From: Sent: Tuesday, 4 November 2003 6:10 AM To: Cc: Subject: Spectre compile Oct 20-27 (pt1) Spectre compile Oct 20-27 Mission: the Prisoners Dilemma, Day 2 Stardate 2406.03.10 (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Rain Anderson - 13.55) (Uss Spectre, Science Lab 1 - Science Officer Horacio Tyrell - 1405 (USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 14:30) (USS Spectre, Holodeck 1, Ensign Rak'han- 14.48) USS Spectre: Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Orde - 1449) (USS Spectre: Holodeck 1 - Major Drizzt - 1449) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 15.00) (USS Spectre, corridor near Bridge, Kahila Lono, 5:10) (Shuttle Legolas,Ensign Felicity Wells - 15:10) (Shuttle Legolas,Ensign Felicity Wells - 15:10) (USS Spectre - Shuttlebay - ACMO Rain Anderson - 15.12) (USS Spectre, Shuttle Bay, Kahila Lono, 15:25) (USS Spectre, Shuttle Bay, ensign Felicity Wells, 15:25) (USS Spectre, Bridge, CO, Captain Remae - 15.30) USS Spectre: Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Orde - 1540) (USS Spectre, Holodeck 1, Ensign Rak'han- 15.40) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 15.40) (USS Spectre, Sickbay, Kahila Lono, 15:40) USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 15:45) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 15:50) (USS Spectre, Transporter Room, Kahila Lono, 16:00) (Planet Surface, CO, Captain Remae - 16.15) (Unknown Station: Central Promenade (Assumed) - Major Drizzt - 1618) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 16.30) (Planet Surface: Crashed Shuttlecraft - TAC/SC Orde - 16.30) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Rain Anderson - 13.55) Rain transferred the data from her tricorder into the main computer and used it to update the Nageri files. These files were brief and Rain hoped the data they had collected today would enable a better understanding of these amazing creatures. She was glad that there wasn't a window in sickbay as she couldn't bear to witness the destruction of the Nageri which she knew they were currently fighting. She stopped what she was doing as soon as the first casualty came through the doors. Medical teams had been placed araound the ship as soon as the alert had been sounded and they were in regular contact with sickbay. She moved to the side of the incoming stretcher, her tricorder already prepped. Minor plasma burns! She directed a nurse to administer an analgesic and begin cauterisation and repair of the wounds and she moved to the next patient. Her commbadge sounded and she tapped it =^=Sickbay, this is the Bridge - causality report?=^=, the captain said. "Seventeen reports of injuries. None life-threatening. All currently being treated either on-site or in sickbay." She reported back. =^=Keep me informed.=^= he closed the communication. Rain moved to scanning the next patient without skipping a beat. (Reply any) (Posted by Wendy Keen? (Uss Spectre, Science Lab 1 - Science Officer Horacio Tyrell - 1405) The new CSO looked at Horacio, "Pleased to meet you Horatio I'm Jon Walker the new CSO" " A pleasure to have you onboard Sir, as usual the Science Department was understaffed but with your arrival, we'll be now capable of sustaining all the demands we are always receiving." Horacio replied in making his new boss aware of the situation The CSO then took the samples out of the case and handed one of them to Horatio. "Here are the samples I got from the Nageri vessel, we need to find out as much out as possible about these beings, like how the Xenolithe control them how they survive" Horacio took the samples and replied " No problem Sir, in a few hours we'll have already some answers." and he went directly to his desk, glad to work on these aliens samples, it was the part he was liking the most in the Science job. And he directly immersed himself in his studies while the CSO was returning to the bridge. (Uss Spectre, Science Lab 1 - Science Officer Horacio Tyrell - 1505) Almost a hour later, Horacio had already made some progress in studying the samples brought back from the Nageri ship. And it hadn't been a simple task, with all the maneuvers performed by the ship during the battle against the other Nageri ships, the samples had almost several time fallen from the desk. Horatio was hating all these violences, he was a man of Science and he wasn't in a way made for all these dangerous missions, his place was in his lab behind his console. He stood up from his desk, took the padd in which he had entered his observations and decided to go to the bridge to inform the CSO