Xenolithe ship!" (reply: Security, anyone on Spectre) Then, just as fast as that, their forces on the ground came within range. He left the protection of the Spectre to the Security personnel in charge of that area, and concentrated on the scope. "Come'ere, ugly things..." he whispered himself. He smiled when the first ones came within range of his rifle, and started squeezing off shots. The battle for the Spectre had truly begun. (reply: any, all) (posted by Trout) (planet's surface, camp, Kahila Lono, 8:10) Kahila soon realized that she and the other infected would need to stay farther away from the marines and security forces. Their presence was affecting the com systems- causing fade outs and bursts of alien symbols on the frequencies of the live feeds the Captain was relaying. And the high tech weaponry would probably glitch also! She scurried around the edge of the perimeter forces, speaking in low tones to the several infected officers around her. Then, keeping low to the ground, the group backed away toward the tents in the center of the camp. Kahila spent several moments gazing around in all directions, wishing for a tricorder display. But things were eerily quiet nearby. ~Maybe the Xenolithe haven't found the camp yet. But I wonder about the Spectre.~ After she'd psyched herself up for a battle, the non-existence of attack was almost a let down. Suddenly, she saw a figure break away from the perimeter and head away from camp. She was too far away to see who it was. ~An example of foolish bravery, maybe. Or maybe he was acting under orders,~ she thought. (reply any) (posted by Josephine Goodman) <> (Shuttle, Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 08.15) Remae had been monitoring the frequencies the Marines and Security had been using the coordinate the battle, so far, all the bases had been covered. The lack of senior officers on the ship and the Bridge meant he had been forced to link up to the Spectre's primary functions remotely, the rest of the crew were busy defending their ship. The scanners were operational and Remae was sending live feeds to the Marines and Security as well as other tricorders around base camp. He'd thought about taking the shuttle back and returning to his ship but the shuttle was as good as any place to try and make sense of this battle. "Captain, Ensign Maber, he just left!", said a scared crewman who was helping the defend the small medical base. "Crewman?", said Remae before finding out the CSO had disobeyed the orders of his seniors and headed back to the Spectre on foot and alone. Forced to leave the controls of the shuttle, Remae ran, crouched and keeping himself as low as possible, back to the rest of his group in the trench. "Lt Cambridge, take some security and go and track him down, bring him back here before he gives us away and gets himself killed!", said Remae sternly before checking out the assembled officers, most of whom were hiding it out in the trench, but Remae hopped out of the trench as he watched the pursing team he just ordered out clear the first rise. (Shuttle, Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 08.20) Remae walked into the main area and not only did he not see anyone around, he saw Ensign Robinson lying a biobed looking like she was so hot, she was about to melt. ~ I'm not a medic, I am suppose to Captain a 10 million tonne starship ~ "I need help in here!", he bellowed before noticing the PADD close by to the Ensign. As some help did indeed arrive, Remae read it out loud. 'I am hypothesising that prolonged heat at approximately 109 F will disrupt the functioning of the nanoprobes. To this end I have administered an immunosuppressant to myself and an 8mL dose of Paratonium bacteria (available as standard in all medkits). Although Paratonium encephalitis is deadly, it will initiate a fever of at least 109F which I hope will counteract the nanoprobes. The antibacterial agent is in the medkit and should counteract the effect but shouldn't be given until fever has exceeded 109. As a doctor, I'm much happier facing a bacterium than a Xenolithe.' He opened up the nearby medkit, extracted a hypospray and emptied all the vials onto the floor until he found one marked 'Paratonium antidote'. "Does anyone know how to check her temperature right now? If not, administrator the hypospray.", he said, stepping back and hoping someone had some knowledge of basic medicine. (Reply from the lucky person!) (Shuttle, Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 08.35) =^= Engineering to Ops and Captain Remae, Update if the fields holding the hull up go off then we could drop. bringing us back down right now could also undo the damage to the point where repairs are required on areas we've already cleared. it would make our stay here a bit longer. =^= ~ More good news ~ "Let's not let that happen, shall we?", said Remae. before yet another message came in. =^= Drizzt to Spectre, target all available main weapons on the Xenolithe ship! =^= He was at the controls of the shuttle and his interface with the Spectre, he had tactical control and began targeting and firing at the Xenolithe ship, phaser fire shot out from the nearby Spectre, scoring direct hits to the nasty, ugly ship. he considered firing a photo, but the ship climbed and headed back into orbit. For good measure, he fired a few more shots into the mass of Xenolithe approaching but they were soon under the azimuth of the forward phasers, they were too close to be targeted. "Captain to Drizzt, report?", said Remae, he said, warming up the shuttle's engines. (Reply from Drizzt) "I am going to provide you with a little air support, where could you use me the most?" (Reply from Drizzt) "Understood, Captain out.", said Remae walking down back to base as the shuttle's pre flight sequence ran through in the distance, the noise of the engines rising. (Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 08.45) Back into the camp again, Remae quickly informed his First Officer of his intention to provide some air cover to the Marines and to them, he also got an update on his ACMO. (Reply from Lono) "You're in command, Commander. I'll keep an eye on you from the air.", said Remae as he began the familiar run back to the shuttle. (Shuttle, Base Camp, CO, Captain Remae - 08.50) The shuttle was ready to go and Remae had his coordinates, he lifted off and engaged his engines, he was accelerating about the battlefield as he took the first of several circuits around the Spectre, the Marines seemed to be engages the Xenolithe scouts at close range but they weren't interested in the Medical Base. He setup his first strafing run across the Marines front line, brought it in low and unleashed his first phaser barrage against the Xenolithe. (Reply from ALL) (Posted by Anthony Keen) <>