Biography for Lieutenant JG Jorsad Ari, a Male Cardassian aged 30
who is assigned to the Starbase Geneva
updated this biography on 2010-11-03 04:15:16
Character Physical Description

Jorsad Ari

Eyes : Dark Blue Weight : 100 kgs
Hair : Black Skin :

Height : 6'1 Blood : Red
Not overly tall and not overly thin, Jorsad has a more relaxed posture than many Cardassian.
History, Education and Skills
Family and Background :

Jorsad was born to a Cardassian Glinn who through little or no fault of his own was abandoned by his father when he was very young. He never knew his mother and spent his life being brought up in a rough outpost of the Cardassian Union, with no schools to support him, he taught himself and worked in the outpost, becoming a child to all the stations various stationed officers. On Stardate: 2407.03.05, Jorsad was kidnapped and taken prisoner on the orders of his father, a high powered Legate, to remove his son from sight to protect his political career. Jorsad was return to Starfleet on the USS Wraith upon being found with amnesia on an outlying Federation farming colony.



Self-Educated on a deep space Cardassian outpost without the formal education of school, he has simply learned what he needed to know as such, he thinks differently than many traditionally educated people.

Pre-Starfleet History


Over the years, Jorsad taught himself everything he needed to know to survive in a rough environment and eventually, he found himself learning about medicine in the outposts small medical facility. Until the tutelage of the Chief Medical Officer, he began to develop a talent for healing and he began to learn all he could… eventually taking over from the CMO when he retired. Having no future in the Cardassian Union beyond the small outpost, Jorsad stole the chance to gain passage to the Federation, something he had read a lot about and ended up applying at the 52nd Fleet Academy after several interesting adventures.

Starfleet History


Jorsad completed Starfleet Academy and spent a few years at the Fleet Medical Centre while at the same time completing his officer courses. He spent time on the USS Boudicca as his first assignment, rising up to Acting CMO until he was kidnapped and taken back to Cardassia on 2407.03.05 Over a year later, he was assigned to the USS Mithrandir as Medical Officer upon being returned to the Federation.

Medical History


From stardate 2407.03.05 during the time he had been kidnapped, Jorsad has a missing year, although attempts to recover the year have been made, it appears the information isn't there.



Skilled in Medicine. Cardassian technology is more advanced in the grey areas that other species tend to avoid. Having access to this knowledge means that Jorsad is able to think up solutions to problems that others many wouldn't think of.

Other Information
Hobbies :

Has been known to play a rough game of Kotra but his hobbies normally revolve around his work.

General Notes


Whether or not Jorsad will find his father or be accepted back into the Cardassian Union is something he thinks about often but his training as a medical officer has peaked his interest in helping anyone out in the galaxy who may need his help.

Awards :

Awarded Captains Commendation: For perseverance under extreme conditions to heal the sick and dying at the Pestis Colony

Admiral Bell threw her arms around the Ensign, "You don't have to be scared anymore, you don't have to be guilty anymore, you are not responsible for what that madman did to you.", she said to her quietly and for a moment longer, releasing her from the embrace. "It's going to take time, its going to be a toll... I will be right here, and I am not going anywhere."

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