and the Captain about his discoveries. (Uss Spectre, bridge - Science Officer Horacio Tyrell - 1515) In stepping on the bridge, Horacio understood that something important was going on, as he could understood one shuttle was coming back from the planet surface with a lost crewmember from the Nimitz who has spend four years in a animation chamber. Horacio shivered at the idea of spending four years in suspension in a box ~ brrr, quite spooky ~. He waited a moment and when he judged that the tension had slowed down a bit, he went to the CSO and the CO " Sirs, I've studied the samples brought back from the Nageri ship and the datas you've downloaded and I think I've made some interesting discoveries. (Reply Walker, Remae) " Well Sir you were right in thinking about nano technology, it seems that the Xenolithes are using it to control the Nageris enslaving them completely, they are using some kind of telepathic enslavement and when it's needed they are using more brutal manners to be obey. The Nageris aren't responsible for the act of the Xenolithes, they are the victims and I've maybe found a way to help them. These living ships are in some ways comparable to the bioships of species 8472 encountered by the Voyager in the Delta quadrant." he stated (Reply Walker, Remae) " What I've in mind is to use the nano technology as a weapon to target them at the genetic level, in using photon torpedoes with biomolecular warheads we might be able to destroy them in a single shot. When the Xenolithes will understand that we've found to render their ship useless, they won't probably continue to enslave them. It's maybe an utopist idea but I'm sure it could work. We'll kill some Nageris but it will perhaps save the others." Horacio explained (Reply Walker, Remae) " I intend to use the help of the medical staff of the ship, we've got an EMH onboard, his database contained the observations and the informations gathered by the previous versions so he has certainly the datas from the Voyager's EMH who has developed the weapon against species 8472." Horacio enchained. (Reply Walker, Remae, any) (Posted by Patrick Buidin) (USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 14:30) For two of the stations Ensign Longfellow cobbled together functional temporary workstations even as he struggled to finish the first one. The simple forms of brace tubing with the PADDs on them and the ODN cable links looked slightly odd on the bridge but without knowing when attack might occur again the young engineer didn't want to leave the bridge without as much systems access as they could get while he worked. =/\= "Er… Main Engineering to Ensign Longfellow," =/\= whispered a voice hesitantly over Hank's combadge and he tapped it with a frown of concern. =/\= "Longfellow here, report," =/\= he said softly before starting the workstation through a full systems diagnostic. =/\= "Is.. is there something going on we should know about," =/\= the crewman whispered and Hank shook his head even as he stood up and moved to one of the jerry-rigged stations and started to repair it fully once more. =/\= "Why do you ask that," =/\= Hank asked as he cycled through the parts list needed for the station and ordered what was needed from the nearest Engineering area. =/\= "Um… we have two fully armed Marines down here now," =/\= the crewman stated softly and Hank shrugged. =/\= "Be happy for the extra protection and polite to the people with the weapons," =/\= Longfellow stated as he slipped through the bracing tubes to tinker with the ODN hookup. (USS Spectre, Bridge, Ensign(jg) Hank Longfellow - 15:30) Hank had listened in as the Captain had given the orders to salvage some sort of escape pod and about going to impulse. At this last he'd winced slightly as he hoped that the repair teams that'd been sent out were working up to speed. He had been moving into the Ready Room now and then to feed the remains of the damaged stations and the scraps left over from his work into the replicator for recycling, but had managed at least to finish setting up the last workstation. "Computer, run diagnostic level 1 on this workstation," he stated as he called up the verification checklist. At the confirmation beep he began going through the systems both with computer analysis and physical systems check. Stretching out an arm and moving his shoulder for a moment tiredly. Fatigue was starting to set in and he ached from the odd positions working on the workstations had involved. It didn't help that his stress level had increased somewhat once the order had gone through to set phasers to kill. The weight of the weapon at his hip had been annoying before but was disturbing now. =/\= "Main Engineering to Ens Longfellow, damage control teams report that most of the work inside, besides the warp core, that can be done currently is done, out," =/\= reported the crewman and Hank frowned slightly. Stopping in enemy territory was generally unwise at the least and Hank knew that but he also knew that going outside to repair while the ship was moving wasn't an option either. The inertial dampeners would only work to a small extent outside of the confines of the ship's generators. (reply any ) (Posted by Mark) (USS Spectre, Holodeck 1, Ensign Rak'han- 14.48) Saurik turned as Pierce entered, followed shortly by the Marine, he nodded his head to them, "Sir, Major. You'll forgive the lecture, but I think it best to bring you up to speed. I've been working on an optimum method for killing or sufficiantly disabling the Xenolith in ship-board combat. The key to destroying them apears to be blowing bits off, unless Science or Medical manage to find any effective neurotoxins. That implies solid-state ammunition or rather..unorthodox energy weaponry like disruptor technology. Something we don't really have time to do much more than copy." He picked up a small piece of equipment from a replicator tray, "This is a micro transporter array, of a design used in a one-off weapon designated as the TR-116/M for a series of assassinations of Starfleet officers on the Deep Space Nine station. Coupled with an exographic targeting system it can fire effectivly through a few miles-worth of tritanium bulkhead without leaving a scratch on anything but the target." He gestured at severa replaying holographic images of his test runs, "However there is a problem - the solid tritanium ammunition used in the TR-116 would prove rather ineffective against the Xenolith unless they hit a major organ and the microtransporter will not provide an open channel long neough to make phaser weaponry worthwhile. Explosives are an option, but we could just use the ship transporters for that, and I don't think we want to be throwing grenades around our own ship either. The only solutions I see are slow-firing high-yield pulse weapons, small explosive rounds or either of these:" He pointed to a holographic screen that showed a long rifle assembly with a dart-shaped projectile next to it, as well as detailed information and a lot of warning symbols on a second ammunition type that looked designed for the TR-116, "The rifle is a glorified dartgun, compressed gas mechanism - effective penetration only at short ranges - a problem nullified neatly by the microtransporter, the dart can carry a variety of toxins for ingection upon impact. If we can find one that will work on the Xenolith. The second is a nast piece of work dating back to the Twentieth-through-twentythird centuries. Depleted uranium rounds - a slug of depleted radioctive isotope. Very nasty - a little experimentation might well show up some similar alternatives, dilithium-based perhaps." He turns around and then pulls out a tray of adapted weapons of various kinds, all appear to have had microtransporters and exographic sensors patched on. One looks to have once been a disruptor rifle - apparently cobbled together from parts of both Klingon and Romulan varients with an oversized power pack. Another is the needle rifle, next to it a TR-116/M with a radiation warning slapped on the side, finally an Angel Mark II with microtransporters on both barrels and some rough-and-ready tinkering with the pulse carbine section, "I thought it best to get second and third opinions before I presented any properly, and you are both the best qualified in that respect. Oh, and I reckon loading up the railgun on the Angel with depleted uranium rounds is a possibility. Radiation is, obviously, not such a problem in this day an age when one has access to a decent medical centre." (reply: Orde, Drizzt) (posted by Owen) (USS Spectre: Holodeck 1 - TAC/SC Orde - 1449) "I thought it best to get second and third opinions before I presented any properly, and you are both the best qualified in that respect. Oh, and I reckon loading up the railgun on the Angel with depleted uranium rounds is a possibility. Radiation is, obviously, not such a problem in this day an age when one has access to a decent medical centre," Saurik said to the two. Pierce looked over at the bent rifles. "Very inventive," he replied, "Mr. Rak'han, but this looks like it would be only useful for a first-strike option, and then only onboard ship. What if we have to take the fight to them? Both the Marines and Security are untrained in the use of such a weapon; I'm not sure if it is feasible to introduce this weapon en masse, Ensign. Especially after the Pha/Pro's introduction." He stepped over and made a command in the arch for a holographic Pha/Pro. It appeared in his free hand. "If the major here is interested in training a sniper with this design, go ahead. However, I get the feeling that you've still got a few bugs to work out." He gestured to the warped rifles on the floor. (Reply Saurik, MCO) (Posted by Lenox) (USS Spectre: Holodeck 1 - Major Drizzt - 1449) "Very inventive," he replied, "Mr. Rak'han, but this looks like it would be only useful for a first-strike option, and then only onboard ship. What if we have to take the fight to them? Both the Marines and Security are untrained in the use of such a weapon; I'm not sure if it is feasible to introduce this weapon en masse, Ensign. Especially after the Pha/Pro's introduction." He stepped over and made a command in the arch for a holographic Pha/Pro. It appeared in his free hand. "If the major here is interested in training a sniper with this design, go ahead. However, I get the feeling that you've still got a few bugs to work out." He gestured to the warped rifles on the floor. The Major frowned, "Our snipers are already well equipped." He held out his arms for the weapon, and took it with ease. "I will be making no changes until after the mission, handling an weapon for which one is not trained is dangerous. Afterwards, it might be worth a look." He hefted the weapon and sighted down it. "I will not be placing depleted uranium shells in the Angels, however. The radiation signature, though faint, is still easy to track." The Major pulled away and looked at the rifle for a few moments, then handed it back. "Any other thoughts?" (reply: any) (posted by Trout) (USS Spectre - Sickbay - ACMO Anderson - 15.00) Rain snapped her tricorder shut and put it in her pocket. The sickbay was starting to calm down after the hectic aftermath of the battle with the xenolithe. She intended on releasing some of the medical staff to get some rest now that most of the injured had been treated and released. Only a few of the injured remained and they could easily be cared for with a regular staff complement. She chose a number of staff and sent them off for some rest and made sure that the remaining staff was aware of the needs of their injured patients. She also allocated a small number of orderlies to begin cleaning up... things always got messy in a crisis. Rain was about to get herself a raktajino when her commbadge sounded again. =^=Rain, Lono here. Bring a medical team and meet me in the shuttle bay. We have a rescue victim coming in.=^= "Acknowledged" she replied shortly, regretting her decision to send half the crew "home" She gathered a team of four and grabbed her medkit and headed for the shuttlebay. (USS Spectre - Shuttlebay - ACMO Rain Anderson - 15.10) Rain directed the medical stretcher to the ramp of the shuttle and made her way to it. She smiled at Lono as they walked up the ramp together. The FO introduced her self as the ships counsellor. Rain scanned the young woman noticing heightened acetylcholine levels and corresponding spikes in adrenaline and cortisol production. "Take me to Captain Remae I have some Dreggnan information that he might find interesting" Ensign Wells demanded. ~Not a shrinking violet~ "Ensign my name is DR Anderson. You will need a thorough diagnostic in sickbay before you go anywhere. We'll try and get the Captain to visit you there if it is possible in our current situation." Rain directed the Ensign to be lifted onto the stretcher. "Do you want to come with us to sickbay? I'm dying to know how she got here, aren't you?" Rain asked and then regretted sounding like a gossiping housewife. She busied herself by rechecking Ensign Wells' vitals. (Reply Lono, Wells, any) (Posted by Wendy Keen) (USS Spectre, corridor near Bridge, Kahila Lono, 5:10) Kahila walked toward the turbolift, while tapping her combadge, then said to Rain: "Rain, Lono here. Bring a medical team and meet me in the shuttle bay. We have a rescue victim coming in." Kahila then took the turbolift, and walked into the shuttle bay. Already L'Tal had brought the shuttle in, and crew were swarming around, opening the hatch. As Kahila hurried toward the shuttle, she heard the medical team come through behind her, and a moment later, watched two med techs guide an antigrav bed near the shuttle. (reply Rain, Felicity, any) posted by Josephine Goodman